Odd noises, phenomonea happening worldwide, /xpol/?

Lately there has been these load booming thunder like noises being heard worldwide and no one has been able to determine what the hell is causing it. What's going on? I know there have been more military drills happening, but the air force denies any involvement. Asteroids exploding..? I live on the east coast and heard them on Thanksgiving, and also earlier today multiple times. Any ideas guys?

My bad for shitty op, I usually just lurk, hotpocket feel free to edit my post. Tried using url shorteners, doesn't work.

(Sorry for Jew York Post)



Other urls found in this thread:


They sound similar to fireworks / cannon here in faggachusetts. sage for double post.

its ops mom farting

No. Die.

Fuck off.

What do you think of this phenomonea instead?

lots of grinding noises come after the booms usually, is it propulsion systems from air force craft or lockheed shit in orbit. the tr3-b is crazy enough but at mach 9 the sound may be distorted

I think you're clearly a dunce, fuck off.

spoiler that shit you massive faggot

why user? the nosies are globally reported on and go on for some length in some of the vids, it is worth exploring since it will/MIGHT lead to discovery of the tech levels the elites have been hiding all these years. are you not the least bit interested knowing (((they))) have been in space way longer than they admit to the public?

I'm on the West coast and my brother said that he heard noises like sonic booms when he was working in the backyard.

It's probably Reptilians coming to back up their (((halfbreed brothers))).

Look up aurora projects and the craft being built. Or it could be high wattage lasers being tested.

Even spoilered he will get the gas for that.

I personally think it is man made propulsion systems and nothing moar


Nah its most likely a rift opened up in spacetime, the universe is tearing at the seems and everything will soon be fragmented!

I've read up on this, you're talking about the sky trumpets right? It could be similar.

the sky trumpets seem to have extra noise like grinding machinery that follows it or habbens during. It does stand to reason that any type of device like HAARP or anything that causes friction in pockets of atmosphere might have some sound that goes with that friction. just a though. either something to do with the trillion watt lasers being talked about or some type of engine or ion drive something. who knows kek.

There is a worldwide panic going on, a quickening and it tearing the fabric of the programming behind this universe. IBS symptoms are thru the roof. The earth is sensing this disturbance and strange visionary figures have appeared to offer solutions to advance humanity at a terrible frightening pace. You will notice that your pets don't seem to mind, and I find that the most disturbing thing of all.

fucking jonsie,… beat it ass clown ,noone wants to buy your minerals and filters

It's called an airplane.

They approach theverge.com/2017/11/20/16679890/interstellar-asteroid-oumuamua-pan-starrs-solar-system
These are just the opening drums to the show that will befall us.

Opiateswheels nuked all of them because some of them gave money to people that aren't him. You should be using archive.is instead, double nigger.

>tfw >>>/xpol/ is dead and some faggot stole BO from me and still did nothing to revive it

Traps are gay.

This has been going on for years, mysterious groans, rumbles and booms heard all over the world. I even heard something myself in the night that sounded like nothing I have ever heard before, and it was reported on the news after many people came forward witnessing the same. What I heard was something that sounded like an A10 warthog letting rip in the distance. But it was long and sustained, and although it sounded distant you got the feeling that it would have to be very loud at the point of origin to travel that distance. Yet all agencies where stating that there was nothing to explain it, no earthquakes or anything to attribute it to. I do not live in America and I do not know what fracking sounds like, but there has been a lot of opposition here to fracking after what happened in the states and wondered if it could have been some clandestine fracking.

I did research into a lot of noises heard all over the planet, grumbles, groans, booms, and trumpet noises, the theories and whatever. All I could come up with was some /x/ tier conspiracy theory that this is all coming from underground. I have seen videos of vaste tunneling networks, if you can call it that, some are practically underground cities. You can alledgedly travel from one state to another underground in the states. In Europe there are a lot of large underground complexes from world war two, and I suspect countries are still making massive underground complexes in fear of nuclear holocaust. I believe these rumbles and booms are from tunneling and blasting. My reason being that usually when a few thousand people hear the same noise or explosion, they can usually pick out where they think it originated from, but in these cases no one has a clue. I think if this was underground activity that would have served to muffle the noise and distort it to the point where it would make it uncertain what it was or where it was coming from. If these booms where above ground then somebody somewhere would be close to the point of origin and be able to pinpoint it, It's the rumbles and trumpets that gets me, it's almost as if a tunneling machine has been happily going through chalk and then suddenly encountered a harder material to get through which could possibly create these sounds.

