Duterte of the Philippines declares "I am a fascist" orders military to crush Communists

President Rodrigo Duterte has terminated peace talks with the New People's Army (NPA), the armed wing of the underground Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), while vowing to treat combatants in East Asia's longest-running communist insurgency as "terrorists."

"OK, granted, I will admit that I am a fascist and I want the end of these marxists. I will categorize you already as a terrorist." Duterte said.



Militant rights group Karapatan on Saturday slammed President Rodrigo Duterte's proclamation declaring the termination of peace talks with the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army-National Democratic Front of the Philippines (CPP-NPA-NDFP).

"Duterte’s termination of the peace negotiations further exposes his fascist mold and his insincerity to pursue just and lasting peace in the Philippines," Karapatan said in a statement.

On Thursday night, Duterte signed Proclamation No. 360, terminating the peace negotiations with the communist rebels.

The rights group describe this move by the President as fitting "his mad obsession to be a version 2.0 of dictator Ferdinand Marcos."

Karapatan alleged that the termination of peace talks with communist rebels was among Duterte's schemes to strengthen his hold to power through a nationwide martial law declaration or his bogus revolutionary government design.

The proclamation was signed by Duterte months after he said he no longer wants to talk peace with communist rebels in his speeches in February and July.

Proclamation No. 360 was signed a day after the OPAPP announced that the Philippine government was ending its peace talks with the CPP-NPA-NDFP.

"His stubborn refusal to abide by the Comprehensive Agreement on the Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL), through his non-release of political prisoners and intensifying repressive measures against the people, manifests itself as once again, he ranted and raved like a madman instead of discussing these major significant issues in the aborted fifth round of formal peace talks," Karapatan said.

"This development, along with his terrorist-tagging of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army and the verbal orders to state forces to undertake a crackdown on progressive organizations perfectly fits into Duterte’s mix of repressive campaigns against the people – his war against drugs, counter-insurgency and all-out war, martial law in Mindanao, and attacks against his perceived political enemies," it added.

On Wednesday, Duterte said he would tag all the legal fronts of the NPA as criminals and have them arrested for conspiracy.


Kike free first post

Has Duterte ever dropped the jewpill?

Just that he wanted to be like Hitler was to the Jews except towards drug dealers and users. He has never spoken about Jews outside of that.

Duterte is honorary. I love watching what he's getting done in his nation. We need to see more like him in the world.

What a nice little man

Kill them all Duterte. Fuck druggies and muslims, fuck commies to.

Do you ever winder how nervous Jim gets? I mean he has sheltered and hired drug adicts, paedophiles, and political extremists.

If the jews were serious about taking down 8ch they would set Jim up and get him shoahed.

Lets inform El Duterte that pedo Jim is a CIAnigger hiding out in his country where he sacrifices Flip children to his god Moloch.

There is probably an official government website where you can send an anonymous tip.

He did mention in an official RT interview that the mossad would eventually try to assassinate him.


What would happen to us then? Would 8ch be shut down or would we get a new owner?

Once again, Trump visits an ally and tells them the United States is willing to help our friends with their regional problems. I'm sure they are receiving assistance to help find all the camps these scumbags have been living in. This should not take too long.

Checked. He will soon enough

Guess we'll have to go to cuckchan where fun is allowed.

You'll just have to find a VPN that isn't detected by cuckchan's kike mods.

Sieg heil means hail victory. You'll want to break that into two sentences.

There I fixed it for us


Jim was literally the only webhost that would take us and ib exchange he got 8ch. Jim dies and all those honeypotchans and freetardchans will evaporate the next day since they only exist to divide the userbase of 8ch. We shoild be getting out and redpillibg people face to face. I go to the bar once or twice a month and end up talking to people about what is really going on in the world. Most people know the truth but are affraid of retaliation for speaking up. If you aren't a complete retard that kicks open the door and screams

You can gradually lead someone to the point where they will speak the truth. If you continue you can pull more people in. I live in one of the top 10 libshit cities in America but the overton window has shifted so hard that the biggest push back I have had this year is some white upper middle class race traitor roasties crying and telling me I have to stop vecause I am hurting their feelings by saying I hate niggers and kikes. If 8ch goes down you need to get out of your house and into the streets.

