KFC Aussie Shits on Nigger Royalty

Salt starting to flow on their Twitter comments ever since they deleted the Tweet.


Other urls found in this thread:


top bantz

niggers BTFO


Well, there's a former employee.

Muh sides.


how the fuck is this like the third kfc thread in the last week?


I didn't even know Harry was marrying an American nigress.

not to mention she is already 36

Aussies take shitposting to yet another new level. Can we just admit they're the best anglos already?

Fucking kek


Im Canadian, and I cant compete with that.

Funniest thing I've seen all November. Well done you kangaroo faggots

I'll bet it was somebody on the inside. When something like this happens, it's usually because an employee is plotting against the company. They need to carefully review their social media team, maybe two or three times, because they might have a mole.

We've memed irresponsibly, now the 4th Reich is being brought to you by all the normalfaggot fast food conglomerates.

top cunts


I second that.

really? salt mine when?

memes never change

top kek, more?


I doubt an Australian posted this because of the tendies meme.

Previously married and JEWISH as well.

I can imagine the Irish are pissing themselves with delight!

Australia really is the last implicit stand for whiteness

Being anti-PC is the hip new thing so multinational Jewish run corporations are getting in on it. KFC is getting attention because their marketing is apparently ahead of their competition.
Because their god is the god of money, even their schemes come after.

So with any luck she won't be able to hatch a quadroon or it will at least be a Down syndrome dud of some kind.

The Eternal Shitposter Down Under strikes again

who cares, let them fuck up their genetics, they're all cryptos anyways

Would Eli off both of them for race mixing first though?

The problem is the message it sends. It's just one part of a greater scheme to push race-mixing. Same shit with that one tennis player and so on. The guy is not even white but he's being billed as white for this purpose.

valid point, carry on

The message it sends is that the (((Royals))) are trash. That's a good message.


My bad

How new are you?

lurked for ages never really post.

Don't eat untermensch-tier takeaway but KFC AU, your marketing team is top kek.

Lurk for two years, newfag

suck my nuggies


She will. I just wonder how this will be done.

If you want another example, when the Las Vegas terrorist shooting by muslims in helicopters occurred, I saw obvious shilling of Taco Bell forced memes on the chans. Seems beaners are jealous of white chicken salesman's free PR.

Holy fuck was that actually the official KFC twitter?
I'm telling you lads, in this timeline major companies are going to end up bantzing each other in place of paid advertisements. Shitposting will end up being a high paying profession that every company needs.

Some news agencies claimed he proposed to her over a meal of roast chicken. I’m not saying KFC weren’t aware of the connotations of this tweet but they have plausible deniability.

shitposters till the very end.

click show post options & limits
paste youtube link in the embed box

Fuck my country knows how to shitpost.

Witness my pride.

Witnessed cunt

That's a mesage that can be sent without the race-mixing, though the fact that this person is American seems like an insult to British women. He's basically saying none of them were good enough for him. They should tear into him. I'm surprised feminists over there haven't since they are always screeching about men leaving the country to find non-white wives. This is basically more of that.

Australian KFC has a history of this.

And trust me. Trust me on this: we hate when Yanks tell us we can't have fun. Australians will defend our bants to the death.

What is this from?


He was a Hungarian refugee from 1956, came here as a boy. He walked out of a Chinese restaurant without paying.

Dear God! Are you telling me that Aussie level shitposting is contagious? I thought it was genetic, but this suggests that prolonged contact will confer the trait as well.



Lots of strayan pride going on in here

t.kiwifag here, can confirm
We are not called lesser shitpostingland for no reason
ya sik carrnt

Australia,being a good sport and giving a reach around to america while canada watches.


I am feeling a little better about the postal vote now.

Imagine that. Actually being payed to shitpost. Australia and Canada will be come like India but except for tech support we would have shitposting support to teach weak cunts how to deliver the bants. But unlike India we will be superpower by 2020.

Australians are offended by any sentence that doesn't include the word "cunt" or "fuck" in it at least twice.



The strayan duck is hawking at the race mixers.



Reminder that the samurai fears the shitposter.


KFC Australia has done this before actually. They have a reputation for deliberately provoking this shit.

Who knows. I think this is deliberate to get publicity.
Any publicity is good publicity.

And some nigs find this funny tbh.

The royal family are clearly pushing this shit to get rid of his "reputation" from the past.
I don't think Harry has any say.

