In America’s Heartland, the Nazi Sympathizer Next Door

Article by the failing NYT is producing massive amounts of liberal salt and kike rage

Ms. Hovater, 25, was worried about Antifa bashing up the ceremony. Weddings are hard enough to plan for when your fiancé is not an avowed white nationalist.

Full article:

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It's a shit article and this is a shit thread.
Enjoy this goy free first post.

Fucked up exactly one line


0/10. Would not gas kikes with but would happily gas him

Why do I know you don't belong here.

delicious salt

The intent of this seems to me to begin a witch hunt for nazis, and to spread the notion that even mild whites must be mistrusted and attacked. Less of a "Nazis are just like you!" more of a "Nazis can be behind every corner!" fearmongering

Why does everybody think we're all fucking skinheads running down the street shouting "GAS THE KIKES" all the time?

All of these (((fellow white people))) kvetching, noice.


Movies ?

If you can't tell this guy is a glowing alphabet agency commie then you need to lurk two years. The body of a soyboy, degenerate pop-culture tattoos, NYT coverage for no reason, obvious deficit of white genes given the combo of dark hair and dark eyes, and leading his group into a federal trap.

I bet this guy will propped up as the next "leader of the alt-right". The salt is absolutely delicious though

mate that's called propaganda.

Have you ever even met another white person?


Because they desperately want to believe IRL is a movie or video game. They want to believe that there is a IRL version of Derrick from the 1st half of American History X curb stomping nigs and jews while smiling.

When it's the nice guy who lives next door to you… cognitive dissonance sets in.


Reminder that eye color is determined by at least 16 traits, and blue eyes can remain dormant.2 brown eyed parents can have blue eyed children.

It isn't necessarily that they want to believe every Nazi is a caricature, it's that their only frame of reference is (((pop culture))). The cognitive dissonance stems from their conditioning, not some intentional unwillingness to believe the truth.

It isn't just the dark hair and dark eyes that make him shady. It's all the shady shit combined.

periodic reminder to ameridumbs that race and genetics are very complex and not just "dominant or recessive" babby-tier shit, that they aren't as superficial as skin or hair color based categorizations, that there are multiple variants of "european", which best goys have been conditioned to reduce to "white", and that they are tenfold (at least) more mongrelized than sicilians.
Pics related: sicilian version of "diversity"

checking wise dubs


NYT doing the famous wine tasting tactics. Since leftist just fucking cry and never consume, they will try to bait every person on the Right with a few articles to see if profit raises.

I have dark hair, dark eyes and noodle arms, but I dont have tattoos. Should I have white babies or go MGTOW?

Enjoy the free report, juden.

That's why the nationalists in Poland were chanting "Keep Europe white" and "clean blood" right? Post your le 56% meme already.

Go MGTOW. We all should.


Excuse me, friend?

Start lifting and make babies. Unless you're a CIAnigger like Tony Hovater probably is in which case die immediately.

shouldn't you be using tor if you're going to act like a kike?

that's what i said

Reminder that the big problem with bashing the fash is still the problem of hitting innocents. You can just go ahead and kill this guy in his home, Antifa. He's clearly fair game.

Do college educations make people more or less persuasive? It seems like a recurring pattern that it's the self-assigned intelligentsia who actually find it difficult to persuade people of things.

lol are you ok

Ah so we've finally reached the "no no no this one is an ACTUAL Nazi!" Phase

Got 'em.

56% is old, user. You're quite lower than that already; among them are jews, arabs, mexicans and all sorts of "self-identified" "white" abortions.

And if "whites" for you burgers are only the germanics & anglo, then poles aren't "white" either.

I'll save you the 43% meme this time around, out of spirit of cooperation to save the remnants of the European races. Have some more sicilian grills instead.

Excuse what, buddy? I hope you don't want me to add the obvious "not all burgers" to not hurt fee fees - we're talking about masses and populations.

No, I'm European.

Also what the fuck are these eyebrows

Yidlet confirmed. Enjoy the ban.

>talking to the (((press)))
Actually, this is probably a worse idea than when Chris did his Vice interview; He was already a well known quantity that point. I guess all I can say is: "Enjoy the ride, Hovarters"
they're probably being groomed as the Alt-kike's new (( (approved))) mascots

that ugly twitter skank needs to be crowbar'd to death


Tfw haven't reached the sinister eyebrow phase of nazi-ism


>claim that jews act together in their own interests at the expense of others
>masses of jews show up to shout demands and cry in tandem thus demonstrating that exact behavior

Hiding from the horrible situation you - and all of Europe's people, myself included - are in won't help.

At least it depicts Jews properly.

Does Bessie think she was in the the cement chamber with Uncle Willie? Clearly a textbook case of Holocaust Generational Trauma. Many such cases. Sad.

Uh huh.

snap out of it, user

That bitch didn't have an uncle who was gassed but I do wish all her ancestors were gassed so we wouldn't have to put up with her insufferable nonsense.

Kalb needs to be fucking gassed, I haven't seen kvetching this hard in a long time.

Has the US ever had a more denigrate elected official? I’d rather live door to this Nazi than a demented psychopath like Scott Weiner, just for my kids sake.

You gave yourself away at "ameridumbs" tbh. Don't get mad at me at me for your own fuckup. That's enough laughing at you though, I don't want to derail the thread.

shiggy diggy

If everybody outside of your basement that expresses pro white sentiment in public is a secret CIA kike shill plant you might as well kill yourself, the kikes have already won and there is no point in resisting them.

and you believe only kikes or shills think americans are utterly retarded?
Think whatever you want, it's your last (you) from me anyway.

Its called the Harold Covington look.

This seems like a veiled reference to Q:

The "wizards and warlocks" wording along with "LARP" in the same sentence seems more than coincidental.

A lot of "poles" aren't.

I searched
Because I thought she was plagiarizing. Interestingly enough google had stuff about the Irish, Scottish, Russians, Iraqis and Kurds. Nothing about the Jews.




Well, I dont know. Maybe because you're so fucking retarded that you think this CIA agent that orginized nazis to march with Spencer is somehow normal.

Maybe you're not normal? Maybe you're literally retarted. Maybe don't represent NatSoc and go back to making babies.

Dumb cunt. Even the Auschwitz twitter handle admitted that the scratch marks are from vandals.



