Britain YES!

Prince Harry is now engaged to some ugly mystery-meat half-breed. He's literally about to take the centuries of good breeding that produced the royal family and flush it all down a nigger toilet. Although he's not directly in line for the throne (next is Charles and then William then William's kids) there is still a very real possibility that in the future, someone with monkey-blood could ascend to the throne of England and become the head of state of the Commonwealth of Nations.

We Whites need to stop pretending that the talking monkeys of Africa are our equals. They're not and never wil be. Every nigger in the Western world should be rounded up and sent back to Africa so that they can scatter over the plains and roam freely with the other niggers in their natural habitat.


Other urls found in this thread:

Wtf are you on about, his mother was a Goldsmith, ergo he is a jew.
What good breeding?

Did you forget Princess Di was racemixing with a sandnigger? The royal family genes were clearly already fucked up prior to this.

Do you have any idea where you are?

Harry's the son of a stable boy m8. Left is Diana's husband Charles, middle her son Harry and right the man she was having an affair with.
t. britpol

Symbolically speaking, it is a terrible thing and fairly obvious it is part of a larger push to get white men to breed with blacks and other mystery meat. You have Serena getting with some guy that is billed as white when he is far from it, Obama's daughter getting with a white guy, and now you have this. This is not only part of a phase to destroy the white home, but also create infighting within the white community since we often get on women for race-mixing while doing little to push back against men flushing their genes down the toilet with their race-mixing. Ignoring this is just going to blow up in our faces.

And leave it up to Holla Forums to ignore this. This is why this shit will continue to happen and why white women will utterly turn on white men and be somewhat justified in doing so. Bloody hell the state of this board.

(((Cultural Enrichment Intensifies)))
Mommy had jungle fever too.

Hey, isn't that a bridge too far? If a prince can't make his own judgment, who can?

every time

It really angers me when I see people in amazing situations royally (no pun intended) fuck things up when they should be a slam dunk.

He's the mascot for whatever globalist cause (((they))) want to promote.

He's the younger son who will never be King, and a bastard (everyone knows it). He may be a literal prince, but he's a shit tier prince.

I'm not wrong. White women would be right to be angry that nothing is being done to shame white men for race-mixing. As I said before, the state of this board.

too many white women these days are getting blacked to care about their own men, so stop white knighting them, simp

It's like the queen's christmas speech: At this time of year it is essential that we retain good cheer as we spend time with our family… and harry. Also nice dub-dubs criminally unchecked.

Harry is the offspring of an adulterous whore. He was nothing about good breeding.

One thing you can't call the monarchy is "good breeding". Reseach Haemophilia. The royalty are a bunch of inbreds.


The English aristocracy hasn't been English since 1066 anyway.

She deserved to be offed for so many reasons.

I don’t like miscegenation any more than you do, but, there’s a select few (((families))) in the world that I wouldn’t mind seeing fall and wallow in their own shit… and this is one.

Fuck this race trading cunt, 1488 revolution now.


Any white who makes a brown child will get the rope yes this includes men but if you were from around here you'd already know that wouldn't you

They don't even look like him at all. White betas really are easy to lead by the nose.




Thread should have ended here, what the fuck are ya'll even discussing anymore???

They're all inbred as fuck. They literally believed in marrying each other to keep the bloodlines pure

Dubs have spoken

aliens are real

I still don't know why people are so upset that "betas" who "cant even get women" and that "no women even wants to be with" are hooking up with chinks,specs and nigs. In your own logic they are dead ends anyways and not "alpha" so why even get upset at it? Why care about Britbongstan, that place is worse then the U.S. now. Anyways, the more Betas that breed with subhumans then the more Alphas have a pick of them good white women. Soon every Alpha can have harems of white women to breed with. I just cant figure out how these guys will support all the kids and women yet unless they go on welfare.


The average white guy seems to not care about his own "beta" whites. By the alphas logic the weak betas should not be cared about.

