Culture of Awkwardness

So I'm sure you're all aware of the low-T soyboy phenomenon, but it goes back further than the last 10-20 years with things like "emo", back to the boomers, for example - people like Neil Breen of which my father is one of, this led to a generation of young men being raised by spineless betas. I feel like I was raised by a boy in a man's body.

I know we all joke about being autists, and yes it's funny but in reality, awkwardness is a curse. It's a social disorder that keeps you from achieving your full potential, or expressing yourself honestly, it's a major roadblock to happiness/self-realization. It's constant anxiety and self-consciousness that puts a stranglehold on your personality.

Programs like Tim and Eric got famous by ripping on this culture of awkwardness, and most of our sense of humor stems from the same source. We could see it for the bullshit it was even when we were kids. The question is, how do we beat it? I feel like there's so much I haven't learned that I should have when I was growing up. Now I'm in my early 20s and I'm still shy around pretty girls even though I know 90% are shit inside. How does an user get over an awkward upbringing?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not sure who that faggot is but look at those earlobes (or lack thereof)


Make eye contact with everyone you speak to for the entire duration of your conversation and speak clearly. Practice this with your friends and family. Practice in the mirror if you have to.

That's Neil Breen. He directs, produces, and acts in his own "so bad they're good" B-movies. Embed related.

Will watch/10

you'll grow out of it, just lift and learn to fist fight and take everything super seriously and nu-male ironic hipster faggots will shy away from you. I used to be like you now I can stare down a faggot hipster and make him look down. women are just shit unless they are mothers then you should respect them

So potential women who aren't mothers are shit and unless I make them a true woman Im a bitch and not helping my race?

Didn't deserve a thread.

Awkward humor is a jewish invention designed to normalize dysfunctional behavior. It enables people who are awkward to never feel like they need to fix their problems likely stemming from mental illness and poor health. This overall encourages weakness and covers up actual problems never mind the fact that jews aren't funny.

Simply be what you want to see in the world, fucking faggot.

I wonder if the "fear of awkwardness" has made people more awkward. Life isn't like a movie or stageplay. People are either withdrawn as a protective measure or they rely on sarcasm and quippy platitudes to hide their true thoughts and feelings when interacting. I think so many people talk in manners that it comes to affect their minds and alter their personalities, making them more awkward and unnatural. Learning to talk plainly and speaking what you truly think and feel in the moment is what I believe people should strive for.


You just gotta be honest 100% about yourself. If you see someone you like, skip the thinking part and just say hi. If you see a thing you want to buy, just do it. If someone says something negative to you, say you dont want that shit in your life.

There's also other stuff to this that doesn't immediately come to mind, but hopefully you get the picture. You don't need to be selfish, but you need to see yourself and your needs as necessary to your own happiness.

In your case it's just as genetic as it is environmental considering your father. By the way whoever that guy is, looks very neanderthal, which many have speculated to correlate with spergism. The fact you idolize him probably means you see something in him, either in behavior in looks. Meaning it's not looking too good for you and you were destined to turn out the way you did.

This. Normalizing awkwardness/nerd culture is normalizing Jewish neuroticism and weakness. One of the greatest Jewish ruses of our time is that of the "nice guy" or underdog getting the girl. Look at virtually any film or Talmudvision show aimed at young males made in the last 50 years. Some loser ends up getting laid because he is sensitive and exposes his weakness. We're about 3 generations into this phenomenon in the West, and overrun with nu-males.

If you feel awkward around somebody, that's the world's way of telling you to stay away from them. When, if, you find the good people in your life, you won't feel awkward around them. It also kinda goes away with age, or at least you just stop caring about it as much - I guess I'm used to it.

Dunno what to say about your dad; I never looked for father figures in my life and frankly I find all men distasteful.

i bet your feel so powerful staring down soyboys. you wouldnt dare look a nigger in the eyes for more than a brief acknowledgement of its existence. fucking pussy thinking staring at people makes you tough hopefully you get emasculated one day for faking being a tough guy.

Too bad millennial are much taller than those born in the 70s and early 80s. I'm 6'3 and the average nu-male is 6'8 and up. I don't think they're threatening and neither do women either because all millennial females are taken by shitskins if the guy doesn't have serious earning power.

What that other user probably meant is that you need to stop putting pussy on a pedestal.
Why? Pretty young women are a dime a dozen. New ones come of age every day. But you are only getting older and need to stop worrying about the butterflies and get shit done.

you can come across as assertive and confident in normal conversations without eyefucking people and sending predatory vibes, it's a balance and all of it depends on more than just eye contact

What the fuck is the point of staring an animal in the eyes? You can stare at niggers, turtles, and worms all you want but they don't have the same social awareness or capacity that another actual human does.

I am convinced that this numale/soyboy epidemic is part of the direct result of the anti-white narrative that's been going on for years now. It's a defense mechanism for white guys to single that they're not "one of those evil mean racist white men" so they flaunt their conformist weakness by adhering to the numale lifestyle. Out of shape, LE HUGE NERD, a simple person who doesn't want trouble who just likes to drink craft beer and watch rick and morty, vocally anti-racist, graphic t-shirts, god awful beard.

I think, deep down, these numales actually want to look like complete faggot pussies so they feel they're not a target of the anti-white onslaught.

To add to that, they're complete cowards.

What's your point?

any chance for us to reach out and help an user overcome confidence issues is one we should join to support, instead of ridicule. yes perhaps this OP could have posted in QTDTTOT, but in this case the dialogue allows for more hashing out of the issue. imho OP makes a valid statement, one which I too have noticed culturally as a widespread cuckism happening with American males growing up in today's world.

Hopefully, even in the worst case scenario, the japs don't let anymore trash in that than they already have, and at least someone can maintain a decent copy of white civilization until humanity dies out.

Failing that, there's the slavs… Perhaps in the 22nd century when the Second Russian Empire is exploring the lost continents they'll find wandering tribes of our descendents and teach them how to squat and make vodka.

that this faggot is bragging about making literal cucks submit

All you have to do to make a nigger self-destruct is call him a nigger, why would you stare at him?

What can I do if people are going batshit fucking insane and can't talk about anything else than themselves?
What can I talk to them about?
Current show that I don't give a shit about?
Current relationship bullshit I don't give a shit about?
Current exploits of bipolar individuals that I disgust at?
Current retarded ideas by retarded people that can't stand some healthy critic and thus always fail?
I won't be biting other people so we can go down under together.
Fucking end of the kali yuga I tell you.

Shyness is nice, and shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to… So, if there's something you'd like to try, ask me I won't say no, how could I?

How old are you?

He's a real human brean.

This plus read physical books.

Niggers actually look away quickly when they're alone.

Shit sucks.

He looks like more jewish spock

Sadly yes. If you're interacting with a girl you have a chance of screwing she is shit. She has been raised to be as selfish as possible with no guilt. She has been screwing since she was 12 and will lie relentlessly about it. The only virtuous girls are those raised in strict religious communes where they are married off in arranged fashion. Those girls act so bizarre (to our modern eyes) that it seems like they are putting on an act, but that's what a good girl is: corny level naivete. That's all gone, and now you're left to pick up the scarps of the Jewish takeover of our morality.

The only saving grace is a sense of deeply sardonic humor about it all, but having both bravery and optimism usually get in the way if sardonicism. You might find some banter on /sp/ that matches what I'm talking about, but mostly I find it on /k/. Something about a lot of people facing down death leads to a group atmosphere of extreme comfort, and a lack of caring about the awkward feefees described here. Although I agree, awkwardness is an attack on us being raised properly, it's only one more.

What is an awkward upbringing?

