Hes certainly stepped up his game lately.
Definitely trying to distract from something major (ME or the investigation).
Trump trolls Pocahontas while honoring Native American code talkers
Pedowood round up incoming…
4000 sealed indictments and I'll bet that jimmycomet is one of them
Oh, fuck. Twitterstorm incoming.
She deserves a kick in the twat, but I kind of wish he hadn't used their moment in the spotlight to bring it up. That's the kind of thing that /suckeesuckeepol/ uses as propaganda.
No, he's just reinforcing the flavor of multiculturalism that he finds agreeable: White people who won't bow down to interest slavery anymore being wiped off the face of the earth by a coalition of good goyim.
The salt from twitter is already pouring like crazy. They're running with the idea that it's a "racial slur".
Yes and people will remind them Warren faked her race to get into university.
Can't wait to see how he comes out on top after this.
Im starting to understand the 88d chess. Is this a psyop against the normies again?
He forces them to talk about whatever insane thing(s) he did that day instead of whats really going on behind the scenes. These idiots fall for it every time.
Give me a break
Warren response. Shes definitely shaken.
thats a good joke
Serious question. Is there any reason why we don't have public executions? Certainly that doesn't fall under the cruel and unusual punishment part of law.
Nigger. If he said other wise he'd be a muh racismistsmsm again.
maybe we need to make it a slur then
Bitch, you pretended to be American Indian to get into University and he's the racist?
I know why you hate him now.
Sanders just mentioned her using fake credentials to get into university.
I think I've figured out what they're trying to cover: Warren just filed a lawsuit against Trump for hiring Mick Mulvaney to head up CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). Warren was responsible for setting this up under the obama admin. It basically gives cash back to consumers (all liberal of course). Now they're pissed that Trump is destroying another source of shitlib funding.
Isn't clean anymore since his daugher married a kike though.
German lineage to boot
Whoever made this is aware there are pictures of his parents and siblings, right?
Or maybe he's just generally memeing against her because he knows that, without Hillary, she's one of the Democrats most likely to run against him in 2020
Let's make it a fuckin' slur then. I always love that every little thing he does they pretty much give us salt mines galore.
Never gets old trolling that stupid cunt, but that statement he made to the audience is false. He should ask the injuns why they're trying to steal the Kinnewick man that's clearly of European origin, or the Solutreans that go even further back than those remains.
Goddamn injuns get off with their tribal stories where they mass murdered the whites that were there before they came in and now actively take part in covering it up externally. Internally they still refer to the ancient ones and the white gods that helped them.
Because thousands of jeering spectators would hurt the condemned prisoner's fee-fees and cause excessive mental anguish. These are the same faggots arguing that a massive overdose of pharmaceutical grade tranquilizers/anesthesia is somehow cruel as well.
fuckin brilliant
Has Warren ever complained about white privilege?
is it just me or is barron probably his most european looking child and looks a little like young culkin?
Is there a better quality version of this?
Sarah is a big girl
Nope. We could by rights have very public excecutions. I for one think we should bring them back. That's the only way to get rid of this cancer that has infested our lands
and they said she didn't bake her own pie
Can't be understated now that science has actually exposed the truth that's actively being covered up. People should read The Final Battalion and then do their homework. Since WW2 all the tribes except a few have signed over the truth for their few golden shekels. You think you're enraged now at our lands being striped from us, imagine that this isn't the first time its happened.
First one I found. Will post a new one if a find a better version.
For you
I wonder how many times these dummies will get donkey punched and laughed at before they cease the sanctimonious kvetching. They've been taking it in the ass for two solid years and the Trump therapy doesn't seem to be having any effect yet.
Is that in /pdfs/ anywhere?
You liberal faggots simply just don't know jack shit about anything anymore so you all resort to shit flinging 'til something sticks
It won't stop because its their job. If they lose their jobs what else are these faggots going to do?
The reason why executions are not done in public was that they became too much of a spectacle and distracted the entire community. People would crowd rooftops and people would sell tickets to let people watch the execution from their windows. People would walk off the job to go see them and often times the executioner would try to put on a show to entertain the crowd before the condemned would arrive. President Cleveland was a hangman, and his pre-execution antics won him the nickname "Buffalo Hangman." In addition the crowd would be drunk and throw any and everything at the police, vendors, or each other in the square.
What about televised/livestreamed executions ?
We'll have to try more invasive treatment
Yes, we will all fall in line against the revisionist powers. It's good you're here to set us straight.
