Tfw "accidentally" missed the deadline
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damn dude
liberalz btfo
So let me get this straight:
People gave money to some woman who was not even really considered in the running in the first place to do some kind of recount and now she somehow "forgot" to get the required papers in for the deadline of probably one of the most historic political fights this country has seen?
Who donated money to this? I mean seriously? I saw this bitch was a scam the moment she started talking about it. Face it, the ship has sailed and people are trying to cash in on it still. Trump won and there isnt much else to be done besides subverting EC votes (Good luck on that, doing so is political crucifixion) which is very fucking rare.
Seriously, why and how was she able to reach 3 million god damn dollars? Did people not learn from bearnie? Did people not realize that politicians do this shit all the time and milk their members for all they are worth? I hope this is a good lesson to the rest of you. Never give any of these faggots any money. They will fuck you in the ass and leave you crying on the bed.
Liberals hoping that a recount would swing things for Hillary
Ill be honest, he won by a pretty big margin. They would have to swing quite a few damn states in order to get it. He has such a buffer that getting enough states to go down past 270 is near impossible at this point.
Lets be logical, at this point of the game its over. All trump has to do is throw his dice and move around the board one more time to win. He just has to wait for his turn to move.
She made more money from this shady recount business than the green party has raised this year.
Here is another question: How much does it actually take to REALLY lobby recounts? I dont think it takes millions upon millions of dollars to do this. People not knowing how much shit costs allowed them to get scammed.
People still think bernie is genuine. Bernie spent the entire primary election cycle covering for Hilary. At the first democratic debate the moderator asked bernie to comment on hilarys email and bernie said americans were sick and tired about hearing about "the damn emails"
Also bernie went on and on about how it was the responsibility of democrats to ensure a republican didnt enter the white house. The entire time bernie was out and about getting the millennial, minority and gay vote hilary was behind closed doors getting campaign contributions from hollywood actors and corporate shills. Hilary was practically non existent during the primaries because she wanted to give the mongrel hordes a chance to forget about her scandals. Bernie sanders lured in the idiots with promises of free school and healthcare so when he joined hilary the votes would follow. Bernie sanders played his followers so much harder than they will ever realize. From the beginning bernie was on hilarys side.
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid the tunnel vision democrats and liberals are.
The money is needed to pay for people and infrastructure to count millions and millions of votes.
tbh I think ripping off Clinton Democrats to enrich the green party is hilarious
the only missed deadline was in pennsylvania, the other states' petitions were filed on time
They needed to get all 3 to make any difference to the result. And I think Pennsylvania is the largest one.
Fuck off.
He clearly misspoke when he said you don't know what it's like to be poor but the first sentence is accurate.
It's funny, if he had been able to suppress his inner kike and stopped trying to D&C whites for a little while, he would have crushed Hillary and probably would have beaten Trump.
Nice quote taken out of context, Holla Forums.
Unless the context was "Many on the left claim that 'When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto. You don't know what it's like to be poor', and that's completely false and I fully repudiate that", it doesn't really matter.
this thing he said is going to haunt him for the rest of his life, huh?
it was a shitty thing to say but people are making a mountain out of a mole hill tbh
Much like "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" permanently branded Obama as an аnti-white, race baiting liar in the minds of White America, Bernie's little rant did the same and destroyed his campaign.
Right, and it totally wasn't because of the DNC.
Fuck off Holla Forums!
nice tears, lad.
What is the fuck with these jews and their fucking donation scams?
First Bernie then this bitch.
Why are goys so fucking dumb?
The DNC collaborated with Clinton to "steal" the nomination because they knew he was both unstable and unelectable because of tirades like that.
I understand your frustration, since if Trump delivers even half of what he promised, he'll easily win a second term. But hey, 8 years from now the demographics will still have shifted to the point that the white male vote won't be able to carry an election victory, and "your" guy will get the chance to fuck everything up again and get us back into that suicidal death spiral. Hang in there, friend, just 4-8 more years of pouting to go.
The answer to both is: it's in their nature and stereotypes exist for a reason. Whites may have a great lQ spread and be the number one innovators and creators, but their downfall is that they're extremely susceptible to manipulation/programming.
CTR go home
This is some wild shit.
this phrase has existed for at least a hundred years. it's very easy to say, and always makes sense to say it, since its practically the politicians' job to promise everything to everyone.
so no, it's not some wild shit. it's cliched optimist gullible idiot bullshit.
Except it didn't and you're full of shit as ever. The only people who still gave a shit about that is the ones on an echo chamber on a malaysian tapestry board.
At least Holla Forums is right about never trusting jews with money.
