Tony Horvater is Jewish

Tony Horvater is Jewish

Tony Horvater is the co-founder, along with Matthew Heimbach, of the Traditionalist Worker Party. Tony Horvater is a Jew play acting as a white nationalist / fascist / neo-Nazi. The following information was posted by a commenter in a New York Times article about Horvater. Click on the comments section at the bottom of the article to find the comment. A screenshot is attached.

Steve Dayton, Ohio 1 hour ago
It is known in this area that Tony Horvater is Jewish. In this regard one has to review the German racial aw of Sep 15, 1935. In Nazi Germany Horvator would be ineligible for citizenship because of his Jewish background. We're surprised he is accepted by the right wing in the USA because he is nothing more than another Daniel Burros. He is not evil, just a good actor.

Other urls found in this thread: american nazi party HOVATER&l=HUBER HEIGHTS, OHIO&sloc=&in=5

Firstly, that's not even true. The co-founder is Heimbach's father-in-law, Matthew Parrott. Secondly, a comment on a news article is not evidence of someone being Jewish. Sage for being yet another shitty shill thread.

Wait, Horvater's the one the NYC yids accidentally made sympathetic. I just realized that. No wonder you kikes are trying to call him a Jew. You gotta damage control.

1. Tony Horvater looks Jewish/Mediterranean and he has a German surname. He's definitely Jewish.

2. The original New York Times article makes it clear that Tony Horvater is one of the co-founders of the Traditionalist Worker Party. Matt Parrott may in fact be another co-founder, but that doesn't negate Horvater being one also.

Accidentally my ass. The original NYT article was a promotional piece for Horvater and the TWP. The author of the NYT article knows full well that Horvater is Jewish (and Heimbach is very likely Jewish as well).

He looks kind of like Carl Sagan and Heimbach is the most obvious fed shill to show his face in years.

This. And not to mention that Heimbach looks like a fat Orthodox Jewish rabbi.

Just look at him. Hes brown. His facial structure is Jewish.

Its just further proof that there is no good reason to follow a 'leader' in any of this. I like maybe checking out certain people on twitter to get a feel for what the zeitgeist is, and reading things like DS just for fun. But I am not part of a movement in the sense that Heimbach and company are always trying to push. I don't have a leader. I don't belong to a club or group. I get on the internet, preach the JQ, and piss of niggers and kikes. When the DOTR finally happens I will face the bloodshed with people I know IRL. Until then I have no plans of getting roped into the inevitable jailtime and bad PR that people like Heimbach want.

This is a shill line and anti-natsoc. Our eventual place is in the streets, organized. Were not anarchists. Were National Socialists.

Have a bump

You go ahead and get ruined by jewish tricks and I will keep doing what has been effective for the past few years.


You'll need to do a lot better. Call it in and try to get the thread deleted because no amount of damage control will achieve the result you want.

What's shocking is that these Feds don't even put out a central-casting National Socialist. One look at that guy evokes repulsion, hardly the admirable qualities of the Aryan master race (unless that is their goal).

Is there any actual proof, or is a comment that's true because it says so all you have? Why are you sliding the board with eceleb shit?


At least Richard Spencer looks the part, even though he's an effeminate homo.

It's not a shill line, it's the truth. Organize with your family and friends not with tards from the internet.

Who let you in here, Implicit Dick?

GLR - TTTW - Ch 14, p287

The night before the great event, the bus-load of boys from New York arrived, and it was great to see some of them again. But they had with them a wild and wooley slob by the name of George Legget, whos first remark, as he drove up and observed that we lived next to a bank, was "Oh boy! Let's knock over the bank!"
I warned him again and again that our survival and eventual success depended on nothing any more than being legal and SUPER legal. We not only had to obey laws they HAD - but laws they MIGHT have, or pretend to have, just to get rid of us

(Several protests were organized, they all went fine including the main one in front of the Whitehouse except for in Atlanta, where they were arrested and pressured to confess to crimes they didnt commit, but werent successfully prosecuted. This was entirely due to a corrupt police force - Im writing this in brackets, not Rockwell.)

In one place in the transcript of their trial it shows clearly that one of the pickets was told by police that if they did not accept their punishment, or if they appealed, that they would "be tied in with any bombing"!!!! Those were the exact words of a police official, A WEEK BEFORE THE BOMBING OF THE ATLANTA SYNAGOGUE!

… (further down the page)

He also told us that Rogers was forever suggesting dynamiting at the meetings they held in Atlanta. I have learned from this. Whenever anybody in our meetings even vaguely suggests bombing or anything the lest bit illegal, we call the police or the FBI immediately. But the boys in Atlanta, while wanting no part of such illegal activity, hesitated to judge,convict and turn in a supposed "fellow patriot" on such slim evidence. Everybody hates to be a "squealer" - so Rogers got away with this provocation - which I have since learned is one of the most easily recognized mark of the Jewish-paid provocateur.

Our eventual place is in the streets. Learn from Rockwell, he dindu nuffin wrong.

Not surprised in the least. I expect these things.

Sure has been a lot of coordinated shilling suddenly against Heimbach and the TWP these past few days. Really ching chongs my bing bongs.

It may just be that he has become a topic of focus because not many people know much about him at all, and they are starting to hear a lot of bad things about him and his group.

Learn from Rockwell? What did he achieve? I appreciate what the guy did, I respect him for trying, and I have no ill will towards him, but he failed to accomplish anything. Why would I emulate a provably failing model? Duke, Rockwell, Pierce, various groups of LotS and the Klan and all of that shit have had decades to get something done, and nothing has worked. Don't model yourself after people that lost.

Could be based on the facial features, but that comment on the article proves nothing. Imo, Trad Workers are a bunch of autistic incels who are too pathetic to ever accomplish anything and are more counter-productive to any pro-white movement.

Could be part Italian or something else like that. Not ruling out Jewish though.

Heimbach released his DNA test results. He's 99% European, with most of it belonging to the British and Irish category. That said, he's still a LARPing retard, but probably not a Jew.

Took you a long time to figure out how to change your IP. Is this your first day?

Why not just go the whole 9 yards and lump Hitler in there with your "never achieved anything" group. Reported.

Or, just maybe people have actually started looking into what these faggots are actually saying and don't like what they are smelling.

Stay salty faggot

Stay gassed, TRS.

you're really bad at this. get your lore straight.



Looks like the TWPDF has arrived.

Oh you again. He managed to shake up students and make people aware of the commies at that time to all the way to now and will continue to do so. His ideas will stick forever and the kikes hate that the most, so they try to memory hole it as they are even trying to memory anything against them if that doesn't work they paint them black and spread lies, that how kikes work and always will work. Thanks to the internet you can easily spread what Rockwell said and did, both his speeches and books and hell you can even adopt some of his ideas.

Your narrow mindset is holding you back.


I can shit all over whoever I want nigger. You can go march around for the camera with the TWP guys in these pics

I also just noticed the chat is named "NS gang". Maybe nothing, but they do call themselves "Nazbol gang"

I made both those posts you complete invalid.

I know you made both of those posts. That has no relevance to what I said.

The best part comes next:
Kikes really do project everything.
Lights are off and you're glowing as bright as a thousand suns.

I wouldn't put it past a kike to pull a stunt like this but do you have any evidence besides "anonymous user claims neo nazi is jewish in a random post"?

All these sages and (1)'s are likely just a single IP hopping faggot that can't make himself a more obvious shill. They all say the same thing and then when that doesn't work he goes into MUH ROCKWELL derailing (with a faggot actually feeding the troll).

Stop aiding the shills in derailing. Stay on point, is Horvater a kike or not and where is the proof? While the post about kike provocateurs is interesting on its own merit, its not uncovering the truth about the "provocateur" in question. Side note, time for my ass to learn about Rockwell.



Good. His two books are worth reading as well.

