Short answer: because they believe in "were all equal, brah", that's what schools, government and media preach. Where have you been the last 40 years?
Grayson Torres
Because people like pic related exist and have unchallenged influential positions of power.
Brandon Ross
White = bad. Lurk more, dipshit.
Jordan Kelly
Jewish projection makes me so angry.
"If you are a jew, you don't deserve to live. You are a cancer, you're a disease, jews have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-jews! At least a jewish woman can have sex with a brown baby but what can a jewish man do? He's good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against palestinians and massive land confiscation, the bolshevik revolution, the holodomor, jews are all to blame! You maintain your jewish priveledge only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others."
Joseph Brooks
the sad part is they don't even believe in white home lands
Luis Green
I use the middle pics quote a lot. When family members question me about my beliefs and raise objections, I just read that quote, and point out he works at Harvard.
Asher Gray
Because western civilization bought into egalitarianism wholesale. Whites genuinely believe that everyone should be judged as an individual, on the merit of their actions and talents, and not as part of any collective. This is deeply ingrained into most Whites psyche to the point that they reject any form of White identity out of hand, because they view it as giving up their individualistic identity in favor of a group identity, which to the egalitarian mindset is the ultimate evil.
Ironically, this very outlook is what has begun to cause many Whites to become angry and shift more towards our line of thinking due to the fact that the other races are refusing to adhere to this philosophy, and continue to behave as a collective while denouncing any Whites who start to do the same. Amusingly, it's not that Whites are being supportive of White collectives, they're just angry at the fact that other races and peoples are interfering what they view as ideal and superior, individualism and merit based systems. We're quickly reaching a major breaking point because of this, as Whites have begun to realize that the other races will never play by the rules we have set for ourselves. Varying paths stem out of this realization, some believe in creating our own collective, as we do, some believe in outright removing those who oppose individualism from our countries, and still others believe that we must force the collectives to abandon their identities and enforce a merit based system on them.
All of this leads to the same result of course, as the kikes and their pets will never accept any outcome but our complete subjugation and extermination. They will react violently to any of the three pathways whites wish to take, and as such we are going to get our race war one way or the other.
Connor Nelson
Easton Reyes
it's a way to vilify us just dismantle the term so people are forced to think things through
Matthew Diaz
(((conditioning))) - every group of people acts in a "supremacist" way in regards to their own group's intrests - the elites condemn only white supremacy, because they feel threatened only by it and want to replace only whites. The sheep pick it because they have been taught repeatedly and conditioned, even if subliminally, that whites (and their culture, traits and history) are "evil".
Luis Gutierrez
By what objective measure? I mean it is obvious by several subjective measures but how does it stand up to objective scrutiny?
Andrew King
By means that can't be measured in finite numbers, like the development of most things in western society.
Anthony Cruz
So if simply being white makes one superior, does it mean that whites are, in fact, privileged by nature of being white?
priv·i·lege (prĭv′ə-lĭj, prĭv′lĭj) n. 1. a. A special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, class, or caste.
Jacob Kelly
How do we re-meme it to our advantage?
Cameron Morris
That is a subjective measure. I like to think of these things in the terms of evolution and fitness as in every human bloodline that is still in existence has proven itself superior to every bloodline that has gone extinct.
Ethan Adams
The term "objective" is meaningless. In truth, there is no distinction between objectivity and subjectivity because even the so-called "objective" stance is a stance you take from a certain perspective, namely that which claims to be above all views. Additionally, the objective perspective is useless because everything is known by intuition and if you ever try to prove basic things such as does reality exist or do other people have minds or will the sun rise tomorrow you will find there is no way to prove these things. So much for objectivity. The true way to approach things is by immediate intuition. We know by immediate intuition that 2 + 2 = 4 just like we know by our intuition from history and observation that whites are inherently superior (more noble) than other races. Additionally, now that I have talked about intuition I should point out that from the perspective of evolution (which I deny is the only perspective you can hold of course) fitness or reproduction is not some kind of teleological purpose. Evolution just says that some traits survived and others did not. There's nothing in that about there being some kind of purpose in the survival. If you want to appeal to the purpose you must rely on your intuition, which is the same intuition that allows you to say evolution is true insofar as saying that assumes the intuition that the world exist, that induction works, that inference to the best explanation works etc.
Julian Gutierrez
What is the difference between jewish supremacy and white supremacy, in terms of ideological construct and societal relevance?
WNs are literally the kike's most powerful subversive tactic in their bid to subjugate all of humanity. Hitler was instrumental in the establishment of Israel. The most prominent WN leaders in America are known state-sponsored provocateurs.
Brandon Parker
what are you sliding kike? !!!?
Sebastian Wilson
'supremacy' means, to them, the belief that you are supreme instead of the belief that you should become supreme. AKA, the lack of humility and a taking of pride in something which is wrong to do so
James Baker
privilege as it is defined by a dictionary is either not true physically as in not being able to help it, or it
Carson Jones
That sounds dangerously like post modernism.
The survival is the purpose as in the continuation of life trough reproduction. Those who fail to reproduce are inferior.
Sebastian Johnson
Doesn't matter if it sounds like postmodernism, only matters if its true or not. Anyways, postmodernism ripped off ideas from fascist thinkers like Klages and Heidegger. And I have to ask where in evolution does it say that survival is the purpose of anything? Evolution is just a theory of what happens. Some things survive. Others don't. That's it. That doesn't tell you anything whatsoever about the value of what survives and doesn't survive. It only tells you about what traits were favorable within a certain environment. In the modern world obviously ignoble traits are favored and they survive better than others. That doesn't make them good. It only means they survived in this environment. I believe the purpose of existence is not mere survival but to ensure the survival of superior beings, like with Nietzsche's idea of the ubermensch. Whites are the only race that shows potential and the kind of creative spirit necessary for ensuring the arrival of the ubermensch. Of course, the vast majority fall very short of this but in terms of raw materials there is most potential here.