Hitler started in beerhalls, why don't you?

Well, Im genuinely shocked to see him make this kind of a turn. Im starting to think his online fandom has changed his political alignment, because he put communist guerillas in his cabinet, and said hes not a communist when he was a mayor "Because I dont go around killing people". That was the reason he wasnt a communist, at the time.
I guess it was all just talk and show. I gladly welcome the officially Fascist Duterte.

Does anyone think that Duterte might well be a Holla Forumsack?

Made me smile. Thank you OP.

How do you think Hotwheels gets away with being a druggie in flipland?

Would've been a fantastic opportunity to off the old kike, imo.

Because beer is degenerate

Than have a Shirley Temple. A lot of people don't drink because they are party party party people. They drink because they are unhappy. They know the world is fucked up but they can't quite articulate exactly why. Talk to them, help them, lead them to a place where they don't need to escape from a reality that seems overwhelming and out of their control. Give them answers, give a direction to their anger, and finally bring them hope.

Duterte himself would probably agree with that point of view if you took time to show him how much Soros is involved in flipland and the region.

If you call constant shitposting and shilling fun then you can already go back.

It was probably more of a threat, than a warning. Duterte has called out Human Rights Watch for being a Soros puppet, and they put all sorts of pressure on Duterte and his government.
They are not friends.

Trump is looking very regal in that outfit, i like it.

You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink user. Easier said than done.

Duterte missed his chance to be a hero for the whole world by letting Soros go to the PI and then order his aircraft to be shot down with no survivors.

Most effective and least cucked head of state by far.

Even his name sounds badass tbh.

Never tell your enemies what you will do, simply do it.

Pretty sure the people will never tire of him getting rid of the dregs of society, the parasitical scum. Sounds like a typical commie empty dismissal, and a position of fear being covered up with unjustly confident garbage. They fear they are about to get bent over a barrel, so they want to puff up and make themselves seem stronger. Duterte will just death squad them, their rhetoric cant stop that. He has the power and if he wants them dead, they will be dead.

Its possible that hes playing chess and wanted Soros to not come to his country, but didnt want to actually have to kill him because of the international backlash that would follow and attention on his country.

Daily reminder to never believe a god damn word the judenpresse says about Duterte. The filipinos love him and support him.

Where the fuck does he mossad?

Assad wins elections with over 90% and they say Syrians dont want him in power.

At about 11 minutes he says he has 5 years left if the CIA doesnt kill him, doesnt mention Mossad there.



Sounds like flips like just the way he's doing shit for right now.

Youre here because you are afraid, and you see fascism is winning. This isnt a post of confidence, this is a post of a position of being threatened and backed into a corner.
Youre losing.

Capitalism will be destroyed because it is incompatible with Nationalism. Communists are a worthless redundancy.

Feeling pretty fucking excited the more I see us winning and you losing.

The place is a dysfunctional shithole regardless and I doubt Duterte is going to change anything about it.

In fact anti american rhetoric might drive outsourcers as the biggest employers out of flipland.



Socialism is inevitable. Therefore, stop being a gay Commie and start supporting your Blood and Soil. No more deaths over Economy!

You are a "man" bleeding out while saying he has won when the other is only beginning to get stronger. That is… Sad!

Funny how on Holla Forums half the threads are intellectual discussions on the various facets of Socialism and the challenges that would arise from implementing it and the economical repercussions; while on Holla Forums every thread is basically:





…Yet Communists are somehow unlettered in Economics… Maybe you should actually read a book instead of circlejerking about how some minority triggered you with your other Nazi buttbuddies.

Nice idpol/spooks son

Pathetic and naive.

Communism is your spook

Meanwhile on Holla Forums :

"I am an Egoist, and I'm happy sucking Porky off"
This is a question of Motivation - you're a fool if you don't see that.


If you had any doubts, now you know hes an edgy 15 year old.

Can't wait to send a boot through your teeth faggot

It's already becoming true in the Philippines you retard.




