Other urls found in this thread:


Kike free bump.

Lets pray it reaches Cali.

Probably just another test fire.

Is it finally happening?

Please Kek let it hit la or San Fran or Seattle or Chicago or Hawaii.
Good luck Kim

See ya Hawaii

oh fug




Sweet , Godzilla soon?


Oh god, this is it isn't it. The Big One

i hope it will hit san francisco

Worst Korea says missile still travelling towards Japan, guess alarm issued beforehand


They should fucking nuke those degenerates in South Korea instead of Japan.

http: //
But when he does talk about taking action the story is that Drumpf is scary, make up your mind, fuck. Also was he supposed to read Kim's mind this morning?

Very good rolls.


This guy needs to be in the fucking back of the goddamned oven.

Kim and previous leaders plans were always to Holocaust the South and take it back, not nuke it.

The cianigger outer-heaven the media and normalfags call north korea should be annihilated

Klaas is from flemish roots nigger.

unusual nighttime operations
high trajectory, unlikely slow

Woops, should have called him a shabbos goy and NOT a kike himself, my bad!

(((Media))) knew within minutes of launch

Wheeweeeeeeeee bud , let's get this fucking party started.
I was promised ten million dead in ten minutes I will not be disappointed

Kill yourself kike.
>>>Holla Forums


Japanese cabinet crisis team meeting,
'Worst Korea conducting missile strike drills
pentagon says missile came from a mobile launcher
false flag???

shut up jew


Could our warships have launched a missle near Korea to false flag them? I only say this due to the media thing. It could then serve as a bait to getting rid of NK (if it does hit JP, it could also serve as a reason for immigrants. "You gotta allow them foreigners to help provide relief goy. Letting their foreign peopls & ideas currup-enter your country is good").


Kill yourself kike.

Reported. Kikes gave North Korea gold and uranium.

Check'd m80

mobile launcher…? pretty fast, eh, (((pentagon)))?

What the JVL prints is what the JVL prints. Report all you want.

Where is it?

Trump will save europe


Japanese PM: missile fell in Japanese EEZ
likely not ICBM

It's Japanese property now, boys. Haul it up and dissect it.
Israeli components confirmed when

oy vey

I don't know what to tell you or what you're trying to even get across. The kikes want a war with North Korea because it is a threat. Oh wait, no they don't so it's okay to go to war against them. They were lying before when they said it was a threat. To what end? I don't know.

Literally why don't the norks have a right to test fire missiles again?

Great job, moishe. Way to show your colors.

I live there :^(

was launched at 3AM North Korea time

stop with the tinfoil bullshit

Captcha: uQGays


You're just repeating stuff at this point. So the JVL is fake, it's doctored, it's misinformation, or is it outdated? You're not actually answering that with anything substantive. You're just asserting you possess the unassailable truth and that so and so is a jew.

It isn't meant to be taken as truth. Just another random idea sent into the air, to be proven or disproven once more is learned. Also, who the fuck hates on tinfoil/conspiracy theory shit here? There is /x/ and then there is basic conspiracies.


At least the Norks are still racially clean. The entire western world is a mongrel reaction face compared to the north koreans these days. If we're going to have a war anyway I'd much rather kill the shitskins next door than some gooks overseas, and it would solve more of our problems, too.


Reported, too. You want to shill that shit, do it on tumblr.


Japanese emergency cabinet meeting

So you're admitting you're here to LARP then?

I'm not claiming I'm winning at all. I don't even think I'm arguing with you. I'm asking you repeatedly for a better explanation and you keep not providing one.

Why would israel put out information that North Korea is a threat to them if it wasn't? I'm asking. Did something change? Is the image doctored? Are they trying to convince all the non-existent Nazis with zero power in any halfway relevant Western military power to not attack North Korea?

Sorry I didn't realize this was /r/T_D. Oh wait, it is now isn't it?

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself Jamal.


It's a fucking happening thread. What else do you want?



And examination of facts instead of making up bullshit off the top of your retarded head?

Cry harder. Reported.

Israel gave gold and uranium to North Korea. It's over. Your narrative is destroyed.



Yes, I'm asking specifically in this instance what the purpose of the lie is. Or if it was a lie at all. Did something change? Was it one way before and now it is another way?