Men that would have died off because of crappy genes and autism can now import asian brides and have a bunch of hapa sons that will shoot up the alpha's children in school.

it's not just betas hooking up with mudbloods. the brainwashing runs deep and meanwhile they flood our countries with easy brown women to tempt us. it's our responsibility to discourage shit behavior and encourage good behavior. DOTR and belittlement are the discouragement, helping them better themselves and find white women is the encouragement.

thanks for that one

Have you read nothing of the English monarchs good breeding pfft

Not everyone in a society is supposed to be an alpha. Not everyone is supposed to be a leader, and every leader needs followers. Betas used to get second pickings, and then they'd produce beta kids, who would follow and assist the alpha's kids. It was a good system. Your world view results in nothing but a minority of alpha whites, who somehow have to figure out how to get shit done with nothing but nig nogs and fresh air to work with.

Amazing how you can trace some of these "evolved" back to their roots.

Check out the newfag.

If the alpha children don't take after their dads then they are not alpha. If they cannot survive the world and the hordes of third worlders then they are to weak. This has happened throughout all of history so the alphas will survive. Like i said why care about the beta dead ends?

The strong alpha male with his strong mind will resist. Let the betas be washed out in bloodlines because they are dead ends anyways. This will allow the alphas to know who are the mudbloods just by looks alone. Why are you trying to save the dead end betas and the failed alphas?
This wont work because alphas never help anyone but themselves. This is the logic they live by. If you cannot provide for yourself and get many women your self then you are lost and are a waste on society.

I'm just preaching what the alpha mind believes, im just saying what they see as the ideal world. Betas are useless tot hem as alphas feel they do not need betas because it will allow them more resources. This is what has been pushed in their mindset. Betas also become cucks since they only get second pickings. So why should betas change into something like an alpha who always gets first? Betas have no loyalty to a king who hordes all the wealth.

Kek please tell me she really said this.

Already mad years ago at these fake European royals

*good inbreeding

You sound like a kike.

Try to respond with something more then a nigger-jab at me next time. It's ten words or more to earn your shitposting shekel. Remember this is a discussion board.

You heard it here first folks, if you cannot withstand bullets too the face you are beta. Fragile happas have been shooting up unarmed teenagers all throughout history!

You sound leftypol now for trying to twist the meaning. Yes people and halfbreeds have been starting wars and attacking others throughout history. Only the strong recover and survive and the weak die. This is the alpha creed and if you didn't teach your kids self defense then you failed them to live in a world where they think they are totally protected. Welcome to reality bubble boy.


Nigger I live in South Africa calling me a bubble boy is laughable. I have actually faced gun violence, I was making fun of you for being unrealistic idealistic even though I do agree with your statement " Only the strong recover and survive and the weak die. "

Even if shitskins have been attacking us all throughout history, self defense usually means life in imprisonment or removal from the school system if you call out your enemy. We are not at our strongest and willfully surrounding yourself with your enemies and then letting your fucking children die is no justification for might is makes right, stupidity can and should be avoided.

buddy you shouldn't have to teach your kids how not to get fucking shot in their own school where they're supposed to be safe because of rabbi finkelstein fucking everything up.


are you trollin me nigga?
have you seen the british royal family?
those are centuries of inbreeding with kikes
even back then before kikes took them over they were nothing but lazy edonist blobs of lards who put personal hygiene at the bottom of their priority list
lady diana was sacrificed to charles so that their blood would not turn to shit


Well no fucking wonder your post is kiked to the core.


Kill yourself /r9k/ scum.

You seem obsessed with this alpha/beta abstraction. It's a useful lens but you've clearly swallowed too many TheRedPill™s at once. My prescription is lurk 2 more years or click the home button and stay there


Hoo boy, he may as well commit suicide, women of both sides will not even bother with him.

Fun fact: the original link to the video that I had bookmarked 404ed as it has been removed because of hate speech.


That first picture, disgusting.

Write a coherent post and you might earn one.