Didn't China have a few years ago a show about interviewing people that were going to executed? Perhaps we could have a series on the idiotic and deluded ramblings of those to be put to death.
The thing about females in the death row ?
The same reason executions are being phased out in general. They're too effective of a deterrent, and crime is one of the things which keeps populations distracted from the real enemies.
Found one
yeah it's a funny video game haha :-)
No, they had a series on people who were murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and even some Party officials who either fell out of line or were swept up in the ever ongoing purges that occur whenever the Party Congress meets every five years.
They have shows like that in America, where they interview people on Death Row. It's usually with the 'Muh executions are bad' message
I got to level 3 with only one life beat that you triple nigger
Probably because he's the only child of Trump's that isn't a kike.
Still not tired of winning
She's a big gril.
His children aren't Jews
You ever seen Ivanka before her plastic surgery? Makes me suspicious of Ivana's lineage. Tiffany and Barron have different mothers.
They spelled his sister's married name two different ways and used the new age minimalist style they use for subtle racemixing because muds don't look as ugly when they're cartoons. Definitely made by some plebbit faggot.
He is fucking amazing. BEST PRESIDENT YET.
Pretty sure Ivanka's just unfortunate. Her father, mother and neither of her brothers share her pre-surgery features
Barron will be a great leader one day. I hope he leads the white race into glory again.
Also, pic related.
Cry you dumb bitch cry. Fucking pocahantas!! Lmfao
Sieg Heil!
Hes really trying to mine salt here.
I understand your point. But I don't know if this is something that could be used for libshit propaganda. Everyone knows its a perfect example of what they call 'cultural appropriation.' The whole thing is "its ok when we do it!" I bet they actually just want the whole thing to go away. They're not prepared to defend what she did. Just imagine if some right winger pulled what she did. You'd never hear the end of it.
Either way I'm rooting for some poo who is trying to run against her in my state. Guy has two PhDs in science fields and has an awesome slogan:
"It takes a real indian to beat a fake one." He also showed up at that "Freedom of Speech" rally they held in Boston. That took some balls as he totally challenged our whole media apparatus by doing so.
Yeah, you can imagine the festive atmosphere of a contemporary public execution after taking a look at recent Black Fridays and Nigger Lives Matter events. Stringing up some guilty nigger in public would require mobilizing the entire military and law enforcement apparatus of the U.S. to keep order.
One day though, maybe.
Hello conspiracytard
where the fuck do you think you are right now?
I love how shitter shattered this man can make you pieces of shit by merely saying a few sentences.
Did you just get here from some video game forum or something? Serious question.
bring back the Colosseum then! Sell tickets! Flood it and have them fight for our entertainment!
Might as well.
Is Emilia Clarke a kikess? Honestly I've never cared enough to dig into her background.
Next you're going to tell me a story about the noble savage and how based Trump is for groveling at their feet and talking to them like they're 4 years old.
You've proved his point
Stay bum blasted bitch boy. If I had to address feather niggers I'd talk to them like little children too. Fucking injuns were almost as backwards as the niggers in Africa before the white man came to America. They couldn't create a fucking thing so they ran around half naked taking each other's scalps and smoking peyote. Now that they live in the civilization whites built around them they can't even manage to stop drinking themselves to death. Go pound sand up your fruity booty.
I just saw that posted on 4pol.
Obviously it makes no sense and is an outsider. I wish i was more on the ball and took the effort to screencap this shit, but who thinks 'ill take a cap of this in case it shows up elsewhere'
And yet Trump thought it was a good idea to invite them into the white house and honor them.
Trump always talks like a five year old, not just when he's addressing niggers and indians. All of his speeches are elementary school level. You are also "special people"
/ourguy/ status confirmed
you saw the conspiracytard on 4chan and now you think i posted it? I guess that makes you conspiracytard.
I remember when Andrew Jackson was considered the greatest americuck president on pol/
IDK if they know about him now.
NBC with that nigger Lester Holt used WWII footage of soviet soldiers and T-34 tanks to introduce the piece on the wind-talkers…. They are not even bothering to hide their pro-bolshevik fetish.
Nice kike made infographics Chaim. You sure showed me and that big meany Drumpf. He may be POTUS but he talks like a 4th grader, however will he recover? MEGA BURN XD XD XD!!!
Do they pay you well at Shareblue?
