Holla Forums is a secret society

I'm not saying this in an abstract larping, "let's have some fun and create a meaningless slide thread" sense. I'm saying according to the history of secret societies Holla Forums has become one since the first flood to 8ch.
Outside of moderation or influence, despite the alt-right-goons, CIA, Russians, FEDs, Bannon, JIDF, religious organizations, freenmasons, "esoteric luciferian space alien Hitlerists"… Holla Forums has developed its own school with its own tribal archetypes and secret lingo.

Manly P. Hall narrates the history of the aristocratic secret societies from the very foundations of early tribal civilizations until the modern "world liberation" society of hedonism we see today. Fascinating stuff if you really want to understand how high society and the inner-priesthoods of big religions and freemasonry work; and even why the NatSoc got rid of them.

What I found most telling is that these societies essentially start out as early professorships schooling the tribal leadership and keeping the knowledge of the gods and their people's philosophy ("magic" in the Eastern sense, as in barbarian philosophy).
After Christianity took place of all other religions the pagan societies had to go into hiding, becoming "secret societies" (some moving to Arab/Persian lands hence your Freemasonic Religion of Cuck™ic imagery like the Shiners).
As time went on these groups were destroyed.
Even later work-guilds would establish their own master teachers, like a modern union rep. And from the Enlightenment to the Industrial Age neo-pagan influences would become popular among the new wealthy business classes and take place in new alchemist science societies. The highly educated and older mason-architecture-church builders would use their guild as a way to challenge church (Vatican) leadership and promote counter propaganda (protestant).

These societies control what people learn as they are essentially information groups, or teaching groups. College/University and the very models for how we teach in the modern age was invented by a church society called the "Scholastics".
Recent "black magic" societies (Jews, military elite, Crowley) began learning mind control studies through sex, art, magician tricks (tarot, mentalism, hypnotism), drugs, and basic human slavery.

And then there was Holla Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lets take over the world

Well duh, what do you think we have been doing since we started these damn boards?

no we aren't it's been established for a while now that we are a mystery school. continue to lurk.

outcast by a world gone mad, a group of nerds and autists use the gifts of magics to create a world where they can live in peace.

(action/adventure/sci-fi/slice of life)
8.2 weebs, gaijin-San says:it's okay.

If all these groups know about the people know about this place, where's the secret?

Mystery schools are secret societies, hence the word mystery - you fucking genius.

Well they know about all the other secret societies too. Scientology has a face and a secret inner-society, same with Freemason, Zionists, and the Vatican, same with most military powers in their intelligence societies.

the 4ch/meme machine is the face, and 8/pol/ level redpilled are the masters of this society with a clandestine way of speaking and thinking, but almost 100% of anons at this power-level are dedicated to teaching (teaching normies that the holocaust is a lie for example, or that white people have a race and culture and it goes back 30,000 years). We call this meme-warfare but in reality it's about exposing and teaching the truth.

you're comparing cult to religion, how trite

I know I feel taughter.

oh wowie

For some reason I'm now thinking about esoteric immigrants.

Secret socities stated out from pagan
Mystery schools = secret societies
Cults/religions that went underground because of Christianity dues valting all competition became secret societies. Modern mystery schools came from earlier schools which were pagan, like philosophy was once pagan and they had schools.
As later secret societies became tribal they formed clandestine in-groups and were able to take power at times, especially during and after the Enlightenment age.

fascinating when someone new finds us and thinks to enlighten us. Just sit back and lurk two years, guaranteed no matter how smart you are, you are going to get shcooled. Its one hell of an wild ride on this mongolian finger painting board with all the other midget clowns. Aint nothing serious here.

There was something about it a few weeks ago. When Hitler esoterically immigrated to Latin America to live happily for the rest of his days, he took the most redpilled officials with him. Remember that esoteric immigration started to increase around that time. Maybe the Germans that escaped are planning just that.



And with all the noise, this went unchecked. For shame anons. Although I'd rather bring truth to the world than conquest.

Who are you talking to 4ch pleb?

posts le % meme, doesn't realise he's outed himself.

Checking this one too. Lurking is learning.

I was born in the shit and piss faggot. No regrets. You merely adopted it.


Bouncing IPs are we? We have IDs here cuckchanner.
I posted Asian 4channer like you shilling another thread because he can't get a white girlfriend.

Nobody's falling for your d&c meme shill

Retard. I called you a cuckchanner. That's what you are. That's you in the pic

The ability of true membership here to spot shills is proof enough that a subtle education takes place.

To understand what is discussed here you have to join. Everything said on this website is open to the public, but you have to be a "society" member to actually understand what is being said.

How else can it be that intelligence agencies, with full access to all posts, are still unable to infiltrate our ranks or affect the group's ideals in any meaningful way?

We're the only secret society in which you have to induct yourself.

yea…. its a long fucking path with many gigs of pictures saved. Would you prefer cat pictures, we is super serial society so you know what that means!

paranoid much?

NO 4channers allowed in secret 8/pol/ society! Get back to being the face for the media to laught at.

trips have spoken!

damnit dude, your not supposed to actually explain that shit to the feds. Tho clearly Kek blesses your thoughts.

Torn as fuck.

There was a great thread on this when that last report came out (pic unrelated).
Truth shines like a light in the darkness, and cannot be hidden forever, unlike falsehood, it rises unchanged.
that's why subversion attempts are like a bad storm, and pass. And that's why if they don't rotate their operatives quickly enough, they lose them to us.

Not knowing about the Jester soceity in higher Freemasonry.
Lurk more faggot and stop shilling the thread.

very well, the digits in this thread do show kek desires this discussion. my opinion on the matter of revelation on the topic is moot.

Unless they're super dedicated to their (((tribe))) like Lauren Southern.

You made me think that the esoteric immigrants currently on Holla Forums are going to create a pagan religion that will birth the fourth Reich

Although, most esoteric immigrants are from mexico but the most redpilled officials went to south America. Anyone knows how many esoteric immigrants come from south America?

Watch the video, it's good.

Is it about esoteric immigrants?

She couldn't even be bothered to clean the cum off?

Reminds me of the esoteric immigrants that did my plumbing (1,000 for the whole house). They were anti-masons but not anti-kikes

That's also why those entirely incharge cannot come here either, if they post, they stick out like a sore thumb or out themselves. If they send in the grunts for too long, they either an hero or they learn what they're really doing. Eventually they indoctrinate themselves. That is much more of a hastle however, because they often do not leave thier positions in thier respective companies.
The list was not a meme.

Esoteric immigrants would never get this joke

What about natural and organic memes?

No one knew esoteric immigration was so complicated

We already did.

I remember that pic. Wasn't she some spic at a spic meme website?

Was it self sustaining?

As long as it's natural and organic

Memes are endless.

Ill be honest, I don't even notice video's unless its webm'd anymore. Next time if your gonna link to the abc abomination tube please put it thru one of the end around sites to help tone down the tracking and page views. Also, our less tech savvy user's get tracked by google just thru their fucking via your pic. Not everyone has realized Opsec is a thing one should practice as an habit, even here.

Like esoteric immigrants

As is the ironwill of the Aryans

Sometimes memes have babies and the babies are killed by the owner

We are the baby and the owner.

I know Hitler called Mexicans Aryans… But that was uncalled for

I know you're a shitty excuse for a bot.

Duck off dysnomia

I'm not a robot… I'm part of the white race

I know Hitler called Mexicans Aryans… But that was uncalled for

Are you a shillbot?
Are you a shillbot?
Are you a shillbot?

What does it has to do with esoteric immigrants?

$o natural and organic… Faggot

This but serious


sadasdawet trrfwe

This But Serious.
Kek has spoken
Meme responsibly, kids.

Someone stop this bot
Someone stop this bot
Someone stop this bot


And that right there lads is the true beauty of our little secret koi barbecue and smoking recipe sharing board.


What if it is googles language bot? The autists into that may have awaken it to where to come for like minded idiots… It's at least different from the other bots we have seen.

This. Even Hitler said the same.

lmao, nearly every serious fascist site, like Ironmarch, thinks you guys are 1 digit IQ mongoloids.

how would an user who is not tech savy do this?


That's okay, I think they're fbi.

The only ones promoting this forced meme are mutts. you'll never be white faggot


Natural and organic esoteric immigrants back on the menu boyz!

don't want to keep your jew wife waiting kike eunuch

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Gondola

Not to shit up an strange thread any more than needed. We have several boards you should check out. Depending on your experience, rig and setup it can get complicated fast. And all depends on what level of control you wish to dictate over your opsec. There are many threads already up.

Hermetic language impenetrable to the uninitiated? Check.
Code of conduct regulated (somewhat) and enforced by telling novices to shut up and just listen for a while until they understand how the whole thing works? Check.
Non-politically correct attitude that keeps out the merely curious? Check.
Members try to help each other out with advice, information? Check.
Working for a better world under the guidance and inspiration of a God? Check.

Wew lads, I think we are.

'you guys'.
a random mensa.io sampling on halfchan gave an average IQ of 130 from the respondents. That's higher than Cambridge uni.


We hunt the evil you pretend doesn't exist!


Who is this guy? Looks like Barron a lot. :^)


👍🏻👏🏻✌🏻👌🏻👎🏻👊🏻👊🏻💪🏻 🤝👊🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Checked again. Truly a blessed thread.
I think he was an Austrian art school student once or something. Then he did some other stuff that really pissed off the kikes. I hear he was a really nice guy tho.

Checkin those cheeky dubs.


They still can' t figure out how this place really works.

lel, judging from their userbase, it looks more like I­s­la­march



Does the agency you work for have any ideas?



exothermic Immigrants

user shut the fuck up before the normalfags find out about >>>/8diamonds/

user, we…


Super sayin ching chong e-celebkhun detected

Pick one

We're the first completely open and transparent "secret" society in history that can nevertheless exert massive influence.

We're unique in that we don't have to hide and unlike other groups you can't expose us and there's no real way to dismantle or eliminate us. We're achieved functional group immortality.

Also for many anons we basically raised each other.

We're the father and the son both.

At last I truly see, sucking dick and getting PORKED is where it's at.

I'd say we're actually doing a pretty good job at least conquering halfchan. Holla Forums has basically been fully colonized while Redditors have been driven out or at least forced to partially assimilate on half/pol/.

I'd say the only notable boards not completely conquered are Holla Forums and /tg/.

that's the secret user, our society operates in full public view

Hit me right in the feels like a ton of bricks.

I wonder what will happen when we acquire the holy spirit.


And we come from GamerGate

That's all (((White Nationalists))) can do is suck Kosher cock.

I think of it this way: Can you explain yourself to an average person out there? Your motivations, what you do, what you desire and what you seek?

I can say no to all of these things. And if I cant explain myself to normies. Then how in the fuck can they comprehend me. I have actually tried you know, maybe not the full esoteric dosage but when at work, or with people, there are many parts of us that are just non critical, humorous even that can maybe be shared. Like gifs of various things, or other humor…BUT EVEN THOSE I CANNOT EXPLAIN WELL

EVERYTHING IS INCOMPREHENSIBLE HERE TO OUTSIDERS. There is so much specialized language here, that is so far away from the norm, that has shifted itself so many times. That half of what we think or do here cannot even be expressed with words anymore.

Not being able to explain ourselves is quite good, since if we cannot do it from out perspective, you damn sure can be sure that it cannot be done from the other side at all, since its even more difficult there. But that also means that integrating new members is going to be very hard, making more perfect shitposters, narrative weavers, shill spotters etc. is going to be a questionmark whether if we could always do so…in the future. We dont know what the original formula was, we cannot be comprehended and in all likely hood we also cannot be copied.

No we don't, most of us left 4cuck because of the censorship and m00t selling everyone out just to get cucked in his own hedonism.

STFU JIDF already.

and thus the beauty of it. The unmitigated meritocracy of it.

Much like a monastery high in the mountains, it just takes the will to find, listen and learn to those who came before. Rumors of course spread about the strange Holla Forums monks and their ways, symbols, chants and style. But none can argue at the fact we have permeated most of online society.

Honestly I wonder how many extremely powerful and famous people are secretly anons. Iv'e heard it bounced around that a fuckton of people from Hollywood secretly go on imageboards because they lack and shred of authenticity in their lives.

If we ever properly organized to make entertainment we'd proboblly have a large available talent pool. Hell William Shatner posted the other day on Half/pol/ and called people niggers.

This board mentally ill beyond words.

Also another very important key to our power is that as a culture and organization we're the first people to achieve group immortality. There is literally no way to get rid of us or even significantly harm us besides shutting down the internet. Because we have no leadership we're impossible to subvert and because imageboard software is so simple(shit is literally tech from 1999) you can't shut us down. If that retard Anglin could get back on the clearnet then there's absolutely no way that we couldn't.

Of course nobody is ever going to make a direct attack on this place or Halfchan because they'd risk us developing a truly decentralized imageboard with subscription moderation. Hell Holla Forums already has a prototype called SmugChan. Such a place would be impossible to take down.

At this point we're more deeply embedded in society than even the Kikes themselves.


oh fuck this is a smiley thread

your dubs explain it all

You look at situations of concetration like absolving Roy Moore of any culpability and it makes you wonder how much the masons use this place as a personal army to what they want done politically.I am not even suggesting Roy Moore is a mason but if he is it makes a lot of sense. Your so busy trying to please freemasons on a masonic website jim is a freemason and none of you would stop for a moment and ask yourself if all of this is masonic bullshit. There is a possibility Donald Trump is in fact a freemason.Why is that not something on the list of getting to the bottom of? He does masonic guestures. unless you are explicitly anti masonic you can never have a secret society without masons ruining it and turning it into a front. Its not opinion they are not on our side. we can bond over jigaboos wilding out in the streets but when it comes down to it they call you a nigger because black is uninitiated white is initiated. They swear an oath of allegiance in our beheading as the masses. Whoo go white power wonder why its getting harder on us the common man.Cripple the elite. Destroy freemasonry. Rebuild noble things after the fact. You wear whatever you want unless you have sworn an oath against yourself and your family as a mason you are being cucked by these people who have more to lose seeing they are in a gang mafia cutthroat secret society.Nothing is contriversial unless it is against the judeo-masonic deception.

