Destruction of masculinity

Not only are boys in 2017 putting on make-up, it's being celebrated/shilled in the news. They want to destroy masculinity before it even begins and pschologically castrate white males.

This is just the latest example of a long run of such events. They started with transgender children but now they are normalizing drag queens and boys doing make-up. The reason for this is that many liberal families will not accept a transgender child but they will accept that.

There needs to be an effort to show the harm this sort of thing can do to a person who is still developing. And to create proper role models that make clear the distinction between male and female, and that there are no other genders.

Other urls found in this thread:

more of these faggot accounts being used to brainwash young males. If you have a son block him from using instagram.

They were linked from


Their parents need to be strung up in front of their community.

They look like drag queens and trannies

*roasted over coals

This makes me mad to no end, they're deliberately targetting what should one day become a generation of men and fathers.


I remember it was taboo for even girls that age to wear makeup. Now it's progressive for a boy to do it

This summer I saw two Swedish boys, who looked like they were around 16, buying eyeshadows.
There is no end to the faggotry

At least with girls there's some rational that could lead to it happening, even though it's also wrong. This case it's entirely his parents being enabling degenerates.

numbskulls think they're bill kaulitz. oh well, what can you expect from decades of jewish brainwashing.

at least he actually looked cute, these fools are going full on with the hideously ugly tranny look.

on my long walk two days ago i saw some curly haired boy who was wearing SKIN TIGHT YOGA PANTS in 35 degree weather. it's insanity. (think he was 15 or 16)

Never used deodorants and perfums, not poisoning yourself is common sense. Just look at chemical composition on lebels, it looks like petroleum rafinery output. All you need is gray soap and oil if you have dry skin.

sadly those won't help you with acne that covers your entire body if you have more testosterone than even a 50 year old greasy italian like I do.

Pedos fucked with me when I was an adolescent and I don't know quite how I feel about it. I'm definitely not gay, but I am 35 and alone. I'm also a good looking guy who has looked young all my life. At 35 I still look 26 or so and 20 I still looked 14.

I say fuck faggots. I will say fuck faggot acting/seeming/talking/… men. If they are around your young men; or you let them go with him; you are complacent in the abuse.


You should feel rage and murder them. Not a joke. Seriously murder them.

flouride in the drinking water might be a big part of why this is happening. It's natural for boys to reject this bullshit - why exactly are they playing along now? One piece of the puzzle is that flouride ingestion can induce early puberty in females. Perhaps it also feminizes males.

why so he can get put in jail? great idea finkelstein.

This is so retarded. The logic behind it is "make up shouldn't be gender specific".
BUT IT IS! Make up is simulating the naturally occuring blushing and redness of lips and face when women enter that time of month when their hormones (estrogene) are peaking and they're eggs are ready for fertilization. In ALL cultures women have come up with this trick to make themselves look more fertile to men by painting their lips red and face. The same goes for skirts. Skirts make the hips look wider and were more confortable for women to wear in the times before tampons. Also it helped them with going to pee while being outside.
Men don't have this. It's all based on biology but lefties want to believe in the lie that it's all some social construct.

Nice try, CIA


I was with that thinking but I was younger and in a different country.

You aren't wrong though. If I ever see them again I won't have feels about it.

You are real 100% certified cucks. Being so scared of jail that you wouldn't even restore your dignity and honor that was stolen from a pedo. Soyboy prison bitches detected.

How did it happen? It usually is some older faggot from family or school insitutions.

by the way watch this video. 90% of fags either had sex with a child or were molested as a kid. Only liberals believe the "born gay" thing- not even faggots do.



Reported. You are the dumbest of dumb fucks.

cry harder

Oh I know about it. It was a teacher. Put me in a real hard place. I know people think its easy to tell people in authority to fuck off but it really wasn't that easy.

Look up Escuela Caribe, Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic.


Reported. You are the dumbest of dumb fucks.

No one cares about your pathetic past, shitskin.

Reminder to filter attention-seeking perverts like this.

wow look it's a living tape recorder - say something it's never heard before and it'll repeat it right back to you. completely devoid of any and all personality/character

Sure thing Mr Bloom. Would you like us to carry our copy of the Turner Diaries with us while we engage in illegal activities?

cry harder baby cakes xDDDDDD

you are stupid as fuck aren't you? Didn't even look the school up? I'll give you spic ass a hint it was a school based out of Marion Indian. you stupid faggot

so some faggots on instagram put on makeup. Holla Forums screeches about the end of western civilization.

yea i'm pretty sure the dominican isn't 100% all spics and mulattos last time i checked.

Ok your the one that needs to get fucking shot immediately soyboysenpai

It litterally means that

Damn you're stupid.

