
Other urls found in this thread:

>look goy the (((media))) said opposition to government and (((government backer))) control of the internet is fake just like all dose Donald Trump votas oy vey you betta listen and believe goy
How many fucking threads to you net jewtrality kikes need to flood the board with? Kill yourself.
>(((net neutrality))) shills are spamming Holla Forums again
Fuck off. Net jewtrality was completely co-opted and is full government control of the internet. None of you redditniggers has any sense and keep shilling the same fucking lies for years.
>i-ignore the fact net jewtrality is supported by (((corporations))) and (((open society foundation)))
Same shit, same shills, different words. Fucking kill yourselves.

Government control of the internet means they arent allowed to censor you. Private companies can tell you to go fuck yourself any time they want. Obama handed over control of the internet to the UN and the first thing they did was nigger people around with the power.

Lurk for infinite years before posting again.

The people pushing this shit are complaining about bots. Comments on a rhodesian haberdashery network are the only thing thats real.

>King Nigger implements (((net neutrality))) in 2015
>hey guise anti-(((net neutrality))) comments doesn't real

Tell Soros it isn't working.


god damn you russians, why are you always hacking for things i dont like like this idiot who mugged me.

They didn't need to fake mine now go fuck yourself heeb.

t. George Orwell


You're so full of shit a kike somewhere is using lotion for something other than hand rubbing at the mere thought of the visual. Fuck off.

I hope you get fired because you are fucking terrible at this.



The constitution prevents the US government from censoring peoples freedom of expression, however, companies are not bound by that and can tell you to go fuck yourself any time you want. My internet went out for a sec so I couldnt make the reply I wanted to, thought they nuked the website actually for a minute.

I was going to say - Im not an expert on this or anything, but if it is as bad as those memes make it out to be, about having to buy individual websites and such.. and Obama was the one who put it in in 2015, I could see the democrats successfully running a candidate in 2020 on a promise to restore net neutrality.

so no one fears censorship of Holla Forums from the net because some kike said muh holocaust and boycotts the media companies advertisers after net neutrality repeal?

I think it can be chalked up to a lack of information on the subject in general, and a quality and successful narrative about how since facejew and soros are for it, it must be bad. Once something like this gains momentum, its hard to put in any counter argument. Dont go against the grain is the best advice I could offer. If they shut this place down, we take to the streets anyways so not that big of a deal.

ok so the the anons here that are for repeal, how's your cable bill?

gotten any cheaper?

Holla Forums really HAS been taken over by kikes

Fear it? The whole reason that 8ch still exists is because our opposition fears what would happen if a bunch of sweaty natzi shitposters were disconnected from their dumb box and actually went outside and were proactive.

So no, tbh, this place will never get censored.

There is a reason this place is routinely studied by intelligence agencies

I can see the end of net neutrality leading to tiered gamer bandwidth.

want less lag?

that'll cost extra goy!

You need to be at least 18 to post here, Chaimlet.

What's that you say? People won't spend as much time on their computers because it will cost money? Sounds bretty good tbh, IF that actually happens

Are you a fucking teenager or something?
Grow up.



looks like shills are in this thread, too

they all think verizon, comcast and at&t aren't kikes lol

fact is, everything should remain as it is now

and ISPs need to stop their bullshit

will happen 100%.
say hello to 100 ping call of duty

The problem is that various kikes of different forms benefit from either side of this, and its not simply a cut and dry "good or bad" decision.

You stick out like a sore thumb. KYS tbh fam

It's called having a server, and server sends out/receives packets - and their servers do more of that.

jews jewing jews jewing jews and guess who loses? always us, it doesn't matter

private companies will censor without any appeal process
fcc will censor with appeal process

correct. both options suck and screw us over

which is why i want it to remain the same, so we know what we're dealing with

But the nigger who posted a fucking memegenerator image doesn't


>shit tier plebbit text template meme of a literal kike (((Gene Wilder)))

mestizos are libertarian only to ensure more border crossings

I can feel the kvetching through the screen.

Of course not!

Here's the real question.

How many have you shilling for this actually read the bill?


all I know is, if (((they))) fuck up the internet badly enough, I'll save $80/month by cancelling my service
also my employer cant expect me to respond to emails if I have to pay extra for the "premium corporate business line" that lets me check email

Go back to /liberty/ you double nigger.

Kill yourself.

oh boy, the shills are out in full force itt


Filtered, Eli


look at these shills post at lightning speed

same thing happening to the nfl, can happen to the internet. If it gets too pozzed people will stop paying

you are retarded, fullstop


people will just go back to sharing flash drives of movies and games with friends and family. Thats what we did before broadband was common

Isn't it crazy how fast this thread is moving compared to Holla Forums on a normal day?


Quite a surprise

Also, I still haven't heard from anyone on here that they have, in fact, read the actual bill that is being proposed. Why is this?

because it is boring, duh


No one should formulate an opinion on anything on here until they have fully comprehended what that thing is. This is what Holla Forums is about. It is about truth, about INDIVIDUAL acceptance of a thing. THAT is how we know who here does not belong, and who actually does. In short, kys tbh fam

Its the foundational legal system for the US, which is the country in question, and it guarantees that the government cant censor us with its power, including its power over the internet. Its pretty simple stuff, youre the one who acting like a fucking nigger, accusing your brothers and sisters of that for simply putting up a logical argument you havent disputed to any degree. Youre cancer, go read about National Socialism and lurk moar.