Landon Evans
Actually it was an agreement of deportation, as in GTFO
Joshua Thompson
because normies are fucking braindead retarded sheep that have been brainwashed from day one with cartoons and TV shows into thinking things that are completely unnatural. Take someone from rural America compared to someone from Urban America. the Urbanite, who lives in a wholly unnatural environment, thinking that having the most expensive shoes and being up to date on the latest Vine videos is whats important. Can you honestly expect someone with such a warped, Jewified view of life to know anything about anything? The enviroments they live in, incompetent niggers are handed free jobs for being black. Scrawny, sickly looking faggot kikes are running almost everything. People see this every day and it warps their very mind, makes them think that THAT is what is superior. Even normies I think have an idea of things being superior, but its extremely perverted. They think niggers are superior because muh dikk and muh basketball. They think Jews are superior because muh finances and muh counting.
Take someone from rural America. these people understand fully what is required to survive in nature. The scrawny kikess that runs the HR department in your store, getting good white men fired over petty bullshit and hiring incompetent niggers? She would fucking die out in a place like Alaska, because she has no common sense and because people like (((her))) have had to leech off the successes of other people for millennia now. I have seen it before, SoCal Jewy cunts moving up to Alaska and literally almost getting killed because of their inane, unending stupidity. Expecting the people that submit to these weak worms to know anything about superiority is like expecting a fish to know something about water.
There is always a superior. This is the central concept of Godhood. We humans worship Gods because we have an instinct that there are higher lifeforms above us, that are worthy of our worship. Its the same reason you see niggers in Africa painting their witch doctor masks white and scalping Albino niggers for their precious blond hair. Its the same reason you see Island nigger tribes painting USA on their chests, building wooden idols of airplanes and marching around like "soljaman".
Look deeply into these pictures, especially the first one , of Alexander. Tell me these creatures are not the most superior beings on Earth, the closest things we have ever had to literal gods.
Nathan Howard
One last question: Can a distinct people who go extinct be considered superior to a distinct people who do not?
Lucas Wright
They hate the truth. Nogs have been free for decades and have contributed jack shit to society. Whites have handed over cities and countries and they've all turned to shit once they've left.
Noah Martin
Where is the 3rd pic mask from?
Christopher Diaz
Absolutely they can. You're insane. Every species goes extinct, it's called time.
Ayden Cook
I think its a fake made for LARPers or something, but its based off an actual thing Romans and Greeks did. They didnt wear them in battle as far as we know, they seem to have been a ceremonial thing worn during victory Triumphs and War-rituals. Pic related are some actual examples from museums.
Matthew Jenkins
Supremacy isn't "wrong". It's just a failed philosophy. How many nations currently exist that hold ideas of their utmost importance, but in reality are a collective of mudhuts & fishing villages?
You're using 2,000 year old examples but I challenge you to present even one contemporary example of actual white supremacy. Everywhere on earth the white race is getting buttfucked without cease. Where is the supremacy in that? Blame the kikes, will you? Where is the supremacy in finger-pointing? Don't get me wrong. I fully understand the achievements of the past but it is the past. It's time for a new type of identity that doesn't hinge on failed philosophies or doesn't border dangerously on becoming Identity Politics.
That's where the idea of America's founding comes in but every time we talk about CivNat, then WNs dig their fucking heels in, so convinced of their largely imaginary genetic inheritances, the majority of whom have abdicated their birth-rights long ago in lieu of cheap TVs and BBC.
Prove me wrong.
Dominic Sullivan
Lurk for about two years before asking stupid questions.
Gabriel Rogers
He was at Harvard, but he's currently at an art school called the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Why he works there, and at taxpayers expense for a public school, we have suggestions to (((who))) put him there.
Leo Peterson
holy shit I googled it its fucking real
William Sanders
stopped reading there read some Marcus Aurelius, some Plato, some Milton and some Augustine before you dare us the word "philosophy" again. I'm tired of pseudo-intellectual niggers and crypto-kikes using words they dont even fucking understand, dont join in on their stupidity please. Supremacy is not a philosophy, it is a reality. Those things in nature that cant handle being in nature, they only survive by leeching off superior things. Thats why whites are getting buttfucked everywhere without cease, because for 2000 years every other race was getting annihilated and on their way out. You want examples a little younger than Alexander the Great? Remind me how England are a bunch of inferior inbred cucks getting raped by Muslims……oh yeah, they conquered a quarter of the fucking world with a tiny Island nation. What other nation has done the same thing? and not without financial manipulations and foreign agents like the fucking Israelis have. And that past is nothing but a testament to our glory. Stop listening to your faggot kike professors when it comes to history. Study history a little more. Literally every great civilization on earth was white. Babylon, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Sumeria, Assyria, the Hindu Aryans, theres even growing evidence that the Incans and Mayans derived most of their culture and technological feats from Aryans. You think superiority is subverting nations from within, raping kids and killing innocent children, promoting pedophilia and taking advantage of your enemies children? I think youve forgotten what superiority is. You sound like a fucking cuck to me, maybe thats why Civnats appeal to you.
Tell me this, when whites are all "Buttfucked" out of existence, who will build giant monuments? Who will lead the human race into space? Who will make exponential developments in mathematics and science? Oh right………fucking no one. Muslims literally prayed to Allah and thanked him for blowing up the Challenger rockets because they think space is God's domain, and intruding on it is heresy. Chinks are a little more advanced and reasonable, but they also have no respect for nature, and if given the chance they would re-process all bio-life on earth into soy-drink to feed their worker-drones before wholly exhausting all natural resources and destroying themselves. I'm not even going to entertain the idea of niggers being the new bearers of civilization, pic related.
Civilization will die with the white man, this is a sad but undeniable fact. I don't care what the fuck you think superiority is if it doesnt involve civilization.
Owen Martinez
Because normies have empathy, unlike the psychopaths here.
