Software Devs and the left

Is the software engineering field flooded by communist/socialist in the east like it is in the west ?

So it seems, I may be wrong, that the software developer field is inundated with leftist in the west coast ( I think of Google, Twitter, YouTube )

Is this also true for the east coast ? Most of the math students and CS students who I've met at my school at math compatitions, hackathons seem to care more about OSU! Or anything else instead of politics and even less of left leaning politics.

Is the propensity for engineers to be on the left also true in the east coast as the is in the west.

Or is it more the case that there exist "diversity" managers in all of these companies and the opinion that is heard is from these "diversity" managers.

I want to be a Dev but at the same time SJWs fucking as human beings.

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I don't know, seems like there are a lot less homos though.

There are trannies and leftists in math. What I mean by that, I mean people who agree with (((academic sources))) and wont be willing to go against what is the social norm. It isn't as openly talked about in the math community (because why deal/talk about politics when you can do math), but it is heavily prominent in the software field (especially web dev.). The most down to earth are probably the electrical engineers.

Lol. I meant east coast west coast.

Mainly they are just guys that once they focus too hard on one subject become removed from all the other stuff that makes a wholesome univeral education.
They will get stuff on a very sterile highly idealistic level point of view.


Nothing wrong with the whole team being HuWhite.

The commie wackos who show off on social media can never actually do anything useful. They're literally there to "show that a feman can program too," while in reality they have little ability, and even little desire to do anything of consequence.

Commies and leftist can network/socialize better than the right, but they also can be made to publically freak out easier, thats all I have.

How many resumes do you get and how important is having a linkedin profile?

How important is having a not shit linkedin profile? Like we talking real effort or like 15 minutes is all good

Got about 80 resumes. If you don't have one I don't care but I'm not your typical HR person either, mainly use it to weed out shitskins. If you have a linkedin profile then definitely put a little effort into it.

Is it good to have a well furnished github account when you have absolutely no "official" qualifications ?

Austin isn't too bad, but you do have the faggots from UT. People seemed to keep it pretty professional at work and there were more conservatives in tech than liberals.

Basically required if you have no official qualifications my dude. Programming is nut up or shut up. If you don't have a good portfolio of work why would they care about you?

I was wondering if I should even bother with it because I've read a few times online that github does not replace any qualifications.

yes you need a portfolio of some kind but nobody gives a shit about your repo forks. just "feature" a couple of your best repos. even then i don't want to wade through your repos so in your cover letter send me links to a couple specific code files ideally with a corresponding test file. also if possible have screenshots easily available if it's a web app. spend $100 to get some design fag to make it look pretty and it will earn you thousands extra in onboarding salary. all about that branding. for me personally i like to see someone who has personal projects, shows initiative. always come off as passionate it will shine through. but at the same time don't come across as abrasive, you have to be able to fit into a team's development culture don't be that guy who wants to change naming conventions, directory layout, processes etc. on day 1


Engineering fields in general are more right than left. Almost all california innovation comes from people immigrating from out of state. Their main starts came from ripping off Texas and the Northeast(film).
They're just an early example of chinese style intellectual property rights knock offs. Then they sue the people that actual make it to cause financial strain.

Nobody gives a shit if I'm a good contributor to some open source software ?

Leftists are deranged criminals so of course they like tech. They are weak pieces of shit so they got off on trolling behind the safety of a monitor. They liked operating in secrecy while they want after child porn. They eventually got to like the power that using tech can give you. It checks all of the boxes. The big myth is that tech is left, no they are just (as always) the most vocal. They bent knee to suck globalist corporate cock and work for Big Tech. Techleft are the minority, don't let them make you think otherwise. It's contrary to internet culture on the whole to censor. Information, comments, anything else. The problem is like anything else, not enough good men and women stood against them so they grew like cancer. We're changing that now and taking tech back. Killing their monopolistic censorship. Join in.

If you can't pay for the years of college then it is required. But its pretty easy, just make a python command line version of mine sweeper, and thats a pretty good lil project to show off that takes

Here's the hot take from DC: get a software engineering job in the defense industry. No one has time for leftist bullshit when you are making systems to defend the nation and lives are on the line.

no that's different if you are pushing code to an open source project that is good and you should highlight it. i'm talking about the typical wannabe typically frontend developer who opens a github forks a few popular projects and maybe changes a comment if that. you need to have written non-trivial patches or updates for the open source, maybe fixed a bug and be able to explain the what and how over a phone interview

What do you do when you're the exact opposite? Purely educational knowledge, no projects or internships? Currently, I'm just applying to jobs, but it's tough because I wonder if the things done in college really fall under "projects" (i.e., they feel so easy, I wouldn't want to include them).