If he struggles this hard just to pander to SJWs, that tells me he really doesn't care about id-pol as a important issue, which is good.
They could do it by swinging Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, which coincidentally are the states with the slimmest Trump margins and are also the only 3 being suggested for recount.
what do you think a recount will show though? I doubt Trump or Russia hacked it. Clinton's team appear to have in the primaries against Sanders.
No it didn't. By the time he said that his campaign was already sputtering and it also runs contrary to literally everything he's ever said about poor whites, which he talks about a hell of a lot. Holla Forums picked up a lot of CTR smears about Bernie which is was a predictable but at the same time accidental side effect of hrcs dirty campaign.
Yea I WATCHED the entire debate on that. He said that entire thing with that context intact. He said white people have white muh privilege and arent poor or living in ghettos. White people even have one of the poorest cities in the nation. Glad he lost. You cant say retarded shit like that and expect to win more votes.
Nothing. After Trumps win some major newspapers were running a little liberal clickbait piece about how some group of computer scientist approached the HRC campaign that implied they had proof of election fraud. All articles said the same thing in the same language so I don't know the first source they all bought it from. It turns out they did not have any kind of proof and they walked back their claims when followed up on later, but that story (fake news, you could say) blew up in social media and Stein created this campaign based entirely on it.
He spoke carelessly one time at the height if Hillary's pretty successful attempts to use BLM to undermine his campaign. In context Bernie was the most pro-poor white candidate in decades.
In the context of everything else he has said, I assume that what he was trying to say was that the black experience is inherently different than the white experience in America which is probably true. That doesn't mean he thinks white poor people don't need support - that concept has been the core of his fucking campaign, you dork.
FAKE NEWS STRIKES AGAIN!! lel. what a pleb.
Did you read what I wrote.
Yes. When I said pleb I was talking about Stein.
I'm not a socdem but you're literally retarded
Sanders has been talking about white poverty for over 20 years you dumb idiot.
lool, didnt she make like 10 million dollars from retarded shill bots and now it doesnt even matter.
How do you explain those anti-bernie emails from the DNC leaks then?
Was getting caught part of their plan?
There was evidence of election fraud in several swing states before Edison "corrected" their exit polls. I'm not too sure what they hope to see out of a Wisconsin recount, but Pennsylvania is a prime state to target for election fraud. The lack of a paper trail means that a recount won't be able to establish fraud. Whatever might have been done to those machines to rig things, the evidence is gone and the only indicator was how far the exit polls deviated from reported results. Ohio should have really been a part of this.
Don't forget that the Republicans have been doing this shit for some 20 years now. Just because we finally know the Democrats do it too doesn't mean the other side stopped.
This was just a work to embezzle money from Clinton people
I thought CTR took well-deserved rest after the election?
I still seriously cannot believe we do our elections on machines like this. It's just mind blowingly stupid - isn't this obvious? If there's one thing both dumbass parties should agree on isn't it the need for a paper trail to keep check on each other?
Apparently not. They just both try to out cheat the other
Leading up to the election there was this big story on NBC about how the government was preparing for a Russian 'cyber attack' on our elections. Trump was already talking about the possibility of election fraud and now that she lost, Clinton is saying the same.
Seems like a no-brainer way to help solve this problem everyone seems to be freaking the fuck out about is to use PAPER BALLOTS.
Unless of course they don't really want to solve the problem.
Well when you have Republicans usually being the major beneficiaries of election fraud, their support for "nothing to see here, now focus your eyes on this voter fraud boogeyman" seems obvious. Remember Mitt Romney even owned share in one of the major voting machine manufacturers.
The explanation for why the Democrats put up with it is maybe a bit harder to pin down. Obviously the right wing of the party made big gains in this year's Primary from it. I don't know about other past incidents to draw from.
The ideology of America's greatness makes it hard for people on either side to come to terms with the reality that election stealing is as American as apple pie.
I call bullshit
http:// /pennsylvania-state-department-says-stein-missed-recount-deadline/article/2608305
That's Pennsylvania. She's been putting all her efforts in Wisconsin right now. The cost of that alone was 4 mil.
Kek. OP says nothing about Pensylvania.
Besides. Here are the electoral votes per state she claims she wants to recount:
Currently, the delegate count is:
If Clinton wins both states after Stein's recount, the score will be
Meaning that even if Stein conducts the recount in both remaining states, and finds out that Clinton in fact won both, Trump will still win!
Source for numbers:
That's why i don't see any harm in a recount. It doesn't change the outcome, and we get to see if either side was doing something fishy, although my bet is on Hillary having a bunch of votes from dead people.