You know because you're one of them. No stupid, we understand pretty clearly why people shill for a commie nations here.

Lurk for two years before posting again. We require a minimum level of intelligence to post here.

Go lick Michael Obama's tranny jizz off Melania's asshole, you 110 IQ little sniveling ass pirate. You are an SJW (R) at best.

hahaha man, you are all over the place. did you forget your meds today little one? filtered


I've been here much longer than you, bank on that. Filtered.


was potentially a test of flight time for North's longest range missile
due to 20-25 minute duration

Reported. >>>/out/

So it's already over? How disappointing….


ultima ratio regum

The (((intelligence community, politicians, military, and media))) were all very quick on this one. We knew it was likely 2 days ago even.

You seem quite agitated. My question is, what facts are up yet? All we know at present is that a missle was fired, the media knew early, some sources claim it was from a mobile launcher.
This raises the question of why would the media know so quickly, as well as what is the true origin of the missle (since it seems there is some issue in determining this).
Taking the line of reasoning derived from "why would the media know early" leads one to think the U.S. is involved or a government besides NK (with whom we have no MSM connections with. Unless you take the stance that they're controlled op). With the potential conclusion that there is U.S. involvement and the oddity of who sent the missile, it leads one to question if they're falseflagging NK. Supposing they are falseflagging NK (in particular with an attack against Japan), what are the benefits? For Jews, it would be flooding migrants into JP which has done well to keep most of them out. For those in the U.S., it gives casus belli for our intervention in SE Asia. Lastly, for JP itself, it would give the government reason to get more militarized.
Thinking through the possible scenarios and who benefits should not be frowned, it is what allows one to properly derive the truth once all facts are present.

Truth doesn't fear investigation, kike.


Still waiting on what the Norks did wrong.

Notice the jew faces on the enemies in their propaganda.




Juche isnt communist, its not the same thing as we are, but they are anti-Israel. Its a grey area, in a way. They are bad, but the good kind of bad.They keep to themselves mostly when unprovoked, but they like to fuck with Israel.

Anti-communist narratives are so 1970 you dimwit, you may as well be braying
from the sewer pipe in the front of your head. The viet cong were gommies too and now vietnam is a vacation destination, nobody gives a shit that the norks are juche, and it's certainly not worth starting a war over. What? Whyfore? America stands to gain literally nothing but more dead whites, which is what filthy kikes like you want.

Would you give it a rest already Cletis? Pot is the least socially harmful vice to consume.

Cmon anons, the /leftyniggers/ are obvious today, don't take the bait.

Nah. I wish it was, to be honest. I'm so bored and depressed I almost wish there was a global thermonuclear war to spice things up a bit.


Agreed m80. I can't tell if the ones biting the bait are the baiters themselves at this point - gaslighting is the name of their goddamned game.

Unless Japan is able to haul the missile in, or China declares war, probably.

US recon plane in the air at DMZ, tracking ground movement

No. A Mobile launcher is one of these things.

Yup! Ching-Chongs know whats up.

At the same place where you sign-up to be genocided by Negroes and Shitskin hordes.

No one said anything about Russia, you cocksucking faggot. The USSR wasn't Russia. We don't accept communist nations here.



If they're firing ballistic missiles from portable launchers that's pretty interesting, usually they test-fire from a fixed platform near that mountain that's having structural instabilities from the nuke tests.

Stop trying to whip up an anti-North Korea hysteria. No one cares. You may as well try to get us angry about Bhutan, they're a non-entity, if we ignore them they'll go find some other regional power to annoy.

Fucking gross lad.

the suggestion would have been that a mobile launcher could have been snuck in by stealth and used to create an international incident to justify war, and that was why the media knew about it so quickly.

Its like neutral evil(Israel) picked a fight with chaotic neutral(Norks), and were cheering on chaotic neutral because we really hate kikes. Were lawful good. Juche isnt communism, that would be lawful evil.

this explains the double skykings last night and maybe the jamming

Missile launches are not easy things to hide. The motor causes unusual seismic activity and has a massive thermal signature that can be spotted half the globe away in around a minute or less.

Or wait, Israel cant be neutral evil because they go around fucking everyone up, even if they cant really be called lawful or chaotic. Israels something else, just pure evil maybe.

Where do you think you are.

Oh no.

