End of western civilization

pictures that eptomize the end of civilization

post em

you rage you lose

gas em then war

you should probably go back.

I knew a ukranian girl (just turned 18, was very tall) at work that returned from a vacation visiting her parents. Turns out she was almost (((deported))) because there were some problems with her (((visa))). The scare got to her and married her bf (ex-chess player) as soon as she came back.

(((deportations))) are real

she marry a Nigger?

yeah… because of the almost-(((deportation)))

She's not even white though

Stuff like this?


Why should I care about a non-white whore being swarmed by niggers? Fuck off back to cuckchan.

This ones always the worse. The parents should be lined up and publicly shot.

She looks fucking nervous. Thinking to herself "I just wanted to teach these poor youths, what have I got myself in".

she looks black tbqh, the black men actually look like russians


FUCK!!! We need to do something about (((visas))) and (((deportations))). Too many white girls are being forced to racemix because of them.

…. this isn't even kike shilling its like sad leftypol shilling

dysnomia pls :^)

Pseudo blacked threads now?

pseudo (false) makes it not right?



top kek

who is she?

This thread is shit, but we should really be talking about Britains future nigger queen

You want to make this a SHITTED thread?

op is a faggot



keep telling yourself that. lying to yourself isn't a healthy coping mechanism though

Shit thread. Every other thread in the catalog is adequate evidence the West is falling apart. No need to make a further spectacle of it. This thread serves no purpose.

I'm angry

nice natural and organic trips