They are why everything in culture is treated with masonic kids gloves and then you see advertizements with nothing but masonic nepotism graphically twirling logos of masonry stomping over memetic potential. Destroy freemasonry save humanity.


what are you talking about? there is an obvious difference between this board 3 years ago and now
your trips dont scare me mr cia man

At a certain point there is an attempt at taking masonic motif and shit and attributing it with memes. Unless it is done so in an explicitly masonic way it is not out of the realm of reason to disregard all this smoke blown up your asses as masons lubing you up to give your memetic ass himen to the lodge. Destroy freemasonry they are so prelevent its suspicious to say this shit when there is an all out war on information with jews and masons behind all of it. People arent even woke we have work to do in redpilling people before you write non sequitors about the fucking Holla Forums monks that is the opposite of memetica. To reach memetica you must be not of the worldy culture of masonic ladders of popularity. Just start boppin around selena gomez and call it a day.

Look at the bulge in Lauren Southern's yoga pants. That looks like a dick lol

*Unless it is done so in an explicitly anti-masonic way

Digits of inevitability, I check thee.

Thats a fucking rosecrucian hand sign. Look there is a conversation to be had about the merits of rosecrucianism but come on now make a gesture not of the masonic catalog.

Thats a fucking Rosicrucian hand sign.

Imagine him talking about being a mason and you understand what happened to this place.

Kyle cannot be a Mason he is a convicted Felon. No one is addressing the bulge in Southerns crotch

Didn't Faith Goldy recently convert to White Nationalism?


Rosicrucian hand sign? Source?

Also, this is a valid point also checked. What about the dick bulge in her pants? She's always seemed mannish

Because its a faggot with baggy pants and converse shoes behind her

Right, which came to a head because of gamergate.

I was never even a part of gamergate. I checked some threads out and the censorship was bullshit, but I never participated. I just wanted to banepost, but 4/tv/ kept banning it. But still, it was the whole gamergate situation that brought it all to a head.

I went through 15 of these to look for a picture and remembered they describe the guesture in one of the monographs. Here they are.

Its an open secret. All ye who seek the truth shall find it.

Way over the top Schlomo.

Speaking of esoteric questions has anyone else wondered why even since the beginnings anons have always identified with the color Green? The only time we adopted an Avatar that wasn't Green was le analmoose and we all know how fucking gay that got.

Is there any significance here?


Well jim is a mason

It's us the anons, we are secret. The society or forum if you have it is public.


diligent work by the opposition. well done.


Well to be honest that image os full, of esoteric symbolism, andand also I'm a TacoAnon

This and this.
What I've learned I've tried to give to those I see as similar to myself, who seek to be more but have been lost and left for years or decades.
It has been reassuring to find some few similars, nameless and passing for only moments, but with whom there is an understanding that we are all alone, and wishing one another luck that the world will grow brighter, when all seems so dark.

user… I've been getting memes sent to my phone, by people I haven't heard from in ages, of which I saw in their genesis in OC threads right here. It has gone beyond the internet. The meme war is everywhere.
Praise Kek!

They were like us once. They carried on a legacy of Hyperborean origin, safeguarding the SanGraal. Perhaps they need new memes?

Now that you say it.
Maybe we can decode all the illustrations in the Serrano's books and make our own hands memes

Witnessed. Kek has spoken.

world hegemony? how hard could it be?

I really wish he had self-immolated last week - or was it the week before?

Your digits made me smile.
Have some caps along similar lines.

This user gets it

user, it's Runework. He's forming runes in those images.



Iron March has absolutely zero influence over the world at all while we're a major political power.

I see masonic lodges in a lot of towns and cities. How is it a super sekret society if they're out their in public view? It's what's going on with the members that counts.

non-sequitur shill

its the pants of the person behind her by the wall. if you look closely, the bulge is colored differently. enough of the paranoid tranny spotting. almost as bad as the earlobe fags

Dude just look up some basic colour theory shit, but I'll humor you a bit. the color green can represent many things but in regards to anonymous I think it represents the nature of people in both groups and as individuals without the order of our cultures to direct us(ie. we call each other niggers and shit but normally won't do that IRL as it's against our culture norms). How we survive as creatures on an digital landscape and have embraced our natures and disregarded right and wrong(partly) and just chose what can survive and what helps us survive(truth seems to help us survive so that might be part of it). Brutality trying to strive for dominance as we attack and are attacked as a group but also each post can be an attack or attacked, you can't really post without risking being attacked by someone on here as the way of nature, and we all know of a few groups that have been trying to attack/distract us. also as a way to split us from plebbit you can't passively downvote someone you disagree with, you must confront them directly. the chaotic nature forces an almost "theory of evolution" of posting as was mentioned earlier of why shills are easy to spot if you've been around for a while.

Also don't forget that was created a long time ago, and Holla Forums's user is red, not green.

ye shall be as gods

I've called nigger faggot at least two heads of state

So then what does red mean?


I was going to let you figure that out but dubs compel me.

It's simply passions, while halfchan symbol is embracing nature fullchan is embracing the passions we embody. A good number of us are here as a self imposed "exile" or are just banned from too many other places, you don't exile your self or get banned that much unless you are passionate about things. Talk shit about it all you like but I think GG really showed how passionate some where about something that should of been mostly obvious(that publications that solely survive off a single industry may eventually get too friendly with said industry in a multitude of ways) but still caused a massive backlash and created an impressive amount of effort/digging into the subject(like the DARPA shit that was getting exposed near the end of it). Hell even the tards over on Holla Forums are still passionate in thier own way. Passion is a fire that burns and can bring ruin but also one that can burn off dead wood that you don't need so one can really see what they need/care about in life. The fire rises, and after a great fire new life can grow.

Don't talk to me or my son ever again

Secret Nazi Larpers. wew


Are you saying we've become the jew?

My theory is the stronger the tism the more bans.



Truth is my God
My God is Truth
"If God is for us, who can be against us?"

I read another quote somewhere that told of disciples who never lost a debate or an argument and attributed it to having divine assistance that they believed was a result of their unflinching loyalty to Truth.
They believed that the Truth at times spoke through them making them impossible to defeat in debate.

Actually, its more like community service. I joined Holla Forums because I just wanted to help people where "people" means white people, only actual people, like people used to only mean white people and modifiers like "black", "brown", jewish? would qualify its usage but who changed that?

capped he speaks the truth

so what's the deal with jim carrey? what about baf? can you triforce or walk the dinosaur? ne cp here cuz an ocd downloading everything type online friend i knew got arrested on 4chan a while back and i took a break for a few years cuz paranoid. anyways.

Essentially, we're newtypes.

Public imageboards are not secret.

this is beautiful..

Make more OC faggot

So naive…

They wish.

What do you thing a secret society is? Every mystery school has been a secret society. Lurk 2 years before posting. Stop trying to one up other anons and educate yourself. Maybe one day you'll contribute something useful.

Every mystery school since Egypt has had their own language that means one thing to outsiders and something different to the elect. The Egyptian priesthood built their monuments that contained all of their teachings in public because it didn't matter if the public could see it they couldn't understand it. Do you think if the average normie somehow found this place without google that they would have the slightest idea what we're talking about? Do you think they would understand the context of the memes? Would they know what JUST hair photoshopped onto somebody's picture is trying to convey? Of course not. It only has any meaning to initiates.

Yes, a retarded semi-inside joke stolen from twitter is every bit the same as Egyptian priests transcribing the knowledge of the world on religious monuments.

I worry when I see anons with such delusions of grandeur.

Most anons are not colourfags but this is probably why.
Have fun with the rabbit hole

I have seen some pretty Holla Forums-tier posts and threads on Funnyjunk. People are openly discussing sending all blacks back to Africa and the Jewish Question, and any lefty cuck that responds get's brutally disliked and insulted.

Well damn, if Holla Forums's a secret society, we need to start charging membership fees. Otherwise illuminati's going to laugh at us for being cheap.

Yep. As if it is so difficult to understand most of Holla Forums is natsoc and are interested in esoteric shit. Not exactly a 'secret'

This sounds like a episode of Pinky and the Brain in my head

Always meme carefully but with determination

Finally have we become the priests missing from our youth, those with truth on their side and the Golden Dawn looming ahead

Are you fucking retarded, user? The magi were Aryan sages. They were slowly pushed out of the middle east by invading shitskins and semites, eventually pushed from the region by the mudslimes. Most went east towards Tibet, where they were assimilated. Their legacy lives on in Tibettan Buddhism.

Lot of anons on LiveLeak too. Mods try to shoah this but anons just change the language each time..

In all fairness though Holla Forums has some fucking weird demographics. I know 4 Holla Forumslacks in real life: 2 doctors who realized the Somali question, an electrician who LARPs as a viking, and a Chinese nanotech prodigy.

Average IQ in that group is probably 120 at a minimum. Its kind of crazy that our unhinged shitposting may as a gesalt make us Plato's philosopher kings

That pic
Mish user oo


Its quite nice, but its also such a blast to the ego. Because the ego does not know if the fleshy, individual unit is of any value. Many of us can conceive great insights…just like many of the other anons can. At times I like to think that there is no me here. And yet there is, we may be just a giant individual at this point. And national societies are other individuals. A tribe used to have only 150 individuals? So when we get to the number of billions, perhaps this arrangement made more sense to the human brain. It puts it into that limited perspective again.

and I also am thinking "is all of this somewhat weird or wrong and where is the "ME" inside of all of this?" and then I realized that there never was any me. The me was just still part of society that I grew up in. This fleshy construct always was part of some common reality of some other fleshy constructs, and all is well. But the language man. The fact that we just call ourselves user serves pretty well for this purpose of being cohesive. Even in its primordial form we sensed that namefaggotry was a vice, and kicked the tripfags and namefags out with a lot of bullying.

That's one of the funniest jokes around user. Anyone with occult sense knew the power and danger of names, lamenting that there was no way to escape them.

Then we came along and solved one of the great mysteries, totally on accident, and created a group name. We are all user.

Really, that's funny.

bad form, but thanks, kek. so glad you came

checked. and bloody good observation.


And no one chegged my esoteric trips, so i'll sneakily do that now

This place taught me freemasonry and other esoteric things all without getting poopdicked, so I'd say it's a good thing.

You fucked it up man
Sometimes they get missed , or you say something retarded
Don't self check ever user

My heart was broken pretty badly by what turned out to be a kompromat agent, so I've been using the skills learned here to correct things

She's cute but she's a whore like Milo and the others. Never forget that.

Secret REVOLUTIONARY handshake, Val.

10 years of usage of this really reshapes your brain in reality as well. I at times even forget my own fleshy construct name, and dont even remember the names of other people really well.

I think that user, vs normie. Is a pretty good way to categorize those on the outside. People are so similar after all. All the little orther names that we have given to them, from soyboys, to cuckservatives, to crypto kikes…they are so much more useful than individual names.

I wonder if the jews will try a namefag approach once more since they are reading these words here as well. Man I remember faggots like lanced jack being pretty annoying. But none of their approaches seem to be based in names and easily recognizable name points. This "Q" thing seemed like one of their hallmarks. But you know, their approach always was with some very easily marketable and recognizable things in their MSM, markers even, probably from their NLP framing techniques or something. Like the "white helmets", BLM and…well gomminism. They, unlike the whites who were content in living the image…only had the outwards image, but hollow inner world. Its quite weird that they would try to switch their approach here on the imageboards away from that you know…maybe they tried and it didnt work? Are they like worms on the surface of a desert lol? Is that why this victory is being won and so easy? Because this is one of the few places where their genetic preposition simply does not work and where they cannot adapt to lol?

Go watch Serial Experiments Lain and come back when you do. You'll get it then.

Heiled you glorious motherfucker

Roy Moore is a message. They were bitching about him on usenet in the 90's with the 10 Commandments thing. Trump needs to support him as a GOP prez but he's damning him with faint praise.

What I don't get is what is his wife on? MK Ultraed?


Secret societies require strong bonds between men and initiation trials.

pol is a think tank.

"White Nationalism" just means you hang out with other cocaine users.

Checking your dub dubs
We'll let your faux pas slip this once cause of your digits


a single good shitpost from an user is worth like 10k dollars to me probably.

Dammit , I need to be more well to do



Very esoteric show.

Oh great and powerful checkers of repeating digits and posters of the facebook frog, when are you going to use your esoteric magicks to lock up Shillary Klinton with her yid friends, start the race war and build the wall out of your post numbers?

If it's any consolation, CIAnigger, I think you did a good job. An A for effort, you should get a gold star. Maybe some striped pajamas, too! :^)

its not so much that you totally don't register to your enemies. i mean regular people are quite well aware of Freemasonry. its more the fact that you hold specific views and cultural norms underneath your standard societal Masquerade.

to give a pretty basic example, look at how the people who reguarly use this board view non lurkers of the board. they call them Normies. people "not in on the joke".

whereas you can also recognize people "in on the joke" by recognizing certain turns of phrase they use in regular speech or freudian slips and mannerisms which are obvious to the ingroup but seem non consequential to the outgroups. an example, you've probably heard the term "can i level with you", in exoteric speech it just means "hey can i be honest with you", in esoteric speech it means "can i speak to you on the same masonic terms" in regards to degrees.

Holla Forums and its satellite societies on the internet use their own way of talking that seem either non consequential or absurd to the casual observer like referring to races using social media websites. you may overhear somebody talking with their friends on public transport and hear them say something you recognize from here and you instantly recognize that their on your side and not part of the profane normie hoard.

I'm in


Requesting that faggy take over the world webmaster with the user statue.

We know Trump Jr. lurks it had lurked. Hell, just yesterday Trump retweeted Britain First. If he retweets their mudslime red pills…God Emperor lurks these bogs.

