The righteous never forget

The righteous never forget

Other urls found in this thread:**,

Greentext the article you stupid fucking subhuman Jesus Christ

The article is not the point

so there's no point?

Then maybe you should've typed that point out mongoloid

Only if you don't know what Tod and Claire is.

I won't spoonfeed to lowbrains

Tod and Clare site
The file

We were 2 autistic fags here that understood this shit. Yet we were called crazy.

Connect the dots.

I remember vaguely. Didn't they have a proposition for Assange, over a year ago? Weren't they trying to honeypot him or something?
A refresher would be great.

It was an alphabet agencies honey pot setup to not only get assange extradited on charges for pedophilia, but represent, as an imposter, the kgb and offered assange something like a million dollars and safe passage out of the embassy and into russia. It was well funded but extraordinarily sloppy. Also OP don't make threads you suck shit at it.

It wasn't reddit

This was the story. But I'm starting to question everything.

Look at the fucking TOD and CLAIRE website

It talks about pedophile ring connections jews and Nationalistic movements.


will be live. #brexitneverhappened
Oh man. Those emails bring back some memories.
These were some crazy threats.

Sorry, fucked up greentext.
Read the emails if you haven't yet. It's… something else.

From TaC web site

Go back to /new/ where you ban and autosage threads for not following some autistic shill template. Faggot.

What the fuck, they tried to honeypot Assange a year ago and now they're accusing him of running with epstein ?

does point symmetrical digits count as dubs?

if so, checkddd
thanks for the recap user, OP is always a fag

I don't think this is so simple.

How could I ever forget.

No and if it were the case that would have been trips my friend.


Holly shit if you guys could even understand why this is so important.

What is your point? Todd and claire were caught over a year ago trying to setup julian assange as a pedo, act as a kgb representative, and also anons dug up a bunch of people with clear cia etc ties directly linked and funding

Deleting post soon.

That this fucking pdf is the plan they have


That moment when a "dating site" shuts down and runs 24/7 smear ops

See second image

user, it's been a long day for me. Could you help a Brüder out and elaborate a bit?

Me and some faggot believed that mail was a coded message written to help Assange get out of the Ecuadorian Embassy

We were wrong . Whatever that message was for is happening right NOW.

Both the PDF and the Assange twitter last tweets talk about Noam Chomskey and a comedian.


Try to find links between assanges twitter ,wikileaks, the pdf and the TodAClare website.

Thanks, sounds like a possible happening. Are you implying Assange might be trying to escape the embassy now? As opposed to last year, I mean. Can we expect another shitshow?

Yes, we might have another shitshow incoming.


Actually no, the shitshow is ALREADY happening.

Althoug I'm not 100% sure it has something to do with escaping the ecuadorian embassy

Calm down man. This thread was and is shit. Are you suddenly new to all this entrapment that went down last year? Are you going provide evidence of todd and claire alphabet linked to the probe into the comedian? Assange has posted and wikileaks as well quotes from Chomskey in the past it's nothing new. Also that pdf has been out for a bit now.

You seriously need to stop sperging and being retarded. The only thing I am seeing here is the obvious attempts at pushing around people that have spent time with Assange 1 on 1 in attempts to discredit and find any form of justification to extradite etc. Also stop pretending like you were an user uncovering crucial todd and clair shit last year your obviously retarded posting and autistic screeches without any useful evidence shows you are new to all this. Provide the evidence or chill the fuck out for a bit.

Evidence of what ? And I didn't imply anything . There is a pattern here and I know I 'm not completely sperging out because I m not the only one who saw it back then. If you don't want to help decypher this then fuck off and report this thread.

Im sorry but you have to expand a little

Ah yes, I remember that fondly. Anons were venturing out into the night to take photos of alphabet black sites in the towns they lived in.
Truly a gilded time in shitposting.

Fuck. Fells like ages ago. 2016 was such an amazing year.
I don't mean to get nostalgic. Hope the white wizard is okay.

What the fuck are you talking about? You haven't made one coherent point this entire thread. You're clearly new and this is one of the shittiest OPs I've ever seen. Make your point or fuck off.


I see now. OP, you really should have spelled it out more plainly. Even for me, who followed the T&C ordeal very close, this took a bit of puzzling together. God knows what it means though.

Martin skreli, Mikhail Khodorkovsky , and julien assange all have these eyes.

