My wife CHEATED on me with this little shit!

My wife CHEATED on me with this little shit!

He manipulated her and tricked her into sleeping with him. I do not blame her AT ALL, if you knew him in real life, you'd understand what I'm talking about.

I just need somebody to talk to about this.

My wife and I want to take him down, and I told her I'd take care of it… The most we can do is troll his YouTube channel because it's a public platform.

Please back me on this shit… Please take me seriously…

Other urls found in this thread:

>>>Holla Forums
Or simply fuck off


kill her, kill him, kill self

So youre saying you got cucked by the real life Dale Gribble, hes a bounty hunter you know.

Loving every laugh.

How do you get tricked into sleeping with someone? Did he disguise himself as a bed, then she just laid on top of him? If you had any self respect you'd ditch the girl, and move on with your life.



Not just him. I fucked you're waifu.

What are they sliding this time

Holy shit a literal cuckold.
What have we memed??

Yeah. Just saw the same thread copy-pasted on Holla Forums's catalog. Gone now.


i watched some of your videos. you're not funny. keep shitting on other youtubers, that's fine. stay in your fucking lane though and off my board.

This has taken a toll on me… Please you guy's… Stop laughing, stop trying to banish me…

list popular Christmas toys on craigslist in the nearest big city
im sure your right hand still has his phone number and address
find his oma and return the favor
don't forget to sage and report shit threads that made it past autoprune

Leftypol LARPing as a literal cuck? Oh wait they don't LARP.

Seems like an okay dude, if you're into moonshine and methamphetamines

Divorce her.

So, she tripped, and fell onto his cock?

Then you don't blame her at all…(insert ridiculous emoji face) Man up, because now you've cucked, and she'll do it again. You know you can't trust her now, for sure. The fuck is wrong with you?

Today I'll remind them

I guess you guys don't keep up. This is a new pasta. The joke is the image doesn't matter- just replace it with another one and spam a board. Sage & report.

Do pic related before I dox you and ruin your life instead

My wife CHEATED on me with this little shit!

He manipulated her and tricked her into sleeping with him. I do not blame her AT ALL, if you knew him in real life, you'd understand what I'm talking about.

I just need somebody to talk to about this.

My wife and I want to take him down, and I told her I'd take care of it… The most we can do is troll his YouTube channel because it's a public platform.

Please back me on this shit… Please take me seriously…

No effort, no creativity, shit formatting. All in all you get 0/10, you fucking failure.

damn tripsman calm down

My wife CHEATED on me with this little shit!
He manipulated her and tricked her into sleeping with him. I do not blame her AT ALL, if you knew him in real life, you'd understand what I'm talking about.
I just need somebody to talk to about this.
My wife and I want to take him down, and I told her I'd take care of it… The most we can do is troll his YouTube channel because it's a public platform.
Please back me on this shit… Please take me seriously…

My wife CHEATED on me with this little shit!
He manipulated her and tricked her into sleeping with him. I do not blame her AT ALL, if you knew him in real life, you'd understand what I'm talking about.
I just need somebody to talk to about this.
My wife and I want to take him down, and I told her I'd take care of it… The most we can do is troll his YouTube channel because it's a public platform.
Please back me on this shit…Please take me seriously…

The fuck is this D&C bullshit, we ain't your private army bro… Too fucking bad you couldn't keep your wife in line, now sage off…

Hello Moshe.

My wife CHEATED on me with this little shit!

He manipulated her and tricked her into sleeping with him. I do not blame her AT ALL, if you knew him in real life, you'd understand what I'm talking about.

I just need somebody to talk to about this.

My wife and I want to take him down, and I told her I'd take care of it… The most we can do is troll his YouTube channel because it's a public platform.

Please back me on this shit… Please take me seriously…



My wife CHEATED on me with this little shit!

He manipulated her and tricked her into sleeping with him. I do not blame her AT ALL, if you knew him in real life, you'd understand what I'm talking about.

I just need somebody to talk to about this.

My wife and I want to take him down, and I told her I'd take care of it… The most we can do is troll his YouTube channel because it's a public platform.

Please back me on this shit… Please take me seriously…

My wife CHEATED on me with this little shit!
He manipulated her and tricked her into sleeping with him. I do not blame her AT ALL, if you knew him in real life, you'd understand what I'm talking about.
I just need somebody to talk to about this.
My wife and I want to take him down, and I told her I'd take care of it… The most we can do is troll his YouTube channel because it's a public platform.
Please back me on this shit… Please take me seriously….


Kill him, then your wife, then your self.

That pic is too good. I can imagine Hitler in an emo/screamo band, he'd slay.