You know what is real?
Pic related.

>the (((Alt-Right))) is real goy

I can think Spencer is a terrible figurehead without thinking he's a CIA plant

Typically, Krauts on Cuck/pol/ are the first to through that shit out.

This Bess Kalb uncle Willie story is a total fabrication and since she considers herself part of the media right up there with The NY Times shouldn’t she be held to account? This is textbook fake news if I ever saw it. I want proof of “Uncle Willie”. I demand satisfaction!
I demand proof of Uncle Willie


Stop putting niggers in white women's clothes.

Umm, Bessie, everyone knows that the holocaust did not in fact happen. It was a myth, darling.

A lot of this thread reeks of outsiders

before? Before what? BEFORE WHAT!?

All the board today does. Fucking shabbath.

Honestly, I don't trust a man that lets the (((JYT))) do an article on him. Trust no one from the Alt-Kike, that's the bottom line. The fact that this thread got 70+ replies speaks volumes. Secondly, the dude screams Heeb.

The kike reveals himself.
Good journalism does not differentiate right from wrong. Right and wrong are subjective, while journalism should be objective (we know it isn't).

Been seeing a lot of this. Despite all the bad press around Charlottesville and the alt-right and all the censorship on jewtube and twatter, we're still winning the war of ideas. Every day more and more people come around to our way of thinking and all the people left of us nudge a little further to the right.

Reported. Holy fucking shit, this is how shitty the shills have become.

What? You mean finger nails can't scratch into reinforced concrete like it's butter?

This tbh fam! Normalizing Nazism is a jewish trick.

Don't give the LARPing faggot attention.

There it is again. That canned CIAnigger line straight from the script. If you aren't blowing up buildings or allowing yourself to be lead into a falseflag, like Tony Hovater did when he led his fellow nazis into Charlottesville, then you're just sitting in your basement doing nothing, goy!

What? he was literally saying the kike journalist who wants to spoon feed you the right think opinion is wrong for doing that. The kike journalist would think he is right to do that. that shows you right and wrong are subjective which is why a good journalist has to divorce themselves from what side they "should" be on. did you think this thread was a competition to say the most retarded thing possible? because there is no winning that, and yet somehow you are leaps and bounds ahead of almost everyone else.


I'm blonde with brown eyes, amerimutt of Scott, Anglo, Germanic, and Norse blood. Don't know where I stand with a cunt like you. If you want infighting I guess that's a good outlook to have, though. D&C is fun.

This guy is a member of the Traditionalist Workers Party, or whatever. I have heard of these guys before. I find it suspicious that he was covered so positively by (((The New York Times))).

This reminds me of a top tip of mine. If you suspect someone to be working for CIANiggers, just ask them one simple question. "Should you ever talk to cops or the feds?" If they say anything but, "No, you should never, ever, ever talk to the cops or the feds," then they are working for the US government. Pay heed!

Are you lost Shlomo? Are you going to post your poorly drawn MSpaint comic with the le amerimutt meme now?

No. Truth is not a matter of opinion. He explicitly said that right and wrong are subjective. This is a kike belief.
Except right and wrong aren’t subjective.
Cute, kike, but it doesn’t work on us. Reported.

I thought nothing on Holla Forums could piss me off anymore, this twat proved me wrong

Okay. So why are you assmad that I implied the combo of dark hair and dark eyes can be a suspicious trait? Especially when a suspicious motherfucker like Soyboy The Totally Real Nazi has them



Yeah, that NYT twatter feed is overflowing with raging yids. Regardless of the subject of the article's real intent/background reading the hysterical comments is comedy gold. The usual, insufferable and smug cocksuckers driven into a frenzy of hatred over some mild mannered young man who dares to organize in his own interest.

Har! The kvetching must have been off the charts. They changed the title of the article to something more kike/nigger/faggot sensitive.

What mild mannered young man? You mean the federal asset?



>This man who looks exactly like antifa complete with degenerate pop culture tattoos, who lead some nazis into a trap, and is getting national exposure in the (((NYT))) for no apparent reason is a totally legit fellow nazi, you goys

The only thing I believe about Tony is his love for ridiculous eyebrows

I'm just enjoying watching the jews kvetch out of control on twatter. That's all.

I never get tired to the liberal double standard. Also
Said the pot to the kettle.

Could cunts say nazi any more often? It's lost all meaning


kek source?

Sorry user, there have been so many shills lately I'm a little trigger happy

I've noticed more posts like these emerging recently.
Somebody spergs out for ten minutes and fucks off.
Is it plain autism or something more?

Just ordinary shilling, they don't make efforts to blend in.

It's pretty great, I hope they kvetch louder. It destroys their entire narrative if there's ordinary white people in line with our views, they are desperate to maintain the illusion that we're neo-nazi skinheads with swastikas tattood to our foreheads. I don't know anything about this guy, but there's nothing wrong with the narrative he has presented.

Traits? You mean loci.

just fuck off and kill yourself.

Well yeah, every skeltal is spooky, silly kike.

So what flustered your fanny, saying brown hair plus brown eyes can be suspicious or the fact that I can spot a glowing CIA nigger when I see one?



These people don't go outside at all, they're children who frequently indulge in fiction and expect fiction to be like reality. They want to use the press as a medium to validate the cartoony shit that they see from Netflix binging.

Surprise! It's not weird, strange, or sinful to love your people and your country to the point where you want to protect it from invaders that plow your people with trucks.

Progressives loathe truth, which is why they want everyone else around them to be forced to lie. That's why they want to jail people for incorrect pronouns.

Hahaha, read my mind and dubs fucking CONFIRM.

Why though? What do they gain from this article? Whats the fucking point to bringing out one of their old toys from cville and not have him dance around like a "Gnasee KKKlown"? Whats the game here!

They'll be out of a job soon enough.

Sicilians aren't white.

Hey guys, don't you just love it when drag queens tell you that you need to have politically biased news sources to keep you safe? Gotta have (((other people))) pic and choose what is or isn't true for you, goy, now don't you? Don't want you getting any pesky thoughtcrime bad influences, don't we?

Leftoids have no idea that they're encouraging more people to be "evil gnaaatzees!"
They really can't help but beat themselves.