Caleb Cooper
If normalfags simply had empathy, they wouldn't support the destruction of their people. They suffer from pathological altruism, which is far beyond simple empathy.
Ayden Hughes
the empathy to see their own children mass-raped by muslim hordes? or the empathy to see everything their ancestors worked for pissed away within a few generations because boomers and sissy liberals cared more about foreign nations than their own fucking blood?
where the fuck are you from? I would like to know so I can destroy everything you hold dear. What do you believe in? Do you even believe in anything?
You dont know jackshit about psychopaths. Try working with a Jew, or living in an inner-city area completely surrounded by niggers. I have done both, and both experiences have stripped me of all empathy. Niggers will set cats on fire and hang them from trees because they think its funny and because *smacks lips* "ayo fuck dat crackah n his fuckin cat n shiet fuckin pussi ass crackahs havin feelinz for animals nahahahahahaha 😂😂😂"
The only greater evil than the demons we call "Jews" and "niggers" are faggots like you that not only tolerate their behavior, but promote it wholly.
Tyler Stewart
Because they at their very core don't believe in true and false.
If nothing is objectively true, you cant use anything to make an objective value judgement.
It's all like subjective man, so like were all equal because I don't feel like categorizing things. Smoke weed bro.
It's a problem mired in language.
Brandon Cooper
You mistake empathy for misguided sympathy. Empathy would be more akin to understanding anothers plight. Note that, even if you understand another's plight, that doesn't mean you are barred from doing what is best for yourself or your kin.
Evan Long
Tor users are psychopaths, 9 times out of 10.
Julian Robinson
The fact that anyone (white) claims otherwise has always astounded me.
Blake Anderson
It's because they have been taught to view supremacy as a white man treating everybody else as slaves. The appeal to white empathy. Their programming interprets any talk of whiteness as a symptom of this supremacy. They will immediately think of you as that evil, hick slave holder they saw in the movies once.
Josiah Walker
Can we do something about this Kike, is he still employed?
Samuel Smith
Supremacy is pointless and discouraged by the passive boost to compassion/fairness that market economies encourage. People in capitalist societies see strangers not as threats, but as potential customers, colleagues, and even friends.
Isaac Thompson
If youre thinking about getting him fired, thats really a half way solution. He actually does a lot of damage just by existing in his job, since hes a sore point for rhetoric against kikes. His existence justifies our existence as opposition to him. When we direct rhetoric at Jews, and are called racist, its all fine, because no one gives a fuck when he says white women should all be made to have black kids. He damages society by teaching new generations to hate themselves, but he is one of the greatest anti-jew propaganda points out there. Hes like Kalergi tier. Kalergi wants to force Europe into being brown, well so does Ignatiev, and hes alive still.
Wyatt Williams
Brainwashing is a helluva drug OP.
Blake Lewis
I see you there, (1).
Blake Brown
If you think slavery is acceptable you can go gas yourself fucking kike.
Carson Price
Meh, show me where it's Biblically forbidden.
Lucas Adams
Caleb Walker
Heh, I'll rely on the Bible as the standard of what God defines as evil or not, rather than satan's ass. :^)
Asher Russell
What about if we work shitskins to death digging ditches where we can dump the bodies of other shitskins?
Luke Bell
How about you rely on your own moral compass as opposed to the word of a kike? But I suspect in this case it would not make much of a difference.
You have to go back.
Jonathan Bennett
I figure liberal muricans are exposed to non whites that aren't garbage tier and haven't been to any actual 3rd world countries which would prove that most of the world is genetic garbage?
Kevin Foster
nah, nips are solid but they will eventually succumb to jew pressures of letting flips in to take care of the elderly
Jaxon Williams
All asians are shit, especially chinks (eating fetuses, making frying lard from sewer dirt, torturing animals to make them taste better etc….) Nips are only half-good because they race mixed with the native whites that inhabited the now japanese islands before them. Pic related, a rare pure blooded ainu man, a true native of japan.
Jayden Edwards
another photo of an ainu man. Look at the eyes, the nose HELL - he grows a LARGE beard! Does this look even remotely asian to anyone? Face it, the japs are just chinks that raped the local white island population (white women = superiour beauty again) and thus created the japanese.
Jackson Parker
Group of Ainu people, 1904 photograph, taken in Hokkaido Japan From Wikipedia "Ainu People"
Due to intermarriage with the Japanese and ongoing absorption into the predominant culture, few living Ainu settlements exist. Many "authentic Ainu villages" advertised in Hokkaido are simply tourist attractions. If you search the Ainu people over the Web, you will most likely see the fake Ainu people's picture.
The two man on the right could be Rudolf Hess siblings.
Jose Wright
Carson Rivera
sorry for lashing out but I just can't stand it any longer, the shilling has been very bad lately and something is pushing lots of newfags here. Please lurk more or inform yourself before posting.
Robert Morgan
It's not just white supremacy, but any behavior undesirable to the greater narrative.
What's happened is a fracturing of what was large, cohesive communities, exposing the majority of the population to the influence of media propaganda, which puts pressure on them to behave a certain way.
This is fixable but it requires the establishment of a stronger, quickly-expanding community and culture. The best chance we have is in relocating National Socialists within the US to the pacific northwest united states, reproducing at a high rate (~10 kids per family) and putting cultural pressure on the surrounding communities and exponentially expanding from there, claiming any political seats available as we go. We would use weekly, private meetings at designated places, much like churches do, as a means of cultural reinforcement to prevent straying.
Grayson Phillips
It's easy to rip on Asians for being compasionless, but the primary issue with whites is a surplus of compassion. Too little >>> too much
Xavier Rivera
Gas yourself. Compassion is what makes us human, the only problem with it is that it's currently being used as a tool against us by kikes.
Mason Davis
what does "gutter oil" have to do with compassion? It's simply a disgusting unhealthy practise.