Rockwell following the law is what kept him alive for so long, there were so many informants and infiltrators - not to mention every move he made was reported, his mail searched, every interaction recorded. Read the FOIA files if you haven't already I learned a lot actually. american nazi party

If anything, they've only made WN less accessible and appealing to the majority of white people. The vanguard and future of white advocacy will be educated and middle class.

Look at how suddenly we aren't talking about whether Heimbach's soyboy friend is a kike or not. Artful derailing.

Open your eyes idiot. Open are seeing all the bullshit against whites.

Yep that's a Jew.

Agreed, do we have any more info on this guy? Where is he from? Full name? Parents name?

(Dubs confirm Spencer not looking Aryan in the slightest.)
So are we going by random accusations and just looking at facial features in pictures in determining who is a Jew now? Followed by immediate disavowal and calls for lynching? I don't care about the TWP but this is pretty unscientific and it just makes you look like a retard.

Here is his goybook.


The (((NYTimes))) would have a motive for releasing such an article, it isn't to benefit people like us. Need more evidence.


Look at his posture and hands.


I long for the day when racial nationalism attracts something more than Feds, kikes and misfits.

oh god, another "everything you think is good is actually a jewish conspiracy" thread

yes, yes go-er, guy. stay at home and fap to your 2d waifu. everything in meatspace is actually a jewish conspiracy. it's hopeless. do nothing

Yes but no one wants to be lumped in with neo-Nazis and lumpenproles.

I think it does, but then these people are always the first to go public and they just ruin it for everyone.

no one has said that in this thread, you are just trying to derail. Filtered.

Nice argument, retard. How much should I bet that you're a lefty trying to debase him by pushing the Jewish narrative to get Holla Forumss side? It happens much too often.

Reminder that lefties often shill here to debase any sort of white nationalist gathering by getting gullible Holla Forumsacks to fall for claims with no evidence, just buzzwords to try and fool us and it sadly succeeds much too often.

Oh you mean like how we found out Enoch was married to a kike and how dicky spencer is a flaming faggot?

you are using the same exactly wording as the poster above you, TWPDF has arrived.

You still haven't had a solid arguments to back up your claims and I agree that my posts are also conjecture in your eyes, but I've infiltrated many lefty shill groups (they mostly use discord) to push "he's a jew" narrative to any figurehead of white nationalist movements (you can take this as pure conjecture it's fine). Of course there will be Jews fronting white nationalist movements to profit but not every movement is Jewish backed and claiming that an organization IS without any evidence whatsoever just damages any chance of a gathering even more (if you're on the right side, which I doubt you are), it's as if you want us to remain scattered forever and inactive, if that continues then it leads to idleness which leads to death of any sort of white cohesion, which is the goal.

Prove it, but I know already that you have no proof.

Also I'd like to point out from the article for those who were too lazy to read, the journalist didn't record any of Horvaters reasoning for becoming a "Nazi", most likely because it was too damning to show to their readers. So they went with the old, "nothing makes sense he's too ordinary to be radical" canned response. Also, OP quoted and screenshot a random comment, that means nothing.

Gathering together with a pyramidal command structure is what allows groups to be infiltrated and destroyed. Inform yourself on leaderless resistance.
As for TWP, its obvious they are communists larping as white nationalists, look at the caps above, they are unironically calling themselves communists, you can't deny that or spin it any other way.
This dude looks like a kike, TWP spews communist rhetoric, and you are a faggot.

Leaderless twitter trolls had a bigger impact from late 2014 to early 2017 than all of these "IRL" groups combined. More people aware of the JQ, more jews getting caught in lies, more people unplugging from the cattle trough, and more jews shutting it down making the playing field clear to normies.


Agreed and checked, I dont personally see anything wrong with IRL activism, the IOTBW campaign was fairly successful and had no leader, just singular anons acting on their own volition, it is impossible for our enemies to destroy something that has no head and no defined command structure, when you associate with these groups you are now a target for infiltration. If you are sure of your self and your ideology, you shouldnt need to rally behind a group, you should be capable of acting on your own behalf and volition to do what needs to be done.

The future of WN will be powerful /our guys/ working in cooperation towards a common goal, not gangs fist-fighting antifa. Individuals make history, not groups.

Hi TRS. Go fuck yourself, TRS.

You know the whole "hurr you are a basement dweller" is such an idiotic normie meme and it's completely unoriginal. Come up with something that isn't from Reddit ffs because this is getting old

OP is not even a mischling - OP is a full total Zhid.

they're everywhere

Located the TRSemite.

One of his wives was a jew. Google it. The hate bus was a clue.

Definitely a jew, and Heimbach also isn't fooling anybody with a brain.

Is there anyone in a "leadership" position who is not a plant?


David Duke, Richard Spencer, Matt Heimbach.

Andrew Anglin, Mike Enoch.

Any questions?



Well, looking at history it's either going to be a Fed, a Jew or a scammer.
Exceptions exist but are rare.


Individuals who "organize" "movements" and seem to always have lots of money without ever working any real jobs are invariably… pic related.

In case you needed any more evidence that this is just our weekly "everyone is a Jew" shill thread with a twist, this is it. These shills are so disconnected that they think defending Anglin and Enoch and linking an Evalion video will help them.

I'm not a shill you massive flamer faggot. user asked whether or not there are any individuals on our side (the White side) who are not feds/kikes/whatever. I pointed out that Anglin and Enoch – based on my observation of their conduct and content, and based on their biographical profiles – do not seem like feds to me.

While Duke, on the other hand, is a confirmed informant, and Spencer and Heimbach are mighty suspicious.

Huff gas, Binyamin.


Tony Horvater comes from a military family and grew up on U.S. military bases.

Is Tony Horvater a U.S. Special Operations Command psyop agent?

I can't even find info on that surname, the name Horvath seems to appear when I look up Horvater. I think the name is fake after searching and finding nothing.

Wew fucking laddie.

Search "Horvatter," which is a variant spelling

That said, I don't trust this guy. He is probably a fed.

I stand behind my contention.

Andrew Anglin was likely ex-Delta you imbecile. He then transferred to SAD/SOG work in Philippines against Religion of Cuck™ic extremists groups.
Now he's working with SAD/PAG countering white nationalists state side.

Whoa, a double downvote. I'll never link to another evalion video again now, rabbi.

Gee another aut rightist turns out to be a drag queen degenerate freak, never saw that coming.

TRSodomites finally have some reinforcements in trying to do damage control for their favorite queer-celebs! This should be quite entertaining.

What is this bullshit? His life is too well documented. Have you ever seen any fed with as established an alibi as his? GTFO. You may not like him, or Peinovich for that matter, but calling out every single blogger or podcaster as a government agent is retarded. You mom should've aborted you.

She's my favorite autismo out of the autismo brigade, I wonder what Mikey, Cody and Moochelle Kapner are doing these days? That was really lulzwrothy when they made Kyle and Sinead go full potato nigger chimping during one of their recorded skype calls.

I wonder if Chaimbach is still porking Moochelle? That little butterball of a pollock jewess. :^)

It fits perfectly, he went incognito in the muslim part of the Philippine country side years ago.
That is well documented. What he was up to is not.

I hate to start a new thread but since it's a similar topic, remember Identity Europa's CEO Eli Mosley? Well today I think or yesterday he broke with the group. Does anyone know if he was kicked out or what reasons where there for pushing him away form IE?

This is the part of the thread where the shills start to oversaturate their speech with memes and slang and double the flow of baseless accusations in an attempt to fit in.


You are unironically defending a racemixing thai lady boy fucking self-professed "performance artist" and a fat fucking duplicitous merchant with a shekel farming podcast who both larp as Nazis for fun and profit. You are the one who needs to kill yourself.

You would deny Dickie Spencer is an effeminate homo even if he had you down on all fours.