I'd care to agree, but after missing the first recount my best guess is that this is just a scam for money. Remember kids,
Also, amusingly enough Hillary Clinton showed herself completely lacking in honor by supporting Stein's recount, switching from a position of "people who question election results are dangerous". It's amusing to know that her humiliating herself as a last desperate grasp for power will be a complete dud.
Looks like the Stein smears don't stop after election. The pig apologists are be really buttmad about her 1% of the vote.
She didn't miss the first recount though. She manage to file in time in Wisconsin. I don't think shes able to afford to in those other states, so probably won't happen.
That's appropriate considering Wisconsin has recently devolved into a massive disappointment
He actually not only doesn't care, but also publicly repudiated the thing not too long ago.
Ok. That's interesting. I checked her website to find out how much of the money was for Pa, but there appears to be all sorts of weirdness and skulduggery on the page.
On the one hand, it says:
On the other:
Either they left out some extremely important information on the webpage (presumably they were high when writing it), or this is an obvious scam.
grab them by the pussy
We aren't liberals, Holla Forums.
Too many retarded right-wingers in this thread
Hillary should be in jail for using downballot funds on her campaign (and Trump and Hillary should be in jail for coordinating with super PACs)
Bernie racked in millions upon millions, and little to none of it was spent on big, long and strong adverts.
suddenly he's out of the race and buys a multi-million dollar house.
seems legit.
depending on when that was written, it might be out of date.
The actual cost of Wisconsin turned out to be much higher.
yes, but where's the proofs, Billy?
The stories people tell themselves to be able to sleep at night are often quite interesting. Here's what you're missing
Also, what kind of Communist sissy thinks that violently overturning a government is something bad? Perhaps I'm expecting to much of r-selected pussies.
I think someone might be a bit mad.
didn't the "polls" indicate like a 90-98% chance for a Clinton win?
I just don't bump threads that are made up of conjecture.
Those were pre-election opinion polls, not exit polls.
You know nobody in ecology takes this concept seriously anymore. Please stop abusing it.
QED, bitch
Hello Reddit!
QED aint proof, bb
See .
I see how you could make this error, but a lot of people are actually capable of forming an opinion without first getting approval from autority.
I asked for proof, not conjecture.
might want to try again.
I am a biologist and the idea that there is some of clear dichotomy between species favoring growth versus carrying capacity has not been supported by the evidence. It's a fanciful idea, but it's not a theory with any real predictive value, and has largely been discarded as anything useful in the field of ecology.
r/K-selection favoring does not apply to the majority of organisms including humans. Please stop.
Why didn't you just start your last post by saying so? Now I'll automatically agree with everything you say.
Never said there was, but survival strategies will vary depending on your breeding patterns.
The same vein of leftist wit that brought us Clinton's famous line "Delete your account"
Holla Forums, everybody.
It does in the sense of human psychology being able to apply game-theory.
I pointed out why you are wrong and this is your only response
Wew, it's almost like there should be laws in place to prevent the theft of political donations
In what post? The only one my post replies to that replied to me was , and it doesn't have a communist flare.
kys faggot
that's right, Sally, keep defending the commie-jew that took your money and ran.
I love how poverty is a virtue, but only for those that campaign against poverty.
All these stories about Bernie being a plant are not real but they certainly make more sense than reality. Why did he support Hillary? I don't buy into the argument that he had no other options, that it was best strategically, and so on.
I take it you two have done your homework in this matter
Because he didn't want more than not wanting Hillary. With Hillary he at least pushed her policy toward his direction more and wanted others to be elected in positions that will force her hand to do his policy not hers. I guess that was him being a bit too optimistic on how much he could influence people or maybe not enough.
He legitimately, and foolishly, believed he could get the democrats to stick to the platform he helped develop. It's the thing that's most annoying about him, and what keeps most of us from lending our support.
If you think he's a plant, either you're a newfag who wasn't here with the rest of us when we were pouring over the emails that showed he was legitimate threat, or most likely a Holla Forums shill.
Unbiased journalism at its finest
lol, keep giving shekels to Jill kikesteinberg, I'm sure she'll beat Trump any day now.
Good sassenach
it's an obvious polcuck obsessed with jews.
Although it's nice to see that he doesn't talk about aliens and lizards anymore
The context you're missing is the question. He was talking about himself. He was trying to say something akin to "I, being a relatively well-to-do white guy from Vermont don't understand what it's like to be a poor minority living in a poor, backwards city/state", but fumbled the words that made it sound like he was saying something universal about all whites, when that wasn't the intention.
He even clarified later saying that obviously there were poor whites, especially in placed like Appalachia and the Ozarks.
Holla Forums will never let go of this, despite the clarification, because it fits their narrative.