More shit on the subject

There was also

That is the interview the file is probably talking about

I vaguely remember Todd and Claire incident; was this the time when Julian was supposedly DR PAVEL'd out of UK?

polite sage

Not so new faggot.

I'm very glad I saved this .

Wikileaks post with Putin and Rothshield




Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA




You glorious faggots can now suck my glorious dick

Dartmouth Films which Assange gave an interview to was mentioned in the Tod and Clare pdf BEFORE THE INTERVIEW.It was the SoHo camera crew

That is where it is located


I'm just off of a 12 hour shift, and I can't think so good at the moment. This seems like an important thing worth coherently unpacking and investigating despite OP being a little bit of a faggot.

Read these and you will understand.

god I hate op

So is your point that Assange was out of the embassy for these interviews at this Somerset House?

What am I looking at here?

Yeah, something like that. Just reading the thread, so not sure if these all have been posted yet or not. Although, I figure I saved them for something; maybe those more useful than me will be able to do something with them.

No my point is that we thought we debunked that these pdf is a scam.While we didn't.

The Soho crew the pdf is talking about is the Dartmouth Films interview by John Pilger

Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA
So Ho

Alright man, I want you to take a few deep breaths and redeem yourself here. Like I said I'm tired as shit and Holla Forums is usually pretty low energy in the morning in burgerland. Start from the beginning, present all your evidence and explain your evidence and the point. Judging from what I have seen so far this looks pretty interesting.

Wait wait hold on I think I'm starting to get it, so this was some clandestine HRC front that tried to bribe assange $1 million US to not do the email leak?

Has the original image been pulled for data analysis, might be something encoded on it.

It all starts with this pdf

You see wikileaks accused TodAndClare of a plot to frame him of taking money from a foreign government.

In that particular time we though we found connection between TodAndClare and Hillary Clinton


So we dismissed the pdf because we thought that it wasn't important.

And now I found out that Assange had connections with Noam Chomskey.A comedian and that he had tweeted this
shit on October 22 2016
All of these things are mentioned in the PDF and all of these things are in coded language.

Now the even freakier part
In the pdf it states

And as I proved here Assange had an interview with Laura Smith in 30 of November 2012 ON THE SAME TABLE THAT HE HAD WITH JOHN PILGER BY A SMALL COMPANY CALLED DARTMOUTH FILMS WHICH IS LOCATED IN

Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA
So Ho


Want to tell me how exactly to connect the dots?
Was Assange's "surreptitious" getaway via a mini-sub?

Assange's interview at the embassy in May… after charges dropped.
Is there any actual evidence that was filmed in May?
Perhaps pre-recorded a long time ago?

How the fuck would I know. My brain is melting with all this shit. I'm connecting the dots myself right now.

No, whatever the deal was. Assange has accepted it . He hasn't dismissed it.

This seems annoyingly familiar, but I can't place it; the whole shell company of tv producers being used as point-of-contact for individuals who are under threat has been done before, sure, but the specific tweets and phrasing used keeps ringing a bell. Is this Black Cube work?

Okay so I guess the point is that the PDF wasn't bullshit like originally thought, its highly likely that he accepted this deal, and we are now seeing posts that cryptically point back to this pdf. (This gets a bit easier to understand if you actually read that PDF, I forgot all about this incident tbh)

John Pilgers interview was published on November 5th


Was that the same one with the fucky editing when he was talking about "deplorables"?

Why didn't you just say that dumbass?

That Noam Chomsky quote image should probably be analyzed for embedded data if its potentially a message. I really need to get some sleep or I would do it myself.

I will say this whole thing is a really interesting example of the methods these people use for communication. Could be useful for some cold cases.

Because nobody would understand it if I didn't connect it with facts from the pdf. If you guys had read the pdf from the beginning like I pointed out you would understand it much easier.

It's because I'm a bit overhyped too .

Wouldnt be a bad idea to just export those pages into images and post them, some folks are freaked out to go on post-2016 wikileaks or anything that isnt archived really.


Yeah alright, I get why you were excited.

Oh also, this Soloff guy closed off his twitter after Anons started making connections. I don't have the pictures of the blacksite visits saved, or the address (I think), but I have a few more places to check.



Did a quick scan through the noam chomsky image, didn't see any plaintext or compression that jumped out at me.

