whats up with these guys anyway? they march around with cartoon fednazis like the nsm and klan while saying russian communism is cool. they have traps in their group. the fbi visits people who leave their group.
Other urls found in this thread:
duginist logo
ripping off logos from other nationalist groups another time
FBI niggers
I think you answered your own questions, and on the ironlarp forums he proposed to the NSM/ANA that they allow his group to write up a constitution or something like that, trying to effectively hijack the entire foundation. Its like kikes kiking kikes.
Duginist and FBI honeypot.
Sounds like the attempt to steal credit for "It's Okay to be White" tbh. Fuck me running, how hard is it to simply ask people if it's okay to use their logo
Or you know, just spend a couple minutes making your own logos in paint.
If you ever needed more evidence that the "alt-right" is purpose built to discredit right wing movements here it is.
Yeah seriously, it can't be that hard to come up with your own content. These people just don't want to do that. The only thing TRS comes up with that is unique to them is when they promote themselves via podcasts. And if Fatt Heimbach wants to join in on the "copy other people's ideas" bandwagon then fuck him.
White Lives Matter is the stupidest optics move you could make.
Their leader, Rabbi Chaimbach, used to date an Israeli. He wanders around with LARP accessories that have no logical connection to each other, for example flying a Prussian flag, then waving around an Orthodox cross with "Jesus of Nazareth KING OF THE JEWS" (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum) on it, then wearing a Hezbollah shirt, etc. Whatever seems edgy at the time, I guess. The man has no coherent or concrete ideology.
Supports Dugin as well, and Dugin basically wants a mongrel Eurasia full of turks and arabs and under Russian cultural domination (basically Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan with Russian jews instead of German jews).
lol wut?
And having the National Socialist Movement attend is any better? Their flag is there in the flag list of people in the group, with the first in the group being TRS. Not good optics at all. So why not PR cuck over that instead?
Fuck Dugin
Oh look, it's this thread again, filled with random allegations against Heimbach without any evidence.
They didn't make that flier. And, looking at it closely, the NF doesn't quite match with the British one. It's thicker, and the arms on the F are shorter.
lmao, okay, sure
If you can't see the stupidity of filing your event as White Lives Matter after all BLM wrought, I can't help you.
That's not what I was saying, I was saying that that isn't the PR mistake in the pic. I agree with you about what you said.
Again? We normally have people being pro-heimbach, tbh. I want to see if there are any facts to support the russian communism claim if that's true, tbh
Oic. You must be a PR manager I presume?
The fact that the NSM would collaborate with zionist based nigger civnat faggots says a lot about them.
I think he might be confusing him with Enoch on that one, they ran a show like a couple days ago directly attacking Hitler, National Socialism etc and they pretty much arent hiding that they are bolshevists now.
I know it's normally the case, but over the last several days there's been a concerted effort to shill the narrative that Heimbach is secretly a NazBol or whatever because once upon a time he didn't hate Jews and was your average Hurritage Not Hate southerner.
The only connection I've ever seen of him to Duginism is that he once spoke at a conference where a prerecorded Dugin speech was given. Which is not exactly damning, especially since most people aren't aware of what Dugin really stands for.
Which ones? All of the groups that were there, except maybe Andycom, are nominally White Nationalist groups. In practice, of course, the alt-kike is just racist liberalism, but that's not readily apparent to most.
I doubt it. They're attacking Heimbach as a "bolshevist" because he stands for National Socialist economic policies instead of Pinochet-esque "kill the commies and then hand our economy over to capitalist Jews" policies. The tactic of trying to tar National Socialists as Bolsheviks is nothing new, in fact it goes back to the original NSDAP.
From "Der Nazi-Sozi", in which Dr. Goebbels talks about common attacks against the NSDAP:
TRS, and Enoch, a Jew married to a Jewess. Heimbach really does seem like hes pushing the boundaries of the anti-capitalist rhetoric and stepping into bolshevist territory. Im probably the only one who uses the term bolshevist around here btw, its what Goebbels called them instead of Bolsheviks so it just stuck with me. BTW Nazi Sozi was published in 26, before he even moved to Berlin. He was still very red. I wouldnt dispute that a workers movement is part of National Socialism, but the later Goebbels remarks that National Socialism should never be presented in any other terms, such as nationalistic socialism, or just nationalism.. or more relevantly, just as socialism.
1941 Goebbels would disagree with 1926 Goebbels on that part.
no guys the russian communists are basically us
I think that probably settles it.
high ranking traps tho
Reminder that according to Hitler, the summarized purpose and primary goal of National Socialism is to smash bolshevism. If I have to find the source on that, it will take me a long time, but Ill come back at a later date with it from either his diaries, or Ruths book on him. Not sure where I read it. It was during the battle for Berlin, Im pretty sure, when he was forced to start shrinking the definitions and reduce the ambiguousness of what National Socialism actually meant.
On Goebbels I mean.
He's talking about the modern "Communist Party of the Russian Federation", which is exactly as he describes. I've actually been researching them for a post I plan to make rebutting Duginism, since I haven't seen much work done on attacking its policies other than Eurasianism.
Introduce progressive taxation; low-income citizens will be exempt from paying taxes.