Ok, so I just need to not be a moron.

I work for a tech company in the central US. I know that the company itself had said fuck it and outsourced everything to India and surprise we are still using 15 year old software with bandaid patches. It continues to redpill everyone I work with and my boss literally said no to a candidate the other day because he didn't sound American enough. In my experience in tech, the people at the top make the rules that we must hire from group x or y, and then everyone else is pissed and finds ways around it, including our customers. Not sure if this is the norm (only worked at 2 other places) but I very rarely work with a non-white, and if I do they are always from a scorned group based somewhere else.

if you only have education projects then put one or two online. for example if you implemented a linked list in C or something that's certainly a starting point for conversation just make sure it's clean code that you can explain in an intelligent way. if you don't have projects then spend a week or two making one. the important thing here is to reduce the scope of the project in other words just implement a couple of features very cleanly and write specs. the very best portfolio pieces are ones created to scratch a personal itch but again keep in mind the objective this is to get you a job don't get distracted and try to turn the project into a business of its own

Thanks for the advice, although I'm surprised implementing a linked list is considered enough to get things going. After all, having a degree in CE/CS should imply that I know how to do that, right?
I will admit myself to not be the most innovated of sorts, so coming up with a project is difficult for me (in particular one of sufficient scope that I'd deem i worthy of presenting to others).

Need to be squeaky clean. Better have a solid VPN if you are posting on here.

Depending on what he does they'll polygraph him, so it matters beyond just keeping himself well hidden if he's going to get that security clearance.

Even the Russians figured out how to consistently beat that one.

Just work in a a more conservative area

I worked in Ann Arbor and was the only right-wing person there

Now I work in the suburbs and their isn't a single liberal here

Don't worry, their children will be.

Never heard of a gov't contractor getting the polygraph test. I did know a guy who was denied clearance though. He changed his story from his written application to something else in his interview. They frown very hard upon that. If you write down that you toked 5 times, you better tell them that you toked 5 times. Not 4, not 6.

Thank you. That's a very useful thing to know.

Lots of pajeets get a CS degree copypasting from stackoverflow. And if you got all the way to a bachelor's without an internship that is a little odd at least to me, but I know not all schools encourage that (unfortunately) so it's understandable. This is your first job out of college right, what job title and salary are you looking for? And what programming language do you prefer? I can suggest a couple project ideas with "nontrivial" components that will be enough to get you the job.

feels good

I went to a pretty decently sized school in OH. I found that the school was infected as hell, but the engineering and CS departments specifically were much much better about this. Also, a lot of students and teachers were foreigners from india whom I don't think have a very positive opinion of lefties. Although the lefties seem to really try to court these people by trying to befriend them and indoctrinate them into extremely liberal friend groups and then student organizations. The white CS and CEG teachers I had pretty much all stayed away from politics in a refreshing way (those geneds sucked), except for one, who turned an introduction course to multiple other courses into a giant "Inconvenient Truth" pulpit. Attendance mandatory to pass. This class is mandatory for all engineering students.

I have a b.s in math and a minor in CS. I start my ms in software engineering next semester. I mainly know c++, but I've taught myself python and Java. I know a bit of web stuff( HTML, css, JavaScript). I've also taught myself a little bit about relational databases.

I've implemented facial recognition (eigenfaces - ) in octave a Matlab like language. I have not put that up on my git since it's basically spaghetti code used to show the proofs I proved for my capstone.

I'm thinking I should probably implement that in Python and try to make it into an app.

I've also extenderá website using j2ee and the mcv model.

Please help. I think I'm doing stuff but it seems like not enough.

I also know SAS( ) it's like a fancy R. I've done a lot of ilregrewsion analysis for School projects.