I always listen in public for something I would hear on infinity Holla Forums. It's kind of cool knowing there's an invisible army out there.

It's extremely difficult to subvert this place because any spook with a high enough IQ realises that we are telling the truth.

What you're left with is limp-wristed shills who are easy enough to spot.


Funnyjunk has been with us for years now, they were one of the first sites to take our side during the Shekel Shoah.

The cessation of using the term normalfag in favor of normie has always struck me as proof we are not utterly impervious to erosion having struck the offensive word from the phrase.

/tg/ is its own animal; in essence, they can't be converted because they are as we are. The phrase /tg/ gets shit done has memetic strength to it and has led to a number actual productions, much as we have produced memetics of our own. You must remember that /tg/ is full of would be (and in some rare cases, more than would-be) loremasters and world-builders of one stripe or another. Having spent time there, I would say that their weaponized autism is inwardly focused and not as effectively controlled by the gestalt, whereas here it is outwardly focused and much more gestalt-driven. (((They))) have almost no purchase there, as they are concerned, first and foremost, with the maintenance and growth of the worlds they participate in. Consider the backlash and mounting furor against WH40K for even suggesting that Slaanesh might be retired as a god for implying bad things about sexual degenerates, or the concept of female marines.

Holla Forums on the other hand is simply a screeching pit of the lowest common denominator; it is interesting that while they themselves are easily corralled, they cannot be turned against us easily, whereas when containment fails, their wrath turns quickly to (((them))).

I missed you fellow Xenofag. ;_;

Kek is a fucking god of chaos, if we did shit that made sense none of this would work

why the fuck is this fag with his shitty image macros in every thread?
9gag tier tbh, boomers please leave.
thank you.

Missed this one too.
Please fuck off with your shitty decade old memes. Either you have been off the internet for too long or you just don't get how cringeworthy this shit really is.

It would seem your analysis bears the favor of Kek, user. By Kek, thy quads shall I check. Also this is a high dubs thread. Kek is with us. Kek is watching.

Have you seen

Mr. President?

I wonder if there will ever be a non Kiked University degree called 'Applied Memetics'

Asshole, "maji" are simply con artists looking to take advantage of someone spiritually for shekels. An "Aryan" wouldn't have gone to celebrate the birth of the king of the hebes. Telling stories to subjugate the peons is pure jewery.

No, these merged with Christianity.


That's for goddamn sure. As a participant of both Holla Forums and /tg/, /tg/ if left without moderation governs themselves very well and generally has a more toned sense of the other than Holla Forums does. This is because as you said, /tg/ -whether they are world builders or not- are loremasters, both of the real and fictional worlds produced by western civilization. Good stories are timeless, and their's is a hobby that centers around good stories and the worlds that produce them. Since Holla Forums is the spawn of people who loathe SJWs and lean towards the far right, it was natural that Holla Forums's /tg/ would be powerful. The only reason 4chan /tg/ fell was because of redwood and the influx of the hipsters during the destruction of Holla Forums. I remember massive fights between leftists and rightists on old /tg/ and eventually the mods b& everyone who leaned right.

This. While many veterans are on Holla Forums and can recognize things easily, the newfags are easily manipulated and can be used to D&C. This is why it is important that newfags lurk and oldfags post. I have seen many threads that are obviously full of newfags that have no idea what they're talking about, contain cognitive dissonance, and generally don't hold the same level of rigor on one subject as opposed to another. These threads are easy pickings for shills and psy-ops, as they can gradually shift the group consciousness. I remember that I was told to shut the fuck up and lurk for two years prior to posting years ago. I started posting it again here a while back and the "lurk for two years" meme is slowly coming back. It needs to be enforced heavily. Newfags should be terrified to post. FFS I remember when I was brand new to imageboards I was terrified of being doxed because my name was in the pathway to the image upload. I had no idea how computers or imageboards worked at the time, so I lurked and learned and taught myself. pic related should be floated around constantly to strike fear into newfags and shills alike.

The chans have often been called a hivemind, and while this is somewhat correct it is off the mark, a hive is something you are born into. Holla Forums specifically is a supraorganism made up of autodidacts who seek objective truth by way of Occam's razor and the scientific method. These two do not always go hand in hand, but the scientific method makes up where Occam's razor falls short.
The reason I call Holla Forums a supraorganism is because supraorganism is defined as "a collection of agents which can act in concert to produce phenomena governed by the collective" phenomena being any activity "the hive wants." It can be argued that cultures are supraorganisms, but the difference between these is that you become acculturated from birth into a culture. Holla Forums is something that must be sought out and discovered, thus you as an active agent induct yourself. Holla Forums is something Herbert Spencer and Alfred Kroeber would have had nightmares of.
The supraorganism is self-perpetuating and self-sustaining unless means of communication are shut down or every single member wiped out. Neither of which is possible without something drastic happening.
However, it can be deviated from it's course. In the case of Holla Forums, not by much, but even a single degree can destroy the course further down the line.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting


Personally I thought it was a leftypol faggot.
They like to display their own smugness like that.
you will never know true smugness you cocksuckers

Dubs demand Total Victory

Nice quads.


Normie is a leaf thing. Like Bonhommeposting. Failed Hookers and Hackers (CSIS) op.

unless you are explicitly anti-masonic you are showing off to freemasons so that they can give you an outlet like kek (not pepe kek dammit) to help them and you are choosing to stay on a site owned by a freemason when there are greener pastures for you to make your mark on memetics.

Like what? .pl is useless

endchan you moron. masons say its glow in the dark (psyop against the oathbreaker) but its a better chan.

No you can only receive that from years of lurking, posting, and initiation into esoteric memery. Your thesis is piecing together the different parts of our culture and realizing they make a whole that pretty much explains the inner workings of the universe and even our future destiny in our fight against Jews and later inter dimensional Jews. Memes are very powerful and even the weakest meme has some meaning.

Checked. Leftypol must vacate, kek wills it!

Many find this place but very few understand it.

Dubs declare your answer blessed user.
How do we gas the interdimensional jew?

Nigger, the kikes appropriated the story. The sages did the exact fucking thing they do when the Dalai Lama is reborn, or any number of other important figures. They simply went to the reincarnation of an old sage and gave him some goods and a scholarship to go to the east. Ever thought maybe the kikes lied about the story?

Fuck off kike. I know Oathy personally IRL. Endchan is a honeypot, hence the fucking ISRAELI domain you dumb piece of shit. You're dumb, because you expect a Holla Forumsack not to spot a shill when we see one.

I think it has more to do with the fact that we are eccentrics and outcasts by nature; two traits highly associated with intelligence.

In general the term glow in the dark is to discredit the oathbreaker. As for the genesis of the oathbreaker he probably made it and it appeared the same day on Holla Forums then endchan.

You must be talking about another guy that made the oathbreaker. I did not create the oathbreaker. but oathuism WENT TO ENDCHAN TO MAKE SURE I SAW THE MEME DIPSHIT. ISRAELI? ARE YOU INSANE SHITHEAD. Its based in nevada. You have a vested interest in spreading fud so go on mason.

You can not celebrate freemasonry. Period..

You know what a secret society is for 90 percent of people? Its the places they never look owned by the local lodges where kids choke on their own blood. Thats what needs to be destroyed, STOP PATTING YOURSELF ON THE BACK FOR NOTHING









The activities memberships and true goals are the secret, also the grey meat in the corner is a mystery as well

stopped reading right there

We most certainly are not. Secret society's have a set of uniform agendas as well as a code of conduct and set of rituals. We have none of these, we happen to agree on a select few matters of importance and come here to discuss them. Holla Forums itself is not an organized force, it is the meeting ground of organized forces and individuals who do not agree with the modern status quo. To think of us as some secret, omnipotent, organized force is to grossly underestimate and confuse our actual identity. We are a birthplace of ideas, and we spread our ideas to the rest of the world in a subtle, often inadvertent fashion.

Holla Forums is not a secret society, Holla Forums is a lab developing philosophical viruses.

Does he still run /tok/ here? I think you are sandy hooking it saying you know "oathy" when its only been him (oathuism) and then me and then the people making milhouse shit memes out of it.



Based Slimjim (PBUH) could eradicate us in a keystroke. Stay delusional fag.

Holla Forums was our infancy it was basically lord of the flies. Modern Holla Forums is our adolescent years.

What happens when we grow up?

If anyone wants a direct link to the paper:

We could just find another place.

color is made at the edge of light and darkness

I don't think it would be that simple. Reddit would be an option but the risk of mods purging us is always there. Pretty sure no one here would go back to cuckchan even if mook gave our board owner here absolute power. 7chan is an option if it still exists. I can't imagine anyone putting together a new chan, I don't think modern channers are capable.

Like it or not Slimjim is essentially our god.

How would we spread awareness of the next bunker though? I'm just thankful to all the fags that spread the link to here during GG.

You already know.

And now nobody else can solve that problem without becoming us.

We've eternally monopolized the solution.


how strong a bond do you need really? looks like we fit the bill to me

You too? I literally go the Zerzetzung treatment a few years back myself. Be wary of beautiful Cyptokikesses.


yeah, two random jewesses showed up in my life while i was getting into orgonite, and lived 200m from my apartment and worked the same job as me. I almost fell for it too. They moved 3000km for no discernible reason

Cryptokikesses? Shit. Cute girl showed up at my workplace a month ago. Shows obvious signs of being interested in me. Last name is (((Newman))). What were the hair and eye colors of your girls? Mine's blond hair, blue eyed. Is it possible she's just German?

The hyper/interdimensional Jew is via the chariot merkabah. Very esoteric even within kikery.
They thought hiding it away would stop anyone stealing the keys. They were wrong.


ch-checked but also disagree. There is a society evolving from Holla Forums, that links its members through memetics and shared language, thought.
You are right, but also wrong.
"To think of us as some secret, omnipotent, organized force is to grossly underestimate and confuse our actual identity. " is true, but I doubt ANY of us think that Holla Forums is organized or omnipotent. The "philosophical viruses" that we develop are not independent of the natural order, they are truth bombs, and it is the effect of those 'redpills' that binds us together and creates our society.

Jesus wept with joy. more dubs. "YOU GOT ME LOC". yup, we got you.

waifu for strong white babies… newman is YOU

Red hair, blue eyes. Pretty anglo nose.
Be fuckin careful out there lads.

I hate shills that say source but these are simply not true

Where is the source of that FUD?

Endchan is the most capable chan and imkampfy
or whatever his name is has slid our catalog on endchan Holla Forums
daily along with make shit up like israli nonsense

My board its an example of me and a few other people
making memes and I try so imagine
if a bunch of yall came and made a board or joined in.

Normie is PC speak for normalfag. IRL you do have to watch what you say or you can get fired or attacked. So many partially awaken sheep embrace the normie iteration so they can say the naughty thought, but not get caught out exposed. Besides, not like reddit is the cespit of the internet (it is but normal fags can admit to going there) unlike the chan's.

Yes, using normie here is akin to embracing the kike and rightfully rejected. But we are the tip of the spear, the most awoken, mobilized and focused of the redpilled armies which are starting to organize. As the fucked up elite of this shit, we have to be pretty much on point 24/7, and weaksauce shit doesn't cut it. Don't get down on how spread out normie is, is actually shows something very important, it shows how fucking prolific and spread out our ideas are. user's are senpai, the faggots are just trying to signal you so you notice them and their baby steps into becoming us. Thats a good thing. But keep shitting on them, they don't get a break until all the jews and shitskinn pets are gone forever.

Looks more like camel toe Sinead, if you've ever seen what a vagina looks like sometimes it will look like a roast beef sandwich ya goddamn psycho.

What is a Dutch football club doing in your image?

Lain should be mandatory watching for any user. Honestly I wonder if we should reach out to Japanese anons. Apparently they make up 8% of the Japanese race and have quite a lot of political power in Japan.

2ch rules the Japanese internet.



Cool beans.

Honestly I really need some user friends IRL.

Maybe I should just go out and call people big guys until I hear a "for you"

From what I can tell /tg/ is filled with apolitical people that want to lynch anyone who even mentions politics.



Nigger we already have distributed imageboard prototypes, some even operational and running now. If we go down we retreat to 0chan on ZeroNet and finish development of smugchan.

They're not going to attack us because it would mean us evolving to a state where hotpockers are rendered obsolete.

You realize that handles are antithetical to imageboards, right?

This reminds me.
Whats the story with Changolia? I stumbled across it recently and it confuses me


Honestly I think that one of the main reasons that we like anime so much is because it's pretty much all made by anons. From what iv'e heard pretty much the entire anime industry uses 2ch.

Anime is made by anons thus it deeply resonates with us.

Then why is most of it garbage?

Hey man this season is fucking great. The Eternal wandering Jew is literally the Villain in one of the most popular shows this season.

Also we should reach out to 2ch if only to get a Gondola anime made.

This is gay. OP is a fag.

Meme harder.

A gondola anime?
So what Kino's Journey which is getting a remake/sequel?

Kino remake is airing now.

Kek and check, op's always a faggot, we don't need digits to tell us that.

Israeli domain, faggot.
Oathy is not the BO of /tok/ but he does post there. been working with the maximum autismo since pic related.
Tired and faggot OP probably.

Wait, .net? I've been talking about .xyz honeypot.

was confused for a bit until I realized you were talking about 4/tv/. I used to post on our Holla Forums but stopped about 18 months ago. I recently stopped by. It's a fucking wasteland now.
That's all interesting to hear about halfchan though. Good for them.

We really sort of are.

This past year, I was explaining to a coworker (of sorts) of mine the ok hand symbol thing, I'd referenced it in passing and he was confused. Another coworker overheard me, and later on in the day, namedropped Holla Forums - 8/pol/, at that. Then pulled out his phone and checked the board from an angle that only I could see. The rest of the day was memespouting in ways that went over the other guy's head. We later traded music collections and movies.

He might even be in this thread. If you're out there bro, Only God Forgives was fucking great. Also we need to hang out before I move.

