DSA Dox Thread - Freikorps Edition

Corey Andon

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/tww86uyq434nf74/Ian Dabney Miller Facebook Page-ANTIFA Directory.pdf
mediafire.com/file/tww86uyq434nf74/Ian Dabney Miller Facebook Page-ANTIFA Directory.pdf>>10969145

His brother, Travis Andon

both addresses in Ohio

Capitalist Bloodsucker, Tim Juday


Have a kike free bump.

Check'd and these communist niggerlovers will be rek't.

Called up the store and a woman answered who said the reason they folded and fired the "Nazi" wasn't because he was a bad person, but because they had over 3 dozen phone calls that morning with threats and harassments. Fuck this piece of shit up. If someone calls the 571 Grill and Draft House she might be willing to give numbers of previous callers. She seemed pretty pissed off at the commies, and if you are polite and respectful she was nice back to me, but I'm not gunna dox people. Happy hunting boyz
Firing anyone for their political views is autistic IMO commies suck but that isn't a good enough reason on its own just like how being a nazi isn't either. A good commie might be impossible but if it did exist I wouldn't let him get fired either

Those flag holding faggots like extremly weak.

seriously if we don't become this guy's personal army then they're going to know they can pick us all off one by one.

Isnt blatant political discrimination in terms of employment illegal in the US?

Looks almost as bad as the fags here. Probably some hairy armpit feminists off camera. Still trying to find the DSA faggots near me for some entertainment. It's harder since Indivisible locked down their info to members only.

Stronger than you, keyboard warrior.

It's the massive bombardment of calls that won't stop until the dude is fired. Gommies find no issue in crippling a business to make sure their political bullshit is appeased

Instruct her to call the FBI because that amounts to terrorist threats. Threats of violence to force a political related outcome (someone losing their job for their political views) is terrorist threats.

Those are illegal too.

Looks like a salty someone knows they are getting removed.

Did you record it ? It could be used against all the antifags.


I'd sue their asses if they fired me over my political beliefs

Wife of Tony here
I don't want to doxx the owners, but I'd love to get the public to know that a commie won out over the freedom to hold an unpopular belief.

I think if people were aware that a commie is threatening normal working class individuals, there would be more repercussions for them in the future, and things like this wouldn't happen again.

It might force the public to choose the good side for once.

Proofs ?
If real, tell your man he can sue the shit out of the people who threatened and harassed his employer.

He can sue the employer if he wanted.

What a dumb fucking faggot. I doubt any normalfag "nazi" promotes genocide. The core belief here (and for normalfags aswell who associate with us) is the preservation of our race (i.e. stopping OUR genocide). Those among us who advocate for genocide are looking for a means to an end of preventing our own death (which can't be faulted).

Leftists like to strawman, they know it. Don't play their game.

Godspeed to every one of you who provides this info and those who take appropriate action with it.

I love all of you fuckers, keep on going


These communists shouldn't be doing anyone, they should just go blow their brains out because they are communists

A commie complaining about genocide.

Even then, we discussed the matter of an office, and I actually imagined that if I set up such an office, I would need body-guards at all times just to go in and our of such an office! Today I go alone to our post office box, in the name of the "American Nazi Party", and realize how ridiculous such fear of the Jews is. But even three years ago, before I had found out the actual strength of the Jews, and the loose nature of their conspiracy, I , like millions of other Americans still do, imagined the power of these sneaks was TOTAL – that open defiance of them was somehow "sure death"! As a matter of fact, the very fact that I have learned the weaknesses of the Jews, and can debunk their myth of invincible terror, makes me too dangerous for the Jews to permit my continued activity, if there is any way under heaven – or in hell – they can stop me.


Nevertheless, we got out a large number of pamphlets, and prepared to picket the next day, Sunday. It is almost impossible for me to imagine it now, but we were all scared to death. My New York boys, tough as tigers, were restless and worried, and their leader, Luke Dommer, proved to be a complete coward. He told them they would all be killed by "three or four hundred niggers", and got them all determined to quit on me! Then he shoved off for New York on a bus, and left me with a mutiny.
I mustered the lads around me in the back yard, and told them that I was going down there ALONE, if necessary, and I never wanted to see any of the men who would desert me, again. Especially I would never tolerate them calling themselves "Nazis" after such cowardice.
They listened in silence, and, after I stalked off and went back to work tacking signs to sticks, I thought I would indeed be alone.
Then a Greek kid came up, started helping me with the signs and said he'd go, and to hell with the others. Another lad came over and silently began to push in tacks.Then another. Finally they all came over. I thanked them with an overflowing heart.
When it came time to go, I left one lad to watch my family and held my wife and looked into her eyes a long time, I really didn't know if I would ever be back - silly as it sounds today,. Our signs, using words like "Kike" and showing vile pictures of these hook-noses, were something never seen in public before, and we had received plenty of threats and warnings of arrests and beatings or killings. I was really very scared - as scared as I ever was during two wars.


There were no huge mobs such as I have since learned to expect, and control, and no "300 niggers" to send us to the morgue in the meat-wagons.

He deserves it. Side with whites without pushing the "I lose" button next time.(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)

I'm not sure if we can in ohio, regardless we are insanely grateful for the support you've all given us and hope something good for the movement can come out of this.
love you guys.

Stay strong, you'll make it.

my man

Reported. Youre anti-white. He is our brother and what he did took more courage than you will ever demonstrate.

You both are in my prayers. I'm sorry that this had to happen to you.

Alright. Also I lift daily. Nice to see that leftypol can only respond with "no u" bullshit.

Fuck off. You and your TWP ARE commies. Fucking sage this stupid ass sticky I hope they burn down your house tbh you creepy looking faggot.

Yet commies killed more and are still begging for blood to be spilled. I wonder what they teach children at school

We'll rise don't worry.

Fuck yeah, you guys keep exercising your free speech! West coast love/support reporting in!

uh oh some random guy said something
I'm not a commie. lol good try fed

It's leftykikes trying to false flag like always.

Shit, good luck. I agree with other anons, give sueing them a shot. If not, it sounds like the owners got bombarded with calls from these faggots. They may be willing to give up the phone records (if possible).
Shit worst case, you tried, these cunts will pay in the long run anyway.

Didn't read original since it was NYT but this seems like the kind of bullshit that was entirely fake to begin with. Now expect them to have an article about the terrible consequences of being a racist biggot.

You can do it after all firing people over hurt feelings is illegal

Were not your personal army you gatekeeping alt-kike retard. Handle this shit yourself.
What the fuck do you really expect anons to do for you here? Numbers and addresses have been posted, whats next? Some mean reviews on yelp? Haha Get fucked.

Come on anons, no phone numbers for these commie LARPers? One call, get them to admit they sent threats because they don’t agree with a political opinion, make sure it’s recorded and send them to jail where they belong. If anyone can tell me how to record phone calls I’ll do it.

wait are you not white?

You have alpha vampire eyebrows. They're probably working on some levels because you have a moderately hot fiancee but with a bit of work you should be able to make most mortals cower by just looking at them.