Impress me with some mind powers and argument faggot.

None of you can even kill pedos. You are all useless and tamed.

I guess masculinity really is a fragile thing after all.

well this thread is now officially a shill shit show, oy vey.

this thread got derailed really badly. it must be a topic they dont want people to know about.

most of pol has been fucked with. Men need to speak up and out about it or you may be letting it happen to your kids in a hyper sexed world.

the mom in the second pic screams crazy cat lady, it's always the parents behind this shit


You know that if he reads this, does it, and cites your post as the reason, you can be charged?
thanks sunshine

I assume you are writing this from prison then



they aren't into that sort of stuff

Some people don't seem to understand the urgency to step on the gas

these people negate biology in order to destroy gender. they want to grind reality into dust.

Dem thrices

damn faggots man

That’s grounds for CPS investigation in the US.

Yeah, water full of BPA and estrogen. I should buy filter long ago.

sorry, user


Unless their parents pressured them to do it, there's no reason to care.

Are you genuinely, clinically retarded?

your son just starts regularly dressing in drag and wearing makeup on his own, but you didn't put him up to it.. do you just shrug your shoulders and go about your day? lmao

Damn, checking this and the check you checked. Dubs all around!

Go work for your false rape charge filing psycho cunt boss freeloader. If you don't pledge full allegience to the system that gives us the same problems over and over and gives you the option of being a slave in a pointless divided world run by sociopath fucks or dying, you are a neet. Stupid poor. Stupid lazy fuck. We need to destroy the pyramid scheme by increasing our status in it. Cmon! You gotta make Moshe I mean Adolf proud!

you might have schizophensia

You don't have to live in a cave to be a man. Don't listen to this faggot. You can wear cologne and deodorant, smell like a fucking flower of some kind, and still be a man.

T. Swedecuck

Why do anons keep making threads about stuff like this? It's the norm there. It would be like making a new thread every time a swede got raped

Masculinity is not about doing things that are traditionally masculine and avoiding things that are traditionally feminine. It's about being strong, resilient and apt physically, emotionally, and mentally - the thing that separates a man from a woman. And for what it's worth, people do actually look prettier with appropriate makeup, regardless of gender. Or they can look like whores.


Deodorants are harmfull, just like cheap colognes and perfums, and they reeks too. I'm poor so I'm not going to buy 100€ perfum I dont need.


sadly he is one of the (((chosen))) and will be shielded from scrutiny as long as he keeps providing for his masters.
It tears me up inside to even try and think about the systematic abuse that occurs and how these monsters have made themselves a protected class

TORpedo makes a shitpost, news at 11.

You will hang.


Alcohol based perfumes are perfectly safe and are what our forefathers used.
Humanity has always spent a lot of money on smelling good - it is a powerful sense and women are especially sensitive to smells, anyone who has been around a pregnant woman knows that.

That's because they saw other guys do it. It used to be you acted like a fag and you got bullied/made fun of. Every month in Elementary and middle school we had anti-bullying assemblies. Because of this faggots can wear make up and skirts and the feminist teachers encourage and support these faggots so the other boys are influenced by them and even if they don't like wearing make up if half the boys in their class are they will do it to fit in too. The desire to fit in and be popular used to keep these fags quite. Now it makes more of them.

Early… and often!

sigh, i went through a bill kaulitz phase in elementary school my best friend was from germany and i thought that was cool

There's no reason for a guy to wear makeup, my semitic friend. Bigger eyes, longer eyebrows, fuller lips, smoother skin, rosy cheeks, these things signal estrus. That's why you perceive females as more attractive when they wear makeup, and that's why older women cake on trowelfuls of it. Guys don't go into estrus therefore don't need to simulate it.

Imagine if the US was populated by high test males. Imagine if soyboys weren't a real thing. Imagine if no-fault divorce was banned again. Imagine if boys had high test male father figures. Imagine if society promoted alpha males instead of calling being alpha "toxic masculinity." Imagine if feminism never existed.

They will try, but natural law can not be defeated.

they look like fucking goofs

I can't wait for the cleansing rain of all out war. Please kek, make it so.

I think we should unrionically support trans rights. Go balls to the wall with it. Really fight for it. Imagine the confusion that would create.


It's the jews way of not only fucking people over, they want to defame you, they want you to be as miserable and shitty as them. They want you to be lesser than you're supposed to be, they want you to be a disgrace, that's why they always push counter-culture-shit and being "rebellious".

You're clearly not a visionary man. I'm thinking outside the box here, and lightyears into the future.

Back to Holla Forums faggot

this is child abuse

Funny how it's always whites. You never see a nigger or beaner being forced to wear make up and act like a faggot, even though homosexuality in 18+ niggers and spics is far more prevalent than in whites.