My mother is a Borderline Personality having Asperger's syndrome girl. My father was a true Anti-social personality disorder ex-military cheating chad who would fuck every woman he fancied murderer who only taught me how to shoot, basic hand-to-hand combat, and to sleep with one eye open.

I used to get hit by my father and run crying to momma, but she would just look at me with anger and disgust and call me a fucking pussy, then beat me with a clothes hanger.

I am grateful that I know how to shoot, put people down, fight in critical condition, disarm tactics, and everything else… However, I cannot trust anybody and am always constantly analyzing everyone and everything for threats and subversive behavior.

I feel like a maxed out feral cat in a low-energy primate environment.

Keep trying.

that's jewish gas lighting

hurr durr only a muh dick fighting for muh pride is a real man

jews "empowered" women, made them our single parents, teachers and managers while allowing our sole worth to be a high shekel earning good goy, with all men literally being worthless scum that are not even to be looked at

gone are the days where even the postman could raise a family and could be a respected part of society

what the hell did you think would happen?

think before buying into jewish concepts…

jews did the same shit on negros as well

they were not gangbangers before jews introduced propaganda that anyone who isn't the niggest is sucking dick or is an uncle tom or w/e

If you aren't an ever smiling unassuming good goy - good luck making it in corporate land…

I was awkward as a teenager due to the anti white male environment in a shitskin filled school, went to 3rd world asia, learned to be my own man, came back and was always the most aggressive guy in corporate positions but always resigned quickly as I just couldn't handle being whipped by female managers and colleagues and being some wishy washy cubicle slave.

Jewish quacks would probably tag me with anti social personality disorder.

I'm self employed now and doing alright but it was a tough road which is not for the average goy.

Checked and good work user. The hardest paths are ultimately the only trails worth taking - you are stronger and much better because of those lessons. Thank you for an authentic roll to whipe away (Check'd but not kek'd) and the nigger dick in their mouth.

Jamal detected. Waddup, homie?

Thanks for this thread. Your words really do speak to me. I love and respect my father very much, and I’m a bit on my way to redpilling him at least on the zionists. USS liberty attack is good for this. But after getting redpilled I get almost disgusted by his seeming lack of conviction on things I bring up. I’ll have him agreeing that 9/11 is fishy when I talk to him alone, but once others are around, especially women, all of a sudden I feel like the lunatic again. American men have been brought down a few notches since WWII. But hey 60 years of brainwashing. Can’t blame them too much.

Jamal, get back to

I'm not saying they be jus like us, however they were a lot more respectable when they held down jobs and had a family

Awkwardness is a result of men who have fapped-away their alpha energy.

Women are beta as fuck because they lack testosterone. Testosterone drives men to compete and win. When that drive is constantly sapped by regular masturbation, men become beta like women. It's very simple, and anyone who tells you that regular masturbation is normal is a kike shill.

Don't worry that's normal. Women follow the populair things so it happens. Alone anyone acts differently because then group pressure is gone. My father is the same, he knows the kikes are fucking up everything but with my mom around he doesn't wanna admit it because my mother is a muh feels kind of person. I understand why then my father acts like he knows nothing and that I'm the crazy one it's not betrayal or anything, he's just never in the mood of endless whining.

To add he also knows that Hitler did nothing wrong.

I’m not talking about the women. I know how they are and that they must be led. What gets me angry is HIS sudden change of tone. He becomes a double talker. It’s so frustrating to have a conversation with someone only to mean nothing later on. Most of our fathers will immediately change their minds and/or tones from just one glance from their woman. I should have been more clear.

Not to dwell on non happenings but it’s scary to think how far our women would be taken if the cunt had won. They would have literally been brainwashed into hating their husbands, fathers, even sons. They don’t have agency.


Leonard Nimoy was a Jew

they suck up to guys they deem alphas but generally they're turbocunts these days because they're jewish empowered and can get away with it

the amount of outright insults I heard from random women is unreal

I don't hate them though, it's just that the current environment brings out the worst in them, just like a kid that is left to it's own devices.

Muh Based Nigger

underrated post

This is an incredible insight. How to make the West Indo-European again?


This. Don't be afraid of people not liking you.


First 2/3 images should be required reading



People being slightly manipulative is normal and part of social interaction, you could probably argue that all non-violent assertion is manipulation. As long as it isn't serious it's not an issue, it's give and take.

If you're that on edge, just try to relax. If a genuinely dangerous situation is about to arise, you'll probably read it.

Awkwardness is because we care too much about what others think. The British used to be known for being extremely eccentric, each person interested in some odd and often seemingly irrelevant thing (which pretty much gave birth to hard science, archaeology, engineering and led to a massive growth in understanding regarding history and other things). They were weird, odd people, often severely lacking in social skills (you should read what people said about Isaac Newton) - and yet they never gave a shit, and they proceeded to revolutionise the world.

The trick we all must learn is to not give a shit about what others think. This is actually fairly difficult for the average male because of the prevalence of political-correctness, but we've all more or less shirked that, and I imagine that within a few years a lot of people will no longer give a shit at all. This is good. From that point we should quickly stop caring so much what society thinks of us, and that 'awkardness' will go away. Just do not think that we need to all become suave, normal-fags with no-interests so as to fit into the world - we do not. We want our eccentricities and odd interests - these are what separate the great men from the average. All we need to do is stop giving a shit about what people think.

- watch old movies to absorb the movements and mannerisms of men
- stop smoking so much weed (quit, preferably) and you'll reduce social anxiety, paranoia and nervousness
- give up caffeine and you'll stop pumping your blood full of cortisol, thereby massively reducing stress and allowing for deeper relaxation and more quality sleep

You have to stare right into the center of somebody's eye, so he KNOWS you're watching their every breath and step, nigger.


who cares about normalfags just shower and shave smell decent & they can't tell us apart. They have no memory so you can try again everyday


Has anyone actually read all of these?

user, this guy sounds like he's got severe emotional issues and needs to see a counselor in order to undo this damage done to him by his parents. No amount of being told to relax is going to take the edge off of this guy's personality, assuming everything he's saying is true of course.



It also has the bonus of creating Elliot Rodgers that get violent when the nice guy routine doesn't work out irl.

Go get in fist fights with people bigger than you. Ask every single woman you meet out. Eventually your heart will stop racing because getting your ass kicked will be business as usual. This is how you temper a man of steel.

This, challenge every guy you meet to a fight.

The general idea of getting used to combat and uncomfortable situations is good. Your actual advice though is dreadful.

I don't expect any autist fag here to get used to combat. I expect them to go get one shiner and realize shit isn't as rough as they think it is.

Stop thinking outwardly and think more inwardly, introverts are more creative strategize and plan ahead than extroverts, you will never became like chad no matter how you try, think R/k selection.

Why is Edward Gibbon crossed out on the Romans book list?

Guy is the ultimate computer hacker/assassin/operator/political commentator. He's pretty much Chad incarnate.

Get in shape, learn how to box at least and become very knowledgeable about least one subject. Then proceed too do whatever the fuck you want.

Read the entire " start with the greeks", read the bible and 9 of the books right wing literature.

Awkwardness in most of us is actually developmental trauma. We'd understand the social order of things pretty quickly if it was a matter of not being taught. No, what happened was one or both of our parents were either really hands-off (almost neglectful) and/or disciplinarian ("spare the rod, spoil the child" drone), likely suffering narcissistic, borderline, or anxious/avoidant symptoms themselves but thinking "being different is normal and OK!" and never getting help so they fucked you up instead.

DSM-V is about 20 years behind the leading edge of neural research on trauma. Especially childhood trauma. 80-90% of mental disorders in adulthood could be significantly reduced or eliminated if parents were required to be licensed think: driver's license, not machine-gun license to not have their children taken at birth, and have to go through parenting and basic psychology and human attachment courses to get that license.