Send an user down there to post a Pepe picture or nazi symbol on his door then take the picture of him trying to take it down


DSA and all their comrades will dissolve away to nothing when all their grant money dries up soon, and they have to go out and get a real job, oh no, not that dreaded capitalism!!!


Yea, do this, kek. Pathetic tbh.

O/ thanx for fighting guys. Stay alive and have babies!

War would be the perfect place to harvest souls. He looks so young and fresh as if he just fed.

Hi leftypol let me guess BO didn't get paid for sucking cock did she or she did but didn't share with the workers

Reported for new faggotry.

Here's a good pic to send them!


Its really obvious to tell whos not a part of this community.
I didn't ask for you guys to do anything, I just said thank you

Who is this guy that got fired and how did he get found out?

Eat shit nigger. You and your Duginist idolizing leader.

Bump for commie tears.

No jokes allowed huh?

Stay salty leftypol

That's right Holla Forumspacks! It'll be just like the time we came to implicit Dicks mothers rescue! We must secure the safety of the alt-kike and a future for the goodest goys!


There is nothing wrong with being a "nazi". There is everything wrong with being a commie. Get your head out of your centrist ass. Fag.

You're going to make it after all.

Aww, why so upset? What's the matter with doxing leftists? Or are those YOUR dox, cuck-kun?


A postage stamp and a few color copies for around a dollar mailed to their home address strikes terror in the hearts of the most hardened enemies out there, and it works every single time.


You faggots just can't win, can you?

What kind of a faggot walks around looking like this? He deserves to be shot for these pants alone.

You don't look white to me. Are you not white? Is Tony the Nazi married to a non-white woman? It's quite a fucking important detail.


What part of "56%" was unclear? :^)

hahahahahaha pic is you. and the rest are your friends, I don't think they are worried KEK your all a bunch of pussies

Is it a calculator in his pocket ?

…Or sticks of C4?

Or is he just happy to see all those faggots around him :')

probably his handy dandy rape kit which includes: numbing lotion for his anus and nothing else.

Stay mad, kikes.

yeah she does, might be part native american but shes prob part spic



Mess with Holla Forums get reked!





Don't forget the ANTIFA DIRECTORY!!!



Ian Dabney Miller Facebook Page-ANTIFA Directory

mediafire.com/file/tww86uyq434nf74/Ian Dabney Miller Facebook Page-ANTIFA Directory.pdf

That's a kike surname and they deserve everything they get. Bowing to commies is wrong but collaborating with commies is worse.

They even rub your noses in it with the symbolism.

She did not ask for a private army.

So why is she posting here? You fail to realize just how predictable horny teenage golems are. Women don't have to ask.

Did you record the call?

Sue for wrongful termination. I know you don't want to do it because it seems like a shitty thing to do, but this is 100% illegal if is correct. YOU need to take a stand. As much as you like them, and as much as they are in a shitty situation through no fault of their own they need to be forced out of business for caving to commies.

If you don't sue then others will fall victim to the same situation.

The doxing was hapenning before she showed up, she just said thanks.

Two faces of the same shekel.

No I didn't I wasn't thinking. Someone should call again and do that, but IDK how to record myself on a phone call. They have their phone number on the grill's website.

fuck off, nobody should be denied work for their political views. Thats the way this kind of bullshit happens. Having a wrong opinion is just that. Acting on a wrong opinion is a different thing moshe

There is an app that automatically records all calls in and out of your cell. I highly recommend it for anyone.
If an ex ever threatens to file false rape charges or anything you've got it.

Just be aware that in some states you have to let the other party know you are recording or it's constitutes illegal wire tapping.


Or maybe she lurks one time everyday and saw it.

Ian Dabney Miller Facebook Page-ANTIFA Directory

mediafire.com/file/tww86uyq434nf74/Ian Dabney Miller Facebook Page-ANTIFA Directory.pdf>>10969145

Man the life ruin platoon to all of the Antifa doxes on the double!!!

Me too, must defend the narrative.


Try putting it on a non-honeypot site. Mediafire is a known malware distributor and even safe downloads get malware attached.

Why are you all ignoring the fact that this woman does not look white?

Oh shit does that count for wherever this grill is? cuz I vocarood and I gave him a fake name, but I don't wanna have this come back to me.
looks like my state and Ohio are one side consent.



Oh yeah thats the audio of my second phone call where i recorded it boys. Hes a nice guys, just having a bad time in a shitty situation


can't make this shit up.

Oh the irony of the "workers" movement

balls to the walls
dayton has really nice lamposts and lots of overhead electric infrastructure. Dayton is home of Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers.

Did anybody think he'd keep his job after that was published?

He did nothing wrong.

If businessmen had some balls, instead of knee-jerk reactions to drama, they'd probably get way more business after enduring the local notoriety.


BUMPS for dayz


ya actually, I didn't think he'd get fired, and obviously he wasn't until the owner was probably harassed 6 million times by commies.

But of course, having a job is evil capitalism at work, you all know!!!

bienvenido a nu/pol/ amigo

Leftists really aren't too bright when it comes to this sort of thing. There's nothing that will radicalize a person faster than losing their job, and when you're already a "nazi", that just makes violence look more attractive.

What the fuck? I don't want to cause infighting, but why are we defending an obvious racemixer?

If he didn't think he'd get fired after a write-up about how he's a "Nazi", he's too retarded to work.

Sorry you’ve had to deal with this. You did a good job with that interview.

And if he did know then he's a hero.

Only if the story about him being a kike is confirmed to be false.

Literally doesn't matter
let honest people work


So everyone is just gonna ignore the fact that this "nazi" is an oildriller?

And at least these two cucks need an ip gassing.

This one too.

care to address: 10964247 ?

What race are you implying she is? Might be like a quarter mestizo or something, or less. The kids would be white.Not all whites are pale skin with blonde hair.


top jej

She doesn't look very h'white.

Owner in my vocaroo said harassers from both sides. Sounds like both groups are autists who can't help but screech

Go fuck yourself.
I live just outside San Antonio fite me CIAniggers you fucking cocksucker. A quarter mestizo would almost look like a Spaniard. They would have the flat bridge, bulging eyes and nigger lips of a coon. I've seen tons of mongrels like her, especially on the east side. If she doesn't have spic in her that would be surprising. If she doesn't have nigger in her, that would be a fucking lie.

Stupid nigger. He could be a cuckservative and get called a "nazi" for not being a communist. Fuck off.


No, if you think you can keep your job after letting a jewish paper do a write up about how you're a "Nazi", you're retarded.

when this guy walks
will they let him use this car to drive away in?

Looks like a mischling to me.


I'm serious though, this guy can be a jew hater all he wants but he is still going to create more niggers. It helps no one but himself and his degenerate lust for nigger poon. Pardon me for being a collectivist that thinks whites should try to stick together and reject race mixing.

leftycuck pls

>everyone's a nigger because whites don't exist goy bad lighting and tans don't real goy believe (((me)))

Nigger, I've had to interact with shitskins my entire life. Don't give me that bullshit. That mongrel is about as white as an FBI crime statistic. She's has nigger blood, it doesn't wash out for 8 generations and the resulting offspring will still be niggers.