Net neutrality is an attempt to trick people into thinking they only have two choices. Net neutrality fails corporations, banks, and special interest groups will take control. Net neutrality succeeds and the government will control the internet for the corporations etc. What we will do is trash neutrality, and then enforce our anti-trust laws so we can shoah these hooked nose kikes.


Three posts, all are spam. Provide useful content or fuck off.

please look that up first

good luck

Thanks to you bad boys the data tower is leaking! it's a finite resource GOYIM! Repeal net neutrality before the data is all gone!

Can't afford a new VPN? How long is your ban?

Please show me where I offered any opinion about net neutrality.
You asked why nobody read the bill. I answered your (stupid, really) question. Nobody read the bill for the same reason nobody reads software EULAs. It is boring.

The finite resource is bandwidth, not data.

They must all be posting on Holla Forums

At what location? Internet exchanges? Your ISP's backbone? The Last Mile?

Of course it's finite, but where is it not easy and cheap to upgrade?

>Spending millions to repeal (((net neutrality)))

But that's wrong, you absolute liar. The telecom companies are spending millions to protect it and so is George Soros is he paying you well by the way? Somehow I doubt it

Go there and read all three posts that contain 'peering'.

I'll be open minded, what are the BENEFITS of repealing net neutrality?

The fucks going on in this thread?

your internet bill going down because people who consume more share of the bandwidth will pay more for it.

this will create a place where ISPs can charge micro-profits and build it up so that they can expand their network reach and open up ways for the ISP to wheel-n-deal with internet based companies to promote ISP profits

WTF are you talking about? data is a copy of information passed through a chain of computers.

it's infinite. the data is a COPY.

The government doesn't regulate the internet via the FCC like Obongo wanted, Soros, Google, Faceberg et. al. cry a river of salty tears.


good for ISP shareholders

you will experience less costs for internet, but you'll also experience less power because all the costs go to corporations.

and the less costs will also only be there for a while, eventually they'll find a way to screw you over in worse ratio compared to the power you lost by forfeiting how much you pay

I'm not one to cry shill willy-nilly, but look at these posts. It's like he was given a list of the biggest boards on Holla Forums (Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums) and various phrases to try to make them care about "net neutrality". It's the memegenerator shit with memes from a decade ago that really make me wonder. Saged because I'm contributing nothing.

Sure, as soon as you add lines, netflix goes 4k. And the problem gains another degree of magnitude.

What is the benefit though? Crying tears is alright, they are businesses trying to control costs, but what is the benefits to us as consumers? How did the current rules regulate the internet in ways we didn't like? I feel like there's a layer of contrarianism without the understanding of the technology involved that bothers me.

motherfucker we're the memes of production

I'm talking about bandwith, i.e. data per time, as in the post I referenced.

So the benefit is salt?

Bandwidth doesn't scale linearly with resolution.

Except cheap telecom niggers never want to upgrade infrastructure. I agree its mitigable technically speaking.


People who use more bandwidth already pay for it. If you pay for 12 megabits per second per month you are actually paying for 31 terrabits of bandwidth for that month.
The main reason that they would complain about you using the full 31 terrabits that you already purchased is if they are overselling the bandwidth that they have. Overselling the amount of bandwidth they have is the only thing that causes the problem when people are using "too much" bandwidth.
ISPs should not be selling people a total of 100 terrabits per month when their lines to that area can only support 50.

It actually does though.

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself.

Your ISP could limit all their customers' bandwidth so that all could fully use it 24/7, but that would make it slow for everyone. I'd rather have a gigabit line which allows me to only use 10 TB / month than a 30Mb/s line which I can use 24/7 (30Mb/s * 30 days is approx. 10 TB).

But it doesn't. You do know about video compression?

Sounds a bit like fractional reserve banking.
In other words, it reeks of the color "JEW"

Oh sorry, that was meant for .

Take your fucking pills.


In case we have any newfags here: is one of the Holla Forums mods, moonman. This is his classic spam.

Of course.

Metered internet plans are possible with NN, so that's a non-argument.


Notice how he doesn't even bother denying it. Spending more than a week here will clue you into who this dumb mod nigger is.

That explains why this board is shit in its own special way


or they could just not sell what they don't have
Most of the time complexity is measured in the worst case scenario. If you don't think it is linear, what do you think it is?

So what do you expect them to sell? "10 TB per month at an undisclosed bandwidth"? Or "10 TB per month at up to 1 Gb/s"? The latter wouldn't even be misleading.
Of course, for all compression algorithms the worst-case compression ratio is 1, thus scaling linearly. But Netflix doesn't transmit random noise.

I'd expect a dedicated 1 Gb/s which would just happen to take 10TB of bandwidth when used 24/7.
Obviously there could be network outages, but assuming that there none you should always be able to reach the speed which you purchased.

