ik ik fake news/ propaganda but WTF
What is this and how is this a study?
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im kinda retarded need help
Not going to read, but anyone who actually converts from being conservative to being a liberal, never was a conservative in the first place. Here I'm talking more so in the moral aspect than in the financial aspect.
OP, if you care about this thread at all, archive and provide a summary, I get the feeling reading that might turn me into a retard (is that what they do on the experiment?).
here's the archive for this article
posting before reading the article, i guess the summary would be
youre also namefagging, newfag.
lurk another 2 years before posting again.
i did read the article just was too lazy to write it
the summary is pretty retarded, but i will summarize it nonetheless
it starts off with a completely off-topic introduction talking about the writer's daughter, and his safety-first mentality.
the paragraph then breaks with:
[A political scientist has discovered a surprising way to increase voter turnout. It starts in childhood.]
(which sounds fishy)
talks about some basic psychology (that may be made up) about how conservatism roots in children (acting like its a bad thing)
they did say that it would be impossible to convert until the until we did line shows up
it then continues to make up shit for the next three paragraphs, not much interest with mainly vauge evidence such as "an online survey" and stuff like that
the rest of the post is pretty much the same, and it acts like conservatism is a bad thing, (yes im also namefagging, did i mention im retarded).
This. I was an edgy little shit teenager who got trapped into the left, but as i approached my twenties i turned right. It's absolutely impossible for the opposite to happen, especially as you're getting older.
the evidence sums up as vague and made up as usual but i never do this shit really (im not too bright) nothing to worry about here
At best (for them) you'd act like a leftist (rather, whatever is deemed being a moderate. Which currently is being a leftist. Getting more extreme as time progresses) in order to not get fired/lose friends. Maybe, just maybe, due to that, after acting like a leftist for a sufficient amount of time the brainwashing takes hold of you (Meaning, even if you were conservative, since your brain was effectively forced off, you become a leftist).
This isn't new, it's just a new article. The experiment is, make people do a political survey, then make people fantasize about being superman for 10 minutes and do a political survey after that. The second survey skews more left. Being high off your own fumes and imagining yourself to be invincible makes you more liberal, who knew.
Nothing overly extraordinaire, at least when it comes to the theory, things like the links between disgust-sensitivity and political leanings have been well-researched and documented before, so I don't know what they were going for.
I guess the meat of the experiment was the thought exerciser to make "conservatives" feel less threatened and thus lean toward more liberal positions, but I have serious doubts about the transparency here, or at least about what's going on.
A well-defined and fact-rooted theory and ideological position would elevate people beyond simple biological responses in their political beliefs/affiliations, and certainly in their though process in approaching different situations, so that something as simple as the removal of immediate threat or negative stimuli should have no significant impact in such.
Some days I might wake up in a better mood than others, but that certainly has no impact in my opinion toward kikes, fags, niggers, etc. maybe just about how much of my time is spent dwelling on such, but that's about it.
So either the "conservatives" they pulled for the experiment were just a bunch of RINOs or something else might be going on
I'm already laffin, they didn't even had to use electromagnets.
Just beat some sense in these fuckers, it seems to mee this shouldn't be too complicated.
The problem is with their definition of conservative and their sampling. The average "conservative" that could possibly be selected for this kind of study is actually about as right wing as someone you'd meet in a Starbucks. In short, all they're doing is comparing two breeds of urban socialite. Not sure why OP is namefagging though.
Leftists forgot that their persuasive power was in evidence. They lost sight of how their conduct looks from the outside, and would almost certainly label me as a conservative even though I am a sexually open-minded transhumanist. My sin is being able to notice that this study is brutally unpersuasive. A brief imagination exercise doesn't turn people into liberals. It's something conservatives can do because they understand liberal viewpoints, but liberals can't do it because they don't understand conservatives.
Yes, if we were perfectly invulnerable the open welcoming society would be correct. Grass also wilts when it gets dry. Good science, chumps.
Nobody ever turned a conservative liberal says the article, which is emblematic of what went wrong in liberal thinking. Liberals have fallen casualty of their irrational beliefs. They live in a world where conservatism could only possibly be intransigent insanity, and whine about how they can't persuade people, which is something that they are very much creating. If they were willing to extend some empathy, they wouldn't find it so hard to persuade people.
PS, it was leftist obsession with mental hygiene and the fight against wrongthink (their own splash of conservative thinking) that enabled anti-immigration attitudes to flourish. You know where people are less tolerant than America? Literally everywhere and n
Okay so they should be able to solve the "problem" of conservatism by making black areas safe and making sure immigrants don't negatively impact our communities.
If they are so sure that this is the case, that should be easy to do right :)?
Completely wrong, Conservatives and Liberals are both normies who believe the exact same shit.
Bash your head against a wall until you're dead.
Thanks for putting that so early into your post and saving the time I would have otherwise wasted reading the rest.
You get what I mean. First note that Republican =/= conservative, & nationalist wasn't in the study so I couldn't use that as the antithesis of being a liberal.
"If we just solve all crime and violence and wars as well as curing all disease and keep everything pristine and clean then people will be less conservative"
long-tl;dr Remove all non-whites from the location. Institute beautification committees & execute if the crime is grave enough. Bring back duels for certain types of issues so that the state doesn't have a hand in everything, & kill the money system we have at present.
forgot to stop namefagging, im not as dumb as you think but not too bright either, yes conservative=/= republican and liberal =/= democrat, idk why they are used like that, i consider myself a constitutional liberal, in therms of the government blatantly breaks its own policies it set in 1787
was most definately written by the jews or the goys the jews use
Good to meet a like mind - seriously, I can't find arguments against transhumanism that actually make it less appealing rather than more, and I am not alone. If you aren't won yet, you will be.
You've obviously never spoken to a leftist. They are entirely driven by feelings and appeals to emotion. Evidence, no matter how voluminous, means nothing to them.
The assertion was simple. Conservatism has its roots in fear, and Liberalism has its roots in hope. All conservative platforms are about the undesirables who must be removed from society, after which the remaining citizens will suddenly pop into success and fortune without any further effort of their own. Just kick out the niggers and mexicans and gays, and America will be great again!
It makes sense I guess. For liberals to get people to agree with them they have to convince them that the nigger who is going to rob and kill them is harmless. Usually they do this by lying, but convincing the person they are invulnerable of that it wont happen to them works too.
How many times has this been covered. Women lack conviction. They go with the herd.
That's the problem, champ. It didn't used to be like this. It used to be that shoe was on the other guy's foot. Whoever is wearing that shoe ends up by the wayside, but people keep trying it on.
I think that it's actually getting to be the other way around. The hopeful people are the ones who believe in the potential of the people we have in this country, whereas the fearful people are the ones who believe that great swathes of society are driven beyond reason by fear.
I can explain it with 'How the fuck am I supposed to understand it'.
Its an article filled with such a large amount of vague words that you can't figure out which was is what.
Ads aside its such an incoherent amount of nonsense that it seems intentionally disingenuous.
When really its
This is just psycho babble online.
It's for faggots who think technology will save them from the need to face their demons, accept their limits, and grow as a person. Jewish materialism in its purest form.
Death comes for you. Where will it find you?
what the fuck? i think my brain 404'd