New Lee Kuan Yew.

Remember when the being Redpilled was about knowing about the Jews? Race? National Socialism? Debt-money? Marxism, Cultural Marxism?
What happened? It got separated and now a Civic-cuck can be "redpilled" also?

Note Duterte got the support he needed from Trump. He was positioning Flips as aligning with China because of cucked Obama complaining about the drug dealers' "rights."

Trump acknowledged the necessity of Flips as a geostrategic ally against China, so Trump – who gives zero fucks about drug dealers probably joked with Duterte how he wished he could go full fash in the U.S.

Duterte saw Trump was based as fuck, plus the US gave the Flips a great military and economic package and support to kill Commies.

The fire is rises. Praise Kek.

McCarthy and GLR would be proud, hope Jews are next on the chopping block!

I actually find it Kek worthy that Holla Forums has figured out that the only way they can meme, is if they use our memes. And even then they don't have as much meme magic to make them special.

Muslims have been waring with non muslims in the Philippines for centuries.
We dont hear about it but the history is all there I hope he crushes all these various and often overlapping scum. Drugs. Commies. Muzzies. All need to go

I wonder if Duterte took Trump for a ridealong

trash can kickers get the rope first

You know your board owner literally sucks dick for money right?

trashcan kickers get the rope first

This is precisely what we should all be doing, at the pace at which we are individually comfortable – unless you don't think you can articulate the ideas well enough, in which case you might just hurt the cause.

Listen to this user, Anons!

Wait, is there any confirmation of him admiring Mussolini or Gabrielle d'anunzio and adhering to a economic and societal structure based on harmonious corporationism ? With based class collaboration, self colinzation and a centralised government presided in autarky self sufficency?
If so seig hail that is the confirmation this guy is
The dudes awesome as fuck for killing mud slimes, druggies and now commie's too

Not one worker today falls for your marxist lies.

This is exactly what every Holla Forumsack should be doing on the weekends. Pubs are a great way to find white men who know they feel empty but they don't know why. Go there, act Alpha and challenge one of these guys to a debate and drop some fucking redpills. Be logical and keep your cool and you will convince people that we live in a meaningless, materialist bubble that makes people depressed on purpose. This is especially good because once you lead a smart white man or woman to the truth, they will go crazy redpilling themselves (just make sure to point them towards here and not any alt-kike bullshit). I went from conservatard to National Socialist in under 4 days when I got my first redpill.

A ride along? Shit, he probably gave Trump a belt-fed machine gun and let FIT pull the fucking trigger.

CIA=mossad, they killed Kennedy

Checked and Heil'd

Be careful, last time I told someone
I got hit with a 3 day ban - posted some history along with citations and caps from a book I was reading - for chronic shitposting
to the spamnigger, this is how you tell people about censorship of ideas not spamming it in funposting threads

get out retard

Debating never worked for me. It put people on the defensive and made my point of view the defacto opposition. I go in, park myself at a table and watch tv. I will make jokes about whatever is going on. As people drink they become socialable and will want to talk about shit. I lead them in with laughs and wait for the moment to drop blackpills. I slowly up the pressure and ask them about what they are feeling.

People love to talk about themselves. Give them a chance and inevitably they will complain. Drag their complaints out of them and look for the jew at the root of their problems. Never outright name the jew but reinforce the (((coincidences))) until they themselves name the jew. People have had the (((media))) tell them who was responsuble for their problems but when they change that the problems never improve. They don't trust the media so why should they trust some random dude at the bar? It is much more powerful when a person thinks they reached that conclusion on their own. Let them do that and in some cases it will rock them to their core.

These are your white brothers and sisters driven to dissolution by forces they have been conditioned to not see. Don't reject them due to their ignorance and degeneracy, reach out a hand to redeem your blood and free them from the existential ennui of the kiked out world.

Don't dream the Reich, meme the Reich.

Why is he against the users?

are you dumb?
they purchase drugs which the drug dealers use to fund their other gang related businesses

More than Honorary, he has some Aryan blood lurking in those veins. Not much, but some.