Isn't the Trump portion of that pic taken before the ceremony even started?

Yep, and these shills are loudly proclaiming it as a 'full house' to make it look like there are few people than there are.

White people do exist, user. Why would you try to put words in my mouth. That chick needs to post a pink nipple for me to believe she is white. Check my whiteness, kike.

8 generations would imply its not out until 1/32nd if you started with a single full blooded black person. Shes almost - if not - white herself. The kids are white.
M + F (black+white) = X
X is half white, half black.
X+white= Y 1/4
Y+white = Z 1/8th - white by race law standards, legal citizen. Shes pretty much Y, if not actually just white and its a bad photo/lighting etc.

She looks like a lot of spanish women I've met.

Give actual proof or kill yourself. Guess which one you'll do?

Yea, I was going to start pulling up women from spain but its not worth even trying. Her skin color is lightly brown probably because of the coloring. She has a questionably shaped face and might be slightly mixed. Its probably pretty dehumanizing to be broken down by everyone like this, and if she is white, obviously we wouldnt want to do that.

The light coloring I mean, ambient shades etc.

iirc, AIDS Skrillex's place of employment rally around him when user jizzed all the chans about finding him? Whatever happened to that anyway?



Nigger you keep replying to me with jew-teir arguments. I only posted pics of myself to make your arguments null. You're reminding me of pic related.



Hotpocket OPs post with updated doxx info

Facebook: facebook.com/corey.andon
Twitter: twitter.com/coreyandon
Pinerest: pinterest.com/coreyyandon/
Netlog: de.netlog.com/iam_the_jesus_of_suburbia
FourSquare: foursquare.com/coreyandon

Usernames: coreyandon , coreyyandon

Family: Julia Rene Spence , Shawn Matthew Andon , Gail Lynn Andon , Julia R Andon , Kenneth E Andon

As a side note, heres his review of a stripclub in Ohio

I quote:
July 31, 2012
Been here 10+ times
"so flyy up in hurr"

I did NOT archive any of the links, so someone want to do that before shits get taken down, would be great.

-DoxxAnon out.

< X is white, but not white enough
don't fall for this painfully obvious DC

Keep it up

There is no not white enough, you're either white or you aren't and she isn't white at all you disingenuous faggot.


>(((wikipedia))) as a source

>>>Holla Forums

People spread rumors that Heydrich was a Jew when he was around, despite the party racial expert absolutely clearing him beyond any dispute.


That's a bold accusation. I'm saying she doesn't look white and I'm not even close to /lefty/. She's at least an octaroon. It's important to draw a line in the sand, sucks for that guy but he chose to be an oil driller. I think it's best to just let this story die. I wrote you a poem:
Red birds with red birds, blue birds with blue
I'll stay out of this fight cause it smells like a Jew.

Thanks mods

But you should have said cabbab was physically removed

Never said it was good. My father is pale white and blue eyed but his nose is like the merchant. He's not jewish but he could be mistaken for one. Thankfully I didn't get his nose.

It's like a mix of the greek and armenid nose.

Roman and armenid*

New banner

I'm well aware it takes more than one sign to tell a kike by looking, the thing is, no one is arguing whether or not either of them is a kike. Whats being argued is how much of a mongrel his wife is. If it was just one or two features I might believe the she's white and it's just bad lighting excuse. But she has the face of a negroid/spic mongrel through and through.
That doesn't mean anons shouldn't take advantage of the situation. But saying they should make a bunch of mongrel offspring is bullshit.


Have a sense of humor faggot. The Trump pic was early in the morning before the ceremony even started. He's still not as good as Hitler tho. Fite me.

You did a wonderful thing with this interview, even knowing the risks.
Please continue to fight the good fight.

Good point.


It's crap that you ended up in this situation. But for what it's worth, being attacked like this for your beliefs after the NYT article will help more people see leftists for what they really are.

Good luck if you can sue. Even if you can't, keep on fighting and remember that they will still be held accountable sooner or later.

the divide and conquer part was very clear

I never thought I would see this trash meme be pushed on 8/pol/ I thought this board was above so obvious shilling.

Yeah. It's a meme created by jews/leftypol. Sadly I don't have the proof (phoneposting right now)

She looks like some kind of Spanish/Italian.


Bateman wants the ginger.

If its "created" by them it explain why it is so shit.

Remember (((they))) want Holla Forums to get so caught up in the "X IS NOT REAL WHITE!!!" bullshit that nothing gets done. Always report and filter D&C shills.

suck to be you shitskin

Keep trying

You're the same kike claiming Sam Hyde is a jew. Kill yourself.

No one has "tits or gtfo" yet? Tits or gtfo.

I'm the user saying go after commies but don't excuse a racemixer.


Keyboard warrior here again, just to laugh at you.

>(((he)))'s STILL trying


You are him.

But then there are people who actually turned out to be jews: Frank Collin, Dan Burros, Mike Enoch, etc.

Let's just dox the commies ffs. We can deal with the race traitors after!

I thought that was the White supremacist haircut?

I'm starting to suspect that you're bots to be this fucking retarded.

They are not you D&C jew shill :^]

Corey Andon
Travis Andon
Facebook: facebook.com/corey.andon
Twitter: twitter.com/coreyandon
Pinerest: pinterest.com/coreyyandon/
Netlog: de.netlog.com/iam_the_jesus_of_suburbia
FourSquare: foursquare.com/coreyandon
Usernames: coreyandon , coreyyandon
Family: Julia Rene Spence , Shawn Matthew Andon , Gail Lynn Andon , Julia R Andon , Kenneth E Andon

You niggers are retarded.

I'll respect those double dubs and go back to lurking as well as admit to starting this shitfest because a couple anons were encouraging them to have kids despite the wife being non-white. But it sure as shit isn't my fault that there are anons who can't tell if someone is a mongrel with their own fucking eyes.

>the shill with zero evidence for his (((assertions))) is giving up
You will be doxed with the rest of your commie friends.



God willing, you will be rewarded properly after you've finished with this test

Also, kill all commies. They are in open war against us already.

Has anyone listened to this yet or?

It is spelled dox.

You came to the wrong place to try to tell anyone what you do and don't want. We are at least a million autists strong and no quadroon tells us what to do.

Didn't we just have a thread on this Jew? Who cares if some Jew pretending to be NatSoc gets fired.


Pretty sure the point of the thread was to take advantage of the situation and dox leftists.

learn your history nigger



why would does she think we owe those niggers a single cent?


This is an obv shill trying to stop us from doing damage. There are a lot of them on lately. Name the jew and cont btfo commie scum.

Then you wonder why kikes change their names, do nose jobs, straighten their hairs etc.
They are so fucking obvious to spot. "Goldberg", "Silverstein", "Surplus", "Money", "Cash", "Weasel", etc.

I thought this guy pals around with Heimbach. Big red flag.

The jew cry as he strike you.

Apparently these imbreds think that we should pay reparations to the haitiniggers because the US embargoed and invaded Haiti after some kang mullato called Touson Louvetture or something decided it would be a good idea to start a slave revolt against the French which was actually smart on the part of the nigger because the french were/are weak as shit and killed and raped several hundred white French.