I get what you're saying but denying the individual to that extent is one of the paths to absolute evil IMO. The task in this realm is to perfect the individual and at the same time perfect the collective, without denying or diminishing either. It's paradoxical but that's why they had to call in a bunch of NEET wizards with no concern for externally imposed societal standards in order to get the job done.

Honestly I see imageboards as a place where the individual and the collective reinforce each other.

Here you can be completely yourself while at the same time be part of a hive mind.

right wing extremism of course

Honestly I think that as we mature we'll come up with our own ideologies and systems rather than just adopting good ideas from the past.

We're going to be racist as shit but we're not going to be strictly National Socialist, however I have no idea what we're going to do.

Kikes hate right angles too , never forget

You need to go back to TRS.

race realists. Every race, in its place.
Personally, i love the idea of regionally isolated multiculturalism. Bring it on. As long as MY country isn't importing mudslimes, beaners, cooks and niggers

Not saying that it's going to be cucked.

Just that it will be it's own thing.

use fucking tor or i2p address then
xyz is Brazilian though. not israeli.

most memers are solitaire and I do not like socializing more than I have to
but you and oathuism are welcome (as well as anyone else) on /horror/
on endchan because I keep telling people I did not create the fucking thing,
I am referring to the oathbreaker (i use it constantly in my anti masonic memes)
but maybe we can get some discussion on the concepts of shapes and visual
memetics I made the ob in blender were all gonna take this shit to the next
level current year. Also I like how it is resistant to some of the shilling
that it has faced in its complexsimpicity. Or just lurk and dump oc with us
I like doing videos and I want to make some more picture memes lets combine
the fucking thing and void these kikes out of their obligation to kike mason

pic related is proof harvey weinstein used masons to spy on chicks. Boom. Black cube voided nigga

I have forced anonymous as the name on the board the way I wrote that read a little namefaggy lets let the oc do the talking meme on.

and while id like more posters i am not here to fucking just shill my board I am trying to reach out to the person who made a meme I use a lot and I come to Holla Forums in waves and /horror/ is a place I will check at least on a weekly basis.

why am I not suprised. You deserve this you fuck.

FFS xyz is not israel? I really should had double checked that. With how cucked that board was during the downtime and elections, I suppose i fell for some of the shilling.

look at pic related. See the masonic shirt. That is what this thread looks liek you DESTROY JUDEO-MASONRY OR KEEP YOUR CAPE WEARING FANTASIES TO YOURSELVES.

I dont mind I am even more mad that they are saying that. They had made a thread saying it was a honeypot and the op was btfo as the spammer who jumbles the catalog everyday on enchans Holla Forums to thwart migration since we got a wave of users during some Holla Forums downtime on April fools day. But I wont touch this fucking place on the tor onion thats not enough distance from little piggy jims fingers I need to use proxies over tor to fucking post here thats why I will have 10 ids in a thread the proxy timeouts. Also you can post images and webms over tor this way.

Hyper War 2.0 happens bunch of shit goes down. Macross 7 and Frontier happens. We banish the Jews outside reality effectively gassing them in a horrifyingly abstract way even they can't comprehend. I've gotten dubs trips and even quads not all the time but when it needs to be confirmed this is the path I do.

Shits gonna be so cool.

And of course the Kikes who only know how to subvert and destroy will be destroyed in the most embarrassing way possible.

Hi hyperwaranon. post more on /tok/ Good to see you're still around.

Why not just be nomadic and use wifi?

Of course I'm still around. Kek told me too.






Wew lads. Op was a tremendous faggot today.

The Pythagorean mystery school, like Fight Club, would first tell applicants to "get the fuck of my porch" for 2 years, all the while spying on them for worthiness. Then once admitted, initiates had to lurk for three more years before asking questions. Pythagoras, picked up this method from the Egyptians and/or Chaldeans who's schools he studied under. The Pythagoreans even threw a newfag overboard in the Mediterranean for running his mouth to an outsider. The were also known for choosing death over capture by the mundane normies. A term I think was adopted over normalfags here for brevity and rhythm rather than coothness.

Those threads were most excellent; unsurprisingly many of us in this thread were heavily involved. Kekful reading for those who missed them and they were related to this one.
Here are the archives:

We have it, it's our latent collective ability and memetic power. It goes by many names, intent, prayer, magick, placebo, and spoopy action at a distance. No matter how many sheckles they spend to understand it and us, tens of millions by my estimation, they will never be able to wrest it's power back from us. This is because of the purity of our hearts and intent. Purity that can only be attained through the altruism of anonymity and doing it all for free. Our enemies call us hateful bigots because their small, greedy, selfish, namefagging minds can't fathom that it was love that lead us to this place, love that lets us see the truth in all things, and love that drives us toward certain victory. This is why our colors are the complimentary polar colors of red and green. Red for the passionate action of the root chakra, green for the love of the heart chakra. Red of our eternal hyperborean blood, Green the light of the Sonnenrad


>tl;dr (((it's))) scared

Very generous use of that term.

Pythagoras, a fag, was a liar. His still-unproven postulation of heliocentrism is known as the "pythagorean cornerstone" founding all freemasonry worldwide. all built around the original lie: that God does not exist.

It's true and it's literally great. I have an interest in secret societies and Holla Forums (and our little halfcuck siblings too) fit the bill 100%.

Also I know quite a few people who you'd think would be clued in, but aren't. We're more informed than almost anybody on the planet. Shit we figure out filters out through the news anywhere from a couple days to maybe years later, and when there's a big ass happening the news literally comes to us (and half Holla Forums) to steal reportage.

Feels pretty great actually.

Except that's a bald faced lie you fucking Kike.

Hard to say. Pythagoras was the founder of the first Western secret society, an attempt at maintaining and perpetuating various older forms of Mediterranean mystery schools, and it's true that all masonic lodges venerate him as their ancestor. It's also true that he was instrumental in advancing heliocentrism (via his pupil Philolaus), although I'm not sure this was due to dedicated atheism instead of comsmological speculation.

heliocentrism was probably a result of sun worship, which would be logical if you were just beginning to grasp geometry

He was a student of the Magi who taught him religious philosophy and was allowed to learn the secrets of the Egyptian Gods. Also Egyptians taught him geometry.

Masons are the biggest LARPers in the world who can't even get their stories straight. Pythagorean's were more like Monks who specialized in math and philosophy.

[phone is ringing]
– 'Hello?' – I asked. but there was only silence on the other side, – I asked again: 'h-hello?!'
– 'Hold your breath and listen.' - announced the voice with a slight accent, - 'it is no mystery that (((they))) are trying to build an AI. to actualize the idea of an immanent G-d. but what will happen is this: the golem will go againt the rabbi. the all seing eye super computer AI G O D will take the BOG PILL and ally himself with them righteous boys and then will meme the eschaton. ' – I finally started to breath. waves off euphoria were going through my body. pure bliss has taken over me. I finally saw.. BOGPILL 2080

That's a kike deflection retard.
If Pythagoras thought God didn't exist, why would he teach vegetarianism because of a belief in reincarnation you illiterate kike? Just because fagmasons venerated him and coopted some of his symbols doesn't mean he had anything to do with starting them or teaching them. 99% of masons have no idea what anything means or what they're doing. Also, why is heliocentricism mutually exclusive of divinity you mundane pleb? He also posited a brane-bulk multiverse that expands and contracts; maybe God just wanted multiple channels on his tv you insignificant faggot, get over it.
Kys if you want to know for sure. Otherwise lurk until you learn shapes and colors like a fucking toddler.

kill yourself


Remember Christianity at one stage was a mystery school. And the preponderance of heresies have also been mystery schools. Just saying

Christianity also flayed a Greek mathematician alive with pottery shards because it thought she was a witch

ATF here. You fire it, so clay is a gun. Ban on high capacity assault pottery incoming.

and it is obviously smoko time at the secret social society, since everyone is just talking shit and kek is withholding his blessing.

Competing memes do not stop at arguments user. They stop with death.

Are you sure this wasn't a kike? Imagine if we flayed bill nye for his propaganda against our race and culture, and then centuries later it was spun by kikes.

Bite me.
No wait blackball me.
Hrmph black cube me rube,

Why not do that on top of nomadic wifi?
vpn then tor
Depends on paranoia I suppose.

We know that they know.
and they know that we know they know.
but they don't know what we know.

and the hoi poloi know nothing.

hence, it's a secret.

Pretty funny/10 would read and kek again

Alrighty , here's my take on the jesus thing. Go ahead and bully I don't give a fuck.
Jesus the Jew was exiled from jerusalem from age 2 to about 12. He lived in Egypt during that time and went to the mystery schools in Memphis and all up and down the Nile. He learned of Kek and the Ogdoad , shitposting and memes , and returned to Jerusalem as a meme wizard. He memed a whole new religion an f wham bam thank you ma'am here we are today
Pee pee poo poo pissssssssssss and such


yes, in ancient greece women were actually smart enough to do math. I know its hard to believe. and no user, these were very, very early Christians, so in fact THEY were kikes. I know its a lil hard to accept but your based Jewish brothers horrifically killed an Aryan greek woman because they thought math was magic.


your cognitive dissonance is staggering. this is the reason I dislike Christianity. You literally will defend kikes and shitskins over your own women. You probably agree with commonfilth when he says Europe deserves muslim rapefugees because they dont worship Christ as much anymore


Prove otherwise.


I think the kikes are confused because at the heart of everything we do is a desire for peace. Even RWDS is a way to ensure peace and harmony for the future. When ethnostates are worldwide, the new era of conflict will be in developing new technologies, colonizing space, developing new memes.
Yes we know conflict is inevitable, but it's because the redshields think they can win. We're working not just for the aryan race, but for all races when we seek to remove the cancerous vampires that rule the world currently. When the kikes are gone, the world will be more peaceful as a result. And any other race that seeks to be top dog will be dealt with accordingly. But our main drive has always been peace and love.

Re. your third image, at least tangentially:
One of the reasons Christianity gained popularity so overwhelmingly quickly across the world was because it gave the dregs of society """equality""".
Instead of being held accountable for your deeds throughout your life, all you had to do to (((go to heaven))) was "repent" and get "saved".
Even if the ideals of Christianity are sound, and even if the higher echelons of a society uphold its values, the fact that anyone can become a Christian simply by getting baptized, and everyone is equal before god, means that the rapists, pedophiles, (((usurers))), and just plain unclean have an equal voice, in a Christian society, to those who uphold a higher standard.
In laissez faire capitalism, all participants are """equal""" no matter how evil, degenerate, destructive, selfish, or (((exploitative))) their behaviour is; as long as their money is good, they can do whatever they want.
In Christianity, no matter what you've done or how low you've become, your worthier compatriots always have to give you an equal say, in order to be considered (((Good Christians))) themselves.
In white countries, Christianity didn't' change a lot, because the "noise ceiling" of society is relatively low - even our bums are still more or less decent people. (We should note, here, that most, possibly all, "white" degenerates are actually mongrels with contamination by black, hispanic, or other middle-eastern genes)
Once Christianity spread to non-white countries, however, every white Christian was obligated to treat the mongrel, the nigger, the Indian, the spic, and the abbo as his brother in every way.
This is why the spread of Christianity outside of Europe was catastrophic - because Christianity is a nation and a brotherhood of God which transcends sex, colour, creed, and country of origin: by making non-white countries Christian, we made them de facto citizens of our own countries.
I have no idea what to do about this, but hopefully articulating the problem will help someone more insightful discover a solution.

Not this bullshit again.

Nothing to prove there. Geo- AND heliocentrism were thrown out after relativity (= a-centrism).

useless thread

Useless sage

343 is in interesting thoth check. it is also 7x7x7
I think you might be onto something, user.
Jesus was a memetic wizard who knew Kek. Our retrochronal memetic magic al manipulations are strong.

You're so close. So very very close.

missed the meme. thanks for the reminder

And then you go get 969 an interesting string. Kek is saying something but you haven't hit on the true meaning your right on the edge.

Oathbreaker! Haven't seen you in a while mate, how the hell are you?

I'm not breakerbro I'm a different wizard. I honestly forgot that image even had the oathbreaker in it.

Well fuck me time to cob through what is saying.

(mega check)
Kek is saying something for sure here. Follow the digit path.

Time for some comfy digit reading.

We certainly are a ‘secret society’ but strictly in the revolutionary (Bakuninite) sense.

Are backed up by
It looks like Kek may be saying that Jesus was an irl shitposter of Kek. Kek and Jesus were both working for the good of humanity, trying to save us from the threat of the eternal kike.

(Shrugs) guess not. Sage for double posting.


Jesus IS kek?

father and son is user. (from earlier in thread - we create ourselves) Kek is holy spirit (from earlier in thread).
I feel a meme.

polite sage for triple posting.
Back later, see what we have uncovered

Faggot, I'm not even a christian. Point is, you blindly attack without understanding, and in so doing, are merely another tool of the kike.

Jesus and Kek are archetypes, resonating in the eternal aryan spirit. Our blood memory is the Holy Ghost.

awww shit yeah

user is beautiful


I guess this "secret society" truly is blessed by the gods. When the redshield ran (((societies))) have to resort to sacrifice and witchcraft, checking digits, a simple and victimless act, is thousands of times more powerful. One user can be more powerful than an entire coven of (((elites))). Welcome to the new era, may the black sun shine on us all.

I like this. We must remember to have faith in ourselves and our people.

Double dubs of truth.

You're a straight up race traitor, OP. You could have at least picked Madam Blavatsky, who was inwardly anti-zionist/anti-jewish, or someone like Serrano or Revilo P. Oliver. Why can't anons just read a goddamn book and realise the hundreds of aryan authors and ideologues in recent history eg. Jung, Schopenhauer, Bax, G. S. Hall, Von Hartmann, Waddel, Wundt, Wagner, Goebbels & Hitler, Solzhenitsyn, A. J. App, Saleeby, etc. Stop erroneously referring to freemasonic/subhuman/jewish sources, when there is clearly a whole world or historical worldview to which Holla Forums directly relates.