Alright leaving for now because the happening seems to be over.


Oh yes

Emergency action messages were going nuts hours ago, double skyking, long messages directed to specific station, jamming or over the horizon radar over the air force freq seen from netherland's enschede websdr.
They say this coming a day ahead at least.

So did I, just didn't know what it was that was coming.

Holla Forums, not Neocohen Daily you diseased jewish fuck. Holla Forums cares about removing shitskins from the premises and sending the jews back to Hell. You know perfectly well why we're going to kill you, you're doing it right now, in trying to push for a war that will get more whites killed while doing nothing to alter the fundamental demographic problems we face as a people. You won't wonder why you're being dragged into the gutter and shot, will you?

Are you sure?

Kill yourself commie gook loving kike.
>>>Holla Forums


You're not even trying anymore.

Kill yourself kike.

Probably last notable report


They didn't launch nuclear weapons. Also I think nuclear weapons are funny and I'm glad North Korea has some, I wish Iran got some too. What are you, some kind of queer? Do you think I'm afraid of nuclear weapons or that anyone on Holla Forums is? Oh no, Norks might nuke Los Angeles and kill 70% shitskins please don't!

50 minute flight time? at what speed? doesn't it take 12 hours to get from the US-Cal airport to JAP-Tok airport?


No offense but the radiation can affect more than just LA
Hell I think you might even be right in not being afraid since the shitskins majority live in the southern half of the US, your problem is them migrating north.
Fuck youll do then?

IIRC it took Soviet missiles half an hour to reach the US during the Cold War, so if we know the speed the western US may be fucked.

< New York City: 40 minutes 30 seconds
< Washington DC: 41 minutes
< Chicago: 39 minutes 30 seconds
< Anchorage: 29 minutes
< Los Angeles: 38 minutes
< Honolulu: 37 minutes
< Guam: 18 minutes 30 seconds
Yeah, we already covered that, shlomo. Eat shit. They're not enemies.

trump statement 20 minutes
You can't hide, moishe. Your kikes at home are helping the gooks.

Seriously save your bawwwwwing about WMDs for CNN and Fox News, that shit doesn't fly on Holla Forums. Norks are just straw-manning their own population with the amerigan boogeyman and playing into those fears - it's not paranoid schizophrenia if they really are microchipping your pills.

The problem isn't communism, it's the jews, and wars against their enemies are never justified? Is communism a semitic ideology that should wiped out once the jews are gone? Of course, but so is "BASED capitalism", you lolberg faggot.

This is why we have to kill you. I'm sure you understand.

Isn't this what metal gear was suppose to do for this exact reason? Launching missiles with Railguns/magnets so there was no heat signature?


Chegged for TS weapon showcasing in current year

Curious to see what he has to say. He has no formal speaking engagements today.

wew meme responsibly lad


Tell me more scared I am about Honolulu (90% chinks, gooks, japs, and injins) getting nuked. Go on, tell me that the Norks with ballistic missiles are the scariest thing in the world, and I should be totally terrified of them wiping out monkey babies in their cribs before I get a chance

Yids, your bot is broken. It doesn't know how to reply when I prove that Israel supports North Korea with gold and uranium.

Mate you fucking wot? Sure when these things move around the earth rumbles, but not by much and only at a very close proximity. And it's has a what, 1000 horsepower motor? That's not terribly lot of power, a run of the mill railroad locomotive is several times as powerful.

fug wrong image

and ameriga gets microprocessors from israel. The biggest problem is shitskins and jews


You faggots certainly didn't have any issue with Communism when you were sucking off the chinks.

The press briefing was about to go live then cancled


then wtf are we worried for? did they launch a rock or some shit? at 50 minute flight time that shit should have hit something and exploded.

This just lends credibility of a false flag.


Kill yourself, kike.

Only jewish shills care about north korea or MUH WMDs.

wew, I thought that their BO sucking a Jewsish cock was the lowest

Dammit man….patience

All this fear mongering.

What they don't mention is that the missile has no payload, is a flying hollow tube, and went vertically up, leaving the atmosphere, and reentering in a different point of the globe.
Saying it is "flying over Japan" like a cruise missile, as though you can see it in the sky, is fucking stupid. It is like saying "a Russian satellite is flying over the US", when really it is in low orbit and broadcasts television.