He holds the highest office and talks like an elementary school student. How pathetic is that? "You're very very special people"
Her grandmother is Indian
You're calling me shariablue when there are literally dozens of shills in here who want to pretend that it is "based" that Trump grovels at the feet of indians? If Obama had done this every second word in this thread would be cuck, but when Trump talks like an infant to deadbeat indians, he's "based". Absolutely pathetic.
Got to find the footage, but it was disgusting that they didn't bother to at least find footage of US soldiers and tanks.
England must be really screwed up…..
Did they actually tell you to go for the "Drumpf doesn't talk too good" vector of attack? It seems pretty weak, even by normal shilling standards.
When you post tons of reddit infographs, yeah I call you shariablue
And you never answered whether they pay you well or not
You guys have been posting the same pictures and canned lines for 16 months and you're somehow still getting paid. lol
Good to see that you don't even disagree me that Trump talks like an infant.
"You're very very special people"
"You were here long before any of us were here" (compelete bullshit, but Trump gets away with murder on Holla Forums)
"I like you, because you are special"
He almost goes full retard
Do they pay you to focus on petty bullshit over at shareblue?
This picture was made last month
When the focus of your argument is over the manner in which someone speaks, you don't have a fucking argument.
and your fucking point is?
aboslute dunce right here.
The argument is that he talks like 4th grader, you are the one without an argument.
It is true that he talks like 4th grader Of course nobody challenges that.
Seriously, how much do they pay you at shareblue? A dollar a post? 50 cents a post? 25 cents? A nickel? A nickel a post?
How much do you miss /r/The_Donald? I bet nobody dares to question his majesty there.
i'll tell my deaf mother on you, you retarded meshugganah goy.
You must be up to a dollar by now. Unless they really do pay you a nickel a post. In which case, kill yourself
pic related
good for her. she handles them very well
She's the daughter of Mike Huckabee and got the job because her dad shilled for Trump during the election. That's the only reason she got the job.
How deliciously ironic
You're the one shilling for Trump. That's not ironic, it's just sad at this point.
Also expect salt from Melania's new White Christmas White House commercial.
That's true, she is better than the clowns that Obama appointed, but that's not saying much.
Kek. Fuck off squaw.
You've hidden your power level remarkably well
Are you older than they are? Technically correct is the best kind of correct. Best way to rustle kike jimmies.
checked. Paraphrasing Sun Tzu - if your enemy has a fiery temperament, wind them up as much as possible…
a kike shill accusing someone else of nepotism. nice.
If you're going to derail a thread with your shitty bait about grammar, you could at least not make fucking stupid grammatical mistakes yourself
It's a polite sage. I really don't want to bother people with this pathetic PR thread.
Yeah, you can go back to reddit any time now
Such delicious irony
You look good too!
He does talk like a 4th grader
Good Lord, he's baiting on twitter so hard, there must be something going down.
Has it ever occurred to you that Trump mas studied Mein Kampf? From the rallies, to keeping propaganda simplified, it's all in there, and he is following Uncle Adolf's advice perfectly when it comes to getting the masses on your side.
Trump is obviously a very smart individual, but the common man doesn't want to hear political jargon, they want memes, spoken memes.
It's time for a new batch boys, these ones are broken
Oh shit!
commies are the enemies of the working class and so must be destroyed
>>>Holla Forums
I have a feeling that Holla Forums will be destroyed at this rate.
>>>Holla Forums2280300
Top Kek.
you lost to a 4th grader lmfao
The Zog Emperor literally honors some fucking shitskins who fought against the Third Reich and you faggots try to meme it as based?
Neck yourselves.
What narrative? That Trump is an Israel-First zionist who married into the tribe, destroyed his german bloodline and then became president?
Which one of you fags is trying to blow up Holla Forums?
>>>Holla Forums2280322
it's entertaining
It assploded.
Trump reminds me of Chancey Gardener from Being There. "You're special" "I like you" "You look good too"
holy fucking shit my sides!
You're a whiny homosexual bitchfag
I just want to remind you niggers that you've managed to destroy Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums2280333
My fucking sides
If people want to delude themselves into thinking Trump is secretly /ourguy/, I'll tolerate it, but this thread is too much. He sucks off some shitskins and talks about how "special" they are, while all these fucking redditors cheer
Newsflash faggots, the Indians were a bunch of savages who weren't special at all. Literally nothing from any of their cultures was unique in anyway. You can find the same shit in Africa and on various savage islands.
Glad you used a picture that represents you.
free money and college is 2complex4me.
