Was the leaf SIS director recently fired?

Serious fuckery afoot in leafland. Sources tell me that the CSIS director was running an off-the-books operation targetting leakers on Holla Forums.

Something about pizza and cocaine in Alberta and BC, also gun running paid for by DUDE WEED.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sounds about right. Canada is totally controlled by gangs, when the white bikers start to get outnumbered by vietnamese tongs and Chinese triads and Muslim rape gangs, its probably going to go really bad, really fast. Cant forget the (((Russians))) either.

Is Vigneault a kike? Could not find informations about that but the face is kikey.

Have there even been any leaf leakers on Holla Forums? I assume this is cuck/pol/ you're talking about.
Also, I thought the "leakers" always turned out to be larping faggots?

Can you expound on that user if not this is just a low effort thread.

Trudeaus face after he saw screenshot from /pol

James Sears is a psyop. So is Warren Kinsella… he works for the Clintons. Sniff sniff!

When have there ever been any Canadian leaks here?

One more breadcrumb.

John Davidson was killed by this faggot for a reason.

Comeon, you need to give more than that.

As much as I want to believe this it sounds like a larp itself. Can you direct us to these supposed leaks?

I've witnessed this first hand. Canada and its provinces are in fact controlled by gangs. Bikers, mobs and their internal sects fight for power while vacuums are created. It's sickening to watch the our politicians speak nonsense while appeasing their criminal overlords.


Technically, yes.


Mother was a base brat, and always used to tell me that the Canadian military is big into drug running. Mostly European routes. Wouldn't be surprised if the CSIS and army are in on pizza parties together too.

With a little more bait, thread might be worth a sticky


Canadian here. I consider suicide almost every day. Is there anything we can do about the traitor CSISniggers?

Not much really, I hear a few issues of daqib have some nice cake recipes you could bake for them. They must be cake recipes why else would they call for sugar?

you can ask trump to annex your country after he indicts the rest of the swamp

Your country is as lost as ours. Out of the frying pan and into the fryer is not a solution. Trump is one man and once he is gone…… it is going to be a hard future, for both of us.

Does this have to do with Morneau-Shapelle?

Was this about Prince Harry drilling oil with that tranny?

Yeah id advise you not to put us in brackets


Id advise you to learn about how Russian gangs are actually Jewish gangs and they only call it Russian to hide the fact that its Jews who are human trafficking white slaves around. Ill continue to do that, and William Luther Pierce is my source.

This is probably one of the shows where he covers it, although I cant recall exactly which of the over 300 shows he said it in.

Yep, thats the one. Says it right in the first 30 seconds. Jewish mafia, called Russians by the media.

They used to be called (((Italian))) too. Cryptokikes have always ran the biggest crime rings.

Putting brackets around "Russian" without clarifying what you meant by it was retarded. Even more retarded if you knew that and did it anyway.

If your true aim isn't D&C, there's a simple fix: Russian (((Mafia)))

The post was speaking about Canada being controlled by Mafia. It listed several other kinds.

>Canada is totally controlled by gangs, when the white bikers start to get outnumbered by vietnamese tongs and Chinese triads and Muslim rape gangs, its probably going to go really bad, really fast. Cant forget the (((Russians))) either.

They also have MS13 running around now too, it didnt take long for them to form up after Trudeau started importing Salvadorans and Haitians.

Whoops as a shitposter there go my Canadian vacation plans.

I was going to drop off some money there and so some shopping and dining and sightseeing but if they have a literal SJW anti-intolerance brigade then fuck 'em.

It's too bad, I used to travel there fishing for a couple weeks every few years too. There goes a few hundred grand in lifetime vacation dollars for Trudeau's Canada.

Also I will boycott Canadian lumber and buy only US-grown lumber, I am redoing my nice wood floors in places and oops, Canada fucked up there too.

CSIS mostly leaves right wingers alone alone. They get told to look into them but mostly allocate funding to Religion of Cuck™ic threats which they take much more seriously.
RCMPniggers on the other hand…

Is David Lynch redpilled on the deep state?

RCMP have their own hit squads. Pic related.

Trudeau has every reason to support Holla Forums.