Broken bot!

I don't think you realize how big the pacific ocean is. the missile would basically have to be in orbit

There's a stream up, but it's been an hour of filming an empty podium.


ha look at her fucked up eyes

Anti-Best Korea neocohen patriotards go back to fucking plebbit!



When is this Nork going to stop this dick waving contest and put his money where his mouth is?

Oh wait, never, because North Korea is weak and full of threats that they can't back up.

I'm sooooooo scared. See how frightened I am of your North Korea song and dance? You're not going to fool us like you did with Saddam, kikel, and when the rubber meets the road my boot is going to meet your face as I shove it screaming into an oven.


The biggest problem is that North Korea doesn't know that North Korea is full of shit.



shills can't into logic, just shouting about tinfoil hats

Okay sure Mordechai. Where did you people ever get a reputation for being smart?

wtf I love communism now

That missile took forever to get where it was going, was it gook powered?

Obviously, you're shilling for a war on behalf of jewish Trotskyites

Nice fakery. I live in commiefornia and I am still alive ready to take you nazis out with muh antifa buddies.


could you just say 'kikes' you massive kike. I'm not shilling for anything, I just don't care if NK gets glassed. If they keep launching missiles into japan's airspace then they have all the right to retaliate you faggot. Do you even know how sovereignty works, oh wait no, cause you're a kike.


$400,000 in gold from Israel to North Korea, moishe!

End your own life before I end it for you.

Hey did you hear? Hitler just signed a mutual defense pact with Russia. What a traitor!
t. you


ya, thats not bad at all, just let them nuke something like hawaii because whatever, its just a bunch of browns, surely you are safe from the radiation from where you are in tel aviv

North Korea isn't going to nuke anything. Neither is Iran, neither was Saddam. Fucking kill yourself already everyone here wants you dead.

ya, those missiles flying over and violating japans sovereignty, those are fake news.

kys kike

Sweet merciful fuck, there are a lot of retards out today.

I don't care even a little.

enjoy your ban faggot




NK better start paying for better shills because this is JIDF tier.

back to /r/T_D nigger.

Eat the shit out of a dog's anus. Oh wait, you're a kike, you'd probably enjoy it.
Kikes love norks, shlomo.

No, North Korea is way smarter than your employers.

>the illiterate moron who hates books is also unironically afraid of Norks
Imagine my surprise.

back to discord kike

What ever happened to le superior ashkenazi iq, kike?

If kikes love norks so much why does NK have no jewish run banks and barely takes aid from anyone because jews treat them like a live wire now that they've developed some shitty (dirty) bombs?

lol, what a good meme
Except Israel, of course.
Bombs that the jews helped them develop, you mean?

What does it feel like to say ethnic slurs for your own race all day for minimum wage?

I wouldn't know, since there are no slurs for white people. Everyone acknowledges we're the master race.


Is this entire thread just shills getting mad at each other or does someone have some interesting info about the situation?

except you are projecting kike, I do it for free, unlike you.
now thats just retarded, racist is one for starts.

You can't be serious. And provide me some proof that their banks are jewish. They are virtually all state run.

That isn't "aid", and you aren't going to convince anyone to support your semitic crusade with that. Try again, jewboy.

It's a nothingburger. Chad in Pyongyang launches an ICBM, the international community whimpers in defiance. A bunch of kike shills come to Holla Forums to try to whip us into a frenzy and get us to die in another overseas war, instead of a much needed ethnic cleansing at home, because "muh gommunism" and other such impotent irrelevances.


Pretty much this.
Nothing new yet, Trump is supposed to give a speech,


if the US just "launched an ICBM" would it be nothing chaim? fucking christ they need to pay you fuckers more.

Sometimes I hope it was possible to follow those bottle rockets in real time

Trump has been launching ICBMs off the coast of California on a regular basis you fucking mongoloid. Here's one from August

ya, did they launch it at another country you fucking nigger?

Nearly 2 hours later and still no information and no Trump speech.

He's planning an invasion

It's japan's fault for being in the way of Chad's eastern test trajectory. Kim Jong Un could nuke anyone he wants to for thousands of miles, and chooses not to. This is the same bluff as the Iran scare, "OMG they're suicidal tyrants any second they'll get a nuke and then they'll launch it at israel for no reason!" Same jewy shit, same jewy participants. Only this time it's going to end in violence, alright, but not the way jews want.


