So the BO is banned for ban evasion, and I wanted to share this archive on his behalf (with all due respect to the mods). Usually this BO would spam walls of text linking to some other board from which he's relaying the archive links, which isn't really a crime to me, but I will just leave this one OP with all the main links (so I myself do not get banned for spamming walls of text). Thanks Morgoth, your new board is infinitely better than the tabularium and it saves me days worth of searching for new material. I hope you keeping adding more, and that you manage to make a torrent for the PDFs. Heil!

archive - mega.nz/#F!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg
contents - mega.nz/#!pM1CibqT!PaxJ7dRQAxb0QMIPbIPIcBJS3EI4lvVVbrXw8iBL-JE
board for the proliferation and requesting of PDF files - >>>/zundel/

It would be splendid if we could get a sticky for this, and if possible keep it as a general redpill thread containment zone for all those complaining niggers. Everyone is tired of the /polmeta/ bullshit leaking out onto the board.

My personal recommendation for newfags - the Norse & European thread >>>/zundel/561 I have yet to find a better compilation of aryan literature.

Other urls found in this thread:


What makes you think this is a board for redpilling people?

every time

Answer the fucking question, dipshit. Your BO is banned. Every thread you make is deleted. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THIS IS A BOARD FOR YOUR CONTENT? Just stop posting here entirely. You can’t win. Let it shrivel up and fucking die.

… A pretty shekel for that post eh schlomo?

Here are some basic redpills.

You really have no comprehension of what I’m saying, do you.






I mean it would be pretty Jewish to imply you meant anything other then what you said.

Here's a Christian redpill.


this board is run by the ADL, fuck any shill that says otherwise



Agreed this board has been compromised for a long time now.


All these smoloko images would be great if they had citations, for fuck’s sake.


fucking triggered cunt

I need some redpilling about single payer healthcare. If I'm going to go into a heated debate, I'm going to need to pack some heat.



I am not the BO of /zundel/


holohoax red pills are always a very important staple. when was the last time we had a thread on the topic?

Thanks OP, this is giving me fucking aids man. I have another chunk to add soon, so keep an eye out.

It took you only 51 seconds to attack /zundel/.

Great job. Enjoy your endless cycle of being banned. See how that works out for you.

For fuck’s sake, you absolute retard.

Write "What happened to Building 7" and "What happened to Tom Ogle" on bathroom stalls should be an easy starter.

Throwing around flyers saying "It's okay to be white" should a next better thing.

Here's one for any Illuminati-chasing CBTS boomer who might be lurking.


The problem with that is that it'll direct people to kosher shills like Jonestein and the Loose Chang heebs, instead of what really happened. The 9/11 Truth Movement is proof that the Overton Window meme is bullshit.

ie Redpills should be like:

big walls of text? No normies will read it. And even if they read it they will pass it off with "pff dumb conspiracy theorists".

You start the redpills by dropping a "tickle sensation". A question not usually asked (almost like it's silenced) , for an answer to come directly from the audience.

A sort of "oh yea, good question" comes from the audience, and they start going down the path of redpilling.

See pic related? Jews usually give children chocolate little circles with aluminium foil stamped into coins.

NOW, "why would they dooo thaaaattt, hmmmmm?"

See? It guides the person to one style of thinking.

Fine, reported for spam.


That’s a retarded example, but your point is correct.

The Jew Fears The Samurai.

Of course, the question mentioned only works on Holla Forumsacks as they are already down the path long enough to get the good answer… but for questions for normies there needs to be a good engineering that really makes them go down the path not forseen the preplanned paths of this culture we live in.

When you ask them "what happened to building 7?" and they answer with "fire weakened the structure of building" then you show them how then the building would tip over or steel would bend, not simply drop at full speed.

You push them to uncharted territory.

It pushes them to general direction of us, little by little.
Putting up newer questions to Jones and other puppets is same tactic.

ayo, explained above

Don't forget the immigration act

what happened to Heil anyway?

Spam leftypol, please.

Why do think anyone is going to engage you?

Read what’s written. Figure out what it says. Then reply.