Search for the images posted on twitter close to the 1st of October 2016


That is when shit went down and that is when this pic is from

Someone has surely archived all of this I will try to find them

probably a coincidence

nu-Holla Forums

and you'll never guess when yom kippur was this year, pic related

also, a reminder of the exact words jews chant, in syangogues all over the world, on yom kippur:

God dammit Holla Forums I really wanted to go to bed.

How quaint shlomo.

This faggot was playing us all along

Wrong archive ffs

Hahaha, boy was he nervous.

I must say, you have some impressive autism to hold on to that investigation when its been cold for so long, need to figure out if this is a new lead though. I really can't think straight though I need sleep.

I knew something wasn't right about it. And the comedian triggered me to dig up all my stuff.

This is not 4chan. Do not post shit, zero-information threads like this here. Type what you think is important in the OP and make all necessary information from articles, sites, etc., part of the post as greentext. You should be banned.

There are loads of low quality cuckchan style threads like this popping up all the sudden. Why is cuck/pol/ invading all the sudden? All of you need to stop posting and lurk, or leave.
Dude still has a linkedin, might be worth going through his connections if it hasn't been done.

He's already been scolded, about 50 posts in the thread actually gets interesting don't report it.

It was a zero information thread when I posted this.

Now it all boils down to this

If you weren't a newfag you would understand that this shit is huge

I can't find the website

That shits been shut down for a while.
It went up last week
The shit this thing says are very disturbing



Pilger's interview was prerecorded, if I recall correctly. Was it the interview with the morphcuts? I recall another interview with Hannity, which was also heavily disputed. Them never being in the same frame.
What could the message have been? Does it mean TaC are not connected to HRC? What the fuck does it mean?


Yes that was the interview, that's what we are trying to figure out if there is a new lead on this, OP's insane autism connected the recent tweets on Julian and wikileaks' twitter to the old pdf from todd and claire. Most of this thread has been trying to refresh peoples memories about the todd and claire thing.

I'm so confused right now.

lmao so they are trying to make fake news stories about topics we care about in order to turn us on Assange on that site.

Actually not us, its to turn infowars tier dipshits on us I had to read the whole thing, everything on that site looks like laughably insane bullshit

That last bit is interesting though:

Not really man.If i wasn't for Assange sex offences it surely was for something disturbing.

This might be closer to the truth then what I expected when I started searching this shit.

What I'm trying to say is that it is possible that soloff was working with wikileaks or Assange and that we might have been fooled.

tbh everything about their efforts are so god damn boomer-tier retarded. Between the retarded disinfo site, David Soloff's hurr we're gonna drone reddit tweets, the easily discover-able ties to HRC from, and the "clandestine" amazon review posting. Idk man, time and time again these retarded boomer politicians / old spooks corrupt as they are tend to make fools of themselves when they try to use technology for their machinations.

Is anything even verifiable? The article makes no sense, whatsoever. What political motivation could they have?

Getting out of the embassy or even this

Seems more to me that they just really have a hard-on for Assange and they are going about it in a really dumb obvious way, they know we are constantly trying to hunt down anything related to jewy-pedo cabals, it reads like some shit a shill would come up with after spending a few weeks here.

Are you sure though?

I'm not sure about shit man.

They sure seem dead-set on trying to tie Assange to Epstein though which makes no fucking sense.
Found the article

Do not believe it but do not dismiss it either
It is a huge leap that is for sure

What you have to understand though is that Assange might not be the white knight we think him of being

Makes sense.

I don't think you need to remind us. I'm not even sure he's still the same person. But I'm not going down that hole again.

uhhuh. In what circles is "tod and claire" a household name?

You're out of your element Donny. You're either a shill or you did not come here before fall 2016.

LURK MOAR and learn what happened in october 2016 before the elections


The absolute state of Holla Forums


Noah Chomsky is a comedian?**

Found the site of the company that interviews Assange.

Yeah, I stand with OP on this one. Even though he is heavily autistic.
I'm just not sure what we are supposed to dig right now.

here long before, "tod and claire" isn't a thing to remember, certainly not "oh you don't know tod and claire?! it's tod and claire, everybody whose anybody knows toad and claire! how do you not know tod and cliare! gaaawww, lurk moar, only newbs don't know tod and claire!"

Yeah no, nobody knows this fucking soap opera.

No Noah Chomsky and the comedian was code language from Assange twitter page. See

Also read these

This is the pdf we are talking about

Seriously though you are a newfag or a shill

You aren't fooling anyone.

prey tell what I'm shilling by not knowing wtf "tod and claire" is and rejecting faggots gong on as if it's common knowledge when it's not.