>(((Scott Wiener)))
The man who made a bill in CA that makes fags spread their POZ to other people without their knowledge a misdemeanor is a better person than a Nazi? We all know who's the right person.

these people are completely unhinged

Reminder, that this is why you're a white supreemist nahdsi for not loving G(yn)hostbusters, gay-jew-Flash, (((Netflix))), or whatever other cultural bullshit they are trying to shove down white America's throats. It's because NOT consuming something means that you're sick of their poz and have an affinity for the culture that is evaporating from the country, but you still have plausible deniability that you're not a Nazi since nobody can just force you to watch a movie or buy a stupid game. When they see multi-cultural pozzed shit tank at the box office or NFL ratings go down the tubes, it shows that the majority of the country isn't drinking their kool-aid and it infuriates them since they have no Nazi flag banner waving supremist to lash out at. But they know they're all around them anyway… the proof is in the success or failure of their propaganda. it's why most of Holla Forums has forgotten about gamergoober, but if you spend any amount of time in these lefty circles gamergate still makes them furious to this day, and always will.

Underrated post

inb4 he gets bullied and goes on psychotic rampage
>see goys, all gnotzees are ebil, even this (((normal))) guy

Very true, however that mentality has already been spread among the libshits that any white people that arent (((allies))) are to be screamed down and attacked, such as all the harmless old folk Trump voters that got mobbed.

This 3D shit really puts me on the edge.

The main purpose is likely to prop up this degenerate soyboy federal agent as the next "leader of the alt-right". The secondary purpose is probably to spread paranoia among the goyim that evil nazis are lurking everywhere.

It's a Jewish prostitute, what do you expect?

nordic people aren't white either!

I get that's what they're going for, but it so obviously won't work. The NYT has correctly identified that for the generic Republican, they've never met any skinheads in person and are therefore assuming the meda is lying about white nationalism being on the rise. The NYT has then thought that they'll try to convince these right-leaning individuals to come back to the center a bit, and understand they have to start from reality to do so. Nobody is going to listen to them while they're screaming BASH THE FASH STALIN FOREVER. The NYT understands this, but it's not going to work. For one thing, the retard progressives on their own side won't let them do anything other than scream that white people need to die, for another, they have underestimated how much the average white person agrees with our principles and that exposure to them in this way is equivalent to conversion to our side. The NYT falsely assumes that if we all get this out in the open, people will be convinced to disavow white interests because their progressive agenda is objectively right. What we know and many leftists instinctively understand is that we're the ones with the better argument, and that if this gets aired in the open then people will side with us instead. The NYT has actually fallen for their own bullshit, they're trying to damage us but it's not going to work out like they're hoping.

We're going to win if this keeps up. If we convince the general public that we're regular, rational people who just want what's best for our families and communities rather than hate-filled neo-nazis that want to randomly lynch niggers to sate some demonic bloodlust, then we win. We are motivated by love for our people, not hatred for others, and we need to convey this to the public. That is how we win. As for this story, it's nothing but a boon to us, they've made a genuine tactical error that we shouldn't waste.

Here's the article.

>the (((blue-check))) twitter tears about 'normalization'
This is the fundamental reason why Leftists must be opposed. They have no convictions, they are not at all concerned with morality, only the appearance of morality, and the instant they can't argue their way out with their copypaste Marxist horseshit, they resort to shaming and force to protect their shitty atheist-religion.
>only POV-pushing journalism allowed, goyim! don't tell someone's story without (((commentary)))
I'd like to get the comment section and see their REEE-ing, but I don't have a poz-free way to view it.


Well, yes. The fact that this guy doesn't even know it's "National Socialism" and not "Nazism" speaks volumes about his LARPing and ignorance of his "own" history. I'll enjoy the salt, but I'll never trust anything coming out of the alt-right.

On the other side, (((they))) could be using this as a sort of dox. Kind of like that one faggot who CNN threatened to dox for the Trump gif. The fact they put this guy in a good light is somewhat perplexing though, maybe just wanted their retarded underlings to post it non stop on twatter for free clicks. Just switch it to ebil gnotzees after retards post it all over the place.

Well that's the nagging question in my head. He shows up out of relatively nowhere, claiming to have led a merry band of fellow hwite gnatsees at (((Charlottesville))), with a narrative of political transformation I've seen posted here before. I'm sure more than a few honest anons have made similar journeys from basic bitch blue pill liberal to libertarian to NatSoc/fascist/monarchist/traditionalist/etc, and have posted about it, but I get the feeling that this guy is just controlled op using material lifted from either here or honeypot sources like TRS. Why go from relative obscurity to full-on MSM interview with practically zero following behind him?

That's my gut instinct as well. He might be genuine, but I doubt it. He's thin, weak, tatted, willing to have the enemy write an article on him when he himself (as per the very article, suspicious much?) claims that the news media is biased, willing to have a national MSM outlet plaster his picture everywhere, and that last name…I can't find any information on it, other than it's a variant of Hovatter, which is claimed by one source as "probably Dutch or North German".
It has the reek of controlled opposition all over it.

According to the article, he's a co-founder of the TWP. I wouldn't say practically zero, just marginal support.
There are a lot of genuine people who want to tell their story, but anyone with half a brain on the right knows that the MSM is the enemy's propaganda projection apparatus and is not interested in neutrally telling stories, combined with the risk of telling your story with your face to a (((Megaphone))) like the NYT.
Maybe this is a calculated risk on his part, to attempt to bait people into attacking him or becoming a martyr; I heard the TWP got pretty SIEGEpilled after Charlottesville and how Dicky Spencer and the rest threw all the NatSocs under the bus for 'optics'/muh PR.
Side note, it's really fucking annoying to watch cuckservative boomers and neolibtards play hot potato with 'who's the real Natzees'

The Irish and Basque have some things in common
1.dark hair and eyes
Guess what the rest of Europe has most in common with them?

Not the fucking rb1, because the rest of Europe were too busy breeding with foreigners to keep a dominant hold on rb1.
Literally the most pure Europeans today are gingers or dark haired, you imbecile.

In this case the counterpoint is that the story actually works, it was a mistake on the NYT's part. Thus, if he chose to take the interview then he may well have calculated that he'd be able to pull it off and agreed on those conditions. Because the reality is he did manage to pull it off and get a positive story printed, his prediction for how it would go was right and better than ours.