Thank you for being so helpful. I can't reveal too much as to why I didn't have an internship (it might reveal too much about me). Lets just say I was overworked in other ways such that I didn't have time to do so. Yes, it would be the first. As for job title, it's tough. I've learned how to create hardware (system verilog), studied embedded systems (ARM), studied OSs/general how computers are build from the ground up theory (C/ASM),studied the general high level programming jazz (Java, C# type things). I find things like software dev. interesting, but the culture seems pretty shitty. Embedded systems seems nice, but jobs seem to start out with a lot of professional experience necessary, I've yet to see a hardware VHDL/Verilog job anywhere (maybe in the gov.?), and security (although interesting) seems to start out in a pretty shit environment (i.e. you go from either being help desk or are full blown knowing all you need to know, CISSP certified & all that).
I am interested in all of these (verilog hardware design, embedded systems, software dev., and security), but I'm sad to say I couldn't pinpoint beyond this (I'm the type of faggot who enjoys learning in general, which sort of stifles my ability to just focus on only learning one thing, i.e. learn it all mentality). As for salary, I just want to be able to live + indulge a bit here and here (I'm not some consumperist. I'm actually quite a minimalist. Give me food, give me a PC, that's enough for me). If you're looking for a specific number, I would just look up he average salary for the given job's entry level position. I just find the actual numbers to be pointless because what matters is living costs to pay ratio, not just the flat pay value.
As for languages, pajeet Java coding is easy. I wouldn't say I prefer it since you have o create a whole class to run a simple program. I'd say C, but I wouldn't consider myself top tier in all that is C (i.e. using SIGs and all that). After C I'd state Python because it's as easy to use as MATLAB, but you can import readily accessable libraries to do what you need to do at high level. After that I would list Java since it's just been hammered at college (so I "know it", but I wouldn't claim to know all about JavaFX/Swing). Lastly, I would list any other languages because I wouldn't say I know them in full, I just can use them if the situation arises by refreshing my mind with a Google search (e.g. Bash, C++, PowerShell).
Thanks again for the help. I wonder if I should list LaTeX skills on my resume, does being able to do nice docs. help in the business world, or is the purely academia?

If you are competent at actually conceptualizing solutions to complex problems and then implementing them start to finish, your technical abilities are up to par. Work on your soft skills if you want to make a lot of money. Promotions in this industry (largely) are tied to projects you work on and just like any other job, office politics are important. Couple that with you hopefully joining a loose meritocracy, and soft skills will take you much higher than technical ability. Good rules of thumb:
Readable > Clever
Extensible > Clever
Time > Space
Write to the spec, nothing more. When it comes to debugging, code level debugging should be a last resort, it's usually much more difficult and time consuming than remodeling the business case and making sure your solution is in line with the natural language used to describe the problem/solution.

C++ is good, Python is good, Java is for pajeets, web tech is shitty but .js is widely used and will be useful.

That's insane my school was the same.

my CS professors where all white or Chinese or Korean dudes. They occasionally made fun of leftist in class.

My math teachers were all some type of Indian, chinese, or south Americans. They had a disdain for liberal art students they hated teaching them.

I had to take a diversity class and right across the hall there was this class were the class in unison would scream for like 3-5 mins

I feel sorry for you in the math realm (I'm supposing it was difficult to understand their manners of speech). In particular if you took high level math courses wherein the insight a professor might give may be crucial towards understanding the topic quicker.

What's the minimum reputation score on StackOverflow I need?

yeah but what if every single source code file has the same wrong indentation? What am I supposed to do. Just say nothing?

If all your professors have accents then none of your professors have accents.

It was a lot harder to listen to a political science teacher, who spoke perfect english on how Burney Sanders was the best and how great socialism was working Venezuela

Where's that slide about Marxism in history and deminism for games?

Every fucking time I see it, I try to even figure out what the fuck they're talking about and fail

Even the Russians figured out how to consistently beat that one.

I could teach you how to do that in five minutes.

obviously you can write your own ticket with a diploma from MIT.

Is the solution the Constanza line of "It's not a lie if you believe it."?

To anyone with good CS skills, feeling brave, and interested in the East Coast feel free to send an anonymized resume to: 8chlulz(at)

Please put "Resume" in the title, since cockmail tends to get a ton of spam. I can review it and at least offer feedback, since I do hiring for software engineers/interns. The market is really good for programmers and we're are always looking.

A couple of notes though:

East Coast is still pretty pozzed where the high tech jobs are, although not as bad as the fucking shit show in Cali by any means though. Where I'm at is fairly mixed overall due to the domain of the work (i.e. lots of right wing people, but tend to be older).

bro, when people look at your github homepage, if there are any white spaces in the contributions grid, you may as well not bother.

No, it has more to do with realizing the machine is not measuring whether or not you are telling the truth, rather it measures whether you know that you are giving the correct answer to the question. The correct answer may be a lie. If you don't know how the machine works then you'll think the correct answer is the truth when it's not.

on the east coast the devs are all cia niggers


Software cucks in their formative years (up through 30's) are too busy filling their heads with their craft to pay close attention to the world. So they absorb the default views and regurgitate the bullshit they saw on Star Trek as a kid.

