OSTIA, Italy — When a candidate for a neo-fascist party, CasaPound, won a seat this month on the municipal council of the Roman suburb of Ostia, many Italians were startled.
But they really took notice days later when a television reporter arrived to interview a CasaPound supporter — a supporter who happened to belong to one of the area’s most feared crime families — and received a vicious, nationally broadcast head butt that broke his nose. vid of headbutt: youtube.com/watch?v=v90t5QsCjuc
Mafia support Fascism now? What? You do realise that Mussolini had Mori wipe the Mafia out, he brutalised and humiliated them and forced them all to fuck off to America. During this time Sicily became incredibly prosperous and crime dropped to near zero. The Mafia was finished. Then the Americans 'liberated' Italy and, not wanting to put either fascists or communists into positions of power, decided it would be a good idea to put the Mafia into positions of power. And Italy has been the same shithole it was pre-Mussolini ever since.
And now the Mafia support the facsists? Even though the Mafia are behind smuggling shitskins into Italy? Even though they know Fascists will annihilate them for the disgusting criminal pieces of shit they are?
Angel Campbell
Good, hopefully this will grow into long term racial hatred and radicalization. What people need to learn is that being radical is normal and not being radical means allowing the interest of others to take priority.
David Davis
Joshua Nguyen
bump for my italian brothers
Gavin Wilson
cont. (I feel like the whole article is worth posting)
Italy: Violent Clashes Between Citizens and Migrants in Sassari By Alessandro on October 30, 2017 @ThatZenDudee 10 COMMENTS Italy: Clashes between citizens and migrants in Sassari A violent brawl erupted between citizens of the Sardinian city of Sassari and African migrants. The two sides used iron clubs and sticks as weapons, in an urban guerrilla looking clash never seen before.
The police retrieved various weapons and arrested people from both sides: 2 Italians and 3 Africans specifically. Luckily there were no serious casualties but the situation could have easily degenerated.
The tension between residents and the migrants had been growing in the recent weeks. The police knew about the risks of possible clashes. The neighbourhood where the brawl happened is called Santa Maria di Pisa and it hosts a Migrant centre which was never welcomed by the residents of the area.
Some of the unhappy residents decided to take action into their own hands and soon the clashes erupted with some of the migrants hosted in the centre. The small conflict ended with the final assault on the migrant centre. Two molotov bombs were thrown at the buildings hosting the migrants.
Brandon Williams
All of this happened during daylight, showing how desperate the residents are in the Santa Maria di Pisa area. Mothers are worried about their children since the authorities are not guarding the area properly and the migrants are free to do what they wish.
One of the managers of the migrant centre claims that they migrants hosted there are just good, young people who just want to integrate. These are words that almost nobody believes any longer.
Forced multiculturalism will only cause more of these violent accidents. These migrants were put there by the state and never accepted by the Sardinian community. This is just the latest episode of violence in Sardinia, where its population has been fighting against the population replacement in its own way.
Earlier this year there were other clashes in other cities next to migrant centres. Until now no one has gotten seriously hurt, but the situation can only get worse. Residents of occupied areas will no longer accept the population replacement and migrants crimes without putting up a fight. What will the Italian EU puppet-government decide to do? Safety for their citizens or will they keep cuddling their beloved foreign invaders?
He's a gipsy that voted M5S controlling the neighbourhood that voted Casapound LESS. This has been the most blatant rubbeti of the month Fun fact: some days after another famous journalist has been nearly killed by arabs in Bologna trying to interview them and NOBODY gave a fuck.
Andrew Richardson
Mafia can't get money from shitskins.
John Edwards
Also, Soros probably stopped signing the checks.
Nathaniel Smith
All Italian Neo-Right Wing parties are either fringes or filled with nu-natzees. It's a sad reality but the only thing they can do right is protecting the poorest areas from Mafia collusion and gypsy invasions. Also the Ostia guy is just a common mafioso, they're just spinning a story about the hard right voting at the same town as the Mafia controlled areas of that place for a M5S candidate who'll likely fuck off after a few months of not doing shit. t. pastafag
Maybe you could craft memes with us instead of just hoping that more shitskins and antifa fuel the fire? Like, we're just about eight to ten people down in >>>/ita/ and half of the userbase is a bunch of over emotional sissies.
