CNN wants to ban the term "fake news"
They're so fucking desperate, it's amazing.

Other urls found in this thread:

This shit (their version of "fake news") is spreading to my country, fuck you CNN.

But cnn invented the term fake news in the first place


How about we break up CNN,MSNBC,FOX,and others with the anti-trust laws along with the two parties?

I.. just, words don't even..

not worth it, they need to be completely annihilated.

We break them up and black list their employees from getting a job in the Media and politics That way the rats can't jump on board another media outlet or political party.

I use lügenpresse

How can you "ban a term" from the internet? What, are going to send mean emails to people who use the term on facebook / twitter?

CNN is very fake news.

Ban the term 'fake news'
By Hossein Derakhshan and Claire Wardle
Updated 2051 GMT (0451 HKT) November 26, 2017
Editor\'s Note: Hossein Derakhshan is a writer and researcher on the socio-political impacts of new media technologies who spent six years in prison in Iran over his blog. They recently co-authored a report, "Information Disorder," commissioned by the Council of Europe. Claire Wardle is a research fellow at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, and leads the non-profit First Draft. The opinions in this article belong to the authors.


Aren't they the ones who coined the term "fake news"?

What stage of grief is this? 'Become a parody of yourself'?


>oy vey, politicians are trying to directly address the people rather than letting (((independent journalists))) decide what they need to hear

>real information isn't real when it makes (((someone))) look bad, goyim

In terms of brand awareness it's not all bad for them. They shouldn't complain. Their time is coming asap hopefully.

Take note. They’re actually defining the term for the first time.
Not only does it explicitly have to do with ‘appearance’ (lol, liberals), it relates solely to “news sites that look professional but have fabricated contents”. Now that this has been turned around on them and they’re proven to look professional but be fake, they don’t like the meaning anymore.

I thought CNN started using the term to divert attention from their own fake news propaganda towards ukrainian hoax clickbait sites in an attempt to keep CNN "legit".

10/10 very respectable news outlet.

you should always meme responsibly ;^)
the jews must be exterminated

Fam this is some sort of Art of the Deal fuckery.

They proposed these alternatives

We appropriated it. We just took it and Trump took it and now it's a millstone about their necks.

It's kekworthy.

So they're shutting their own dirty lying jewish mouths now?





KEK this is wonderful

fucking owned

frunkt and rekt

So much for the "free" press


So I read a bit of the article

Dear CNN, Clinton campaign, American leftists: you started this. You wanted to gradually edge a technically defined phrase into a gray area one that could be used to conveniently dismiss others. These are your semantics games. If dictators are copying the tactics that's your fault. And that's irrelevant anyway, because your request has nothing to do with muh oppressed 3rd worlders, it has to do with your own credibility getting hit.

I know some of you are reading this.

KEK. It's to late. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. Just accept your fate.

it doesn't get any jewier tastier than this, anons


Fraudulent reporting

Laughing so hard I can't breath

lmao ban it from what?

"But earlier this year, the term started to become meaningless."

you what other term has become meaningless as of late?


Anything that's meaningful is meaningless, and anything meaningless is meaningful.

This is the most important sentence in the article
The fact that they can consider the direct dialogue between representatives and the general public as something bad shows the mindset they have

I wasn't surprised by that. They went from subliminally hinting at this to now just blatantly stating that they are the only ones to be listened to. It's pathetic, they're on their last leg and they know it.


Fake news by real jews.

Fake news by real jews.

Fake news by real jews.

Ok. Go ahead. You can stop using the term, 'fake news'.
Oh, you want me to stop using it? lolno

They are salty the Onion has more credibility.

They're mad because their money and influence doesn't translate to skill when it comes to competent propaganda. People are tuning out of their radio stations to listen to random kids making fun of Dr Phil on youtube. I'm a little concerned that they'll start getting heavy-handed and want to take their ball and go home once they realize they're getting demolished at the game they wanted to play.

==Never forget that they whipped out the term "fake news" as a desperate response to pizzagate.


I'm pretty sure Washington Post wrote an article like this a while ago as well. It's hilarious to watch them squirm.