Of course, niggers being niggers, after the revolution there was infighting and crime was rampantl, but Haiti became one of the few nations in which niggers ran a country in the 19th century, albeit with voodoo nigger magic and so on. They then had to pay several billions in reparations to the French for ruining their colony and the US occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1934 for whatever reason. Anyhow, this shitty nation experienced a nigger version of the French revolution, and sat on fertile land but failed miserably, and relies on US aid to run its own country. In other news, 76% of the Haitians today support US leadership in their nation, so the matter of giving them reparations is nonsensical
t. fag who fell for the history degree major

You may be right, but doing this for any sort of white knight bullshit is not what is going on. The commie fuck used his real name on his twitter post. Why not just ruin socialists for the sake of ruining socialists? Why does it have to be about a false sense of social justice? Fuck the guy who the article was posted about. The commie who got him fired though…he handed us his dox on a silver platter. This is a time to strike and not for a media whore, but mainly because we can.

Most likely pic related.

This fool loves to virtue signal by retweeting edgy shit. Corey Andon probably doesn't know that Haiti was a French sugar plantation and modern day slavery outpost

Literally can be blamed solely on the French Revolution. It was one of the first "experiments" where the retarded French and their egalitarian fanatics allowed the slaves/non-whites to have a vote and power. Being vastly outnumbered and being riled up by the mulattos, they eventually got South Africanned. Or should we say South Africa is going to get Haitioned?

That's not even the worst part. France then couldn't do shit about it because the eternal anglo was warring with them, and actually did the unthinkable of supporting the slaughter of the French living there by arming and helping the negros. The only good thing that came out of it is that the mulatto's got what was coming to them the same way they'll get it in the future. Notice how it's always the half-breeds who rile up racial tensions and become their leaders? Originated in Haiti.

If you follow history then none of this non-white on white shit should really bother you. It only does so because you're cognizant that currently the superior is being enslaved by the inferior, just as every doomsday prophecy claims would happen. The worst, most vile, despicable enemy we've ever faced has been each other. The shit we've done to our own kin throughout the ages makes anything happening today pale by all comparisons.

board is compromised

They've doing that for a while now, how new are you?

about 4 years new

Aren't there laws in the USA about firing people for their political affiliations?

Doesnt matter what you want, we want blood. Just distance yourself because this is the excuse we need. Just know that its because of someone doing something legitimately fucked up, sadly it had to be you though. Either way we are going to do what we always do, ruin everything else in the opposition.

That's a phone and a pack of smokes. Both of which are larger than his non existant dick. No outline of that.

Saw that coming a mile away. Quit talking to shitlib (((media))). They're largely unaccountable and wholly unethical; there's little to gain from it.

Agreed. I guess just don't want to be made a fool of by the Jews. I may be a bit too skeptical for my own good. Maybe.


how did you fuck that up so bad?
see yourself out, nigger

I quoted the post as it was posted tornigger

And it wouldn't have stopped there. Then comes the social media bombardment. Then the Google and Yelp fake negative reviews. This is how jews and their personal social signaling armies operate. They were more than willing to burn that business to the ground.

This shit more than rustles my jimmies, especially when it's done to small businesses owned by people who need to put food on the table. Even if at some point they crossed the line and did something illegal that could be settled in court, the business ultimately suffers because of the bad PR. People just want their services, they don't want to be involved with political bullshit when they go out for Sunday brunch. normal people that is, I on the other hand…

The only way to never let this happen again is to expose the people behind it for what they are and turn the narrative around so when attacks like these happen people know to not fall prey to the faux bad PR. Tall fucking order It makes me incredibly sad that people do not recoil in disgust when they a Pinko slogan on a bumber sticker or see Marx's disgusting kike face on a t-shirt. Whenever I see these symbols IRL my blood boils and hate fills my heart. Thankfully around my parts that is not too often.

What does this even mean.
God how many shills are on this board now?

She looks southern European. Possible DNA relatedness match to 2700 year old Etruscan remains.

Its not a complicated thing to understand.

This thread's a salt mine.


Holy shit he not only has white guilt self hate views, he’s also trying way too hard.


your cuckshed is waiting for you.


This thread has gone to cancer my dude. Have you heard what the owner said over the phone?


color me shocked

Isn't it convenient that this happened to you the day after you were revealed as being a Jewish neo-Nazi LARPer?

Nice timing I'd say.



Steve Dayton, Ohio 1 hour ago
It is known in this area that Tony Horvater is Jewish. In this regard one has to review the German racial aw of Sep 15, 1935. In Nazi Germany Horvator would be ineligible for citizenship because of his Jewish background. We're surprised he is accepted by the right wing in the USA because he is nothing more than another Daniel Burros. He is not evil, just a good actor.


No salt here mate. It just is what it is.

What kind of faggot you ask? Why, this kind.

His email used to be, nodna at yahoo.com but it's no longer active. So you could probably reg it if you can accept an sms. Two passwords he used before and you might want to try on his fagbook and twatter is, "roach" and "dumbass12"

His current email for both fb and tw are, coreyandon at i something dot com same phone on but which end in 98. Unless it's some local isp, I bet it's his work email he's using.

His full name is Corey Ryan Andon. Born November 1992 which makes him 25. I could get the day if it matters to someone.

Most Recent Address: 2016 - 2016
4925 Far Hills Ave, Apt C, Dayton, OH 45429
Found in 3 Sources - October 2016
Brian Harrington Michael Gayman Jessica Gayman Gary Maxton Elizabeth Maxton

Shawn Andon, Age 47
838 S Main St, Urbana, OH 43078
Travis Andon
656 Mustang Canyon Dr, Galloway, OH 43119
Julia Andon, Age 47
582 E Church St, Urbana, OH 43078

You know what can be even funny if somehow you can gaslight him by posting hitler or pepe on his door almost every time until he gets used to it

Love to you both

Get gassed kike

Trad workers are NS, only flaw is the Christian focus

Are they really though?

Mods owe an apology to the users banned for calling this shit out. Thats fucked up.


Fuck off kike you will never destroy the edge of Holla Forums with your bs "muh everyone will think the nazis weren't evil if we act nice"

How autistic are you? Go back to r/conspiracy.

They say it in their own words.

Why am I supposed to take the word of some (((NYT))) drone?

Take it from them and a bit of advise from me, all my heroes, all my idols, they're fucking dead.

Looks like there's an all out shill war in this thread against you two, holy shit. If you guys are calling up be polite and don't screech like some kind of antifa niggers because that won't get you anything except looking like a sperg.

This blatant shilling, when proof is right there.

Am I muted above?

Not only do they owe an apology to those calling out TWP and Hovater himself, but also to those they banned for questioning the whiteness of Tony's wife ITT.

I'm sure 5+ years ago plenty of us were even more misguided. He was at least trying to represent the South (albeit in the gayest way possible) and said some dumb things. And you really want me to think chalking is "vandalism"? Try a little harder.

If Hitler is Wotan, then Rockwell is most certainly Baldur, and he will return after the long winter.

