"Whites are moving back to Inglewood. There goes our neighborhood."

Whites move out of town = "White Flight"
Whites move in to town = "Gentrification"
http:/ /beta.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-kaplan-inglewood-gentrification-20171126-story.html

Other urls found in this thread:


Well yeah, they would prefer we ceased to exist instead of moving anywhere. They've always been very clear on that point.

Inglewood might stop being an ape-filled slum? OY VEY IT'S LIKE ANUDDAH HOLOCAUST

Time to build more nigger housing in Inglewood

Oy vey, goyim. I am white, Jewish to be precise.

Whites aren't allowed to have neighbourhoods without it being "problematic" or having people whine "Ugh, it's soooo white here". Why should blacks have their own neighbourhoods? Besides, a lot of them bitch that white neighbourhoods have it better than them - they should be jumping for joy that they're now going to be closer to whitey again.

Don't you get it? All our problems are because of whitey, he's literally a seed of satan. They take from us and the pigs kill us so whitey can have nice neighborhoods. Don't understate our struggle.

What the fuck have you memed with those digits, user…

I don't know, but it's definitely Kek mocking us.

You damn fool.

I didn't choose this fate

(((Whites))) are moving into Inglewood
Remember Gentrification is a tool of the Jew to get money


>By (((Erin Aubry Kaplan)))
Holla Forums, it is all so tiresome. When can we put Kappy the Kike's head on a pike?

She not a kike, just a nigger who has a kike oil drilling her
Worst thing in the article was when she said Jews are white

I wonder what it's like belonging to a race of neurotic ratpeople who spend all day, everyday whining and complaining about Whitey?

They will never stop. Ever. The nigger will never stop nigging us, the jew will never stop jewing us, directing all their destruction at me and you ad infinitum. Forever.

I'm noping the fuck out of a future where these people exist. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are not possible when your society is overrun with adversaries hell bent on your destruction.

No fate but what we make. Time to secure a future.

Literally Everytime

How do liberals even explain why white flight is bad? I thought they hated whites so much so why do they not want them to leave?
I of course realise that niggers and kikes NEED whites to survive but I'm wondering what kind of loopholes they go through to justify this while still being anti-white.

Yep. The name (((Kaplan))) gave it away even before then. People of agitprop.

That would be white flight from life. They just want you close enough that they can mug and rape you, but don't want Police to stop them from doing this, or for you to build nice things they can't afford with the money they took from you.

Then don't fucking attempt it.




The real reason why white flight and Gentrification is considered bad is because they want whites in lowest ghetto without any improvement while the jews profit

Decorating trees isn't the worst idea for how to approach life in coontown. Maybe we can all just get along peacefully. :^)

I would kill a black and go through an exhaustive public legal process before being technically acquitted but treated as a de facto felon with regards to employment forever, just to slightly improve my neighborhood. If there were any niggers in it.

I…never realized this before.

Ah I see, since he was a subversive kike he fit right in with the negro population, just like in the old days.

gentrification and white flight would not exist if there were no black areas of America.

t. fbi


I wasn't talking about the real reason though, I already know about it, I was asking about what buzzwords liberals use to explain why it is bad. Since they are anti-white it must be a good thing for them that whites leave their ghettos but apparently not.


The lack of self-awareness is unreal. This is what bluepill whites have been saying about token niggers in their own neighborhoods for decades… yet that's rayciss.

Because when whites leave the money leaves with them. Whites pay taxes. Whites take care of their neighborhoods. Businesses don't stick around when an area goes to shit.

It would be a different story if only enough whites stuck around to pay for the schools, roads and fund the police department. I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with that. In fact, I'm sure that's exactly what liberals would want.

Niggers on the other hand honestly believe that a nice house and good school is a gift white people get for just being white. This is where the animosity stems from. They can't wrap their low IQ heads around the fact that whites work for everything they have, participate in their local governments, pay taxes, and keep up with their properties so that they don't turn to shit.

In turn they also believe that living in filth is a punishment for simply being born negro. Someone did that to them. The correlation between action and consequence is completely lacking.



Whites do it.
Everything whites do is bad.
Ergo: it's bad.

t. Aristotle

How is gentrification bad again?
Tyrone who sits on his ass all day can't get enough gibs to pay for the new apartment?

a sample conversation, didn't actually happen

Let's keep it up boys, take back our homelands!

Burning the midnight menorah?

Polite sage.

Heiled those digits

< I is gunna be wif da cracka in a minute

Liberals hate gentrification so much, yet they fuel it knowingly. In LA county especially this is pricing beaners out of the area into San Bernardino. My mother's neighborhood growing up that used to be all white aerospace workers looks like TJ with barred windows. The sweeping brush of gentrification is coming down from right up the street though and it will be white again by the time we host the Olympics here. Heil Victory.

The memes write themselves

I think they meant to write that Ape Town has been "circumcised."



So why is gentrification bad again?

Damned if we do, damned if we don't. Let's just ship em all back to Liberia already like Honest Abe wanted while he's still one of the most popular presidents.