Search for connections from the pdf and the Dartmouth films site
The RT site
And twitter
Also try to find if the TodAndClaire claims are true.
Search for Assange and Wikileaks tweets on Catalonia.

Were you not here last year during elections? That shit is pretty hard to forget.

Just filter him and move on.

during the elections, before the elections, easy as ever to forget this.

WTF for faggot?

I am reading what people are posting but I really don't know what to make out of anything. Like what even is this

This, read it

toddandclaire was the dating site that tried to sting assange with a pedocharge / set it up to look like wikileaks was given $1 million dollars from Russia to reinforce muh hacking narrative, it was a front that was proven to have ties to HRC, now its larping as some infowars tier site trying to link Assange to epstein and a bunch of other psychotic nonsense. Just read the thread as disjointed as it all is, it has all the relevant information. OP Noticed that some tweets Assange sent out seemed to call back to this whole event and perceived it as a lead on whether or not Assange is compromised or not.

The purpose of the thread was to try and gather support to dig and find out more about potentially confirming some of our suspicions about Assange.

Like I said. Don't dismiss it but do not believe it either. You saw how these guys communicate. Last year we found the tip of the iceberg. And we went 100 miles away from it.

I wasn't dismissing the site for investigation just trying to clearly state what is even happening in this thread.

Oh yeah i'm seeing now, their Youtube page screams fake. All the content was uploaded around the same time and videos stopped being uploaded when Trump got elected.

There is a lesson to be learned here about making threads that I hope you take to heart though.

Seems like they were doing everything they could to spin or discredit the HRC email leak.

The question being posed though was if Assange actually did take the cash / a path to freedom in exchange for wikileaks being compromised.

See, this event I remember and I wager I'm in the majority of how this event is recollected, by the event, not "tod and claire." This post should have been the OP post. Since you're also a retard saying filter for not know "tod and claire" will even see this response?

Next time read the thread before posting, seemed like you were being purposefully dense / derailing

I didn't believe I would manage to find what I found.You are right though.

If I find anything more about it / this thread doesn't take off because of the earlier bits I will make a perfectly coherent one another day.

Because they were served with a law suit.
Was it fake though?

Wrong tact, you don't make the reader have to invest in reading a whole thread just to find out what the OP is on about. Expecting the reader to do that is a good way to have threads like this that you don't like.

I didn't make the damn thread, just working very hard to clarify it.

I didn't know either man till I made these posts.My head was a storm of thoughts.

I know and irrelevant when you argue read the thread to find out what OP is on about, and you did a perfect job in clarify it, which is why I said your post should have been the OP.
We know that Wikileaks threatened TandC and they were made to drop charges.


Look at the second image and the reply though. It is like they want this deal to happen. Could TandC and Wikileaks be working together?

Is that what this shit is about?

Nah just not seeing it man.

Im really starting to sperg out. I will take a break. My head need to grasp all of this.

Why not? The email is supposed to be between the Lawyer of Assange and TodAndClare

Maybe not Wikileaks but Assange HIMSELF with his lawyer as the middle man.

Didn't Assange and his lawyer meet during that time in the embassy. I remember it being posted.

So he was smuggled out with the camera crew?

The camera crew were clowns?

I think I'm not the only one who believes this.So does the police

Could it be that Julian and TandC were working together police find out before we did and they managed to cancel the deal, then TandC blame it all on Hillary and now it tries either to

1)Completely misguide us
2)Tell the truth

Hmmm the dates don't completely add up to this

Until you can form coherent sentences again, I think it's safe to say you need to take a rest. I fear for your mental health user.

Chill dude I expose shadowy organisations everyday.


But I will take a break

Don't see it as an attack on your person. I believe you have found something important, and I'm thankful for that.
But you and I both know what the rabbit hole can do to a person, especially when one jumps in head first. We need anons with your pattern recognition abilities.

What's the TL;DR? I really need to sleep

is this the new le epin Q larp

I was following this closely when this happened and it was some mad shit. Tell me if I'm recounting this correctly:

The Jewish CIA did a shitty plan where they emailed Assange pretending to be Russian FSB saying they would pose as a film crew making a dating agency ad and they would give him 1mil and smuggle him to the Russian Embassy.

Assange said lolno and posted the email publicly stating that he knew it was a CIA trap to kidnap him.