So you want a dedicated 1 Gb/s link which is capped at 10 TB per month? Then why would you even need a dedicated line if you wouldn't be able to use it most of the time? This would be an incredible waste of money and way more expensive for all customers.
Anyway, dedicated or not: this has nothing to do with net neutrality.

that's like saying
implying implying youre white
leave you kike shill.
you're either that or a newfag. either way lurk moar before posting nigger

Some screen grabs from the video

>muh (((net neutrality)))
>Don't make us pay more to deliver our (((free content))) to our sheeple Goy!

At times, Holla Forums is tretarded to not see the obvious. Whenever you see support from major media, it means the kikes win through that specific decision.

Provide actual arguments

Jesus christ RT, at least its not tranny stuff I guess like Abby Martin was promoting.

the only thing holding up net neutrality at jewgle is that all of silicone valley support it and they'd be very unpopular with their employees if they got rid of it. silicone valley is still a white man's culture of dork and nerdiness in this regard.

secretly it doesn't matter to jewgle one way or another

There is some intense shilling going on this time around. Back when it was passed a few years back everyone was unanimously against it here and they were well informed on the reasons why it sucked. Hell even FUCKING REDDIT knew that it smelled like shit. People would know that if they had actually been here at the time and weren't just assigned to shill here for the semester. Now after the fact, you have people shilling this revisionist history that NN in its current state is a good thing and that we were totally getting fucked in the ass by ISPs before it came along and we'll go back to the dark ages without it. Conveniently overlooking the fact that it was yet another brainchild of King Nigger pushed through under the guise of protecting the little guy from a made-up danger when in reality it just added a bunch of new (((regulations))) for what the goyim can and can't say on the internet just like (((TPP))) did while claiming to only be about free trade. How the fuck people on Holla Forums are this dumb I have no idea. Okay yes, Comcast et al are kikes and we shouldn't let them be running shit either, but since fucking when has Facebook, Google, Soros, and damn near every media outlet that has been pushing for NN EVER given a shit about "the little guy"? Surely it wasn't when they declared anything not on their kosher-approved list of websites "fake news"?


It really isn't as simple as all that. Part of the reason we're in the mess we're in to begin with is government interference in the internet business in other ways. Essentially making it nearly impossible for other ISPs to start up at this point, leaving the large ones with effective monopolies over their given areas.

Which is why they were starting to do shady shit before 2015 and NN to begin with. The problem is, NN just freezes internet infrastructure as it stands now basically. No one has reason to invest and improve anything beyond where it stands. ISPs cant charge jewflix and kiketube more for all the bandwidth they use up, but because they have monopolies in their areas they have no reason to improve their ability to deal with the traffic in the first place because "where else ya gonna go buy internet from, goy?"

The solution is really simple, end NN, and end government sanctioned monopolies over the infrastructure to begin with, and allow competition to actually form to vie for the end users shekels, and magically ISPs will stop all their shitty practices because it will be bad for business.

There are a few european nations that understand this and don't have the problems we do. They have several ISPs to choose from in any area, and they have better speeds and bandwidth than we do in the USA. Why? Because government doesnt have its dick 20 feet up the internets asshole trying to "regulate" things. The government has been involved in this shit for longer than most of us have been alive, telecomms I mean, and without a doubt its been harmful for us as customers every step of the way.

Government should have little to zero control over the internet period, be it federal or local. The ONLY thing they should be able to do, is bust up monopolies because monopolies are inevitably bad for customers. But thats it, outside of that, they have no business being involved in consumer activities in any way.

But, we all know that will never happen. So really this debate comes down to choosing which side of kikes to get jewed by. The jewgles, or the jewcasts, either way, we lose.

I'm too tired for this shit right now, but i astonishes me how many idiot seem to really believe that ending net neutrality is a great thing.
This is simply the privatization of the internet you dumb fucks. What's next? You are gonna cheer for the Jew to privatize roads too? Maybe your water supply?
Private entities can do what the fuck they want, they will put you in the back of the bus or outright censor you or what you are allowed to see. You think the government is censoring you right now? Just wait till they can just bribe and trade favors with ISP's to push whatever they want, without any congress, president or even a debate. You seem pretty keen on making their job very easy.
The ones that will be the least affected are the mega corps like google, faceberg and other degeneracy pushers. They will be the only thing most people see on the net, there won't be any idealistic competition.
Right now you can point your finger towards the government for pretty much any problem you have with the net, after this shit they will just laugh in your face "its not our problem".
Especially from fucking Americans i would expect to care a little bit more about you fucking freedoms. INSTEAD YOU CHEER FOR ONE OF THEM TO BE SOLD TO THE JEW.

(((Net neutrality))) is actually a vote for the rights of censorship to stay with the (((UN))), handed to them by Obongo. With this bill, it will pass to the hands of the government, thus be under the amendments' rule, and under Trump's rule.
Is that unironic enough for your primitive nigger mind?

>(((white man's)))
Spotted the shill.