Jaxson Brooks
You're literally retarde if you think that. They said they're making more money from immigrants than from drugs. Mafia is a big part of the immigrants problem, and soros stopping paying paychecks doesn't mean anything to them, they get from the state directly from taxpayer's money.
William King
They WERE. Without someone giving them gobs of cash it isn't as profitable especially when they can't keep making money off them once they are in the country. Run along back to half.
Hudson Brooks
I didn't know Ezra was a mafioso…
Nathan Lee
You really don't know shit do you? you're talking out of your ass. They stay up to 4-6 years in refugee caps, and they receive money DAILY for their expenses, but the mafic pockets them. You really are fucking retardeD. Kill yourself, you should go back to cuckchan.
Wyatt Reyes
Forza Ragazzi
Kevin Bell
You're full of shit, OP. This freakshow happened nearly a month ago, and they aren't really a "feared crime family". You're simply recycling journo terms.
Also related
Nathaniel Cooper
I really hope Italia makes it. I am your neighbor and I should hate you or vice versa but I really fucking hope you pull through. Situation has changed drastically. DEFEND EUROPA
Lucas Hall
Casapound, NRM, Skydas, ONR, all over Europe, Fascism and National Socialism is gaining rapidly.
David Howard
Oy vey the pastaniggers are forgetting the 6 gorillian! We better read aloud The Diary of Anne Frank at the voting booths from now on!
Lincoln Bennett
I'd agree. Call it a survival instinct-Europeans have waken up
Christian Davis
Brandon Morales
We're all sons of Rome as far as we're concerned. All brothers, different countries.
Cameron Campbell
don't forget about Blocco Studentesco the youth-wing of casapound.
Julian Diaz
Your linguistic patterns scream Leftist Faggot. Why?
Jeremiah Ward
The hell are you talking about?
Carter Kelly
Mosley is rolling in his grave. I can tell you that much.
Thomas Carter
Oliver Watson
Se zerocalcare ti pare un buon esempio i finocchi sono il minimo che vi meritate. Io su /ita/ non scrivo mai perchè non c'è niente di interessante. Se avete voglia, qui intorno è pieno di esempi. Prendete spunto - un bel volantinaggio di "Non è peccato essere Italiano" per iniziare non sarebbe male. "Svegliate" i normies, iniziando dalle vostre famiglie e il venerdì e il sabato sera andate nei pub a parlare. Portateli tutti a votare, il più a destra possibile - scegliete voi. Basta che siano partiti che non accetteranno mai alleanze con il PD. Diffidate anche di sto cazzo di Silvio - solo prendendo più voti di lui gli siete più utili da vivi che da morti. Traducete qualche pezzo da qui e mandateli a voxnews.info, è l'unico che ve li pubblicherà. Quello che speriamo possa succedere nella palude si ripercuoterà sicuramente a casa nostra, state pronti. Il tempo sta arrivando molto velocemente. Basta cazzeggiare, andate per il mondo a spargere la buona novella. Polite sage for pasta rant.
Charles Myers
Computer, translate from pasta to burger
Oliver Ortiz
Long story short - /ita/ is crap - try to translate things from burger to pasta to improve things. Start a IOTBW pasta campaign with the motto "It is not a sin to be Italian". If the swamp will be drained in the USA there will be repercussions in Italy to - be ready. Zerocalcare is a fucking communist and he works for Repubblica, that apart from being owned by a jew is practically the NWO paper. And that's it.
Zachary Hernandez
They have some of the cutest supporters.
Leo Thomas
Med girls are the best girls unlike the Sweboons.
Jaxson Flores
Lingua d'Albione solo quando ti rivolvi agli anglofoni Sti cazzi, è un problema circolare, non vieni perchè non c'è niente di interessante, non c'è niente di interessante perchè ci mancano i numeri oltre a quello che scrive come su Reddit e quello che non sa usare archive.is e la gente si scoccia e se ne va su porcherie tipo /gasthejews/. Secondo te cazzo sto a fare qui? Per ora ho convinto degli amici e ho persino spostato l'attenzione su Mossad a casa mia. Perchè, ti fa schifo creare memi e cercare di imitare i merigani? Troppo poco "fox" pe tte? E a Zerocalcare lo stiamo sfottendo perchè ha tutte le qualità adatte per essere il prossimo Sarah Andersen del Mediterraneo, hai letto gli obbrobri che scrive? Poi, per carità, la sezione sta messa proprio male ma non è che attiri tanta attenzione sulle tre discussioni all'anno su 8/pol/.
