If Trump is kike'd, why is (((the media))), (((hollywood))), etc. still shilling so fucking hard against him?
If Trump is merely just a pacifier for whites rather than an incremental step towards a white ethno-state why is the entire political establishment trying to fuck him up?
Explain this blackpill to me anons, I can't make sense of it.
Eli Stewart
They are not. Trump presents a strawman of "Blonde White Gentile Conservatives" to attack thus making all White people look bad in the process. Trump works for them
Luke Gray
Basically Trump is there to make Whites look racist nazis when really he works for Jews Israel. They are going to have the blonde Goy Trump collapse the country then Jews will swoop in an present themselves as Americas saviors.
Nicholas Carter
Sry for the errors
Mason Ward
Maybe he is the real deal? As in, he's an outsider but not the 1488 GTKRWN that we wanted him to be. That alone paints a target on his back. That he's slowly reorienting culture away from cucking for niggers is worth it enough for me. If Trump helps destroy the NFL then I'd be happy.
Brody Kelly
civil war is an excuse to murder political dissidents as enemy combatants and consolidate power trump is not a pacifier, more of an agitator if trump were a pacifier he'd be a lead coated pacifier and we all know what lead agitator are (((it all serves an agenda)))
Andrew Rivera
Again, that doesn't make sense. White people have been demonized to shit looong before Trump, our psyche was already fractured, and non-whites already hate our fucking guts.
Moreover, Trump's presidency has led to more leaks and exposing of government corruption than in any other time. Why would this in anyway benefit (((them)))?
Grayson Green
Gas yourselves
Elijah Bell
It wouldn't. The shills ITT would have you believe that the kikes et al are omniscient, omnipotent foes, which is great for them since it demoralizes enemies. The reality is that they're still human (lizards) with their own foibles and idiosyncrasies and yes even weaknesses. Realizing that your enemy can be defeated is step one in doing exactly that.
Again, Trump is not literally Hitler but he is an extinction level event for bugmen. That's a great first step. We must keep going. He is not the end of this process.
Joseph Bailey
Hey look its the endchan drones with their folders of anti-Trump memes. WTF I hate TRUMP now.
Carter Jones
Do you remember where you are? This is not a fucking echo chamber.
Noah Hughes
Keep going how? The media has primed the next election for a democrat win, unless Trump accomplishes something that normies care about (he is currently being blamed for net neutrality going away) they might fall prey to the "Trump is Hitler" nonsense. We need those wins he kept talking about, not the small victories. What are the next steps?
Jack Morgan
It is when endchan bots show up.
I no rite? Fuck daca, the empty air strip in syria, immigration being btfo'd, wall prototypes, china bending the knee, and saudia arabia clearing house with several arrests of high level individuals XDDDDDDDDDDDD
Juan Peterson
lel shills going full on first post they forget to switch IP
But anyhow its kinda like this >Then judges, the UN and other (((oganisations))) stop basically any and all of hs solutions >most if not all his allies betray him and his most (((trusted ally))) Israel shows their hand as part of the puppet masters of the world >Tldr Wasn't a plant but fell into the spider trap and now is full of strings because he didn't know fully about how bad (((they))) control everything
Jose Anderson
There are two schools of thought.
One is that the Kali Yuga is ending and we are about to enter the golden age.
The other is that the Kali Yuga has about 400,000 more years to go.
Which one do you resonate with?
Logan Phillips
Like I said Trump is fucked right now and its only going to get worse unless we can weaken the establishement somehow, if only there was a way to expose how horrible and corrupt politicians and kikes are from a computer, like if they all had their own pedo rings to keep their golem in line that could be investigated and reported to non kiked authorities.
Ayden Edwards
The most simple way to look at it is: If Trump really is controlled op, then why was the entire election rigged for Hillary and why the mass kvetching and rioting of liberals when she lost?
Mason Thompson
The blackpill is nothing but kikes gas lighting whites into giving up instead of fighting.