The booms could easily be written off as something, but the trumpets and rumbles no way, there is nothing out there heard like that before. They are loud and cannot be attributed to anything.

Weird, haven't heard anything so far in southern NH.

Calm before the storm, and to think the rest of these niggers think it was referring to the deep state or pedos. We're ripping a new asshole in the space-time continuum and dragging the world into the Golden Age after dragging it through hell first.

This really does bother me. I can't exactly find any sensible explanation except for something I thought of as a side project a while back when there were rumors about Nov. 4th.

Some background: I heard a long rumble today when standing in my kitchen that at first I thought was a motorcycle (not exactly close to any busy roads, and I know what all variants of them can sound like. They also produce the doplar effect. This noise produced no doplar effect and my roommate and I both stopped to listen. Neither of us had a good explanation. Grinding or rumbling would be an accurate semi-description.

Two things I think it might be: 1) during those supposed riots I drew up a sonic cannon that would make people get sick and go deaf from extremely far away. Essentially, you use sound/air waves with a long reinforced tube and instead of doing one explosive burst, you just use a higher frequency and have it sustained with something like a tweeter. These noises could be some sort of resonance like this, simply sound/air waves resonating weirdly with the ambient air. Could solar winds cause resonance on a molecular level with the atmosphere? 2) This really could be some military technology that we don't know about, or even some we do but just don't expect to be operating. I heard this in St. Louis today around 3 p.m. and I know Boeing is located here. Are there testing grounds nearby any of you? Fort Leonard Wood is near by here, and I believe there is a fort in Illinois to the east as well. Why would they be flying craft that create a sonic boom, if that's what the noise even is? Again, it really didn't seem to come and go, but just started and stopped. Sonic boom from far away? Either way, air must be resonating at these weird, consistent levels to be producing these similar noises… Any other guesses?

what was that thing about a large scale alien encounter being projected into the sky to get the nations of the world to unite in a single union?

So airplanes suddenly make sounds no one has ever heard them make and the sounds are STATIC so that means the plane is just hovering for minutes on end huh? You are either a shill or a fool or both

Bluebeam: using haarp to create friction to make sound accompanying holograms projected onto the sodium layer in atmosphere

the state of Holla Forums these days

self improvement threads get shoa'd immediately but perfectly acceptable is "loud noise go boom!"

Jesus Christ. This is scary. I recently have been studying the Korean War since I thought it was interesting to speculate on if North Korea is run by a secret organization. Interestingly, it seems like the US fought as a puppet army for the U.N. and interestingly late in the war the North Koreans retreated as they had some last minute backing by the "Chinese," and the U.N. troops were forced to fall back.

Maybe North Korea is run by the United Nations, who staged a fake retreat (leaders in the know but troops not), and were able to overtake the less educated and armed communists. Maybe the communists were faked in the first place and it was two puppet armies fighting each other to create a nationa state like the vatican, London, or DC.

Nigger if you intrepret everything literally you won't understand a thing. Pay attention to the firmament. Not everything is exactly what you think it is.

haarp is outdated. now its NEXRAD and floating SBX-1 among other worldwide installations, but yeah. 4d holographic projection of a massive scale among other tricks thanks to scalar weapons from Raytheon

Such technology could also be used by zionists to stage the final cumming of their messiah. You know, horns heard round the world and all that. Gotta fufill all of those bible prophesies so you can reunite Israel, amiright my christian brothers? ;^)


(((they))) will try to create the end prophecies with (((their))) infinite global resources if they have to.

Look up the meaning of the word. If you're content to believe me: the firmament essentially means the substructure to which our archetypes and narrative structures exist within and upon. Pay attention how ideas and ceoncepts interact with one another. Why might something exist within the cultural unconcious? Why are we all reading a thread about these sounds?

these are to facilitate or indicate the opening of various portals 72 of which exist on the planet

because some faggot made an x tier thread about it. take this boomer-schizo bullshit back to 4chan Q threads

the earth isn't flat goddamnit

I live in the UK and I'm not sure what is around me, Probably lots of unknown things as well as the known. But being a small island densely packed I imagine there are probably all sorts of things nearby. It is something that still puzzles me, if you listen to the video on strange noises heard worldwide, the horns, the trumpets, they are often described as unearthly, that's not to say extraterestrial, but merely like nothing heard on earth before, and that is the only way I can describe what I heard too. There are things you hear in life and just know instantly know what they are, rolling thunder, earthquakes, explosions, but when watching these videos there is just nothing else that sounds like that that we know of. could you work out what direction the sounds came from? Because for me I really couldn't, which is very unusual. When we here something we can normally work out exactly where it's from barring echo, but with this it just seemed to envelope me and come from all directions. That's what made me feel it potentially came from underground, like an earthquake isn't heard coming from one direction, it's just all around you, yet it sounded like it was from the skies.