Good breeding?
He's not even related to the Queen. Or at least thats what many believe.
Not that it would matter as the House of Windsor may perhaps be better called by their true name: the House of Saxburg-Gotha.
His mothers infidelity possibly resulting in children with a more legitimate claim to the throne than the current occupant, assuming she had the good sense to engage in coitus with a fellow native and not some wealthy arab.

Based monarchies.


All niggers face violence so you will since you live on that nigger continent. It's so funny how you try to separate yourself from being one of the kikes that support and enable the niggers there. "But but i was BORN here it's my land to now!" So being born in a sewer makes you a rat or a piece of shit like the rest of the sewer dwellers. Stop trying to turn where shit is stored into something other then what it is.

Welcome to the new world jackass. I'm not keeping my head in the sand like most liberals do. Home school your kid or keep watching them die, this is not a white world anymore.

I'm pointing out how its a subversion tactic. Most of the "alpha" memes are nigger tier meaning niggers can easily adapt it to them. The term alpha today is just another "mah dick!" meme that destroys white culture. Also a lot of the "Red Pill" movement has been subverted by E-celebs.

One off from your ten words minimum, no shekels for you.

The Anglosphere is doomed unless there is a national socialist revolution in the UK. Only if the UK joins the cause will there be any hope.


It's gonna be a weird baby.

Oy vey.

Its amazing how much power the Jews have all around the world. The Jews were the true victors of WW2.

what better way to seduce a nog?

Waking up every day next to a funky monkey must mean he is punishing himself for something.

I'm surprised it hasn't been brought up yet, but over the holiday and even before, I'm noticing that more and more commercials are starting to use couples made up of white (or (((white)))) males with mystery-meat or light skinned nigger women.

really nigger

Y'all know she's knocked up, right?

You can see it in the pictures.

Dude looks like he's looking for an exit in every pic.

If she's knocked up and showing (which women don't do until ~3 months of pregnancy) why would they wait until Spring to get married?

Did you see their interview? She definitely wears the pants and leads him in conversation.
I'll give it a few years tops.

Buying time for an "accident" to happen?

I feel bad for the guy cos he got in to this situation as another one of his rebellious little outbursts and I think after getting his way it's clicked that his family were watching out for him… and he's totally fucked and can't back out now.

If by 'accident' you mean the birth, then yeah, until Spring would be enough time for it

Royal double dubs checks.
It was more concerning that his mother, Diana was set to give him a muzzie half brother if she lived through the car accident tbh.

I think the user probably means "accident" in the "Princess Diana" sense.

I know what he meant

What a crying shame, he looked so handsome too. Almost passes for Roger Moore in that first pic.

Either you're retarded or wilfully ignorant. Probably both.

Megan Markle Exclusive Prince Harry Proposed To Me By Throwing Fried Chicken At Me

Man up you little bitch.

You missed my point and you have the comprehension of the native niggers around you. Stop developing niggerland liek the kikes want you to.

It'll also lead to more of the lesser races seemingly white so that the normalfag doesn't mind them. Think of how Jews went from ugly abominations even a normalfag could notice to the type that a normalfag will believe when he says "My fellow white person".

Bitch is lying and says it's from drinking 40's.

You have the numbers for that? Bring out the numbers for the men as well while you're at it so we can see where the real problem lies then. Because I am beginning to see more and more white men race-mixing than white women. Women deserve to be hounded n this issue but so do the wannabe pro-whites who are helping genocide along. The sheer amount of excuses being tossed around simply after being called on your shit is fucking telling.

Except these fuckers are ignored. Except this shit is given a pass around here. This shit has been pushed for years now, with the number of mixed showing some effect yet it continues to be ignored. That said, seeing how some are acting about this, making excuses, I can see how things got to this point.

It's alarming as fuck. Even more alarming is that some people here want to ignore it and then act surprised when it goes too far.

Pretty terrible idea.

Checked. Bitch looks like she got punched really heard in the face.