Any of us would have declined the interview because we'd think there'd be no way for it to work out, if he is legit and chose to take it anyway then he is more on to it than us, because the reality is he did get results.

you don't?

Is SIEGE worth reading? It's pretty long and just a compilation of Mason's articles over the year. Is there any specific article that stands out to you as more important?

Yeah after reading the full article I saw the TWP bit but I can't say I know much about them as an organization. I know I've seen people shit on Heimbach but can't remember what for. Even if he's genuine, I don't see the sense in trying to play martyr when he's a goddamn newlywed.

More tantrums from retarded unstable adult children.
It really sounds like ANY news of something neutral or nice happening to their supposed "nazis" causes these people to shit themselves in the fetal position.
If they weren't perpetually in hugboxes (only a normie article reached them) and we could somehow find a way to rub such horrible "victories" in their face, the results would be hilarious.

The criticism of Heimbach I believe is

Got any good reads on that user?

So a perfectly harmless " edil naughtsees". That's there big treating monster. Fucking sand niggers pose a greater and obvious threat. This is a fucking stupid plan.What next, Klansmen pushing nigglets on swings alive?

Nice dubs
Just look up rb1 y-DNA, Irish and Basque.
There are numerous communities who do genetic research, along with scientific data, and rb1 is popular because it's the European haplogroup, and only white people are smart enough to give a fuck about their dna.

The Irish also have a high instance of mc1r, but mc1r doesn't guarantee red hair, it more commonly gives light skin and freckles.
Rb1 comes with primitive (nonmutated) pigmentation of the hair, resulting in the "black irish" which niggers mistake for we wuz fenians, much like samurai black blood.

I'm actually still going through it myself. Any SIEGEanons care to answer this user's question?
Thus far, I much preferred Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds.


I should point out that I'm rb1 with mc1r, but my hair is only sometimes red, other times it's primitive pigment. I even get blonde sometimes which later turn near-black.
I can assure you that I am both Irish and incredibly white. Dark hair is not sign of niggery, and that user is using nigger-tier logic by saying such.

Hitler dubs demand proof of uncle Willie

Her uncle was gassed…. so that makes her, what, like 70 years old?

These kikes don’t even bother to do the math because they know no one will question them.

No no, the nazis gassed her uncle in the womb 60 times using a pedal powered vaginal gassing machine. The chronology totally works, goy

Absolute best case but highly unlikely scenario is this is some kind of poor attempt at generating rapid controversy in a bid to stay relevant.


Fuck off faggot, have pic related to educate yourself and then felatio a shotgun.


Oh now I see why the NYT did a hit piece on him.

All the "bad" stuff about him in the article isn't actually in quotations. Classic kikery.

Oy vey the chutzpah of this goy!

Alright I have the pdf so I'll start with that one. Thanks bro.

What's wrong with what he said? It's well known that fringe politics attract fringe people and we have our fair share of crazies on here.

Nice pic btw, never seen it before.

His horrendous, very unnatural eyebrows are eerily similar to the ones on an occultist in the intelligence agency leadership whose picture I saw on here about a year ago. This man is not to be trusted, no matter how good the article may be for us. I'm guessing the sympathetic portrayal is meant to draw us out into the open, to give NYT a semblance of even handedness, to let us come out and assemble under figureheads that have been picked for us. We are slowly gaining ground, but let's not pretend it's thanks to the fuckin NYT.

That isn't what I said, but it's okay user, your asshurt is noted.

If thats not what you ment then fine, I will take it back.
The amount of d&c over what is white or eruopean these days is so rampant that it does piss me off.

polite sage for offtopic

that would be Michael Aquino, author of Psyops and Ethics and founder of the Temple of Set, because LaVeyan Satanism wasn't edgy enough for him
GA.TEfags could probably tell you a lot more about him

m8 hes just a normalfag nazi

this so much
'whiteness' is an american phenonom from continueous race mixing. mostly intra european race mixing, but still race mixing

How did the Nazi guard watch jews being gassed? did they have a special window for viewing pleasure or did he just stand in the gas chamber and hold his breath?

He wore a gas mask and got into the masturbation machine so he could tweak his nipples at the same time


The thing is, nationalists of all races are just normal people. There's your final redpill, people mostly desire to stick to their own race. This is proven in all manners of statistics and trends even scientific peer reviewed studies. Stop trying to force it, diversity is a disaster.

Yeah get the fuck out kikess

This is a fantastic idea. Why didn't I think of this? I'm looking for a proud strong young man to introduce to my daughter, well not here this forum is full of losers and cowards but guys brave enough to actually go out there and stand up for the rest of us in white America. I hope I can get that "Chad" looking fellow all the girls and guys were gushing about back then for her. If one of you browse here, she's cute as a button. She was voted prettiest girl in school twice, strong traditional values just the way I raised her, blonde hair blue eyes and all that, athletic and she can hunt. If you're a strong young proud man who can protect her and your race, I want you for a son in law. You can contact me on twitter, just tweet out replying to my post number with your background and I'll check you out. Again, you should have been out there standing up for whites at Charlottesville or somewhere else. Other fathers who care about their daughters and race should do the same. Help them find the few non-soyboys out there. No losers.

(((Bess Kalb))), every fucking time

Its been a trend at NYT over the last week or so. They just published an article about kikepiro a few days ago. Still trying to figure out why they're beating this dead horse again. I feel a false flag incoming.

Ok, I want to know title of this porn.

you should abstain instead

beat me too it. I'm trying to imagine a cheeky skeletal face, and then on of abject horror, and then trying to work out what the difference is. the set of the jaw? She's fucking great value. I wonder if they train them up to speak like that in secret jew school.

no one is fucking white. But, the 'white' races are a big bunch of variants with common traits. Civilisation being the big one.
Over on kikebook, my feed is starting to name the Jew. normal people, just coming out and saying it. its kinda beautiful

Because you are stupid enough to plaster that all over your internet activities. Jews push any dissident into adopting nazi imagery, so he loses by default.

Hitlerdubs tell a wonderful tale of normie awakening

Hey man my sister was turned into a lantern the holocaust is just like temporally all over the place you know

lol this guy wants to kill people with brown hair or brown eyes. That totally is rational and going to help us in the troubles ahead


Mentally ill shouldn't be in the military.

Who here is the best Nazi?

I bet he’s not normal. I bet he’s icky.
I can’t even.