You need compassion so you have incentive to share knowledge, inventions and experiences. If you don't have compassion you just become a jew, you begin to exploit others for personal gain. By the way, native societies are very good at pin pointing psychopaths and get rid of them without flinching. Another institution that is very good at filtering psychos is the military. If you have no compassion you are more likely to leave other soldiers behind in favour of your own good, you are more likely to become a traiter because you can gain from it, you become a danger factor to military operations thus they eject you during the selection process.
Kikes are psychos, never forget that. Prime example: No compassion, no regard for human live, no preservation instinct. Every other animal would feel pain killing something of its own race. Not the kike.
We call the chinks robots for a reason. China is a billion people country, there is no way to determine the average chinese IQ, if anything the numbers are at least of by several points. Also, the jews are in the process of establishing strongholds within china.
Evan Williams
In other words he is useful until the #DOTR
Jeremiah Roberts
actual good posts, thanks for informing this.
Tyler Edwards
White supremacy is awesome.
Josiah Roberts
Chinese people are the example Pierce gives to explain why races are different and dont mix. This is one of his best broadcasts.
Charles Watson
This. As I said literally every great civilization on earth has its origins in the Aryans. Pic related, some artifacts from the Middle East. Definitely not Aryans, these are totally Arabs you guys…..the blond hair and blue eyes are just "symbolic" of divinity. I wonder why they considered those things divine symbols………
Wyatt Young
some more beautiful Arabic artwork
Grayson Wood
Anthony Ramirez
You do realise the Ainu are strawhut level tribals who achieved absolutely nothing right? The Ainu aren't even pure caucasoids, they are Jomon rape babies from a great Yayoi invasion back in the Bronze age. Yayoi are mongoloids, the Jomon are now extinct as a race. All the dynasties, shogunates and civil wars with samurai and shogun were created by Yayoi. All the imperialism and technological advancement from the Meiji restoration that made the japs the first non white post industrial nation were Yayoi. All the scientific discoveries and engineering patents from Japan are from Yayoi. And this isn't a case of uplifting either, Japs are genetically closer to chinks than Ainu. The Yayoi outnumbered the Jomon so much that the Jomon couldn't leave a one drop curse on the Yayoi, save for the Ainu, who now live on fucking reserves.
Picking the Ainu to WE WUZ with either shows extreme stupidity or an intention to say, "Look at this subset of whites that was completely curbstomped by chinks, aren't we great?". You're glorifying a basal lineage of caucasoids, probably as "white" as arabs are "white", that held Japan for a few millennia, but never advanced beyond a tribal lifestyle, who then got steamrolled by chinks who did go on to make good use of the land.
The middle east has had a lot of race mixing from various civilisations steamrolling each other, one of your pics is a fucking Greek statue, of course it looks white. If you plan to call the rest white, you might as well be advocating for sandniggers and kikes to count as white because all of those depictions look arabic.
tldr, whites who WE WUZ are literally as dumb as niggers and should never be allowed to speak on behalf of other whites
Austin Campbell
They've been psychologically conditioned into fearing the label, and feeling animosity towards those that it is bestowed upon. It's not logical.
Lucas Jackson
Actually its Roman, and its a statue of the Babylonian god Mithras No native idols of it survive, but the depiction of the idol is supposed to be based off how Babylonians looked and dressed.
Of course the Middle East is a result of racemixing. Thats why today its a fucking shithole you braindead moron. Arabs and niggers have completely ruined the birthplace of civilization, the birthplace of the Aryans. Why does Iran mean Land of the Aryans? Why did the Babylonians speak an Indo-European language closely related to Sanskrit?
which ones specifically? how in the fuck do any of those look even remotely arabic That Sumerian Statue, with marble-white skin, with lapis-lazuli inset in his eyes, with a straight, strong bridged nose, how the fuck does that look Arabic to you? The Scythian cup with clearly blond , rugged hair and Slavic, even Germanic looking facial features….that looks Arabic? Are you blind?
Sebastian Richardson
Great Post
Joseph Perez
Jose Evans
Guilt. And indoctrination.
Luke Evans
Can you not see how flat those faces and noses look to you? Do you not know that sandniggers can have blonde and red hair, green and blue eyes, pearly pink and cream white skin, but have faces that are distinctly non european? Are you retarded or do you not know what Slavic or Germanic features look like?
Christ, with this much WE WUZing and inclusion of non white features, you might as well be promoting racemixing.
Nathan Brown
Glad this thread exists. Kill anyone that isn't white OP. And I mean white white, not just European. Bumping this glorious bread. Gif unrelated.
Adrian Scott
Fucking hell, nu-Holla Forums
Henry Bailey
Oy vey you've caught me. Y-y-you'll never trick me into revealing the secret base of the kikedom though b-baka.
This slimy kike makes me so fucking mad. Jews are a cancer on the earth. I wish the Holohoax would have actually happened. I want to personally make it happen after reading this kike's lies. I want to hear his skull crunch under my boot. I want to take everything he loves and holds dear and destroy it. Jews were a mistake.
Jason Peterson
yes. better to have a double edged sword than no sword at all
David Collins
lrn 2 geography
>muh (((basal caucasoids))) You admitted yourself the middle east has been a melting pot of racemixing that ruined things, and now you're backpedaling to, nah things weren't so bad, those guys were white after all. Can someone really be this much of a nigger?
Evan Cooper
Are we normies, OP? No, so how the fuck should we know? Go on kikebook or something and ask some assholes. IMO, it's because these assholes are so fucking dumb, that they don't know up from down. Therefore anything definitive, like a racial hierarchy makes them nervous like their fucking shadow does. Cucks don't want responsibility which they probably assumes comes with being master race. It does, for the White race but not others which is probably what they think. For mud races it's inferiority which rustles them because they've ego maniacs. Who cares? Only a clown denies Whites are the master race. It's so clear it's not even up for debate which is why no White person even talks about it, it's jus a given. So if you see some group talking some shit it's probably a mix of jew plants/founders and informants.
