Chances of USSR returning?
Chances of USSR returning?
Russians would just have to reelect the Communist Party, which given how much of a lock-down Putin has the country in is pretty slim but not impossible.
And if we get really lucky, maybe Sino-Soviet Union
Zero, you giga - autist.
Maybe after Putin's death
If Russia goes communist it'd be the RSFSR not the USSR you fools.
I think it could happen. Russia is in pretty bad shape. Putin can't hang on to power forever if things don't improve. Them Balkanizing is more like though
The CPRF is pretty reactionary tbh
fun fact
de jure SU was never dissolved properly
this is why some retards in russia advocate for liberation war, lol
truly, kingdom of the crooked mirrors
No. 20th century is over.
That is just a nice way of saying not liberal enough.
It is time to let it go OP
So the rebirth of SU would give us Casius belli on neighboring countries? Noice.
100%, unless we go extinct before that.
I dare you to prove me wrong.
We won't have to, reality will do a good enough job by itself. :^)
Your like a little monarch of old trying to find any tangential claim to the throne. How terribly reactionary.
How reality could prove me wrong?
you'll see in ~40 years
you won't be saying that when he launches an enormous fag trade deal with big buddy Trump across the Pacific hoping to for US subsidies to the proposed Bering Strait highway-rail link
Explanation for Americans anons without sense of humor.
All possible outcomes:
a) USSR is restored - I win
b) Humanity went extinct - I win
c) Humanity did not go extinct - we need to wait a bit longer.
Tankies are so cute with their naivety :3
Hey, if the shoe fits.
Really though, the CPRF is really the only movement in Russia really calling for a proper return to the Soviet Union, and it doesn't care about communism OR socialism. It supports the USSR out of almost purely nationalist reasons: it wants Russia to return to it's former state as a worldwide superpower with an ideological backdrop to justify rapid border and influence expansion.
I can respect the historical legacy of the USSR (to an extent) for what it wanted to be but failed to become due to various circumstances. The CPRF doesn't want any of that: it wants essentially what the USSR historically was and nothing more. That's debatably admirable considering it's still probably better than what the Russian Federation has to offer, but that's the sort of "pragmatic sustained middleground" option that is characteristic of the socdems and the like.
So you're left with a dilemma. You can look back to try and revive the USSR as a permanently state capitalist society, admit that you don't really care that much if communism is ever achieved, and proceed to jerk off to what is essentially Russian ultranationalism. Alternatively, you can look beyond the 20th century and find solutions that will actually work given the material conditions of the modern day that will help achieve total emancipation of the working class, even if that means re-examining one's ideology. which should really be done anyways, considering dogmatism is not compatible with a broader Marxist perspective that demands critical analysis of the conditions one operates within
Aren't they rabid putin cocksuckers? Are you?
I wish they'd just be normal MLs.
They are. Has the term 'tankie' has been overused so much that people forget it's a pejorative for ML?
One can be a ML and still be critical towards the USSR, Stalin, Mao etc. Tankos are just wackos
Not quite. They support stalin sending in the tanks to kill kulaks, I think that's the specific incident of him sending in tanks they're apologists for. Either way, edgy stalin apologists.
No they are not. No we are not.
They still succ for not being leftist enough
Theoretically or policy wise?
Nope. CPRF is Russia's Syriza.
If you want proper Communists there is ROT Front, for example.
Neither supports, nor nationalist - it's pure populism. Worse than Sanders, actually.
There is no dilemma. I don't consider USSR State Capitalist and it's approach (economy-wise; politically it needs some adjustments) is not only workable, but the only possible way for Socialists - until we get nano-replicators or some other magic industry.
There is only wishful thinking, reformism and pseudointellectual bullshit. While I admit this all being beyond 20th century, it's not from 21st, but from 19th century.
And this discussion is over.
bureaucratic socialism then?
not really a clever label, but I hope you'll get what I mean
international communism when?
In the age of our great grandchildren.
I don't think the CPRF would really change anything.
State Socialism, if you insist.
IRL it was mix of Co-op Socialism and State Socialism.
so it's inherent in socialism to have this economic basis which can engender a kind of socialism where the state becomes more alienated from its ruling class?
d) you wake up from the wet dream and put the barrel to your head out of sheer hatred for the reality around you
Of course. Every system has forces that try to destroy it.
It is a folly to think that everything is over simply because worker class is in charge (i've seen completely inane claims that it's not DotP if it isn't magically invulnerable).
There is an inherent contradiction between human desires and actual ability of economy to deliver. The reach always exceeds the grasp. Thus class struggle can't end, until the economic basis changes qualitatively. I.e. Communism is reached.
is it because value is still being produced, and that only when you have an abundance of MoP and, well, means of sustaining life as we know it (I really can't remember how to call food, clothes, infrastructure, machines and other tech marvels) do you have communism, that is, the elimination of hitherto existing contradictions of humankind?
If you want bureaucratically managed capitalism, the neoliberal technocrats are doing the best to make it happen.
well thats because large parts of the opposition are american payed fourth columnists. so ofcourse CPRF side with the lesser evil
pretty staunch social conservatives and they back Putin's imperialism
You are literally a walking stereotype. Please stop.
Roughly the same as communism becoming a viable ideology that doesn't wind in the mass murder of millions.
Khruschev killed USSR
She won't return.
I still believe.
1% in the next 100 years maybe?
It would probably have to take on a new form
Russia is much more likely to go full Fascism than it is to return to any semblance of socialism.
about tree fiddy
kys fam
I thought the USSR was state capitalism.
What is this thread doing on Holla Forums?
Leftypol isn't one exclusive tendency. There are many different users here relearning many different ideological facets.
thats an anarkiddie maymay
No, left-communists say that as well.
Leftcoms hate everything that isn't pure gommunism, including Rojava.
0% until leftist can prove that planned economy actually works.
t. anarkiddy
Nothing wrong with this