So many fucking hotheads to rid the world of.

Look how they put a much more normie friendly title in the print version.


fucking kek
It's like they don't understand the concept of staying faithful to your spouse.

It's just a definition fault. If the eye color is COMPLETELY black, it's irretrievable. If eye color is brown, it's basically the same genes as blue or green or gray.

Also hair color is determined by a single genetic switch, which changes between generations based on nutrition and light levels (vitamin D overall). I have gray eyes and dark hair, my blonde sister has brown eyes. I'm A- she's B-.

tl;dr Having any of these traits makes you white: Brown, blue, green or brown eyes, or brown, blonde or ginger hair.

Crypto Whites Unite!

By the way I think OP guy is a government agent but for other reasons. NYT would NEVER give this coverage to a real Nazi.

Holla Forums wants to kill pro White people.


White Nationalists are pro White Genocide.

These ridiculous idea must be coming out of communist universities. These people are fanatical authoritarians, believe in crushing free speech, believe there is such a thing as "hate speech" and "white privilege", borders are evil but cultural relativism is fine, and that the news is supposed to be based on feelings and completely biased towards the left.

It's a recipe for a nightmare.

Step up your game lad!

these people have no shame and must politicize every aspect of their life in an attempt to virtue signal more than the other

so sad

Violence has escalated, indeed.

Notice how quickly the lefties / kikes go full-on authoritarian when they hear things they don't like. They'd love a iron-fist dictatorship as long as the dictator was a rabid SJW.

Not only are the left brainless and sightless, but they're hypocritical too.

That reminds me, is anyone keeping track of the Confederate statues the lefty cities illegally pulled down? The four in Baltimore have dissappeared and nobody is talking about them. I think the nigger mayor and city council are waiting for the memory hole before they quietly destroy them, just like how they stole them in the middle of the night.

These fuckers need to stop blue balling me and fucking do it. I have schedules to keep.

Does anyone else get the impression that the vast majority of holohoax victims are just fake relative parents made up so they're children wouldn't feel left out when kvetching with the other kikelings?

I just want to live in a white country so I can start a white family. Why don't they understand that the jew and the shitskin need to go?
I mean, other than the fact that most of them are jews and shitskins.


The left only cares about one thing: victory at any cost, morals ethics and character be damned. Theyll flip flop on a dime, clamour for something one week then against it the next, even sacrifice one ally to gain another and sacrifice them in turn. Everything is expendable to a leftist. Even themselves.

I really would not be surprised if journalists became the victim of beatings and struggle sessions thanks to Marxists like these before we even laid a hand on them.

Very few of them stray from the leftist narrative for long. Also, lefties don't really have the organization to hunt down a random journalist. Nonetheless, I'm guessing this particular one will be issuing apologies very soon, and / or the NYT will issue a statement distancing itself from him.

what are you sliding, Chaim


Oi vey! The world isn’t scared of Nazis anymore? Who will protect kosher scams?

these people are so hypocritical its hilarious

Because most of us who are chill hide our power levels. Not suggesting we shouldnt though.

twisting symbolism of fiction to suit an opposite purpose in reality isn't really a big deal. 40k ripped it of from Elric anyway.

Sam Hyde wasn't talking about himself in that kill journiggers quote.


Chaimbach is an FBInigger. Like millionaire Dicky Spencer, he does not seem to have ever worked a real job; these types – the ones who don't seem to be doing anything other than organizing political movements since a very young age – are controlled opposition on the payroll of some alphabet agency or another. See David Duke and the aforementioned plant Spencer.

For the record, I'm not a Renegay, and I think that Andrew Anglin (and his colleagues) and Mike Enoch (and his colleagues) are real, genuine individuals who should be supported. But all or almost all the others are severely compromised.

If it has brown eyes or a hook nose, it goes. :^)

It's the preponderance of traits that matters.

Not at all. Please continue.

It's all good user. The recent fuckton of shilling has me on edge too.

And a real nazi would never agree to be the subject of an (((NYT))) article.

I guarantee whoever came up with that title is a kike. That string of words sounds like something a fucking rabbi would say.

I don't read the Jew York Times and you shouldn't either. Not even ironically or to "see how bad it is." No clicks = no shekels to them.

Guess uncle Willie lived to pass on this story onto Bess.

Every diabolical monster shaves SIX GORILLION HEADS before gassing them in non-existent chambers.

They arent actually bothered by any of this. This isnt about their feels, it's about getting the NYT and other media to shut down even the thought of neutrality when dealing with us, or white men in general.
They want their feigned outrage to govern the decisions of the media.

Because he LARPs about eye and hair color like they matter to try and consensus crack.

I guess Uncle Adolf was a nigger nonwhite then, airite, fellow Notsees? It's not like the blondest and most blue-eyed countries in the world are also some of the most cucked. Better gas all of Eastern Europe on principle, goy.

6e261f glows in the fucking dark. He thinks sperging out like a twelve year old and vomiting our own terminology back at us makes him fit in. Going 0/18 and screaming about gassing everyone who isn't blonde isn't something any Fascist, National Socialist, or Traditionalist would ever do.


NYT has a new article out. Haven't read it yet

I'm guessing they're going to fire the guy who wrote it


Readers Accuse Us of Normalizing a Nazi Sympathizer; We Respond

they are still pushing this? Its straight men who are instinctively disgusted by faggotry. anyone have the link to the study at hand btw?

Oy Vey!


Are you a lobotomized CIAnigger?
"Czystość" in Polish is a homonym (word with the same pronounciation, and often spelling). it can mean ideological/sprititual purity or the state of not being physically dirty with dust or whatever,
60IQ WaPo niggers can't tell the difference between "pure" and "clean"

guess which should apply to blood (^:

Uncle Adolf had blue eyes, but its like saying Rockwell wasn't white. Just filter & ignore these shitters.

This kike is in her 30's and her uncle went to the gas chambers in WWII? Someone needs to make her bug bomb dreams a reality.

Hey guys what's up? Am I a fed, or mossad? Or maybe I'm a white activist that's been working for over two years to bring attention to our movement.

Someone just needs to ask these over-kvetching kikes: How do you know that?

Either they don't, and you can point and laught at them for it, or they'll say "My so-and-so said so!", at which point you can present the heaps of clearly-false witness testimonials and suggest their claims were probably fake. Be sure to call it "post-war propaganda" and chide them for being naive.