Is this the behavior of a National Socialist leader?

They fucking won't. After what happened with TRS and Holla Forumss general distaste of the alt-right since it's inception and hard push during the election, you'd think this wouldn't happen, but here we are. It's a fucking buzzkill.

Dude, they take the communist mantle
Are you a member in TWP? Is their skin in this game for you?

Not that I can tell

What is objectionable here? Apart from being at a Trump rally who cares if he nudged a negress lol.

I'm not American so no. TWP is not an alt right org and to me they seem pretty good. They never actually even said they were communists in those screenshots, there isn't anything wrong with comparing yourself to past revolutionaries of opposite ideology. And that guy is clearly joking about marching with Russian commies.

You've got to be fucking kidding me, holy shit. Please let this start another Jimpact.

Its really funny somehow this random dude knows tonys ancestry, but doesn't know how to spell his last name lol

Isn't he mocking Anglin who was saying they're commies?

Show your fucking tits or gtfo already, stupid cunt. Its common imageboard custom.


There are precisely two public figures that I respect and believe to be fully committed to the 14 words and 88 precepts. That's it. All the rest are fucking garbage as far as I'm concerned, whether they are literal kike plants, or feds, or larpers or whatever other various dog shit. Two men who are willing to use their real names and publicly advocate for the cause. That's pretty fucking sad numbers right there and I'm hoping that changes in the coming months and years but I'm also not holding my breath.

Fucking commies. Every time.

Commies really taking it to the system getting a working class guy fired from his 9 - 5. Really dismantling the capitalist means of production there comrades. This is why I despise these poseur faggots. God speed bro.

Don't listen to the kikes kvetching about you "not being white" or calling you Jewish based on flimsy evidence. Stay strong and raise some white children.

dubs confirm


Yes, totally pure Bavarian phenotype right here goy. A real Aryan goddess.

This thread is quite nostalgic. I haven't seen this kind of D&C since the old days when threads would devolve into storms of shitposting over a simple "is x really white?".

The kikes really did have an easy job back then. Perhaps this thread puts hope in their hearts that once we do actually get off imageboards and into the real world, it will still be quite easy to cause division and fracture any cohesive movement.

Lurk at least two years before posting.

The wife doesn't look to be. Why are all these prominent Alt-Right people mystery meat or race mixers? A lot of people have a weird definition of white. That doesn't mean we shouldn't support this guy in going after the people that got him fired though. Just like Anglin had people go after the Kike that tried to blackmail Spencer's mother, even though a lot of people don't like Spencer.

She looks like the jewess Mila Kunis ffs wow

The same old "if 'we' would only get off our keyboards and go out into the real world" horseshit. The obvious dishonesty in this idea is made apparent by you even being here and posting this online. That you recognize the importance of the internet is why you are even trying to manipulate people with the same tired old horseshit over and over again. Go back to your BASED traps over at TRS and gtfo off of Holla Forums

We've gotten more done by not acting like a bunch of larping retards than you have ever done. Charlottesville was a disaster, and your precious ecelebs were at the helm of that

Does Socialists of Dayton have open membership list somewhere? The goybook group should have enough names to commence carpet bomb doxing

you are not alone, dubs confirm.

No, I said that if and when white movements actually begin to organize, they will face this kind of D&C and it will probably be largely effective based on what I've seen over the past.

And by the way, as long as this place remains an anonymous imageboard it will never be a place to organize anything other than ideas and memes, so stop panicking. It can still serve as a touchstone for the larger sphere of what's happening politically and inform individuals of events that they may want to involve themselves in, such as this one, without the need for any clarion call to arms or actual organizational structure.

Threads like this have existed for years. There used to be threads for hunting down and fucking with niggers who hurt cats or dogs, yet somehow the fundamental nature of imageboards never changed, and they won't with threads like this, either.

I assume that that new that you didn't see CTR and TRS threads
How funny that you push D&C yourself while you seem to be oblivious to Holla Forums's past

Nobody is going to apologize to you, you fucking retard. Go be a hero.

1.) This is a thread where people are trying to dox a communist for getting a working class man fired.
2.) You, the retarded monkey, come in here screaming, "Stop guys, the guy that was fired is probably a racemixer from looking at his photo."
3.) It comes with the implication that we should let the commie go.
4.) You and your (((organic))) suporters get banned for being retarded.
5.)"I demand an apology for being banned for rightfully standing up against racemixing."
You have completely missed the point, are completely clueless about how to fight the culture war, and do nothing but paralyze action by turning whatever unrelated topic into a hunt for ideological purity. Also, how new are you, asking for apologies lol.

The people calling you retarded aren't for racemixing, but it appears you are too autistic to realize it.

CTR & TRS failed in their pathetic campaigns to subvert this place because subversion requires actual identities and group cohesion to be truly effective. They can no more convince people of their sales pitch than the inordinate number of corporate shills who tried to convince Holla Forums to actually like video games over the years, or the normalfags who tried to claim Naruto was an actually good anime on /a/. Shilling here is, in the overall scheme of things, just a minor distraction that filters out as part of the chaos and fails to accomplish anything meaningful. The beautiful part about this communication medium is that the truth will, ultimately, always prevail, which is the entire reason we got to this point in the first place.

Just want to add a little reminder here, if you think that you really want to make a difference by joining something like the ANP or TWP or any other sort of right-wing third party, if you really are NS in your heart and you want to make a REAL difference, you'll hold that in your heart like a Taqiya practicing sandnigger and join the Republican party and actually try to get into power in a way where you'll actually be able to make a difference. I know the two party system sucks, but nothing is stopping you from joining the RNC, and then moving up within it and carrying out our agenda. The sandnigs already try their shit with the DNC and other lib parties in other countries.

Blah blah blah all I hear is a lot of excuses for shitty mod behavior. Banning people for raising legitimate dissent and then scrubbing all evidence afterwards is utter garbage no matter how you attempt to twist it. Raising legitimate questions ITT cannot stop commies from getting doxed if anons want to dox commies. There is no reason to squelch inquiries about someone who has the fucking kike MSM writing articles that get national coverage about them in which they claim to be a National Socialist. Hovater seems fishy as fuck and his wife looks like a spic mongrel. The pursuit of truth is paramount when all your enemies are liars. Go pound sand you self righteous little twat.

TRS remains fractured to this day, they moved their content behind a paywall
Once 8pol started doxing and stalking the listed CTR members they literally ran out of money and willpower to shill and try subvert this place
So, are you saying that everyone should leave and leave 8pol to the shills? That is the vibe I get from you and your motive for that matter.

user, you're talking to a shill. There's no point, though I know it's difficult to resist. Case in point:

Lurk the fuck more you retarded kike, at least give us the respect of putting a bare minimum into your shilling, this is utterly pathetic.