Brayden Murphy
Jack Hernandez
Second pic looks like a goblin.
Easton Kelly
Read what Ted said about how leftists feel about superior and inferior.
Evan Perez
The problem is he actually does brainwash entire classes of students year in, year out.
Jayden Green
youre just making a fool of yourself with your own lack of knowledge
Joseph Bennett
Can you prove me wrong you pitiful little brainlet? Or is the thought of being a shitskin so appealing to you that you're going to throw a WE WUZ tantrum all night long?
Logan Fisher
what facts? you havent posted a single fact here, just brainlet memes which makes it even more obvious that youre a shill
post some facts about how the Aryans werent real, Indo-Europeans didnt give the entire world civilization, and how white people come directly from England. im waiting.
Jaxson Adams
I've always thought that it's mainly coloureds who get triggered by this. Many coloureds look at the achievements of Europeans and their own race's complete lack of achievement and suffer from a major inferiority complex. Coloured women are especially prone to this because they know that men like fair skin and that their skin is the colour of shit. Telling them that whites are superior to them infuriates them because it reminds them of their race's inferior status and their own inferior status.
Oliver Morgan
Where are your facts kiddo? That's right you don't have any, it's all just incoherent ramblings and cherry picking sculptures with the slightest resemblance to white people, like pointing at incan plane figures and crying aliens.
The Aryans were fucking pajeets, the term was coopted because it sounded cool, and (((Indo-Europeans))) are exactly what I called them, proto cacausoids, aka, as related to whites as they are pajeets, sandniggers and kikes.
Though maybe you're on to something with your last point. Considering how much human achievement came from anglos and their descendents, maybe it's safe to say they are the one and only true whites after all.
But maybe your half baked assumptions and WE WUZ SUBHUMANS was right. Look what I found, ancient Greek paintings explicitly implying the greeks were black all along! Who needs evidence when I can just point at coincidences in subhuman art and declare that non whites were white all along?
Adrian Clark
stopped reading there
William Sullivan
You do know that India wasn't always a country of brown street shitter right? Right?
Oliver King
Is that literally not what it says in your own fucking (((source)))? Let's not pretend you even read before larping as a subhuman.
Fucking prove it
Josiah King
Any time this shit gets brought up. Just remind the shill/normie who invented the wheel. Who domesticated the first animals in the world. proto-indo-european people (aryans) TAKE A FUCKING BULL AND BREED A COW. If they did that with other creatures such as horses, and wolfs what makes you think the "aryans" did not do that for their genetics? And its not just phenotype, the aryans discriminated heavily within their population to breed compassionate, intelligent, innovative people.
When you look at how different europeans are, and how our phenotypes vary so much. Just realize, just like we domesticated the bull for behavior and looks…. we did the same for europeans/indo-europeans
Charles Lewis
I wouldnt recommend you trying arguing with someone whos too stupid to read
Connor Howard
Are you not awares that Caucasians were in the Indian peninsula and created Vedic culture before shitskins interbred with them and destroyed the race? What we see that's left of those whites is the Hindi religion and punjabi rugheads.
Wyatt Williams
If the white race was really supreme we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. Everything that went wrong began when we let the Jews live after hundreds of expulsions and not even having the basic intelligence to eviscerate and castrate our nigger slaves like the superior wiser Arabs and North Africans.
Cameron Lewis
No race is perfect. But one is objectively the best.
Carson Ortiz
Kevin Hernandez
Think of it like a game. The Jew falls under the theif/assassin class, the black falls under the goblin class, the asian falls under…Dwarf minus innovation class, and the white falls under the standard warrior class. The standard warrior, by allotting its resources properly and working as a collective, can subjugate any goblin or dwarf, even any assassin. However, those sneaky (((thiefs))) can blend in and act as if they are part of the warrior's tribe. Building power from within until it destroys them.
Ayden Davis
You're thinking of Dravidians. Northern Indians and southern Indians are entirely different races. And you seem assuming current conditions have remained the same for the past few thousand years. Persians were a distinct non-Arabic group back then, and some fairly pure-blooded ones remain today despite rampant mixing. Same thing with most of Southern Europe and North African mixing. Greeks and Portuguese people used to be pretty white, now you can't tell a Greek from, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, a Turk.
Asher Ross
Umm, I don't have the link handy but it appears the elderly nips would rather have a robot caretaker, so I would suggest you go back and rethink that hypothosis.
Sebastian Collins
I work for/with a greek guy, and yeah those two peoples are very physically simular, but I would pay good money to see you call him a Turk to his face. I'd bring popcorn too!
Benjamin Hughes
Greeks are whites with mudblood, Turks are muds with white blood, imo.
Joseph Bailey
It doesn't exist because whites are the most cucked race and until that changes, there's no such thing as white supremacy. WN on the otherhand..
Julian Jenkins
he's a shill, you're all good fam
Ian Barnes
Notice all of the "lul whites are cucks because in the last 60 years weve been losing! just gonna ignore that whit-I mean WE, MY FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE, built all of civilization…." posts are tor users
Grayson Richardson
Agreed, just don't say that in front of any Greeks you know. Well unless you want to get into a fight.
Am I in the wrong for thinking I'd like to see my girl in that get up?
Landon Wright
pic related
Adam Green
I know lots of good greeks, despite their slightly diluted blood theyre some of the more redpilled people from Europe. Maybe its because they know the horrors of racemixing more than some of us….keep in mind that Turkish cockroach blood didnt get in their because Greek women were whores, or because their men had weak impulses, which is the case in America and what happened with the Spaniards in South America. It happened via mass-rape and invasion, like we see in Europe today. Nuns getting raped in their own monasteries by Saracens, women being sold into slavery, whole towns being butchered, even the pigs and the dogs since theyre halal… wouldnt believe some of the things they have afflicted upon our race.