Pic related.



Why are you so mad about a thread you can just ignore? Why are you so mad about a redpill thread? Are you buttblasted I haven't been banned yet?

because he's a fucking meme user

He's a shit tier meme.

Until next time, faggot.

It slides other stuff off the board. Which you know, goon-kun.

Slide threads have no value and the only thing its sending off the board are the numerous anchored threads. Invalid argument.

I dont know what that weird looking board is for requests, doesnt look like any other board Ive been on. No pics etc.

I think it goes without saying that one of the books lacking on /pdfs/ and /zundel/ that would be highly valuable and appreciated would be the 39-41 Goebbels diaries by Fred Taylor. For such an important and go-to book, its shocking no one has put it up yet among all the other actually rare books. Obviously something the majority of Holla Forumsacks would probably be interested in reading. Another point, is that the 24-38 diaries apparently dont have an English version. Even a German one would be nice, but those actually are rare from what I gather.

Oh and there are French translations, which for some is easier than learning German. Its called "Journal" in french, and "Tagebucher" in German.

good stuff. Here is some of the stuff he was banning last night.


If you could not post books I already have in my next chunk of PDFs to add to my archive, that'd be great.



Top kek. /polmeta/ BO is imkamfy. That is a direct conflict of interest. Dissent must be voiced on Holla Forums as a result.

Well I made a request for that like 6 months ago on /pdfs/ and it was ignored. Im glad to hear youre adding it, but you dont have to be a cunt about it.

If you see spam that looks like its our own BO or imkamfy.

and if you ever wondered why post quality has taken an absolute shit over the last few years, its because the mods spend their time removing and editing dissenting posts as opposed to coming up with innovative solutions to actual shilling.

This garbage is worse than the TRS shilling at this point, a disease on the board, and you wonder why these threads get shut down. Stop promoting the overthrow of the mods and the opportunity for lefty/pol/ to infiltrate and really ruin this place. Plenty of us are just fine with the quality, and this is more annoying than the actual kikes.

/pdfs/ BO can be contacted at [email protected]. Cry to him about it. I'm not sure if he's as active as usual anymore. Also you don't even have a copy of this book, and you're sage-ing and salty-posting about other people not having it? Kek.

I have the other diaries and for like 8 months in a row havent had the money to pick up a copy. Yea, I dont have it, and I want it, and other people should have it too because its the fucking Goebbels diaries. Listen to yourself, I ask for a god damn book from you, and you bitch at me about it. What good are you now huh? Anti book and anti-Holla Forums

Your posts.
Your posts.
So you say.
Stop implying everyone who has a problem with you is a Holla Forums coadjutor. For all we know, you could be one of them ?? I'll reiterate the argument you so often love to use: "Provide evidence or fuck up".

>pretending my archive and board don't exist again
You got nothing to do with your life, man. Why don't you get a job? Do something, be a nurse. Work with blind kids, lepurs, that kind of thing. Anything beats you waiting around all day, waiting for me to fuck you, I'll tell you that.

You deserve everything you get, I hope your cancer comes back and you fucking die you anti-white subvert. Our race will go right along with you, if people like you had their way. Cancer, thats what you are. Just because I dont have money for the Goebbels diaries doesnt mean I dont have money at all, or a job. What a fucking kike. Ive spent a lot of money on books, to the point where my teeth are in pain while Im reading. I guess Im the problem though, because youre anti-Holla Forums shilling was interrupted BY A FUCKING BOOK REQUEST - THAT YOU ADMITTED YOU ACTUALLY EVEN HAVE

Fuck yourself.

kill yourself.

Stop projecting. You have multiple websites to search for the copy. Be careful you dont give yourself cancer with all that stress you salty child.

Redundancy: the user

Who would be when it took over six months to restore his board to functionality after the 'hack'. I also would not be surprised if some threads/books were permanently lost. You deserve gas, pic related. I assume you will begin by removing parts of this thread. I have capped the entire thing, about once every minute and will be posting proof if you choose that rout.