Don't share your fantasies with us.

Yeah, it's a German surname. Most American Jews have German surnames.

(((trs))) shows their face

No, there have been people in contact with him throughout his entire "journey," and they all report what he was up to: chasing primitive tribes, and banging Filipinas. Everyone who was there knows that these are the things he did in Mindanao. These aren't behaviors that White activists should engage in (obviously), but they scream to heavens "not a fed."

Likewise, his memes are – as any actual fed would disingenuously and falsely tell you – "sailing too close to the wind." You know what I mean. He does not promote content that a fed would promote, in terms of his attitude to sexuality.


Such "strong" arguments you have there.

Fuck off back to TRS.

Exactly this. We need to know which NGO Andrew, Chelsey, and Greg were working for.

I am not from TRS, dipshit. As I said, I pondered the issue of who is and who isn't a fed on the alt-right, and concluded that AA and Peinovich are legit, while most of the rest are not. I said nothing about TRS in general, or about jew. I addressed specifically two individuals, because those two individuals do not have the profile of federal agents, and do not behave like federal agents.


Heh, Auernchaimer is wordfiltered to "jew" now

Delta Force is U.S. Army though. How would Anglin have been in Delta Force if he was never in the military?

But anyway, there is circumstantial evidence from The Atlantic article to support your hypothesis that Anglin was spying on M-u-s-l-i-m militant groups in the Philippines:

>Anglin emerged with a plan: He would return to the jungle, build his own hut, and exist “completely outside of the system.” He would live with the T’boli at first, but he hoped to push even deeper into the mountains in search of Muslim tribes and “people that are still fighting with spears, killing miners and loggers.”

Peinovich acts like a filthy fucking KIKE because that's exactly what he is. There is nothing "legit" about that pudgy fucking yid and his kosher podcasting network.

That's a Roman noise you goof.

Greg is a con-artist, he doesn't work for any NGO. Your disinfo is showing.

Examples, faggot.

He's an out and proud Satanist.

Elliot Kline ("Eli Mosley") is another "ex" U.S. military employee.

He doesn't work for an NGO now, but he has in the past. And he's also a Vietnam War veteran. He was in the U.S. military. And he has some sort of connection to diplomat(s) inside of the the United Nations.

He has the nose of a Roman god

Nice try nigger but it's not a Roman nose.

What makes you say that?

Well, now that I think about it, Alex Jones works for USSOCOM and he was never in the military either. So I guess Anglin was a civilian contractor like Jones is.

I lean heavily towards rockwell being controlled oppo milintel, who faked his death. But that's an incredibly unpopular opinion to take here. Also hortvater is obviously jewish, you just have to open your eyes

Andre Anglin has claimed this.

On August 25, 1967, Rockwell was shot and killed while leaving a laundromat in Arlington, Virginia.[1][30][31] John Patler, a recently expelled member of Rockwell's group,[31][32] was convicted of the murder and served an initial eight years in prison, and later a further six years following a parole violation. Hearing of his son's death, Rockwell's 78-year-old father said: "I am not surprised at all. I've expected it for quite some time."[6] Patler was sentenced to 20 years in prison in December 1967, and released in 1983.

Wrong. Andrew Anglin disappeared for 6 months when he was living with the primitive tribes in the Mindanao jungle and his American friend Edward had no contact with him during this time period. Read the Atlantic article.

Stop running damage control for that albino potato nigger midget.

The man who killed him was a commie infiltrator, after he was released from prison he was trying to gain support for central americans to immigrate here. Rockwell sacrificed everything he had but it was worth it. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for his writing. His writing wouldn't be available if it wasn't for his speeches and uniformed protests. He tried being a conservative but it went nowhere.

It certainly is in the United States. About 50% of American Jews have German surnames.

Whatever, man. I have no problem saying that Andrew Anglin's father is a con-artist, and that AA himself has engaged in behaviors that a pro-White activist should not engage in, while at the same time stating with conviction that he does not act like a fed and does not promote content that a fed would promote, hence he is "legit" in the sense of not being our enemy.

In the same vein, Peinich is surely an individual with lots of issues, but being a federal plant is not one of those issues, because lol - looks at his biography, he is fucked up, and no intelligence agency would've recruited him. So yes, fucked up, but not our enemy.

Why is it so hard to grasp that, just because some people, indeed many people, are feds, it doesn't mean that everyone you personally dislike is necessarily a fed?

im a retard, but do you know of any pictures of the body? I dont believe anyone is dead unless i see the body

But they do. You need more experience in identifying intelligence agents.

You fail at logic. That jews tend to have German surnames, doesn't mean that a German surname is an indicator of jewishness.

Edward the jew did not have constant contact with him, but AA himself posted about everything he did regularly on his websites. It could all be lies, of course, but I see no reason to assume that it was lies "just because." Furthermore, 6 months is nothing - you wouldn't be able to pull off any special op, all by yourself, alone in the jungle, in merely 6 months (while also posting regularly on your websites). You're grasping at straws.

This is the only one I have ever seen, I honestly never thought to look for an autopsy photo but I will look for it

No, just because you claim it to be so, while not giving any reasonable explanation for your claims, it doesn't actually make it so.

Yes, it does mean that if the person has a Mediterranean physiognomy, which Tony Horvater does.

I've been doing more research, and it turns out Andrew Anglin might be even be Jewish.

Even if I explained the reasons to you in detail, you still wouldn't understand, so it would be a waste of time.


Boy, you're not familiar with any American mutts, are you? Guy is clearly Med mixed with some Northern European.

He does not look jewish.

yeah i just found the same one, but slightly different. I wonder which is the original, because the blood dripping from the mouth seems to not be in the one i have here

This one can be definitively dismissed. Anglin has had a DNA test, and it shows him to be 90% potato nigger, which exactly conforms to his surname and his physical appearance.

Good, I made you admit that you are the shill.

Yes, Jews are Mediterranean people. I'm glad you finally agree that he's Jewish.

Let’s let the kikes themselves decide if Anglin is jewish by how they react to him.

No, it doesn't turn out. Stop making stuff up.

Where's the user who screencapped a close-up of his eyebrows?

It wouldn't make sense if Horvater wasn't Jewish. NYT publishes an article framing "a Nazi" in a positive light, just because? Really?

The motherfucker is glowing.

samefagging but heres another picture with super potato quality

You are irredeemable. KYS.

Not "just because," he is most likely a fed. But genetically he doesn't appear to be jewish.

Kosher anti-semitic podcasting network, don’t you mean? Seems legit kike to me. They are their own worse enemies those fucking yids.

I'm not finding an autopsy report online, I'll probably have to call the coroner's office and see if it is available to the public. I'll keep looking though

Yeah, right. That's why his 2nd to last employer is one of the biggest U.S. intelligence community front companies in existence (BurrellesLuce) and his wife's last employer has CIA contractors on staff and the NSA is one of its clients.

Whatever you say.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that another one of his past employers is a facial software recognition company run/owned by two Israeli-American dual citizens.

Nope, there's nothing suspicious about that at all.

i noticed a slight inconsistency in the death story:
" Two bullets went through the windscreen of the 49-year-old's blue and white Chevrolet and hit him in the head and the chest.

He died instantly. "

except he didn't die instantly, if that is supposed to be the door of his car, it looks like he took a step out, then died, also: his head wound looks like a .22 size entrance wound. Does anyone know what type of rifle was supposed to have been used?

thanks man, i don't want to shit all over rockwell if he was legit, but there is a pattern of this sort of thing and i'm starting to see some red flags

I don;t dispute these things. But they don't make him a fed, otherwise almost everyone must be a fed, because of secondary connections such as these.

Wrong. When Anglin disappeared into the jungle with the natives, he did not post anything on his new website Reality Situation. He was supposed to, but he didn't. You need to go read the Atlantic article again.