There was a day leeches were used to cure sicknesses. The bible calls diseases curses from the Devil-LORD. That was wrong, we have germ theory and evolution now and they kick serious ass. The bible, and even Watson, are wrong on how to raise an actualized adult. Sure, some of it is good, but then you dash the benefits of that good by also following the bad in those sources! Weigh your sources, weigh the science of what they say, and DECIDE FOR YOURSELF.

There are more Christians (and religious in general) in state and federal prison systems than Atheists, per capita, compared to the general American population. There are more grown adults, spanked as children, per capita in the systems than the general American population. If you were hit and demeaned by your parents as 'discipline,' you really really need to seek out help for Trauma C-PTSD and DTD. You'll need to be fascist with your therapists and may need to try up to ten before you find the right fit. Do not just take a touch of CBT and a pill scrip, you need group therapy, you need exposure therapy, you need to work out the insecurities and repressions you've developed as a result of your upbringing. SOME things should be left out at all times, such as Holla Forums-related stuff, for obvious reasons, unless your browsing here is bothering you in which case you don't belong, get out.

Balls are in each of your courts. What are you guys going to do next? If you read this and can only think "WTF?" then it's not for you. If what I said spoke to you, then you now have the initiative. Spend it well Holla Forumsrother.

Part 1 of 2 All Molyjeux

Part 2 of 2 Interview with Dr. Vincent J. Felitti, co-principal investigator of the ACE Study.


Part 4 of 4

look I'm all for disrespecting whores and I agree with everything else you say but I've known and known of a lot of mothers who were complete degenerate whores, married too.

I once put 60 odd stitches on the chin of a pedophile with a superman left jab. I was about 21 and he was in his mid 30s. He raped a 14 yr old girl after drugging her.

OP, I had the same issue, I fixed it with cold approach pick-up: talking to completely unknown women. Type in jewtube RSD/RSD Tyler/RSD Julien, and watch some of their older videos and infield. They may come across as faggy but the essence of their teachings is true. In pirate bay you can find some of their payed programs. I sucked in approaching women for about 6 months but after that it gets much better.
Now 2 years later I am with a gorgeous 19 y/o norwegian, I have a stable job and I am planning on starting a family next year.

And to think two years ago I was a depressed loser, how things turn.

Let's see, did that
A) cure his pedophilia, or
B) make him likely to bury the body next time?

so MDE then

Did you type this unironically? I'll assume you did.

I tried to convince the girl and her 16yr old brother to go to the police about it but he had already threatened to go to their parents about their drug use. I kept at them for about a week but nothing would change and the rapist had already phoned the parents in an attempt to undermine her character and honesty.

I walked into the rapists yard on his birthday and announced to all the bikies who there that he had done this thing and it was time to settle it. We walked out on the road and I knocked him out with my first punch.

The story is applicable because I grew up extremely awkward, bookish and sickly. At age 15 I escaped from an overbearing mother, stopped taking antibiotics for my chronic chest condition and started working out and training like a motherfucker.

Your comment implying that the law and prison is the best place for a pedophile to be punished is bordering on specious reasoning. In protective custody they will meet other pedos and rapists and form "working" relationships when they get out.

user I am with you on this, some people might call it extreme but if every father personally killed someone who raped or murdered their children. We would have a lot less sickos walking around.

You did a good deed and hopefully the time never comes, but if I should find out that something like that happened too my one of my children I would kill the fucker who did it, perfectly willing too accept the aftermath. Some user somewhere in the world is proud of you, Facta, non verba

But he didn't kill him.

Not the father of the girl not his responsibility too go that far.

All you did was increase the sensitivity of his anxiety trigger. He's already irrational and now he's more likely to fly off the handle if he attempts it again.

Correct answer would be to tip the police off. Yes he *could* become a better pedo like you said, or he could finally access services which would be of some benefit.

I'm not coming down on you. I'm just saying look before you leap. Also, girl could have cleaned up from everything for a few days and fall on the pot sword (if she tokes), but otherwise deny everything else as character assassination from a desperate pedophile scratching his way out of his inevitable cell. Parents would very likely believe her, and if not and they make her life hell then next step should be CPS and ghost the parents like they died in a car wreck. She's old enough now (if she's still a minor) to either be housed for a few years or seek emancipation.

No, what you did was unthink. You just acted. You have problems you don't realize you have. You cannot control yourself. Seek help, your parents were shitty parents even if you think the earth they walk on is solid gold.

Do you want too know how I know you live in a country that works perfectly?

I live in Burgerland. My ACE score is at least five.

Does he browse Holla Forums?

I don't really care you, sensitive cupcake just the fact that you spout all that victimhood bullshit and think some has " Problems" because he acted in a way that was vital too our evolutionary and European success in general is somehow a deviation that needs too be fixed is all I need too know about you.

KEK laughs at your pitiful attempt.

Very true. I spent a lot of my mid to late teenage years trying to achieve empty mindedness but stumbled across something else. Whatever it was has saved myself and others near me a few times, I'm fine with it.

Anyways, when I was being questioned by the police (yes he did call the police and was forever ostracized for it) I told them straight up about the girl and they said she or her parents would have to make the report.

Democracy and law as we know it in the west is completely broken.

Attempt at what? At least I don't want too project my problems on too the entire world because mommy didn't love me and daddy slapped my buns

Oh come now.

Whoever wrote 2nd pic knows what he's talking about.

This is good advice. Really, really good advice. If you have strong beliefs, someone's gonna hate your guts eventually. Fuck that guy.

Another tip: nobody really gives as much of a shit as you think they do. Everyone's oblivious, and no one's a harsher critic than yourself.

It's bait for me calling you a sissy and having critique because white men are being forced fed too believe that we are incapable of violence except if we have a mental scar?

Or are you making fun because I did not get dubs and you are completely avoiding the issue like a sissy.

Doesn't work when you struggle to continue the friendship you have and nobody likes you.

Some people can afford not to give a shit. For others it would basically be suicide.

honestly, go find a non-kike therapist. the kind that's actually a doctor. I prefer old women, married only.

you got some shit to work through, and none of the faggots here are willing or able to take you on that bitch of a journey.

on the bright side, it's probably going to be easier than you think, these things tend to snowball once you get past the beginning couple meetings as long as your not being a bitch and regressing.

It's "intense." To a point at least. But that point is pretty fucking far away from the autist dirt stare.

Let me assure you, you will never, in your entire life, have someone say "too much eye contact." Women either tell you to fuck off, or giggle if they're digging it. Either way, you know where you stand immediately and can quit wasting time.

Stop Caring. And then again, people reading ITT probably care more than most, in the sense of trying to make a better world. When i think about it, there is a connection in my mind, at least at some level, that our actions have a lot of meaning, everything we do shape the future. So I care a lot. We must accept not to care while preserving idealism. We must accept every outcome while only be willing to accept the truth going there.

Even if learn to be assertive and relaxed, people will still sometimes react negatively, we cannot care what idiots think if we are going to preserve our ideals.
in short, do what you want to attain you ideals others must accept them, they must or there will be battle. Do not compromise


I'm willing, but too incompetent.

Sitcoms normalized this. Everybody in sitcoms is awkward or degenerate. Seinfeld tells you its okay and fun to be a passive-aggressive cuck, a narzistic loser, an old neet weirdo, a slut.
Sex and the City: Being an old single liberal whore is fun, or at least entertaining.
Two and a half Men: If you dont want to be a turbocuck, be an alcoholic sex-addict manchild instead, its badass and also you dont want white kids, they are a fat stupid burden.
Big Bang Theory: OMG I LOVE SCIENCE XD I'm such a sperg myself, OMG I'm totally Sheldon.
And so on…

Get back on your meds.