I pray for the day those running illegal enterprises as described face justice. Doubly so if it happens in my country.


have a bump

CSIS gets the same SJW cultural marxist training as the rest of law enforcement, and are trained to shoot a white person dead faster than any muslim who could end up on the news. They go after ebil racist whites all the time, you just never heard about it.


What did Cuckdeau do now?

Nice quads. Probably this.

yeah maybe realize youre a fucking retard and the gov't is going after normal everyday whites who they whimsically decide to fuck with to appease their masters and to pad their careers with arbitrary cases nigger


fuck off back to 4chan faggot. baseless optimism is escapism


Give it up, Wornout.

Its a meme, I dont know the guy who made it, but it works.

bumpity bump

Russia is really fucked though. It's not this based le fashy ethnostate like TRSfags proclaim.

probably equally as fucked as every other country, maybe less

The rumors your heard are true. There are offices in leafland dedicated to honeypotting or botnetting goys who learn too much on Holla Forums . They work with microsoft to do so.

There is now. Here's the zerohedge spammer's dox/workplace. Notice the street adress that keeps coming up in torronto. It's one used for alot of canadian botnets and honeypots.




Also known as a website created and used by the DNC staffers in their email scandal. Amazing coincidence the adress is the same. So who actually is at the adress?

Note the adress.





Note the IP that is in http and greyed out on a archive of the site

The botnet makers themselves, microsoft

Bump now. Discuss.

Lots of corruption present here in leafland, most leafs are far to oblivious to realize any of it. Ive come across allot of people who show obvious signs of Monarch programming. I have a feeling there is allot of indoctrination programs going on behind closed doors.


Spite bump

looks interesting

Does this have anything to do with Bill Morneau?

don't forget who's in charge

The Canadian intelligence agencies have a difficult time infiltrating Chinese Triad gangs as they typically go back generations and operate often with the assistance of the Chinese government. In the 90s thousands of KGB were unemployed until the Jewish mob got their hands on them (and millions of young Russian girls who were raised to not to complain and do what they were told) my god those poor girls delivered to Israeli rape dungeons.) so the only way to keep tabs on organized crime is to have control of one. The bikers. All the outlaw gangs were swallowed up by the angles

The bikers became ridiculously regimented rank, mandatory meetings and rides, club house dues, uniform standardization it was all to organise the lone wolf lawless rebels into good goys feeding intelligence in exchange for looking the other way tolerance of petty crimes. When Québec bikers started bombing the whole lot was scooped because so many were acting rogue and going off reserve when one of their friends got blown up.

okay, for a non-canadian yuropeon, what does CSIS means?

There's no doubt in my mind that the bikers are all led by intelligence. Organized crime is an effective tool for any intelligence agency so are billionaires, scientists, celebrities, politicians, and premium pussy for honeypots

Canadian Security intelligence Service

Are you from the east? I haven't noticed it here in Alberta.

Al-berta (PBUH) is the WORST. Plus the drugs from the oil riches.

Calgary had a jewish female police chief in the 90s. The rest is left as an exercise to the reader.

96 mowat avenue, toronto, is the address of tucows

that's just their registrar man
it's the add for a lot of botnets and honeypots, because it's the only address for a fuckton of domains

This. Lots of (((Russian Mobsters))).

Warren Kinsella involved?


Thats funny because someone who spouts his mouth off all the time and seemed like he was just full of shit, says his uncle is HA and his father was a high ranking military officer who ended up being a big shot in CSIS. He also says Windows 10 is safe and they removed all the bullshit from it (ha). Maybe there is more to that than just bullshit.

The chief was redpilled. Seriously.

Pretty much the guys who pretend they are concerned with muslims but are just using it as an excuse to go after whites.

And the ones that didn't go along with it..


Repressed muslim women are a prime target for converting to lesbianism. Heard this from a friend.

Thought it was his "wife" (one of his whores).

The old free laptop trick worked I guess.

Fascinating read


The MKUltra experiments were initially piloted in Montréal


t. FBI

It's a good thing diversity hires are incompetent.

CIANigger got a great deal for drug trafficking.

Wonder what blackmail he has?


There was a thread on this but it was bumplocked by (((mods)))

No doubt bumplocked for calling people "stupid goyim". Being a newfag and not knowing we dont accept calling whites goy around here isnt an excuse. This isnt TRS, were not edgy larping kiddos who ironically shitpost as if were kikes.