Eat shit you fucking rat faced parasites.
Total Aryan victory will be achieved and there is nothing you sniveling foreskin munching vampires can do about it.
Grayson Jones
It’s proven. Are you retarded? >why is (((the media))), (((hollywood))), etc. still shilling so fucking hard against him? Jews control both sides of every debate. Lurk for two years before posting. You should know this already. Because they’re not. He’s not actually trying to do anything he said he would, otherwise we’d be seeing deportation raids in every city.
Isaiah Rogers
No one who isn’t a kike ever thought that Trump was EVER going to be redpilled. We only wanted Trump because he was the first step in the other direction. He has never been the end–only a means to it–and ✡the_donald✡ is the one who has said otherwise.
Cameron Nelson
You live in a Zionist occupied country. If the election was really rigged for Hillary, then Hillary would have one the (((election))). No questions asked
Chase Jones
Forgot to switch IPs moshe. They better not be paying you much.
Lucas Campbell
He isn't dancing exactly to their tune. It's that simple. He has to go with what president have done since post WW 2 namely doing the legwork for the Yids that has been a thing since UN was founded and Igrun's propaganda pulled few heart strings. There are too many anchors and chains preventing a full blown 1488. Much like you have to tolerate that obnoxious bi bulldyke at work.
Ayden Robinson
Cooper Hall
B…but Trump is draining the swamp and he promised the American people he's gonna build that wall!!!
Juan Fisher
Fugin hell all the shills are swarming in, calling out the usual The donald and everything is shilled so don't bother thinking goy. Next thing you know one of the mods is gonna delete the thread and they are going to use it to prove that the mods are compromised for deleting a thread full of circlejerk with no arguments whatsoever. Welp this is what always happens anyways >10954490 learn from this thread how much anti-trump is shilled here with no regard for reason or logic and by shills that could be summed up to practically bots with no arguments and horrible shilling strategies and strawmens.
Jaxson Torres
Carter Richardson
The jews don't control the world because these words say so. I will repeat this over and over until you just accept it. The CIA installs puppet governments across the entire world, but this is the year that Joe the plumber is taking the power back. Nobody who invests trillions of dollars into a military/police state/kike prison world would ever stoop so low that they would use the controlled opposition technique. Thats just a myth dude. Nobody is a liar. Trust everyone. Dumb fucks!
Jaxon Jenkins
I dont know about trump. but the blackpill as you call it has always been a weapon used against the enemy. its better known as de-moralization. Why fight and lose some men against an inferior force when you can make them surrender with an overwelming presence? why fight an army when you can cause a coup?
Man requires a spirit to fight. if nothing matters, if you cant change anything, if you dont think anyone will ever believe you, why even try? i know you have seen people like this, they turn to drug, they spout memes about shadow governments they dont really understand, they say that the future cant be changed and you should just lay down and die in despair lik they do. these are not bad people. mearly lost. it is all our task to lead them back into the light.
Dylan Foster
Muh sage
Juan Anderson
Lurk more.
New employees? This is just sad.
Brandon Reed
why did the liberals and many jews chimp out over bush despite him being a puppet of the neocon jewish faction?
I'm not seeing this.
gas yourself
that was why most of us were on his side I believe, but he isn't even holding up to civnat standards inb4 muh 3 points
William Russell
Trump still has to have some power, but if he had any real power he would be doing what this (((a7cf6d))) shill said (build wall now, stop all immigration isntead of cut in half, pull out of syria completly, etc) but its not enough even for 8 years of presidency. Its looking like we will have to do most of the legwork.
Owen Gray
Connor Ramirez
Oh and there are a also a few dumbasses like this goy here that shit up these threads
Jaxson King
Justin Robinson
No, but surely you must HEAR the resounding calls for impeachment, do you not?
Yes goyim. Never ask questions, always take things at face value. That makes it so much easier to indoctri- I mean help keep you informed. hehehe
Julian Collins
Except he has basically pulled out of Syria. Syria is all but wrapped up. Im tired of the same disingenuous arguments over and over. Top jej. Lead the way Hitler.