Duginism, for the moment, if you ask me, is better left unaddressed simply because people dont know what it is. Its better that people dont know what it is, and it be dismissed as anti-white (which it is)
yeah its nasty
My trouble with that is that that makes one skip over the deeper and more troubling parts of the Fourth Political Theory that need to be laid to rest.
Wow holy shit so yeah that is pretty much a confirmation of his communist leanings. Heimbach went red ffs
Beyond the proposed 32 economic platform ideas. You dont just give stuff away, they take some loans, they work on part of it themselves, some of it may be forgiven or subsidized.. but they wouldnt just give you a house for free.
Thats beyond NatSoc, its also very vague. "strategic sectors". Things that generate profits generally arent to be run by the government. Things that dont need to profit, are.
Not really part of NatSoc but they have fraudulent elections. Ideally, we get rid of elections. (but they do too, they are just lying about that one)
Peoples courts? Fuck no. I could go on. Communism and bolshevism are not National Socialism. Theres big differences.
Read this
That's the party, and the platform, he's referring to.
You can argue for and against those on their own merits, but the point is that in Matthew Heimbach saying that his party's platform is someone similar to theirs, in practice, IN A PRIVATE CHAT CHANNEL, is not in fact an endorsement of Bolshevism in any way.
I've been getting really fucking sick of interacting with these nazbol faggots and strasserists. They lack any sort of real argument and all they do is spout rhetoric like commies always do.
fuck off tradbol trs shill
Wow this guy went from
to this post linking directly to the wikipedia page for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation's wiki page. Way to shill you faggot. That's just insanely dishonest. Gotta love the attempt to go into full blown shut it down mode, you kike.
forgot to check these digits
Yeah and it's the communist party program. Communist lies are not appealing even if dressed up in identitarian rhetoric. If they were serious about "stopping the extinction of the country," then the Communist party wouldn't have murdered over 20 million Russian and Ukrainian Slavs in the Holodomir.
Free housing for families maybe, but youre pushing your boundaries and thats not part of traditional National Socialism. Things like peoples courts are way out of the question, thats nutballery.
I understand the position of someone who follows Heimbach, he has significantly less egg on his face compared to Spencer and Enoch etc. Some people dont want to believe, and dont want to hurt a genuine white man whos trying to make a difference. Im not even sure Heimbach is 100% white, but I dont really know. Id give the "supporters" the benefit of the doubt, but those caps of him saying Russian communists are our friends, and that we pretty much are them. No. Just no.
wow those guys are not passable as women how tf did heimbach let them in in the first place
You know, I dont really mind people who have an actual argument for what they are pushing, they can be reasoned with, but if a faggot starts autistically screeching when you say that Strasserists focus too much on capitalism and not enough on communism, i'm beyond reasoning with them, its obvious they have no argument and are just dyed in the wool communists.
An offhand comment referring to the Russian Federation's Communist Party's platform isn't a "connection to Dugin", dumbass.
If anything, he's saying that the modern Communist Party isn't actually Communist. Which I'd agree, they aren't. They just use the name to conjure up the imagery of the Soviet Union.
He's saying that his Party Platform mirrors the platform of the CPRF, which is only Communist in name and does not advocate for Marxism-Leninism. He isn't advocating for Bolshevism in any way.
Benefits for families? Nationalization of natural resources? Freedom from foreign banks? You don't support those?
Theres been a lot of actual nazbol shilling around here recently, and I know exactly what you mean about spouting rhetoric.
I think this is what happens when you are LARPing really hard and are being super edgy. Also, so much for being a Russian Orthodox guy. That's all just a charade. "Hey, we're the group of people that stifled the Orthodox Church and the Orthodox church at the same time!" It's like saying that you are a member of the Greek Orthodox church while being an Ottoman ffs
This horseshit reeks of "It wasn't REAL communism"
Opinion discarded, commie apologist
Communist anything belongs in a furnace
I really try to understand where they are coming from, but I can't understand the logic behind abandoning National Socialism in favor of Bolshevism. I suppose that is really beyond me. I honestly think figures like enoch and dicky are intentionally poisoning the well of their views with this communist bullshit they keep spewing. Maybe that was their intention the entire time, to flip impressionable young men who are right leaning into unironically supporting communism.
Thats not how it works. National Socialism is the middle ground between ideologies, a compromise between capitalism and communism, individualism/free society and collectivism. Its middle on pretty much everything. Yes, we like some nationalization. Yes, we like some benefits for families. Yes, foreign banks hands off. Thats not Bolshevism though. It takes everything we like, and ramps it up until its not good anymore. Free housing, instead of subsidized housing. Communal systems, instead of private property.. cant just be a National Socialist, everyone has to have the exact same amount of stuff and be treated exactly the same, and be paid the same wages regardless of productivity etc etc etc.
Hitler said he created National Socialism to prevent his country and people from being ripped apart. He intentionally used marxist terms, so they could be spoken to in their own language. It was all done to unite, not to be as close to communists as possible. Like I said, its a compromise. Well Heimbach wants the WHOLE thing, from what I gather. Hes full communist, in disguise, from the signals Im receiving.
Bruh, they're idolizing communists and are proudly communists themselves on a deceptive level with what they potreay to the outside. There is no defense for this. This makes them enemies tbqh.