The main DNS provider is controlled by UN and already has censored right wing sites.

i see NN preventing big cyber from getting in bed with big infrastructure. when that happens, jews will dominate everything instead of just one thing

jews dominate government, but government can be held more accountable than private companies can

it's really complicated choosing which side is less fucked, which is why conservatism is my choice: keep it the same, instead of constant changing due to either FCC regulation or private internat ISP jewcast internal company changes

found someone whose never been loved before, or is non-white

1. they use up what their customers are demanding and already paying them for
2. backbone bandwidth is cheap, last mile bandwidth is expensive. You want netflix to pay for you to be able to watch them?
Your ISP monopolies are a problem by itself, for entirely different reasons than net neutrality. Ending net neutrality will not magically create more ISPs to choose from.

ICANN has nothing to do with net neutrality.

There is a UN controlled DNS provider? DNS provider? Which one? Do you even know how the internet works?


Shit's fucked. What a fucking revelation.
So your plan is to make things even more fucked?
The main argument is that "mega corps are profiting from net neutrality, that's why we must end it!"
Its still the worse scenario for the people you dumb fuck. They pay the same price for electricity also, do you want now to privatize the power grid too?
These fucking arguments that because we have problems right now means we should make it even worse are retard tier.

It's so obvious anyone shilling for this is a braindead goy

being ancap/lolberg isn't smart, it's idiotic. you're just giving more power to rothschild banks.

at least when it's in the government, it becomes tied up with public interest and can serve as a grounding point for civic engagement

"Their claims: Startups, small companies, and non-commercial speakers may face barriers if they can’t reach deals with the carriers to participate in programs and therefore may not have a fair shot at reaching people online.

Fact: ==All of the groups sponsoring this petition are funded by Google, who is likely upset because zero rating is a way for startups to circumvent Google’s demands.== Zero rating eradicates the idea that paid ads on search engines are the only way to gain visibility online. Zero rating offerings are an effective alternative for startups to find a better way to get to you faster, so they don’t have to pay to advertise on Google."

Give up OP. Holla Forums is fucking stupid when it comes to this shit, they belong to the standard of 'Any government control is bad!' Capitalism at it's core require reasonable regulation, like preventing monopolies. The fact government is now the fucking cabin boy of megacorps doesn't make that any less true.

The law for Net Neutrality should be fucking simple.
1. ISPs cannot favor content. Whatever you use your bandwidth to for is your business.
2. The Government cannot dictate what can and cannot be viewed unless the content itself is illegal. That's why it's critically important the US never pass any sort of 'hate speech' law regarding what you can and cannot say and why the super ambiguous DMCA was and is a fucking disaster.

That's it. Simple, common sense regulation regarding what ISPs can and cannot do. Every argument I've heard about how things will be fine if we don't put that limit on ISPs assume competition will solve that issue. There is no fucking competition in the ISP industry, they've all found they make a higher profit margin if they all collude and stay out of each others way. The exact same thing would happen for content. No ISP would say 'Hey, no content restrictions!' because all ISPs are owned by big content providers. They'll collude, again, to make sure their limits work together so the consumer will end up fucked either way.

The big ISPs should have been broken up and forced to compete years ago, but it hasn't and will never happen. All people are trying to do is keep the fuckery to a minimum, and even if they got broken up, a simple law saying 'You don't control what people do with their internet access' would still be a good fucking idea.

I work in this industry and let me tell you, these ISPs make disgusting profits and they hunger for more. If you let them, they will leverage the fact that Internet is basically a required utility now to fuck you raw. You think you are getting fucked now? You have no idea how bad it could be.


Yes, right now the internet is (officially) subject of your civil rights. After it gets privatized it wont be.
Ending the neutrality is blatantly giving away a part of your rights. What comes next? Privatization of all communication so the government can easily dictate by proxy who you are allowed to call? Maybe privatize the roads and walkways too, you don't mind paying a premium to use some of them, do you? Maybe some curfews?
It was fucking Obama who made this mess, are you telling me your favorite king nigger did something in your interest?
He fucked your rights and freedoms are too many morons even welcome it.

I do agree with your conclusion though. Things are going to get worse no matter what happens so this whole discussion is worthless.

Hi Comcast!

Which is why net neutrality is irrelevant regarding censorship. If the ISPs were going to block a site, GoDaddy already would have.

Seriously, you faggots around here don't even get spooked when you see that (((net neutrality))) is supported by most liberal websites and most social media overlords?
Huffpost, Vox, Independent, Kikebook, Wired, Twatter, Amazon, etc. All support net neutrality.
Along with you faggots.

(Can't archive.)

GoDaddy does and GoDaddy has plenty of competition. Just because ICANN has nothing to do with net neutrality doesn't mean net neutrality has nothing to do with censorship.

Oh you're still there. Answer my question.


they did. remember the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack?


Archive (hopefully it works):

>(((they))) are for it, therefore i must be against it
I don't even care who is jewing who, i gave you already more then enough reasons on why this is bad. Your only argument is the above. You are a massive moron.
How about you think about the information you are presented for a moment?