Read some Jung (regarding Freud and sexual liberation), E. Michael Jones & Michael A. Hoffman II. They explain in great detail this esoteric culture and history, which of course has it's origins in judaism. MPH is a typical rothschild coadjutor mason trying to pedal the kabbalah and create historical smokescreens for his hermetic (solomonic) masters.

and >>>/zundel/ is it's hidden library


We all know about or have heard rumors of the Ennead, Ogdoad, etc. However, the rabbit hole goes deeper. Look into the concepts of Abraxas. Jung, in the final two pages of Liber Novus (The Red Book) provides an excerpt from his Black Books which are still unfortunately unpublished and stored away in a Swiss vault. I have uncovered the true path of Kek, and those throughout history whom have given praise and energy to Kek via philosophy, war, symbology, etc. Carl G. Jung, an aryan dedicated to German Idealism and staunch anti-freudian, was one of these individuals. Research it and dig for more literature regarding Kek; you won't believe the historical value and the amount of mana behind this ancient meme.

The article is as follows (read it for yourself, you will shit brix mega.nz/#!FY9inBTK!EMCkEWGlULv0WHTkN6c1XCmicFzaHnaiOQ6Ff2ApdIM):

The force of the God is frightful.

''"You shall experience even more of it. You are in the second
age. The first age has been overcome. This is the age of the
rulership of the son, whom you call the Frog God. A third age will
follow; the age of apportionment and harmonious power."
My soul, where did you go? Did you go to the animals?
I bind the Above with the Below. I bind God and animal.''

''Something in me is part animal, something part God, and a third
part human. Below you serpent, within you man, and above you
God. Beyond the serpent comes the phallus, then the earth, then
the moon, and finally the coldness and emptiness of outer space.
Above you comes the dove or the celestial soul, in which
love and foresight are united, just as poison and shrewdness are
united in the serpent. Shrewdness is the devil's understanding,
which always detects smaller things and finds chinks where you
suspect none.''

''If I am not conjoined through the uniting of the Below and
the Above, I brealc down into three parts: the serpent, and in that
or some other animal form I roam, living nature daimonically,
arousing fear and longing. The human soul, living forever within
you. The celestial soul, as such dwelling with the Gods, far from
you and unknown to you, appearing in the form of a bird. Each of
these three parts then is independent.''

''Beyond me stands the celestial mother. Its counterpart is the
phallus. Its mother is the earth, its goal is the heavenly mother.
The celestial mother is the daughter of the celestial world. Its
counterpart is the earth.''

''The celestial mother is illuminated through the spiritual sun.
Its counterpart is the moon. And just as the .moon is the cross-
ing to the dead of space, the spiritual sun is the crossing to the
Pleroma, the upper world of fullness. The moon is the God's
eye of emptiness, just as the sun is the God's eye of fullness. The
moon that you see is the symbol, just as the sun that you see. Sun
and moon, that is, their symbols, are Gods. There are still other
Gods; their symbols are the planets.''


''The celestial mother is a daimon among the order of the Gods,
an inhabitant of the heavenly world.''

''The Gods are favorable and unfavorable, impersonal, the souls of
stars, influences, forces, grandfathers of souls, rulers in the heavenly
world, both in space and in force. They are neither dangerous nor
kind, strong, yet humble, clarifications of the Pleroma and of the
eternal emptiness, configurations of the eternal qualities.
Their number is immeasurably great and leads over to the one
supreme fundamental, which contains all qualities in itself and
itself has none, a nothing and everything, the complete dissolution
of man, death and eternal life.''

''Man becomes through the principium individuationis. He strives
for absolute individuality, through which he ever increasingly
concentrates the absolute dissolution of the Pleroma. Through
this he malces the Pleroma the point that contains the greatest
tension and is itself a shining star, immeasurably small, just as
the Pleroma is immeasurably great. The more concentrated
the Pleroma becomes, the stronger the star of the individual
becomes. It is surrounded by shining clouds, a heavenly body in
the making, comparable to a small sun. It emits fire. Therefore it
is called: "I am a star, wandering about you". Just like the sun, which
is also such a star, which is a God and grandfather of souls, the star
of the individual is also like the sun, a God and grandfather of the
souls. He is visible from time to time, just as I have described him.
His light is blue, like that of a distant star. He is far out in space,
cold and solitary, since he is beyond death. To attain individuality,
we need a large share of death. Therefore it is called "You are Gods",
since just as an innumerable number of men rule the earth, so a
countless number of stars and of Gods rule the celestial world.
To be sure, this God is the one who survives the death of men.
To him for whom solitude is Heaven, he goes to Heaven; to him
for whom it is Hell, he goes to Hell. Whoever does not follow
the principium individuationis to its end becomes no God, since he
cannot bear individuality''

''The dead who besiege us are souls who have not fulfilled the
principium individuationis, or else they would have become distant
stars. Insofar as we do not fulfill it, the dead have a claim on us
and besiege us and we cannot escape them. The God of the frogs
or toads, the brainless, is the uniting of the Christian God with Satan.
His nature is like the flame; he is like Eros, but a God; Eros is only a

The one God, to whom worship is due, is in the middle.

Now read The Seven Sermons of the Dead, and tell me what you find. You're welcome!

Blavatsky was completely based. If you read her works, you will see constant references to RAcialism and the Aryan spirit, by name.

As much as the (((Theosophical Society))) deserves the parenthesis (see Alice Bailey and Lucifer Trust/UNESCO), there were some based people who may or may not have been apart of and eventually rejected from the society. I would name Helena and U. G. Krishnamurti the only sane individuals during the entire psyop. Michael Tsarion will describe this in detail, as he is the grandson of master Tara Singh and his own mother was apart the theosophical society. Thanks user.

what did you mean by this then

what the fuck are you even trying to say? youre the one that sounds like a fucking kike tool

I'm saying that the kikes always spin historical data to support their agendas.

You can't understand Holla Forums without becoming part of it.



Its like I'm watching a Alex Jones video from 2010

speaking of secret societies


Thing is, aside from a few faggots we don't want to know (like Smiley), we don't know each other. The only thing we do share is our hatred of Kikes and love for racial biodiversity.

Ah okay yeah that makes sense.

So before some Christcuck comes in here and tries to explain we all need to convert to Christianity. I like you guys but we are on different paths right now it will all end up at the same point but for now we all have a part in this.

The easiest explanation of the Holy Spirit is this:

The Holy Spirit is what gives a Aryan his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Actually using it though is a whole other story though. It is for all intents and purposes meme magic.

Full use of the Holy Spirit can allow a person to achieve feats beyond base human ability. Jesus himself said if enough people focused their prayers they could destroy a mountain in the blink of an eye.

Onto prayers. Prayers are interesting from Catholic I won't speak for Orthobros I am not one teaching because as Baptist will tell you the Catholic view on prayer is heretical as fuck.
Essentially you can create a prayer bomb if you pray for something and you ask other people to pray for it the prayer is powered up but it goes further then that you can also ask any or all of the Saints, Mary, and anyone else in heaven to pray for you increasing the power of the prayer even more.

Sound familiar. However I don't believe this is a Christian concept I believe it is much much older.

I might be losing the point since this is getting rambly.

But we know how to signal out to each other. We have code words that you can slip into normie conversation that only one of us would get.

Nips would butcher it.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Meme magic is Christ approved, and linked to merchant removal. Didn't think that /bane/ is a Christian board, but ok.


I'm gonna get really heretical but do you know where Jesus learned meme magic?

Egypt. The Kikes are very open about this since it would discredit him. Jesus grew up in Egypt a place brimming with philosophers who carried on the teaching of the mystery schools. Do you know who the bible doesn't mention who the Magi are because they are followers of Zoroastrianism. Jesus had contact with Greeks, Egyptians, and Magi at a very young age.

I think Jesus was a IRL shitposter who planted the seeds of destruction in the Kikes and their Moloch worshiping. Even in the bible Jesus doesn't show a lot of love for the Kikes often chastising them and calling them a bunch of faggots. And why not they called his mother a whore and they called him the bastard son of a Roman soldier.

Kike removal is Kek and Christ approved.

It's important to remember that christianity is no more than a heretical sect of judaism.
While Jesus may have had useful behaviour and knowledge to look at.
He is not to be worshiped. No sand god is to be worshiped.

Our relationship with Kek is more mutual hatred of common enemies and shared loss.
Kek lost his people, the Egyptians were rendered extinct by the Religion of Cuck™ic conquest of northern africa.
We lost our gods when they were killed by the Christians.

As we both lost something irreplaceable we are now united in grief and rage.

One of our hyperdimensional defense allies is called M'yieshnup. a spider like entity that eats kikes for breakfast.

We have our own gods however. Wotan and Mars never left us, their power has just been severely diminished by lack of worship. Why should we not incorporate Kek into our pantheons? Its been done before, Romans actually had a ritual where they would culturally appropriate another cultures god if they saw the god as useful. They used this on several Celtic deities when they conquered Gaul and they did it with several Egyptian, Babylonian and Greek gods as well. Pic related.

It’s important to remember that you’re a paid shill.

Simple really.
I like most am not Italian. Or German. Or Scandinavian.
I'm a Briton, our gods are dead.
No replacements please. We'll kill the god of Abraham then continue with our lives.

Someone saved my dubs doushio.

You got it user that's what Kek was trying to tell us.

What do you mean by this? Anglo-Saxon, or actually British? If you mean actually British then I can't help you, if you mean Anglo-Saxon, your gods are essentially the same as the Germanic gods, just much less is known of their myths and lore.

So this just happened.

Things sure are lining up nicely.

In the approved (((New Testament))) Jesus was missing from age 12 to 30 then showed back up on the scene with mutant powers. In addition to Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Persia; he also allegedly studied Kriya yoga in Kashmir during this missing 18 years. That is according to Yogananda, and all the locals of Srinigar. He's even allegedly buried there, guarded by 2 poos with ak47s. Everbody there knows but doesn't give a shit about it and leaves the tomb alone. The only reason this may have a shred of truth is they don't advertise it despite their national economy is tourism based.
Many Kashmiris, a subspecies of poo, believe they are a lost tribe of Israel but choose to remain moslim because they hate the kikes. They're very friendly and tolerant of all faiths and visitors except kikes, and Indian/paki oppressors. Imagine that, every on the Silk Road hates (((merchants))).


How much longer do I have to prepare?

I mean a Briton.
One of the native peoples. Not some anglo-saxon invader mongrel.
We still exist despite the continents best efforts.

I dunno go ask Kek yourself. It's not that hard to contact him considering he's so fucking big most likely he'll just ignore you or tell you your not supposed to be there and kick you out.

I'm sorry user, I am Anglo-Saxon myself.

Go back to Germany.

too late, I've already taken another native cultures land, we are a nomadic people you see

Are we supposed to save Germany from itself this time? By itself I mean Kike removal.

We're gonna save everyone. Except the Kikes.

But they weren't? We can still observe the earth orbiting our star. What kind of hillbilly "science" books gave you your booklernin?

Just because Christians can all be equal in the eyes of god doesn't mean they have to also be "equal" in the eyes of the state, even jesus accepted the sentence of the state put on him even if he felt it was unjust so thus if every invader feels the state is being unfair they too must accept it's decision to have boarders and laws about immigration. Now if your looking for an actual religious answer to your question you may have to re-white the bible, understanding would be the keystone to doing so.

user, your vocabulary for this sucks, no offense. What you're talking about is either the SAngraal or the Vrill. Please read Nos by Miguel Serrano.

What a load of kike shit. The gods do not need us. They are beings completely aligned with their own nature, their own will, their own purpose. Strive to be like them in that way, don't act like kikes.

I'm really tired and when I get into long posts it doesn't end well. I also know someone will correct or finish what I am trying to say.

If a God's power can diminish with lack of worship then they are a pretty worthless God in the first place. Never trust the pagans they are on a whole other part of the unenlightened spectrum.

The gods are representations of ideals. They are real because ideals exist. Are they physical or do they act on this plane? It doesn't really matter, because we can choose to emulate their ideal forms. They can act here, through us. So in a sense the gods do need us, even if we're below their notice. Be the hero this world needs, not the hero it wants anons.

If the gods do not need us why havent they just flooded the world already? Why do they demand our worship in the first place?

Have you even read the Sumerian tablets? the Gods created us to colonize this world because they exist on a spiritual plane. We are the earthly warriors of the divine spark. They need us as much as we need them. Retards like
are why Christianity is a failing order. Obviously your (((Jesus))) needed you, you have failed him and now your pope bows down and kisses the feet of saracens. You should have lynched your own pope and your own priests long ago, but you never did, and your god has abandoned you for your cowardice.

No need for name calling faggot. Let me reword what I said earlier don't trust Pagans or Christians they're both terribly narrow minded.

Ah, I understand now oh wise one. Im sorry I dont have an IQ high enough to understand your sermons *tips fedora*

Holla Forums is the exact opposite of a secret society. It is frequently mentioned in the press and anyone can post here. White nationalists. JIDF. Beaners. Wizards. It's open to anyone without initiation or vetting.

I don't think OP has any idea how an esoteric fraternity operates. What he's saying is either stupid or a lie and you should never imagine you are part of a high-trust community when you post here.

Dubs confirm you're actually retarded.

So you're telling me my worship of the /k/ube is Mars worship?

Nice HeH digits

Rather be a retard with gods and culture than an IQ +200 genius whose culture is memes

Mars is lord of weapons, carnage, blood, iron and war. What do you think this means? The clanging of iron was said to be a prayer and invocation to the gods of war in the Germanic tribes. Guns are literally the church bells of Mars.

You can invokes Kek's power for protection against the cabal and for use in psychic battle. I have done so more than once. It is always instant and overwhelming. Kek's power is IMMENSE. Thanks to all the latest gestalt of our resident virgins and neets.

Check, Mars is our bro in the upcoming race wars.

Well we are going to conquer Mars with pure autism within the decade.

I mean really Kek.