I'm not advocating the overthrow of the mods as though its some sort of regime. I'm advocating removing any and all subversive mods and replacing them with those who's honor is loyalty. This is as a direct response to them banning legitimate users, shilling/shitposting and generally contributing to the calcification of the board.

If you think post quality here is adequate you are either a shill, or need to lurk two years, then post.

It doesnt exist, I doubt you even have one. I searched for the PDF. Whos projecting? I asked you for a book you supposedly have, and you treat me like the enemy. Youre the enemy. TRS does good stuff too, but in the end they are faggot kike worshiping nigger lovers, and so they get the gas. See how that works? Hmm, big board of books that help whites, but spends all his time trying to destroy the stability of the board and potentially the board itself. Bad call, brother.

what's going on in this thread?

What? Did I miss something? This doesn't sound possible.

The guy who is responsible for promoting books is now talking about fucking Holla Forumsacks in the ass and berating them for requesting books, because his anti mod shilling was interrupted by a book request, and for Goebbels at that.

It took me nearly 8 months to put together /zundel/. I have it backed up. If there were to be a hack, it would take me literally 3 minutes to reup the whole thing, pictures and all. It's not my fault he (probably you) is a fucking pleb who can't into basic archiving.



You are clearly a fucking shill cunt who wants to suppress everyone here. Sticky the cunt or delete it, but don't sit here shitting your pants all over the place like a little kid.

can't we all just read books and get along?

I asked for a book, but Im the shill suppressing book threads? Now youre just delusional, not even trying. This is what Jews look like.

Stop conflating what I said. You're literally just mad at yourself for being an unresourceful faggot, then projecting that onto me because I'm that one martyr who decided to take on this task of proliferating literature. You're a lolcow.

Right? Here I am with an actual thread for Goebbels on my board, and this sulky bitch is whining about how I am subverting Holla Forums because I haven't got around to uploading them all yet (because I am busy interviewing cunts to get some e-celebs on our side for the coming memewar).

Stop projecting, man. It's easy. You just have to take some vitamin A, B, C, D, magnesium and zinc, and stop thinking people like me are a given.

Youre an honorary Jew, and you just pissed off one of your biggest defenders for asking for the Goebbels diaries. Your support is about to dry right up.

*Stop conflating what I said with what you're saying I said.


Don't make me have to contact your local rabbi again.

What do you think I'm doing? I don't need your support faggot. Stop using me for your own self-aggrandizement. You probably haven't even read one book in your life, but you want to sit there hunched over, typing away at me like an assburger. Ignore the thread if you are this triggered.

You cant possibly be that stupid to have perceived it as a threat when I requested that.
Youre the one who got upset at me after I requested it, probably because the cancer is rotting your brain.

I just want anons to read books.



Stop deflecting. You know that's exactly what you were doing.

You dont need our support just like white meetups shill doesnt. Without me, thats all you are. One shill, being shouted down by all Holla Forumsacks. I spread books too. Thats why I wanted the Goebbels diaries. I read through them, and post Goebbels quotes, make memes from them.

What? Backstory?


Yea well, your actions speak differently than your words at this point. It wouldnt be very National Socialist of me to lie.


how is the board owner banned from the board??? this seems not possible.

Relax, I just filed the report youre probably responding to, because Ive had enough of Zundel despite having defend him a lot in the past. Attacking me for asking for Goebbels was totally uncalled for and shows how hes not here for books, but just to fuck the board up as revenge for perceived injustices.

Good job giving kikes a fragmentation point.

This is what happens when you drop non-kosher redpills on 8/pol/.

t. (((That one guy who doesn't want books on Holla Forums)))


How? All the guy has done is post book threads and then been banned.

We already have two book boards (pdf and pdfs), but both have their own issues. As long as the links work- it doesn't really matter which board a book is posted too.

You have shat up the thread will unverifiable claims about the BO of /zundel/ being a jew. Proofs or GTFO.

Its not anymore, because zundel himself is anti book. I like books, we still should have book threads, but Im reporting this fucking cunt any time I see him from now on.

Start on this post.

Go through the replies.
See this actually?