He does talk to people as if a Holla Forumsack… It is as if he were born to our ways.


So go after the drug dealers not the fucking users, maybe someone is using weed to improve their life they aren't harming anyone

I love this man. Every leader in the making should take him as an example.

Most users are also dealers, and most dealers get high on their own supply.

Piss off Trudeau.

There will always be drug dealers as long as there are people ready to pay for them.

weed isnt a fucking issue in the phillipines you degenerate, its meth and crack

Hahaha so true.

Drugs have traditionally been tolerated because they're how the CIA gets its slush funds. Drugs harm everyone when they're how cryptomarxists bankroll themselves. You're naive to think that there is such a thing as a choice that is entirely selfish and doesn't have an impact on others in some way.


That is their own fault for not caring enough for politics.

The Philippines will end up being the new fascist Italy in your lifetime
benito mussolini Legacy will continue

Feels fucking good man

Iran's Ayatollah is the Hitler of the Middle East.
Duterte is the Hitler of East Asia.
When is Europe going to get its Hitler? This is bullshit.

Updated version, and no, its the Jews fault.

Whoever came up with these retarded bullshit acronyms has earned a free, one-way, helicopter ride to the South Pacific.


not sure if anyone remembers but isnt the protagonist in Starship Troopers (the book not the cucked out movie) supposed to be a Flip?

is this the future form of Duterte?

Well if that's how it goes I'm all for losing, hard.

Jim is on board with Duterte and knows about the Jews.
They're probably buddies IRL.

This is exactly what should be done

So is he actually a fascist or is he just chewing the scenery?

Can this man be stopped? He's like if the Ben Garrison caricature were real

>implying Zyklon Ben isn't real. Yeah I know :^)

Posession should be an infraction with a dissuasion fine if only to prevent CIA niggers from planting it on you.
Shoot manufacturers and distributors.

Funny how this is the most shilled out place on the internet besides 4/pol/ and its still better than your commie shithole.

You are. There isn't a socialist alive who actually understands economic principles. The so-called "intellectual" discussions on Holla Forums are all reprisals of the same arguments which have no bearing on reality. You can excuse the average National Socialist for believing in a pipe dream, considering that the nation which practiced was bombed apart before its inevitably economic collapse. But your philosophies are not only contradicted by models and theory - they're contradicted by historical reality, time and time again.

The economic model which does the best for its people is a market economy, with limited regulations. The political model which does best for its people is a nationalist one, with tightly controlled borders(1), smart application of tariffs(2), and government services only existing for those things where you can clearly demonstrate market failure.

(1) The theory behind open borders is that the stream of incoming workers lowers the value of labor and is therefore a positive for the economy. The issue is that this results in lowered wages for the poorest civilians of the country, and inevitably a lower quality of life for migrants (see: the Irish, Italians, Mexicans). When combined with high levels of crime from migrants, plus the ease to which gangs can be formed by foreign groups (see: the Chinese, Mexicans) this results in a greater hit to the economy than any benefits can be given. Further, it is always the largest corporations and factories which reap the benefits of these workers, resulting in the richest citizens benefiting and hoarding their wealth. In effect, there is virtually no benefit at all.

(2) Tariffs should only be applied by the nation with the larger, stronger economy. Smaller economies are forced to sell at the prices set by the larger economy. The US, then, benefits from tariffs, as it can always buy from elsewhere, forcing smaller nations to take on the burden. Nations such as New Zealand suffer under tariffs, because they have to sell at whatever price they're given. Globalist macroeconomics protest these sorts of policies as harming the world economy, but really, fuck them.

Afd seems to be assuming control

Funny how on /leftypol more than half the threads are:




I really like this man.

I read The Gulag Archipelago.

HW giving the orders now?

>Self-described Militant rights group:

Double Checked and Heiled!
These are meth heads. They cannot be fixed, and are fucking violent murdering tweakers. And their very existance means more dealers will always spring up to service them. Kill them all and there will be no more meth market.