But you need to know.
The hatred that builds within, it is our connection to Mars, Lord of War.
Christopher Gutierrez
>muh (((proto indo europeans))) The (((aryans))) became a series of admixtures with various other peoples. If the did anything for their purity or phenotype they would still exist as a race today. Unless you're somehow trying to say sandniggers are the master race, being as misinformed as the rest of the idiots here
I'm a shill? For what? Not trying to pretend to be a shit skin? Not spouting nonsense that shitskins are secretly fucking white? Sounds more like the board has been filling up with the lowest IQ whites who actually want to believe this garbage.
Given up have we? Don't even have a retort in you to back your incoherent cherry picking for shitskin larping? Of course, all talk from the start, as expected of a retard who thinks there's any merit in WE WUZing as shitskins.
Caucasoid refers to any one in a broad spectrum that includes whites, spics, pajeets sandniggers and kikes. If you take every mention of caucasian as referring to whites, you are attributing whites to a ton of subhumans. Assuming they were (((white))), is "being fucked over by pajeets" an achievement to you?
Josiah Murphy
Street shitting is universal across India. The Ganges river, renouned for being shat in and full of corpses, but still drank from, is located in North India. Closer related to us or not, pajeets are fucking pajeets. To claim that any of that contribution is from whites, is a completely self defeating even if it had even a semblance of truth. Which isn't the case at all.
Jack Carter
They do exist today. pic related.. 0.0 = 0% 1.0=100%
I don't even care that you're a newfagshill. I'll just use this as an excuse to dump
Jace Hall
Kevin Gutierrez
blue is 'aryan/yamna'
Owen Martin
Adrian Reed
Agreed, and speaking of hatred and it's opposite, love, I have found asking this question.. Seems to work on the people I've talked to here in LA.
Isaac Ramirez
has a prominent right wing speaker said this before? or is the zeitgeist really getting this strong? because I have said and meditated upon the same thing , specifically the relationship between Venus and Mars (pic related are not either god, but gods representing the same archetype, so you get the idea)
Even more, I have meditated upon what this means in relation to Freya. Goddesses of War and Love are common in European myths but usually you dont see both at the same time like you do with Freya. The conclusion I came to is exactly what you said; Freya understands fully that you cannot truly love something without hating its opposite. You can't even understand what it is to love something without wanting to see anything that keeps you away from that thing be totally annihilated. This applies to all people not just us. You love freedom? Then you must hate being a slave, if you dont mind being a slave, then you dont truly love freedom. You love your women? Then you must hate seeing them raped, and if you dont cut the balls off the guy that raped them, you dont truly love them. A true man would risk going to jail to defend his womans honor.
I love the gods, and I have nothing but unending hatred for those shitskins that want to smash all of our artwork, all our idols, all our gods. I love being white, and I will destroy those that want to see me enslaved for being white, and want to see my children be nonwhites. I love Europe, and I am willing to die fighting those that hate it.
Jayden Sullivan
Not him, but (((jordan peterson))) said something along the lines of… "To be respected you must grow your fangs, you must become a monster….but have the ability to conceal it. Naive and ignorant people will never be respected until they become dangerous" or something along those lines. It's just the political atmosphere right now.
You cannot be good until you have done evil. Yin-yang
Ian Ross
Is Peterson really a kike? I like most of what I've watched from him Ive enjoyed but I do get a little bit of a snake oil salesman vibe from him, and theres alot of (((alt-righters))) that think hes some sorta reincarnation of Plato, which he isnt.
But I agree with everything else stated, man must have a somewhat savage nature to truly protect civilization
Daniel Kelly
M8, I've probably been here longer than you, and every time I see these conspiritard tier posts filled with psuedoscience that makes the whole cause look like idiots, I call them out for being dumb enough to believe this bullshit.
First off, there's a pic of these udmurts, a simple observation would tell you that though highly "white" in appearance, there's something off with them from whites as we know. Their significance, as you've chosen to cherry pick, is that they have this blue gene marker and happen to look whitish, because a simple google search of bashkir or the volga tatar show heavily mongoloid features despite being similarly high on blue marker. You provide no evidence that this blue gene marker correlates with (((Indo-Europeans))).
Let's look again at these two charts, they show how much of this blue marker is in your typical white. Now lets look at , it shows that it's predominately in whites and very seldom in pajeet and sandnigger territories. Assuming these are your (((Aryans))), your claim that maintained their purity is shown to be wrong, evidenced by the huge orange, purple and teal bars shared with sandniggers. Next up, if you actually look at the original range of your (((Aryans))) as per the wiki link that other idiot posted, what you find is not predominately blue bars, but teal bars. Who else has huge teal bars? Sandniggers and pajeets. Shock, the Aryans weren't white and two retards were larping as them!
What other claims did you make? Domesticated the cow? But the blue markers are nearly absent in the near north african sandnigger regions they were found to be domesticated. Used a picture of an Uygur for a WE WUZ? But the fourth pic here shows the Uygur are a horrible multicultural abomination with no blue marker correlation.
Could it be that you're a bullshitting brainlet? Or maybe everyone else including hundreds of scientists and historians are just wrong? Maybe a bunch of non whites were white all along, despite nobody calling them white or recognizing them having any semblance to whites at all. Really makes a person think.
Kevin Reyes
Video related. He talks about alexander solzhenitsyn and other jews but he doesn't connect the dots. He knows what the content of what he cites says but will not implicitly state it. And sometimes outright mislead. He fears (((them))) and plays the PR game.
Brandon Lopez
Are you intentionally being daft so you can circlejerk, or are you actually autistic?
Normalfags do not believe in racial differences outside of looks. You can show them all manners of evidence, but they will instantly shut down and revert to shitflinging monkeys the moment that evidence suggests in any way that niggers are less intelligent, more violent, or any of the other century old stereotypes that hold. To the normalfag, this is simply not true. Niggers and whites are equal in every way that matters.