you are a faggot nigger kike shill that should an hero. seriously go gas yourself and never come back

Daily reminder the earth is hollow and nazi ufos will fly out of antarctica and other openings very very soon

Do you by chance live near a highway? It happened today around 8pm eastern, and on thanksgiving around 7pm


Skippy told us aliens were coming and Tucker introduced aliens on (((Fox))) news recently. This is the new cult. The world cult. Prepare yourselves to be overwhelmed by stupid fucking Rothschild scheming that make the (((Alt-Right))) and (((global warming))) look like amateur night at the magic shop.

Daily Reminder:
Jews want you navel gazing and living in a fantasy world, screaming at "materialism". That's how they took control of the great white race.

Not to get all /x/ on you guys, but this morning I woke up around 0500 to a buzzing sound that sounded like it was coming from just outside my room. I walk into the living room and the buzzing is louder, then all the sudden I hear a BANG. I run outside and the sky was this greyish-green.

Shit was fugged up. I have no idea what happened

You fucking retards.

Lockheed martin niggers have claimed the booms in the USA. Also look up how sonic booms can refract in the atmosphere.

I'm willing to bet that we're shaping up to see the aurora get declassified and/or the Sr-72 to be revealed.

The is nothing new, we last had a rash of booms like this in the mid 1990's

sounds like shit is about to hit the fan

Pole shift?

Yiur digestion

higher dimensional entities are a real thing user. look up Aldebaran.

Obvious shill slide thread.
Prescripted responses,
Ass vomit

it's my diamond dick it is literally shaping reality as we know it and subverting and influencing time; muh dik is so hard and so sustained the energy is causing the dark matter to bleed through time and space

it's nothing
this guy also makes a doomsday video everyday

You smell of rotten carcass

It's Ragnarök, brothers. Take to arms, for the quake that is to be herd by all is upon us and the age of man is coming to an end.



some other subhuman website/board?

Answers to those questions will remain with faggot OP

Meanwhile, sage

Ass vomit

Looks like the bot broke.

hearing gay moans from my neighbor next door please send help

It's the sound of David Brock ripping you a new one

Well shills are swamping this thread so that’s always curious.

I have not heard it yet in SE Virginia however I did hear the booms a couple years ago tht made the news. Some faggot piece of shit tried to say ot was rednecks setting off tannerite however it was at night a lot and wasn’t fucking tannerite because it sounded nothing like it. Sounded like sonic booms tbh.

I really hope you're not the best mo.ey can buy. Because that would just be pathetic.
5 secondlook at the thread shows prescripted replies also
"I don't post often but I'm one of you guisse i swear"
Is a dead giveaway.
Back to the drawing board

The shilling was immidiate and sustained. There is something in this thread that has them concerned. I don't believe it is the metaphysical nonsense, either. What is the focus of concern, then?

There's one thing I can't figure out though. Is this shilling legitimately expected to work? That would imply you think you have any influence on the situation.
Which you don't.
We fucked ctr hard and we've grown much stronger since

imho it's because the booms were claimed by lockheed but the aircraft type was never identified.

I'm sure the air force niggers that shill online are quick to jump on threads like this.

Does David pay you $ or GRIDS?

Sonic booms from drilling aircraft.

Also did you get a new office?
Last one was a bit tight

Govs have been using nuclear drills since the 70's; who knows what crazy shit they're up to down there.

Could also be those fucking 4000mph jets they built a few years ago, maybe combined with invisibility tech like that japanese cloak.

Could be something crazier like HAARP or orbital science experiments.

Could just be some space phenomenon that doesn't happen too often.

We just have nothing to go on except my earlobe spacing.

If I'm being totally honest I'm starting to think it might've been the thing about North Korea being a shell for the United Nations. Analyzing the Korean war through game theory, they were in the best position to take over. We have no leads on types of aircrafts, and no correlation between testing sites, although I'll look into the noises that Lockheed claimed.

got me good

Must be a real bitch getting paid to shill our little alpaca wool sock knitting forum and achieving nothing.
We corrected your record.
You're a deer staring into the headlights

Sounds like the matrix is under attack. Get in for a rude awakening.