In retaliation to not falling for the scam they tried some weak as shit attempt to smear him as a pedo by saying he cyber-molested a girl through the intertubes in a complaint to the UN.

Holla Forums then linked the fake dating site's back to some Jewish CIA agent called David Soloff who worked on a startup with CGI facial imitation technology. The email had some really weird shit in it asking Assange to post a livestream in a tweet at Trump and Nat Rothschild saying 'Putin will be live' in exchange for the 1 million dollars. A bunch of people here had crazy theories like it was going to be some sort of CGI facial copy of Putin admitting Trump was a puppet to sway the election last minute, Jo-Cox style. We'll probably never know what the video was going to be and I wonder why Assange hasn't talked about the email in detail since.

Someone on Holla Forums drove down to the site where the Todd&Clare place was registered to and took photos and it looked like a military installation, like a black site. Someone else here claimed to work for a military/survival equipment wholesaler and found deliveries of night vision goggles to the address, which people thought was so they could keep the lights off and maintain sensory deprivation during torture, sounds like BS but it was awfully specific.

Was there any other stuff I missed? I forgot about this, it was one of the weirdest moments during the election.

Previously 9e2c32 here from a different terminal, I'd like to request that an edit to the OP adding this post because its an excellent summary. Also does anyone still have those pictures?

I read through all this but I still don't really understand everything.

Me neither, did assange leave the embassy with a camera crew or what?

No this is false Assange might have taken the deal.

Reminds me what that deepweb research user posted about some notorious jew fetishist that died a few years back. Politr sage for not on topic



You glorious faggots. You do not understand shit.

The dartmouth films crew which took an interview from Assange by john pilger is the SoHo crew that the pdf is talking about. Assange wanted to take the deal but something stopped them .

If you do not remember Pamela Anderson visiting Assange in the embassy then go kys.

Ask me how I know you're not from around here.

maybe he did enough to take the money and fuck them over?

Are these archives I'm reading about Blockhead Joe?

Why is the CIA writing articles about how he likes vegas doms? Am I being trolled?

This is me from another IP

Maybe you should stop LARPING and start digging.
Or maybe you could even take your fist and put it up your ass.

I just remembered that there was police outside the ecuadorian embassy at 21st of October.It all starts to add up.

Fellate a shotgun

This is a high quality thread. But newfags wouldn't understand.

so suddenly this dating-site-soccer-mom-couple has a network of investigators that uncovers a superduper conspiracy where Assange pimps children while stuck in the embassy and "we have web-log and flight-log proof but we wont show you, btw look at this completely unrelated degenerate kike, see the connections?"
They should get their story straight this is nigger-tier.

Guuuuuuys. How can someone prove if the e-mail of

actually belongs to hannah?

I'm starting to believe that those e-mails were not send by TodAndClare to wikileaks but they propose a deal to Assange which they tried to go through.(see SoHo Pilger interview)

Wikileaks and Assange said that the company which accused Assange of being a pedophile was the company that tried to get him out. AND THEY USED THEIR REAL NAMES IN THE COMMUNICATION FILES.


Nice nonsense necro-thread attempt to ressurect a completely stupid Obama-era CIA plot to discredit Assange by claiming he's trying to lure underage girls to the Embassy where he's holed up by posting on some non-existing dating site with a stupidass name.

Fuck me, and fuck you!

OP is garbage. If there's something here spell it out clearly. The whole plot was torn to shred by anons ages ago and failed, you're not bringing it back.

I never trusted that, nor did I trust her. I'm just trying to work out in my mind, did he take that deal and leave the others working with wikileaks, hanging? Or maybe he didn't take that deal, and the Russians or another entity assassinated him through Pammy and he's no longer alive. Pam was a distraction of sorts, and she smells.

CIAnigger tier, which might actually be worse at this point.

wooo hooooo I hit a nerve


see pic related

Prove it

Hello wikileaks

you mean that paypal and the others freezed the wikileaks accounts? jewgle it you massive faggot.

Ooooh I'm really starting to get around this

My trips were not directed at you but the CIAniggers at the CIA for being CIAniggers.

Being called Wikileaks is the highest compliment I have ever received and I have received a lot of them.

Was this how you faggots closed the Reddit thread?

This is from TandC site

Nigger, the wikileaks donation accounts got nuked and these TaC goons pretended it did not happen, which is an obvious lie. Then there is all the other nonsense presented in a manipulative way. Only responding to make obvious to even the most retarded person that you are either a shill or suffer from down-syndrome, while I tend to the first, because you present no arguments at all.