Wrong. We don't have any idea what he was doing exactly, because he hasn't told anyone. And six months is plenty of time to do all manner of things. And he was NOT posting regularly on his new website Reality Situation. So you're wrong on all counts.

Do you know what the random chance odds are that Mike Enoch and his Jewish wife would both be working for companies that are directly tied to the CIA and US intelligence community? It has to be millions to one. Sorry, but that's not believable.

He did step out, then pointed to the roof of the building and then collapsed and died. I think there was a few collaborators involved. How did Patler know he was going to do laundry that day? Also someone lied in court and had to pay Patler $10,000. This website has good info and sources

Yep. And, surprise, he comes from a military family, as the New York Times article states.

You base all your knowledge on that one article. His website at the time was Outlaw Journalism.

He was posting on his website, Outlaw Journalism, and there is no reason to assume that he did anything other than what is claimed so far: consorting with natives.

Wut? The US intelligence community is all over the place, connected to myriads of companies.

"His suspected weapon, a 40-year-old German Mauser semiautomatic pistol that fires 7.63 mm rounds"

headshotted a guy through a windshield with a 40 year old pistol from a rooftop of an adjacent building, what a lucky shot!

I'm more suspicious of the people around him, a lot of informants and infiltrators

It does when its combined with a Northern or Eastern European surname.

In fact, this is easiest, quickest, and most accurate method to identify Jews.

Honestly never thought about it that way, lucky indeed…

yeah, something is sketchy about that whole thing. sorry for the derail guys, back on topic: the dude in OP is clearly jewish

Interesting that this company has been around since 1888 but only has a stub article on Wikipedia.

He doesn't look completely Med, rather, he looks like a mixed Med-Northerneuropean, and does not look like a jew. Because of his Northerneuropean origins, he also has a Northerneuropean last name.

You have not actually made a case for him being a biological jew. The case for him being a fed, on the other hand, is quite strong.

Rockwell was in constant contact with the FBI. He informed them of all his and his men's activities.

Welp. There it is.

And let me add: his Northerneuropean last name is not a jewish one. Search for "rabbi Horvater" for instance, and you'll find nobody.


Which is exactly what Ashkenazi Jews are: a mixture of Levantines and Northern/Eastern Europeans.

Now that you agree with me, you can stop posting.

"Heil Hoover!"

- actual quote from GLR

So is attacking GLR the new vector in order to distract from this faggot kike and TWP?

the homosexual hoover? hoovering up those foreskins most likely. Now I see why glr is always paraded about

Did he do that to cover his bases or did the man himself glow though? I mean i dare say you'd think it's the FBI's job to keep tabs on organizations like the american nazi party.

I don't agree with you at all. He does not look Ashkenazi. He looks like a mixture of White European from the south of Europe and White European from the north of Europe.

He does not look Semitic/Levantine. His facial features are European. Seriously, you should get outside and meet some mutt Whites.

i apologized for the derail, the dude is obviously a jew, sorry for the non-kosher tangent chaim

> american nazi party

No. He had stopped posting on O.J. and created a new site, Reality Situation, to document his life with the jungle tribes. But he only made on post on Reality Situation, and never posted on it again.

Yes there is, and the Atlantic article mentions why.

Yep, it's the classic profile of a U.S.I.C. front company.

is there any reason to believe he was consorting with natives? photos? anything? or is it just as likely he was at some CIA training camp?

Seems like the kike is just a prop, he looks like anton lavey - there's no public info on him or his family that I can find

Alright that's something to dig through, thanks.

Meaningless. American Jews have just about every German surname in existence (and English and Scottish surnames too). Not being able to find a rabbi with the name doesn't mean anything.

See, that's the problem. We have no way of knowing. All we have to go on is Andre's word. And you know what that's worth.

yeah, he doesn't look like the kind of guy that could make it in the jungle, who's got the pic of him drinking with the thai ladybois? looks soft asf.

Well, if you had asked Rockwell himself, obviously he would have said the former. But you know what I would say (the latter). Rockwell was a retired U.S. Navy officer. Do I need to say any more?

Hoover was anti-Communist.

Horvater is not a typical jewish name, and it doesn't seem like a jewish name at all. Of course, that doesn't rule out someone being jewish - but I have seen no reason to believe that he is jewish. His ethnic origins as reflected in his facial features and general appearance are White European from several parts of Europe.

Since your whole argument rests on "he looks jewish because he is Med, and has a Germanic surname," but as it is pointed out to you that a) he does not look Semitic whatsoever, and b) his surname is not a jewish one, your argument just doesn't hold.

They call that "native advertising". In newspapers it takes the form of an advert in the form of an article.

His message is rock solid for Americans though, judge him by his actions and his speeches, not that he was transparent with the authorities.

Agree, there's no reason to dismiss him.

His message might have been good but if he presented it in an autistic unappealing way it is counter productive, and if he did that on purpose it makes him an anti

those earlobes look pretty low for a full european

Jesus fucking Christ this thread. Unironically shilling against George Lincoln Rockwell. Holy fucking shameless shit. Fucking gas yourselves you filthy fucking kikes.

I can't find the guys name on any of the people search sites.

Now I'm starting to wonder if he's using a fake name.


That is exactly what I am thinking

You're clueless about him, obviously.

He's 29 years old. So he should be in all the NSA databases.

Very suspicious.

no you

Because Heimbach isn't Jewish, right?
get back in the oven shlomo, you aren't done yet

Tell me exactly what GLR said about why he presented himself the way he did.

Oh fuck. I misspelled his name in the OP. It's "Hovater," not "Horvater."

My bad.

How can you be so credulous? You think a Jew wouldn't lie? You think editing the web page which displays the result then screenshotting it is hard? You think that having a known useful goyim take the swab for you is hard?
The "DNA RESULTS ARE IN!" is standard operating procedure for ALL alt-kike shills, because they KNOW how trusting people like you are.
Unless you witnessed the sample being taken and have direct access to the results, the "test" is absolutely insecure and worthless.

nah, fanboy, i know what i need to

Fuck off Jew.

Getting the same results though, his "band" isn't in either

What might that be?

Looks normal to me.


Honestly organizing outside of your friends and family when it's almost 100% assured that you're going to get infiltrated and subverted is just completely retarded when we have the internet to change hearts and mind. With the advent of the internet I honestly don't see a single reason why we should organize at all before our ideas become common place enough to run for public office.

It's okay to be white did more good than than Spencer, TWP, TRS, and Identity Europe combined.

Hmm, well I did get some results on, but they don't say much: HOVATER&l=HUBER HEIGHTS, OHIO&sloc=&in=5

kek, you guys are late to the party. I guess this just goes to show if you want to do digging without immediate shilling you have to do it in an unrelated thread.

I mean really can anyone even tell me the advantage that these groups provide when we can spread our propaganda to pretty much the whole population with the internet?

Yes but why? Has any insider or member of IE explained the reasons for departure?

t. chaim
look dude, compare his to literally every one in

this guy's go down to his bottom lip

The types of people who are in these groups, and shill so hard for them are followers, they do not have what it takes to lead, or even lead themselves. They lack the self esteem to do anything without a group consensus.

Tony Hovater is on the far left. He looks like Trump's Jewish lawyer Michael Cohen.

His SOCOM contract ran out.

They are useless. Just keep doing what we have been doing. It has worked so well that they are working on unplugging the internet to make it stop. Don't get distracted with larpy Harry Potter and the Final Solution honeypots and infiltration campaigns.

Oh ok. I thought you were going to expand on more than the "Heil Hoover", lucky shot with old pistol and autism stuff.

No shit he doesn't look like any one of them - he is a mutt.


I think we might have uncovered a joint WN PSYOP being conducted by the New York Times and the CIA/DoD/FBI.