This logic makes no sense.
So it was a white neighborhood before the late 60's, then it became a black neighborhood, now it's turning back into a white one but suddenly they're "stealing" it from the blacks living there?
What fucking sense does that make? The whites could easily have said the same thing about what they did.

because niggers hate white people, kikes hate white people, and they both want white people to no longer exist

muh ghettos mugfugga
we cant be trappin or any o dat shiet with wypipo round

Every fucking time.

Cost of rent. If you aren't working in construction or tech you don't earn a living wage and need cheap housing.
t. weakfag/poorfag


No, you will still only be able to afford to live in a shitty neighborhood and be forced to move. Either you don't work or you aren't (relatively)poor.

So you're forced to move from one shitty neighborhood to another shitty neighborhood? The horror, the absolute horror.

Lets swap the wording, shall we?
"Blacks are moving back to Inglewood. There goes our neighborhood."

One of these gets you fired from your job, may be considered hate speech, and may get you called a racist till the end of your days. Which could it be?

No shit. We live in a civilization based on abusing and milking the white race, a society based on dispossessing us, and requiring us to fund it at the same time.

This is what the Allies fought for in WW2, this is their reward.

There is no need for the "no shit". It was meant in a sarcastic way, i.e. "well shit, I wonder if this is hypocrisy."

Yes, there is a need for the no shit. We don't need to beat the same dead horse over and over again. The double-standard isn't actually a double-standard because they hate white people and racist is a word that just describes white people. There's no such thing as black racists or jewish racists because the word racist was invented to describe normal white men.

It's not hypocrisy, it's a race war and the other side knows it.

Moving costs money and time.

It's because they believe in the tabula rasa.

They believe that the magical pixie dust that makes Whites successful will rub off onto the spics and transmogrify them into magical-bean people that will be as good as better than the Whites at everything but that the evil mean White people are making up stories about spic crime gangs leaving bodies in their yards because they want an excuse to leave with their pixie-dust because they don't want the magical-bean people to form because they're racist.

>4000 a month chipboard horror box apartments by (((developer)))

>Gentrification is (((whites))) moving back in.
Correct. Her Jewish husband is the very cause of this. And she is too stupid, too short-of-memory, and too schizophrenic to realize it. and other investment/inflation jews, are the ones that are driving the prices up. She was married to central bank / infinite printing press dollars. She is getting fucked by kikes in literally more ways than the very fake 'news' confabulation stories the kikes pay her to write about in Le Race War Progressive Journals. She is also contributing to the loss of her specific skin color while she simultaneously claims to be for it, just as she unwittingly is their pawn to throw all crossbreeds under the bus in systematic clockwork.

It's not hypocrisy, it's a race war[, always has been a race war, always will be a race war] and the other side knows it.

Englewood isn't become gentrified because whites, Mexicans pushed out all of the blacks. The black population of California is only 6% now. They are leaving in droves because dumb niggers can't compete with Mexican gangs

Polite sage for who gives a fuck.

Let's ship them all to the afterlife.

Lemme explain the process to you:

Healed. I work literally right down the street from the coffee place in denver that was in the news last week for its gentrification sign, hearing my managers and coworkers discuss gentrification was both hilarious and rage inducing in their absolute dogmatic espousing of the average marxist current year thoughts parroted by the electric tv box. These vapid faggots complain about gentrification being bad whilst simultaneously believing the same things the gentrifiying soyboys and Connie faggots do

Oh ffs heiled*

Compared to a literal slum.

The fuck are they doing?

Let them know what DHS and FEMA have planned…



I'd rather see whites take back over Lakewood and Long Beach. There's a lot of really nice neighborhoods around there that have slipped as beaners moved in.

Stop saying "gentrification", it literally means GENTILE-ification.

What do you prefer we say?
Aryanfication sounds a bit more like a genetic modification program.

On an unrelated note:

thank you, so very very much :)
gibsme culture about to be rekt.


Just a reminder that no matter what you do, whether you move or stay put, people hate you just for being white.

Why did the Mexicans take over Inglewood and move the blacks out?

Ohhhhh…you sneaky black shiksa, you. You thought you could just slip that in there and get away with it, huh? Not on Holla Forums's watch, you cunt

That's exactly what happened there. Except remember gooks and chinks are honorary jews and buy up the land the kikes destroyed as well.

This reminds me of of the first (((cybersquatting))) case, where Kaplan bought princetonreview.com, their main competition.

Counterpoint: If we're not pulling the trigger on every nigger, they have to live somewhere. Now I'd prefer that to be a prison, but a ghetto (which is all all niggerhoods turn into anyways) is good too. Or would you have them among lower-class whites?

that photo is fake you fucking goober

Corrections, Jews and subhumans hate you. These are not peoples.

This is exactly what is happening. Property values are about to go up because the new $2 billion NFL stadium is being built in Inglewood. Gotta get the niggers out so the businesses and luxury apartments can move in and whites can go to their sportsball games without having to drive through a war-zone.

Why is that trash not in a rolly bin? That'll fuck up the grass and attract scavengers.