Do Sovietfags not understand that Russia's war effort was set upon the twin pillars of outside material brought in by the Judeo-capitalist USA and the absolute impoverishment and sacrifice of the Russian peasantry?

Leftypol is mostly people into the ideas, pol is mostly wobblies who gave up on ideas and decided the second best thing would be making ideological enemies believe stupid things by pretending to be one of them in the least competent manner possible.

Your model has a problem. Tariffs are a tool for arguing with the global prices. If they're not set, your economy is dependent on the price of the market. In the long run, of course, that's true either way.

Get a job and see how you feel after a hard days work


Don't know why, but I'd love to see these make a comeback.


I think it's any Holla Forumsack's interest to aid the Duerte administration with tackling all possible outsider influence, druglord, warlord and communist that is setting up camp in Flipland. How about it, folks? How about we flip the switch off for these lowlives?

So Holla Forums is a bunch of armchair intellectuals discussing matters of the world while Holla Forums organizes and takes part into elections, racial campaigns and takes down pedophiles' websites. Neat.

Goddamn I wish Duterte was white.

>DA JOOS aren't behind racemixing silly goy, ignore the fact that they push it relentlessly in the (((media))) they run


Then make it so I did.
clip on suspenders are for faggots btw

Nice video Jim. You should make more like that one.

checked, dont forget Isis (mudslime) slayer

germans killed jews? goldberg should be gassed

They made him say sorry when he understated the 6 gorillion figure.


What's with this lugenpressespeak? Why does every opposition to something have to 'slam' their opponent?


Fuck that Renato Reyes.
He grew old doing nothing but protesting.
He's a professional protester.

Instead of having some sort of bullshit Marxist dialectical round table with a bunch of fucking Marxist pseudo-intellectuals for the sixth time Duterte decided to just kill the fucking commies once and for all. He’s a more patient man than me.

Because he doesn't want his nation invaded.

Caution. Let them work.



At least be a little more optimistic about it, jesus.

Just try not to be a faggot about it and you'll probably be alright

it seems like every other day there is an user that posts the same thing you do
and they always say to not start with saying
well i wont fall for it, i will start everytime with gassing the kikes
eventually it'll just be another way of saying hello just like sieg heil will



and the pedophiles.
dont forget the pedophiles.
breddy sure there was a bust there recently

You're doing God's work Roddy.


FUCKING HELL. Good luck Duterte, gas the Militant Rights Groups first.


holy shit ur right
praise tet
service guarentees citizenship

Duterte led Thunder Warrior precursors to the glorious Aryan Space Marines?

100% Down with that.

He is killing shitskins at a good rate. So there's that.

Duterte and all previous presidents of the philippines did all possible ways to negotiate peace with the communists they showed them mercy and pleaded them to stop their acts of terror, he freed political prisoners (hard line guerilla commanders), he signed many agreements protecting members of the communist party and ceasefire agreements but the commies never shown sincerity in achieving peace with the government and continued ambushing cops and soldiers, extorting money from civilians, destroying farm and mining equipment to be used for the economic development of rural areas diverting funds given to leftist parties to their armed terrorists.
commies had been given too much chances to achieve peace but they completely ignored each and everyone of it. now they should be given only two options: to surrender or die


i tend to begin with gas the kikes, man and see where it goes from there. cut to the chase. most often the response is some form of "why" and that's where the debate begins, laden with redpills.

this is what ive been doing the last ten years solid, whether i meant to or not; just the way i am after being redpilled myself and feeling strongly enough that certain observations aka truths needed to be shared.

IOKTBW is a good tactic, and I encourage all to keep up the campaign over the holidays, step it up a notch.

I read through your post and I especially agree with your part about blackpilling subtley, but proving yourself to be a cheerful and even funny/charismatic fellow. I'm sure we are all aware that you can't force a redpill down, but you can only show them the redpills and hand him a glass of water to make its ingestion easier. Perhaps debate wasn't the word I wanted to use in my post.

2000 hours in MSpaint

They entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them.


pretty gud

Just when I asked my Dad if the Philippines somehow elected the "Pinoyisher" after killing all those drug lords, my Dad has to go spill the bean and this happens.

you sound like a fucking idiot and duterte cares more about meth and heroine users than muh weed
t. weed smoker

Duterte is a great man. Also, fuck commies.