Then, later in life, they find out that the world is horrendously fucked (((due to reasons))). So they spend every waking hour mastering a new craft of outplaying the jew.

Learn haskell and purescript

Is haskell finally in wide usage? I've mostly seen a lot of javascript, nodejs, and ruby. However, I presume they use these languages at most companies now because the "developers" they're hiring only know those languages.

>(((wholesome))) (((univeral))) (((education))).
ftfy, leftie.



You do realize you just posted that self-contradictory little rant using tech, right user?

software devs aren't libs. The CEOs with kike financial connections are libs and all the HR and high level managment are kike libs. But the work horses are all red hearts.

You fags are confusing yourselves. Programming/engineering/development isn't full of commie faggots at all, it's full of autists and nerds. It's the HR cunts, divershitty hires, managers, and "ebin hackres XD" fakefags like the goyimergate ecelebs that are the commie faggots.
Either way, you're probably screwed. Most IT jobs are development, which sucks shit when your skills are more on the support/administration/architecture side, and even worse when it's something you can't really easily practice outside of the job. No matter what, your job hopes will probably be filled by a pajeet for 1/6 of the cost or you'll see jobs that want you to have 6-15 YEARS of experience and do everything for $30k/year.

I work for a (((big tech company))).

Most nerds are not far left, they tend to be politically moderate or libertarian. Tech as an industry is not left leaning, but it is under heavy pressure from the left. This is partly because the left recognize tech as important and partly because the left hate nerds. For the left, it's worse that a nerd slobber over some hot front-end developer than for a liberal chad in the movie industry to rape someone.

There are, of course, a lot of Jews who own tech companies and this has an effect. But even then, I would say that these Jews are as close to honest libertarians or moderates as a Jew can get. They remained relatively politically neutral (e.g. Google search, Facebook) until recently they came under enough pressure in the last year that they had to start changing. Twitter IMO was cucked from the start. Note I'm not saying these companies were unbiased but that given the world we live in, they were less biased than one might expect.

As for the West vs East coast, my take is that the West coast is crazy far left while the East coast is more reasonable but at the expense of being more directly influenced by Jews. In fact most non-Jews I meet in the East coast are slightly red pilled on the Jewish question and drop subtle hints that they are uncomfortable with Jewish power. This is reflected in tech. In tech, on the West coast you are completely repressed and have to remain silent of you're not far left (at least that's what I hear). In the East coast you are more free but the people speaking up are mostly Jews who are a kind of controlled opposition.

Thats nuts. What advice would you give to autists for interviews? Typically autists lack proper social skills.

Not that guy, but for whiteboard-style interviews, my advice would be to read "cracking the coding interview", and practice questions from Spend time both working through the questions on a computer or pen and paper, but also spend time doing it on a whiteboard and explaining yourself out loud like you would in an interview.

An aside: Most of Holla Forums is militantly ignorant. I love you fags but seriously, it's annoying as shit when we try to explain that everything will be computers, increasingly, there's no going back, and you'd better learn to master them or you're going to be at the mercy of the zogcorps, and you just shitpost about how stallman is a jew and you got norton on your windows 7 enterprise.

To answer your question, OP: programmers that know what they're doing are overwhelmingly white and asian beta males. They're either fully autistic or constantly experiencing existential crisis, sometimes both, under the foot of the beast. The single most effective thing you can do is just start getting them to loosen up with some light sprinkles of good old fashioned Holla Forums humor. Don't overdo it. Just remember how we all got here. Show them it's okay to realize how ridiculous things around them are.
The actual True Believers are fairly rare. They just hold incredible power over the antmen because antmen.

t. left west coast

Hybris - your chops in one domain are meaningless in others. From any expert's point of view, the general majority will always be perceived as ignorant. Mechanics, biologists, /k/ dudes, physicists, powerlifters, political operators, doctors, artists, electricians, occultists, historians…

perhaps you can help me debug a few lines of FORTRAN on my TRS-80, here i have it saved on this cassette, and if that doesnt work i have a stack of punchcards.

Heiled, and agreed.

It's not about the degree of specialization.
I think you'd agree that Holla Forums, in general, is very interested in learning about history, the occult, art, and /k/.
But bring up any sort of practical, immediately applicable anti-ZogCorp™ techniques, systems, or software, and you get nothing but whining and shitposting.

I realize I'm just whining now. But I think there's a serious problem with massive and willful rejection of technical skill on Holla Forums, possibly in part due to the perception OP brought up that it's a jewed-up field.
It /is/ a jewed-up field. It's a jewed-up field that controls the world. What, again, was your opinion on the jews controlling the world? :^)

How do you actually weed out shitskins and poos? Is it on a case-by-case basis, or do you have some criteria/scripting that is applied?