I know that feel an' shit.

Deny jewtube views, user.

Classic, classic C-PTSD.

you're hanging around the wrong chicks, user. granted they shouldn't be voting/pursuing careers but saying women are shit is MGTOW-tier salt

He probably would have got at least some fat girl pussy if he'd bought an E30 instead of an E46.

PUA literature in general is very useful. You don't have to use the knowledge to become a walking disease incubator like the literature usually suggests, but the technical details help greatly.

I think all esoteric immigrants are awkward, they try to be white but they will always be below 6'2"

Esoteric immigrants crawl through ththe dirt like worms

Esoteric immigrants will never be white.

Holy Fuck that was important

You must sacrifice yourself for the woman of our race. I often tell those below 6' "kid" or "bitch" to show them my racial superiority… I would do that to non-whites too but they don't speak English

Natural and organic important OR self-sustaining important?

Esoteric immigration might be natural and organic but I still hate it.

The problem are not esoteric immigrants. The problem are those that let them in like this 10966666

Like this Holla Forumsack >>10966666

Is this the new phrase for "non-shitskin immigrants"?

I think this is the new phrase for "I'm an inbred jew trying to slide shit."

Oh hi kampfy.

My dad has always been very distant, and it's because he had to clean up after his own dad's suicide. I was bullied by pretty much everyone all throughout school and wood climb between cabinets and the wall so people can get behind me and piss myself because I was so fucking frightened. When I was 8th I went to a summer camp and was tortured and shit and head bug spray sprayed in my eyes and they fucked with me with needles and made us play the big penis game and other fucked up shit. I have been horrified and messed up in the head my whole life and knowing that there's people out there that care about fixing the sick things in the society has kept me from keeping on trying to kill myself. I've tried 3 times to commit suicide but I haven't done anything like that in the past 8 years. Thank you all for being here and I'll try to go get some help.

I think humor built on being overly ironic or self-deprecative, claiming inadequacy, self-machosism etc is a jewish invention

I have unrealistic goals, one of them is making a video game. Instead of having these high-octaved voices being ironic, I want to make something called True Sincerity, or The New Sincerity.

Dont you guys miss real sincerity? Nobody dares to be serious anymore, everything is mocked or uttered in ironic fashion. I wonder if there is a historical or psychological background for this.

Another thing, I also believe jews killed male bonding by introducing paranoia of homosexuality, in effort to destroy us easier. Sorry if I couldnt contribute better to the thread.

I'm still very much attracted to older men and hate myself for being a sick degenerate. I wish there was hope for people like me but I'm fucking 33 now and just quit smoking and drinking daily to prevent my nightmares from coming back. I think out of all the stuff I've read on here the bit about testosterone therapy has helped the best. I found a guy and I'm in the gym about every day now so I'm able to sleep without smoking a joint before bed. I really do feel strong empathy for others who have suffered j don't actually want to kill all the Jews and niggers even though the blacks were the worst bullies all throughout school. I just want people to stop vomiting out this fucking Freakshow Horror in one Another and their kids. I wish I could have a better relationship with God but I'm such a piece of shit degenerate inside. I have effectively quit porn but it's just because I can't get erections anymore and porn is boring. A woman did try to date me one but I went psycho on her and started begging her to beat the shit out of me when we had sex cause I couldn't keep an erection. I am always screaming on the insode because I'm smart and everyone always expected me to do great things but my parents didn't even care to ask my why I was so fucked in the head. They would just get mad because I would always lose my glasses but bullies would just slap them off my face and break them. I have some kinda autism because I could never really communicate what I was going through and instead just played videogames all the time i was at home while my folks watched TV. I dream about gutting every talkong head onTV and then killing myself to finally be at peace. Please win soon I can't hold out much longer this is hell we are in hell there is no way out

I have attached earlobes too.

Sam goes on about "irony" and it's popularity, especially in video games. Really explains who exactly is behind it. Makes you understand the attitude that causes it. This is only a piece of it, just look up Sam Hyde - Doom. It was already posted in another thread
Also I think that seriousness is one of the reasons Dark Souls is successful. It's a difficult game not made for filthy plebs and doesn't feel like it was directed by a 35 year old dyke with dyed hair.

Why does a successful man who fucks women have testosterone and a loser who jacks off have small amounts of testosterone?

The loser who wanks constantly has abused the work to reward process. All he does is find some porn and jack off to it whenever it suits him.

The high T male will treat his day as a conquest with the reward being slamming his wife and playing with his son and daughters after work.

This song is amazing. Any other recs?

Implying sam isn't constantly using irony to make people laugh

Underrated post. Well said. I want to get into this mindset myself but it's hard.

You workout and gain the confidence of acting exactly how you would want as a man. The problem is that you're awkward because you don't know how you're supposed to act in given situation, leading to overthinking the whole thing.

Just go with your gut.

Go kill yourself kike!

Talk to people, talk to people, talk to people. Set a goal: talk to a stranger each day or start three conversations each day, and push through the discomfort. Eventually you'll learn what makes people tic, how to present yourself to put people at ease, and how to sustain conversation. Everything else builds from there.

Fuck your kike book of pseudoscience and fuck your kike propagandizing.

Am I the only one who sees this uncanny resemblance?

r u a gril


This is absolutely true and one of the worst things we're suffering through right now. Male bonding/camaraderie is next to non-existent. All boys and men now compete for sex at a very young age, everyone becomes more insecure. Bonding is essentially just sports, video games and other pop culture trash. Men who share something deeper are shown to be gay in media or relentlessly mocked ala Frodo and Sam, despite Sam being madly in love with a Hobbit qt back in the Shire. Women are allowed their bonding and support, men are not. Its just another symptom of the current trend of empowering women wherever and whenever and weakening the men wherever and whenever.

Ridiculous media representation, such as the all so typical buffoon father, voice of reason mother. Princess syndrome for girls, jack shit for boys. No good male figures for boys to aspire to anymore. Natural boyish behaviour outlawed and trained out of boys at best or they get heavily medicated at worst. The sex crazed culture means men have to face shame and ridicule to even have a chance, women only have to say yes and spread their legs.

I could go on, but to go back to the start, yes. The Jews killed natural male bonding, natural male behaviour and have made us second class citizens.

Agreed. What's interesting is that Sam sees Frodo as a liege lord almost and it's this willing subservience and discipline mixed with admiration and love to an honoured superior that enabled whites to be so effective. The closest you can get is to get into a good martial arts gym that has a strong culture of brotherhood.

Also, biologically women have a deep need to be part of female group oriented activities. Women stayed back at the home turf and looked after children together and the oldest women were revered for the knowledge and wisdom when it came to healing plants, food and dangerous snakes etc etc.

Now that wider community has been eroded by kike created individualistic society those women have nothing even close to what they experienced throughout history. So they turn to the easiest thing available to them which is (((social media))) and (((feminism))). Notice the erosion of what the girl guides are based on and how they let boys join and even boys who think they are girls.

Fuck I hate kikes. I hate kikes more than anything else on this earth.

Please do not promote Sam Kyke on this board. His mother is admittedly jewish, so he is as well. Large swaths of his comedy (KSTV) is just him laughing at stupid goyim. He needs to hang.

Is jew a midget?

w e e v

It's all very strange lads, incidentally with becoming redpilled I've become a complete shut in, it took me a few years to get to this point in my life as I first started out as typical normie scum and became more 'self aware' if you will.