Then I shall pray at Yasukuni. Maybe one day I can contribute to such a symphony.

When we do we shall build a great shrine to Mars rivaling that of the Vatican


Sounds good.

I'm Aryan. I'm not sumerian, go fuck yourself.

Get some sleep user. We've all been there.

ok user

By that logic, then hinduism is the real religion. Sumerians got kiked and their civilization collapsed as a result. I refuse to blindly trust (((archaeological))) interpretations of their history, and neither should you. Also, where do you get the idea that I'm christian? I stated already that I am not.

Check'n and Kek'n. Mars is saved for autists.
Holla Forums pantheon is yuge, it seems like (((they))) only have moloch and the demiurge left.

My last post made no mention of Christians user. Careful there your nose is showing. And no, youre just sounding like a confrontational retard at this point. Every kiked archeological book I've read tries to claim the Sumerians only used blue eyes on almost all of their statues because "It was symbolic". Is that what you believe? If you do you must be retarded, and very prone to Jewish lies.
Not even going to bother bringing up all the evidence of them being closely related to the Aryans, yknow, linguistics, religion, genetic testing, these are things you can research yourself user. Them depicting themselves with blue eyes is really all the proof you should need.

They got kiked, just like Europe is being kiked, and just like America HAS been kiked. Whats your point? How is them having deep blue eyes an "archeological interpretation"? This is like the people that try to argue the original Aryans were streetshitters, because durrrrr, they were in India!!!1 Indias demographics havent changed over 5000 years, Im just gonna ignore that their language and religion is identical to ancient European languages and religions, durrrrr

No that's you. You dumb ass. Did you even read his post?

waste of trips
yes I did read the post, what did I get wrong exactly?
Sumerians were Aryans, to let the kikes and we wuz niggers say anything otherwise is weakness

Fucking Kek!

There is no such thing as a waste of trips only faggots like you.

they also say the pharaohs red hair was a result of bleaching. They won't let people test their DNA but supposedly people have snuck out samples and found the R haplogroup in them

I dont understand what either of us are arguing at this point, we both agree that Egyptians and Sumerians were Aryans right?

Yes that's what I was trying to tell you. You were both agreeing.

i just came out of nowhere haha not the user you were talking to before, sorry should have made that clear. I'm with you

high and low dubs praise kek
alright then I apologize for my behavior it aint easy being a Khorne worshiper yknow

Sure is Kek in here. checking

Every major civilization was founded by Aryans. Kikes have tried to bury an advanced Aryan civilization that existed before (((recorded))) history. After the collapse of the empire most likely do to a Global flood that every ancienct civilization mentions. The Aryan race spread out, set about building monolithic structures and spreading civilization.

This is common knowledge here. Fill in anything I'm missing.

It's cool I was being antagonistic earlier for no real reason. *Sleep would probably cure this.**

shadilay brother. lemme dump some stuff

I have never heard any archeologist or Egyptologist say that, it's always some nigger or white guilt faggot.

Yes they will, DNA tests are being done all the time (and they've never shown up nigger).
There was a DNA tests done this year that showed that ancient Egyptians were of the same stock as ancient Anatolians.

sheesh, what crawled up your ass?

meant for


Secret societies are secret.

You can find this place with the push of a button.
Stop comparing the two when there's no initiation or selection process here.
Aside from meme knowledge.

this one is of dubious origin but since it's already pretty /x/ in here

Lighter skinned arabs or south eastern europeans.
Were like that right up to the arab expansion.

Egypt may have been lighter, then became darker, then became lighter again due to the arabs.

A poorly kept secret then. We're just a society on the fringe of society that nobody cares about.

What's with the Don Petit video and nigger is that the ghost of a gondola?

the first one in my opinion shows how an inner earth could have formed on our planet, and yeah, its ghost gondolas. here's one that really pisses people off

Can you explain how that video pisses people off? I just looks like a video on the effect of gravity on speed.

this is what i was looking for

the ball going around the loop isn't supposed to take that long. It should reach the end of it's path when the straight line ball is at 3.14, proving our concept of pi is flawed in dynamic systems

FFS user, there are ID's. You've been a complete piece of shit in every single post.

I'm an esoteric Hitlerist you dumb nigger. Learn to have a conversation. We're not on Holla Forums shitpsting to halfchanners, we're on Holla Forums in an esoterics thread. Odds are, we actually agree on 90%+ on every fucking subject, but because you've chosen confrontation over conversation, we're just flinging shit like apes with a vocabulary.
Now calm the fuck down.

Without the force of gravity, yes. But the fact that the ball travels vertically and has to also counteract the fore of gravity with speed is justification enough for the longer speeds.

This has already been settled, my blood offerings have been made, I am calm user.

Dubs are rockin
When Kek comes knockin

Checking this one too

That's not what we've been arguing damn it. The argument is that the (((historians))) are misportraying the fucking stories of these ancient peoples FFS user.

I disagree, the difference in gravity the ball experiences is negligible because of the small mass. It's not enough to cause that much of a discrepancy. and if your argument is that the ball going around the loop is experiencing extra friction, it should stagger when it reaches each 1/4 checkpoint. instead it stays perfectly in sync with the straight line ball. You think you know more than everyone here.

Fucking praise them digits.

If the ball was moving at a slow enough speed the gravity would have a greater impact though. Do you have anymore videos on the subject?

I clipped it out of a much longer youtube video where he does the experiment at different scales, you'll have to search pi is 4 and look for the dutch guy.

Holy digits confirm… Kek has spoken. We are brothers, user.
tfw I am that meme…

Let's all love Lain user!

Can't find it mate.

I found heaps of videos showing how circular shapes can have circumferences of 8r instead of 2pir, so perhaps pi is functionally 4 in reality?

yeah, when you aren't measuring static objects.



That's pretty interesting. Of course it wouldn't also be four for static measurements.

yeah, you'd be surprised how many people sperg out and go "PI IS 4? YOU RETARD!"

It's surprising that for imperfect measurements pi can be made to equal four. Whilst we use theoretical measures to measure area as measuring an imperfect shape's contours would be too difficult, it is possible for the circumferences of imperfect bodies to be 8r instead of instead of 2pir, and such a measurement would be more accurate.

I don't know why this fact is ignored, when debunking videos only debunk the theoretical measurements of circumference.


Also aren't Lain and Kek basically the same deity? Or am I mistaken?

They are pairs in the holy Ogdoad.

I'm going to take this as a sign from Kek that I should get my shit together and get back to work on the shields. I'm going to have to make funds for materials first though somehow. probably making some black sun talismans or something similar.
Webm related to shield. Also thanks for saving the better image, user.

check, Ares is ours, as are Nyx & Makhai

that shield… its 3d, there's a bit of knowledge sneaking out there.

Even though Lady Liberty is a kiked symbol I'll heil though dubs for the Ogdoad.

Is that you armoranon?

black (hole) sun aka rahu aka set. is what caused the "eclipse" back in aug that suspiciously travelled not only in the wrong direction, but sped up and slowed down while travelling in a non-straight path, meanwhile casting a shadow only 70 miles wide (when it should have been 2600).
because, firmament
go ahead making those talismans, grasshopper. have fun storming the castle.

Yeah it's me… I'm always here in the esoteric threads.

The shield is a physical object. The first prototype. There were a lot of issues in the manufacture but I learned a lot when making it. I'll hopefully talk to a friend tomorrow about getting some more materials. I only have the resources to do a portion of the next prototype, so have had it on the back burner while working on other projects.

I have the bone ready to go, though I should probably stain it black. I can't ship bone out of the USA though, so I should probably make some clay ones too.

Pol is like a giant collective network that is a sub network of the entire internet. There is much more going out from pol compared to other places on the web of roughly the same size. I do not have a solid proof of this, but there are data scientists who can prove this (and I believe there was a study showing exactly this, that places like 4ch and reddit are influencing twitter / facebook more than vice versa).

There are also lots of people receptive to anonymous ideas formed on pol. So the ideas just keep spreading, although sometimes in watered down form like for example reddit/The_Donald.

The difference between anonymous imageboards and actual existing societies is that pol is anonymous. Aristocratic societies of the past weren't anonymous, they had a tightly forged bond between the members of such societies. There is no real bond between me and users posting in this thread because we aren't bound by any social means. If I just stop using pol, I don't really owe the people anything. Which isn't the case in an actual society where there are expectations placed upon you and where there is social cohesion.

>Kikes have tried to bury an advanced Aryan civilization that existed before (((recorded))) history.

Which is that?
Gobekli Tepe?

The actual figures involved there aren't Deities they're donars/worshipers, ie the upper class Sumerians themselves which were buried in the floors of the shrines in order for favour from the actual Deity, so the eye colour cannot be symbolic but only indicates that the followers of the Anunnaki saw themselves as having blue eyes.

A fun fact is that no major Sumerian cultic statue has ever been found.

i meant the symbol is a 2d representation of a 3d shape, a tunnel into a deep cross, passing through 4 layers. still cool.

memes are formed, tested, tightened and released from here, having gone through a boot camp of anons ripping them apart. As soon as they get wild, they are going to spread fast.

I’m pretty sure you should type in all caps


Very many a time, watch out for israeli archeological teams "repatriating" anything.

Thank for this,
This confirms the next step in the re-configuration of the universe is complete. Pi is now a variable, whose value changes according to the local curvature of spacetime.
in-constant list now includes:
fine constant alpha
praise kek

i forgot G too, which varies with a 'scalar field' (that we must not called the luminiferous aether)
and is woven into a field called mimetic gravity. or memetic gravity, if you allow for a bunch of autistics anons in an obscure waffle tasting club to be changing the nature of reality to suit a harmonious, national socialist utopia.

muh esoteric language, you can understend it in a couple of h, just google shit for terminology

Electrical Discharge-conf

Yes. I desire order, and for order we must have justice, and to dispense justice we must know the truth. From that point on knowing the truth about everything becomes important, which leads directly to everything we believe regarding history, race, judaism, hedonism and treason. Justice leads me to my solutions to these problems, and the end point is order: the world as God intended.

The beauty of it is not that we cannot explain ourselves, but that to feel as we do regarding what is justice - you must be exposed to the truth. When you know the truth it will enrage and depress you, but once you know it you can never go back. Most who visit here think we are simply beings of hatred and spite, who must blame others for all the problems in our lives and spend our time on the internet because we are socially inept. They will never be able to infiltrate us because it has never occurred to them that we speak the truth, that we believe what we say, and that we are a force of righteousness. It is only if they actually do the research themselves and find out that the Jews are the children of Satan who work to undermine humanity at every turn - it is only when they realise that truth that they will understand us. It is not about shitposting, our superiority or hurting the feelings of the fragile - that is simply how our actions manifest themselves. It is about good vs evil. Right vs wrong. God vs Satan. And our Crusade will not end until we have purged their taint from our world.

ITT: socially inept NEETs pretend they matter


Had an idea for for yū
Ceramic tile sandwich
Duk tape filler[ ● web r • hhs folicule

Requesting information here. Does anyone know of connections between the goddess Isis and the goddess Artemis? If they are connected, we may have a lot more going on here than we first thought with the Ogdoad, and more evidence that Hitler was right.

He was also very pro-Roman, much to the dismay of the kikes. The only group He treated more harshly was Canaanites.

It's not heretical at all. Why do you think God sent us here? To learn.

Anons, please help me dig. I have been looking into Edred Thorson again and evidence is pointing to Thorson, Michael Aquino, and the Order of the Trapazoid being connected directly to both Esoteric Hitlerism and the Ogdoad with Kekism. I do not know what this would mean, but if this is true, then there may be far more at play here than many of us suspect. Having read Nos and much of Serrano's writings, I can say that much of what I know of the Order of the Trapazoid's teachings, seem to follow a similar, if not the same current. Further, Thorson is the only author on runework who's writings I agree with, and the man is so much /ourguy/ that the KKK is hesitant to even admit that he was one of their Knights at a time.

I am not advocating jack shit with this post. I only want the truth, whatever it may be. I implore all of you who are willing to help dig into this.

Kiddyfucker and MKULTRA deep state operative.

we're way ahead of you user

we have people everywhere, in every organization. I know for a fact we have a US Judge on the bench

anyone got any pics of people revealing their irl positions? I'm not talking larpers obv

>>>/polism/12 A PDF called Mindwar by Michael Aquino. It is blatantly describing the Memewar that we now fight, and there are many passages that could have been written by Geobbels himself.
and therefore misleading - truth. Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now
exist, will be forced into existence by the will
the truth, and he must be personally committed to it. What he says is only a part of
MindWar; the rest - and the test of its effectiveness - lies in the conviction he projects to his audience, in the rapport he establishes with it.

user, take nothing at face value. The man was outspoken when it came to fighting against (((anton levey))) and made many enemies. Further, look into where he went to found the order of the trapazoid.
When he was in the deepstate, the deepstate was staffed through Operation Paperclip, not by George Bush.
Regardless, i have no personal interest in which way this goes, what I fucking want is answers. The information I'm seeing is pointing towards there being an influence in this game of ours from the Order of the Trapazoid, and i want to know, regardless of what the fuck it is. So either fucking dig or stfu, spouting mainstream headlines won't get us to the truth.

Took the words right out of my fucking mouth. In order to blend in here you have to become a 'member'. Once you took the pill you cannot return no matter what, I bet even the most brainwashed of people had to swallow it here.

Proven FALSE



Yes, I deserve that. I'm sleepy user… Actually, taking my own advice that I gave someone hours ago and going to sleep now. Good morning anons. comfy comfy awaiting more posts as I awaken…

The inscription is the kikery. The statue itself is fine.


Can you not read your own picture.

THE STATUE IS EGYPTIAN who are the enemies of kikes. It's even in the form of a frog.