I'd post the video of the old kike woman claiming the Nazis hammered nails into her head, nailed the kikes to the walls when they left, and chained them up with a "chain made of knives", but my device won't allow it.

Kek she probably puts the crying cues in Jimmy's scripts.

Oh look, two FBIniggers (doing the Mudslime finger, because of course) in one pic.

Are you the pinko Christcuck on the left or the Jewy looking faggot on the right? And do you think making the Muzzie sign will earn you cred anywhere that matters?

Maybe it's the grandpa-uncle, i.e grandparent's sibling?

Protip, don't call it "The Holocaust" greek for "burnt offerings"
but instead use "shoah" hebrew for disaster , or "grand extermination/purge/doom"
It will cause confusion.

wanna know how I know you're a kike?

And you didn't answer the question.

Eh, good advice, but don't refer to as either if you can - both present the image as though it actually happened. Which it didn't, it was nothing but post-war propaganda against the Germans to justify all the horrendous shit that the Allies/Soviets did to Germany post-war.
The entire thing is a fantasy, and that's how you should approach it - and how you should deride those who express a belief in it, especially Jews.
Few things will trigger a kike like saying they bought into post-war propaganda that their ancestors adopted to make money and acquire influence.

Hey anons, what did these FBI agent-provocateurs mean by the pisslamic Jihadist finger salute?

When the CIA news tries to sell you a CIA plant but they make the ideology go mainstream.

Hehehe, i wonder how things would go if everybody thought the same as pic related. Accelerationism.

You got eyes and a brow like a kike. And the slack jawed interviewee looks like a fucking creep. You also work with known agents like Spencer and Mike Enoch and to top it off you're using an agent-provocateur gesture. You think you're going to be the gatekeepers or bottlenecks for whats about to happen but the simple truth is that you will not.

What's Stefan doing there?

The gesture is bait. Do you think anyone active is a shill? What does staying in the shadows get you? We're literally in the streets organizing. We do what you guys won't. I don't get the sceptical shit. Are you projecting because you think it makes you seem weak?

9.32 million people reads JewYork Times that is 9.32 million people believes a natsoc lives next door too them.

asked the plant who wants you to "put yourself out there" (so you can be taken care of)

Nice try.

They are using the same tactics the US gov tried to use agaisnt next door communists in the 40's and 50's and those failed. Will they fail again?

Fuck off nigger you dont know me. I dont need your gatekeeping bullshit, your hate of individualism, or your collaboration with known fucking plants to do what I want to do.

Bait for what? To call you an idiot?
Well, here you are, shilling actively.
Lots of stuff.
But you're a bunch of faggots and almost nobody actually likes you.
This narrative again… You've already lost this fight. The reason 'we' "won't" do a lot of this stuff is because it rarely accomplishes anything of value, and the people associated with it are all scabs of the worst sort.
So, yes, you are doing what we won't, you're engaging in public bitching-matches with libshit college kids/antifa (>implying) in front of Jewish media cameras, all while pushing really cucky messages that are all in confclit with one another to varying degrees, while arguing "We're all pro-White, so we'll all get along!", which Hitler said, explicitly, was a recipe to stagnation (did you even read fucking Mein Kampf?).
You do, but you're shilling.
Exceedingly Jewish rhetoric.

And you still didn't answer the question you IP-hopping faggot.

Yeah, thats how it is.

They make the Boogie man then over time people wan't too be the Boogie man.

Yes, all of your movement, and especially you.

Making a show circus for the jewish media; gotcha.

You're an FBI agent who wants to do what David Duke did to his "movement."

disavow, disavow, disavow


This shit is so easy.

Did they ever meet the ancestor? If so, how old were they and does this person know how many claims have been proven false, AND does this person know that witness testimony is some of the worst, least-reliable evidence there is? If not, how do they know any of it happened at all?

Boom, done.

Wow you guys are more paranoid than kikes.

This can't be acknowledged by the left because they're made up of losers who banded together and created the false identity of them being the "cool kids" while the conservatives are actually the nerds and losers. No matter how hard they cuck themselves, you can't cuck yourself out of being a cuck.

Sure thing, kike.

Great argument. Your "movement" will go far.

Let me guess. You're some black haired, black eyed mystery meat LARPing as white and you're 10/10 assmad because I made you feel insecure by saying dark eyes combined with dark hair can be suspicious in certain instances. like when they belong to somebody as questionable as that antifa soyboy looking faggot


Okay he's a fucking heeb. The poorly shaven beard with a semitic growth pattern, the thick lower lip, the general slovenly look, and those ears. Even his expression. He either lucked out with the nose or got a nosejob, but that's a unmistakably a kike. He even resembles Kushner to a disturbing degree.

Thanks codemonkey

I have got dark hair and dark eyes, it looks almost black but when light shines on it/ in it it, my hair is clearly brown, with my eyes being a very light brown. I don't have noodle arms though my strength and athletic ability is quite high Average IQ though

Should I also just give up?

So I guess you hate all major white nationalist/national socialist groups then?
Nobody knew CVille would turn out the way it did, the police told us they would work with us and escort us in and out of the park


I don't think it's a heeb. Looks like a White Southern-European to me. Croat mixed with some Anglo, maybe.

(still FBI scum, though)



Pepe-gesturing Hitler in pic related disagrees.

We aren't?
It's just me?


Sure thing, Saul

All major real life white nationalist/national socialist groups are run by any combination of kikes, literal faggots, and federal agents. So yes, yes I do

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Holla Forums instantly identified Charlottesville as a trap by the (((people))) involved in it. Nice try.

get /fit/ first, fgt.

Bullshit. People here knew it was all a set up.

First faggot is a confirmed kike you newfag.


You don't speak for Holla Forums, Shlomo.

He isn't.

Your vibe is jewy.

Your heeb detector is broken.

Are you more of an elitist-banker Steinberg type or more of a poor zionist Herschel kind?


Your jewish style is easily recognizable. You should mix it up sometimes. Here is your typical writing style:

"So-and-so is definitely a jew. The X. The Y. The Z. [insert false or inaccurate assertions about so-and-so] He's got to be a jew. I bet…"

Same pattern all over, Shlomo.

