Trump not giving a fuck again

(((Eli Rosenburg))) kvetches about Trump honoring Navajo code talkers with a portrait of Andrew Jackson displayed prominently in the background. Watch as the Jew virtue signals about how not racist he is while simultaneously conflating all Injuns as one people with a common culture with absolute disregard for the fact that Navajos and Cherokees are absolutely not the same group of people.

Lurk for two years before posting.


And the battle of the dick-waiving-dubs commences!

Checked, but fighting over "who's the real oldfag" is completely retarded.

Checked. You're both equally autistic.


The funny thing about all this is Trump probably intentionally did it in front of the Jackson portrait to remind normies he founded the Democratic party and Warren, a democrat, used the natives identity to lie her way into law school


Take that back. I'm definitely more autistic than that faggot.

7 beats 6. come on.

Checking those digits, looks like it to me.

yes. OP wins. not so much a faggot, more autistic.
Bet you wish you'd been a bit more black and white in that statement, 'mostly autistic, slightly faggoty' OP



>that faggot
English is hard, i know. But at least try to obtain a 3rd grade reading level before attempting to misinterpret what they say. Your interpretation makes no goddamn sense if you actually read the post.

Quite frankly, most injuns hate liberal faggots anyway. Whenever the question about whether they're offended by something that libs are shitting themselves over their response is almost consistently "lol who cares?"
Remember the whole washington redskins thing?

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MAGA MEGA Can't stop winning !!
Shills btfo

Don't post on here like you're on his twitter feed. What are you, 60?

Shariablue isn't sending their best!

What did Trump mean by this?