If the CIA pays Facebook through proxy shitty game apps for everyones personal info and then they also pay ShariaBlue to use bots on Facebook to fake public opinion and CENSOR voices; as well as Zuckercuck using nerd virgins for a "TRENDING NEWS" section

Yea.. Obama fucked over the internet right before he left for sure but Bill Clinton and those above him would of never allowed us to have it unless they had that plan in place already. What did Bush do? He expanded, turned foreign spying into domestic spying with the Patriot Act, setup Amazon with the CIA servers, and I remember my Earthlink ISP shutting down around that time so I blame him for the data-cap monopoly comcast has the SouthEast in at the moment.

ICANN has been handed to the UN. It has to do with net neutrality.

I could shit out a list of the ultra-kikes who are the opponents too, so what's your point? There's no option. That's the problem here, it's kike vs. kike. You get it in the ass no matter what. The whole net neutrality discussion is a red herring anyways, because what really is needed is stopping censorship. Which won't happen because this debate is about whether corporate kikes or statist kikes are going to get to regulate your internets. Who cares, Uncle Ted was right.

People need to swallow the redpill that there's no real difference between state and corporations today, not on what matters. It's two heads on the same troll.

Please explain what ICANN has to do with net neutrality. Please also explain which DNS provider is controlled by UN.

No, it doesn't. You must be accredited by ICANN to become a domain registrar. Competition is tightly controlled. There is generally more ISP competition in urban areas.


I dont think you have any idea what anarchists or libertarians want or even have a general grasp on the concept

Not all kikes work together.

They want to live in a pretend world where people are rational and freedumb werks?


They all are controlled by ICANN.

This all along.

There are jews supporting damn near everything, they love to hedge their bets. Besides, if there's a divide it can't be all that important to them so it's probably an issue of ISP kikes wanting shekels vs bigsite kikes wanting shekels. Their jewishness emerges from basic traits among which greed is very prominent.

This is the part I don't really understand. How does letting ISPs charge for bandwidth encourage competition? The way I see it, they're just gonna jack up the prices to a level where it's still impossible to get into the market but they get as many shekels from the site owners as possible. All the turbokike mainstream sites grow to dominate the internet even more, and using it for anything else becomes damn near impossible.

You seem to assume that more neutral plans will somehow have a crucial edge, when in reality the vast majority of normie fucking shits rely mainly on the few tech giants for their infotainment. So long as they aren't completely stupid about it, they won't lose out to competitors entering the market due to the high cost of setting up infrastructure.

Any big tech company against net neutrality would be like corporate versions of boomers.


Provide proofs, please?
Alternatively you can use some countries' ccTLD which usually is solely under the respective country's control and legislation.

Because they require ICANN accreditation.

These countries don't have free speech laws. ICANN was obligated to follow the 1st amendment because it was US government property. After being sold off by net-neutrality supporting Obama, it has no such obligation.

Has any registrar ever lost its accredition for exerting free speech?

So the US is the only country with free speech laws? Ok, just use .us, that one is managed by Neustar on behalf of the US government (see and there are plenty of ICANN independent registrars for it.

True, but…

Seeing how ICANN operates as a star chamber without oversight or accountability there's no way of telling. They don't have to give any reason for kicking you off the roster.

Well, just because the kikes are squabbling over a slice of the pie doesn't mean either side is good.

Its oversight are all governments of the world.
Yes there is. Has ICANN kicked someone off for free speech or not?

You still failed to explain how ICANN censorship relates to net neutrality and censorship by ISPs.

That's what I'm saying. This is a "damned if we do, damned if we don't" situation. The only real answer is to make a standalone meshnet, and we're years away from making one that's both completely independent as well as high/tolerable speed.

As I said, that's impossible to answer because ICANN doesn't have to report any reasons for kicking someone off. Do you have problems with basic comprehension?

Maybe ask Anglin why he hasn't just used .us

Well, it was only sold off at the end of 2016. Less than one year later it stood by as ICANN accredited domain registrars began trying to censor the internet. Give it some time.

Someone being de-accredited will raise some media attention, no? Or at least a press statement by the affected company itself? Surely one would be able to find it.

Regarding .us

"Under .us nexus requirements, .us domains may be registered only by the following qualified entities:

Any United States citizen or resident,
Any United States entity, such as organizations or corporations,
Any foreign entity or organization with a bona fide presence in the United States"

"To prevent anonymous registrations that do not meet these requirements, in 2005 the National Telecommunications and Information Administration ruled that registrants of .us domains may not secure private domain name registration via anonymizing proxies, and that their contact information must be made public"

It's a front for doxing. You have to hand over all your private details. Certainly some federal employee cow like Reality Winner can be trusted with Anglin's personal information.

look Holla Forums its a shill who thinks he can blend in after reading a 25 cent pamphlet that probably came from the same JDIF funded sheckel box that pays him.

I've seen this exact post before. Either this is a bot, or this kike is reposting the same thing over and over.

Do you thing that multi-million companies operate out of public altruism or something? In reality they don't get de-accredited because they do whatever they're told. They're concerned with their profits, not you being able to post politically incorrect shit.

Now, I don't know if ICANN abuses this power or not. I think perhaps you confuse me with some other guy you're arguing with. But I don't trust them and I don't think they should have that power, at least without proper oversight and accountability. Which they don't have.