Kill yourself. Go back to your commie board Holla Forums and suck the dick of the obese pedophile jew that's on the record shilling for legalizing pedophilia (((Stallman))) you miserable kike.

Haskell is still a meme. JS and Ruby may suck, but they're fast to develop in. Usually what happens is a company builds a fuck ton of shit in those languages, current devs job goes from fun making stuff to annoying pain the ass untangling spaghetti, they leave and the company brings in new people to just keep the shitpile running while the old time goes off to a new company to start the whole process over again, maybe with whatever the new fashionable langs are.

Look at Witcher

Leftism is a stage that people go through while maturing politically. As Holla Forums today is the vanguard of western political thinking, it will some day be the new standard. Many SJWs learn to talk the talk but will ideologically harden themselves in places like this here, especially Software developers.
You need to keep your mouth shut until the time is right.

Software is a joke. The entire software community values things that make it easy for the bottom of the barrel trash to work in and computers are so fast now that they can pick up the slack. Most of the people who go into it are mindless drones that think since they sit on reddit all day they will be a master programmer. It's only true because of how much of a disgrace the field is now.

It's funny because I remember seeing a few talks given by backend programmers, the guys who need to make shit go flying fast. They all talk about how much OOP suck and you have to think about how the hardware works. Then I see the comment section completely overrun with drones shitting their pants because they have no cognitive thinking skills, and only can regurgitate what they've been spoonfed all their life.

Exactly right

I will also add that in whiteboard style interviews, even at the toughest companies, most interviewers are decent people who want to help you. That's why it's important to not immediately start scribbling and go down an autism rabbit hole only to get frustrated 180 seconds later when you realize you fucked up. Start very slowly, and talk through the problem conceptually with your interviewer. Like any code problem, break it down into smaller parts, and don't begin coding until you've drawn a picture or could describe the solution using declarative statements. An 80% solution is better than nothing in this scenario and the interviewer will usually give you hints if you've done the above. Iterations are meant to constrain you and get you talking about tradeoffs. An advanced tip is that even if you could immediately code the solution, don't do it. Start with a naive iterative solution, and only once you've covered the base cases should you move to a pointer based or lambda style solution.

For system design interviews, it can always be broken down into elementary systems. For existing systems, start broad again and only give as much as is asked for unless you are showing off (risky!). For open ended or hypothetical systems you should ask as many questions as is reasonable. Even though this problem space is rarely meant to trip you up, it gets you major points if you identify customers, use cases, constraints, quality attributes, or strategic objectives and will help point you to a solution.

For other interviews. it's important to be friendly and portray openness. Management interviews will always seem very genial, but they really are testing you. When they ask you to describe your projects (that you led or joined), start very general and give a broad overview and be honest about your contributions (exaggerating this in a believable way, if necessary, is an art). A very common technique at elite companies is to 'play dumb' and let you speak too much, or ask simple questions to expose your lack of knowledge. This is more common technical management positions, but I've seen this done for cross-functional roles as well. If you are comfortable thus far, a good tip that has served me well is to let them guide the conversation, similar to how they will do to you when evaluating your actual contributions to a project, they will reveal their biases and this will inform you as to what details are important to them. Build a consensus and rapport based on that.

Companies rarely offer up softball 'tell me about a lesson you learned', but it does happen, even at the big ones, these are a good chance to practice soft skills because they expect a genuine answer.

Sounds like you got Dunning-Kruger'd into watching a bunch of functional programmers or embedded systems guys. The reality is really about acceptable tradeoffs and determining what tool is most appropriate for a given task. The most memetastic language in the field is a functional language with almost 0 OO paradigms, it doesn't make it good.

The good news is a BS in math is very respected. And once you get your MS there's no reason you shouldn't be pulling $150+ after 5-8 years of experience if you aggressively trade up jobs and invest in the right technologies. Think growing niches, don't spread yourself too thin in terms of languages, and don't waste too much time framework-hopping (I learned Rails many years ago in version 1 and its paid off big league). Your current path with R and math opens up a lucrative finance path to you. The facial recognition stuff opens up tons of automation and emerging tech opportunities. One thing I recommend is get a big city job remote or otherwise (think west coast or Boston, NYC), aggressively change jobs every year to increase your salary at least until you get to a senior position where they will value you enough to keep you around with raises and further promotions. For now yes you're absolutely right, take the facial recognition app you did implement it in clean Python with a lightweight GUI or web frontend and some specs of course (can't stress enough writing specs really sets you apart).

