What do YOU think will happen next?

At this point it´s clear to me that "their" complete take over of the internet is pretty unavoidable. Do YOU agree?

In this new internet meaningful political conversation will not be possible? What do YOU think will be the alternatives. Will we have to abandon electronic media altogether. Or will we shift to safer means of electronic media?

We will become beings of pure energy and shitpost telepathically, as the Lord always intended for us.

Samizyat. Postering campaigns show how effective these are.



Is impossible.
We have agents looking at our shit already with little they can do because there is just too much information.
You plug up one hole in the side of the ship only to let go 100 more.

It's pointless. Let the fire burn. Nurture it even.


Also I think nothing at all will happen.
People compare this world to the matrix - but it's worse than the matrix. The machine doesn't even want to live any more in this one. It can't even help itself.

At least in the matrix it had the urge of survival.

I see hope until the UN takes control of ARIN.

checked and keked

You read like a politically correct journokike.

Actually made me laugh!

Interesting but maybe you underestimate its probability of success when the opposite side has the internet

Its not that they´re doing nothing because there´s too much information. They´re doing nothing because the current legal framework still grants most citizens some protections on freedom of speech/information. You don´t have to punish everyone, just a big enough number of people to persuade other to stop. In addition.

National Security leaks, evermore powerful silicon valley giants, increasing number of laws against freedom of speech on the internet, and so on.

Maybe you stop worrying so much about text editing.

Normalfags will get mad if they try and censor the itnernet too heavily. I wouldn't worry about it.

If you kikes could have, you would have.

Maybe you should go back to half, faggot.

> Normalfags will get mad if they try and censor internet porn too heavily.


They control pretty much everything, and yet we're still gaining ground. They're too late.


Caelium videri esset. Et terra rus ad sidera tollere vultus. Ex uno disce omnes.

Hallowed are the Ori.

Simple. Keep incursions into the net up and maintain as many holdouts and bunkers as possible going forward so we can umman manda these faggots more.



the lefts elected officials who have seniority are being stripped out of all the committees in congress.
seriously doubt it happens at all by the left, a full collapse is what I expect we will be seeing as this moves forward. They haven't taken over fast enough to stop the information train at this point
choo choo mother fuckers

Can you feel it , I can


This is a shit thread and OP needs to fuck off back to cuckchan. The kikes will never be able to completely control the internet, especially the darknet.

Serious question, why hasn't anyone tried to kill the elite jews? How hard is it actually to assassinate a public figure? It seems as if it wouldn't be that difficult, which begs the question; what has kept people from just reaching out and touching the people who seek to destroy the human race?

Conditioning for the most part. As well as self preservation. Most people aren't willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Yet. Now as the decent into filth continues, the jews will have less power in this manner and the underlying courage and selflessness of the white race will begin to assert itself even more. We will see begin to see attempts to kill these vermin more and more in the next twelve months as tensions continue to escalate.

its hard to find out where they live

Wasted trips.

We're talking people who will wipe out your whole family, friends circle, and families of the friends in that circle.
Few are willing to sacrifice others for their own gain. Those who are willing tend to lack the mental capacity to pull it off.

Beware that if you get caught, most European courts will treat this as "propaganda activity" and you'll face more serious charges than just damage of public property.

They make public addresses though, and are "public figures" of a sort.

Of course, the issue is that your normalfag doesn't know just how bad things truly are, yet. I've had the privilege in my life to know a few men with the fortitude for it. Part of it though is and exactly why there should be a ZoG kike and shabbos dox thread at all times. Never know who may be lurking. With how much things have accelerated this past year, in my opinion, they will be dead kike celebration threads soon.

OP pushing 4cuck bot shilling tactics by shitting up the board with "what do you think Holla Forums?" questions

That's okay, we just turned it into a thread about the merits of killing the kikes and doxxing them.

This is now a kike doxxing thread,

These are good trips.

NNTPchan, and possibly ZeroNet, may have the fortitude to survive technical onslaught, and would be good archive sites.


Anti-slide bump. There's serious sliding against net neutrality threads.

Stop with the black pills, how about you try and contribute your brain in a productive way even IF we completely fail, rather than plugging a black pill in sensitive stages to help the decline happen a little more faster.

Get fucked or take the white pill.

Obviously their hail mary is to push net neutrality on the dumb masses.

Don't forget that we're not even arguing over the "muh no censorship right now".

Don't forget they're trying to regulate who's allowed to run fiber and need congressional approval to do so.

Don't forget that the net neutrality bill of no censorship doesn't cover dial up.