For anyone wondering why books aren't allowed on Holla Forums, it's because hates and attributes what I do to what he does. Don't confuse /zundel/ with /pdfs/; we endorse each other but we exist for entirely different purposes.

Evidence? I don't remember that. I don't have this book in my archive; it's second hand account bullshit that was probably some goy jumping on a bandwagon.

But I'm not.

Go sew your asshole back together and come back with a better angle, moishe. Until then, I will be continuing my archive promotion and defending my integrity against obvious JIDF.

You're literally a wired up bird.

By the way, prove that you also post books somewhere. For all I know, you could just be some random TRSodomite leftover.

That isn't proof. You have posted nearly 20 times in this thread, and not a single post, has a shred of evidence.

Give me a screencap from /zundel/ of the board owner telling you to fuck off and maybe it won't be obvious to everyone here that you are a shill. Has a perfect explanation as to why you are a triple nigger.

There are at least three book related boards that are used on Holla Forums. These now included /pdf/, /pdfs/, and /zundel/. Each has a different BO and purpose. Now fuck off.

I dont need to prove shit, I just wont defend you anymore and will report you instead. Im the guy who were arguing with in the other thread the other day, where they stopped banning you because I said it bothered me you were banned for supposedly not reading Mein Kampf, despite it being obvious you would have.
That was me. I just wanted the Goebbels diaries, but youre here to shill against Kampfy, who you dont actually have proof is a Turk and couldnt produce it when asked for it by someone else. You brought all this on yourself at this point, anyone who tries to give you advice you just turn on. Big surprise when you end up being shouted down as a shill by everyone, and youre left only being able to go "This is the 40th time this thread has been banned!" to make yourself fell like youre getting anywhere.
You dun goofd.

Pick one and only one, berkay. For fucks sake. I'm not engaging your bullshit, you nigger. Read the damn books or be a BTFO jew, I don't care.

Snarky remark for a simple request.

Thanks, but no need to be a cunt.

More hostile bullshit. Follow the replies. I ask for a book, he turns into a fucking white Jew by Goebbels own description.

it happens all the time

You're a negative little kid if you think that means fuck you. Maybe you should get a tripcode so I know to treat you especially gently in the future?

meant for

For the record, the fundamental reason why book boards even matter is for those who have actually spent time in a university/college/higher education environment.

Try pulling up research articles specific to aboriginal Australians and papau new guineans from the 1900s-1980s on JSTORE of equivalent. None exist in digital format, and aussie uni's likely won't give them out because their contents are entirely politically incorrect. That is one particular field among literally thousand which have had their contents suppressed by a lack of being digitized.

/pdf/ and /pdfs/ tbqh has a better library than most universities in the united states when it comes to political science and history. If /zundel/ can help with the archiving effort, that is excellent. It took 6 months to recover /pdfs/ when it went down, so having backups, or better yet BO who have a good backup is critical.

You need to fuck off. Getting offended because of a 'snarky remark' is not an appropriate response on an image board, leastwise Holla Forums. I have followed the replies and nowhere are your claims validated. Please gas yourself to save us the effort.


You say that to a National Socialist who asks you for a book in public, and you wont be saying anything to National Socialists anymore.

Hes the one who got offended. The tone is obvious. I proceeded to THANK HIM ANYWAYS and tell him he didnt have to be a cunt. He decided he would press it further, with remarks about fucking me in the ass.

Welcome to hell.

Don't call yourself that. You're a glorified 20's leftist.

how do I fight the urge to fornicate?
help me polacks

Threatening violence over bantz. You are an actual nigger aren't you?

4d187f is added to the filter.

When the ship is taking water, the last thing you need is members of the crew piercing holes in the hull.

Wrong, if the captain (mods, imkamfy) are incompetent.

Bot or shill?

Testosterone. (Chicken, Milk, Brazil Nuts, Maca Powder, Eggs, Zinc, Cacao Powder, etc).

The last thing you also don't need is the captain steering the ship into the rocks.