This is because of the Chad alpha meme. As long as you "don't have kids" with the dub humans its OK to fuck them. Think is white men are skipping the last step and having kids because you know, alphas spread their genetics or some shit. Welcome to the results of the push in media and culture of the "Chad".

sure smells /r9k/ in here

We're already against race mixing. What solution do you barely coherent faggots propose?

The culture of the European peoples is based on a
foundation created by the influence of Nordic blood over the course
of thousands of years. As soon as the last remains of this Nordic
blood are eliminated, the face of European culture will change; the
worth of the states will diminish in relation to the declining worth of
the peoples.
- Adolf Hitler

I would rather die alone and be buried next to my video game collection than end up like DeNiro.


that kid is so god damn ugly

Doesn't bother me. Remember: the "royals" began to interbred with Internationalist Jews centuries ago.

Yup. That's a subhuman.

Wew. You're running out of excuses chaim.

And yet we have threads filled with people literally celebrating it and making excuses for it. That's the problem.

Hi D&C shill

Requesting Prince Harry Antichrist image.

oy vey don't say anything bad about Anglos.

The fall must be complete since that can only be the fate for the host who has betrayed the blood. Much can be taken in this life. Hel was not kind to Prince Ænnry either, who met his fate 7 miles from the town.

Now's a good time to re-open up the debate on ending the monarchy. Kick Harry off the royal welfare. There's nothing special about his blood. He can get a real job.

Hilarious article written by a jewess projecting her desire for a niggress kikess hybrid.

He and his regular person bride not chosen by any god to rule the kingdom can move into non-royal palaces.

Not this fucking shit. Being a world citizen (or global citizen) is a joke, and is really just a cover for someone advocating for a commie one world government/open borders. When I was in university I noticed that this meme was being pushed around; mostly in non-STEM classes, amnesty and multicultural clubs, and by the administration. That last one especially, a repeated mission statement by the administration and faculty was the commitment to develop students as world citizens. You could join a club or learn a new language or study abroad, which aren't bad on a surface level, but it attracts the worst ideals and the worst people. The hardcore lefties inevitably set up a politically correct standard for discourse on campus, and not a week would go by without someone stirring up pointless tantrums. Amnesty groups on campus would get funding and do nothing with it, threaten other groups on campus and use the administration to strong-arm them if they step out of line, and generally do nothing but cause trouble in the name of diversity and tolerance. To them, being a world citizen means abolishing nations, hierarchy and order, and losing all cultural identity by being a one race of mud people.

What an ideal world citizen should be is someone who is well traveled and well-versed in foreign affairs; who appreciates different races, nations, and people for what they have to offer. Not some walking genetic garbage can who has nothing to his name, let alone a country or a home.

Figure this is as good as a place as any to ask this.

Can someone give me the lowdown on Diana? I know she was a cheating whore that had an illegitimate child, as well as fucking muslims. Why was she so loved then, was it just dumb normal fags with muh royalty?

What about the CIA/Mossad angle I heard in her death? Something along the lines of her being greenlighted to get axed due to potentially polluting the bloodline with a muzzie mongrel? If so, why is Harry being allowed to do so? I would imagine to promote multicult, buy why not let Diana do so 30 years earlier to speed up the process?

It's a fucking profile-view image and you can still see both of her warped chink eyes. I'm fucking dying.

The ideal monarch is an ubermench of superior blood (genetics). In reality monarchy is obsolete, national socialism is the future.

Re-education of whites "European descent" in alternative education sources.As of now Media is pushing the divide of the white race. When you look at other races they will pick their own over helping some one out of their bloodline and people. Whites used to have this but now we are so divided that we hate each other. We have been brainwashed to help everyone but ourselves and our fellow race. We are even called racists and fined for trying to help our own as other races can continue to only help their people and not be restricted. I've seen them set up their sons and daughters to wed well off families so they can grow in wealth and power as whites bicker by saying we should not do that because it takes sexual choice away. We have lost our unity and our family and all we want is to fight eachother.