Looking back on when I used to have women interested in me and a social circle was when I used to get drunk and smoke weed all the time but when I started to become more 'introspective' and question the bs around me I eventually first took the green pill and started looking at the entire big picture and realized most of these 'friends' and people I hung out with were pieces of shit drug addicts and drunks that lied and cheated from people that cared about them and their own family which was around the time I learned about the JQ and hit rock bottom in my life and from there took the redpill and cut everyone loose and decided to focus on muh career and muh hobbies. The problem now is trying to find friends and socialize with people who aren't alcoholics which turns out everyone I try to become friends with just wants to do normie tier shit and spend their time getting drunk which I avoid nowadays but it's a catch 22 because the only way I've ever managed to meet people and socialize was when I would get pissed. Guess I gotta start taking one step at a time and learn how to socialize without being drunk and try to socialize with people who aren't drunks, something to think about.

Lets not forget that every masculine activity gets activily tainted by jews/gays. Cowboy, sailors, mma (tv show Kingdom) etc they are relentless. They fear masculinity, and tribe filled with strong men.

After studying jews more deeply, I realized they have some fucked up matriarchal society, us whites dont have history of matriarchal society, its not in our DNA, yet jews push really hard on this, transforming our entire society. They really hoped it would be Hillary + Merkel, kinda unrelated but there was predictive programming with GoT.

Thankfully we avoided that.

The Patriarch of the family is the most important role, naturally jews broke that down as it symbolizes a threat. Almost everyone i know gets bossed out by their girlfriend, I think young men reading this should realize that their competence alone puts them in a leaderposition in relationship, if they feel uncomfterble being in charge simple for being born male. It feels really good in penis & heart & mind once you make girl trained to go along with your ideas. I rarely ask girls what they want to do anymore, it shows insecurity and hesitation.

Romans did it right

Our subservience to authority has betrayed us. I believe decentralized nationalism without easily co-opted/blackmailed/threatened politicians or fake "leaders" might be the way. Besides, political figureheads is sooo 1900's lol.

Maybe we should all be a well armored fortress of our own, redpilled, skilled, strong mentality & physical prowess, prepping resources.

Sam hyde is actually triple ironic. I wish people would stop pretending that he is some redpilled king. Much of his content is avant-garde nonsense.

I became low T after I got into my 30's, before that my main goal on the weekends was to party and fuck women. Never become a low T oldfag.

I used to think people like this were largely a joke, until I saw it in real life. The weak voice, the overly pleasant demeanor, the undeserved salary, house, car, wife+kids And they're the "normal" ones giving me life advice, go to college, get a mortgage - when the people fucking giving me financial advice are in over their fucking heads with credit card debt, mortgages, new cars, etc. it makes we want to punch them in the fucking head.
>"It doesn't matter how much it costs, it's an investment" college

Why are you getting in stare down contests with faggot hipsters?(never happened) This thread and that post is a bunch of insecure autistic larpers that have never had friends and still don't. Instead of being themselves and letting friendships happen slowly, they've turned into hostile douchebags which just makes them more mentally ill and isolated. I'm pretty sure I have mild 'assburgers' and normie-drones are usually a waste of time. I've been well liked my whole life because after awhile, I'll open up and be funny and personable. This whole "get in someone's face and stare them down" might be applicable to prison or if you are a physically tiny, unlikeable, nerd that is surrounded by chads…but really, if you are just working a job or are in college, just be yourself.

Working out and martial arts. I don't think I've ever come across a male who is passionate about self improvement and society and isn't right wing.

Did you stop working out or did you never work out? All that partying and sleeping around isn't a good long term strategy as you well know by now.

Yes we.ev is a jew, lives in a hotel in ukraine taking shekels from the retards who donate to Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack and using it to fuck poor shiksas
jews never change

I used to work out and practice Tai Chi, Qi Gong and although was cut and skinny as a rail, I was strong as an Ox.

Yeah, I need to start going to the boxing gym and hitting the heavy bag, even if I come home from work (as a larping electrician) feeling like I was ran over by a train.

Are you having white children? Because I could give fuck all about your hostility towards working/middle class white men(that are giving birth to white babies).

You ain't fooling nobody here buddy

Churchill himself stood up for the wrong side but his advice still rings true.

I hit a nerve with you. I know. You aren't fooling anyone. It's why you were bullied your whole life. You have no self awareness and open yourself up to easy target practice.

Good job cutting out the fat, but I honestly believe that alcoholism is a necessary component of being fully redpilled. The state of affairs is simply maddening.

I've seen an uncle get kicked out of his own home by his non-working wife, while he works literal 7 day weeks to get his three kids through college. This matriarchy shit is the most insidious cancer.


I wonder whose behind this post

Sounds like angry autobiographic projection, Spielberg

In my mid 30s I had become overweight and unhappy with myself so I started martial arts again and joined a BJJ gym. I was working middle management in a company created long term work opportunities for clients with physical and mental challenges. The boardroom was a bunch of filthy kikes that saw their clients as money and nothing else and I walked out. The next day I went into the third largest abattoir and told them to put me in the freezer and throw boxes of meat at me. It was full of 6 foot inbred maoris full of rage and essentially like a prison but I worked hard throwing 60 pound boxes of meat for 10-13 hours a day and was promoted over the top of them.

Within 3 months my fat was shredded and I was choking out kids in their early 20s with more BJJ experience than me. I've since quit martial arts but I power lift and push weights 4 times a week and I've never felt better.

Hey man, then just go on and "be yourself" because some self-declared sperg on Holla Forums said so and see how that works out for you.

This thread and the "be hostile and super macho" to everyone you meet is the kikes trying to repair the damage of that New York Times article about the "Nazi next door" that's a nice and likeable family guy. Kikes need to get you to be the Hollywood Nazi that is on a constant hostile pissing Contest with normalfags.

Post above applies. Guarantee this is a kike op. This "don't be a nice guy, be hostile and weird to everyone, goy" message is being pumped all over the Jew wise media after that NY Times article.

I am a nice and likable family guy but I'm also extremely strong and will be hostile when circumstance needs it because I'M A FUCKING MAN.

That nice family man next door nazi is a race mixing mutt who got his shit pushed in by a jew boss and a bunch of low T commie fags. You're description of masculinity as being "hostile and super macho" outs you for what you are.

your* rage posting

Do you need to socialize for social sake? It sounds desperate if you are older than 20 years old. I cut contact with many friends who had criminal or undesirable background, also removed negative influenses of my life, tobacco, alcohol, pre-made food from grocery store etc.

Anyway, this might be for you, Golden one refers his extremely trustworthy friends as Shieldbrothers

Basic premiss

Personally I keep my social circle extremely small with true friends, the other people I know are individuals i pick up on way who benefit with their expertise, computer expert who probably helped me 100hr for free over the years, guy who helped me with taxes for free, 3d modeller who help my hobbyskill, guy who lets me borrow his van in exchange of gasoline + nice whiskey bottle. (I moonlight moving furniture)

I dont really get friends for socializing sake, thats teenage shit. Dont be desperate for social contact, it's stupid and needy.

Be yourself. The best chance of spreading the message is to infect normalfaggots about the truth of the JQ. You aren't going to do that effectively when you are projecting a bizarre and off-putting "I'm a proud aryan warrior!!" vibe. Kikes love when you go full Hollywood Larp Nazi.

Please don't listen to this fucking moron, his advice goes against the very theme of this thread. Take it from a NEET who only leaves his house for booze and cigs: friends are a good thing.

No one here is saying to larp around as a "proud aryan warrior". If ones self is an awkward low T fag then one has to self improve through change. Being a low T awkward fag trying to convince someone of the damage kikes have done is not going to work. No one is telling anyone to grab a tiki torch and larp around in a big nazi circle.

You're setting up a strawman and telling people to stay as their faggish, impotent selves.