Actually that's not even true - he looks like the East Mediterranean guy, but with some Northern Euro admixture.

does it need expanding? are you stupid?

i was talking about his earlobe positioning. double-quadruple-facepalm

Considering the massive amount of kosher salt that was produced by the article, i'm not sure if the others were informed, or they are coordinated in order to make it look legit.




His earlobes are like East-Med guy. Overall face like a mixture of East-Med with Keltic or Tronder.

Where specifically do you see Semitism in his appearance?

Better size

It seems that the NYT fucked up by writing an article that was TOO positive. There was a massive backlash among the NYT's readership, which forced both the NYT's public editor and the article's author to respond in writing. It looks like they screwed up and blew the OP.

Yes I am. Please dumb it down real good-like for me.

ill spoonfeed you, jews typically have lower set ears than other races

its not about what the ears look like, its the positioning

If you look at the earlobe location of the Southern European types: the East Mediterranean or the Pontid, that's exactly where his are located.

His aren't abnormally low.


To be fair, his head is slightly tilted upward. This might explain the appearance of unusually low ears.

He also has the jew sleepy eyes, and a more prominent lower lip

I found one Anthony Hovater in the United States, but it's not the same guy (wrong age and wrong geographic location):

well, they look abnormal to me.

heh, thanks, imagine that guy bushcrafting in the jungles of asia and making contact with muslim tribes.

okay fine, i'll give you that, i still think he's a jew though.

In my research earlier, Hovater, or even Hovatter, were both EXTREMELY uncommon last names, dunno how you can keep of the radar with such an uncommon last name, unless its a fake last name or an assumed identity.


Interesting. Hadn't heard that term before.

As kosher as they are, South Park actually did an episode about that, I think its called "Sponsored Content".


It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

He's a federal shabbos goy.

Now that is a heeb's heeb.

You don't remember Harry Potter and the Final Solution? It was a funny movie, but not in the way the creators intended.

It's because they're cleaning out their ranks. I know a member who said a few degenerates are being kicked out.

Colour me shoked

These retards believe Kike Enoch's Nordic too LOL. Because nobody can fake DNA tests :')

As far as Anglin, he's a manlet comedian with a whiney voice. He could very well be a Jew. Plus this picture…

Okay, there's a lot of Hovaters in Ohio, but no Tonys or Anthonys:

Sure thing.

More like Anton.

In Anglin's case, his personality is VERY Jewish - even if he's not a Jew himself. Short, narcissistic, cocky, hates white women, promotes race-mixing with gooks, shilled for Trump, and is now shilling for (((American Nationalism))).

Keep following these ZOG-bots and voting your way to "freedom" faggot.

I'm not a Trumpshill you retard - but Anglin is okay.

Something tells me that you get banned a lot, and rightly so.

I'm not finding arrest or court records. Dindu nuffin apparently

Is being short a personality trait?

You're a woman.


Oh, look at this. Tony Hovater also writes for The Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack. What a small world.

His wife looks Jewish too. Or maybe Hispanic?

You're wet for him.


"Too"? He doesn't look jewish.

Are you clinically retarded?

Here's his metal band:

You are incapable – for some reason – of distinguishing Whites from non-Whites.

Take your (51) and tie them around your feet like a rock so that you sink into the bog, kike shill.

How does such a dodgy-looking guy get such a qt?

How indeed…

Hi, Tony.

Because they're both Jewish?



Seriously though - just how jewish does one have to be to think that everyone else must be jewish?

What are you doing here, Shlomo? You're not even funny.


Hovater is likely a fed, but not a biological jew.

OP is 100% ashkenazi, and should get gassed.

reminds me of david schwimmer from the side

I wonder if he was in the military.

Both Jewish confirmed.

She looks like Ukrainian Jewess Mila Kunis.

FTFY, DeShawn.

I apologize everyone.

Anglin is our supreme leader. He has the right to dictate White Nationalist events and their optics from living in gook land. Sure, he never attended one or met up with anyone in America but he is a 5'2" GIANT that should never be questioned. I know he was extremely Anti-White only a couple of years ago but people change! Just like born-again virgins!

Yeah, he race mixed in the past and still does it but that's okay. Sure, he got everyone to waste time and energy on shilling for the current ZOG puppet (that would have won anyway) BUT at least we don't have Hillary, right!

Because if she won, millions of Whites would have gone FULL NAZI overnight instead of posting frog cartoons on the internet. No I mean, if she won, they'd shut down the internet and take our guns like Obama did!

Critical thinking is for betas. I'm buying my next ticket to Indonesia to find my future bride. To hell with these white sluts who never paid me attention for being a manlet loser. HAIL ANGLIN !!!!

Yes he does, and to a high degree.

Keep spinning your wheels, Lemaricus.

How is it confirmed?

Wait… you think that it looks like a jewish wedding???

Gosh, you really are a jew. Must be one of those super-ethnocentric Israelis who haven't even seen a goy in their entire life.

Contain your autism.
This thread is full of people with alien posting styles.

My name is Tony Hovater, and I approve this post.


Okay, I finally found a solid source of biographical information on Tony Hovater:

Feminist woman confirmed. Get raped, 9d36b9.

So you're calling me a nigger because I used the word "verdict," even though I used it correctly?

These jews and their coooooorrrrrky sense of humor.

funny, he doesn't show up on intelius

He’s not really named “Tony Hovater.”

Like many neo-Nazis and white supremacists, Hovater uses a modified version of his legal name in his racist activities. His real name is William Anthony Hovater, which is the name he’s registered to vote under and which appears on other public records associated with him.

It’s unusual for any newspaper, let alone the Times, not to say when their subject isn’t using their real name. A paper that insists on noting Snoop Dogg’s legal name can probably do the same for a Nazi, no?

His wife is not really named “Maria Hovater.”

Maria Harrison, Hovater’s wife, hasn’t changed her last name. Again, it’s odd for the Times to refer to a person by anything other than their actual, legal name.

Hovater’s father is a veteran.

The Times profile notes without elaboration that Hovater “grew up on integrated Army bases.” Chief Warrant Officer William L. Hovater retired in 2015 after serving at Fort Knox. His son is pictured posing with him in photos at his retirement ceremony. (A LinkedIn profile identifies him as having served as a maintenance tech on the base.)

Tony Hovater said very little about his family in his interviews with Fausset. How did his father’s military service shape his political views? Or, better yet, how does the father feel about his son’s views, which would render him ineligible for military service?

He's using a fake name. He's using his middle name as his first name.

Anglin said that white women are a bigger enemy than kikes. And you accuse me of being a feminist woman? Please tell me, do you ever produce original thought or intend to? Or is it just easier being a sheep led by a ZOG agent?

Who? Stop trying to make a name for yourself, kike.

William Anthony Hovater.

And for some reason, that joke must have deeply offended you, has it not?

It wasn't a joke on his end. He may pretend it is now. And yeah it did. Unlike most (((Alt-Right))) I never had trouble getting pussy. White pussy that is. I'm not into that stinky yellow-brown twat like you faggots.

Even if Anglin was a "white-knight", I'd still hate his guts. I've known about him probably longer than you've been "red pilled" kid. Long before Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack. He's an opportunist and was never the real deal. This is just his current get-up. 5-10 years down the road, he'll be on some other wagon. You'll see.

>And yeah it did. Unlike most (((Alt-Right))) I never had trouble getting pussy. White pussy that is. I'm not into that stinky yellow-brown twat like you faggots.

It is just so amusing watching women pretend to be (what they believe is) "alpha males." Lol.

You are doing it wrong, girl.

One word of advise, lady: don't ever call the entirety of Holla Forums "faggots" if you intend to persuade us of something. That is counterproductive, mkay?

Looking at his dad's military resume, is it likely that he was ever in Special Ops?

I'm asking any military fags here.

You literally worship a race-mixing manlet. I'd cut my cock off and become the woman you accuse me of being before being half the retard you are.