Math grads, post docs, assistant prof., Profs I met were extremely anarcho-communist. Just because in public they don't talk about it (yet) doesn't mean they aren't leftypol posters

Your jack of all trades mentality is good, obviously we're on the boards but IRL don't consider that a "faggot" mentality or a downside, you want your passion for technology as a whole, your eternal curiosity etc. to shine through. When you look at employers yes you have to get through HR for bigger companies but regardless you will end up being interviewed by developers themselves who will pull the yay/nay lever. If you can build rapport with the main guy then you will get the job. Passion + competence. In terms of technologies the main thing is to be moving in the generally right direction, you don't have to start you first job with what you'll be using for the next 5-10 years of your career. Given your skill so no reason you shouldn't pull 100k+ as a senior software engineer especially a remote big city job. And you may not be super ambitious (yet) but you'll realize that money does matter because you are literally giving years of your life to someone else, especially after your first very stressful job, the more you get paid the more you can save and the faster you can retire. Your frugal/humble lifestyle will just help you save that much faster. Plus yes it does help somewhat to attract women, does provide for a family.

If your experience is mainly in Java, C, and Python then your next step is to figure out what libraries of web frameworks you are interested in, what would you like to be doing in 5 years? Then work back from there so you that you building that niche skillset for yourself. For example with Java there are MVC web frameworks, you can also move laterally into C# which is used in game dev. For C you can get into embedded systems think drones, medical devices, possibly high frequency trading? For Python you can do the Django web route, it also has lots of popular statistics packages. Then the next level really is to choose an industry that you love and/or pays well. I know you're not interested as much in salary but I recommend industries with high profit margins. Think finance, health, law, accounting. Accumulating domain knowledge within in industry makes you a shoe-in for the next job in that industry. For example say you took a Java programming job in the health insurance industry, then in 1 year you realize you can get a pay and title bump. If you found another job within health care you will stand out. For LaTeX sure you can list it, the reason would be if the guy interviewing you was into it and noticed it, that could start a conversation about LaTeX which will build a rapport that seals the deal for you. Maybe even do your resume in LaTeX and make it look cool, just an idea.

I suppose you're joking but I wouldn't care about someone's stack overflow score if anything I'd consider it a red flag if someone was resting on their stack overflow "achievements" instead of real code.

Not sure what you mean by wrong indentation, I'd recommend you don't join a shit team, or mention it and use the right indentation in your new work. Definitely don't push a commit where the diff is whitespace especially if you're joining on a team of competent devs who have a process that's largely been working for them already.

I've worked in many large companies and small start ups over the years as a systems engineer. Most Western devs are 80% male, 20% female, white or east asian, half are gay or act gay, politics range from hedonistic types of libertarianism to mainstream liberal or outright communist. I personally know only 1 classical conservative software engineer - straight white male, drinks heavily and keeps his mouth shut at work.

The Romanian and Belorussian dev teams I have seen had mostly local style soft nationalism if they had any political views, or were just moonlighting as legitimate tech workers by day and black-hatting by night.


You mean grounded? :DDD

i work in an antivirus company in post communist country
everybody i work with is redpilled on cultural marxism, is sick of EU and all the PC bullshit

yes goy, work for shlomo and make him more shekels

big cities are cancer and you'll (almost) never find a good waifu there

generally agreed although there are pretty beefy salaries in finance jobs even near small cities. for big cities you can work remotely get the fat salary with low cost of living and avoid the poz. as for waifu honestly there are more women in big cities so you really do have a better chance there numerically speaking. they also tend to be hotter because most attractive small town women move to big cities where they can sell their goods easily. of course they'll probably be whores but that's its own thread

yeah and their brains are all poisoned

not in europoor

as if shlomo will ever let you do that…

Are you looking for any petroleum related employees?
I am an dedicated hard white working man. Smart , high IQ and can lift heavy shit

There are several cracking the coding interview problems on under - interview. It's really good practice.

You know I've always wondered about anti malware/virus companies such as malware antibytes or Bitdefender.

How does one even into those places. Like I've taken number theory/ applied abstract algebras and I've learned a bit about hidding/decoding messages with large primes and error correcting codes among many other things.

Are any of these companies north east based?

Has anyone experienced hiring competent and conservative foreign people?