I was too lazy to go for either fullpol or 8/pol/. Just Holla Forums is too vague given the context.
Do tell why are you so against doxing socialist scum? You're tempting me you know.
t. /baph/phole

I've been thinking about why this thread is getting so heavily shilled, and am pretty convinced that the kikes are concerned we're going to fuck up another psyop of theirs. There's a good chance that guy is one of them, though we've no proof as yet. Still, I think the NYT article was a genuine misstep on their part, and I bet the last thing they want is for the narrative to include how this mild-mannered natsoc-next-door was fired because a bunch of self-described communists harassed a small business and forced their hand. Because if we hunt down the commies in question that's what's going to happen.

It is also possible that the shills here with us right now may in fact be these same commies who are in the process of shitting bricks over us potentially destroying their lives personally. They are right to be worried.

is the GoyFundMe called "Hovater Support Fund" legitimate? is the money people are donating to it actually going to go to him and not some kike taking advantage of the opportunity?

did you guys set up the goyfundme? did someone set it up for you? do you know about it?

here's the link if anyone wants to see it:

Well take your lazy ass elsewhere. Type properly or go fuck yourself. Work on your comprehension too, user was simply saying their shilling hasn't worked, not that we shouldn't be going after the shills. Stupid faggot.
/baph/ hasn't been relevant in years and you know it.

they posted in this thread a couple hundred posts up. why would we have any reason to believe they're not at all what they appear to be outside of paranoid reasoning?

Because namefags have a pattern of turning out to be their plants. Of course we're going to be suspicious.

That said, this and that are different matters: we can and should rekt the commies regardless, there is no downside to doing so.

TRS doxing in fact started in /baph/ which moved onto ruining assorted fags, leftist scum and other degenerates. Where were you in TRS and CTR threads?
Old Holla Forums users are /baph/ goers. You're talking about /i/nsurgency

Some are, I always saw it as a lame attempt at trying to be Holla Forums again for nostalgia's sake. At any rate you're a faggot for trying to pull rank as some sort of oldfag.

Email : coreyandon @ icloud.com
skype : corey_andon

Why are you posting on the hate machine then you reddit faggot?


It wasn't Holla Forums or attempt to make such if anything it served as a facade for /i/ oldfags while savoring tears of victims, database leaks, hacks, etc
Schadenfreude is a thing.

Obviously a NatSoc, total enemy to the system, can just infiltrate that system as a sandnig who they don't really give a fuck about can. What kind of drugs are you on? GLR said you can't outsneak the master sneaks, and it's 100% true. There is no political "hidden agenda" solution.

So i live in Dayton.

Anything I can do here?

Muh Shills

Seriously you faggots keep screaming shill this and shill that. Shut the fuck up for a god damn second you paranoid faggots. It means that regardless of what they want, we want to remove the liberal faggots that use other peoples right to have a unpopular political stance to remove them from their job. When you do that you no longer have a right to have a political stance due to having your livelyhood held hostage by people who dont like what you think or do.

If I can put this in another way for you people to understand it is this: You can not hold a job because you believe in something, regardless of what it is if other people bombard your job with complaints about it. This means that if someone doesnt like what you do, you can not feed yourself or your family until you comply. Thats all sorts of things, blackmail, holding your livelyhood hostage, extortion ect. Do what we say or you will live on the streets is not a good message is it?

Literally opposite bend when compared to jewnose. Schlomoberg, you and your friends are doing a poor job of disrupting the downfall of the DSA, I hope it won't result in your shekel support being revoked!


If anyone gets the password to his social media, say some really extreme shit on it so we can spread further chaos to this commie rats. So far he dosent seem to be aware his featured on Holla Forums.

Go back to reddit, you stupid libertarian faggot.

Of course not. They'll say it was assessed as circulating hate speech and ruining image. Law means nothing when it comes to protecting the common person- you can't seriously still think the system is working for you.


Reminder to anyone who is actually falling for D&C and diversion here, you should be digging more about the people involved with this group, so other groups of the same kind will think twice before trying to get someone fired for having the wrong opinions. This is not in defense of the guy who got fired, or endorsement of his beliefs whatever they are, no one is demanding him to be hired back, this is a measure to stop organized commie scum of getting people fired.

This sort of retribution against communist aggression and persecution is also seem with sympathy by everyone else who is not a communist, by the way. It's win-win all the way, so focus.

Whits will be the voting minority in our lifetime. Your platform would look something like this.

Thats you, civnat. There is no way to vote to stop white genocide, plan A is no longer viable. Switch to plan B.

Those comments calling you not white are most likely shills, don't think it came from us. We support you.

Ok you want us to dig for people hes associated with

twitter.com/agenep - Lara West, locked account so shes up to something.

Confimred commie - facebook.com/cody.bowtie
facebook.com/profile.php?id=12444837 - Another commie who is probaly active in anti-alt right protests - columbus ohio

L. Eljeer Hawkins - Nigger involved in socialist alternative.

None of them are bragging publically about getting someone fired. Corey seems to be the one doing that.

So the socialist alternative seems to be a party hes involved with.

Working Families Party??

Cuz reddit is boring and actually interesting stuff comes through pol occasionally?
Im just saying being a violent anything is autistic.
That is the reason Charlottesville failed was the autistics on both sides brought shields and axes, but if you are non-violent then that person should be able to live whatever they believeunless its violent hurr

damn i've been wasting all this time trying to find a good white girl when i could have just grabbed a thirsty texas border town qt. talk about lowered expectations

Hes more of a Rohm than a Hitler. We need a Hitler, and a Goebbels.

The propaganda events organized by Goebbels always played on the emotions and instincts of his listeniners. This was true of the second Mark Brandenburg Day in March 1927, a celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the Berlin SA. On the evening of 19 March the Gauleiter went to the Anhalt Station to see his Berlin party comrades with their marching band onto the train to Trebbin. When they arrived there, Goebbels and Daluege were already there to meet them. They led the procession in the dark blue Gau automobile, while four hundred people marched by TORCHLIGHT(Aut-kikers got it from this) to the Lowendorf Hills. There, gathered around a bonfire, they remembered the "Victims of the Movement." In the peaceful landscape of the Mark Brandenburg, thirty kilometers from the "Moloch Metropolis" the "Judaized center," the"place of terror, of blood, of shame," Goebbels's address to his followers became a "worship service."

A rally in Trebbin's market square had been scheduled for the following morning. The blue Opel landaulet, a seven seater, would serve as the speaker's platform. SA men had taken up positions around it with the Gau banner that Hitler had consecrated in Weimar in 1925 and Sixteen swastika banners. As so often before, Goebbels topics were nationalism and socialism; "our great Fuhrer Adolf Hitler," the "simple corporal" had united the two principles out of the "realization" that a struggle between them would deliver the German people to destruction. As for the struggle against Jewish Marxism, he shouted, "blood" was "still the best glue that will hold us together in the struggle to come."

AND BLOOD was soon to flow. Goebbels and Daluege roared off toward Berlin, as their supporters, shouting "Germany awaken!" formed an isle of honor. As Goebbels had planned, the National Socialists who got on the train in Trebbin ran into a small shawm band of the Red Front Combatants' League. They were accompanying Paul Hoffmann, the Communist deputy of the Prussian Landtag, from Juterbog. What began during the train trip escalated at the Lichterfelde East station, where an NSDAP "reception committee" numbering several hundred members and supporters from throughout Berlin had assembled. The train had not yet come to a complete stop when the SA stormed the compartment where the Red Front men were sitting. It was all over in a few minutes. Goebbels who had kept himself IN THE BACKGROUND, appeared on the scene and called of his men, while a crowd of hundreds of curious bystanders watched. When the National Socialists set out to march towards the center of town, they left behind, along with the demolished railroad car and smashed shawms, six seriously wounded and ten slightly wounded Communists.