Terrible shilling, just terrible. Step your game up before your job gets outsourced.

I mean nothing of value would be lost.

surely that wouldn't piss russia off or anything

Yo something up trump late for the speech and there suppose reports that south Korea has launched missiles back


The only new thing I've heard is that Norks started launching missiles and then South Korea just started firing in retaliation. Only related matters I could see tying into this is that there's been several people running for the border and defecting to South Korea. After Japan cemented a solid deal with Trump, there's no reason why the US wouldn't take some serious action when our Moonland neighbors are involved.

Oh shit. Trump's on!

nice deflection kike, nowhere did I say war, try again.
The missile was halfway to fucking space when it passed over japan. It's nothing.

Trump is talking shit about Pelosi and Schumer instead of talking about the Norks. Not that they don't deserve it, but come on, man.

you guys think its a joke when it hits commiefornia, but then that's wheneveryone realizes that its real and martial will happen.

Something about bringing back 4 trillion dollars from off-shore bullshit. Talking about China. Still no word about the Norks.

prb not

Choke on a nigger dick along with your "preemptive wars" yid.

Republican Gay Orgy Lovefests confirmed.

Oy vey, it's ok only when we do it!

And the stream got fucked up because the retard streaming it is literally just screencapturing some website.

We need to support Donald Trump and listen to our NeoCon foreign affair experts and invade North Korea with our 80% white military ASAP
It is the only way to show American strength, by flexing our military muscle as sole military super power, it's our responsibility, this will also show those russians not to mess in our elections any more and show we will protect israel at any cost.

God Bless,

Let's all post the face we'll make when Big Kimmy wipes Japan off the face of the Earth and saves video games forever.
>the shills reveal their (((semitic predisposition))) toward fecal matter and bodily fluids
>the shills ACTUALLY think people will accept commie gooks threatening to nuke white nations and developing technology to do so because muh (((israeli))) opinions


this was a good move by trump … by delaying the statement, and restricting NK talk to the beginning and end of a planned pile-on against pelosi and shumer, trump underplays the stunt. Kim wants the U.S. to freak out about these tests because fear is their only negotiating tool… by abdicating response to this to SK and Japan (which is finally moving toward sovereign re-armament, rather than functioning as an American protectorate) Trump turns NK into a reigonal problem, not a global one. And if NK is a reigonal problem, it behooves China to get involved. that's his strategy this whole time – antagonize and belittle NK, while opening up Asia so that the reigon (rather than the U.S.) is policing best korea

The sad thing is that North Korea is probably not even a real country. Take a look into their obvious CGI enhanced military marches and how nothing ever comes from there and no one goes there besides actors, reporters, etc.
It's one giant film set. All it takes for the goyim to believe in Miss-ile ( Lie ) launches is for one of ZOG's actors to say it's real and show a fake clip. It really is that easy.





Kim jong un and his posse are ACTORS. You guys will believe anything your puppets give lip-service to, won't you?

North Korea most definitely exists but it's flat and made of chemtrails.

I think you meant his pussy is a sock puppet

There's an area north of South Korea with some buildings and what have you but it's mostly uninhabited. Like a film set city you would see at Universal Studios.

so it won't matter if Trump nukes it into a slag pit

Have you guys seen Team America World Police? That is Truth hidden in Plain Sight. Kim Jong Un is literally a cartoon villain/puppet with strings attached like the rest of the puppets on World Stage.

You guys are no better than teenage girls watching the Kardashians on reality TV. That's what Trump is for (You)

Nah, it's gonna sound like this before the missile hits the ground.

Remind me again how the dozens of surface and air burst tests done in the fifties and sixties killed us all again?

The dangers of nuclear war were entirely overblown by the anti-war crowd.

But it was ok when it was your turn right moshe?

but what's the difference
does it even matter?


Walk around the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Go swimming near Fukashima. Walk around all the nuclear testing grounds in Nevada and bikini atoll. I'm sure you'll be just fine.

Yes, because they're not going to Nuke us and Trump is in on the scam.

what scam you utter dolt? to start a war with a fake country?

but if NK gets nuked and noone is around to see it, did it ever actually happen? I guess we'll never know

Yes, fake premise to a War that will involve real countries like China/Russia etc. At any rate, fear is "their" currency.

and russia and china want a war because a fake country means so much strategically right?