It ain't about being white m88, it's not about being polite or having good manners. Those are all good things. It's about this modern expression of "masculinity". That, and lack of masculine father figures/role models who have largely been replaced by effeminate men who have had comfortable lives given to them, who lived in a better whiter society who think they have a clue about the truth of today's world. The type of people I'm talking about are castrated good goys.

The end goal is always having good, healthy, strong, white children.

There's also the other side of the problem. Women are encouraged to act masculine, to shed their femininity, to shed any sense of grace, to give up motherhood in pursuit of an unfulfilling career which takes a toll on them physically as they age, while they ride the cock carousel until they're used up and nobody wants to marry them.

Basically boys are encouraged to be pussies, girls are encouraged to be masculine - it's all fucked up and neither side is learning what they should be - contributing to the downfall of civilization.

If you can get glorious heroic men with rivers of knowledge, dedication & testosterone and form a great reliable brotherhood, by all means go for it!

But if your options for friends are limited to rick and morty atheist numales, overly ironic betas, transgender weirdos, criminals, chainsmoking alcoholics, it's simply better to be on your own in my opinion.

I have great friends, but I'm not desperate for social interaction, you wanna be popular in todays society, shred all your believes, dye your hair purple, get facial tatoos. You'll have lots of "friends". Remember, dont hold racist views goy

Look buddy, that scenario of getting your shit pushed in by a Jew boss might be experienced by 10%(probaly lower and they are going to be in a cubicle working a shitty office job) of the white working male US population. It's a meme. I don't think you are based reality or are a kike trying to demoralize. Working class white males(that you are rage posting against) would just switch jobs instead of being humiliated or treated like shit by a boss.Its the white way.

Nigger first, I look like an 80's skater dude so your argument is horseshit. Second, there's a whole lot you need to learn about life, yourself and others, a whole lot of becoming to do before you can just discard it all and "be yourself".
Telling someone that hasn't found their identity yet to just be themselves, is like telling a lost person without a compass to just walk straight ahead until they get to where they want.

I don't even know why I'm giving you a third strike, but try not to get filtered next post.

It sure is user. user DID NOTHING WRONG except not bludgeon him to death, but like another user said, the dad needs to do this

Unironically this. I was naive kid who didn't fuck because I didn't know there was a hierarchy or social norms. Many people mistook that for confidence (which it technically was) and I made lots of friends because of it. It wasn't until I learned about the rules of being social that shit got fucked for me

*didn't give a fuck

I think you're just being autistic, nobody wants to be caught staring at someone else, shit's awkward and rude so you'd end up looking away unless you're being outright stared at by some autist for no real reason. It's just common courtesy/basic manners you probably never got around to learning as a kid.

When did I rail against working class white males? Jewish lawyers and board members are not white working class males.

You are not the original person I responded to, and you haven't contributed at all. You are the filtered person here.

Have fun making thousands equally shitty friends with your trash philosophy of desperate need for affection.


Oh you like that, user?

Just to reiterate. Tony Hovator is a jew with a spic fiancee and the employer that just sacked him has a surname of Juday.

Tony Horvator is not a white working class male you irredeemable retard.

Why the fuck does that matter? You said some stupid shit, so I corrected you. Filtered, you retarded, inbred kike.

I'm an older millenial that grew up in a middle class suburb. None of the things that you described as being epidemic to white men(being effiminate and nerdy)were even remotely looked at as positive. Not bragging or projecting but I played a tough contact sport in High School and College(a year of minor leagues as well) Maybe I'm just too old and have lost touch. I don't see the numale white men on a daily basis(don't see any at all now that I think of it) I think the numale working class white man is a meme. It's a thing among cubicle workers, I'm sure.

Sure thing, Moishe.


Can you get your kikery out of this thread please?

I've had my children told in school that whites should not have their own children but should adopt niggers from Africa. I've had my son told that aggressive masculinity is toxic when he fought two shitskins who were trying to drag two white girls into the school toilets.

Numales are not a fucking meme they infest the gaming industry and lower echelons in other tech streams. Blogging about their faggotry and vacuous existence for all the world to see.

If some filthy low T numale gets in my way I'm going to walk straight through them. I fucking hate hipsters and all faggotry with a passion.

Common courtesy and respect is given where it is due.

Just sayin we've got a problem with betas, more so than we used to. And you can't deny the propaganda effort to turn specifically white men into betas by encouraging awkward "quirky" behavior. It's been an ongoing effort since WW2. *Not to mention the chemical castration/xenoestrogens pumped into everything.** Effeminate males are 99% a city thing though, and largely from age 35 downward. You're right about working class folks. When you have to work hard to earn your way in life - it naturally turns you into a man. It's just sad to think about how much more of a headstart you could've had if you had stronger male role models growing up.
t. son of boomer father who divorced and is now guac'd

How would you define a nu-male/hipster anyway? What if most people simply have a bad diet and are either too thin or fat? Do you define them by what they wear or if they have piercings/tattoos/dyed hair/horrible beards? Or do you just shove through anyone you deem inferior?


Why the fuck are you even here? I hope you die from fag disease.

For me, inferiority is not defined by physicality. It's the simpering faggotry that becomes more and more apparent the closer you get. It's like anything else disgusting like jews and faggots, you can sense them out soon enough.

Are you that painfully naive? The latest take on it is that they have T deficiencies, and thus have pathetic bodies and myopic worldviews. Liberalism is a mental disease.

We'll get the fuck out of the shithole you are living in and move to a rural or semi rural 95% white part of the country that isn't 100% pozzed. There are plenty of areas that you can do that. I grew up in the Northeast Megalopolis. I knew instinctually before I was redpilled not to raise a family there. After I was redpilled on the JQ, there's no fucking way I'd even entertain the idea of living in a Jew-toxic-infested area. I guess it's the alpha male-pack leader instincts not to be a helpless sitting duck to let my family fall prey to kikes…

Burn bright with white light what need to trun away.

I think I'm starting to understand what you mean.

Yeah no, I get this but it's a lot harder to know what someone is thinking unless it's painfully obvious due to their appearance. It's like my jewdar works fine, I can identify certain traits that Jews have, but it's a bit harder to do this with the average normie who may or may not have low-t.

Are you fucking retarded? Big beards, flannel, skinny jeans, fat in feminine places. This isn't difficult.

Okay, I'm a couple of years out of that target demo. Kikes were getting my age group to be zog warriors for the post 911 adventures for Israel.

The most I've seen this is at college. I find it hard to believe some guy just walks through town or even in the city and finds people like that everywhere. But then again, why would you be living in an area full of low-t communist degenerates to begin with?

I look at that comment as faggy and nerdy tbh…Not sure why you are even playing video games regularly if you have a family to spend time with and take care of.

What the fuck are you talking about? They're proliferating the entire west. I have to assume you're either a shill, or completely fucking braindead.

I've yet to see hordes of these nu-male hipsters outside of college. Shit just isn't as common over here, I guess.

Where do you live?

Not really. Hipsters are a big city/big city suburban phenemonem. Might be a couple of poser confused kids in Northern Minnesota mimicking big city urban hipsters…but that's about the extent of 'numale hipsterism' in flyover country.

Who the fuck said I was gaming? Fuck you and all your strawman.

Just put a blind fold on and stick a pin on the map of America. 80% chance you will land on an area that doesn't have a numale problem.

Okay, I jumped to conclusions there. I associated concern with the gaming industry to being a gamer.

In a small suburbian area in Sydney, Australia. The deeper into the city there's going to be more nu-male hipsters, but that's to be expected. I once ventured into a town close to the city and it was full of these communist degenerates, so I understand what you might mean, but outside of their containment zone it isn't as common in my experience.

I am concerned with the MSM pushing the numale type onto western culture and yes western culture has a gaming issue. It doesn't matter how many of these faggots there is at this point in time it's the fact that the meme is being pushed so hard onto western society.

