2017 Holiday Gift Guide


It’s that time of year again and GrrrGraphic’s has the perfect gift guide to some humorous gifts. I featured Al Franken because he gave a news conference yesterday in which he couldn’t remember grabbing seats, but he still would not give up his own seat in Congress. Franken apologized for his behavior regardless. It’s not much of an apology if he also says he can’t recall. Sound familiar?

The must have gifts for 2017 include Virtual Reality glasses for those "Bernie Bros" that just can not accept the fact the Bernie is not President. Now they can sit in the local coffee house, sipping their double shot soy vanilla latte and wait for President Bernie’s proclamation that college is free for everyone, but only if you are non-white and gender fluid.
The new Blu-Ray release of “Hillraiser 2020" is sure to thrill this Christmas, while the wind up "Rocket Man" will keep the kids entertained.

So here is a light and fun cartoon to kick off the Christmas season. I will draw another ’12 Days of Christmas’ cartoon as the big day draws nearer.

Other urls found in this thread:


On the original the stars shooting out of the vr headset were juden stars
Also the shitskin had some crudely made knife in his left hand

Funny that the Progressive VR set mentions President Bernie, considering there's this: hillarybeattrump.org


Shit I forgot to break my link. Mods?


Where is the original?

Holy fuck. Nearly spat my coffee out.

I was looking for a shoe sale.

Have a seat against the wall and lurk for a while.

You should have, coffee beans are toxic.

What a good little goy! hehehehe….

Requesting any Garrison Christmas originals from previous years.

Bless this old man.


Ben really is a kike-loving retard, like all lolbergs.

I was linked here from the lands end website, I am looking for discount shoes and dresses where is the clearance section?

(offtopic, polite sage) I would like to show my huge admiration for all the very talented original picture diggers out there. You are doing great work and I am trying to learn how to dig originals on my own to help you all in this quest!! Godspeed Anons



This is quite a hilarious edit, however, I'd love to see the original from based Ben. I heard that in the original version all of the snowflakes in the background are kike stars as well as the snowflakes on Al Kiken's sweater, the rat in the basket has a merchant face, the word "GIFT" actually says "GOY," and several other differences.

Lurk more, fuckwit.

What a good little goy.

Where is the original?

Clearly the rocket was made in Israel and was a kike in the original.

10/10 man

Cannot decide which killed my sides more, barbie getting put in her place, or hillraiser. Damned good job.

wtf i love zionist war propaganda now

I always get a good chuckle from your cartoons.

Family honor Ken, Thanks for the laugh Ben.
Merry Christmas!>>10968546

i think i found the original

Still contains zio propaganda.



Last years twelve days of christmas was just one of the funnest threads I have ever been in IDing all the cartoon charecters.

Change "Made in Iran" to "Made in Israel"

that's odd, i found this one which has the earliest datestamp.

It's a doozie

Hi Holla Forums.

Who the fuck are those people? Also Trump is the worst goy ever.

Neo/pol/ dipshits spotted

Reported for low energy D&C.

Blatant D&C. Like, wew, can you make it any more obvious?

I want to get mad but then I realize how much pure butthurt went into this edit and smile a bit.

Does anyone actually have the original?

Why did the faggot even change the kike from a spider to a rat?
Yeah, we know you like muslims. We like NEITHER of you.


Finally found it

Thank you, there was a colored version as well.

that got me too, funny line.


VERY subtle, I like it.

I still think its funny that Ben himself shills his new cartoons here. feeling pretty special

I knew there was a trick behind it, when i first saw it on Holla Forums it felt odd. Especially by being one-sided as fuck, giving too much focus at alt-goyim e-celebs and leaving lefties out of the picture.Did you note that Sargon and other left-leaning shits, as kosher as the alt-goyim, are out of the picthe other one ?
Yes, the Trump thing, but ignoring the other lefty political figures in USA with lots of influential and political power related to kikes despite the election results smells like bullshit


Hey Ben! Glad to know you're still lurking here. Messaged you a few years ago to discuss things and always wondered if you were still around on this side. Take care and keep up the good work. .

Hey Ben! Glad to know you're still lurking here. Messaged you a few years ago to discuss things and always wondered if you were still around on this side. Take care and keep up the good work.


The salt must flow.