There was a time when if you remarked about fucking a man, he would at the very least punch your lights out. I guess youre a pacified TRS faggot who is okay with having supposed brothers make jokes about sodomizing you.

I am a National Socialist through and through, 100%, by the book. I follow the parts I like, and the parts I might have arguments against. I take the ideology 100% as it is, and dont change anything because thats not my job. If you dont like a part of National Socialism, you can go fuck yourself, and just stop calling yourself a National Socialist. I asked for the writings of one of our great idols, Paul Joseph Goebbels, in English form, for myself, and for the benefit of us all who would take the time to read it. The way I was responded to, over the series of replies, would be cause for ejection from the party. Youre not a National Socialist, youre not even helping whites. Not by shitting up this place, trying to subvert the mods who do a generally good job.. because you chose to use your individuality in ways that were hostile to the community. In spite of your hostile individualism, I defended you in the past, but no more.

This is a board for National Socialists,, which you are not.

Are you me, though?

That's you.

What fucking planet are you on, mate…

Fishing for (you)s at this point.

Try cuckchan if you think you have it bad here. Lack of book threads does not equal bad mods. Lack of based nigger and zionist shills, lack of faggots, lack of subversive garbage and nazbol trash etc. are all pros in favor of these mods. Changing them is far more likely to result in the total destruction of the board, than it is to be an improvement.

Nope. I'll be on /zundel/ for sure though.

Thanks for the help last night on the shilling thread.

You're such a self-sabotaging, toxic little child. Stop calling yourself ubermensch.

Meanwhile, youre the one shilling through proxies trying to sink the ship in your own words.

Wew lad, thats Tumblr tier communist buzzwordery, you definitely dont belong here.

Pot, meet kettle. Youre the impotent little worm who is throwing a samson fit because he cant get his own way on a National Socialist board.


Do you even know the difference between an argument and an assertion? Your existence is an anecdote.

BTW this is capworthy. They have now effectively admitted their goal is to sink the entire board by poking holes in the hull, as opposed to letting Kampfy remain a mod.

Eh Berkay, like the other guy said last night before you deleted his post: you do you, since you are your own worst enemy.

This board is sinking BECAUSE of bad moderation. It will sink unless something is done, starting with removing any/all subversive mods. Conflating imkamfy moderation privileges with board success is cancer of the highest order.

Again, you have provided no evidence that Turk is Kampfy, and the first thing I did in this thread was defend the idea of book threads, and then ask for a book. Everything after that was provoked by the white Jew, Zundel, and his lemming anti-NatSoc followers who seek to destroy the board.

yea look buddy shit loads of testosterone would do jack shit for that. it's not going to make you magically not want to fornicate.

this is coming from someone who has more body hair than a 50 year old greasy Italian due to test levels through the fucking roof. at 13 i could grow a full bread and the acne that came with the test surge still hasn't gone away and it fucking SUCKS.

You should take animal rights/hippy propoganda, and fill it with the animal torture things chinese have and then see if it'll catch on.


There you go again with the lying.

thkelly67 @ goytube

I read Hitler's poem in reverence to elderly mothers aloud to my better half, she was moved to tears and asked who wrote it. She wasn't stunned by the answer, just that she'd not read it. Her parents raised her with 'volk helps volk' values. Her grandfather actually red pilled her with Goebbels that he'd stashed, she enjoyed that when he'd sneak it to her.

Pics with Goebbels smiling are nice, too, saving those for her to share. Russian user in 2012 is awesome too. That's dead on.

This is a board for ubermensch only, you cant possibly have a white brain.

can someone redpill me on amish/mennonites?


It's the name of my board. You're the one implying that I larp under that name. Are you insane?