Wow that's some super namefagging there, I'm sure the Council of Europe and Harvard's (((Shorenstein))) Center are both completely impartial.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Harvard was once revered as one of the great beacons of Western education and Christian virtue and thought. Now it has become a villainous den of thieves and vipers. Truly disgusting that place. Sad.



they shoahed this guy off youtube years ago, good job saving his video

Around the same time the spiritualists ie Satanists took over it failed, can't have been later than the last decades of the 19th Century when they started rewriting the Bible as well.

The long march through the institutions isn't merely a Communist meme, they learned it from the Satanists.

It doesn't matter if you or I are agnostic, as long as they believe in what they're doing it's real enough when you see the damage they cause.

We've entered a real actual battle with dark forces.

Thank you user. I Appreciate the encouragement.

I'm a Christian user. Meh, let the nations rage. God will laugh them all into derision, and Jesus Christ His Son will judge every man. Satan is headed straight for hell, and he knows it.

Good deal friend, stay strong and let's give them the hell they deserve.


This guy had a whole channel of redpills but they took it down with prejudice years ago.

Hopefully the user who posted that video will make a thread some day.

Fuck off newfag.


Tell your bosses having the interns canvas here isn't going to work.

Of course. That's because in their ideal world, people would not even CONSIDER the possibility that news from a (((reliable source))) might be fake.

They want people to think as Wikipedia does: does the story come from a "Real" News Organization? Then it's true and notable. Is it a mere fact being cited by people based on reality? Not trustworthy, not notable, you can ignore it.

Almost perfect
-88pts for posting kosher cunt


Have you ever seen anything backfire so fucking hard as the entire "fake news" narrative has?

Kek, they can't just throw a grenade int the air and expect to not be hit by the shrapnel


The term was applied to Breitbart and Drudge almost exclusively. (((Media))) is always doing this, rewriting history so that it seems like the right just suddenly became unreasonable.

It meant that for exactly two seconds before they started conflating it (purposefully) with legitimate right wing sources as well as opinionated ones that didn't pretend to be news. Remember the lists? Why does this soy kebab think it ended up this way? The right hates actual fake news sites too and would be glad to be rid of them.

This. This entire situation was spawned by our investigation back then.

More importantly, I said this at the time back then but 'fake news' is the stupidest term they could have ever chosen. Nobody cares about or understands their stupid technical definition, the thing that sticks in people's minds is the subconscious association between the words 'fake' and 'news' - the message that gets preserved is that the news is fake. And what's the news for most people? It's that same MSM. I honestly can't believe they're still marching on with this term all this time later, are none among them intelligent enough to notice this most basic flaw? I do remember an early push to abandon the term when Trump started using it, but that seems to have failed.

And this shit too. Typical kike thinking, they can only process the world with defined labels. As noted these aren't catchy, and the public isn't going to remember or care about the difference these autistic kikes are trying to convey.

Fuck they're dumb.


That's some real kike logic.

Do you have a source for that? I have someone I need to blow the fuck out and I need a source with them using it early.

I can see it if you're already having a conversation in German, but it feels artificial to inject it into English speech.

Its nice getting the kike media to admit that multiculturalism is bullshit.

Can we take the time to go over just how insidious this meme was when it first started spreading?
I don't know if there's a well established term for this kind of propaganda, so I just refer to it as intentional conflation because that's really what it is.

Believe it or not, "fake news" really didn't start as a term to slander right wing news outlets. It simply became that the moment it was implied that actual fake news was influencing the election in favor of Trump. In fact, actual fake news sites exist as we all know. This was supposed to refer to the kind of shit you see in pop-ups where they look kinda like news sites but with headlines saying stupid shit like "SELENA GOMEZ IS COMING TO [wherever your IP address is located] NEXT WEEK!" Many of these would also make claims regarding political coverups of health facts for the purpose of either getting clicks or selling products to you. One of these which comes to mind is that Hillary Clinton is hiding a miracle substance that prevents cancer called "sour honey" (look up that term and I'm sure you'll still find the shit floating around). The story making this claim said that if you eat it, you literally never need to worry about cancer and would link you to where you could buy this shit, which wasn't even honey, for absurdly high prices.
There was a Buzzfeed video where they investigated one source of many of these bullshit articles. If you watched it, you'll find that the usual culprits aren't even mentioned. The whole video was tracking this one guy who was putting out actual fake news stories about celebrities coming to your local area in order to garner pageviews.

