Bill Andriette
712 Main St #317
Buffalo, NY 14202-1718
(617) 859-9775 - Landline
Possible Businesses
Zymurgy, Inc
725 Market St Wilmington De 19801
Paul Shanley
49 Milton St
Milton, MA 02186-2322
David Thorsted
1223 300th Ave
Lengby, MN 56651-2086
(218) 668-2213 - Landline
(212) 777-1417 - Landline
(651) 777-1417 - Landline
537 Jones St., No. 8418
San Francisco CA 94102
AN ADDED BONUS Zuckerberg Joins Boy Lover Group Thanks to New Facebook Feature/article19840.htm

Have a bump

NAMBLA HQ in San Fransisco, huge surprise lol.

would be a shame if everyone that went into those buildings were killed in some freak accident.

Ok mr fbi agent

Nice work, user


This should be put on /baph/


SF user that hq address is in the tenderloin district… hq on 8th floor
Ground level business storefront is:
Continental Mail Co
Mailbox Rental Service · 537 Jones St

also forgot to mention this location is two blocks from the Bohemian Club (post and taylor)

hang them all

I want to set this man on fire for daring to bring his shit into my state. How do I ruin him?

Junk mail pamphlets asking people to join. False flag him and give out his info.

set him on fire



I remember 5 years ago on 4pol people would say that some fags are okay and the slippery slope was a fallacy.

This way of trying to scare everyone about the government is really counter effective at this point fellow (((user))). Improving the effectiveness of your psyop campaign is possible but that's all I'll say. I am confident that if all the fatties working at the FBI and CIA get together to brainstorm, they'll have one or two good ideas by 2020.

You will never be at a healthy weight.
You will never be able to meme.
You will keep eating fast food and drinking soda.
You will never own a set of kettlebells.
You will never be able to download all the smug waifus because I have rares I made myself on a old laptop using mspaint.exe

Regarding David H. Thorstad
OP had a misspelling of Thorstad.
But OP's initial dox of David Thorstad seems to be good info.
Found a "David H. Thorstad" living on 160 acres in Mahnomen County, MN. I believe part of the town of Lengby falls into Mahnomen County.
Then found a "David H. Thorstad" listed as a presidential electorate for a "Stephen Durham", a fellow New York based socialist and advocate of gay "rights". Approx the same age of Thorstad at 70 and 73 years old respectively. They were likely in the same cohort and known to each other.
Based on this info, I believe OP's dox is correct.
Unfortunately, Mahnomen County does not have a GIS map on the web, so I can't pinpoint the specific property that belongs to Thorstad.
Any help in this department would help out.
I just wonder what a New York pederast/socialist would need with 160 acres in rural Minnesota.

It sure would. Good thing no one's advocating for that, here.


South Park did a episode on NAMBLA in 2000


The trick is to advertise anti trump meetings there. Bring the deviant left together to either eat each other, or come out as pro pedo.

This would not be a bad plan A

Fucking sick

Find any of these degenerates in the Southeast? Would be a shame if these gentleman were pranked.

I'd rather have a Jain's windmill than a goldstar.

I would have suggested we put antifa meeting fliers up there, but nambla is already connected to antifa. Another plan would be lgbtp+ fliers, as this brings out the pedo connections with the fag community to the hipster allies

Sticky Requested.
These sick fucks need to be ruined. Thankfully pedophilia is still
to normalfags that their instinctual reaction is the same as ours.

These people are flaunting it in our faces at this point.


meme BMBLA into existence.
This shit should be happening in the UK with the rest of the clownworld poz, not America.
WE deserve to have a country free of this garbage.

i remember that episode.

fuckin kids these days.

oy vey shut it down

bump for some schitzo to kill pedos not me tho

give the doxx to /x/ kek

Because Holla Forums are pro child love?
I always suspected but it's nice to have it confirmed.



why haven't we gone after them yet?