You admit you dont know about Rockwell, and strawman my words into an anti-Trump argument. Is Trump a National Socialist? No. Neither are you. You dont belong here.

Entirety of Holla Forums are Daily Shitheads?

There is no element of "worship" here. See, you think like a woman, in typically female terminology.

You said:
Which a) refers to the entirety of Holla Forums as you didn't specify your target; b) only a woman would write such a sentence.


Yes hello, this is Jew. See his face? Thats what a Jew face looks like. Fucking newfag retard kike apologists

ah, interesting.
#6 seems to be the only one that could be him
does 48 seem too young for his father?

Again, girl: you are doing it wrong.

Also, funny enough, you inadvertently confirmed the ideology of trannyism with that sentence. Jus' saying.

Good luck next time.

Yeah, that sounds about right. He just retired in 2015 after 25 years. So if he went in at age 20, that would make right around 48.


eceleb bullshit. Do yourself a favour and think a little. To still be fooled by these kikes… You wouldn't know about any of these manufactured personalities or paper groups unless they were jewish or jew controlled with ties to powerful groups who want to destroy YOU.

As for a few plants in this thread STILL trying to deny the fact mike 'enoch' is a filthy kike, neck yourselves. It was established a year ago that he's a dirty jew.

yeah, that must be him, odd that it doesn't list little tony as a relative, but it does list a cody, a brother, or maybe that is tony's real name

Fuck off. I participated in those threads, and remember them very well. No such thing was established. He is not a jew.

No, he has a brother named Cody. Check the pictures on his dad's Facebook account.


I'm not "defending" anything. If you want to claim that someone is jewish, you better provide some evidence for it. In Peinovich's case, no such evidence was ever provided. So he is not jewish.

Thank you very much, appreciated.

There is evidence in this thread that he's a kike.

No, there really isn't. There are the same ol' pictures, which don't prove anything substantial regarding his own jewishness or lack thereof, taken from the original dox threads.

Zero evidence that he's a jew.

He admitted to being jewish at least three times.

I dont feel I have evidence that hes a Jew, but theres plenty of other evidence showing his organization is rotten. See:

Why are you ignoring the .webm in


Oh lol, youre actually defending Enoch. Hes a kike. He admitted it. His damage control DNA test doesnt prove shit, someone else spit in the cup.

No, he did not. He conceded 3 times in 1 podcast that if any contact with kikes makes one a pariah in WN, then he must be a pariah in WN. The "contact with kikes" in question was his jewish (or partly jewish, it doesn't matter) wife. Not any biological jewishness on his own part.

Perhaps. I'm not a from TRS and couldn't care less. Mike Peinovich has his own issues, nobody here is denying that. But he is neither a federal agent, nor a biological kike.

It has been dissected 6 million times. It's not evidence for the jewishness of Peinovich, but for it is evidence for him being contaminated in a sense by being married to a jewess. Which we already know.

No, again, pointing out that there is no evidence that he is jewish is not equal to "defending" him.

You're a fucking bold faced liar.

He's an intelligence asset. He has to be. Otherwise he wouldn't be teaming up with intelligence assets David Duke and Richard Spencer.

Identifying one or two intelligence agents makes it very easy to identify a dozen more, just by looking at whom they associate with.

You'll just keep saying that it has been "proven" that he is jewish, again and again and again, and maybe some fools would believe you ("repetition reduces vigilance"), but the fact of the matter is that no evidence has yet been produced that he is a jew, just as no evidence has ever surfaced that Anglin is a jew. Some people don't like them – which is fine by me – and these people go out of their way to call them jews, even though there is no evidence for it.

He said hes a Jew. When it was a big deal, he flip flopped and produced a DNA test that could easily be someone elses.

Perhaps you should make a list of such lies.

He's a useful idiot, I guess. But I don't think that he is a member of any intelligence agency. He does not behave like one, and everything known about him indicates that he isn't one.

He never said that he is a jew.

He said 3 times in 1 interview that if any contact with jews is grounds for being cast out of WNism, then he should be cast out of WNism, as his wife was jewish.

He never said that he is personally jewish, and everything that I have seen so far points towards him being non-jewish. I don't mean his "DNA test," which is irrelevant, but his family history and so on.

You can say "I hate Peinovich" without saying in the same breath that Peinovich is a jew.


Fucking LIAR.

Yes, we are all very familiar with those sentences. In context, none of them translates to "I am a jew." The big issue under debate in that podcast and in those very moments was his wife, not him. She is a jewess, he isn't.

Still waiting for a list of lies.

You've got some serious fucking chutzpah kike. To deny the clear as day evidence the way you are takes a special kind of piece of shit.

You have no evidence, in other words, so you resort to name calling. What you have is a bunch of sentences (with which we are all very familiar) taken out of context. None of which constitutes any proof that Peinovich is himself a jew.

I guess you just "want to believe."

He never said anything about "contact with kikes", he said that if people of partial jewish ancestry aren't tolerated, then he has to go, but he thinks some of them who supposedly contribute should be allowed to stay, and in his case he thinks he did.

1. Mike Enoch said three different times on his own radio show that he's Jewish. This directly contradicts the results of his DNA ancestry test. So that begs the question: why hasn't Enoch explained away or even mentioned those three previous admissions of being Jewish? Something is very weird about this.

2. Andrew Anglin is 200% Irish. He has an Irish surname, an Irish face, and Irish DNA ancestry test results. I'm not sure why idiots keep saying that he's Jewish.

Yeah, he did. He very strongly implied it on 3 separate occasions.

He hasn't explained that, even though his DNA test shows no Jewish ancestry.

You would expect him at the very least to say something like, "Hey, I thought I was Jewish my whole life, but it turns out I was wrong, because my DNA test came back negative for any Jewish ancestry."

But he hasn't said anything like that. In fact, he hasn't mentioned this subject at all.

As a matter of fact, testimonial evidence is the weakest kind of evidence, so even if he did say "I am a big jewish hebraic Chaim Shekelbergstein," that would still not be evidence - but he never said anything like that.

Listen to the subject they were discussing, in which that sentence was said - they were discussing his wife. That's the context, which you choose to ignore.

He did not.

Who cares about DNA tests?

Because he never admitted to being jewish.


Who is he and how is he in the military with those retarded eyebrows?

No, you are ignoring the context of those 3 sentences.

Right, because he has not actually said what you claim that he said.

You could interpret it like that. But the more natural reading is that he was referring to himself.

You keep saying that. The problem here is that you seem to not be familiar with them at all. I listened to the entire fucking episode multiple times. That .webm is not out of context at all which is why you're a fucking kike piece of shit. If he had been specifically referring to his wife, why the fuck is he talking in the first person? Why does he not mention her whatsoever in his answers? The answer is you're a fucking kike and so is he.

So they were discussing the fact that his wife was Jewish on those 3 separate occasions?

If what you're saying is true, then his wife being Jewish would have been common knowledge on Holla Forums and everywhere else long before Enoch was doxed in January, 2017.

There's no way you can listen to those clips, even int he context of the full show, and come out of it thinking he was talking about anything other than jewish heritage.

>But in terms of who’s going to be part of this movement… if you are going to let in a mixed jewish person, they really have to have done something to earn that. And I think in my case I did


Yeah, they pretty much do. And your interpretation that he was alluding to his Jewish wife is strained and cannot possibly be true for the reason that I mentioned in my previous post.

So you don't care about DNA tests and you don't care about testimonial evidence.

You're digging yourself into a deep hole here.

Give a transcript of the complete context. Otherwise I have no reason to believe you.

The fact that this guy is so over the top with his damage control makes me suspect all the more that Mike Enoch is an intelligence plant.

They were discussing his wife's jewishness in that podcast, yes.


Out of context, yes. In context, no.