I meant subhumans. But i'm pointing out a flaw to the whole "Alpha/Chad" meme push. It's a subversion meme made to weaken whites. Look more into it and you will see we are being pushed to behave with out thinking of the future.

Until Brits understand that the whites in the U.S. are their allies then yes they are Bongstans. There was and is a massive push to pit European and European decedents against each other. Again, I'm showing how they act in pushing their agenda but when you use logic you will see how flawed it is.

Monarchy bloodlines where spoiled long ago. Non of the genetics now hold any value and are flawed to the point where it will lead the public to fallow in degrading their own genes. But this has been the plan all along.

you realize princess di married in to the royal family right? shes charles ex wife?

and wtf OP are you talking about good breeding, do you mean inbreeding with jews for 50 generations?

So all Americans should leave America? Or Australians should leave Australia because of the abos? Fuck you, you traitorous piece of shit when we came here the land was largely inhabited. The bantu migration did not take place until later.

This is rightfully our land. Yes I was born here and Yes we fought and won so it makes it our land. BTW you completely twisted the original point or answer it at all and started insulting my nationality you and me personally are a slippery one and a dumb one at that.

It is a shame

The name of the game is whoever conquers the land deserves the land. The only real issue with the present day take over of immigrants (blacks + hispanics + arabs, etc.) is that they are taking over the land via a disgusting method. That method being making it so that the native populace doesn't wish to reproduce + reproducing a lot themselves (also, partaking in nepotism themselves, but deeming the native populace taking part in nepotism bad). It isn't an honorable method of war, or at least a method of war/conquer where it is clearly defined to all that (((these))) are the conquerers and these are whom they are attempting to conquer.

If it was infested by natives and over populated by them then yes, but its not.
Like i said all your doing is providing the niggers something to take over. Unless you wipe them out they will wipe you out. You never finished the final stage of colonization. Read a bit of history and stop acting retarded or like the native people your around.

As i see it now Europeans are spread to thin. We need a homeland that we can funnel resources into that we take from lesser nations. This is the solid building block of dominating other societies. This is what the third would is now doing to white countries. This is why you cannot have a "Homeland" in a place where the natives dominate, its a lost cause.

I literally told you about history you nigger then you tell me too read history? You are delusional arrogance Jesus.

Americans did not intentionally " wipe out" the natives it was happenstance because of our superior European genetics. South Africa was not over populated too this point a couple of decades ago, we also had the problem perfectly sorted out, but the internal world and (((they))) just had too fuck it up for all of us.

Subterfuge if our people only new or our leaders could openly talk about it something would change but (((they))) have ingrained themselves so much in power.


This is why you don't have centralized power. It always turns cuck in the end.

So not only they managed to slip kaffirs even into the heart of heart of Europe, they let them in by the main door with a literal red carpet?

her father is allegedly jewish, Oy vey.


Goodbye, "royal" family, you are now irrelevant (even more-so than you already were).

No true Brit will give a fuck about you any longer, as you are now miscegenating your way into not being British.
And I remember a time when Brits would get into fistfights if you disparaged the Queen.

Just how low can you fall?

I'm afraid this looks correct.
Blonde + redhead = redhead
Blonde + brown hair = brown hair.

It's not that simple.

In 90% of the cases, it is.
Red hair or blond will crop up randomly in families, but the general rule of thumb is:
Brown + brown = brown
Brown + red = brown
Brown + blond = brown
Red + blond = red
Red + red = red
Blond + blond = blond
Nigger + anything else = shit

You need the gene from both parents to get red hair. They don't have to actually have red hair for that to happen. Less common of course, but not at all unusual.




Show me how Americans had an intentional plan too genocide the natives

Says the guy living next too South America

I am white you goddamn dumbass. We were not a failed colony until the entire world decided too turn against us, our monetary system was stronger than the British pound, we had nuclear power, but you kikes decided too fuck us.