Masculinity is toxic, feminism equates to equality, marxism will set you free, no such thing as gender. It's all packed into the numale ideology.

Ok Straya, but America, especially coastal states are fucking filled to the brim with this shit. Don't talk shit when you live on the most forsaken island on Earth.

I thought that was the UK? :^)

An ironic shitpost is still a shitpost.

That's what we do :^)

[gives you a noogie]

Get ye gone trs

Heh, a buddy of mine was complaining about how sjws are ruining his comic books and vidya games, not that he is all that redpilled on race, he is just your normie tier nerd that doesn't understand why (((they))) are changing his stupid comic book characters from white males into non-whites or bulldykes.

Not too many numales here in the South, just 'rednecks' that act and talk like fucking niggers, even the ones with money act like the most ignorant scumbags you've ever seen.

Kike spotted.

Always nice to find an artist with a deeper catalogue than I first realized

For me, I overcame my 'anxiety and self-consciousness' by not stressing so much about it. If I constantly worry during a conservation, then the others will know. Start with small talk (e.g. "Hi, how are you?") to gain some confidence and then add more to the conversation (e.g. "What a weather we are having huh?" or "How's your day been so far?"). You need to practice this every time so that it feels natural. Also don't forget to smile (practice in the mirror to get a natural affinity for it). People don't like a person who talks with a blank expression. Good luck.

Quite right. Watch some Jordan Peterson videos until your jaw hardens and your brow furrows. Become a strong adult man, steeped in true Germanic culture, tradition, and family legacy.


so much this.

as a therapist i've worked with a good amount of people, both adults and children, who have social anxiety/awkwardness of one form or another. the biggest problem with social skills is that they are SKILLS. you have to practice them. which is the rub; you can practice a guitar on your own and git gud without anyone seeing your fuck-ups. you can practice vidya and git gud without anyone seeing your fuck-ups. you can practice singing, or dancing, or all sorts of other shit, largely away from the eyes of other people. when you fall flat on your face doing a dance routine, or hit a sour note, or make a shitty-tasting cake, no one has to know but you. this lowers the embarrassment/shame factor significantly.

social skills, by necessity of being something you do with others, need to be practiced with others. for people who don't really have good social skills, it's often better to just say "ah fuck it" and stay withdrawn. to that end OP, i would suggest finding someone, like a therapist or a life coach, with the express goal of improving your social skills. a life coach might be better buyer beware though, take some time to look into the life coach before committing to more than a session or two in order to make sure they're legit and it'll be a good fit for you due to having the freedom to, for example, meet up at a mall or restaurant and practice in a live environment. but even if you opt not to do that, having another person there to talk to and work off the rouge edges as you practice goes a long way to building confidence in your social interactions.

also it can be helpful to find a few classical heroes and emulate the more ballsy attitudes/actions that they took.

t. therapist

cernovich detected

Also another thing anons can do is take a page from Uncle Adolf - and practice in the mirror. You will easily see where you fuck up and where you don't if you force yourself - yes, actually do it, going through social interactions. Go whole hog. Give yourself a drink in one hand, pretend you're at a party. You're being introduced to people. Imagine realistic scenarios, and don't get too carried away. Study how you stand, where you need improvement, and then try to bring those skills into reality.


agreed. it's a great way to make everything flow much more smoothly.

yeah, there are a lot of kikes in therapy, on both sides of the table. all the more reason why i went in there. who else is going to de-program people of all this bullshit without chem-bombing them with psychoactives?

Why would any woken white person bother with it? Mr. Therapist?


Explain why my argument is flawed.


This is people seeing you being dishonest. I say and do all kinds of things, but because it comes from a position of being true to myself, people dont see a problem with it; even if they do, it's not my problem. In your case, they can tell you are being dishonest, maybe not even consciously, and so of course they want to stay away from you.

Just the other night I was calling a far-left girl a nazi and she was cracking up. Didnt get laid, but she was definitely.interested (circumstance seperated us).

I found that the smile comes more naturally as you gain confidence. I think it is more advisable to gain it naturally than to fake it. I can't stand people with fake smiles, they're so obvious.

gross, I experienced the wigger phenomenon in the northeast in high school during the 90's early 2000's. The wiggers were mostly low-IQ outcasts in elementary school and junior high. Probaly literally felt like niggers amongst thier white classmates. Once they hit high school, they found an identity through the 30 black/mystery meat kids in my high school that took them under thier wing.

You're a kike.

this. niggers are cowardly so they only fight in packs

This. Kikes do the same thing.

motherfucker do you have any idea how many parents i've talked to about the cancer that is common core? and how with "just a little research" you can find all sorts of weird partnerships and interactions that throw the whole thing into the trash bin due to the incestuous backroom bargaining nature of it all? every single fucking parent i've worked with even the black ones has had a moment of revelation when they realize that their instincts were true, and that the entire system is, in a word, kiked. naturally i don't say that to them directly, i just do what any good redpiller would do; drop the crumbs, point em in the right direction, give em a little push and some encouragement, and sit back and wait for the awakening.

more to the point, the entire reason im in therapy is not to treat "woke" white people but rather to act as a bulwark/defense against the insane level of poz that is peddled as normalcy in todays world. there are a lot of parents who just need an authority figure to say "no, it's not normal for little jimmy to want to wear a dress" before they realize that the whole thing has rubbed them the wrong way and they begin to trust their own intuition instead of outside sources.

as for the above suggestions about seeing a therapist or life coach, there's nothing that keeps a person in therapy for any specific reason if they go voluntarily. if all you want is social skills, then a life coach is your best bet. they aren't bound by the same laws that therapists are. if it's social anxiety, then a therapist might be better, but take time and shop around for one. don't settle. and if you don't have many options then err on the side of caution and just don't fucking go. im not advocating for therapy as an end-all be-all for anyone, but for people with specific anxieties related to social interaction, therapy of some sort can go a long way, even if it's just to learn to manage the anxiety naturally, without medication.

but more importantly:

wanna know how i know you don't belong here?

True that. To pass a genuine smile is to actually mean the words you say. For instance, when you say to someone "Have a nice day", you really have to wish the person to have a nice day.

I'm not reading any of your shit, you fucking communist. Have you realized that you're too afraid to even use capital letters? That's like your main calling card.

You've probaly not experienced people that are woke to the JQ(and have to keep it secret for 10 years)and are aware of the false nature of society though…To be fair.

I'm married with kids so I have no real motivation to be be Mr Social beyond my 'keedz' and interacting with the wife's extended family(I just drink, it's during the holidays so I have time off and no responsibilities) Other than that, I just work and provide love and financial support for my family. Basically I'm friendly and polite to people because I understand they are good folks and don't deserve to be treated shitty. There's also the fact that 85% of people will be conformist. Anyways…your therapy dealing with this 'group' is useless. I bet you've never had a 10 year strong racially aware "antisemite" that you had to diagnose as being dysfunctional in social situations.

(((nu-country))) has been instrumental in ensuring that the wigger phenomena continues on to the next generation just like (((rap/rock and nu-metal))) did back in the 00's. We have to try to influence popular culture into making wiggerdom unhip and not cool, like the old PSA "be cool, stay in school".

Thanks for the free psychoanalysis session Dr. Katz!

Let's see you fucking yids use capital letters. I dare you.

Oy vey stupid goy that wasn't free

If only Britannia still did rule

Lol I use capital letters so there is no reason to suspect I'm a jew, I'm a fellow white person, how do you do? :^)

You sound paranoid kiddo, neurotic as well reading your previous posts.