Something really big is going to happen in the nest 20 years. Probably a major war but we recover fast as fuck because all the Jews are dead.

I honestly doubt it to be honest. Because, that's used as a distraction tbqh "North korea isn't as bad as expected".

Lockheed claimed it, we're getting mystery booms again. I'm betting usaf niggers don't want us actually sperging out and figuring out what alleged program it is, and they're letting it become major news as a deterrent to nk and others, because of our rumored planes.

Don't forget that the lockheed niggers advertised the sr-72 on fucking youtube a few months ago.


There was a UFO sighting over Tucson, AZ two days ago. Tucson used to be the home of a bunch of titan ICBM silos, there is still one kept open as a museum, not saying it is related, just the only thing in Tucson worth a shit aside from Davis Monthron AFB


Heard a couple loud bangs a few nights before thanksgiving. Assumed car collision, but police scanner didn’t mention anything. Sometimes big trucks and or bikes are very loud so I can’t rule those out. But there was still something odd about the sound. We have Otis and Hanscom bases near here but I don’t know anything about them.

just weather balloons goy nothing to see here

That representation looks awfully ship like.

I mean think about it, you are a space faring civilization.
Do you make an all new fancy star trek ship, or do you just hollow out an iron asteroid.

How come I never get to see any cool /x/ shit? I've not seen anything more interesting than a few "shooting stars" that made sudden 90 degree turns.

Yes and no. There's nothing wrong with hatred of materialism, kike.

Huh. I'm having a hard time finding anything other than speculation on the SR-72 but will keep digging. Some of the claims included it would go twice the speed of the sr-71 (interesting it happens to progress in a non-exponential way), it would be able to strike targets instead of just spying, and it could reach anywhere in the world in under an hour. Another claimed that this plane would be unmanned, which makes sense.

Relevant quetions would probably be: what kind of fuel could even be used to this end? Are there materials that can do this? Would something like this be launched like a missle or like a plane? Would flight patterns be similar to planes or different? What would they be striking?

A plane like this, if it went full kamikazi, would function exactly like a "rod from god," using sheer kinetic energy in a focused spot that would be comparable to a nuke but with far less diameter of destruction.

This could be something. Would it show up on flight monitoring sites?

I still think the North Korea is ran by the U.N. is interesting, though, and I don't think it would make it better than the totalitarian dictatorship that we see. U.N. soldiers aren't known for being compassionate, competent, or moral.

Do you live alone?

align ur chakras bruh

Examples? I knew of this but no examples.

It's the new shill tactic. Don't argue with them.

Theres no booming noise, plus those types of videos are easy to doctor

Sound would come from the earth, and compasses would flip which they didn't.

Can you be more specific, Link?

Possible, but the sounds were heard worldwide.


Not exactly an isolated incident, either. Read through all their critiques. Very dark shit.

I've been hearing about loud booms happening worldwide since before Obama got elected. It was regularly posted about on GLP (virus, J4s0n Luc4s is a glow in the dark CIANIGGER TO HIS CORE) along with tons of other disinfo and apocalypse psyop shit. Is it happening for real this time? Is it a low frequency rumbling?

No. I just remembered I forgot about a few interesting things surrounding orgonite that I witnessed, though. I guess this stuff just doesn't bother me that much. I know the universe isn't what has been hammered into our brains. And between the thousands of years of "you're going to hell if your research this" and "take your meds if you research this" no one really has satisfactory answers anymore.

Haven't heard any booms where I live in Michigan but I heard about this happening about a day or 2 ago and remembered the some of the stuff I've heard and read on the Seneca Guns and that those might've been happening since before columbus which.

It's nazi UFOs

Be skeptical of everything but also don't rule out everything. Every religion contains some level of the truth much like Holla Forums you need to dig through all the bullshit first.

I hear them once in a while where I live in Michigan. It sounds like a bomb going off sometimes or thunder but on a totally clear day.

There's been lots of asteroid/meteor passes this year in particular, its not uncommon. What gets to me is that not much is being said. This thing whizzed by, usually when they pass more stellar debris follows but not much is being reported.