"Your heeb detector is broken" says full yid, brazenly.

into the oven

So are you the kind of shill who tries to derail threads by start shit with everyone?

Nice try. You should change IP, 6e261f, because the jig is up.



Starts a fight by calling everybody with dark hair non white.

tells other people they are starting fights and derailing threads.


The chance to shoot before the feds wrap everybody up

I know we all know it but I'm going to say it anyways

In fact, tolerance is repressed disgust. Mark my words and spread them to every tolerant fuck you meet.

Is he seriously fucking acting like the media fucking doesn't do that all the fucking time

More likely a polack with less-than-stellar command of the English language. Nothing wrong with that.

I'll take that as a yes.

why the fuck would it be a disaster if it happened?

Except I never said that. Did you fail at reading comprehension or are you just trying to start shit with everyone like 6e261f?

but user your are 6e261f?

I can smell your adrenaline rush, Shlomo. You are 6e261f.


Why are Southern Indians and Sri Lankans under Caucasians when they are Australoids

uuuuhhhhh you don't get to bring friends

Southern Indians is presumably Dravidians, and they're not really Australoids. Ditto for Sri Lankans. They are tentatively more closely related to Middle Easterners than to East Asians, which gets them branded "Caucasians."

Their features seem closer to the Aborigine than even a North Indian

Features, sure. They look like Negritos, who are indeed Australoids. But genetics say that they are actually more like Middle Easterners.

9d2dc7. Goddammit.

Didn't JTRIG mentally prepare you for your task, shill?

Your "brown eyes and brown hair = non white" bullshit, together with calling everyone in the world jewish (while your own writing style is distinctly kosher), are pretty strong tells.

Do your homework better. Pics related.

These two men look nothing alike. What?

The guy who posted it is a kike shill, and a failure at that, who can't tell between kikes and actual Europeans. Kushner is undoubtedly a kike, while the man on the right looks like a mixture of Southern European and Anglo, in my view.

Ironically, kikes have a shitty jewdar.

WaPo writers weren't polacks and they started it
"Czysta Krew" "Trzeźwy umysł" is
"pure blood" "clear/lucid mind"

Disaster for them, point is, Holocaust™ is a brand name started in early 60's.
Using Shoah or anything else but holocauster™ throws them off track in a debate.
Consider that to be the backfire of

Truth is determined by imformation and the ability to process it. With enough of both truth can become considered and 'fact' as best as can be determined at an given point of time. Nobody here is omnipotent so nothing can 100% be considered true. But by fighting tooth and nail to find the closest thing to truth and facts as possible, you can make a damned good run at it so long as you are aware of something called bias.

And right and wrong are utterly subjective. I fully consider the genocide of whites an very wrong thing. Downright evil. While clearly, jews and their underlings consider it the right thing to do, and if you objectively step back and look at it from the viewpoint of an sniveling worm of an rat genetically and tribally hellbent on world domination and subjugation of all other species of human, then yea, killing off or subverting the abilities of the only species on earth whom can kill you off and thwart your goals is rather objectively 'right'. They are not the same species as me, so expecting them to give any more shit about me or mine than they do about an ant, is kinda pushing it. An white human does have trouble really understanding that considering our empathy makes anthropomorphizing other non humans an easily done thing and does an number on animals whom actually do look and somewhat act like 'us'.

Are you still in highschool or something? How do you not get this? Just a few months of fighting back and forth on the chans should teach you this implicitly. Are you a shitskinn?

Holla Forums BTFO

Sweetie is back and this time science is antisemitic.

Nummy nummy!


Are nazis a threat or something to be laughed at come on


This isn't even proper English. What does it mean to "feel toxic", O failing NYT?

Leftist rhetoric starter pack:

Also, this one is particularly dense:
Women are so damned stupid.

He looks like a comic book character who is meant to be suspicious looking.

Nigger, where do you think you are?

Out of curiousity, anybody remember the general public reaction to Louis and The Nazis when it first came out? I watched that (((documentary))) probably around 10 years ago now, and vaguely remember that similarly to this article it showed how normal the National Socialists he met were.


Almost 1400 comments just like these on their apology for being so insensitive. Funniest shit I've read in years. At this point I don't give a fuck who the original subject of the article is. Watching the meltdown is priceless.



Very ironic, kikey.

>science-fiction *slash* dystopian *slash* fantastical alternate-reality
holy shit that's the most yid thing I've ever seen on the internet, you can practically see them dividing concepts midair with their hands

>very ironic *slash* kikey

Quints overcast all shills in this thread

hail Trump

Sounds far more likely given their (((history))).


I think you're lost; this isn't Reddit.

Lmao, we've got a shill thread on right now trying to astroturf that anons think this guy is a kike the Jews accidentally made sympathetic on purpose. This is why they lose, they always double down.


I only watch the "Seinfeld goes to camp" episode

hey classifier , ever thought of training a classifier


What makes me sick is you CIA cunts think we're equal to niggers and Muslims because you got the biggest retards (and 50% associated larping actors) to march for Spencer during a time when everyone had just collectivised for Trump rallies and were attacked.

I mean, the salt is absolutely top notch, really. But the NWO did very well in domesticizing its sheeple. Unbeleivable. The ignorance and doublethink are reaching levels that shouln't even be possible.

This is proof it can't be stopped.



wtf I love marxism now!?

are you brain damaged?

she won't realize how sad this is until she's well over 30 and can't even lure a single 5/10 man drunker than a sailor into her feline infested apartment

But he has a wife. Are they retarded? As in actually-retarded instead of meme-retarded?

presumably you also object to the idea that science should be objective?

Paranoia of nazis find the most innocuous things and relate them back to being a nazi. Only nazis watch seinfeld and drink water without fluoride in it.


This is why we're winning. Any time someone steps away from the leftist dogma to attempt to understand what they're actually fighting against the liberal inquisition materializes out of the ether to crucify the heretic for wrongthink. The day of the rope will be like something out of "invasion of the body snatchers" to these people.

you mean the one where homophobes' penises grew more than non homophobes peepees, when watching gay porn? Because that one was pretty convincing

He worked as a DCS caseworker and he might still be one today, if he got rehired after his lawsuit.

Breitbart Criticized For Publishing Humanizing Profile Of Libtard Beta-Cuck
November 30th, 2017 by Staff
in The Onion


bump heil


Tony's a stand up guy.
Didn't deserve this bullshit.
I hope the previous employment is catching hell for cucking.