Dude, they were discussing his wife on that entire podcast. He probably didn't even think that a bunch of autists would take his words out of context (very ironic considering his own habits, but whatever) and use them to "prove" that he is himself jewish.

His wife was doxed shortly after him, retard.

Nope. There is family history and multiple sources. In this case, there isn't. All you have is 3 out-of-context sentences in 1 podcast.

Why should I do your work for you, lazynigger?

The funny thing is that I don't care. Go ahead and accuse me of being Agent Smith. Who cares? I want to discuss facts.

You point out what he said to 100 people, and 99 of them will go "Oh, okay, obviously hes a Jew and cant lead anything". Youre that 1 guy, you dont have to believe it. Youre why we post here, instead of on cuckchan or somewhere else. We just ban you here, and the other 99% of us will move on without Enoch.

But that can't be true, because then his wife's Jewishness would have been common knowledge months/years before he was doxxed earlier this year.

Well, his middle name is 'Isaac.' Non-Jews don't usually name their sons 'Isaac.'

Are you pretending to be stupid? You're saying that he openly discussed his wife being Jewish on a podcast many months before they were both doxxed. Well if that's the case, then his wife's Jewishness would have been common knowledge during that entire time period. But it wasn't. Ergo you must be wrong.

What are you talking about? You have your chronology on the inverse side, lol. First he had been doxed, then shortly thereafter, she was.

Okay, fine. "You win." This is beyond hope. Bye.

Dude… your chronology. It's wrong.

That clip has audio from two different podcasts, one of which was put out long before Enoch was doxxed. You are failing hard here kike.

There's also the fact that "The Jewish Standard" is the only newspaper on his dad's faceberg. Doubt there are many gentiles who get their news exclusively from a paper for the jewish community.

How quickly you show yourself in defeat. Get fucked cunt. I hope you blow all your shill shekels on ramen noodles and heroin.

Exactly this.

Thanks. I forgot about that.

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

I'm referring to the time period between when he discussed his wife being Jewish on his podcast and when they were doxxed. If what you're saying is true, then he revealed his wife to be Jewish a long time ago on those podcasts and therefore all the TRS listeners/fanbse would have known that she was Jewish long before either of them were doxxed in January, 2017.

Do you understand now, bot?

So thats why these fucking TRS pukes are so frustrating to argue against. They are the former 80% SJW marxist leftist democrat voters, like 2 years ago.

brah you are wrong. Delete that shit pic

Like put it this way. They are the people who voted for Obama, and then after 4 years, voted for Obama AGAIN before they realized Obama and democrats were bad. THAT is TRS. THAT is who denies Enoch is a kike when he says "Hey, Im a filthy fucking kike here to promote white genocide and you should toss me out of the group" as if hes not Jewish and that can be interpreted a different way.

Well said, brother

You nailed it.

What does the title say? I read "Hak ohne Maske," but "Hak" doesn't translate to anything.

Barack Obama is 2nd or 3rd generation CIA, by the way. His mother and father were both CIA agents/assets and it's very probable that his maternal grandparents were too.


Exactly. These are normie tier scumbag politicians in training, working up the ladder of congress hoping to scoff at the public trough, and see this "alt-right" thing as a way in. Its just acting a role for them, they never were serious about it at all, just another ruse to get the rube vote.
Throw in my suspicions about them being connected to sodomistic secret societies, and them all having huge amounts of blackmail on them so once in office they're a dog on the Jew's leash, and there is no question what should be done.
Pics related, it's TRS in a nutshell. These were all found on the same tumblr

The fact that you saved those pictures onto your HDD speaks more about you than it does about those fucking degenerates. The fact that you browse tumblr looking for such material is even more disturbing. TRS is cancer, yes, but what you just posted goes far beyond cancer.

Pretty sure thats the same guy who constantly posts the weird gay leather dog fucking fetish over, and over, and over any chance he gets.

Tumblr is the petri dish for all future leftie projects, all their trends and talking points and even fashions come from there afer being cooked for a while. Like the Clown hair, or the alternate genders, this shit is possibly how they'll try and destroy us via projection, that we're all gay and fuck each other in the ass like Spencer and Ghoul and Millennial Woes and other namefags while injecting meth and cutting our assholes up to spread AIDS.
By exposing it early before it's ready to birth, it is born weakened and crippled before it can survive outside of it's womb without the umbilical cord and will die an early death while making the left look horrifying and fucked up. It instantly makes Normies want to down liquor until the image is out of their tiny minds and they can go back to comfort and sportsball.

To fuck whites over by being a really shitty Nazi.

I think that's a really good question.

To quote (((Lenin)))
In order to control the opposition, you must Become the opposition.
Also, this kinda shit never actually changes, it just gets new clothes.

It probably is, but his stories from the 'beyond' as it were, are interesting.
The one about the leatherpeople only not murdering the beta gays because they stay away from each other means that there's a standing army ready to push leftist faggots out of cities that only needs a spark to ignite.

Then again, I'm a sucker for stories

My albino potato nigger midget detector indicates Anglin indeed is a mick.

GLR attacked and hated commies so it only makes sense.

Just like the Sassoon surname which has led me to conclude that Horvater might be one of those pajeet/mizrahi jews, just look at these pics of the Sassoon family and tell me that Tony wouldn't look like he fits right in?

why do mods allow this?

Literally the average 8ch/pol/ poster

Why does Tony look like he might have some pajeet/armenian in his DNA woodpile? :^)

The reason why Horvater comes up with no query is because Horvater is a variant spelling of Hovhannes, an Armenian first name. Why would Tony's family have an Armenian first name as their last? Unless they were playing the oldest jew name game of using a first name for their surname.

Hovhannes (Armenian: Հովհաննես (reformed); Յովհաննէս (classical)), also spelled Hovannes or Hovanes is Armenian for John. (Compare with Ioannes in Greek or Johannes in Latin.) People with the given name: Hovhannes Bagramyan (1897–1982), Soviet Armenian military commander and Marshal of the Soviet Union.

That's because the leather-faggots only like beta gays as servants or as quick fucks, but the behavior of the beta wears on them and they scare the beta bitches off with abuse. Here's a strong, self made tradesman in his expensive gear and his tough hard drinking hard fighting friends in similar trades, with his house fully owned/hand built, and the only thing he needs a twink for is taking out his frustrations upon, because they're fucking worthless calories like their namesake, the Twinkie.

Not a healthy relationship at all. Like a woman except there's no reason to keep him, there's a thousand others like him everywhere. use him until he's unwashably dirty, then change out for another. Like a diaper.
These weaklings hate masculinity and have admitted to filling their diets with soy products and drinking from BPA bottles in addition to hormones to look as twinkly as possible. They Nair their entire bodies so its as smooth as possible, like a baby's skin, for man-babies they are. So why would a man's man, a mechanic, or derrick worker or firefighter, or HVAC installer, an Aryan, in his costly, tailored leather want anything to with or see common cause with these pajama niggers? Do you know why the Leather Scene is white? The high cost of everything keeps welfare trash out, but not the Jews. The Folsom street fair is run,organized, and promoted by Jews. Proof→

In summary, Theres a massive backlash against these soy faggots coming, its just that people are too comfy to do anything about it other than splitting them open and making them cry for their mommies.

how stupid are atheists and pagans and jews?

heil'd and checked

I used TinEye, here's what I got.

Look at these pics of based aryan Matt Heimbach…

No wait, that's Eliezer Yudkowsky - my bad!

Explain this to me. The nose, ears and lies behind the eyes give it away. How does eye shape determine a kike?

Wow the Renegay kikes are literally using NYT comments as proof. How lower can that kike coal burning roastie whore (((Sinead))) and her betacuck followers fall?

Matt Heimbach? I mean…Matt Heimbach is fine by me. Looks h'white to me. How are YOU with Matt Heimbach?