This is the royal family, not you're average normalfag couple.
It's NEVER just love.

This whole campaign is deliberately creating publicity from this.

I mean it's too obvious that they meant for this to cause "controversy".


yeah what else are kfc nuggers good for?

Choking old ladies with hidden rubber bands?




we know




Actual niggers are not even mad. They think KFC is complementing the black community


I actually like how that dickwad is realising that current labor has huge fucking issues with SJWs.. totally agree it should go back to old labor.

IRL shitposting

Do Mexicans riot over a fast food promotion gone wrong? Only people who do that I see are blacks and rick & morty fans




i thought femtards were all about racemixing?

Or anything for that matter.

Feminists make more sense if you realize everything they do is to widen their possible dating pool.

Guys have to fuck me no matter what I weigh
Guys aren't allowed to fuck skinny bitches
Black guys have to fuck me or they're bigoted
White guys are only allowed to fuck me or they're bigoted
Men lusting after teenage girls is perverted and disgusting
Women lusting after teenage boys is cute and trendy

Their entire ideology is basically "i don't care just give me cummies"

Dubs for truth. That's why it's very popular among the bottom of the barrel fuglies. 3-rd wave feminists are completely incapable of objective thought - every "conviction" is subjective and based on emotions (low self-worth, usually).

I am totally okay with this. It's hip to gas kikes.

There's an old communist saying: “The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope."
The last Jew we gas shall be the one who sold us the Zyklon.

Good, that's what we want to happen too.

He forgot to run.

I honestly don't give two fucks about this.
To me it's just an add, regardless of the content.
The publicity is part and parcel.

So I don't care really.

That's okay. We'll continue to talk about moving the Overton window.


Nobody in Australia gives a fuck about anything any more.

Can't you see what the gay vote showed?
We're a country of apathy. Utter apathy.
You could blow up parliament and no one would bat two fucking eye lids.
Some might even chuckle.

That's it.

Fuck Off We're full

Daily reminder to never send your kids to a public school in Aus


People in this country are this stupid. They don't seem to fathom our situation. We're pissing off a hound and letting it into our schools, workplaces, home, etc.
Regardless of who's fault that is, that is the reality. You can't just say "let in that hound" just because your husband tortured it in guilt. You keep it the fuck out of your house.

We'd love to let you cunts in
But you seem like poofters hey
You have to bum your sisters
Coz you can't get a lay

You cunts worship a black cube
Like you're the fucking borg
Take that shit back to la la land
We're fucken full you dorg

I think you're the most apathetic cunt here tbh.

Also why would you consider blowing up the parliament a negative? I wouldn't chuckle if someone did that - I'd cheer. It's a hive of kikery that needs excising.

I don't care what you think.

I'd rather burn it by proxy and secure it through emergency constitutional powers and then implement my final solution to everything.

I get it. You just want to kill yourself. OK.


Holy shit!! HAHAHAHAHA

It would be a shame if the petrol fire started at the Abo Tent Embassy.

The hilarious part about the nog royal wedding is how proud nogs are of it. As if they accomplished something.
They seem to miss the underlying message in it: you need to upgrade by marrying a white (what her parents did) so you can have a shot at marrying a prince. Their kids will be a 1/4.


Carriage of peace?

soon to start a potato farm in her shriveled womb

It's funny, because abos didn't even invent tents.

Clearly what he meant

Don’t make Moe a Jew. Krusty is the Jew.

Agreed and checked.


A return to form, Australia. Nice to see it after a few off-weeks. Keep up the excellent work.



Found the bridesmaid's bouquets.


Also top music

Its after 3. Go to bed Johnno


Fuck off with your revisionist history Mordechai


What does austria have to do with any of this?

Crude lean-to is a kind of tent you bigot.




what is this


star trek ds9 is best star trek


Read Hitler's manifesto and try to say that a second time, nigger.

pick two and only two

What was to be expected from the NOBLE HOUSE OF CUCKSBURG

Private schools aren't safe either. We used to do English novel studies, and I am not kidding, every book we read was books like To Kill a Mocking Bird (muh segregation, muh racism) or the Happiest Refugee (you see goyim, refugees are just like you). There was also a giant wallpaper that looks like pic related.

Also, "Advance Australia Fair" literally means "Advance Fair-skinned(white) Australia".

