Announced today, Prince Harry will marry Ameri-mutt Meghan Markle.
How could it have been any worse? How do the britbongs feel about this? Is this the final jewish nail in England's coffin? Britannia is terminally pozd now.
The Royal Family has no power anymore anyway. If they do, they have just conceded it all to Parliament and the banks. This is purely political, a play for the masses to demoralize us further.
Brody Thompson
Well at least he's not in line for the throne, and it's not like his brother will be riding into battle and giving up the Crown through recklessness. Hard to imagine old Liz being ok with it…
Christopher Parker
Bullshit they have power in their pizza connection, Harry is always throwing the devil horns and hand-in-shirt up. This was probably arranged from on high to further cement race mixing propaganda, don't think that one prince has power, but the family do, and they're using it to Jew us…quelle suprise.
Isaiah Morris
wew, worst than I thought. I wonder what (((compelled))) him to do that? the black mail video must be extra heinous
Xavier Taylor
Subtle shill thread. Report for "Amerimutt"
Jordan Edwards
Lad, you haven't even reached level 1 of jew awareness.
Isaiah Green
"Kill them all"
Adrian Scott
How is Amerimutt incorrect? She's literally a mutt from America.
Nicholas Peterson
> I wonder what (((compelled))) him to do that? He is just playing a role and setting an example for the goyim, expect to hear from every leftist outlet "when inter-racial relationships are good enough for the royals, why do White men still resist forming these beautiful unions?" It's all a show, an act, a pantomine, stop believing that "the news" has anything to do with real events.
Jacob Cruz
Brandon Price
It was never anything else, OP. A family of cryptokike baby-eaters that we'd be better off without.
Blake Gray
He has enough years to decide who he wants to marry. it is his wife after all..
it is not like you would have to live with here..he will live with here. If she is impossible to live with than it is his problem.
Sebastian Sullivan
The Amerimutt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a nigger, faggot, kike, Mexican, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an Amerimutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Benjamin Allen
a former neonazi prince marrying someone like that damn, those mongrels reall need fresh blood dont they?
Jayden Ross
youre not even a nation.
Lincoln Rodriguez
America: The Great Melting Pot™
Josiah Perry
this is what happens when you marry americans
Robert Watson
That's just comical. Alrighty then screw the royals, completely unrecoverable. Kiwi here, hey Canada, Straya, feel like rebelling against the crown with us? Think the yanks had it right all along.
Thomas Sanders
Read past the first sentence you massive faggot.
Eli Cox
Oh my god that reads like a fucking Holla Forums joke or something. What the fuck, Harry?
Top. Cuck.
Ayden Perry
She's not an American, though. She's a sheboon.
Nicholas Harris
It's worse than that she's half nigger and she's used goods since she's been married before
Jacob Thomas
Go back to reddit. reported
Colton Morgan
lolbertarian detected
Gavin Jenkins
Oh god, we meme'd too hard with all that KANGZ shit.
Thomas Myers
Canada here, I've been obsessing over this very thing for some time. I know that ethnonationalism is the only thing that can save our societies. In Canada in particular I think convincing the masses that we at least need nationalism would be a step in the right direction. None of our establishment parties are even remotely nationalist. We need some kind of revolution, Hitler-style or 1776-style
Christopher Bailey
Has Liz run out of free kills or something?
Charles Gray
I think the ole' gal has one or two more to cash in
Colton Williams
Edward VII
Sebastian Sanders
Are you retarded? since when is pol suposed to be pro-monarchy?
Henry Cook
Your shitty halfchan trolling techniques won't work here, retard.
Mason Wood
I'm okay with the concept of a monarchy, if well executed it can work quite well. If we had a proper warrior-king with the balls to take over by force and excise the kikes I'd accept him as king.
Brayden Wilson
She's from Africa and Israel, and needs to go back there. At any rate you're using shitty cuckchan D&C memes, knock it off.
Nathaniel Lopez
Are you intentionally trying to make it obvious you're d&c kikes fresh off the boat from cuckchan? If so, good job
Oliver Jackson
Its a raid, just report each individual post until the mods wake up. They respond to numbers. Theres no one left here that doesnt know anti-white D&C gets you banned.
Sebastian Adams
Waste of trips. Monarchy inevitably leads to degeneracy. A King is good, but his children should never inherit.
Angel Lee
The only problem with a Canadian racewar is that large numbers of innocent whites would die for being the only people in the countryside. I read a quote by Rockwell the other day, maybe I should go and get it since I couldnt find the last quote I was pushing by someone else.