Dominic Jenkins
You can't really fail realpolitik this badly, can you? If Trump went 1448 first day in office there would be riots and half the country going insane. Saying is shortsighted and demonstrates it is YOU who needs to lurk moar. Between liberals, cucks, niggers, mexicans and jews there is no way Trump can do anything without consolidating his power. Even then, there is no guarantee he will succeed. Starting before the time is right is the surest way to lose badly for white people I can think of. We only have one chance.
Noah Morales
wait a hot minute you came into this thread with an agenda? fuck right outta here especially with posting 3 of the 5 first replies
Hudson Barnes
holy shit you're right, our based arab allies are draining their swamp! Think of all the jobs this will bring us!
Aiden Richardson
blackpill is the best way for jews to discredit your fight, thus perpetuating their current victory. Basically "nothing will change goyim, don't do anything, rope yourself"
If every Holla Forums lurker and sane person stop consuming blackpilling and jewish propaganda and instead focus on their own wellbeing and of your family / relatives / friends, then the world will change and the jew will be gassed. It might take time, not everything is instantaneous. It might take years or decades, but things can change and history demonstrates this.
Andrew Myers
Yet they're still calling for war with Iran.
Owen Nguyen
You are a nigger
Camden Murphy
It is you who is the nigger, nigger.
Jace Thompson
Glad to see there are more of you showing up, we need smarter anons or at least more anons with the courage to try and fix a real problem either with their family or society at large.
Andrew Richardson
so you agree with me and as soon as I guestion you I'm a nigger? you dun cauvht me moshie
Leo Hill
Because the world is more complex than two sides of a coin.
Thomas Russell
they're just maintaining the balance of power, shills btfo THREE BEERS, LONGHORN STEERS!
Cooper Walker
I still believe Trump is a redpilled NatSoc and he's doing all that he can from within the confines of the absolutely kiked political system and a severely damaged society. Pretty much what Hitler attempted to do early on in his own political career.
But any way you cut it the kikes do not fucking like DOGNALD BLARF. Even if he's just a civnat, he's sliding the Overton window in a direction that has them seething with impotent kosher rage because they know if it keeps sliding this way for long enough it will literally end in another shoah.
Caleb Garcia
could you be any more obvious kike?
Julian Martin
Ayden White
Kill yourself kike.
Charles Price
We're stepping into a new renaissance, user. The art, architecture & music that will come out of the coming decades will stand for eternity. Our shitposts will be looked at by scholars centuries from now, with awe & bemusement. We will lay the foundations of this new world, and we will reach the stars.
Robert Perry
Owen Clark
Only kikes and cianiggers push blackpills. The fact is Trump is dismantling the Jewish deep state. This is why you see so much kvetching in the media. Of course if he played ball they would suck his dick like they did Obama's. Trust your own instincts.
He saved the supreme court. He has made more federal judgeship appointments than any Pres in last 40 years- all conservative. He has stated in writing that dems will only get the dream act with comprehensive immigration reform (build the wall, no chain migration, preference for English language speakers, etc) thus the wall will be built. Immigration is down. Deportations are up. He has singlehandedly destroyed the Jewish media's credibility by showing that they can be defeated no matter how hard they try to smear someone.
Matthew Anderson
This is great news. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Chaim.
Owen Bell
lel trump cucks are so old they need reading glasses
Jackson Reyes
Please try to make your irony more obvious, a lot of us autists can't tell if you don't make it clear you're joking.
Noah Clark
I also conceded he could be a civnat. Thanks for signaling your butthurt though
Julian Howard
Hopium is one hellva drug!
Henry Carter
Fuck off Shlomo. If you can't refute what I say with facts instead of dismissive libshit-tier snark then don't post. You're beyond obvious.
Hunter Gonzalez
The backpill is not real. Enjoy your sage.