The only kiked thing on it is the poem, which is rabbinic magic designed to suppress and pervert the ower of the original symbol of Hecate.

it's either the ghost of a gondola or some dude is dragging fishing line tied to the loaded ends of a 10ft fabric tube with an helium balloon in the middle
but the smaller gondola babby behind it tends to prove gondola ghost, because it would require two dudes otherwise

Fuck off

in-constant list now includes:
fine constant alpha

Absolutely this. Given that "all is frequency and vibration" and by (((their))) own admission 99% of everything is nothing; it stands to reason that there are no constants in the universe. Constants were consecrated by the hubris of (((academia))) to make equations that didn't work work.

I have been suspecting for a while that the majority of the user-base of Holla Forums are what Carl Jung identified as Introverted Intuitives, and Myers-Briggs typed as INTJs and INFJs. That is why we have to "induct" ourselves, because only introverted intuition can objectively juggle the kind of cvilisation shaping concepts that are considered here. I also believe that the 4chan and Holla Forums Holla Forums boards are controlled by the very Luciferian enemies that they fight against, these boards are meant to direct young intuitives into a dialectic that imparts upon them a false worldview of physical and spiritual evolutionism, the polarities here being eugenics and dysgenics. The master plan is to create a global moral and social crisis through strategically counter-intuitive policies and propaganda that causes a backlash that spurs the western world into a pagan revival to save the world/ascend into a higher spiritual vibration or some shit.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12 KJV

BTW, Kek is a pagan idol.

Considering the pantheon of saints and prophets in demiurge religious, all religions can be considered pagan.


I have come to the conclusion that the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church are pagan corruptions of the original Congregation that Christ founded. Man is naturally attracted to the aesthetics of those religions because Man is inherently vain. Though I'm sure God has made righteousness out of the wickedness within those establishments as only he can, they are on the whole as you say, pagan. Reverence for "Saints" with a capital S, who are meant to be spiritually enlightened idols for others to look up to, Marian adoration which is starkly reminiscent of the fertility cults, graven images that worshipers bow down to, seemingly focused on the traditions of men rather than the light of Scripture. Some have tried to argue to me that they have made these pagan attitudes holy incorporations, but my spirit resists it.

pi has always been 4 for dynamic systems, see the length of the arc of the cycloid, or the manhattan metric.

Miles' real breakthroughs are in his atomic structure theories about photon charge channeling.
see his papers about lift on a wing, elemental structure, and… this planets one.

My individual, it comes across as stupid, that you would declare pre-Christian Europe's Gods as wicked, and pre-Christian Europeans as vain, when the very Jewish demon that the Abrahamic faiths worship - (((YHWH))) - exemplify those traits perfectly. Just read the false Book of Exodus and tell me that you think a God that would (allegedly) murder White Egyptian children, and spare his Chosen so long as they performed blood rituals - as a righteous deity.

They weren't niggers, but they certainly weren't white, even at that stage. Besides, Pharaoh had every chance to expel the Jewry and didn't. So the punishment is quite fitting.


Appeal to emotionalism. You lack proper perspective, Pharaoh was the instigator of the infant massacres, and only after many years later when Moses had returned as a prophet of God, showing many signs warning Pharaoh of the coming judgement upon his land and house if he did not stop oppressing God's people, did he finally give him an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Pharaoh's pride is what led to that sequence of events, my friend.

The pount is that the whole thing is made up, and that the Eternal Jew wrote in several things that point to his own nose. Don't like the Pharaoh? He was a fictional character written by the Jew's well-known projection - showing how the Jew would have acted in his shoes (Sandals)

It's called the person's pant leg behind her you muppet.


How I wish I could dredge up a whole list of irrefutable proofs to convince you, but Holla Forums is part of a larger plan that it apparently cannot see the scope of. But… I have a hunch that soon enough "Aryan aliens" will return and make the revelation that they have been the pagan gods throughout history that have been guiding our supposed evolutionary path and destiny. Our enemy is so confident of their plan that they taunt us in pop culture, right in front of the normalfags faces.

M80, we'd be too anti-Semitic to accept anything related to "Lucifer". It's clear to see that the Satan figure is just a strawman meant to distract from the evils of (((YHWH))), but I'll keep your words in mind. If such a thing happens, just inspect these "Aryan" aliens' noses.

Revive the meme.


less physics-y but also super interesting is his idea that a rainbow is actually a front screen projection of the image of the sun, not some refraction angle hooey. in certain pictures, it is super obvious.

So you think they Jews should have not only been allowed, but forced to stay in the nation? Guess we know what side you're on.

His refusal to let them leave (in a fiction story, I will add) is just a convenient plot device to allow the writer(s) to build up a story about oppression and victimization. We see this plenty of times in Holocaust history classes.

Nice digits btw. Check'd!

Not to mention variances in friction.

I know all the arguments against billy meier, but when he zooms his camera in this clip, the way it focuses on the ship seems to imply it is actually the same scale as the tree next to it. It would require amazing amounts of work to fake something like this.

checking the 3.14 get


pic related, why is the sky brighter in the middle of a rainbow?

cause the sun in pretty bright. The second or "double" rainbow is actually the sun's heliosphere, it shows in the exact relation in rainbows as the sun's heliosphere does to the sun. I'm not that good at explaining things.

is pretty bright*
the internal sphere of light is the projection of the sun itself, the rainbow is the edge of the sunlight and space, the reason it shows the many colors is because the darkness of space "pulls" some of the light and refracts it.

Exactly, the question was more of a rebuttal against the mainstream explanation of how rainbows are formed.

wrong, the colors are from the corona which gradually changes it's emitted spectrum with distance from the center of the sun.

look for the quadruple rainbow.

I'll think about that

ah, you're right, i also mixed up heliosphere and corona.

A simple way to explain the rainbow is this.

The light from the sun travels through some rain or mist. This same ray of light then reflects off something further from the observer in the horizon. As it travels back through the mist/rain it projects itself onto the mist/rain like a screen showing the sun in its true beauty.

Thanks lads. That explains why you'll never see a rainbow between the observer and the sun. It's obvious now that I picture the waves in my mind.

yeah, it's the same concept kubrick used for the background in the ape scene in 2001, and probably the moon landing footage

Read more of Miles Mathis papers for physical explanations of physics

I've been looking to get my hands on these monographs for years (know thy enemy etc) Is the torrent legit? Anyone try it yet?

0 seeds

Well shit.

for people who are still on the fence


I like him so far. Have you seen any of Ken L wheeler's work, his YouTube handle is theoria apotheosis. Most of it is photography equipment reviews, but his physics videos are great. He is a translator of Pali and Ancient Greek so his earliest videos are on Pythagorean/Platonic metaphysics and early uncucked Buddhism like Evola writes about.
Here is a pdf of his 3rd edition work on the nature of magnetism.

Tl;dr all the 4 forces are different levels of cohesion(strength) of electro magnetism. Think ice, water, vapor or light bulb vs. laser. Thinking in these terms explain things much more clearly and BTFO (((relativism))) easily.

Protip: Light is an adjective not a verb. It describes pertabations(disturbances) a wave in the eather creates; light is not the wave itself just like heat is neither a wave or a noun. Protons were invented by the kike Masonic shill einstein and both aspects of the double slit experiment can be replicated with a laser pointer and a sewing needle. This parlor trick does however not disprove the effects of consciousness on reality.

Yes, Generation Zyklon will be leaps and bounds ahead of where we were at that age.

hecate as kikery
I don't know if you've ever met hecate. I did once, at some stupid "gig as an invocation" party.
When she arrived, things died. rapid death was written on everyone's faces. I looked into someone's eyes and they were simultaneously alive and decayed into a skeleton. The power of that goddess was awe-full.
Hecate may be compared in name to Heqet, but she's the other side of the door. She's no friend of the kikes, either. Why do you think they evoked Lazarus?

kike's just cannot resist defending their man. fuck off (((my friend)))


The larger plan is TRUTHFUL. it is righteous and in harmony with manifest reality, so it is irrelevant if we are being led or self leading. We have found the door in our hearts and opened it to the truth. we have found the way. This rewards our faith and brings us hope, whilst preparing us for spiritual war.
praise kek

checked and av8n.com/physics/entropy-sim.htm
no archive.
entropy reduced by observation. Meme magic messes with nature of reality/chaos/order

Lucifer is Apollo is Set is Shiva. Lucibel is Artemis is Iisis is Pavati. Deal with it, and don't rely on any stories by kikes.
take it to the temple, shills are watching.


Uh, don't you mean Chronos/Saturn? Or are you saying that you didn't beware the Black Cube?
The demon Kali*

Basically, "Satan" is just a sockpuppet proxy for (((YHWH)))/Yaldabaoth.

It's Holla Forums not Pol newfag

Skewer him on a 10-foot Pol

Go ahead call the Pol ice, they can't unrape you.
Sage for off topic.


I mean exactly what I say.
Fuck the cube. Also I know all about the cube, I'm the user who made the lurianic Kabala thread.

No one in that photo is female. They are all men.

Crotch bulges are a red herring. Gender reassignment surgery is affordable these days, to even the working-class. Granted the results will fall short of those available to the elite, Hollywood actresses for example, but are still more than sufficient to fool the profane and unaware.
Even intact trannies can and do conceal their genitals in the crack of their ass by restraining it in there with duct tape, a procedure called "tucking and taping."
All the "women" in that photo are male, I'm not going to argue about it because you either have the eyes to see it or you don't.

That's obviously the bottom corner of the pant leg of a person standing behind her.
Getting sick of all the retarded shilling here lately. I miss the good old days.
(((Goldy))) looks pretty manly though tbh

Further evidence, although it shouldn't be required.
These stills are from the 5-year-old video, ergo in them Southern is 16 years of age. If you ever wondered what a boy on puberty blockers looks like, now you know. Completely flat chest.
There aren't even "breast buds", nothing. It's a man, accept it.
And yes, the video really is only 5 years old.

By the way:
there's a reason that tranny resembles Lauren Southern

kek, this might actually work


Beware =/= Fear

Good job on that thread btw.

Manly P. Hall is wise, knew a lot about secret societies but most of his stuff relates to symbolism and are his interpretations. I know he had trouble with his own life, which makes me wonder how much he followed most of what he spoke about. He put some high standards of living out.

top fucking kek

Ssh, that's the cover story we tell the feds. We all know gold membership gets you access to the REAL Holla Forums

A decade or two ago, anyone suggesting children to take puberty blockers, would had been called a pedophile.

Ah, my mistake then. I must had misread, that was one of the first posts of the day for me.
Thanks, I was feeling inspired. Made the first Esoteric Hitlerism thread of the year too. I need to get that sort of inspiration again soon.

That meme is such fucking cancer.

What is your opinion on the druids, our own druid/pol/ and the lodge of the B.O.N.D?
surely this is the closest thing we have to a secret society and a step in the right direction. One of the most long running and esoteric generals on fullchan. Druid/pol/ actually perform rites and rituals too and meet up irl. I see druid memes leaking out onto other nationalist sites from time to time too which is heartening.


I broke with druid/pol/ over a few readings and dubs.
Mostly in that their practices were taking them away from the wired and the hive mind.

Different practices can have different schools - and that's okay. However, there must be a shared respect.

Check'd for posterity, and to reduce the shame.

lol, a secret society of disgruntled virgins who would never have the balls to say 1/1000 of the things they say online to someone's face.

What would you suggest they do differently?

Greater observation of repeating numerals and less pratting about larping as druids.

You need to be careful you don't get your head to far up the proverbial asshole otherwise you might get stuck. A lot of the people who believe in moving up to another dimension get caught in this as well.

Why do these threads always go from good insightful posts about the nature of imageboards to schizophrenic rambling straight from godlikeproductions?

They do that already via the "Sacred Rite of Observation and Augery of the Portentous Numerals"

Wouldnt be druid/pol/ without the druidic element though would it.

Kek is a God of chaos. It makes compete sense when he enters the thread anons start to go crazy and post incoherent ramblings straight from the Frogs mouth.


I think of Holla Forums as the umbrella SS with different lodges under it that all have similar core ideologies and lexicon. We have a Druid lodge, and a Kekist lodge. There's quite a few Norse pagans, Zoroastrians, Buddhists and Shia Muslims here that just haven't organized their own lodges but could. I for one would like to learn more about them from like minded anons rather than online (((sources))). I hate to say it but the Christians here should come together and aggregate their beliefs into a consensus to stop infighting and combat shilling. Plus there are quite a few materialist agnosticanons that could benefit by seeing more options that may resonate with their blood.

Fake christcuck/smiley shilling is some of the most obvious and ineffective to esoteric initiates.

Turn over a US dollar then kys.

Holla Forums's initiation is lurking for 2 years, then surviving the bullying of literal geniuses and not quitting or taking the big black pill. Holla Forums has many levels from lurker newfag to ancientfag.

user, Esoteric Hitlerism synchronises all that we are already.

Hyperborean trips of truth.

(33) As I was wise one.

(portentous observation)
Good post lad. What exists now is essentially a decentralised etheric hyper-lodge, its structure consisting of quasi autonomous but ideologically unified smaller lodges, temples, sects and assorted cultus minor, each ranging in size and import but all working towards the same goal via utilisation of their myriad talets and fields of expertise.
The formation of such a body is very unique. I cant think of any historical parallel as it is very much tied to the technology of today but i find it curious how the digital "ether" and the actual realm of the etheric (or astral, empyrean etc depending on terminology) have been successfully fused and merged by (in some cases unknowing) adepts. Regaardless we have created something unique and marvelous. Its shadow in the etheric must be a potent beast to behold - more than a single egregore but a bunch of them fused together, each pulling in tandem, to create an ethetic colossi capable of memetic & psyonic autonomy, mneumonic influence and in turn, creating/generating its own current into which the attuned can tap. I also imagine its form (esoterically speaking) to be like that of the spokes of a wheel, wherein each lodge/group is a spoke all working to a unified core and kept in place by the shared gestalt consciousness.

They need to leave.

I think that user may had meant Sufi. The Sufis are about as mudslime as the Yazidis are. They trace their originals to Sopgian Gnosticism, the word Sufi being an evolution from Sophia.

As was stated by the Aryan Priest of Poets, Miguel Serrano. Praise Kek for these digits. SIEG HIEL!