They fly in long paths to test their range, they're not ready to actually attack yet.


There is no "strategy" to worry about


ya, jews are actually geniuses who plan a billion steps ahead because they are all seeing and knowing, they totally aren't sub human 90 iq sandniggers who just get by better than whites because they have zero morals. No, its because they are gods.

Hell no. The current Norks are gook-chink mongrels. Due to the Korean war, any gook that didn't get the hell out of the northern regions ended up crossbreeding with the hordes of subhuman chink shock troops that overran the place. North Korea is a remnant of Communist Chinese control, which itself was a puppet state created by kikes. To this day, North Korea still faithfully plays the role of controlled opposition to South Korean central banking kikes (commie countries are controlled with direct bribes to the leaders, while capitalist countries are controlled with central bank manipulation).

Anywhere includes Israel. They're now a threat to the United States. You boys ready to sign up to defend our greatest ally from North Korea by attacking Iran?

Let's say tomorrow, news comes out that the Norks actually bombed Japan. Really just gave it that third nuke they so deserve. Suddenly America rushes to avenge its ally. Within the next month, suddenly we have footage of NK firing off all their missiles, we have footage of us firing our missiles. Oh boy, our air defense systems worked and stopped their missiles. Oh fuck, except one gets through, and it's a big one. It lands in the midwest, killing an unreal number of whites and qualifying as the kind of national disaster that allows the actual Communist state lying in wait to take over the country. Cue up FEMA detention camps, etc. etc. The twist is the attacks were faked, we bombed ourselves.

what a retard.

no, whats funnier is he thinks kikes are that smart


There have been approximately 2000 test detonations since the Atom bomb was created. Carried on up through the nineties. Close to a thousand on US soil. It's no wonder why commiefornians are retarded, they're all nuclear mutants.

If only to land on the courthouse of that one faggot judge.

Judging by this thread I'm guessing it's not happening?
Missiles from NK to Japan would get there within the hour. Missiles from NK to SK would get there in minutes.

The missile landed in the Ocean. We're waiting for the happening to begin.

I clearly meant to say Sea of Japan.

But they've done that several times this year, how is this time any different?

pic related


I wish NK had an actual Twitter propaganda outlet. It'd be great.

That's the worst misspelling of "California" I've ever seen.


Basically jack shit. Actually, modern bombs have less fissile material in them than they did at the Cold War peak and are optimized to produce less fallout.

Walk around Hiroshima or Nagasaki why don't you? The isotopes from a nuclear reactor meltdown are much longer lived than those from a nuclear bomb explosion. Even in light of that fact much of the Chernobyl exclusion zone is tolerable.

Also, the Nevada nuclear test grounds offer monthly tours numbnuts.

Hey look, it's even less of a worry than I initially even stated.

Tours where the hundreds of test bombs were dropped?

Not unless they are trying to nuke the moon. Bet you didn't think of that did you?

The tours take you right to the brim of the craters.


If you honestly think the author of that article knows less about ICMBs than you, consider suicide. If you think his calculations are as simple as your assumption, consider suicide.



It's not happening. It's never going to happen. No one has the balls to glassify the Norks. Fuck, man, what kind of value do they offer the world AT ALL? What contributions to "progress" or whatever have they made in the last 50 years? Why do they even fucking exist in [CURRENT YEAR]? Just nuke the bastards already.

Is this Kim's master plan?

how do you know this and if you can see a rockets flight path 600 million miles away and can't see a AIR CRAFT FLYING TOWARDS A JEW YORK SKY SCRAPER. I CALL BULL SHIT


What kind of bullshit is it that says a nation has to contribute to world "progress" to be allowed to exist? Sounds like globalist kike reasoning to me.

North Korea is a sovereign state. If their only goal as a nation is to merely exist that is their choice to make. Just because they don't spend their time contributing to global capital in any meaningful way doesn't mean they should be wiped off the map.

That would be very impressive.

i'll just leave these here

ya, I would just love that galactic communism.

Are you an idiot? They are an important buffer state for China and a key piece in keeping that part of the world from falling completely under Western domination. And what North Korea is doing now is demonstrating it has the capacity and power to protect itself.