But isn't this how you communicated your messages?And 2 posts after image2 you send the Reddit message.The fact that you don't even consider it proves to me that you are a troll.

You made a really good effort

because I dont know what you mean by this and I dont care

I'm no cianigger… that outta the way. Hit a nerve like how? Because if I'm to go down that hole it'd be helpful. With Pammy? She's an agent isn't she? worth noting she married kid rock, whom someone alluded was w/pedogate. Marriage was a dumpster fire. Then, he bailed outta Malibu/SoHo saying it was 'no place to raise a child'

Be patient with me here, I don't want to lend bias to anything, nor anyone, and I'm questioning everything. That's stayed instilled in me, truth. Truth is what I'm wanting to get at. I'm just slowly thinking this all over and where I can start, or help with info I'm a bit slow because I'm weaning myself from xanax here. I'm holding a internet shovel , and if 'Pammy' hit a nerve it might help a bit I saved some things offline from this time because when I think of things she was tight with Hef

Disgusting, user.

Wikileaks attacked TodandClare and claimed that they tried to frame Assange by sending him messages that linked him with a foreign government by trying to struck a million dollar deal.

Wikileaks claims that the same company that accused him of being a pedophile wanted to give to struck a deal that would give him 1mil euros.

Would a sane person believe this?

So I got to the assumption that this pdf

Should have been send by someone else. Not Hannah Hamond
But the used the name of Hannah Hamond so they would blame TodandClare in case something went wrong.
(This is the deal)

Which actually happened

And that is why they didn't want Assanges lawyer in there

Because HE WAS THE ONE THAT STRUCK THE DEAL.(see the names in the pdf)

Really? At least I'm kicking them. Asshole.



Actually even worse. They are traitors.

That Clinton-goons try to set a trap for Assange? Yes why not?

So if I want you arrested for something you did. AND YOU KNOW THAT I WANT YOU ARRESTED. I would tell you that I would give you 1mill euros, without hiding who I am.


I won't congratulate you on being a failure that's potentially going to stop failing, you want Reddit.

but the pedo thing was after the one mil offer no?

While I'll check your full house and heil those Hitler numerals at least I'm trying to get to truth here. If you want to keep derailing feel free, but explain why you're doing so. Afraid of the truth maybe? Get a shovel and dig, or you fuck off to Reddit. Sounds like you might know it better than I.

A big mouth on such an antsy little faggot. Are you sure you can beat the Xanax? That's some strong stuff. Wew lad. What do you expect me to dig exactly? This is last October as fuck. The only thing I know about Reddit is that it's full of sniveling manlets of mixed racial heritage addicted to Jew pharmaceutical poison and without value as individual thinkers, you would fit right in.

But how can it actually be proved that the pdf was from TandC?

Or that it is even real?

Example… when did Pamela Anderson start making monthly visits to the embassy? Why does Pamela look so healthy now? What cured her hep? Who? When? Assuming her to be stupid could be a big mistake. You decide where to dig, whatever jogs your noggin lad.

Offhand, you're right the Jew pharm is strong. Jew pharm healed Pammy, so it's interesting you bring it up. How about digging there? Who cured her, what company? WhoJew owns that company?

I dont know, only that the wikileaks version of the story makes sense and that dubious T&C spreads proven disinfo like I pointed out earlier, so why should I dig into their claims?

Whose side are you on, OP? You are all over the place.
Starting to think you believe TaC over 100% track record Wikileaks.

The truth side

The investigative report was prepared by Assange’s defence team!Did you even read the summary of what you send me?

Didn't we find links to CF last year?

I believe that Wikileaks is lying about TandC. I don't know if TandC is telling the truth.
The article that this faggot showed,and thought that he had proven me a point

Seems to believe otherwise

Can you faggots even comprehend what you are reading?

and get a source next time. RT is RarelyTrue

If you understand the thread, you will see that RT is not the point.