Holla Forums should make a children's book about refugees.

Could somebody photoshop that woman to look white and running away from the Somali who is trying to rape her.

We Wuz R ro-ya''lls N shiet.


White Power+



Yeah. Brotherly love and all that.

That is definitely photoshopped. Look at the size of him compared to the rest of the trees and hill.

Meet Misha Nonoo – the Jewish ‘matchmaker’ who brought Harry and Meghan together


Of course they wouldn't pull those kinds of punches, for OJ, but I'm sure that nigger wouldn't know the difference between a kike and a white.


Fuck off, we're full.


This sums up Australia pretty well.


wrong, user. it was a staged psyop, with timed lightshows appearing to be muzzle flashes along with a prerecorded soundtrack of gunfire being piped through the PA, along with scores of crisis actors faking their injuries. one of a long string of psyops of this type.

that is one shitty photoshop

It's real. Costume party. He got shit for it at the time.

Which battle is this?

I hereby sentence you to forced reeducation!


imagining weebs getting their ass drilled gets me motivated to post another battle where chinks get BTFO

1000 chinks vs 40 rodaleros. yellow insect people can't fight HUE


Actually, pretty pathetic country you guys have there. no thank you.

At least we can say the Holocaust didn't happen.

Is there any remaining evidence of loot from those battles in museums elsewhere?

But it should have


No it shouldn't have. 6 million dead wasn't enough!

Dont forget the opium wars.

no he got arrested for drinking in a public area.

Which is odd because they were chimping out pretty hard about Obama's daughter hooking up with a white guy.

What the fuck? That's not a criminal charge.

Here, user. Have the webm.

You had one job KFC

GTFO you dumb cunt.

poor guy

Permitted Stereotypes that are based in truth:

Prohibited stereotypes that are based in truth:
>jews are UTTER cunts in EVERY respect

I know you all know all this, but I wrote it out just in case there are any newfriends reading to give them something to think about.

nigger cuck saltmine bump

This 56% burger agrees.

A brave user is now in permanent NEEThood to bring us this moment of joy.

I hope you fuckers are at least grateful.



first time i've seen someone who gets it post here, nice.

is funny how hollywood is official jewish propaganda, I mean, if holywood was open to any creatives schindler's list would just be another movie. but is official fiction for the goyim to be commanded for


requesting summon the eldritch horror.webm


His political stuff is fucking insufferable, but his other shit is pretty funny.

Don't worry lads the long lost Stewart king is coming back soon

Think about it, random nig/kike + English prince = MOVIN' ON UP
Daughter of muh First Black President + non-black = downgrade
The first priorities for Kangz are to get their weed and welfare check cashed, but after those two are taken care of, the third priority is sticking it to Whitey in any perceived possible manner.

That just looks like two pissed off pussies havin an argument over who is the bigger bitch.
Guy in the car should have floored that fucker. You could tell he was all bark no bite.

Hell I was working with a guy doin air conditioning right, this fucking cunt rolls out the MaccyD's and contacts the side of the service van. The crazy fuck I'm workin with walks back to the guys car he's blubbering about how he's gonna call our boss n get us fired right? My journeyman grabs the cunt by the neck and drags the fucker out his own passenger window and pummels the living shit out the scrawny fuck.

Best part neither of us got fired, he actually got a raise. I love America.

Does the book make any silly rhymes about the rape, murder, and financial burden the shitskins bring with them. No? How strange.

wow, that's one lazy ass nazi uniform.


in Australia it is

She's a jew. means all the royals from now on will openly be jewish (with jewish mothers) Kate Middleton is actually Kate Goldsmith of the Rothschild/Goldsmith entourage. So no more 'Indo-Europeans' in that 'royal line'. I think they should go where their 'people' are located, back to their middle east shithole, 'israel'…so that they can rule over their actual homeland.

the windsors have always been crypto jews you nonce. Jews have been shitting in english noble blood since 1066

keyword being crypto…now they are rubbing it in everyone's face. there are peasants on the street with more right to the throne


but seriously though
how did this happen?

criminally underrated thread


i find this to be funny as shit

What does it matter? They were never British to begin with. The English have been ruled by men of French descent for most of their existence. Unless King Arthur comes swooping down from the sky with Excalibur, that people will never be ruled by men of their own blood. Now it's just visible on the outside.



Dude, every woman and all waves of feminism was/is uncapable of that.