Talk about grasping at straws.

i wasnt posting it for normies - i was posting it for here. the second one mainly is good for people on chans (either less initiated lurkers on here or people on 4pleb). there is a scale for these things. you dont use the same strategy for every person. for example, dont use earlobe spacing on Holla Forums and expect people to read it. i only red the first two sentences

you did bring up a good point though and i did notice it myself (that i didnt like the other posts you replied to). red pills in image form generally need to be short and sweet for the most part. almost like there has to be enough empty space for the recipient to fill in the gaps themselves, but it still must be potent enough to break up their already held worldview. idk
the ones that i posted in my last post or in this post have a place moreso if the discussion is already centered around that particular topic

This guy is a meme user…

I read Fame, it's very, very good. It flows well, and basically tells WLP's life story and all his influences. Which makes sense, seeing as he had final authority on everything in the book.
The author got shat on by the NYT for not shitting all over Pierce, too.
I'd say it should be in the primary pantheon, especially as far as Pierce is concerned, but it's mostly a history/biography.


Speaking of the little half breed…

Y'all are gonna Kek so hard when you realize it really was (((the jew))).

Trumps goes after the Cabal… but it's not…
It's the Qabal…a.
Hermetic Qabala.

Zionists+Stasi+MI6+CIA+Freemasons+Mossad+Sandniggers like Talwaleed+Clintons+Obama bin Laden+Satanists… it's fucking insanity but you guys aren't THAT far off. There's a good damn reason you don't trust (((the jew))). Your everyday normie-jew just fell for (((-the- jew's))) kikery.

Whoops, wrong 4th image (TrumpTempleA.png)

end it all, sargon

Oh… I intend to end (((it))).

I'm here to save.

Who's the biggest shill? Keep shilling! Every shillpost adds one point to your score. Top shill gets one extra ride on the holocauster before I ==use your remains as fertilizer==

Happy shilling!

If this is actually about archiving books, I don't see why there has to be so much drama attached.

Just a reminder for anyone that has by any chance not yet: Read James Mason's SIEGE. If you're young/new it will blow your mind.


Nice memes, but on the final image you should say "legally entitled to have" instead of "legally obliged to have".

Doesn't Dave Irving think that the Goebbels diary is a forgery?

Don't listen to the shills. You did a good job with your archive.

oy vey!

The Diaries and the Secret conferences book match up, and there is no evidence of that. The pages have a recorded history and were found scattered throughout the courtyard after the building they were in was bombed. Some are missing, some are singed and partially destroyed. The Diaries are not complete, but they sure as hell werent fabricated. Have you seen how big they are? All typed up in gothic text too, fancy paper etc. Ive seen no serious evidence to disprove that, chances are he didnt like something inside them. He also defends the holohoax now, so his reputation has been sullied.

For example, heres the German versions to 41. 4 giant texts. The Lochner English 42-end of 43 one is like a little novel compared to those. If anything, the controversy is that the editors cut out so much of the original German diaries. Ive seen things Lochner cut out that were entirely malicious and served no purpose except to defend people like Churchill.

Those are horrible, tbh. All those images scream DA JEWS, DA JEWS and give outsiders an image of a fat hobo-conspiracy theorist being pissed about the world.
And i'm not talking about the text/info in particular, but about the way it's deliverd to the viewer through the fontstyle choice and the whole editing in general.

Redpills of Zion 2014
Redpill videos 2015

t. no one

Cognitive dissonance is beautiful.

pic related is anyone linking this horrendous, self-contradictory piece of shit sprawl of links put together by some confused mischling

By the way people who misinterpret redpills as DA JEWS has had their mind fucked - fuck them. It's literally the antithesis of Holla Forums to give one fuck about them. In a thousand years, they will be gone and we will remain.

So THIS is why Jim is shilling /new/ - it's BO refuses to identify himself 'diogenes' as described in the log

Irving has explicitly changed his tune on the holocaust, idiot.

So where are the citations?

Kamphy is a hero

anyone got the open the gates .goy infographic that lists like 15 times kikes opened the gates for the invaders over the years, i can't find it anymore.


A quick recap of why /zundel/'s BO got banned.

Never seen it, but they did both Granada and Constantinople.

Dont forget when he was asked for a book he started a massive chain of shitposting and making disgusting remarks about sodomizing men, taking offense at the idea that someone actually wanted a book from king bookshill himself.

Wait, he did all of the things I stated in this thread?
I was referring to him doing all of those in this thread.

that anons posts were perfectly civil until kampfy went into turbo nigger mode and started with the >muhboooooks retardation

Are you serious nigger? Kind of a hypocrite much?