Now, to suggest to normalfags that whites are superior is simply not true, in fact it is a delusional and dangerous lie. Not only are you lying or ignorant, you are perpetuating what they see as a violent, antisocial opinion which tears at the very fabric of their society. Think of some heeb suggesting all whites should be castrated for their crimes against humanity and be a second class citizen and how repulsed that makes you feel. This is essentially what white supremacy is to normalfags because that's the zeitgeist, that's what they've been taught to feel.
You can not convince the normalfag with logic or evidence. Even the ones that consider themselves "rational" will latch onto any inconsistency or criticism they can find of any kind of statistic as if that somehow invalidates the whole thing. I remember one example where I got drunk at an outing with my university(degenerate, I know) and accidentally revealed a little too much of my powerlevel to some brainwashed liberal faggot who constantly kept demanding sources. Even the ones he couldn't deny (niggers committing 50% of murders, etc) he handwaved with "muh privilege and poverty". He then accused me of being a Nazi(which I am, but I'm not dumb enough to admit that in a setting like that), and of spouting "stormfront talking points", even though I've never been on the fucking thing, but I digress.
No, the only way to fight these beasts is to shift the cultural zeitgeist, the "Overton window" if you will. Laugh at them, make jokes about them, insult them, dismiss them. It will seem counterintuitive to a lot of people here, who like to engage things in a more rational manner, but it's the only way. They will only learn when it either starts affecting them personally(and some even not then, see South Africa), or when it stops being culturally acceptable to be communist scum and starts being acceptable to love your people again. Normalfags are not intellectuals, they are not rational and thinking of them in that way is counterproductive and naive.
Gabriel Wilson
I'm going to have to get the genetist in here to talk to you, he is much better at explaining this shit than I am. But it all comes down to a few points.
The mongolization of central asia is a new phenomna, so even though the udmurt people have mongolized genes to an extent that have a higher % (roughly 60%) "aryan" DNA but the phenotype is over-ridden by much of the mongolization.
Europeans as we know them today are a mix of WHG (orange) and "aryans"(blue) as seen>>10967500
Jose Collins
He wouldn't have any sort of platform if he didn't hop around the Jew thing.
Jonathan Murphy
*invents aircraft* *goes to the moon*
Please tell me why the civilization that has influenced every government in the world to adopt a constitution/congress and given the world automobiles and the internet is not the superior one? Yep.
Matthew Powell
I know. But just take what he said and replace what he said about jews with "whites/europeans". He would be crucified as a racist. Instead of just pivoting the question, he leads it down the myth that jews somehow have this superior way of life (never created a civilization) and our intellectually honest people.
He could have just said to deflect the question
Jaxon Adams
My entire point is that WE WUZing is dumb and counterproductive, and that playing Aryan is a form of WE WUZing because they are basal caucasoids, as related to whites as they are sandniggers, pajeets, kikes and spics are.
You're still not alluding to how the blue marker represents aryans specifically, instead of the teal or any other marker. And what you're pointing out is consistent with what I've been saying, that whites came from Europe. You mention three hunter gatherer groups each with a feature that became whites, but the acquisition of all 3 of these features occurred only in Europe. The parts are not the same as the whole, and no doubt all three of these groups lent admixture to groups considered non white today, however what is considered white contains at least two. To attribute achievement of these groups to whites also attributes achievement to other admixtures and that is overreaching enough to be subject to ridicule.
Caleb Wood
Yeah, I'm inclined to call BS on this race mixing promoting genetic research. I suspect these aren't different genes at all, but rather mutated forms. Europe is clearly the homeland of whites when looking at the present. No other place has this concentration. I would expect Central Asia to have a much higher whiteness if that's where we originated.
But I'm not a geneticist so I can't really say. Not trusting some mudslime scientist about it though.
David Reyes
Please go to the sources on the infographs. 'haak et al' has been spoken about by many genetist who can explain this in better terms than I can. sure. But not "White" as we know them. They had agriculture but did not domesticate any animals or have the wheel until the indo-aryans entered europe. That's why it is so fascinating.
I emplore you to investiage the tocharians, maybe you will begin to understand that the proto-indo-aryans had more in common with us than you think.
Okay guys I have to go now, I'll leave you with the words oldest swastika (it was found in modern day ukraine 10500 years ago)
Jaxon Kelly
Because we are all equal :)))) Abdullah and Eeda, not Adam and Eve ok?
Like I said, a normalfag simply does not care whether something is true or not if it isn't within the range of acceptable opinions. Supposing whites are superior is not that. At best you can get them to admit whites are better but ONLY because luck/colonialism/oppression. Suggesting it is a virtue of being white is not acceptable.
Samuel Clark
and it was actually found 10500 BCE not 10500 years ago.
Read about Neitzche's concept of the Last Men. Essentially, it describes people who drop any efforts for a higher existence for the sake of merely continuing to survive.
Logan Brooks
Nietzsche's* ffs
Evan Roberts
more goy material
Joshua Lewis
What if we used that symbol like the honeless use theirs? Like if a place employs a jew then we leave that symbol as a marker in a spot on the property. But itll be small etc
Luis Lopez
Because of muh 6 gorrillion. They think that entertaining the idea of white people being proud of their own existence = billions of people dying horribly.
Samuel Perez
Just wait till you learn what a cargo cult is.
Nathaniel Lewis
Largely because only the shittiest white people are the ones who publicly support any kind of white supremacy. The white people who actually ARE superior are educated, middle-class, and upper-class ones who want nothing to do with the criminals and losers who come out of the woodwork everytime the Overton window starts shifting towards white identity politics.
Wyatt Morales
You are a superior being, thats part of National Socialism and its a scientific fact.
Jose Butler
I think many people confuse white supremacy with basic foundations of nationalism and is just used as a term to push some form of narrative that whites want to kill others when that's simply not true. The japs are racist as hell but their not trying to eliminate others, just want their own country to themselves.
