When did you grow out of being a liberal pussy...

When did you grow out of being a liberal pussy, anarkiddy shitposter or market revisionist and realize that Stalin did literally nothing wrong?

This place here is like taking a left step and accidentally stomping your boot in a pile of anglo-spherical petty-bourgeoise shit.

Dumb tankiddie

He was into eugenics garbage. I can't help that my ancestors happened to be jews. If I could remove the jew genes from my body I would but I can't.

Never, thankfully.


I hated anarchists until I read a book

Right before I was shown the error of my ways by based Bordiga.

That's cute.

That's adorable.


I was an anarchist until i read a book.

Me too fam. I still like reading some anarchist theory, though.

Jew genes. I make Jew jokes sometimes but I definitely have no problem with people for genetics. I have a problem with the religion and culture of me, me, me, us, us, us, vs them.

It always ironically wreaked of Nazi shit. Lot of supposedly moral tales in the old testament are up there in terms of atrocities. Nothing wrong with having a little dirt in your history either, but looking up to shady ancestors for moral guidance? I don't like it.

The ukrainians deserved it


There's a reason there's Marxist Leninism and Marxist Leninist Maoism. But never any Stalinist variant.

I wish tankies had a less poisonous ideology, because some of the ones I meet are funny and cool otherwise.

Stalinists are the utlimate hotpockets.

Marxism-Leninism is Stalinism. Uncle Joe came up with the term as a way to tie what the Soviets were doing during his tenure with Lenin.

There hasn't any communists in Russia since the 30s. I mean he didn't kill 99999 billion but was no friend of the left.


They are all stalinists. Maoists are stalinists with 'Chinese characteristics'. Opportunistic bureaucrats that leech off the working class while pretending to represent them and govern on their behalf.

when did you grow out of wanting a small elite to control the means of production and become a leftist?

If you support Stalin the answer is never.

I'm torn between Leninism and its variants and libertarian socialism

I like the ideas of libsoc and the decentralised, horizontal nature. But MLs did get shit done


If only there was a way of keeping the getting shit done part of ML and mixing it with horizontal structure.


Maha Stalin