The red hair gene is recessive. You need it from both parents for it to present as a phenotype.


I take it back, after using my extensive experience of dealing with niggers and halfbreeds and reflecting on the shit you wrote, I realized this is most likely what you are. A nigger or a half breed might be a extremely dumb white person but I doubt it, sub 120IQ niggers should not be here

Niggers always talk like they are making some profound new revelation or some smart insight, while completely ignoring every single point you made previously. They always have a bit of the story but not quite a real understanding while using the right words sometimes they make no point other than an emotional appeal while pretending that they are in the know and you are ignorant but they cannot enlightened your ignorance.

I am really sorry for wasting anybody who has the displeasure of reading exchange's time.

Never mind the niggerness, Markle is a cryptokike.
Pic related from an article arguing how she's a jew. Sample text:
This why princes had arranged marriages for centuries. Edward I is turning in his grave.

Like i said your a goy, you help the kikes out by building up the nigger golems. No one will help because it will also help the golems once they take over "your" land. South America has pockets of whites and Germans. It's less pozzed then south Africa will ever be. It is still a massive problem but flow into north America can and has been restricted. But, one of the big problems is the restriction of whites to immigrate to the stares. This this is how you know if your working with enemy or helping them. If you help their hordes like you do or if you don't want to bring whites togather to form a stronger nation or people. You by stating "your a half breed" or "your not white!" is a simple thing brainwashed or kikes use to stop discussion when they are proven wrong. I will not attack you if your European bloodline descent, but i will attack you on your support for another race. You are supporting niggers by just being in their lands helping them develop it or developing it for them so they can take it over.


Hopefully Elizabeth will have Harry killed like his whore mother.


Eyes sockets are concave, bridge of nose extends outward from face
Eye sockets are convex producing protruding eyes, bridge of nose is concave, sitting behind the eyes

didn't mean to have the text just the laughing reaction image


Didn't mean to have the text just the laughing reaction image

lad George V is turning in his grave and has been since the 1930's
tbh there is two Englishmen alive today who are claimants to the throne of Britain
should throw a coup tbh


To their cousins

For Queen and country, please find that quote.

You didn't conquer shit and now you are educating them and sending them north to get "higher educations" in your homelands. Whites need to come togather and rebuild not try to go into third world countries. All that dose is open pathways for third worlders to invade. All you have is emotion like a good goy, you don't even think anymore. Where the fuck did your bloodline come from? Where the fuck did your descendants come from? Support where there is a massive population of whites and stop spreading the white race thin. But you know, keep fighting a war set up by the kikes that you wont win. The same shit will repeat because you are only a small extension broken off from something bigger. Your being set up to be an example to third worlders to attack the white race, if you cant see this set up then your lost.

My bloodline comes from Germany and Holland. They do not want us back.

I will not piss on all my ancestors who fought to get this land, I will not back down. I have 4 million white people living here with me, we were winning this war until the world turned against us, especially USA after we did your dirty work, I don' t remember the congressman name but he repeatedly pushed for sanctions against South Africa even after your President at the time said it was not necessary.

We were glorious and just because we are on the back foot now does not mean we will be forever.

Just so you know Mr. " South Africa is educating niggers and sending them too white homelands like Europe and USA" you are dead wrong America's niggers comes from way up in Africa, Somalia niggers in Sweden come from. . . Somalia. The list could go on.

US Zogbot intervention in countries they had no real reason to fight wars in is way more of contributing factor for immigration towards white countries under the guise of " humanitarian crisis or threats".

We are being set up too go down as a manifestation of the whites will too live and if we go down we will go down swinging, hopefully waking up Europa and USA in the process, but don' t count us out. You remember that almost 30 year war we were fighting against niggers? Less than 3000 of us died.

Boers fight for the fucking fun of it and we can handle ourselves against even the worst of odds.

You know absolutely nothing about South Africa, you have a predetermined notion inside your head, you refuse too change no matter how wrong you are proved, you conveniently ignore everything that does not fit your narrative. You consistently try and point too my shortcomings as a reason I cannot understand your masterful insights, with out being able too explain anything except for me being " unable too see it".