Andrew Baker
gemeldet for boomer japsen-jüngling enjoy your ban
Hudson Davis
Kayden Hernandez
Not really, they control everything and want you and your entire family, your race to be wiped out. I think Peterson is like 30-50% kike himself, has the looks, unless he is some kind of unfortunate mix of like Irish and native indian or something. Hes brown, the part above his upper lip is extended and wide. The only people who have that mouth characteristic which can be confused for eachothers are either Irish or Jews. One of them is white, the other isnt. Hes also brown though, and fairly bushy eyebrowed etc. I lean towards Jew. So then you have the anti-natsoc, anti-collectivist, anti-doing anything about cultural marxism and white genocide that isnt whinging on intellectually about how bad it is and why its bad.
Jaxson Long
Hudson Murphy
This. Many whites are feeling a massive sense of betrayal at the way our magnanimous willingness to accept the other races on an equal footing has been used against us. Its a stage I passed through.
The funny thing about "White Supremacy" is that while the other races decry it, their behaviour implicitly acknowledges it.
The whole "We Wuz" phenomenon is clear evidence of a massive racial inferiority complex. Black envy of the one true white privilege - our superior genetics - is a great big button there waiting for us to push. If we can meme it right, hilarious chimp-outs will ensue.
Henry Carter
This guy has studied his stuff correctly. Not in any sentence do I see he wants to go genociding the hillside with tanks and bombs but just use art to convince your foe he is a stupid motherfucker. Good post.
Parker Thompson
There wouldnt be genociding to do in the hillsides if we werent becoming the minority in our own country.In the 30s, France sending niggers to Germany alone was a crime against humanity. Just a few of them, in the army, being present at all. They have no place on our land.
Asher Hughes
Agreed completely as far as forced demographic replacement goes, forcing your hand to react to what's coming is only natural and every country does this. It's the countries who's media is controlled they get you to think this is somehow bad or wrong to want to defend what you've created.
Elijah Murphy
Like this?
Tyler Scott
Isaac Roberts
That chart is wrong. White people originated in Europe. Varg killed a communist mongrel and while he's wrong about many things, he's wright about this one. Europe is our ancestral homeland. We've been here since almost 200 000 years ago. So called aryans are just a part of Europeans,.way much younger. If you look up the tradition between for example indoeuropeans and other ancient european population (picts for example) they're almost the same. Ps: blonde and blue eyes are not an indoeuropean trait. I mean, it doesn't come from indoeuropeans, while they had it for sure The reason we have europeans in egypt, iran, sumeria, and in general all over the world is because they migrated from Europe and created great civilizations. This happened way before indoeuropeans ever existed
Landon Perry
I like that!
James Cox
That point about warfare from horseback is actually really pertinent.
Tyler Fisher
The Kipling original is even better for modern use.
It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late With long arrears to make good, When the English began to hate.
They were not easily moved, They were icy willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the English began to hate.
Their voices were even and low, Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show, When the English began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd, It was not taught by the State. No man spoke it aloud, When the English began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred, It will not swiftly abate, Through the chill years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the English began to hate.
Hudson Williams
Didn't ching chongs invent horse battle? I mean Romans had horses but they didn't fight Takeda style on horses such as the Mongolians did.
Levi Cook
It's a cowardly trait, and a dead give away they are not Aryans. White men prefer to meet their foes head on, man to man. Gooks like to strike from safety, then flee.
Jacob Nelson
According to Wikipedia, he was raised in a conservative, Christian household, and is at least 1/8th Norwegian. Honestly, if there's any ethnic in him, he looks like he could be part Lebanese.
Ryan Johnson
Jordan Wilson
That would be superiority. The Supreme Court does not have "superior" judges, supreme means it rules over other courts, and it's the same with the word in any political context. Not "better than" but rather "ruling over".
Brandon Hill
Please to not post varg, he is an intellectual brainlet. The longer you watch him the more apparent it becomes that is wife controls everything he says
Luis Martin
*swingers/wife swapped
Joshua James
Carson Morales
jews are jewish supremacists muslims are muslim supremacists blacks are black supremacists everyone thinks they are the best, it is natural the only difference is that only whites are not in delusion
Carter Lopez
I know it was a typo but lets remember music is very very important to our race. I don't mean banging on drum like some dumb ape I mean true musical science which has been destroyed by the Kikes and even tampered with.
Asher Hall
Because democracy is an opium of the masses
James King
Getting to the moon first is a pretty measurable accomplishment.
Evan Moore
I am pretty sure our concentrated Autism could have us terraform Mars within the decade or less.
Andrew Ward
I'll check em if no one else will.
Gabriel Collins
Tyler Anderson
Evan Brown
Easton Miller
I imagine every group thinks of themselves as supreme in ways they particularly value. When one group is at a sort of objective top, and want cooperation of others, it can be becoming to say, "why, I don't look down on you lesser people". But also, as someone alluded to above, anyone who wants to be part of a White dominated society must on some level agree it's the best, cognitive dissonance or not. Anyone who makes too much fuss about it is basically begging the "Big White Father" to allow them to respect themselves. The next step is equal outcomes, equal material goods regardless of ability to produce income.
Daniel Johnson
Because we let women into positions after the dark ages
Adam Harris
*positions of power
Liam Russell
All our memes are from halfchan you fucking idiot, maybe you'd realize that if you weren't just another batch redditspawn trying so hard to fit in. I see at least one of the mods here is literally as stupid as half of the guys in this thread. Keeping up the WE WUZ niggering and deleting any posts with even a semblance of logic and good reasoning. To think there'd be literal kikes infiltrating the mod team here, pushing /x/ tier WE WUZ SUBHUMANS garbage and trying to make us all look like idiots. A genuine shame this many retards eat up the narrative anyhow. You cucks are literally pulling down the entire white genome.