Goebbels drove at the HEAD of the marching columns, to "study" the mood of the passersby, as he later TESTIFIED TO THE POLICE. In actual fact he was DIRECTING HIS MEN AND INSTIGATING THEM TO FURTHER EXCESSES. The victims this time were Jews, whom the SA men attacked with fists and sticks. These first Berlin pogroms of the Weimar Republic were still in progress when the Gauleiter spoke at the closing ceremony for Mark Brandenburg Day, held on Wittenbergplatz, not far from the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church. He shouted, "We came publicly for the first time into Berline, with peaceful intentions (ha). The Red Front Combatants League has compelled us to spill our blood. We won't let ourselves be treated like second-class citizens any longer.

The events of 20 March received full treatment in the press; this gave the National Socialists publicity and attracted new members. According to the political surveillance branch of the Berlin Police, about four hundred new members joined in March 1927, bringing the total membership to about three thousand, of whom, of course, a considerably smaller number took part in rallies and other events.

Also sorry for any typos, I just copied that by hand.


Great work, user. Thank you!

Probably better to double down at this point in the narrative. Start a counter PR campaign with American flags and Vet discounts.

I'm in agreement here.

What is the source on that? Because it sure sounds like it was written by an asshurt commie. Natsocs didn't waste their time just attacking random commie gatherings. Usually, they would do speeches and other kinds of proclamations / actions and then get attacked by commies who in turn got BTFO by the SA.

If you read anything on Goebbels, they are written by varying degrees of asshurt commies. Ralf George Reuth is the source, his ass is pained but not to the degree of say, Viktor Reimann. It covers most of the facts, and its not entirely ruined by bitter garbage. He does make the odd jab and insulting quip.

Look at the picture here faggot
She's White.

just imagine the glory of that.

So it is utter bullshit. Thanks for the confirmation and at least being honest about the source.

It was easy to tell from the "Demonic Goebbels instigating his zombie army to beat up people with different political views" Hollywood / Hitler Channel bullshit line.

Stop reading and spreading communist propaganda and instead go to primary sources. Traveling around Germany and beating up people was exactly NOT how the Natsocs gained popularity and anyone harboring such thoughts today because he is reading bullshit sources will see such methods fail.

Who is this us and we exactly? who is the actual shill? i wonder.
Imb4h muh purity spiral faggot.

The book is very large, its an account that puts together all the other sources and information before it into one book while cutting out 95% of the petty attacks. Its a good book, its not drivel, and its not like Id have anything to hide. I havent read Irving yet, but his is probably the only book better than that, besides learning German and going through archives. Hes also not demonic, whats wrong with cracking commie skulls? Thats one passage, its during the battle for Berlin. There were street fights, and both sides were intentionally violent. In another spot soon after, they list all the weapons that were picked up out of the opposing crowd at a later event. This is all around the time Horst Wessel was murdered too. As I said, you want drivel, read (really, dont bother) Viktor Reimann.

Primary sources, really. They are in the fucking archives.

Also you failed to realize the whole point was that he was effective as a leader because he was strategic and tactful. On the train, he was in the background, leading his men but ready to call them off at the right moment. In the streets, he lead the pack so that he could identify people in the crowd and have them handled etc… and he had his ass covered when the cops asked him about it, as if he instigated the violence. What use is he if he was arrested that day?
Now go watch the video of Heimbach I was responding to.



Lawfag here who's worked in employment law in another (more liberal) state. Generally, a claim for viewpoint/political discrimination isn't going to go anywhere in any court that I know of, federal or state, although as noted I am not licensed in Ohio.

I would say the most effective tactic to deal with this is not to run to the courts, which is the normal, peaceful, huwhite man response, but rather to fight fire with fire. Go after the employer tooth and nail with phone calls and actual (physical) letters. Pound them with e-mails and faxes.

BEST of all, the in person visits are important in front of the business. If you disrupt the business to show leftist kikes and jews are going to get gassed soon, including any collaborating huwhite who gives in to kikery/niggery/commies, and DISRUPT the business lawfully, then you will make a difference.

Personally, I'm a hothead, and I'd be happy to pay the faggot nigger perps, the antifa/socialists, a nice little visit…but I live cross country…maybe some locals should pay the perps a friendly visit…always works better than any bullshit court…but I didn't say that

and to be fair, maria isn't necessarily even a spic name. it's actually an old traditional central european name, too. but this guy is huwhite and he's on our side, and there is an extraordinary amount of kike shillery in this thread. all kikes, socialists, niggers, and anyone sympathizing one day, i hope very soon, WILL be shot, hanged, gassed. we're talking ISIS video style. to all kike disruptors, niggers, socialists, and any sympathizers, and all spooks who help them–glad you leave your IP here for cookie crumbs.

Alle von euch zahlen bestimmt für die fast endlose Liste der Verbrechen, und zwar bald. Seig heil und bis dann, Arschlöcher

They bitched that too many phone calls shut down the operation of their business. Listen to the guy in this vocaroo

And maria LATINO version of mary wich came from miriam a jewish name.
That make him a race mixer and a race traitor thus certainly not on ourside.
Mark yourself on your list and start by you that will do us a favor.

This thread is full of D&C shills like you. You are a cowardly nobody keyboard warrior probably in an office in Langley. Very much unlike this guy who IRL has balls to stand up and he gets fired. You are a spook or an idiot or both. Ignoring all further spook attempts to derail/d&c here and looking forward to seeing you twitch at the end of a rope.

She doesn't look white.

Could also be mestizo or Jewish or some other variety of non-white caucasoid. You can't really make the claim either way based on the photos. She doesn't look Anglo, Germanic or Nordic Alpine.

keyboard warrior!
Damn you trs tier faggot can't stay go, it's stronger than you have to shit your cuckoldry everywhere.

Bullshit even if it was how the fuck would communism or socialism be any different in that regard. What do these people fucking drink to be this retarded


Something has always been off about you. You are using self-righteous as an insult after being self-righteous in this thread. Could one really be this dumb? It's Jewish hypocrisy and a Jewish mental process, as even if you aren't a Kike, you certainly think like one. That's why your kind, no matter how you much you attempt to ape shallow caricature of what you percieve us to be, will never fit in.

It's disappointing that you chose to vaguely attack his character instead of address the points he raised.

He is a jew.
He even admits it openly.
I hope you are joking.

Don't be fooled by cheap imitations!

post the proofs

Eurofag here, they are two amerimutts staying close to their phenotypes, so what? Have seen similar italian girls. Nordic guy should not go latin but this guy?

Absolute state of nu/pol/

Heimbach himself admits he used to shill that Israel was our ally until he read more NatSoc literature.