Jewpill is a redpill. THE Redpill is not the jewpill. The Redpill = Truth = God

I wouldn't doubt if there are pedo busts all the time there.

Takin' care of buzzniiice

If anyone complains, Duterte should just bring in the facts about the Philippines colonial and slave period. Bring up those awful pictures too for muh six gorillion and slavery guilt and rape / war crimes and shiieet. They can't win then.

Based monkeyboy

Do you have this image in 4K? I want it made into a wall scroll for my Office.

You'll need someone really dedicated to clean that one up, friemd

I found a 16x9 version using google image search, and then I blew it up to 1440p in the Gimp. It looks a little bit hazy and I am too stupid to fix it, but I will learn.

Might as well shop a maga hat on Yamaguchis head while I am on it.

Please don't insult that glorious anti-Communist hero by comparing to alt-kike cucks.

If only we had a Duterte in the U.S. much of the government and media are fully marxist. There is a dire need for purging. Long overdue.




move over japana the new japan is the philippines.

I fucking hate that shit and immediately stop reading evety time I see it. Unless you're talking about wrestling or somehow POGs are in style again, that word should not be fucking used like that.

Duterte Harry is one bold honorary.

/pinoy/ here.

Requesting some help from Holla Forums for the meme war front.


Hotwheels is DEAD
Death gives you free pass over anything

That's wrong though. We are mostly into wrong-think ideas.

Has quality of life in Phillipines appreciated at all since Duterte took power? Under Hitler, Germany became very prosperous in only 6 years.

Good man.
There can be no peace as long as one communist lives

Duterte's presidency is for six years only.

In terms of peace and order, things have quieted down. Police presence increased.

In terms of economy, nothing spectacular. There's building infrastructure and attracting foreign investors, following general strategy from more than a decade ago.

That is only a small faction.
The vast majority of /pol is lone wolf assasin lurkers constantly f5-ing the catalog hoping that it is finally happening at last and they can get their mass murder on.
(technically not murder as such, more like execution of traitors and enemy combatants, but mass murder rolls off the tongue better)
At some point some of these anons will get bored of waiting and force the happening.

You will hang for your crimes.

Could be. Hormel has trended generally higher over the last few years user.

Coonskin was actually pretty funny for a nigger movie.

And here's the conclusion to this week's (particularly easy, but we all have to start somewhere) game of Spot the Degenerate! Tune in next week to see if your eye is trained enough to… Spot! The! Degenerate!

Cleansing the juice is a healthy habbit.


So do y'all think Duterte is an Asukafag or a Reifag?
Or would he go for Misato?


Stop inserting your own preferences. The red pill just means any of the collection of uncomfortable truths that most people are - often willfully - ignorant of. Jews, race, sexual dimporphism, inherent intelligence, the inescapability of violence, the evolutionary advantages of ethnocentrism, the failure of egalitarianism, government psyops, etc.

Why you saging, chaim?

You're an armed insurgent retard.


Basic economics, nigger. Eliminate the demand and the supply soon follows.

I just noticed that he has hella nose

fascist kek bump

le bump

Jim is a speaker of Esperanto and currently the Esperantists are getting a lot of funded in the Philippines. Is this a coincidence?

not to mention pig farms are a convenient way to get rid of bodies

Congratulations, you just discovered that aut-lite is nothing more than a kike backed subversion. Normalfags are cowards and conditioned to hide from the truth. Easy answers that are lies are much more comfortable than the hard truth for these cowards.

commie bump

Fuck you.

i love this guy

What a convincing argument.

2 years.
That's how long it took Holla Forums to reignite the fire.
Just wrong location.

I think both of these posters are sus.

Back when I had a Facebook I always had trannies from there trying to scam money out of me, would be great to see them lined up and shot they probably have been already, tbh

fire is fire and fire is always spreading

Probably because his post wasn't on topic.

Yes, the fire rises

Then get a club soda you fucking idiot