Carter King
Poi "Va bene essere Italiani" non significa un cazzo, mi sa tanto di pubblicità della Lavazza coi negri e i cinesi intenti a degustarsi un GAFFÈ ARABIGO, più che altro si deve improntare sul fatto che i problemi di Aosta, Palermo e L'Aquila devono interessare pure gli stronzi che vivono a Roma o Crotone o Sa Minda Noa ad Olbia. Che già sono tutti razzisti contro i loro connazionali perchè "terroni" o "fottipecore" o "polentoni" invece di esserlo contro Ahmed Rossi o Gennaro Abdulayeye.
Isaiah Ross
Non sapevo come dire pecoroni in modo comprensibile qui. Non si sa mai con chi si ha a che fare. Forse è meglio se ci spostiamo perchè qua inquiniamo. Traduco per gli anglofoni e apro un argomento altrove.
Isaiah Thompson
Me lo spieghi tu come distinguere un Siciliano da un Nord Africano? In Italia non ci si puo' permettere di fare distinzione razziale, e' proprio per lo stesso motivo che Benito fece riferimento ad un Nazionalismo di tipo civico e non etnico come Adolfo.
Nathaniel Hernandez
Someone finally sees their appeal
Colton Cruz
HAHA MEME ILARE 😂👌💯 Zio Benny ha fondato il Nazionalismo sulla creazione di una vera identità Italiana invece di uno "stato" Italiano, non è la stessa cosa del Nazionalismo Civico che invece vuole tanti merigani negri che sono tali perchè si vestono a stelle e strisce. Richiede un concetto di appartenenza ben più diverso dal pagare le tasse e non infrangere la legge, implica appartenere alla cultura regionale e nazionale Italiana, non avere come secondo nome Arturo e poi andarsene in moschea.
Gabriel Brooks
Wtf I love cannelloni now
Ryder Smith
sounds about right
Mason Rivera
Lasciamo il meme "i terroni sono arabi" alle discussioni tra veneti, e lo dico da veneto È un meme di uno storico siciliano che voleva sfottere i normanni e non ha basi genetiche o storiche
Hunter Roberts
No no, fidati, delle volte distinguire i due e' impossibile. Lo stesso accade con Pugliesi e Albanesi.
Jacob Peterson
Huh, it's almost like the niggers don't belong there, have no right to be there, and the citizens don't want them there.
Owen Reed
Have a bump.pastaneighbors
Jordan Price
When France lost the war to Germany and was forced to capitulate, the Germans made it part of their agreement that the French must make a separate peace with Italy before the deal was finalized. Italy had never conquered France before.
Parker Cox
Colton Reed
either dumbass who forgot about mussolini getting rid of crime families or dumbass who is in their pocket pretending to be fascist or staged.
Grayson Reed
That's good and all but gib südtirol pls
Jaxson Sanders
Burger, you know nothing about that drink.
Chase Collins
>youtube.com/watch?v=v90t5QsCjuc yep. seems like your proto-typical contemporary fascist to me. he probably has a tranny wife/husband as well
Ian Lee
Looks like another alt-kike movement to scare the public. "Literally Mussolini!"
Hunter Reed
Letteralmente Mussolini!
Cooper Hall
Jackson Howard
I read an article that said cosa Nostra declares ‘war’ on the refugees back in 2016. I believe you when you say they make money off of immigration. There’s no denying the mafia likes to make money with anything. But don’t you think that at some point, the flooding of these invaders gets to a point where the mafia must feel it’s old power slipping entirely? They’d at least want to keep their country as their country. The Jew mafia wants them completely eliminated.
Also if a stubborn mafia chieftain didn’t dishonor and personally insult Mussolini maybe he wouldn’t of been as thorough on them. Some don literally forbade the people in one town from seeing a fascist speech and Mussolini was furious.
Jason Gomez
Mafia helped burgers in WW2 Our two most famous antimafia judges, Falcone&Borsellino, both killed, were fascists as fuck This "mafia votes right" meme is one of the most jew thing I've ever seen
Evan Phillips
they're already pissed about the chinese and other ethnic groups, if nothing else but because they form their own, rival, ethnic mafias
Kayden Turner
Jordan Walker
I know they did, I've read all about it. I also realize that these guys are a detriment to a healthy modern society. I'm certainly not defending extortion and crime.