Don't forget that it's a 200 page bill that could be summed up in 10 pages.

Don't forget that they're fucking with frequency allocation for cell phone people. AKA BIG MONEY.

It's just another way to screw us over.

You mean the opposite.

Be sure to have all of your deep web URL's handy.


Checked and praised!
Telepathic shitposting confirmed!

3 things you can't talk about here:

1. Trump is surrounded by Jews, married a Jew (Ivana), all her kids by Jewish standard are Jews. Nothing to discuss.
2. Net neutrality - you must shut up the natsocs must be busy talking about the past
3. North Korea - lol this is my personal favorite - somehow not wanting war/aggression to an enemy of Israel, makes you a kike.

t. Voltaire

Isn´t this net neutrality thing more of their tactics. Go after that ONE thing that you know opposition will lose their minds about. Then, whilst they´re losing their minds, go after what you really want. There were some corruption scandals coming up in Hungary at the time of that crazy unpopular internet law Orbán wanted to pass. Everybody lost their minds over the internet law and that took priority over the corruption news. SO EASY

I mean, I´m all up for net neutrality but it is very suspicious that government would spend so many resources and go through so much shit to try and probably fail to pass an unpopular measure at this stage.

I mean, I´m all up for net neutrality but it is very suspicious that government would spend so many resources and go through so much shit to try and probably fail to pass an unpopular measure at this stage.

I think what we're going to see happen is a return to something akin to the BBS days of our youths. There's a limitless supply of wireless capable devices, those things can be revised to run off-the-grid pirate radio style connections that are free and accessible to those that know about them.

(((They))) think they're chaining the worst of us to a system that they control. All they're doing is establishing a frontier where the skilled and intelligent will be selected for out of necessity, and where our cheeki breeki hivemind will have room to flourish.

If it wasn't for the blood pressure medication, I'd be at full-mast.

Good comment

web 3.0 my dude, mandatory participation, mandatory opinions.

He's the worst goy ever if that's true
Net Neutrality is being pushed by the Jews as well.

The truly hilarious thing is, after decades of various attempts at copy-protection on games and apps, your average autist either defeats it instantly or knows where to go for the solution. This won't be any different. We've been trained by them to adapt quickly to get our fix as fast and as cheaply as possibly. If the internet dies, we'll have replaced it within 6 months or less.


Not claiming the internet will disappear, only freedom of speech when talking about certain things.

Mandatory shitposting

Got any good webms?

The first step is acceptance

They're gonna try to kill crypto and Holla Forums, and utterly fail in the age of kek

By "dies," I meant becomes a pale shade of itself that must be abandoned for more fertile ground.


Authorities just put receivers everywhere and use machine learning to crack any code the human mind can conceive. What then?

There is no ground more fertile than what the internet was. Only telepathy as someone mentioned!

this. (embed)

Bring back dial up bbs

Are you retarded? There are 3,885,567,619 internet users on earth. Their A.I.s and bots are barely enough for their own few monopol websites like FB or twitter, and only the dumbest normies get fooled by them. Even reddit cucks is getting aware of that. And even if they had better software, there is no hardware yet available to monitor every website. Not only that, making websites and switching domains is as easy as clapping your hands, they would piss in the wind. Also what about direct communication services?

The internet is a goddamn monolith. Even if not, nothing is unavoidable you blackpilled defeatist cuck.

You don´t have to get everyone fool. Just enough people to set an example. They´ve got you by the balls.

Project quantum.
We make a quantum mesh network to circumvent the Jew controlled normalfag network. Unjammable and distance of no concern. Like packet radio but next level. I told you faggots this is the only way out over next decade, I hate being correct but usually am on shit like this.

This would be cool but who wants to be host and put their home phone number up? And then who wants to dial it with own home phone number. You could call in from anywhere you could find though, even through cellular modems though I don't know how well protected that part of cell phones are, I'd wager very much.

All baseband modems are poz as with every other modern pc in existence at hardware level. Templeos and the rest are a joke really once you realize this.
The only secure data is that which doesn't exist or is ten ft under ground and turned off. Even then quantum methods are available.



If we're going to achieve the 14 words, we need to meet with real people and form real communities. The internet will always have a role but we need to start reproducing more and for that we need to actually meet each-other, have private rallies, and spread our views in person. The best way to achieve that is by being closer together.

It doesn’t matter. We can’t know.

They can't even catch all original 151 pokemon, faggot.

No one watches tv so without the internet people will hopefully go outside. I hope.