Glad someone noticed

we are everywhere

I have spoken to Tony and he seems to be of good character and seems honest. I have lurked for a while and I do not understand why any organization that does anything irl is hated so much here. I have built a real life WN community where I live and I'm all about protecting my people. If I'm wrong about TWP I would be open to knowing why, but I was at cville alongside some good men in TWP before I was a member.

Quit bumping these month old threads

Yeah, Poles arent white. Thats why Britain, France, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Beligum all had large empires across oceans and Poland and Austria and the rest of the East had fuck all.

These days even Portugal and and Southern Italy arent white. Spain is actually not too bad. But who cares when in 50 years Scotland will be as bad as Sicily.

The amount of D&C Kike shilling here should be a sign that we're doing something right. Keep up the fight, comrades!

Spencer has CIA connections and gets a lot of media attention. I don't trust him.
David Duke is the primary Anti-Zionist, Pro-European political advocate in the US over the last 40 years. He has been taken to court on spurious tax code charges and endlessly slandered in the media.
Heimbach and Hovater, I think you ought to make up your own mind about, but they're clearly fighting for the same things we are fighting for right now.
I don't get how anyone can for the most part support Donald Trump (while being against many specific policies he carries out) and yet be against explicitly Anti-Zionist, Pro-European groups, although I suspect there's a lot of shilling going on in this thread.

This also. You might not agree with everything they do, but Heimbach and the TWP are solid dudes. I used to be a Leftist as well (read Ted Kaczynski's "Technological Slavery", which woke me up to a lot of things), and the rhetoric of the 'Third Position' is quite powerful to White Leftists who oppose (((Capitalism))) but don't realise that (((Communism))) is just the other side of the shekel. A lot of National Socialists were once Leftists.


God, I'm glad Ironmarch and Ropeculture are fucking gone. When are you retards just going to disappear? Everything's a fucking honeypot. Everyone's FBI. There's no authenticity allowed. Jared Taylor is FBI, Richard Spencer is FBI, Andrew Anglin is FBI, jew is FBI everyone is fucking FBI except losers sitting home on their computers doing and accomplishing NOTHING.

Doing NOTHING makes you a white soldier of the white race, but going out there and normalizing and spreading our views–oh no, no that makes you FBI.

Faggots. Faggot enablers. Come try to "gas" anyone and I'll send your teeth to your mother in a box. Kike.

global elite identified - she best be joking or she's gonna be in for a rude awakening.
For the uninformed, dutroux Belgium child trafficking case is huge. Beatrix is directly linked to it.
don't attack the image source, it's the quickest one I could find without digging deep into degeneracy again

What the fuck are the shills sliding? This is like #6 in a series of OP posts old news clickbait.

Holy shit, fucking kill yourself you cuckchan nigger-kike

the kikess is claiming she's related to pedo kings and queens ffs no need to sage because that is clearly info no one picked up on before

Fed detected.

Everything I should like is FBI: The Post

What'cha slidin' there, rabbi?

Get your shit straight.

Oh looky here being Ableist and bodshaming is ok when they do it.

Also 5th pic is still traped in GG.

someone's been reading too much ellie wiesel

you heavily implied it was a negative trait, go to a shower and cool yourself off, hothead

I might actually have a good shower in mind come to think of it

they're sliding

by saging and providing irrevent replies to anything and everything but the newest info

It's still e-celeb faggotry. Don't forget that this isn't an alt-kike board, nigger.

It indeed does.

The only purpose of the alt-kike is to desperately try to pull people going further right to the left. It is only the kikes' hubris that led them to not understand that it would be a gateway for some to NatSoc.[spoiler] Never forget that[/spoiler

Take one wild guess how I know you're not from around here.

The point he was making was obvious, and it had nothing to do with the massive strawman you just spewed. But keep at the D&C, you shine bright enough to be used for stage lighting.

Hell even if they say that they might still work for the feds.

To spread general paranoia among far-left progressive whites, and to stir up hatred for whites in non-whites. But in attempting to do this, is right in that they only normalize it, or worse yet make others come to that realization when a nigger chimps out on a lefty because "they're the ebil nadzee next door".

They're not trying to paint him in a good light. They were trying to paint it as "any white person could be an ebil nadzee" but, because they don't understand that it actually comes off as "even normal people are natsoc" (mainly because they think it's worse to be a "nazi" as a normal dude, when to a normalfag it's a normal dude as a natsoc supporter. I'm pretty sure that just goes to show the strength of their indoctrination that they are incapable of realizing that.) they're getting a shitload of flak from the (((journalists))) that know better as far as propagandist messaging goes.

A kike being an obvious liar? Say it ain't so!

That's actually not a bad way of watering it down for normalfags.

It's shit like this and this why tor users get shit on.

Fucking called it. I like to read the entire thread, and make replies as I go, if it wasn't obvious.

They actually think their idiotic "white sharia" horseshit will catch on. Apparently they think we'll lower ourselves to the standards of sandniggers.

That was the point, user. They want acceleration because they think (in the U.S. at least) that if the race war were to kick off tomorrow, whites would lose.

Failed in what way? Because I'm sure this is going to lead to some crimes that won't be talked about on mainstream outlets.

Hey, what you do in your free time is your business, pal.

It's a well known fact that many leaders of the Alt-Kike are exactly that, fucking kikes. Those that aren't are either miscegenating freaks, faggots, or unironic supporters of communism such as implicit Dick.


It was a self-admitted attempt to stoke even more hatred against your average white person. What the fuck are you on?

This is actually kind of great.

I think it's people going down through the catalog not realizing just how old the thread is. That said, I agree with you, and posts ought to be saged for old-ass threads like this.

Take your e-celeb Alt-Kike bullshit elsewhere.

Unless it's some earth-shattering shit a month old thread shouldn't be fucking bumped. You're either new here, in which case you need to lurk for 2 years before posting, or you're actually trying to slide something, you fucking kike.

God fucking damnit, there's always one when I do long posts while drinking.


Dogan here, Basque women make me drool.


dude East Germans and Slavs and Meds are white fucktard. even Celts had dark hair.


all blond all blue eyed…no, dumbass, dark haired people can be white, too.