I don't trust them either tbh, but I wouldn't go so far as accusing them of kikery without precedent.
What kind of oversight and accountability would you consider proper? Is there any other international organization that is fit for the job? Or would you rather trust a hypothetical Clinton government with that? Why should non-US citizens, which there are plenty of in the world, trust any US government?

I don't think there is any solution to that, the structure of the internet has inherent flaws that probably won't ever be fixed. We'd pretty much have to start from scratch and how realistic is that? Decentralizing dns into a simple, integral p2p protocol in general would perhaps help a bit, but that's prone to subversion too. International organizations as well as local governments are all corrupt, so what can you do? At least shitlords like ICANN should have to make all their procedures and rulings public, as it is now it's just a suspicious entity who in theory can do whatever they want.

What the hell do you call a random group of kikes, anyway?

A bank.

Eh, I figured racket sounds nicer right after murder

Not him, but I'll admit that I've been posting the same thing in the dozens of "WE MUST COME TOGETHER TO SUPPORT NET NEUTRALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!" threads that have been posted every day for the past several days here and on Holla Forums. The kikes aren't going maximum overshill like when they tried to declare World War 3 over Trump bombing an empty airfield in Syria, but they've definitely been pushing harder than usual on this.
I really doubt it'll work here (everyone knows the kikes' old "if you're not with these jews, then you're with those jews" con), but I dunno whether the Holla Forumsirgins will shrug it off or not.



Can we be a little more analytical here? I'm a little confused over why organizations like Google and Facebook are so strongly for NN. I know why the people in those orgs are, since tech people mostly lean either egalitarian or open-access and the issue is presented like that.

But what about the orgs themselves? It seems like they would make out well in the no-NN scare scenario even if they had to pay more. Is it just that they don't want ISPs having more power over them? Fear of the loss of their social cred as the good guys on the right side of history?

The Title II rules changes were a desperation move and the first step in driving up the price of Internet plans that are not (((curated))). Basically, a white list of kosher websites. For 20+ years, we have fought against this, and these Net Neutrality faggots are willing to allow curated Internet plans as long as they can purchase some $500 a month unthrottled gigabit connection similar to what you would find in server hosting. This is why companies like Google and Facebook are pushing for this. Instead of having hate speech laws to govern the Internet, they will heavily regulate ISPs, while at the same time allowing them to create deregulated plans if they are (((curated))). Customers will see a list of their favorite sites, and choose to pay $20 a month for such a plan rather than the $500 a month to gain access to the wider Internet. There is good reason zero rating and similar schemes are not prohibited in the Title II FCC rules. This is their goal. They want curated Internet for the general public. That way they can control it much like they do network television. The 2017 FCC rules highlight this possibility as a reason for doing away with the Title II rules. Even citing cases were Google, Facebook, Twitter, Cloudflare, and other Internet services have censored National Socialist and far-right groups.

I would suggest reading into the 2015 FCC regulations and the 2017 FCC regulations. It is very clear what the intent was with the Title II changes. Internet services should remain a Title I service.


(((they))) aren't even hiding it now jej

Hillary lost so we must destroy the web

Reddit heavily censors their website, yet they're claiming that trump will destroy the web.

I've been working a lot and unable to research, but I was under the impression that someone started this, when it was clearly something that was not happening, and it just spread like wildfire and snowballed, even though it is something that was not currently on the cards?

I just thought if this is not something that is even on the table or being talked about by government then perhaps it's just a smokescreen to distract from all the pedowood happenings and make people put their effort into something else rather than pushing pedowood or falseflags?

Is this actually something that is being discussed at governmental level right now? or is this just something that was started to combat a threat that isn't even currently there?

What more do you need to know?

Because they get out of data cap payments in the US under Net Neutrality.
Which US citizens still have to pay for, but hey we got ours so fuck everyone else, am I right?

It also changes the classification of the internet to a telephone service rather than an information service.

It is a long-term plan. It won't happen all at once. The Net Neutrality stuff that is pushed is part propaganda, part distraction. Before focus was put on that, the main focus was preventing ISPs from creating pre-packaged Internet similar to their cable network offerings and enforcing data caps. Unfortunately, that is all but forgotten today. One of the issues companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter face is that if they clamp down on users too much, then they risk them moving to other services. They may do that anyway as fads change. It is in their best interest if users are forced into curated Internet plans with limited options. That way, it becomes more difficult for customers to choose an alternative.

Thank you, Chaim Goldenburg. A deposit of: $1.25 has been made to your account.

-Spectrum, AT&T, Verizon Telecom Shill Force

What program do use to do this? Paint? Gimp?

i feel like we wouldn't have to deal with this if we had already dealt with the jews

Does anyone else think the media is taking advantage of this? Like they had enough of bad goyim leaving redpills in comment sections or social media?

Actually user, you're doing a service to the lurkers and newfags. Holla Forums needs more posts that break down shill cunts line by line.

Holy shit the shills are on high alert for these threads…

Its a pretty simple issue. Telecoms/ISPs are government sanctioned monopolies, but you should let them fuck you over even more than they already are because you believe in a "Free Market" which doesn't exist here. Also Obongo approved this for some reason so it must automatically be bad.