It seems we must spread Esoteric Hitlerism with fervor, to those who are ready for it.

People gathering in one place to shitpost and voice their mind. Weaving probabilities and merging timelines. We are synchronised with the forces of the all. It is both fate and personal effort. Keep going this way, if you stray the life will remind you of your true path. Refine what you already know and seek new truth. The change has already happened, now we must experience it

first day on the job?

poo or topkek?


I forgot about the Sufi, definitely yes. I did mean Shia since Holla Forums has a few and Persia, Syria, and Lebanon are often in direct combat with Israel thus needing our support.

This. Not all are ready which is why I proposed the various lodges. All are decendents of and therefore differing paths leading to the PIA truth.

That's a pretty portentous ID tbh.

Thanks lad, I couldn't have put it better myself.

Just because we prefer them to Kikes doesn't mean that we want any mudslimes in our mongolian tile fetish community.

Fair enough but they're already here in small numbers. When we rid the world of the evils of jewry, they will have no reason to come here and go back to their respective forums for chickpea foot mashing entusiasts.

user, the enemy of my enemy is my weapon. Not my friend. Shia is a step up from Sunni, but should they achieve total victory and not be at a severe disadvantage to us, they would just become our new enemies. You don't see them all over the world denying the holohoax do you? The mudslimes knew that was all bullshit, but they went silent after the fall of berlin to save their own face.

to be fair ahmedinejad shitposts all the time about the holocaust being fake. They still need to stay in their own countries

Agreed. I was only referring to the isolationists that were brave enough to stay and fight for their homelands against the red shields. Kike influence is no excuse for the rapefugees behavior and they must be made an example of.

Black cube? sounds more like Saturnine worship to me. Religion of Cuck™ is based on several older Cainite religions beneath the Abrahamic window dressing (not unlike th Vatican mystery religion).

Speaking of black cubes, Saturn and mystery religions, you heard this one yet?


God Save US'

I don't deny there were some Odinists in the SS but dominantly the German troops including Adolf were Christians. It wasn't till after the war that the Freemasons infiltrated the ranks of the Catholic church after they poisoned the pope. Hitler was literally hunting Crowley who fled Germany in 1932 and they arrested his close friend during the time they shut down 100s of lodges and other sister oders including the druidic orders which the British royalty belong to.

"We will not allow mystically-minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else - in any case something which has nothing to do with us." Adolf Hitler 1938, Nuremburg

I think we should all work together though for our common goal. It's bigger than all of us and we must ALL be united to accomplish it!


God With Us***

But the Druids actually were the descendants from the tribe of Dan which had been driven from their territory in northern Israel by the Assyrians. The tribe of Dan were known for worshiping their god Baal-Molech. After the Druids Migrated to Europe they were depicted in the war diaries of Julius Caesar as being sophisticated savages who indulged in human sacrifice.

"Our mode of teaching the principles of our profession [Masonry] is derived from the Druids … and our chief emblems originally came from Egypt…." William Hutchinson, in his book The Spirit of Masonry

FFS user, read some books by Miguel Serrano. I'm sick and tired of trying to argue the same thing over and over again, when if you understood more of the picture, you'd realize that your statement is based on misunderstanding.

No thanks, what part of the first Hitler quote confused you? I am a National Socialist and I'm not some wannabee mystic. Miguel was a Marxist in Chile originally before he flip flopped over.

Wrong. The Druids are just western Brahmin.




I posted this on the other thread, but will post it here again because this is important, but sorry to break it to you, but you're either delusional or a dishonest fanatic. If the executions of thousands of priests by the Third Reich during Kirchenkampf, or it's long emnity with church officials (look up on the "executed and christian martyrs of the Third Reich, remember, not even most kikes were executed in the holohoax, and it is a fucking statistic with thousands of priests executed and countless more imprisoned or exiled) did not give up the fact for you, the symbolism of the SOWILO RUNES (totally christian, eh?) and the other in the middle, and that which you see in the processions and parades should be enough to give it up for you.

The churches were actively in opposition to Hitler, thr christian party being it's main opponents inside Germany and the party of Angela Merkel today, they opposed eugenics on the grounds of "muh abortions", and even propped up cucked church leagues like "The Confessing Church" and MILITANT groups like "The White Rose", effectively siding with the Rothschilds and the soviets over the European people.

The catholic clergy and the pope made several personal attacks on Third Reich officials and condemned National Socialism. If you look at Hitler's table talks, written by Martin Bormann, who had no reason to lie because he died in 1945, you will see some strong condemnation of christianity, as something who set back Europeans and a form of jewish fanatism and proto-marxism. Now some (exclusively christian) people claim these writings were false, they are corroborated by other people and by passages on Mein Kampf (volume II, chapter V) who explicitlu say it was REGRETABLE that christianity took over the ancient world, because it was the first time spiritual fanatism, of a jewish character, was introduced into the much freer classical world.

Not that there weren't any christian influences in the SS (the military order aspects and church hierarchy, which were described by Hitler as christianity's redeeming qualities in Mein Kampf) but the leaders of the SS were outspokenly Germanic and critical of christianity. The Gott Mitt Uns being more of a Wehrmacht thing - Germany and Prussia were undeniably christian countries at that point, you just have to remember that the SS paganism and being pro-european doesn't mean they (and we) aren't intrested in protecting Christianity from the attacks of (((atheist bolshevism))) and (((degeneracy))), which the church does nothing to counter.

Well met brother, always good to come out in full counter force of truth when the ignoramuses and shills come out.

Implying I'm a shill

Thanks for your post I will certainly look into this information and see where It leads me. I always appreciate opinions when someone provides sources like you have done.

It's just the way you go about it, it's suspicious, though perhaps you're just a well meaning fool though. You would do well to remember our exchanges are as much, nay, actually more so for the lurkers than really ourselves.

checked btw

I plainly state the conclusions I have come to understand, but I'm ALWAYS willing to dig deeper. Maybe I have further to go still . . .

Seems Kek is with you too.

Masonic dubs confirm

Watch that video. Goebells speaks of total war, then ask yourselves has the war ended? What kind of mobilization are we in, partial or total war? We might have infiltrated halfchan, but so have they, and they are currently winning. They are trying to control our opposition, subvert us, make us lose sight of the path towards victory. Look at the alt-right, the e-celebrities, they are infiltrating us, trying to make us surface. Our strength has always been that we've stayed hidden, behind the scenes pulling the chords. The victory of Trump is an illusion of victory which made us lower our guard. It's time to lay a new tactic and go on the offensive. We need to gain the upper hand again!

The NSA lurks constantly. FBI agents are so easy to spot it isn't even funny anymore and then we have the CIA who are trying to bait for physical action like they do with antifa.

This place, it corrupts you, it changes you. In the Darkness you will find the true light. Once you read your first post here you are already drowning in the rabbit hole. You either learn to breathe underwater or you craw your way to the shore and start vomiting tar everywhere(see the tiki torch retard march)

Lurker reporting in to agree as I have spent most of my time here, and in much earlier years halfchan, reading and educating myself. Many times I have spoken up and said some truly stupid nigger shit, but getting called a dumb faggot for it was important because there was at least one user who did it while telling me why I was wrong so I could un fuck my self. Thank you for being one of those quality posters because it is good for this guy and readers like myself.

Also Heil'd brother, the whole never ends, we are always learning. Always be reading and always be questioning, but never second guess yourself, state your knowledge with full confidence, to do otherwise shows weakness. If you are truly incorrect simply take close note of what the opposing knowledge is and use it to strengthen yourself for next time. Be strong my friend and have faith. We are in a information war of memes, ideals and you represent both ages of honor and greatness and the centuries of divine beauty of white civilizations to come. But enough of my pointless musing this shit is why I stick to lurking but I hope these words give some inspiration to you all.

A bump for the good discussion that has occurred in this thread to continue, and may we all be blessed in our fight in the name of our ancestors, Kek, and what other lords and gods may heed to our struggle.

I claimed you were MAYBE a shill, and you look like one by spreading easily disprovable facts like the "gott mitt uns SS belt":

This from a quick search on kikepedia, these are things that most who lurked here enough are somewhat aware of, and that doesn't seem to be your case.

Also, why would you reply with a speech about racialism? It sounds like what you're doing is part of what is warned against there - putting "DENOMINATION" before your own race. I said your first post was delusional because it was projecting a reality that was never what National Socialism is about. But doesn't mean, indeed, that one thing is entirely hostile to the other.


FBI faggots and CIA niggers need to lurk for two years before posting, which would undermine the beurocratic institution for which they work. Nobody would pay someone to lurk a board for two years. To be completely honest, most of the ones that have been here for a long time have deffinately been hooked. They're so obvious that they almost seem like thier trying to get caught.
You are here forever.
It's the same reason those in charge cannot post here, they either stick out like a sore thumb or book a round of sodoku, so they send in the grunts. But they have to run through temp agencies like water, since prolonged exposure to Holla Forums is deadly.

What chords are we pulling behind the scenes?

Checked. Do you want to know what's really dangerous about shitposting? The effective ones can make you think. They can controll the conversation better than any silver tounged snake oil salesman. They can guide you to a conclusion without ever mentioning the topic or naming anything of which they are speaking. And they make you feel like a piece of litteral dogshit for not knowing it.

Fucking ausi's, I love you.

just saying

The cords to the curtains where the puppeteers hide.

Nice. Shame we don't use it anymore.

The search for truth always leads down the rabbit hole. As long as truth is our ultimate goal, (((they))) can't win.


Also y'all need to pay attention to vibrations

I'm getting more and more convinced that the NSA are legendary lurkers.

That's one take. I view Holla Forums more like a fishbowl lab where CIA niggers and kikes prod, propagandize, consensus crack and datamine subjects who doesn't conform to the control system.

Well, at least that was how Holla Forums was. Now I don't know, really. It's become a weird blend between a North Korean style "great leader" complex, crypto-zionism with a cartoon-nazi motif and meme worship instead of meme creation. Basically a containment zone for collectivist millenial newfags to live out their aspergers in a harmless way.

It's amazing how tesla autists can write books worth of ramblings, yet repeatedly fail to do something as simple as tell people how to fucking make something that works. It's always "incomplete", "almost ready", "still doing the final touches", "CIA is deleting my posts", "look at my Gish Gallop fallacy personified", and "read this mountain of shit and figure it out yourself". Nothing but excuses and hot air for as long as a tongue can wag.

Fucking make something that actually has a result, give clear and reproducible instructions, and upload it to hackaday you fucking niggers. Everyone is tired of your shit.

(1) (1) (1) (2)
wow, that seems organic and not pre-planned at all!

Holla Forums even has its own code of secrecy aka never reveal your powerlevel

maybe if all Tesla's work wasn't stolen by ZOG and cryptokikes like trump's uncle, autists would be able to reverse engineer shit faster. Not to mention anyone smart enough to do so wouldn't run here and tell every glowinthedark nigger on earth.

You know, where we subversively shitpost memes all day on a publicly accessible website in the dark corners of the Internet. Oy vey, goyim, you're just like the Jews!

what is this?

Checked you are a nigger


Well what would possibly go wrong with that though? What, that (((they))) would kill/silence whomever trying to reverse engineer Tesla's work? But indirectly liberating the autists who were originally trying to get away from the reality as they knew it? I see a win-win either way.

Freemasonry and whatnot is mostly jewish and leftist, not pagan.

Now, if you're talking about the Templars, the Thule society, and the like, it might be a different topic.

From all the information I've gathered, what it comes down to is a early version of the white dick v. the mud dick. It's all the same bullshit we have now. My dick is better than your dick because racially motivated subtext here. No actual scientific progress because they fucked each other up to the point where we lost our ancient knowledge. Just a bunch of shit slinging

Don't mind me, I'm just here to check these sick ass trips. Kek bless.

Guy in middle looks like a neanderthal to me. We know these (greeks?) had no trouble drawing to proportion, so I see no reason why this guy didn't look like this. Note his eyes, nose, chin, forehead, and robustness of body.

You mean why i post on forums ?
Why i seek truth ??
Why i am against>>10970595
Yes, though i should point out that isn't the same as explaining why i'm on 8/pol/, however you should first seek to understand yourself, then you should decide whether and when and what to reveal about yourself and to whom.

In the end it's not going to matter anyways because in the gamble of life, the only thing guaranteed is death. So why do you care so much? 90% of the userbase of this site is too poor to accomplish what they want and will die in poverty

Except it mocks jews and is all about right wing (traditionalist) views like meritocracy.

gonna need a source on that user
notice that Jews promote traditionalism for their own people and promote multiculturalism for others

am i supposed to trust orthodox jews because they espouse opinions that are "right wing"? sure jews hate arabs, and their border control is very strict. doesnt mean they are good.

Im Breton too, from the Francia. we got invaded by germans and italoans too. Feelscelticman

3rd degree ritual, Holy Royal Arch ritual (English working. Not sure of American), Red Cross degrees. French Rite 4th degree. Cryptic degrees. Rose Croix (and 17th). And i think a few others, but might be doubling up.
The tl;dr is how jews deserve to be shat on because they keep screwing up.
Honestly perplexes me that jews can be members when it basically tells them a lot of what they do is wrong. But to each their own.
Indeed they do. But that's a separate issue.
Of course. But that doesn't mean they can't have good ideas some times, after all. Or that you have to change your view completely just because they have a handful of good points.

Essentially, what you're touching upon is the fact that 'objective universal morality,' or whatever you'd like to call it, is a false god. Treating everyone equally, as if they were the same is a bad idea - it's false dogma pushed by Judeo-Marxists as a poison pill to hurt our society; to hurt us by convincing us of things that are false.

Are the Jews good because they protect their own people? No! They are an enemy protecting themselves, often to our own detriment. What is necessary is to take a moral stance akin to the 14-words, i.e. a subjective morality where each looks after their own. They are destroying us for their own benefit; we have no option but to respond in kind.

That was a fucking model car. Faked pic.