This is the point

I appreciate the scrots from wiki leaks btw. Around… hmm October last year the site began to load differently than any other site I've been to. It flashes some weird code before loading. I do remember it being when there was activity around the embassy and the warning went out not to send anything to wikileaks as it was compromised. I checked the page then, that's when the different loading occurred. Just sharing an observation that I doubt is coincidence. I don't believe in those.

retard, you think I only share links that prove my point? So the halfchan diggers fucked it up, what does it change? People have an agenda of destroying Assanges credibility, and I guess you know that the rape accusations are a fucking joke.

and I guess you know that (((they))) like to destroy their enemies with rape, pedo, cp accusations. Then you have that T&C site with lies that can be debunked by a 10 second internet research, plus the typical manipulative worse than Alex Jones disinfo presentation of connections with that kike perv, that doesnt exist, proof that doesnt exist, etc. This is your first rodeo, right?

Alright I'm back and that was me. I'd really like to see these pictures again if there is an archive.

I never said that what TandC writes in it's site is true.Some of it might be though.

What I cannot get my head around though is the fact that the interview which the pdf is about, happened, and it is the john pilger interview.The same pdf that TandC was accused for.

That is why I thought that

1)The pdf isn't from T&C or
2)T&C works with wikileaks

Does anyone else have another reasonable explanation?Could it get even more complicated than this and I'm missing something?

That document is courtesy of TaC, correct? Why should I believe that document for even a single second? Then you say in an other post, you don't believe them either. But your entire thread is based on what that bs website says.
Pretty positive you are shilling for TaC, and against WL. Please sperg some more, though.

And as I proved here Assange had an interview with Laura Smith in 30 of November 2012 ON THE SAME TABLE THAT HE
Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R1
So Ho

This was in the pdf.Go fuck yourself

And also no this wasn't from T&C it was from this faggots article

fdd64e here: you mean the emails? It wasnt wikileaks who published them?
and you say the room you talk about is not in the embassy?

It was wikileaks who published them but the persons who are talking might not be from T&C.
Not really.I say that the email talks about an interview which would happen in the same table in the same suit that an RT interview happened by SoHo.

And I found out that
Assange had an interview with Laura Smith of RT in 30 of November 2012

And John Pilger had an interview which was published on November 5th with Assange by Dartmouth Films in the same table in the same suit

And Dartmouth Films is located in
Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R1
So Ho

You can check for yourself. This is all true.

So I believe that this PDF is a coded message


I thought the email talks about an ad? how many conference rooms does that emassy have? how many suits does Assange have there? not many I guess.
SoHo is not only chinktown. Its also the faggot and artist center, and relatively cheap for inner London so there are good chances that filmmakers and producers have their buisness there.

What is the possibility of all of them happening together though

1)Interview from RT
2)On the exact same table
3)With a very similar suit
4)A camera crew based in SoHo

and also see this

Look at the picture that is right next to putin which was in the PDF and read the wikileaks post

Also now another "coincidence"

Read the second pic which is from the pdf
And now look at this

All of these are "coincidences" ?

No one else has offered anything important in this thread.Guess I'm honored to solve this on my own because you faggots don't feel like it.

So has anyone got any recent proof of life for Assange?

weeks later and they would not have to encode shit, just write an email "this is RT, lets make an interview. They would not pay one million fucking dollars for that.
have you checked the other interviews? how many places he can choose from?
same, how many suits can he choose from? I remember only this one and a grey one that doesnt fit, and doesnt look so "spooky"
like 90% of the cameracrews of London that arent BBC I guess. admit I am not familiar with London freelancer cameracrews.
Its another rothschild, weeks later, the other things dont match, and putin and lynn d.r. were a big thing in the election phase, because she is buddies with clinton. Could be trolling, like "these bastards wanted me to sell out and tweet pro globalist shit, so I do the opposite and expose them" the comedian thing is even weaker. So if thats all you have, its nothing imo.

The offer expires on 31st of October it states it on the pdf
Wikileaks tweeting rothchild WITH putin is a "coincidence"
Oy vey

I will take a break and stop replying to you .You refuse to see the pattern cause of your own personal reasons. I accept it,but I will continue even if I write this thread all by myself.

Anyone else who wants to know what this thread is about read these.

She kvetches about Trump and Putin literally all the time.

So I arrived to the conclusion that wikileaks lied to the public about the purposes of these pdfs and the deal in the emails was pulled through

So there are two possible scenarios
1)It happened
2)Something stopped them

So because the deal happened that means that accusations from Wikileaks to TodAndClare a lie

So either

1)TodAndClare works with Wikileaks
2)The PDF is not from TodAndClare

I'll assume both and start digging.