Jacob Taylor
The black pill is most definitely real. It tends to manifest once you turn 17 and outgrow the edgy Nazi phase. Unfortunately for some they never outgrow it, and are doomed to a life of blaming all of their problems on Jews and black people. Luckily for most they never have to take the black pill, as they are not edgy middleschoolers and have a half functioning brain. Once you take the black pill and hopefully free yourself from the shackles of Holla Forumstard hugbox circlejerk sessions, feel free to actually read a fucking book and take the real redpill.
Cameron Martinez
Nathan Hughes
You must be one of those Trs shills, the spencer thread is already anchored my dude.
Charles Phillips
That's why I posted it you fucking sperg.
Jeremiah Bennett
Enjoy the ride. KEEP AMERICA GREAT 2020
sage for dumb d&c thread
Brandon Ward
put it this way
the media ? I honestly don't know. Reverse psychology ? Zionist jews being upset with bolshevik jews ? Even being against political correctness to a token degree is enough to make them upset over some power loss ?
it's only a blackpill if it comes true. Trump can prove people wrong any time but as it stands he hasn't drained and there's been 2 smelly as fuck events on US soil.
it is what it is
Angel Roberts
I mean Chaim in the State Department, not you. Relax, nigger.
Asher Williams
I forgot the TPP, the TPP was good for multinational corps and therefore good for who controls the media so they might be pissed at him over that.
Noah Gonzalez
MAGA 2020
Noah Taylor
take your rwtardation elsewhere shareblue
Hudson Morales
Ayden Foster
The memes really do write themselve, maybe you should go back to your own circlejerk session, I hear the BO hosts them often. >>>Holla Forums
Cooper Johnson
you're still a fucking moron for believing a secret national socialist surrounded himself with jews and a jew family in some sort of master long con. Long enough that the jews talked about using figureheads like mccain, bush2, or him against buchanan back in the clinton era.
Levi Turner
Justin Rodriguez
Based on behavior Trumps a (((Zionist))) or at the very least paying lip service to them. While the MSM/Demorats/EU are (((Globalists))) Basically 2 separate groups of (((Merchants))) that want to rule the world in different ways.
Carter Powell
All the evidence itt says youre wrong.
Anthony Perez
if you remember 2000-2008, except for right around sept eleven, the media dumped on bush almost nonstop, despite him being a neocohen puppet. When obama got in, it all just disappeared. The antiwar movement also dried up to a few people against it on principle and some lolbergs.
Cameron Ortiz
Trump is very upfront about his Zionism
Justin Phillips
In what way, his words? Pay attention brainlet.
Jack Gonzalez
His words, his advisors, his family
Bentley White
Mmm hmm. Besides who he surrounds himself with and what he says, can you provide one example of him furthering zionism?
Carson Hernandez
tell us more about the (((Laws of Power))) and how we have to interpret absolutely everything he says in the most hypothetical way possible and ignore evidence to the contrary to save the idea of him as /ourguy/
Easton Edwards
Provide an example of his zionist actions please so I may see the error in my ways.
Alexander Wood
Jack Rogers
Really made me think.
Wyatt Wilson
Anthony Watson
Carson Allen
The real blackpill is that nobody is actually taking anything more seriously than Holla Forums. All the way to the top of society is nothing but chutzpah and fools. It's a big whatever-structure dependent on the shield of the decent will. Society is only intact because nobody is trying to sunder it.
Lately, I have been thinking that people aren't cynical enough. In the depths of cynicism, I found peace. Human nature is peaceful. The opposite exists, but it's poorly functional and easily manipulated. Violent people are herded together into organizations where they're kept distracted with foreign affairs (so to speak). This mostly restricts the tardwrangled to driving each other insane rather than exposing them to the general public. It makes them more likely to just die, and less likely to breed successfully.
Andrew Parker
hm… really does make you think
Julian Robinson
One example of furthering zionist policies. Just one.