What it is doing now is what Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria wish they could have done, provide a viable enough threat to the Western powers interests that they are left alone. If they didn't have any fangs to bare the US would already be agitating for their destruction through the usual channels and riling up rebel groups to overthrow their leader.

This is not to say that North Korea is not a brutal communist regime, of course. It is just that what they are doing isn't egregious or beyond the pale, its sound policy to prevent any attempts at destroying their country or overthrowing their government. They are sending the message that if they are next on the chopping block, they will be causing enough damage that it's no longer worth it to bring the guillotine down.

The only people who still think the North Koreans are in any way villainous, are the ones who still fall for the bullshit that the West are the (((good guys))). The North Koreans aren't virtuous, either, but don't make the mistake of thinking that global politics under the reign of the kikes is anything but a vicious dog fight.

china is an israeli puppet already retard, they aren't doing anything of value except play their part in a fucking bread and circus show, so kikes can play both sides as usual.

Kikes want the US and North Korea to go to war. Kikes would also profit if China and South Korea went to war. Kikes would profit if US and China went to war.

No matter how you cut it war in the region results in kike profits. The survival of North Korea is essential for world stability in the face of Israeli agitation.

I live for the day we remove Dakkochi

Digits of truth and wisdom. The only correct target for a missile is Israel and I hope Kim knows this. Even San Francisco isn't nearly as good as a target.

meanwhile israel is gearing up to take out lebanon and iran in conjunction with saudi arabia

yes, but NK is an instrument to create the war, they are just as controlled, they very much listen to china, and china takes their order from the same jews everyone else does. NK is going to be something they use when the time is ready.

This. Best Korea and Kim Jong have done nothing wrong.

Does China also hand out copies of Mein Kampf to their generals?


please stop degrading Mein Kampf

idk, I tried to look it up and found china kvetching about japan doing it though

Shitty story made up by some kike somewhere to try and discredit Kim Jong Un.

this webm could have been 1 second long and served the same effect


You must be joking. You should rephrase that to "Israel and Saudi Arabia are gearing up to pull the United States into another war for their interests".

If Israel and Saudi Arabia fought Lebanon and Iran without our help they would be completely crushed. Saudi Arabia despite its vast advantage in technology, supplies, and armaments, has consistently lost ground to Yemen.

Iran has one of the largest and most well equipped armies in the region alongside multiple allies that WILL throw in with them should Israel and Saudi Arabia make such a move.

Israel and Saudi Arabia know this. They are not going to throw down unless they are sure they can pull the United States into it and have us fight their wars for them, as always. Unfortunately Trumps rhetoric regarding Iran makes it likely they could persuade him to do this, and obviously the rest of our government is already 100% on their payroll.

You're arguing with a fucking shill or a retard. Either way stop shitting up the thread. Report, filter, and move on.

why do you think israel has been bombing syria? because the US is refusing to do so on their behalf

It's not degrading. I'm making the argument that you can't hand out copies of Mein Kampf and insult israel while being a jewish puppet.

So Mein Kampf is bad?


Syria is already in the middle of a civil war and this is why Israel is able to launch the attacks it has. They cannot do this to Iran without inciting a massive war that would result in either their destruction, or the use of their nuclear arsenal which would result in the rest of the world coming down on them. The only way Israel would attack Iran is if they already had tacit approval of such action from Washington, and a guarantee that we would help Israel in any ensuing conflict.

Yeah well they think they can attack iran and win because they'll be teaming up with the saudis, I'm not saying they'll win just that they think they can win, and yes the US will probably be sucked into it

It's "bad" if you're a blue pilled normie which is still the majority of the West's population.

and they aren't threatening israel, only the US and Japan, kind of weird isn't it. Why not cut the shit and the middle man and go straight for the kikes nest, because its full of shit and you are citing kikepedia for relations info fucking kek

Boomers will be finally dead really soon, I'm glad. You can't just rely on boomers for spilling goyim blood, and there aren't many millenial Christians to defend israel in place of boomers.

rub your two brain cells together. If they wanted to nuke Japan, why fly over it and disregard having the tools and range to do so for such a long time?

that must be it, of course how could I be so stupid, thats why they are throwing ICBM test toward japan in clear violation of their sovereignty and not throwing them into the south china sea or toward Israel. They must be planning a super sekrit strike on Israel, I finally see. please kill yourself tonight, thanks


I second this

my god, it's full of jews

I see you're jew here.

