cuckchan is on to something, they are editing images of famous jews from wikipedia and giving them a 2X nose enlargement, so far wikipedia is hardly detecting the vandalism.
cuckchan is on to something, they are editing images of famous jews from wikipedia and giving them a 2X nose enlargement, so far wikipedia is hardly detecting the vandalism.
top kek
Arabs do this shit a lot more than the kikes.
It's gaining traction, so why not?
How about no
Are you mad, kike?
Yes, user. I'm a kike and I'm mad you want to waste your own time doing pointless wikipedia pranks instead of something useful like helping to expose jewtube as pedo enablers or putting up IOTBW posters. You got me.
Lol isnt that the fucking point of this excercise? This must be your first day at correct the record
just an FYI, the cuckchan thread is still live and will.
this is probably the best shit ever, it's the epitome of the berenstein/berenstain phenomenon.
No, the point of this exercise is to waste time conducting a dumb (((wikipedia))) prank instead of doing something valuable.
Oh and the point is also probably to harvest Holla Forums IPs.
It doesn't work like that frienderino
Yeah this is obviously a jew, reported.
So why are you spending your time and energy shooping slightly larger kike noses on already known kikes instead of taping IOTBW posters to lamp posts or exposing jewtube? Or any number of things you could be doing to actually fight the kikes? I'm sure you've got a good explanation, right? :^)
I'm bumping this thread for you soiboi, grow a sense of humour
try to skew the Google image results too, harder to reverse
because like IOTBW which was made and given a chance on cuckchan, this too was made accordingly, you need to chill the fuck out and give it a chance, if it causes enough drama it'll go on the news, lulz will be had.
But that isn't funny though.
lolno. I also remember IOTBW originating here, faggot.
Interesting; this way if they plan to claim there was an attack, people will be made aware of the trait being edited; very clever.
Hello reddit.
Oh look, kikes stealing credit again.
for shitlord recruitment and for the lulz.
because its genuinely funny and spreads good holiday cheer :)
this is you.
Haven’t laughed this hard in a fucking minute. Keep it up
You know something we could use to push against the kikes is making "Jewish privilege" a thing.
no shit. White privilege was pushed by the jews because they knew people would wake up and see the Jewish Privilege and nepotism from all domains
that's good. also, they should catch them right after they had surgery and save the pic for progeny like I did with lara loomer, pic related
Finally something worthwhile among the "zany new ideas".
Yes, user. I'm a kike and I'm mad you want to waste your own time doing pointless wikipedia pranks instead of something useful like helping to expose jewtube as pedo enablers or putting up IOTBW posters. You got me.
>attempting sarcasm on the most autistic board, third only to Holla Forums
>still being an autist
we could also use the makeapp to fuck with jewesses
Cool, so now when unflattering "celebrity" photos are released which show them in their true light in profile view/without makeup/on the beach, the normalfags the ones we are trying to wake up will just remember the Buzzfeed/MSM articles which are going to be written about this and automatically conclude "oh, that's one of those fake pictures."
Why the fuck would you do this when their noses are plenty big enough already?
we know why
It's not a waste of time, kikes never waste their time.
It's a kike op with an obvious objective, cast reasonable doubt on every legit picture showing the true hideous face of jew celebrities, but edgy teenage "frogs", "disciples of kek" will go along with it because it's "funny."
top kek
Niggers and jews are hideous enough, nigger jews are unsurprisingly worse.
Quite a few actually
Here's a summary of what happened.
Keith Olbermann
hahaha fucking kek of the day. Love it! Good work.
This is funny as fuck
You boys are doing the Lord's work. We're all proud of you.
(((someone))) must be monitoring these threads, because all the jewkipedia articles are being restored very quickly.
Just keep hammering them and start throwing the images into other services so jewgle starts archiving them. Don't forget to edit the images of the wiki editors floating around.
We'll do both you stupid kike.
/r/ing Yael.
gas yourself.