Kill every white antifa

Hi, rabbi.

yeah because that guy is totally not a scot/frog/german/italian mutt or whatever. Nothing wrong with that btw faggot.

How the fuck would you know? Who knows what the fuck this guy is.

go after his job the same way Holla Forums went after the dongles bitch.

the negative attention to his workplace will get his ass fired.

What about this post warranted a ban? le 56% face is a meme for goodness' sake, take a fucking joke once in a while.

Lefty/kike/ memes belong on lefty/kike/, and the people who make them belong in ovens.

good luck

Thought it was a 4cuck meme. How do you even properly trace meme origins? Don't think it was ban worthy either.

Its banned on 4chan, because the only people who post it are raiding the board from lefty/pol/. Im not going to explain its propagandistic value to anti-whites, no one gives a fuck if you dont think its ban worthy. Its anti-white communist propaganda, and belongs the same place anti-white communists belong.

I thought it originated from brits taking the piss out of americans.

False publicity by corporations selling scams is illegal too, doesn't mean it doesn't happen daily. So is commie violence.


I have a DSA dox too. Should I post in this thread?

That's what you get for believing in "freeze peach". Free speech means the freedom to regurgitate kosher status quo talking points. If you use it for anything other than that they'll find something to destroy you. "Rights" mean nothing if you're not in charge.

That would actually be a compliment, the DSA are milquetoast establishment enablers LARPing as working class revolutionaries.
They're liberal Clintonite democrat shills who've purged any pro-working class elements from the beginning. Just take a look at the sort of candidates and policies they've supported over the years.

Appealing to sympathy is not a position of strength.

Do yourself a favor, and don't rely employees for your livelihood. Because as this thread shows employers will throw you under the bus if it helps protect their bottom line.
I should probably make a post about this.

I'm glad to see people like you are being cracked down upon.

Dump away!

and now you know why the alt right is a thing and how it was able to be constructed with kikes and commie faggots running all the approved struggle sessions.

KYS faggot. She looks like any other hot chick from Ohio. I swear there is a look to them. the unhot ones are usually pugfaced lardos with oddly short arms.

It is your duty to fill the void when you see it, user. Become the hero you desire to exist. Say it with me;

He seemed to have good friends, and was an outspoken enemy of (((Anton LaVey))) as well as the Masons. He also seems to have become redpilled over time. I did not expect this. This is from the kikepedia article.

From 1980 through to 1986, Aquino worked as a professor at Golden Gate University in San Francisco.[44] He was fascinated with the connections between occultism and Nazism,[45] resulting in some accusations that he was sympathetic to Nazi ideology.[46] In 1983, he performed a solitary rite at Walhalla, the subterranean section of the Wewelsburg castle in Germany that was utilised as a ceremonial space by the Schutzstaffel's Ahnenerbe group during the Nazi period. This resulted in his formation of the Order of the Trapezoid, a Setian group whose members understood themselves as a chivalric order of knights.[47] From 1987 through to 1995, the Grand Master of the Order of the Trapezoid was Edred Thorsson, who had joined the Temple of Set in 1984 and risen to the Fifth Degree in 1990.[48] Thorsson exerted a "discernible influence" over the Setian community through his books, in which he combined aspects of Satanic philosophy with the modern Pagan religion of Heathenry.[49] In 1980 he founded the Texas-based Rune-Gild, which shared many of the Temple's key philosophical tenets but with a focus on the study of runes and their applications in magical practice.[50]

hi Tony, you know me from elsewhere, we live in the same state, direct opposite end. I hope things get better, I mean at least you live in the non-kiked part. its hell here in the northeast.


Not everyone can be an e-celeb raking in shekels from the gullible, Woes, and not everyone is capable or positioned to be self-employed. Relying on an employer is a fact of life for most urban dwelling people and even rustics, the means inb4 commieof self-sustenance having been partitioned within the boundaries of "property" owned by the very same persons who dish out the "jobs".

Fashy cut boy-o

Love from Germany,stay strong.

The le 56% face meme was started and pushed by British faggots mad because of all the Eternal Anglo memes coming out.

it's decided his life has to be ruined, right? fired, blacklisted, expelled, disowned by his family, possibly arrested

Of course this is gonna happen to this thread Holla Forums what do you expect from these goons, not doing their usual damage control? Just keep on doxxing these fuckers 'till they're dead and gone, forever more.

god speed guys, 14/88

Fullpol is dead now, every thread is about attacking people on the far right over minutia. 8/pol/ is truly the biggest hindrance to WN in existence right now. All 8/pol/ does every day in every thread is try to discourage people from supporting anyone and anything in the WN community. It is so sad that some people don't realize this place is filled with feds whose sole purpose is to discourage people from organizing.

Blow your brains out, yid. Our true authoritarian society is more diverse than progressive living environments of today. Also you must remember any single person that outs themselves in real life as a white nationalist or nazi is doing far worse for us that us doing nothing at all. They either are juden or are shabot.

Wow I'm impressed! This is all a false dichotomy as well. Its not communism or genocide. This highly polarized narrow perspective is incindiery and you probably couldn't reason with whoever held that view.

I didn't think that many people went down for his inauguration, after all people that had support for Trump also had jobs :^)

What do they have to gain from this?

Also copy/paste

Fuck off leftypol, stop trying to use Holla Forums as your attack dog for far-right orgs.

This, what the fuck. Sue them so fucking hard and you win.

Seriously Holla Forums, what the fuck is this?

This is all the lefty cucks have, a blatant straw man of what white nationalism means.

Daily reminder to ignore all shills saying 'x isn't white' without any proof or evidence in order to divide our support for other white nationalists.

Beaners, mudslimes and pajeets still aren’t white. Whether she’s one or not, I don’t even care to look it up. Having said that, she looks like she’s from the Mediterranean and can be a variety of things.

you deserve to be killed.
fuck you, faggot.
I don't care how much you think you're on our side or a white identitarian. FUCK YOU FOR NOT DOXING. Die in a fucking fire you piece of shit. God damn someone needs to beat your fucking skull in. piece of traaaaaaaassssssssssh

also commies aren't people.
mods pls ban this centrist piece of cowardly pussified garbage known as 2b2567. If you protect those who must be punished, you must be punished, fucker.


you're welcome, just trying to be the best person i can be!

Thanks alot for doxxing some loser. You really made a real big difference on this world you asshat

Is this some Max Stirner, you know; the race realist dude, kike crusher, and the guy who BTFO Marxism and Karl Marx so hard he autistically kvetched where even hell could hear him? I love that guy! Here's some of my fav things he wrote

>The history of the world, whose shaping properly belongs altogether to the Caucasian race, seems till now to have run through two Caucasian ages, in the first of which we had to work out and work off our innate negroidity; this was followed in the second by Mongoloidity (Chineseness), which must likewise be terribly made an end of.

literally who?

Yeah, Europe has noticed.

el bumpo


Corey Andon is still tweeting.

So did anything get accomplished or did we just end with the autistic “You’re not white” argument?

Actually it is spelled doxxx the triple x indicating things are about to get very spicy and children should leave tbh