Possibilities, ranked from best to worst timeline:
Please let it be NatSoc UFOs coming to save the day.


any UFO sightings are NatSoc UFO sightings, me thinks its a good sign

This is going to graze by earth, and its huge. My guess is the atmosphere is being pelted by tons of asteroids and meteors that that come from the same origin in space. These articles don't even say how fast they are traveling either but it seems like they are getting a slingshot effect from earth's gravity increasing their speed, thus making them explode when they graze the stratosphere. I'm not trying to stir a panic, I'm just curious as to what these sounds are. I have seen so many shooting stars this year its unbelievable.

Sage for not trying to keep bumping my own thread.

Scratch that, just realized this is orbiting, but you can't rule out the possibility of this rock breaking apart mid flight.

For the UFO guys



pppfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttffffffffffffftttttttttttttt *BOP*


1. Coincindental unlinked industrial explosions

2. Mach 9 military aircraft testing

3. Destruction of various underground facilities

But the more fun and false explanation is as follows/

G20 implemented a Supra-stratospheral EMP defense system which is vaporizing alien aircraft upon approach/entry.

G20 leaders jokingly refer to it as:
"The electric fence"

i recall there was a rocket test earlier this year, testing a new sounding rocket, where they created artificial auroras. probably linked to project bluebeam.

skip to 3:12 in the video btw


Any of the resent asteroids even been close? I remeber one passed between Earth and the moon a few years ago, might have been 2015. It was totally unknown untill it had alredy passed as it cam from the sun. The size would have obliterated a major city if it hit.

The trumpet sounds are nothing new, they have been around for 10 years or so. Also people doing it as pranks to very Christan area's but thats not always the case.

With how successful and long lived the SR-71 program was i have no doubt a new one is about.
Drone versions of the 71 have been known since the 90's when, if i remember they was saying the program was over. Think it was Iran that shot one down (drone 71) and its first exposure of its existence.

Blue beam.

Or destruction of underground tunnels and shelters that were build during the Cold War in various countries. Cooper talked quite extensively about this.
The latter one would be interesting if the Trump government got on destroying them so the elites can't take refuge if they cause a nuclear war. So better not.

I've been hearing a lot of booms lately, with no reports or explanations for them in the news. I live in the DFW area, and to my knowledge we only have a JRB. I also saw 2 fighter jets that resemble F-16s (could be trainers) flying low, and chasing each other a few weeks ago. And by low, I mean somewhere around 1-3,000 feet.

100 Full Moons: Video Shows Blazing Fireball Light Up Arctic Sky

Sounds like a goddamn A-10

Holy fuck. That's one of the best UFO videos I've seen.


aliens can't triforce

Just two more weeks until the big cluster. DOTR incoming.

Just say the Ayylmaos and be done with it.

I think that's the plan mate, we're crashing this timeline with no survivors as far as I'm concerned. Boom Boom brother. Enjoy some shitty OC I made for you.

Hi schlomo.

FFS user. These booms are heard before MASSIVE earthquakes. They happen almost every fucking time and are well documented. Further, to support this, the rotation of the earth has slowed, which means centrifugal force has been reduced at the equator, which means that the bulge at the equator is reducing. By reducing, the mass of the earth's crust is reshaping, causing massive pressure changes. These pressure changes cause numerous effects, including adding pressure to magma chambers (increased volcanism.), piezoelectric activity (odd plasma and electric discharges, usually increases with quartz content of the ground.), and massive buildups on fault lines. In other words, we're going to see big quakes, volcanic eruptions, weird electrical effects (often cited as "UFOs" due to flying plasma balls) and a lot of them. Also, expect more sink holes and wells drying up.


Oh that must be why I have to adjust my clocks everyday.
Or no it hasn't slowed. You are demonstrably talking shite.

Just as I was finally starting to be genuinely happy with life.


lockheed called dibs.




Look up the caltech sonic booms from the 90's.

Just some specialty fuels, whatever can work as a good heat sink for thermal management. Look up doughnut on a rope contrails as far as engines. You're thinking of ramjets.
I mean, it's a mach 6 plane, so you gotta assume it's going to be going fast and doing gentle curves. Look into the SR71 turning radius.
Near peer nations?
Lol no. Well maybe. You might see a contact on radar that's going F A S T if you work for the FAA in a tower.

No need. You could theoretically drop a tungsten rod FROM the plane, and it'd have the mach 6 speed.

Notice how these threads ALWAYS bring out the crazies, and never talk about the aurora program or earlier projects.

Go skim: textfiles.com/ufo/gungho.ufo


Real deal is the coastguard FLIR film.