No one cares what you think faggot

Same nigger grammar, same cancer spacing. If you aren't the same person you're from the same (((place))).


Get rid of net neutrality, then break up the monopolies and lease the last mile, since it was paid through Billions of burgerbucks in taxpayer subsidies.

black propaganda astroturf, ezpz

It's a way of getting rid of any metadata on the image, you fucking retard. Intel agencies can track you by your image library, so if you post the same image in the same dimensions without running it through a filter or copypasting it (which is faster), it can lead back to you.

But not in that order.

and degrade its quality every time someone saves and reposts it? We should rather use the same version with the same filename. 8ch should offer an input field that allows to chose a filename without renaming the file, or, if no name is given, only display the file's hash.

I imagine a future internet where porn or degengeracy is fobidden and starting a video with "hey guys" is punished by death. This will only be possible when internet service providers are nationalized and provided as a public service. Then it comes down to how responsibly the government maintains the quality of connection infrastructure.

Obviously I'm dreaming though. If this would happen today, things would become much worse than they are now. Every country is compromised, some more than others, so super pozzed governments would make for super pozzed net access. But imagine what a community-offered internet would be like in Hitler's Germany. It would have been smooth, effeicent, fast, and tailored to the goals of the nation.


Why would I want that? Besides that, it's degeneracy that made imageboards what they are now. You don't want to admit it but deep in your heart you know it's true.


Because of the 90% of shit that throttles the potential of the internet. I'm talking about the endless social media drivel, the toxic "funny cat videos, " the infinite unironic shitposts, the anal videos where the guy is getting a prolapse, all the disgusting CANCER of the net. Right now it's all allowed, all accumulating for the coming centuries to try to dig through. It's corrupting man's mind because the power and responsibility of the internet is too awesome, too overwhelming for a single soul.

With the right gatekeepers, the internet can be steered into a more productive, enriching meeting of minds than the smut it is today.

Also look at yourself, defending degeneration in the name of freedom. You're behaving like cattle.

So you DON'T want the FTC to be able to punish corporations for anti-consumer kikery?

They don't exist and if they did, how could I trust them?

No, YOU are behaving like cattle, you freedom hating asshole.

I looked at it and
A.) It's removing the regulations that Obonobo passed in 2015 which basically allowed the corporations to do exactly what everyone is afraid of happening.
B.) It will allow the FTC to punish corporations that try the shit that everyone is afraid of them doing.

This is what I've gathered so far. Kind of flies in the face of the (((approved))) narrative, what with the deregulation actually boding better for consumers. Makes me think we're being shilled harder than we've ever been before.

Watch how many (you)'s this gets.

So did you or did you not actually read the bill? Chimping out over what other people tell you without knowing the truth is literal nigger tier. You can do better than this.

>>government isn't allowed to censor you :,)

Here are some quotes about freedom for you from a book you clearly never read or forgot:



this post is a perfect example of what OP was talking about. hilarious, couldn't make this shit up if I tried. filtered

nice salt, you will need a bugger bucket.
ill just leave these here.
(((Tom Wheeler))) appointed by Obama, former telecom lobbyist.

The repeal is going to happen regardless
Rather than debate the merits, you should prepare for the consequences.

jesus fuck this is a reddit meme, this is the level of shilling I have to deal with?

How many threads of this shit until it's one too many? This is starting to look like cuckchan.


I love how you kike shills are getting BTFO hard every time you try here.



good post.

preparing for the worst seems like the smart move, unfortunately.
I'm guessing we are all about to become TOR-posters?

What's going on with North Dakota?

Save the chans!

Get the fuck out.

Kikes are also for breathing air and drinking water, will you cut those out of your life?

On a side note, using net neutrality as a bargaining chip against (((them))) isn't such a bad idea.


Dont know if topics in pic related have been brought up yet. There was a thread on this the other day and I screen capped this. Seems to check out at first glance but with all the shilling on NN lately I'm still not sure of anything. Pic related is in response to something like "why hasnt google been broken up yet"

take the "Agreeing with liberals for the wrong reason"-pill

Net neutrality AKA government controlled internet, or basically the FCC for the internet, is not the answer.

Trusting corrupt monopolistic internet corporations to do the right thing is not the answer.

Trust busting and destruction of monopolies is the only answer. The free market can be a decent idea, but only when it's protected for the people by the government. One of the few jobs government should have over the marketplace is to prevent and break up monopolies, because most of them occur because the government accidentally helped create the Monopoly in the first place. Large corporations can't compete with small businesses on a level playing field.

Third position. Don't accept the false dichotomy the jew presents you with. Net neutrality is bad and so are the internet companies. End them both.

I knew Americans had clogged arteries from chomping burgers but I didn't know it caused mental retardation on this scale.

Right, just let companies own your entire infrastructure with no laws to keep them in check. What could go wrong? Even if things go wrong you can always boycott them by not drinking water or not using electricity or cutting your internet cable!

Read your history and grow some balls instead of praying for the (((invisible hand))) to save you.


Suck kike cock somewhere else.

You too, for bumping a 3 day old thread.

