Embrace “immorality” or else love the “immoral”
This is how you get laid.
When it comes to making the ladies hot for you, morals and culture, etc, are like a school teacher but dominating is like a Rothschild banker. The nature of the animal is to conquer what is weaker or submit to the more powerful, or third, CHALLENGE The Lion. Regardless of past greatness, women will be attracted to THE DOMINATOR of today. The submissive or ‘the female,’ yearns for the dominant male no matter if he is a White, Black, Asian, Arab, tiger, fish, lizard, monkey, or dog.
The man who never submits buys-off everyone in his way or murders them… anything to disarm the opponent. Verbal debate is the most common form for individuals to challenge each other (recall Jewish high level of “verbal IQ”).
So, EMBRACE IMMORALITY. Morals are not contributing to your dominance? Crimes against you fraying your moral fibers? That means you can start lying, start stealing, start killing, start cheating and deceiving, right? Use these methods to win; woman will love you and won’t care whether you WON with or without morals.
When you look at Jews, it makes sense. Their lives, morals, families, business practices and cultures to are structured to accomplish domination and not just create a MORAL environment. Domination is the moral environment they work for.
NOTE: The past DOMINANCE STRUCTURE OF WHITES took place in the form of Nordic Religion, Christian Religion and Catholic Religion, among others. All of these had a singular dominant leader and leadership hierarchy that promoted love. There is good reason these religions had an imperative to love those who hurt you.
Die… kill… or Love. Become immoral, or those love who are. LOVE THEM ANYWAY




Did you miss the second, most important part?

No thanks, Chaim.

Why are you pretending to have wisdom? If you love the immoral, the debased, and the depraved, then you are shit. It doesn't matter how many women you fuck or how much money you have, because at the end of the day you are the reason that society is shit. Instead of rejecting the degeneracy, you embraced it so you could be "successful"

Do you know what that's like? That's like being in a room surrounded by shit, and deciding to smear the shit all over your body so you feel at home. Fool.

Anyone else looking forward to Trump trying to start a jew war and getting publicly hung by the people he just assumed were going to do whatever he said?

You underestimate the stupidity of Trump supporters. I think that by spending so much time reading obscure history books and learning about what really happened throughout time, that we forget how ignorant the average American is. Most Patriotards still think that WW2 is source of pride and that the Nazis are the most evil force to ever exist.

We will love the sinning Jews, smearing ourselves with proverbial shit because we are better than that.
Like Jesus but were not Jesus

How satisfying would it be watching these people ground to dust in the Iranian desert while they're families are hunted down back here?

Very. If the United States starts a war with Iran, I'll be the first to become a domestic terrorist. If the Jews really want WW3, then so be it, I'll finally be able to right the wrongs of my ancestors who fought for the wrong side in WW2.

I would love to see white culture become re-invigorated with the spirit of loving ones neighbor and ones world, not stopping at Jewish persecution or other hate. Sure, the Jew is the enemy. But our powerful love for ALL is our victory

Yes, this is why our ancestors didn't let female libido control society. When you do, you get Africa. Patriarchy is the necessary precondition of civilization. If your society requires a suitor to impress a woman rather than to impress her father your society is fucked.

Great point. Our men need to control daughters and wives in that way.

I think loving them to the extent we want to impulsively control them is what is missing.

Patriarchy has at its core the love of a Father, not bitterness or anger towards people who are "sinners."

Sad but true famalam. The female of the species is hard wired to go for the worst traits in men. Been on both sides of this equation and I can say this emphatically. Feminism was a (((mistake))).


main topic here is loving Jews despite their hateful actions in order that we stay on course to become powerful dominate men

Embrace a land mine.

morality is our strength because it promotes unity. women go for altruism because it's a winning pack strategy. pure dominance is nothing if it alienates all your kin and falls apart. fuck off with your degen kikery.

The countless sleepless nights of skimming tons of information for years is starting to take its toll. I first read the headline as TRUMP LOVES JEWS. But when I actually read the OP I puked. It's an even worse thread than I imagined. You should feel bad about the fact that you are a low life creature blind to the delightful opportunity beyond the computer screen OP.

Let our morality include loving people, like Jews, who are fill our culture with smut and hate. Our morals and love must overcome the bad so we may continue to do good for ourselves and loved ones.

By the way, our society is extremely immoral at this time, with too much sex and curse words,etc. The chan-folk are correct to want to hate the Jew, but their energy should be preserved for commiting produtive acts/thoughts of love.

Nice sage you absolute cuck.


I thought I was forever doomed to be a testube gubgub snailbaby but thanks to OPs PUA skills I am now knee deep in gash! Thank you OP! THANK YOU.

I don't support pro-Pissrael cunts either but goddamn it nigger don't make yourself sound like fucking (((Occupy Democrats))).

To sell back what you stole
My love fuels my hate for thee
I dont even get angry anymore, only cold rage remains

They fees of your hating them

Love them. They hate it!

look at the intense shilling!

Why do u think they constantly shit talk Jesus even until 2017? Because when we love them, we look better, we look innocent, we are in the right and their evils is revealed and it is shown that they committ evil to people who dont deserve it, this legitimizing our cause to defend ourselves with force if necessary.

That same love we use on them, overcoming hate, is the love that makes our society and families great.

They dont want you to love anything… they want you to hate, but I forgive them! I do!

Are you retarded? Look at the people he people he posted in his pic related. You want to keep pretending they aren't real, that's on you.


Back to reddit, brainlet.

Nigger if the whole point of not starting another war for ZOG like Iraq because it wastes so many White lives that should have been breeding faster than spics and niggers combined, then why the fuck would you want this ZOG war to happen in the first place? Even dead pro-Israel cuckservative ZOGbots is good for the kikes because it's all part of their plan of White genocide. They want brainwashed White soldiers to die for Israel and they also want Whites to keep race mixing until the US will become Brazil 2.0, so everyone will become 70 IQ mongrelized slaves to the top 1% yids. I know that dead sandniggers is always good but these ZOG wars benefit nothing to Whites.