By the way all he has to do is detonate a nuke in Space and 99% of US is automatically rendered defenseless. US relies too much on satellites.

and there are two nork satellites that pass over the US EVERY 17 MINUTES

Just about every country relies on sats for something, except the DPRK. Although they have 2 of them.

lets see by political view now,,, dun dun DUDUUUUUNNNNN

another blunder

Sage it, people.

Of what, exactly? Trumps foreign policy?

Fatboy Kim loves the biological twist

for another irrelevant Nork thread.
noone gives a fuck about your rocket gook fetishes, burgers

hopefully for DC

Sieg heil!

Double Sieg!!

Checked and heiled for checking the double sieg with a DD

Now my point - if I were Kim I would do the same. Best Korea is simply on a defensive stance against Neo Cohens. My point could obviously be limited by the data I have available. However Kim is a pop star, his power showing is on the same level as the Don's.

It's basic physics, nigger. Overcoming gravity is what matters here. Air resistance is nothing in comparison.


Have a daily #Kimspiration with your bamp OP

North Korea doesn't exist. It's a CIA version of Disney world. Kim is an actor who was educated in a CIA school based in Switzerland.


true. all those skinny people you see in CNN reports are cheap background actors hired en masse from china via a subcontract with apple.

Oh look, another missile in the water.

Wake me up when something real happens.

its the same deal with every north korea thread.
the faggot OPs keep posting these retarded threads expecting some big change and end up embarrasing themselves.
just like when they go to the elections.

sage negated


It would appear so my friend.

it would appear youre retarded.

anyone has that Bane video with a palestinian nasheed over that sings about the masked man, fright of the jews, your statement is explosive

whoops, this isnt the webm thread

nah they just think that westerners have big noses. it's why the taiwanese hokkien term for westerner is "A dou ga" (big nose). you're finding patterns where there aren't any.

also i don't want to die. if i was back in my ethnic homeland, i am dead. if i stay where i am, i am dead.

When does the war start? I need the army to lower their standards again, like Iraq.


what's that gook?

They already accept niggers, jews, and fags.

I’m talking about taking crazies.

Didn't get the news? They dropped the crazy ban.

Nah man, psychosis is still banned. I hallucinated when I was younger. Cleared up, but it’s still a DQ. When that clears, I’m going on.

How long until best Korea throws the next missile?

If Kim blows up Tokyo how will the weebs respond?

More importantly: who fucking cares?

Half this board are closet weebs.

The writer says 'standard trajectory', that doesn't mean it's going to fly through the troposphere or above like a cruise missile. On a standard trajectory it will leave Earth's atmosphere, warheads go on a re-entry with re-entry vehicles. The Norks probably launched under a lofted trajectory to make it drop where they wanted it and at the same time prove the capability of the missile to the rest of the world.

If Pissrael can have nuclear warheads and ICBM's then all of the world can. End of discussion.

Holla Forums =/= Holla Forums.

Spotted the goon.

Spotted the staff.


"Da Goyim Know"

reminder that /int*/ (now 32ch) started calling anyone who opposed their animu shitposting 'goons' despite being founded by SA goons themselves. they think we're too stupid to remember SA originalfags being a bunch of brainless weebs who thought being smug snarky cunts was hilarious.

go fellate oyyman in discord some more you fucking monkey, he will never be lowtax.

newfag detected.

Great way of outing yourself.

That's a direct breach of sovereignty. This might be big fucking news.

They will waiver it. Psychosis is a big part of bi-polar more often than not. As long as it is "under control" by a doctor you get a waiver. I mean it's not like you believed the holocaust was real or anything, right?

Just another name for a revoltcuck. Same fuckers.

Fucking scrubs, Stileproject was the OG.

Draft when?

nah, I know it's shit, but giving up a few years in my 20's to get shot at is something I need in my life. Here's hoping.

the claim this missile went 2600 miles up is patently false. nothing can go higher than 400 miles, because FIRMAMENT

We all better hope not

God damn it Kim, why couldn't you hit me, you incompetent fuck.

buffalo queer


i-is it a red one?