Arrests at "Far-Right" March in Quebec City

National news so far has neglected to mention all 44 people arrested were from the faggot brigade otherwise known as Antifa.

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It's Canada, what do you expect?
Quebec should be independent.


I thought the piss meme was just a meme.

If they did that canada would lose easy access to its south korea test provinces maritime provinces. which as a maratimer I say that a kick in the arse is what we need.

there has been a massive anti American D&C shilling Campaign going on for a month or so now. We don't even have flags here and you will see (1) posts about how it.

I just saw the report on (((CBC))), they didn't really mention who was arrested, but they did mention that antifa brought weapons to their counter protest.

Are Canadian arrest records public information? If they are then dump the mugshots and names.

Once Quebec is finally vive'ing libre the US will Annex rest of Canada.

In general they aren't we have fairly strict privacy policies around criminal records.

user here from Canada. I was overhearing this from the news (CTV I think). They're admitting all the arrest being antifa members, but what canadian news media is neglecting to tell people was antifa possessing weapons. Instead we were told they were just throwing snowballs and showed footage of riot police "wrongfully" advancing on them.

Judging on the narrative they're trying to put out, they're portraying antifa as victims and the "right-wingers" as protected. Any other canadian seeing this?

CBC mentioned they brought knives; I may have also heard some brought firearms.



I hope you do go independent so we can conquer you again you french faggots (or as they say in france, fagget franceisis)

CBC is doing their usual personal angle fluff pieces on antifa, like this one on the 'rise of antifa' in Quebec in response to evil Nazis, led by an Religion of Cuck™ convert cunt.

OK, this is how I get around your idiotic wordfilters from now on. Stupid shit.


The epitome of LARP.;^)

Is this before or after you annex all the states lost to niggers and mexicans?

(talmudic check)
>not noticing that few seemed to be wearing boots in Quebec in November with snow on the ground while wearing skull masks and marching into confrontation with violent communists.

Tous ces groupes sont pro Muricains et Sionistes, des gros connards a bas QI, des esclaves a Juifs, essentiellement.

Fucking anglo

Vive le Québec libre! Boutez les Anglais hors du Québec!

Makes sense since all canadian media is liberal.

Canada is going through the obama era phase one right now. People are starting to get pissed off but Trudeaus damaging policies still haven't had their full effect yet.
Best case scenario is the Trudeau wins again in 2019 but with only a minority government. This way Scheer won't run again for the conservatives and it paves the way for bernier.
People need to become so disgusted by the liberal government that the backlash lasts a decade with a Conservative gov taking over led by a legit candidate. Same scenario which led to the 11 year run (04-15) before shitlibs fucked it all up.

You know whats funny? The antifa organizer in Vancouver is an openly faggot imam. He hobnobs with CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) and the BCTF (BC Teachers Federation) and protests Trump Tower with his arsebuddy sandnigger crew and their antifa cucks called the Coalition against Bigotry
Second picture, farthest left is him and his cucks.

The conservatives are better than the liberals but neither party is nationalist and thus neither party will save us from the Kalergi Plan, Frankfurt School tenets, or the Protocols.
We need a nationalist movement so we can abolish welfare, lower taxes for everyone, and stop immigration from non-white countries. Anything less and we're just post-poning the inevitable.

With all due respect, that is full of shit and this first pic explains why. The rest are supplemental from older eras.

to be fair, harper did abolish the long-gun registry

I noticed they also didn't say the violence was one sided. They did report that the police were facing towards antifa and not the other guys.

How come the frogs in Canukistan don't come across as being completely cucked like elsewhere in that frozen shithole?


The Ontarian, like the jew, cries in pain as he strikes you.

And took the same bunch of drunk Chatham herring chokers to fuck up the Phoenix payroll system.

So they neglect to mention the ones arrested were antifa but the normalfag will read the headline and assume 44 far right demonstrators bigot nazi white toxically masculine males were arrested.

How the fuck has he not been killed by mudslimes yet?

Really make ya think.

Memes are real, and have been for a while.

Really make ya think.

Top kek
Really makes you think. Stop crying like a bitch over some shit post you fragile frog. There is a French and Anglo alliance coming and because you don't know anything about nationalist cirlces in Canada you wouldn't know this.

I'll also add Lester B Pearson was another treasonous faggot who should of been dropped in the Atlantic with concrete shoes.

Bused in from Montreal/Toronto/US again? They should do a march in the middle of winter. Unfortunately, I doubt the soros vermin would make the trip at that time of the year. I say unfortunately for a very specific reason… a very good one.

The Trudeau family is not considered Québecois and the opinion of the ROC on this is irrelevant. Also you don't get to take my suggestion of an alliance (spoke about that for years) while at the same time adding more fuel to the fire.

So they're bastards then because they sure he'll aren't Anglo. Secondly the alliance isn't your doing. Its going to happen regardless.

these guys are the hardcore fascists, the rest of the group was just boomer nationalism apparently

Leftists are pissed that we are smart and work with police rather than screech "fuck DA police nigguh"

Pic relateds are from This Time The World by Rockwell. It says chapter 12 on the website, but in the book its Chapter 14. Anyways, this isnt the whole chapter, its pretty long.. but within these 5 pics are a couple relevant stories about police. First, he points out they are not our enemies and can be our friends. Later, he points out that Atlanta's police at least, are extremely corrupt and not the types of ones who will ever be on your side. In fact, they framed him for bombing a synagogue, and even threatened to link him to any synagogue bombing - ONLY WEEKS BEFORE IT WAS BOMBED. Anyways, you dont need to read the whole thing, or any of it at all if youre not interested.. just seems relevant. Mostly starts getting into talking about police at the start of the second image. He points out entire stations were swung over to Rockwells side, after they saw the abuse the Jews threw at him.

The whole books available in pdf too for anyone interested, just google it.

We never really conquered them. The french indian war was the last time we really fought. that was almost 300 years ago. Theyve been part of our country from its inception in 1867 and have fought and bled with us in every war since then as Canadians. Now theyre unhappy that we, as a whole, are forsaking their contributions and culture. From where I stand its doesnt look like its the french who are the faggots. It looks like its the rest of us. I know I came two days late to the thread to reply to you, but I hate this Anglo-Franco division in our country when our destinies are so intertwined. Maybe we owe it to them to let them go so they can choose to save their own culture.