Federal charge dropped against man accused of sending tweet that set off journalist’s seizure

November 27, 2017
Tom Steele
Dallas Morning News
Posted with permission from Tribune Content Agency

Eichenwald also has sued Rivello for monetary damages.


Other urls found in this thread:

Got excited, my bad

It's far from over you fucking moron. Until this much more serious charge is dismissed, Rivello is still in danger. Don't jump the gun like a fucking cuckchan nigger.

So, he still carries the charges at the county level? (Since it seems the entirety of the charges themselves remain).
Seriously though, assault with a deadly weapon? Like an anthrax bomb? Goodness. As for the hate crime enhancement, what about crimes against those of European descent? Those don't matter I guess.

One of the biggest tells to me that it was Kurt and not his wife who wrote this, was that the tweet begins with, "this is his wife".
If his wife was dumb enough to tweet at all while her husband was having a seizure, she would have prefaced it with "This is Kurt's wife" or more likely, not mentioned who she was at all. The only reason to specify who was writing the tweet was if Kurt knew people would ask how could he tweet if he was having a seizure and tried to preemptively shoot that down. It would have served him better to simply wait for a few hours, then get back on and say he had a seizure, but he was heated from the argument and angry at goldstein, so couldn't contain his butthurt even to make his story more credible.

This is the correct anslysis.
t. his wife

Why would Kurt care about big AF anime tiddies when he was looking at CP for research? (it was him, right?)

Apparently little boys aren't his only kink.

When some mentally defective kikes lies matter more than a fucking MARINE VETERAN. He should suffer for this, Eichenwald is a literal nobody, a pissant, a drain on society and humanity. He should suffer.

The kike Eichenwald is a true blue pedophile and sexual deviant. He fucking claims to watch tentacle pornography with his family members and saves and watches child porn for "research" for months on end with not a single article to show for it nor a single word was said to his coworkers and bosses.

Wouldn't this bring an opportunity to sue Kurt Eichenwald? His lawyers said at first that Kurt was hospitalized for weeks and he had difficulties to speak while the very next day after that "I'm Kurts wife and I'm writing this on his twitter account that he got a seizure" claim, he was being interviewed in some news.




This. He needs to get reamed over lying. I'm sure he lied under oath in all of this as well.

Kurt mods a cp forum

I've never seen a picture of his wife, or his two kids he claims he watches tentacle porn with. Fairly convinced this fucking jew lives alone off the money he sued his mother for and spends all day jerking off to the cp he got caught buying. By Jove if I do anything in this life it will be casting a light on this eichenwald rat and collecting a toll.

when is this pedo kike gonna get charged?



Hey so asking hypothetically, what did the guy send him that caused the seizure?
Do we know?

This happy little fella.

This one works nicely. Almost gave me one to be honest.
FBI Disclaimer: This image is shared for educational purposes only and in no way endorses suicide. If you suffer from epilepsy DO NOT activate this image.


This is fake news right? If not, then let us remember and acknowledge that it isn't that fucking easy to get a seizure even for epileptics. The flashing imagery has to be very irritating and more like a strobe-light than anything. This fucking kike needs to burn in hell for his lies.

Strobing != flashing gifs.

Yellowstone please turn this gay earth into a snowball once again.

Flashing gifs are a weapon now ?

not just a weapon, but a deadly one. didn't you get the memo?

Fuck, I hadn't even heard about the pedo stuff. Can't wait until he finds his oven.

I love that Twitter plays gifs automatically without clicking on them first lol


This is Kurt's wife, you goy's haven't heard the last of us! Right after Kurt, the children and me are done watching this enriching tentacle porn we're shutting this down.

Epileptics are a protected class now? We have protections for legitimate tards on the books to keep them from being abused but I don't believe you can be prejudiced against a specific dysfunction and call it a hate crime.
They really don't want to push that narrative and make all the labeled crazies protected because that would throw all the right-wing into the mix based on their accusations thus protecting them from any criticism.
No, the kikes want to keep that card in their pocket until it's just them with the diagnoses.

Your kids like happy pictures right?

Hate kikenwald but nigger should go to jail so a precedent is set. If someone walking behind your grandma in the mall poked her with a slin pin and set off a diabetic seizure I'm sure every one of you would be pissed.

You deserve to be raped to death by a pack of niggers that are on fire.

Whatever you say faggot.

Post your e-mail. Surely you won't mind a seizure or two.

Fuck you bitch ass homo faggot. First of all, I doubt Kikenwald actually had a fucking seizure at all. Second, kill yourself you utter piece of shit.

Federal charges were dropped to lessen the likelihood of him being able to plea out with a slap on the wrist. The remaining charges will certainly bring more severe punishment than he was looking at federally.


If you really dislike him so much, divorce him.

Ok shlomo.

Sup, Kurt. She already left you didn't she?

not bad taste tbh He can read it in the gas chamber.

==YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! ALRIGHT!!!!!

You replied to the wrong person.

The 14 year old boy he paid at least 16 times to camwhore for him likely did not have tiddies.



Had a terribly congested, sick laugh to that one.
I love you faggots.

Dallas D.A. office is scum.

What a timeline we live in


(((Eichenwald))) is a degenerate pedo.

top lel

Request sticky.
I forgot if this was Kurt or not


Oy Vey

What do you mean, 'now'? I've been blowing up his gmail since the day it happened. It's how I know he's a lying fuck. If shit was realy he'd be dead by now. I used bait titles, from addresses belonging to his sons, general shit related to his work at the time, you name it.


Second picture reminded me of an old story.

When I was in my 20s running management for a small joint, upper management called me into the office for a meeting with all the stakeholders there. In the office I had my on site kike director pulled out a white folder just like Kurt did labelled "user's theft". My face is pretty much like tucker at the time as he laid out to the other stakeholders that I have been stealing stuff from the stores and selling them. I went back to the office, got the purchase records out and tallied it up with the accusations. Turns out the nigger they hired to storekeep couldn't even do basic arithmetic and screwed up the tally for months now, completely inflating the actual stock we had so apparently the stores thought they were missing stock we never had and obviously the only sane thing to do is to accuse the on-site ops manager of theft. I pointed out how stupid the accusing party was for reaching for that conclusion just from some faulty math and the stakeholders let me off while giving the site director a slap on the wrist for wasting their time. I did my own investigation after that buddying up with the night supervisor and security team after I had a faint suspicion I was accused not because I was suspected to be a thief, but because I was making someone else hot and bothered around the collar and turns out I was right. The kike in charge was actually selling our wares off site and the storekeep nigger was in on it.

TL:DR kikes are so delusional they accuse you of what they're doing.

I'm glad to hear it turned out this way. Here's a celebratory graphic.

Why does this make me uncomfortable when looking at it? Any science nerds willing to chime in?

I wish I knew, but it's making ME feel like I'm going to have a seizure and I'm not even a spaz. It might be the swastika created by the image cycling through individual members. I just wanted to make it less obvious that it was a swastika from the still, but damn. My best guess is the same reason the Virtual Boy fucked its users up so bad.

Read the OP, you smoothbrains.

The human eye can only see 30FPS

I can't believe how unpleasant it turned out. Apparently flipbook animations are a great addition to seizure graphics.

Deadly weapon…so do people often die of epilepsy?

Why the hell did I watch that. I'm fucking done.

Would a static optical illusion trigger a hebraic fit?

I wondered the same thing about that graphic with a blink added anyway. It's particularly noxious.

Wanted to try with a few more. The first one turned out ok, but the second one completely breaks the optical illusion, kek.

Underrated post, underchecked dubs.