I'm just trying to say this I guess. Eventually there will be more important things than money, like a homeland to earn or steal it in. I want Europeans to clan up again. I personally can't stand those PR cucks who demand that people don't 'stoop to the level of ((them)).' And I have heard that type of talk. If you believe this, you cannot simultaneously believe in white genocide. Anything goes.
William Carter
Connor Ward
Well, I guess that there is some kind of territory division going on between mafias, arabs and nigerians Slavs and albanians are used more as low level agents and they are less interested in territorial control Chinks only deals with chinks and are already at war with arabs, with the state siding with arabs (do you remember the revolt in Tuscany? It was because arabs and gipsy can do everything they want to chinks and police, especially in "red" regions, will close eyes, (((they))) probably know that chinks are too based)
On the other hand, nigerians are absolutely aggressive (they take over towns in a matter of months), and arabs (muslims in general) absolutely want territorial control, even if they are not jihadists they will seek to make the rules and terrorize dhimmi infidels (and forming gangs is mandatory for ISIS, even more important than the lone wolf shit in their official propaganda, they want the race war)
So I guess that italian mafias, muslim gangs and nigerian tribes are splitting up territories between themselves, with mafia on the top
Easton Adams
You’re Italian I’m guessing. Thanks for the information. I guess I’ll just add that I hope the mafia stays on top, just because it’s native.
Gabriel Lopez
Sebastian Kelly
Alexander Adams
didnt the italian invasion force in the south of france get annahilated by a small french unit, which forced italy to retreat back?
Daniel Gutierrez
CasaPound is one of the most-pro Israel parties in Italy
William Allen
They are not splitting territories. Mafia rules above all, also above the central government, the others are only doing the dirt jobs for them.
Christian Flores
are neo-fascists "fascist" the way neo-conservatives are "conservative?"
Daniel Fisher
Most neo-nazis are hate filled retards with minimal levels on intellectual ability to support their ideas in an argument.
They are /ourguys, but they tend to cause more trouble than they are worth.
Chase Jackson
Alexander Gutierrez
Proof or gtfo
Noah Adams
Ok cool but hey still stay home on TDOTR. Poland can come this time.
Ian Jackson
video deleted
Michael Collins
It got shoad
Nolan Robinson
Anyone got a webm?
Daniel Morales
First image off the comments from
Ayden Rodriguez
Da terrone posso dirti che è vero che ci sono molte persone qui che è facile scambiare con dei mediorientali, ma parliamo del 10% della popolazione e sono generoso. Ma ci sono anche moltissime persone che è facile scambiare con dei nordici, una mia compagna di classe sembrava scandinava (bionda a boccoli, occhi verdi, nasino all'insù) e il mio compagno di banco sembrava un inglese, alto, occhi azzurri, così come mio cugino. Io invece sono più mediterraneo. Con questo voglio dire che di sicuro quelli che hanno invaso nel corso dei secoli un segno l'hanno lasciato, ma il "grosso" della genetica è rimasto abbastanza invariato. Studi recenti hanno ri-confermato che il DNA italiano è piuttosto omogeneo e non esiste alcun gap tra nord e sud, solo una sfumatura. Con l'eccezione dei sardi che fanno cluster a parte come i finlandesi.
Samuel Jenkins
mussolini was a crypto communist fake. all he ever did was deep throat karl marx and communism. if you call yourself a fascist you are eugenics tier and deserve the rope.
fascism is communism disguised as nationalism. mussolini was not a good man and the failures of fascism were displayed in the humiliating performance of italy during ww2.
John King
Faccio parte di quel 10 per cento che ad agosto diventa negro ma concordo con te fratello
Connor Price
Ce ne faremo una ragione. Adesso, da bravo, torna al centro sociale.
Grayson Baker
You realize that's mostly British propaganda to cover up their losses against the "greasy diego" as they called them. Most of what is written about the north Africa campaign comes from British sources rather than from the axis which also why little has been written about the Vichy forces ( in English) in North Afrika as well. The US claimed most the inadequacies touted by the British press about the Italians was propaganda and that the Italians were excellent fighters particularly their para-troops.
Jayden Nelson
yes they got their ass kicked by like a handful of frenchmen when France had already been beaten by Germany
Isaac Miller
Qual e' la fonte delle immagini? Com'e' che i sardi son cosi' staccati dal resto?