I'd be inclined to believe you, had I not interacted with him before, but now I'm inclined to call you full of shit. But I'm sure you'll call me kampfy and tell everyone to go to 2pphchan right after this, right?

kampfy why don't you put as much time and effort into (((shutting it down))) all the nigger porn threads that are always up in the catalog vs actual discussion threads you shoah / anchor / shit up? huh?

no, just stop being a nigger and destroying the board

If you think the board is shit, why don't you fuck off and make your own? Is that why /polk/ is dead as a doornail?

how many real anons post here anymore? honestly?
>>>/polk/ has always been doa

so why only shit up threads with actual content and not the nigger porn threads?
i don't see
within 5 minutes of a shill posting black dick porn

You're deflecting. Answer my question.

because its now a chain getting here with t_d faggots < halfchan

So, you shit up other boards because you don't know why you don't want to make your own? Truly, the pinnacle of well read and respected intellect. Additionally, if imageboards are dying off, what's the point in trying to "save" Holla Forums?

See, Zundel is now pushing nigger cock threads and blaming Kampfy for not being around all the time to take them down immediately. "Sink the ship". Their goal is to shut Holla Forums down, clearly.

eh point, also i don't live where feds can't easily snatch

oh look its a nigger tranny fucking thread

thats been up since 11/22/17
No bail out the bilge user

Im not a mod you braindead mong. Chances are you made that thread. Seems every time you show up now, so do the nigger cocks and trannies etc… flood spam about pot and boxes.


idn thats a lot of effort you went through to explain this retardation:

Your insightful commentary has changed my mind, and surely the minds of many others. I'll be sure to browse /zundel/ daily, if I can find indecisive, opinionless, stanceless, spineless soyboys like you.

This thread would be long gone as it serves no purpose. The only reason Im posting in it is so everyone sees youre trying to destroy the board. Youre not even a National Socialist, thats why you kept getting linked Mein Kampf. You apparently dont know whats in it, or dont care to comport yourself correctly.

Now if I were a mod, I wouldnt even put the OP link into the board sticky - entirely because you decided to put the anti-kampfy files into the fucking book archive. Youre a fucking Jew.

who cares? anons will look at it if they want, doesn't mean you should shit up any and all threads that have actual political discourse. that zundel nigger had consistently better posts than:

Thats the whole point though? with 50 of these posts:

You're not even a National Socialist, that's why you kept getting linked Mein Kampf.
Yes a ns board where no ns discussion is allowed.

The BO of zundel has admitted to being a jew, by the way.

Completely rational thing to say, not an intentionally deceptive honorary Jew or anything at all.

Ive been calling him a white Jew, but if hes actually a real blooded kike that makes sense given how hes arguing and speaking to whites.

You wanna link me to some of those delicious proofs?

kind of hard to verify this because everything got the old mod shoah, can't make up our own minds now, right?

make a ns thread then nigger. It will end up exactly like this one, with 50 of these posts

kind of hard to constructive conversations when this happens to everything:

It was interesting having an actual real political conversation on fucking Holla Forums the other day compared to the wasteland that this place has become.

t. subvert jew. If you enjoy Holla Forums, maybe you should stay there.


uh huh, ok
yes now the entire rest of 8ch is a jew hangout, and if you look at anything else you are definitely a kike / faggot / nigger / chink / sand nigger / pajeet / anything else im forgetting






Remember It only took three years to go from pics 2-4 to pic 5 and conquering mainland europe. Also Adolf Hitler was not the aggressor.

Holla Forums is extremely cucked, full of trannies, nigger cocks.. oh wait, the stuff youve been posting lately. Yea, I guess youd love it. cuckchan Holla Forums was garbage BEFORE the split. It was garbage before cuckchan Holla Forums existed. If you enjoy that, it says a lot about you.

i also read >>>/nofap/ and >>>Holla Forums so, fuck i don't know
which makes it a great place to post ns threads, also mods don't delete or fuck with the content.