From Assange Pilger interview
Happened 30th of October
Published 5th of November


From TodAndClare new site published a week ago.

laughable, this reads ridiculous
supremely vague and without viable countenance, meaningless tacked on motives and untruths

gas yourself

Timeline of wikileaks claims
Published 18 October 2016

The timeline is correct

From Randy Credico twitter
November 25 2017
Holly fucking shit!
Both Pamela Anderson and John Pilger
Both involved in the October of 2016


I'm done for today. This is huge.

So that is why so many shills are trying to slide this thread.Now I get it.

Reminder that Wikileaks lied about TodAndClare

You didn't even read the thread.

Seems like some raids are going on. Gangs are getting swept up and arrested en masse.

More swamp critters?

whoops meant to make a new thread

Are you fucking stupid or something?

Nope, you just have no idea what TodAndClare is and why proving that Julian Assange is working with Pilger,Anderson and Credico is important

Noam Chomskey is an infamous anarcho-syndicalist, an outspoken critic of American foreign policy, and the most frequently cited academic in the world. Julian Assange is a notorious crypto-anarchist (, and an outspoken critic of American foreign policy.

The real question is how fucking dumb do you have to be to find Assange quoting Chomskey to be weird or unusual?

Nigger ToddAndClare happened last year. Todd and Clare namedropped Noam Chomsky in their anti-Assange smear doubtlessly because Noam Chomsky is widely recognized as a critic of American foreign policy and is thusly widely hated in "patriotic" deep-state circles.

The reason Assange would quote Noam Chomsky is fucking obvious. Chomsky and Assange have a great deal of political overlap. Assange is not "signalling" the CIANiggers who call themselves "ToddAndClare".

>ToddAndClare told Assange to tweet a very specific phrase that involves Putin and a different Rothschild but Assange refused their demand and hasn't tweeted it.
WOW, what an amazing coincidence!!! Surely this means Assange has decided to do business with known CIANiggers who are trying to entrap him! That's the only logical explanation! Why else would Wikileaks, an organization that opposes power structures, mention these two very powerful people?!?

Noam is the tip of the iceberg, although after digging I also found a picture of him with Assange . The basis is this

Everything is stated in the pdf.
The SoHo was portreyed as Dartmouth films(which if you digged deeper was based in Somerset House)

The one who would interview Assange would interview him in the exact same table with the same clothes and in the same suit an RT interview was give.(Which happened)

The interview was the sold to RT to hide their traces and wasn't published by them. All of this happend before October 31st as stated in the pdf and also this

And now the comedian that is being indicted and wikileaks trys to cover has tweeted this

Both involved in October 2016

You can suck my dick but this is pretty obvious if you understand how these organisations work and how they send messages to each other.

You faggots don't even remember the help him tweets which were formed from spelling mistakes in tweets in 2016 yet you claim to have an opinion

>CIANiggers create threads on Holla Forums trying to draw attention to their recycled smear campaign, trying to obfuscate the situation with borderline schizo-posting to throw Holla Forums off their scent this time around.
That's about the gist of it. Not very complicated fam.

You obviously have no clue who Noam Chomsky is.

Assange obviously took the deal and the fact that Dartmouth films is based in Somerset House is the biggest tell. You chosing my weakest argument is also a tell that you are trying to burry it.

It's a psychotic rambling CIANigger smear campaign. There are no coded messages in it. Assange quoting Chomsky is not a coded reference to their psychotic smears.

Can I get a SITREP?

Retard, Soho (which you incorrectly and deceptively corrupted to 'SoHo') is a well known London neighborhood.

How many suits do you think Assange owns in that embassy? How many tables in that embassy do you think a film crew might use? The same suit/table being used more than once means jack shit.

You really are special ARE YAH?

It's all I need to know OP is a glow-in-the-dark cianigger spook who's trying to diss on Assange in a shiny brand new way.

I've arrived to the conclusion that because what was stated to the pdf happened ,wikileaks lies for sure about what is happening with TodAndClaire.

So either
1)TodAndClare works with Wikileaks
2)The PDF is not from TodAndClare

I also found out that the comedian that is being indicted has tweeted these

Which were both involved in October 2016
And that joseph bernstein was shilling for wikileaks.

Not much that can prove TodAndClare side though.


Third pic towards the end
You already proved you are retarted

You really are a special kind of stupid if you can't figure out that "Soho area of London" is referring to the Soho area of London.


I guess Soho being called SoHo doesn't ring any bells to you faggots

Confirmed triggered.