The thing is, this isn't what anyone has in mind when they talk about "fake news." It is simply where they point when they are asked when interrogated on the matter. They used these actual fake news stories as a means of establishing it's validity as a problem while then pointing at right wing news sources when they find they are in like-minded company. They intentionally conflated actual fake news intended to farm pageviews from gullible retards through pop-ups with right wing news outlets that have proven effective at calling out their bullshit. They pointed the finger one way to prove the problem exists then pointed the other way to show where the problem is.

I'm honestly curious as to whether there's a name for this kind of thing. If there isn't, then there certainly should be.

Who is that guy? Source, pls.

They admit it only when it pertains to Israel.

For those curious to watch the buzzfeed video:

CNN ran with it when it started by some bitch who made a SJW list from a (((University))) as an add-on (chrome), then Faceberg started their own and Jewgle started it - and it was supported by a bunch of SJWs like ADL. CNN used it. Trump then used it to describe CNN and suddenly they were burning millions in a shekel shoah.



I’m just trying to find link instances of CNN and others using it before Trump’s campaign. I’ve now found some in liberal media all the way back to the Bush administration, accusing right-wing outlets of being ‘fake news’.


Jewry is a superclass of many forms of dishonesty and hardly a useful distinction when talking about this particular form of Jewry.

I'm pretty sure WE coined it as Holla Forums to be honest, because we used 'lügenpresse' which of course means lying press, and then the term just morphed into the more culturally-appropriate 'fake news'. If not then I guess they coined it, but we had been referring to them as the lying press, or some variant of that, for years - and thus we STILL inspired it.

It was a markedly different thing to satirical news like the onion and other such crap. It meant the news was either outright deception, or else a distortion of the truth meant to push a specific (largely false) narrative.

Lügenpresse was a chant used by Nazi protesters in Germany.

Yes, and picked up by Holla Forums because of our love of Nazis. It was not a common phrase in English until us. Perhaps among some neo-nazi groups, but it certainly entered internet culture thanks to us.

Fair enough. If that's where the goalposts stand, you are right.

I first heard fake news when that amateur pizzagate investor when to that restaurant with a gun


Something something golems something something turned against them

Don’t count on trump doing anything to Fox. He even excempts them from his twitter jokes. And make no mistake Fox is the original Faux news. Faux news is not your friend.

Not that I’d ever vote for one of those sexually deviant demon D team, but I voted for trump ultimately for what he did to those homosexual robots the Republicans wheeled out this time. They really were just going to throw it to the cunt. Fuck them twice as hard as any deranged liberal. They’re the exact same thing but with neocohen costumes.

John Allan Martinson

Oh, the iornry

This is my petard. Sometimes I like to hoist myself up on it.

Hillary's boys bought out The Onion right at the start of the campaign. They were pretty smart to nip that shit in the bud. It was quite based and unbiased before last year.

I came here to laugh at CNN, the fake news champ. They were the ones that started saying it in the first place. Top kek.

I believe it's called getting buttfucked.


>They want to start calling disinformation

Word's out on Grasshopper boys. Good luck with that.

Wile E. Coyote is the perfect comparison. Every time they try to nab Trump, he just sidesteps their trap and walks away unscathed.
Trump doesn't even need to foil them or deliver the inevitable punch to the gut, the trap alone does the work for him. The shitlibs can't do anything without is exploding all over them!
Trump makes this look like child's play! Sad!

Wasn't that the guy who just happened to shoot through some computers?

What's the difference?

We'll just call fake news,cnn news. Meme it.

I don't have any sources, but I do clearly recall that at first lefties were trying to push it really hard (to the point it wouldn't surprise me if a group related to soros or hillary was behind it) as a buzzword to describe sites like kikebart.

Didn't Hillary push the term in her pepe speech or something?

Yeah I remember Hilldog oiked using it as a Buzzword whenever bad press came up for her, it was the same time she was shilling that Factchecking website as well.