Fellow post commie user, tell me about AVs in general. Because more than once I've seen very malicious several line programs being seen as clean even though they could run unchecked, destroy your memory, crash your system, cause RAM spikes and what have you. I wouldn't be surprised if they could start changing voltage on hardware as well as long as they were short and just edited some pieces of registry. Do AVs work or are they just a database of viruses with some similarity algorithms running checks on executing programs?

this post makes me feel like i've done nothing with my life. that all my shitposting online and posts about, figuring out, the Jewish lies were for nothing because there are bastions of anti-commie countries that will pull that weight - and everyone is waking up to the problems but i did nothing relevant to help that, it was going to happen anyway.

thank you Hitler

maybe I saved at least one good person's life with my shitposting. maybe one less died because I helped speed up the awakening.


Take all the cons of working with foreign people, then throw them away, with the exception of the language barrier. It might or might not be better than a shitlib in the short run.

I've worked with west european (as in, truly european) artists, and they were all insufferable faggots. As soon as I started working with Polish artists, my problems were lessened 90%. The other 10% were libshit polish that are a thousand times less histrionic than the most contained west european lib.

I don't have a degree (and I will never go to university) but I was programming since I was 13 and over the years I made bunch of stuff, small and big. I picked the best stuff, cleaned it up, wrote a nice readme and put it on gitlab, I had 6 projects and I got the job. It's hilarious, I only one other guy that did what I did, everyone else is after university or still there and we earn about the same. Uni ain't shit (at least in programming)

I only know one other guy*
btw Im not a burger, maybe it works different in USA. Good luck and Hail from Poland

Flat earth confirmed. Most leftist scum work in meme tiered jobs waiting for the automation gods to free them from wage slavery. Many such cases.

Meme while Elec eng bros automate the world and see them as absolutely unemployable and outsource shit tier IT work to Pajet and his goat herders.

Leftists are like downers, look all the same and are fucking retarded like niggers. Least they’ll be happy eating food from the floor when real socialism kicks in.

Chelsea Van Valkenburger was from Boston via Toronto.

This. Think a script kiddie who thinks he's (((Mitnick))) and you have the typical left tech type.

There is a Pajeet team in the company I work, they're based in their own Pooland though (company have offices and factories all over the world) fortunatelly I never had to deal with them but my co-workers had, and everything Holla Forums said about them being awkward and completely clueless about stuff is true.
They can even understand what you mean by saying "have a nice day", one Pajeet replied with a 'no' thinking it was a question.

Don't think like a globalist commie. Sort your shit out first, then if you can help your family then friends in that order.




Programming open source is promoting communism. Free for everyone? No profit? Communism like that doesnt work.

The worst is being forced to work with diversity hires. My workplace is over half nonwhites who sit around all day arguing about Bollywood actors instead of working.

East or West coast ?

Man you are fucking retarded and so is the faggot who made that meme

nowadays they often require it. They'd rather not pay for your office space.

I don't know about Haskell but Scala is blowing up.

The way codeshitters butcher the English language is horrendous. I cannot think of a worse lingual perversion. Even the thickest of Chinese and Fingolian accents cannot hold a candle to it. That goddamned curryhouse creole they have going on is more offensive than a baby's cry. You have to intensely pay attention to understand that they are speaking English, and then on top of that, you have to try and comprehend the butchered grammar and misuse of idioms and whatever pooinloo expressions they've directly translated from their pajeetese heritage, expecting everyone to understand. Their complete lack of self-awareness on the issue doesn't help, and any attempt to draw attention to it is an attack on muh diversity.
I draw ever closer to a goddamned aneurysm every time I hear "DEV-lep" instead of develop.

cracks me up. If they can convince you that the first thing you need to do after buying an OS is to buy more software to make the OS work properly, then they can make you believe anything.

Just do the valsalva maneuver when they are doing the baseline and you'll fuck the rest of the results up.

MS in Computer Science:

Learn systems. Operating systems, architecture, database engines. Implement toy versions, or small parts of a whole.

OS: Scheduler (improve on it, starvation free, priority queue, etc), malloc (have it support multiple threads, check out hoard. Time yourself against glibc), mutexs (if you're adventurous implement futexs)

Architecture: pipeline project is basic shit. Should be easy in C. Try using a HDL, implement something trickier like a dual ported set-associative cache. Model memory and a core of commands to test.

Compilers: bread and butter of putting CS theory into practice. Read the dragon book, make your own.

DB: try coding up a B+ tree. Try making it faster, see what changes work better under which paradigms.

This is how researchers think. You have to do it yourself, then explore the new space. Never rest on laurels.