Could his wilder than usual bantz be a sign? Is it too much to hope for? I want perpwalks! I want hard time!
He's most likely just attempting to inoculate the voters against Warren
That sounds like a good fucking time tbqhwyf
except for alcoholism, rigged nickle slots and overpriced blankets.
Today is a good day.
Its too late, already destroyed Holla Forums
If dubs, Holla Forums gets the
Not eating human hearts and drinking human blood like the aztecs was enough to make them indian nobility and "noble savages" in countless jacobin books and novels. I'd take them over mexican cannibals, but they're still savages.
I want some serious memes to come of this video. She played that reporter like a boss.
Why are you even here? go back to reddit
If I was Trump, I'd get larger versions of everything just to watch the media have an aneurysm.
Going to a diplomatic event? I want the biggest pen. Meeting a foreign leader for dinner? Give me the biggest plate and a 32-ounce steak.
He should start calling her Paleface Pocahontas.
the bitch got butthurt on CNN
I know, also checked
Trump will crush her:
RUMBLINGS: Elizabeth Warren Faces ‘Political Destruction’ Amid Rumors CFPB Engaged In Multi-Billion Dollar ‘Scheme’
>Most likely President Trump will not appoint a replacement until Mulvaney has exposed the corruption within it. That sunlight is toxic to Elizabeth Warren and can potentially be politically destructive to the Democrats. If the secrets within the bureau are revealed, there’s a greater likelihood the bureau will be dissolved.
>While the amount revealed pales in comparison to what is really ‘under the hood,’ it’s important to remember the CFPB’s activities are shrouded in mystery. Perhaps, not for long if the Trump administration gets its way.
Can you expound on this? How did he change our media apparatus? Also, checked.
Best part is the savages have no idea who that man was, and the joke flew over their heads like a smallpox blanket into a teepee.
of all the things that never happened…
Leftists are like manlets: they never learn.
I could be wrong but isn't tubby the one wearing the retard boot here ?
I was legit tearing up during those speeches. I'm not even an American.
Trump is honouring them by pointing out those who would LARP to steal their valour. The libtards should just make sure Warren gives back everything she earned to Natives by lying about her heritage.
Now it's racist to mock someone who appropriates racial identity? There's something here we can exploit.
you don't smoke peyote
Do you?
These guys are 90 plus years old. They probably need their diapers changed on a regular basis. They are probably deaf as fuck from training and combat. Of course he's gonna talk to them like they're 4yo.
Evil Orange Hitler's ability to flummox these tards is un-real. I'm a cynical bastard but for fuck's sake the media kikes have truly surprised me with their vacant stupidity.
The real indian
Imkikey's artificial selection is really doing a number on Holla Forums
Honestly it says a lot about the mods incompetence that despite having full control here they still haven't successfully pushed their kosher narrative and are forced to ban the majority of the users. I wonder if the trumptards are legit morons, paid shills or kike mods on VPN's though. Whichever they are they definitely aren't the userbase we had a few years back.
by that logic we should abolish the NFL
Yes, and? Why would we want to see niggerball anymore?
Even my liberal friends agree that Warren is a shitstain for pretending she's of Native American decent, so the only people who would be angry at this are people who want to defend Dems at any cost no matter what.
This looks really promising.
In other words, Dems
Try to restrain yourselves from steering board discussion into typical rep/dem nonsense. You can stay on the daily caller if that's what you want to do. Nobody here likes or gives a shit about the republican platform.
Did I ever suggest that they did? Or indeed suggest anything other than 'Only Dems are interested in covering for Dems'?
I stand by what I said. You don't like it or you feel unfairly singled out, the filter feature is there for you.
I'm not a Republican though I'm not even American
Dumb cunt, he wanted you to throw a tantrum over it. He played you like you were a 88d chess board!
Trips of truth confirm, Jackson most based President ever. Killed the Central Bank and injuns. Alpha as fuck.
Pic related is Trump visiting Jackson's grave and saluting AJ. Based as fuck and high energy.
Dumb twat
I remember there being a infographic of based-President Jackson being redpilled over time about degenerate redskins, anyone have it?
Sage for blogpost.
I wish Trump had contained himself, just this once. I don't think he gained anything by going after Warren in the middle of someone's award ceremony, and I think it cost him some hard-won ground with the normals
>Nothing of substance, just emotions programmed by CNN and (((other))) sources
If I knew then what I know now, I'd have become a hermit at age 16, Holla Forums.