Going too filter you now, its like talking too a wall with predetermined responses Jesus Chirst.

Harry has no actual royal blood. His father was some army officer and his mother was a commoner as well.

Harry is fifth in line to the throne, i.e. literally nobody important. His marriage and children will have little to do with any official royal activities.

The fact that this guy could have stayed a playboy for at least another decade, and instead decided to marry a half-nigger divorcee who is older than him just shows that Harry is sort of an idiot. I foresee marital problems and divorce just like Prince Andrew and Fergie within five years.

Since you filtered me like leftistsliberals do, then ill screen cap this for future reference to show why people like you fail to understand the bigger picture.

Then you have the audacity too accuse other people of not getting the bigger picture. My IQ has been professionally tested at 157 but I just cannot keep up with your vast all knowing intellect.



Exactly. They don't give a fuck about this lineage anyways so they might as well get some free PR out of his life.

Funnily enough they helped him cheat in his exams at Eton. He still only got a D in Geography

The Romanovs had good breeding. Not perfect though. The young prince had haemophilia, also known as the royal disease, because of royal inbreeding.
As you know, these beautiful people were killed by the bolsheviks in the revolution.

Not the best faces I've seen but the two girls at the fair sides had quite lovely faces.

The mother at the back looked like a man in drag.

One red and one blonde (blonde is little or no brown pigmentation) gene produces the exceptionally rare copper blonde phenotype. Black hair pigmentation dominates all other forms of pigmentation.

Still better than this

Never said that "smart guy" i said you cant stay in niggerland. But as i said before just watch and see what happens. I can and have offered those whites to move to the northern U.S. where i own apartments they can live in and work on a Visa but you know, Whites in the U.S. are mutts and shit so why bother? Sometimes i think why do i try and worn my race, why do i try so hard? Then i look back at the ones i have helped and the ones i could not help "people like you" and remember at least im trying and making progress.
On a side note i have a few Brit friends that if shit hits the fan there they can bunker down here till things blow over. Yes stay and fight if you can but don't lose your family over it by keeping them in the warzone.

this, basically, monarchies are for cucks, if you shill for a monarchy as a pleb you are a good slave

This is like some shit I expect to read in a William Luther Pierce book, not fucking reality. Hardest I've ever laughed in years was me hearing about this. Also very depressing that things have gotten to this point.

I saw on the entertainment tonight or whatever shitty thing is on after abc news them talking about the engagement. The posted the pictures of what the kids could potentially look like and they said they were adorable.

They were fucking horrific, worse than de niro's kids. They were also trying to complain about Trump not congratulating them yet.

Not giving a shit about your own people is subhuman tier. I want to help the weak men you call "betas" to cast off the kike influences that make them weak so that they can raise traditional white families.

what he did mean by this

That species of monkey is actually from Southeast Asia as well.

One in the pink and one in the stink

First I saw and was like WTF?
So I saw and was like WTF? Really?
then I saw and my sides launched. OC Pic related

He was doing the same thing while posing with his sheboon fiance.


nothing masonic about his right hand, half-tucked revealing the devils horns, a twist on the master mason signal. nothing to see here, move along.

This. They started interbreeding with Jews since Cromwell, i.e. for almost 400 years.

It's the Baphomet sign. The sign of the androgynous being, whom the elite worship and attempt to emulate, as Christians attempt to emulate Jesus.

Because she is a he, like Melania.
Go to Youtube and search "Elite gender inversion" for a primer.
Melania is not Trump's wife, he is Trump's handler. Trump's hands are tiny because Trump is a woman.
All mockery of the masses, like the Weinstein psyop. The joke is that all of the accusers are men. Do you get it yet?

feels like a wasted effort, white men are a lot less likely to race mix and there aren't enough what some men would consider attractive black women in the universe for it to make any kind of impact