If white people elect Roy Moore in Alabama, no decent human being should ever spend another dime in that state...


t. antiracist activist tim wise

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>(((Tim Wise)))
It's time to destroy Jewish America like we should have 150 years ago

stop giving this kike attention, unless the attention you give him is in the form of a .308 to the back of the head

t. glow-in-the-dark nigger

t. bustib grudough

t. shlomo shekelberggoldsteinmanblatt

t. Eff Bee EYE

This is fun.

It's sad that "decent human being" has become a leftist shibboleth, because I believe there really is such a thing, and there aren't that many non-political words that describe it. One synonym is "good person", which if you watch for it, is only used by right-wingers.

what did he mean by this? what happened 150 years ago?

I'm most looking forward to the day I wake up and tiny tim is pronounced dead. Hopefully raped by a pack of wild niggers.

I hope that Alabama elects Moore with 95% of the vote now just to blast his ass even though I'm not an American.

Nigger what the fuck are you babbling about?

Tim Wise is definitely one of the most rope worthy kikes out there. I imagine that when SHTF there will be stiff competition to see who can get their hands on little Timmy's kike scalp first. If he's got any sense in him, he'll be cowering in a bunker somewhere in Pissrael long before the RWDS hit the street and start purging yids.

13th amendment; military ruled in Alabama and a lot of whites couldn't vote. There were like three or four black guys who were congressmen to represent it during the occupation.