I'm OP and I'm not a Rentagay. In fact, Kyle Hunt is a pretty obvious deep cover intelligence agent.

Oops, I mean [[[Kyle Hunt]]].

Here we go again lads

Speaking of secret societies and blackmail.



Jared Taylor is a good man. Why do you have to attack him and his Aryan wife?

You know. On second glance, his skin is looking rather brown and his mouth area rather defined.

How did you get those secret pictures of the Wolves of Vinland in action?

Well, his actual first name is Samuel, after all, even though he goes by his middle name instead.

OK fair enough. I don't even like TWP they sound like commies or (((Strasserists))) give too much emphasis on things like 'economic justice' and use marxist terminology. But accusing someone of being a kike without evidence is a very jewy thing to do. Attack their message.

This and his father likes Chuck Schumer, and has a Jewish newspaper as his go-to news source.IIRC hes pro Israel too, being a Christian and being bound to not curse the Jews or be cursed himself.

Fuck off (((Moarpheus))) you retarded nigger. I don't endorse your comment and autistic shilling. All I said is that TWP is too left wing for me. Doesn't mean they are kikes. Provide real evidence.

I misspelled his name in the OP. The name is "Hovater," not "Horvater."


You sure? Because Ive never heard of the guy and when I titled those files "hovator face" its because I misread it. Not sure if you got it from me spelling it wrong lol

>half the thread is talking about (((TRS))) instead

>half the thread is talking about (((TRS))) instead
That is because you fuckers keep coming back. You specifically stick out so much you might as well get a tripcode

So is this "Tony Hovater" person the "Nazi" from the sticky who was fired from his job?

That's exactly what he is and you can even see it in his face. He looks like a car salesman.

He's running for some position in New Carlisle. What could be a better way to get your name out there than to false flag a personal catastrophy?

This is a bullshit thread anyway, there's absolutely nothing to support the claim that he's Jewish. Just another shill thread so that anons do nothing to stop leftycucks from singling us out and attacking us. Similar to how every time a white woman is killed or raped by a nigger they're all alleged coal burners that deserve it and thus don't necessitate our support or venegeance or anything that would conceivably make anons do something besides sit and whine.

True. It's just so damn hard to bring myself to trust groups like the "Traditionalist Worker Party". I really don't want to get Tavistock'd.

Yes, it's the same LARPing Jew.

Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean, JewGAINator.

Yeah, except for his ugly Jewish rat face and German surname.

Such an underrated post. This should be stickied instead of the thread thread defending them tbh.

God damn. I hadn't seen that first .webm before. What a greasy little piece of shit. This makes me seriously question everything that Heimbach says on his podcast every fucking day.

he has upturned eyebrows that remind me of Temple of Set high priest, also high ranking NSA officer at Camp Williams UT, Lt Col Michael A. Aquino

man it's almost like I never left cuckchan

Holy shit, I have that nigger on Faceberg. Welp, not anymore now that I've seen this.

>being friends with any niggers/non-Whites on any platform
Castrate yourself.

Well of course I'm not. I'm using the term nigger in the generic chan sense, you double nigger.


Rumor has it that Andrew Anglin's mother, Kathryn Lynn Anglin, was "rescued" by his con-artist father from a life as a… ahem

All I'm saying is that AA really, really doesn't want people to talk about her (he has no problem with people talking about the rest of his family, in particular his father).

Why is he hiding his mother from the internet?

There is a logical explanation as to why Andrew has a "thing" for never attacking anyone's mothers. There's a reason he's so defensive about this issue.

Perhaps Holla Forums should investigate what Kathryn was (is?) doing during the nights.

I'll admit to having watched lots of porn in my life. (I don't anymore) And it strikes me that a lot of women are in it. We don't hear about it from acquaintances, but many of them know somebody. "Sex work" is not uncommon. Most whores/pornwhores have a "normal" job in addition to… y'know.

That's enough for today.

You should explain what it means that his dad is a conman:


And yes, it probably does make sense that his "how dare they attack X's mother" / "attacking mothers is something that you must never do" stuff stems from him having something to hide about Katie.

Now tell us, is it regular prostitution, porn, stripper, phone sex, or what?

Hey Cody! I'm happy you have found a significant other that is just as autistic as you are, best of luck to you kiddo.

that could be a B?

yup, you called it, although OP was a faggot and misspelled Hovater, hopefully that doesn't poison any research going forward.

hey thanks, still waiting on the autopsy photos.

not sure how to describe it, but they sometimes have a heavy upper eyelid, like they're sleepy or wearing eyeshadow, although it's not seen in all jews and can be seen in non-jews. A smooth philtrum is another common feature, a result of centuries of inbreeding, again not always present. Really you need to take complexion, nose, and ears into consideration as well. Also, it's common for jews to get a gift of plastic surgery on their bat mitzvah to seem more aryan, yael kushner for example. They also get more jewish looking with age.

and they say autism is a new thing


This. It’s basically ‘never do anything Hitler will come at the 11th hour, slander everyone else and do ANTIFA’s work for them’ shit.

Oh, hi Andrew, you son of a whore:

Shit thread. Shit topic. D&C. Everyone on this board should an hero except me

You know what? Do it. Fucking do it.

You are antifa. Take the cock out of your mouth.

Everyone is a honeypot it seems. Can you guys catch a break?

Your evidence is a single anonymous comment?

Welp, I'm convinced.

Hitler had a German surname. Guess he was jewish too.

You kikes are fucking retarded if you think anyone believes you.

One thing that puzzles me though, if kike Enoch was really a kike, why did that NY Post smear article on him (and his family) not mention that. One would expect his parents would have mentioned that, and they would have blown that part up real big.

lol why do you think Jew York Times even allowed this comment?
are you blind?

Because they're in on the conspiracy obviously. Any hanging threads are just the fact that more and more people are in on this massive singular conspiracy of genetics, and were it not perfect, they'd have found direct evidence out of a whistleblowing intern, or some sort of middle-man, or even the organization themselves because proving someone is impure is what media does anyway, and the fact that they haven't isn't proof that they couldn't, it's that they ARE, and the New York Times is hiding it.
And it's all just to spite you, to pull the wool over your eyes from the true revelation of the idea that everyone is controlled opposition and you have no people to lead you, and you need to stay on the internet and shitpost and that will save you from the brown hordes. Because that is a good way to spend MILLIONS, rather than just accelerating things or being direct, it's that every organization is playing 64d chess while also being so asinine as to get memed out of their own fake news slander.

Because his jewish family denied it? In the article, his father says they still love him, and the stepmother specifies that they aren't jewish in a way that just seems a little awkward.

Here's a better question: if he's not jewish, why did he claim to be on multiple occasions?

Stupid kikes can't even do math right. Fuck off to the Thai Fuck Shack where your anti-white ass belongs..

I've said it before on here, there's no way that shit happened, the Mauser pistol is a plant story that fits because muh Nazi peestol.

Before whom? Also, no, exposing Andrew Anglin's sex worker mother for what she is shouldn't – and won't – "backfire," because AA is nobody without his fanboys.

Literally WHO?
One drop rule, anyway, for the retards itt.

le bump

I got pretty disillusioned with them when I saw them accept the Derrick guy into TWP.

YESSS! TRSodomite ((((((alt kike)))))) eternally BTFOOOOO…. celebrate with me, fellow nationalists!


hate to rain in on your parade m8, but Marx died in 1883

Andrew Anglin's Mother Was A Prostitute

That's when the letter was printed in Revue de Paris, a Rothschild owned publication, not when it was written.

Except that Aquino is a man of reflection and integrity while person in question is a …


looks like Michael A. Aquino - those eyebrows


Maybe if you werent such a faggot zionist negrophile, we wouldnt have problems. Controlled opposition doesnt count, and we dont need a neo-white movement.