Look into Skycoin

Why aren't we pushing the Jewish question more with this?
Damnit Holla Forums this is prime redpill material and you are wasting it!

This has been known and was found out like 3 weeks ago. Most people, including normies, don't give a shit about keeping net neutrality.


Why are they all (1)?

Rofl. Oh not a shit game that's been shit and I don't into will be unplayable. Yawn.
It's all just a big hive, really. Find events in areas you need to effect and add bots.

the board owner sure is having fun in this thread


Most of the Obama era "Net Neutrality" laws don't stop the banning of websites or the prioritizing of internet use, it only furthers government control. Both Net Neutrality and ISP Monopolies need to be gotten rid of.

The Obama "Net Neutrality" was a classic Kike Bait and Switch. They puffed up some smoke about a legitimate issue then they produced a law that had nothing to do with said issue, while passing it with the same name.

But wasn't the Pajeet at the FCC a former Verizon lawyer and rumored Verizon puppet?

cartoons are not arguments.

90% of the FCC and government regulatory agencies are fucking corporate puppets. It doesn't matter if Net Neutrality stays or is gotten rid of, who ever wins we lose. A dicking from corporate ISPs is similar to A dicking from Government Agencies.

A different perspective follows:

Google, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, and in part also Amazon, are all on the verge of internal derangement collapse. They, who want rules to protect them from additional fees, haven't known and won't ever know what to do with this protection.

Comcast, Time Warner, AOL, AT&T, Verizon, Wide Open West, and etc are also in the same boat. They have taken on so many communists, so many asian cannibals and african parasite employees, that time has not been kind to them. Sure, initially, there is a bonus to hiring people who have less able-ness and memory: it releases companies from loyalty owed to people who actually built and maintain, thus being cheaper. But do it too long, and/or worse too much, and your companies fall apart from the inside. If the last green mile holders get protection, (which is odd, since they already have it), they also won't be able to do anything with it.

It is a bit strange to talk about protect this vs that, since both already have stupid levels of govt and centralized currency hand outs. Like watching two spoilt children, screaming over the last slice of grade B- government layer cake, while their fat lard-asses can't even remember how to shovel food into their faces any more. Very strange, but the shills need employment, so buttons will be pushed, levers will be pulled, and make-work programs will make currency flow.

Any legislation is already obsolete. Both sides aren't worth what they used to be, they are going to fight each other, they do need to fight each other, and both are running on fumes to support their communist-state / social justice / anti-white employment shitbank accounting programs. Like the old telecoms acts, any protections laid will quickly become obstacles to a new landscape, rendering more false legislative need and shilling for yet more interference, all to find more kike'd ways around them.

"Support NN or those awful corporations are going to start interfering with your internet content!" said the awful corporations that are already interfering with my internet content.
Seems whoever wins, we lose.

If net neutrality goes I'll have to spend more time in meatspace


how the fuck is that not internet communism?

An infestation.

(((Soros))) supports net neutrality -> "Fuck net neutrality and fuck that old kike".

Obongo supports net neutrality -> "Fuck net neutrality and fuck that uppity nigger".

Trump is against net neutrality during the campaign -> "Fuck net neutrality".

Trump suddenly supports net neutrality and appoints an incredibly filthy pajeet to enforce it -> "Well actually net neutrality is a great thing because [insert ridiculously far fetched shilling points]".

An interesting point. We all know the jew spreads like tape worms through any orifice and the internet is just a series of tubes and ports so their indoctrination reaches far and wide. Strongholds like tumblr are breeding grounds for marxism and the like while going out into the real world and facing reality gives people no choice but to confront the problems facing them and fight back against the terrors of the jew (mulitculturalism et al). Limp wristed faggots tend to coalesce out of tech jobs while just about every non-druggie tradie or manual labour worker is right wing.
Would the end of the internet be a good thing? Are the kikes fighting hard to keep the bread and circuses rolling or are they trying to cut the lines of communication of their enemies?

Doesn't losing net neutrality mean that site owners have to pay these cable companies extra, or their site will slow down? I don't see how this would benefit anyone else but the cable companies. Sounds very jewish to me.


NN shills just can't stop

We lose either way. One is sites like Google having their way with the internet, the other is providers hiking up prices and throttling problematic sites.

If we all go into meatspace then it's good but it won't work like that. Without lines of comms the messages will become incoherent, news will become more unverifiable as time goes on and ultimately anons will be like ships at night without radar. Do you think Swedish anons will be able to look up who is a jew and who isn't? Do you think they'll have access to crime stats by race? Secure and steady lines of comms are crucial always. It doesn't matter if you go out into meatspace if you don't have proofs to back you up. Besides, it won't stop normalfags from being glued into their phones. They'll still have kikebook and kiketube and whatever else is popular nowadays. It will be just you without Internet, not them, ergo they will probably still not listen.

of fucking course

Don't believe that nonsense, they have nothing backing up that statement.

The people saying "anti net neutrality comments are faked!!!!" are the same people who LITERALLY believe that russian bots influenced the election.

sage and report

its tomorrow

I thought that was the point of this thread. Big if not true.

Never forget the 6 billion shekels wiped out by those evil anti net neutrality nazis.