It really is interesting how quickly threads like this get swamped with posts that contribute nothing. Possibly to hide relevant comments from coming up on the index for people casually browsing by.

Interesting reads on the SR-72. What would the reason be for them flying so frequently now, if this is the source of these noises? With the SR-71 a reasonable estimate based on my research would be roughly at most one mission every day or two, flown by different crews. If they fly at cruising altitude, I wonder if the sonic boom makes its way all the way down (55,000 ft.).

I think the SR-72 is the most likely source of these noises, the booms, however why? Has anything changed lately? Certainly a super-stealth aircraft would be able to hide itself better than this. That is what makes me so skeptical about this. If they could make something that advanced, I highly doubt they would overlook the fact that people on the ground hear it, that it sounds weird, and that people, however fringe, will want to learn what it was.

Bluebeam type shit actually does sort of make sense to me as an alternate theory just because the argument could probably be made that a fake alien invasion would force the UN to gain power. At this point, I tend to think of the UN, democrats/liberals, communists, and all other "type B" archetypes as the branches of the root of the Babylonians. If for no other reason than they are similar enough to be grouped together. That the argument can even be made, however tenuously, should ring as significant.

I will do more reading today.

damn user I was baneposting, how could I not skip an opportunity like that to fire up the OC press and shitpost a little? As crazy as you are I did find this interesting:
I'm not a geologist but this is interesting to me on an intellectual level and I'm going to look into that, I just hope it's not as garbage as the rest of your "science" post because that truly is kind of cool.

Oh it does slow user, just not at a rate that anyone would give a fuck about. Tidal Acceleration: Every 18 months on the average, with variation, a leap second is added to planetary time keeping to keep the day consistent with atomic clocks and astronomical observations.


Are you some kind of newfag?

As far as I know, your pic related is neither asteroid, nor meteor, nor comet, by the currently accepted definitions.

Whatever it was, it was an object not native to this solar system as it was incoming at about 57,000 mph and outgoing at about 90,000 mph (relative to our galactic movement, don't get nervous don't get nervous, break up my party -pic related), both of which are above Sol's escape velocity. Also, it didn't develop a tail as it approached the sun.

It was an extrasolar object, the first one we've ever known about, and I guarantee you that 99.99999% of the eclipse-obsessed manboons have no clue about it.

Interstellar probe, ultra-heavy elements, undiscovered isotopes, antimatter, unknown exotic matter, lump of iron: we can all have a speculating good time.

Why is pic of kike?

That's exactly what I think they do, and why they're so quick to flood the "Crazy" conspiracy theories. Note how only you and I are actually actually talking about realistic possibilities.

SR72 is old news, aurora was never mentioned again really after the 90's. I'm pretty sure the sonic boom would make it down, but I've only heard from the pilots and shit.

That's the exact fun conversation to have. TBQH a mach 6 penetrator doesn't really "do" stealth, it more does "flies so ungodly fast that you can't shoot it down".

This is not going to be the first or last UFO / mysterious booming sounds to ever occur. Where else are they going to test it, over the ocean? Who cares if people hear it, fly in the vast emptyness of military test ranges. As far as now, I suspect it's because they're about to reveal to us whatever replaced the SR-71. Additionally, telling the military to fly a more obvious route / optempo for something to give our enemies to worry about does sound like a very Trump thing to do.

Doubly so with how sound refracts off the atmosphere and can be heard hundreds of miles away by accident.

You're not wrong, BUT, the really real problem of "What's the simpler answer" really comes into it's own here. Between CIA niggers flying another SR-71 type aircraft, or like 8 NWO governments pulling off bluebeam, I'm sorry, but I'm going to go with "CIA / Lockheed niggers dick waving a secret plane on Trump's orders".


Notice how this got bump locked because of the crazies. MODS PLZ FIX



They're not crazies, they're shills. and a few halfchan retards because school is out for thanksgiving. The shills spam threads to shut down the convo.

Why not both?

And yeah, they succeded, look how fast this got auto saged.

Then we make a better thread, backed up by data.

I'll take part in it, but this dumpster fire is rough. We'll have to make sure it's a specific discussion on REALISTIC shit, not MUH ALIENS AN SHEIT

Are you talking about the movie on Amazon Prime called Arrival?


Both my dog and cat have been acting strange lately,
I haven't heard anything here in houston area however, maybe they just hate me cause I'm working a shit ton lately

mods are compromised
exodus to >>>/new/

shill reported

i hear them too every time i take a shart
they smell bad too

kek. this guy gets it