"Ser, please, kindly do one thing, type in 'help'. 'H' as in 'Harry', 'E' as in 'Ele-"
"Done. What next."
"First-class, ser. Next, kindly…"


I like these old school geeks

Either they think that their tentacles spread far enough that it doesn't matter or their money tendencies override their corruption tendencies.

I can't believe that's an actual answer from actual human being. Is this person also an engineer or a highring (diversity) manager ?
Isn't that exactly racism or sexism that these little bitches cry all day long about.


Actually yes, but you can't be sexist against males nor racist against whites because of AA.

Every wrong committed in a 5 mile radius from where you are, RIGHT NOW, is a personal pejorative and affront. Go dish out some fucking justice. Don't worry about past the 5 miles, because they'll be seeping into your domain either way; you'll be busy. Learn how to handle the room, the neighborhood, and the city/city district/whatever is 5 miles for you. That I believe is the source of our power. It is our power to dish out justice and solidify loyalties at ground zero. YOU ARE GROUND ZERO. Look to the big picture to understand your 5 mile zone and make it right.

This is why I believe that being a handy man is one of the greatest virtues. It's an essential archetype for the 5 mile man. Another is the COP, or, Community Oriented Police. Law & Order. The Sheriff.
We should iron these out to be honest. "The 5 Mile Man". If you can handle one stretch of land and people, you can handle bigger and badder. The COP, the Handyman, the Provider (self-explanatory), and then, the Mayor or Leader. Someone has to make the law that the COP enforces, and someone has to ensure the survival and direct the evolution of the community. There's an extreme lack of solid Mayors, for that matter. We must lead our communities, instead of WHINING about the current leadership.
There's a fifth though and that's The Father. Can also be considered The Family Man, but fathering your own children rather than tending a family as a man should be defined as clearly separate but associated concepts or archetypes [category Father -> sub-cat Family Man]. The Father speaks before the Family. The Father is the head of the family, before he temporarily sublimates his voice to listen to those of his family and becomes the Family Man in that instance. The Father is wiser than the mayor, but must take care of his family before he takes care of the community.
That's 5 archetypes for 5 miles. Go and grow (fuck perfect) into those 5 archetypes and establish yourself in the community and your family. If your family is beyond the 5 miles, which I assume they are, then take care of them anyway. Guide them.

I'll find a relevant thread to post this. Maybe the Symbol thread would be a ripe one.

you should make the 's' in the coexist word a swastika. then accuse those who say its racist of being anti-buddhist and racist themselves.

They're like cuckchan/tg/ (the one here is breddy gud). Devs are dedicated to an interest and will fight tooth and nail for that interest but are also extremely conflict averse in a more general sense. They go with the flow because they see leftism for what it is: tolerating your own disenfranchisement.

Problem is that they see no alternative that won't get them bullied so they go along with talking points. I'm not suggesting we should bully devs, we're the outgroup and the parasites have turned the industry into something else by burrowing in and convincing them that the invasive organism is something to be protected.

This has to be bait

are burgers really this retarded?
do words have no meaning to them other than a meme?

non-cucked europe here, IT is quite left-free. Universities teaching it (as well as anything else in STEM) make it a point to never ever engage in politics of any kind, and the teachers teach strictly things they are supposed to.The rare times one of them slips and reveals any part of his personal beliefs, he usually stops himself after two sentences and apologises, before going back to teaching the subject. There is no kiked shit as part of the curriculum. You can grab a kiked subject from one of the faculties teaching (((humanities))) for extra creds, but it is not mandatory in any shape or form and there are plenty other, unkiked subjets to get easy extra creds from. The student tend to be apolitical or reddit-tier liberals, but not more so than in any other field (and significantly less than anyone in humanities). (((Humanities))), on the other hand, are kiked as fuck and chock-full of women, and so naturally easy as fuck. They are widely regarded with mockery and having a degree in them won't help you much, as everyone knows that humanities are where you go when you are too dumb to get a real degree but too ambitious not to have one.

Definitely not in Germany. And I highly doubt France, Sweden, UK are any better in that matter.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Well, yeah, I did say non-cucked europe, didn't I?

Underrated post.

I used to be one. Don't. Get a trade job or something that requires physical movement. The pay is less but its better for your selfworth. The dev world is full of weak fools because it requires weak fools.

I really hate my job. Every few months more pajeets join my workplace, we make vidya but they certainly can't all their work is nonsense or copied straight from a github.

Even the Chinese owner of this vidya company seems to not like this but he's getting bought out by a larger publisher, who'll probably send it to Sweden or AU. I really just want to make programs that'll let the world burn now.