Easiest filter I've ever had.

very underrated post

I'm not saying that their is a difference in testosterone between the alpha and beta.
What I was saying is that the alpha uses his testosterone for positive purposes like working out, talking to women, learning martial arts, improving their career etc, while the beta sits around fapping and is then too drained to actually accomplish anything.

There may also be a positive cyclical effect whereby the alpha's hard work actually does result in him producing more testosterone (lifting, success increases test).

This lol it's hilarious how many spergs think maintaining eye contact will suddenly make them alpha chads. The rule isn't "maintain eye contact at all times", it's "don't be afraid of eye contact". Someone who is afraid to make eye contact comes off as a beta sperg, but people who never break it are annoying and it's obvious when they're forcing it.

If you find yourself thinking "oh shit i need to maintain eye contact right now" chances are you're wasting some of your brainpower on that where it could be more appropriately used thinking of something witty or relevant to say.

You don't ask a lost person without a compass to "act" like they have a compass and pretend they know were they are going.

you develop an identity organically. not by LARPing as a hollywood tough guy.

you must be pretty far gone as autistics go if you think acting like that isn't cringey as fuck. normies will look down when you stare at them like that not out of fear, but out of pity at not wanting to offend what they deem to be a mentally challenged individual.

Same here

You're rageposting again c5d250

i once fucked a commie twink up the ass.

anyone care to spare me some rope to hang myself with?


IKR guys look how triple ironic kike he is in these posts!!!

Use it for our cause. Go ballistic on the jews and analyze the shit out of them. You'll find plenty subversive behaviour.

Probably most of this board has social anxiety.

Wrong, that's Holla Forums.

of course it's kind of a bitch move on my part to criticize rather than step up myself as a public figure i just wish he was hitler instead of a post-ironic ironic

Story time. Sage for blogpost.
When my mother was about 5, her father tried to kill her in a drunken fit, with a knife.
My grandmother divorced him and married another thug who attempted to rape my mother when she was 15. She avoided him by constantly not being at home. At 22 she got pregnant with me, and her mother forced the marriage with my father. It didn't last, in 4 years they divorced, after my father brought a whore in our apartment. Funnily, he married that whore later, and marriage lasted. The night he moved out, he came to us drunk, demanding to return his tarp (apparently he was just mad, but many years after I still remember that fucking tarp which wasn't even there). When he stormed from our room, he slammed the door, hitting my hand and breaking a couple of fingers (they grew misshapen later).

My mother raised me with shit for money, having a failure family in front of her (her mother) and being a failure herself. She sew clothes for me out of rags and curtains, she was forced to work for food (there was a great political and socioeconomical change inour country during my childhood).
As you can imagine, I grew to be a massive pussy. Having OK genes, I was extremely awkward, hated by everyone, spilling spaghettis nonstop. Having been extremely tall and rather beefy guy, I wasn't even beta, I was omega. Everyone was kicking me, girls abused me in their friendzone, boys kicked me and laughed at me, but not knowing any better, I still considered them my friends. One girl that showed interest in me, a very average looking one, was immediately hunted down by chad (oh, he knew, and immediately attacked her to distract from me), and she never talked to me again. I was cucked by 3 girls, all of them having long distance relationships with some faggots, but still preferring them to me, the nice guy.
That lasted until just about one month before my 20th birthday (I was still a virgin, almost made it to the wizardry). I decided to find the love of my early childhood, to jerk off to her success (she moved to the capital to study there in uni (very uncucked STEM uni with speciality in chemistry), and maybe even to her photos, if i'll score them. Surprisingly, she responded back, saying that it's a good experience, but their boys are either disgusting alphas, scoring on girls as sport, or fat awkward betas (hello?). Anyway, she wasn't seeing anyone. After I visited her (no idea how she even agreed to accept me, probably due to the interest of me, making an advance - anyway, she lived with a classmate), we've talked for a week, and I finally found the courage to ask her out (on the fucking ICQ, since calling to other city was still expensive as fuck back in those times). Guess what she said? Let's be friends. And I broke.
I told her that I'm sorry for being straightforward and rude, but honestly,
I'm fucking sick and tired of that shit already.
I have so much fucking girl friends, I can make a shitty k-pop band. Sorry, my dear, I tried my luck, if you have no interest, I'm not ever coming to that city again. I have this shit locally, just as fucking horrible as I'm about to have.
She submitted. This was the turning point for getting back my masculinity and getting rid of my awkwardness.
She came back to my town, we spent some time together. My birthday came, and I invited her to my place (my mother was home, so no funny stuff). We had some tea and cake, and I repeated the words again, this time in her face. She said yes, she will date me.

We had lots of shit together, I spilled lots of beans (she got kicked out of her uni for being with me = in our town for too long), we're several years into the marriage, we have kids, but the breaking point in my self-awareness about being a man, and not a fucking pussy ass soyfaggot omega friendzone cuck, was telling a girl that I'm fucking sick of her shit.
Feels nice to be a combobreaker, and having a normal family for once in my bloodline.

My fingers. I was 4 at that time.

'Talking to people', 'having friends', 'expressing yourself', 'having fun', and 'having sex' are all female lies. Nobody will make you self-realized, except for yourself. Basing your identity around your social identity will transform you into part of the niggercattle hordes.

Go get a job as a car salesman. You will be forced top put yourself in awkward situations many times a day. You can get the job tomorrow and begin your treatment while earning a living. This will work. Go do it and get your life started.

Brotherhoods, guilds, Knights of the round table were all fucking mafias, you nigger.

Good story. Fortunately I've never had to deal with that shit myself, but I've dealt with people that had fucked up families and it's always nice to see them achieve in spite of it.


Thanks, Mr Polak, maybe my daughter will find herself some Polish alpha male later in her life.
I'm bringing her up seeing a strong family with a capable man aand loving wife as the core.
Maybe we'll decide to stay, as guests.

You act like we all sit around in front of the (((TV))) jacking off to Rick and Morty, Moral Oral, etc. MDE etc. Low Tee disturbing image puke that is (((Adult Swim))) etc. Etc. While are girlfriends are out fucking chad and tyrone double dutch because of how much of a bitch inside we are, thanks to a low tee daddie who is also a race mixing thespis. Fuck off back to your circle jerk community who will civicly pat you on the back/ give you a shoulder to cry on. Kill yourself

He even has Wojak's ears.

It's simply because white "men" are cucks and are the real reason the white race is such shit. The stats don't lie, whites are bigger race traitors and cucks in polls in nearly all white nations than white women. More young white women voted for Trump and Le Pen than young white "men" and more white "men" are race mixing than any other meanwhile white women are the most loyal race. Soyboys are simply the fact that white "men" ruin everything and should step back and let women lead so we can get rid of the shitskin rapists once and for all. All white "men" are good for is creating for subhuman mongrels and mutts, whole continents filled with these subhumans even.

I honestly wouldn't say all women are libtards. I happen to know of a few who have been red-pilled, not all hope is lost.

Soyboys are a product of matriarchal dominance in the school systems, pornography and estrogen in our water. All of which are rooted in Jewish subversion. This is probably the worst attempt at shilling I've seen all day and you should gas yourself.

most of my awkwardness vanished years ago. now I'm straight up asshole. most low-T sensitive guy shit can be traced back to James Taylor, that fucking cunt.

its also why I stopped listening to Fugazi after awhile. Ian is one whiny cunt and Guy isn't much better, Jeff Mentges of No Trend should've made good on his death threats during the rise of 80s hardcore and saved us the grief of putting up with that shit.

its kind of a plague here

yeah kind of lack the money to move, I just got a new job.


This Charming Man and I Want The One I Can't Have are two other great Smiths songs with a similar sound. You might wanna check out Felt as far as other bands go and anything labelled Jangle Pop.