I have to hope that this white faggotry push is just a liberal meme, and it seems much more widespread than it actually is due to the media shilling, similar to how the media likes to make it seem like blacks make up 60% of the population and homos are more than 1%.

Beating and robbing these dumb little fuckers will cure them of that shit. Plus you get money and a workout so it's win, win.


yes, they target whites because they want whites to stop breeding. This is the whole point of the transgender thing. Make boys hate being boys. Remove their ability to get girlfriends. Give them only one option to get any affection: become a girl and chemically castrate yourself.

We're reaching levels of insanity that shouldn't even be possible.

stabbed in the face*

Hopefully boys will just toughen up and no longer have any use for trivialities such as "affection"
Even if it means they become murderers.

the mental programming of the youth is astounding

These kids need cars to work on. Not faggoty appliances with sealed for life dual cam engines and unworkable AWD systems.

In a White world, makeup should straight-up be eliminated and banned from access by all people regardless of gender. The only kind of makeup that should exist should be made from natural non-toxic materials that don't kill your face muscles and harm your body over time, and also shouldn't be peddled by degenerate (((mega-corporations))). Finding a way to sell it only to non-degenerates would be cool too.

I once told a dye witch trying to sell me makeup that I don't let my girlfriend wear makeup. Bitch flipped out. Kek.

amazing this thread is still up

Went recently to the mall and walked past a Sephora store. And what do you know, their wall of models was made up entirely of niggers, mystery meat, an ugly white, and a dude proudly wearing makeup.
The saddest thing is that they're not doing this and selling you the idea for being progressive, they just want your money. Why only sell makeup to dumb gullible women when you can do the same to dumb gullible man and make a killing? Of course they're doing it to pozz and destabilize traditional gender roles, but they want your shekels.

The Jews did this

Kids play with make up because "they cant wear it"

Let them play 9/10 are straight,but marxists will try and tell them they are trans oir gay. This is the actual problem.

Let me help you with pic related.

Are you surprised OP or anyone else for that matter? Effeminism is literally the flip-side of the feminism coin. Why do you think there are so many more sodomites percentage-wise over the last century user?

So what? Get over yourselves you autistic virgins.


Start killing known lesbians in REAL messy ways.


You have to be a faggot in the first place to do such things.

White Genocide

I want to kill that little faggot

Hmmm, really made me think.

A rotten apple will never become ripe again

The Homosexualization Of Hip Hop - Part 1

Will Smith Reacts To Son Jaden Wearing Women's Clothes

wtf over

Dies Irae
Sadly it's a bit allover the place.

Blame the parenting. Raised by a single mother and mind warped by one.

This goes beyond "gender" since not even little girls should be allowed to wear that much makeup.

Bullying him until near-suicide is the only way to kick the faggot out of him and even that could fail.

There's always Umman Manda savagery. Let them experience true brutality.

SJWs have always been the harbingers of pedophilia.

It simultaneously normalizes their hideous tumblr dyke makeup. Every chick I know afk whose eyes look like that is a special unique pizza eating butt toucher with absolutely zero personality. It's to signal membership with the bitch borg glitterati.
I will never understand how womyn got it in their heads that shaving off their eyebrows and replacing them with turdstreaks looks good.

you fucking reek and everyone knows it, pajeet

Male and female aren't "genders". Genders are masculine, feminine, common and neuter (it's a linguistic category). Male and females are sexes.

Anyone has the link to that youtube video about Judge Dredd predicting the future?

Congrats you looked at the official definition of gender, so tell me, do you know what date the official definition of gender was changed? I'd say it's still debatable.

So where are the bullies? Is the punishment against bullying that bad now? At worst it's a day or two in In School Suspension for teasing him too much, right?

No, I think that's just you, faggot.

at least you're not working with a man that looks like pic related with makeup and heels.
Fucking shit, what mental illness makes an 18-19 year old think he's a fucking female with a body like that?
He's even getting hormones from the government and will legally change his sex on paper
It's fucked up. it's like seeing a real life Heman with fucking red lipstick and heels. He'd be a healthy strong lad too if he didn't go insane due to this world.
It sure is fun seeing a healthy boy kill himself with hormones and mental illness up close. fuck
Meanwhile I better watch it and use the correct pronoun or get fired.

He's just evil.

that 18 year old is evil? His parents and doctors, maybe. Although I believe that they're victims of jewish trickery that we call tolerance too.
He's mentally ill.
He truly believes in that he's a female and that everyone's equal etc. All that jewish tolerance shit.

nvm, I got it now.
Working 15 days in a row does slow me down, got to admit.

Show these pictures to a bunch of middle schooler boys and ask, "What if this kid were in your class?" Record their reactions and post it online.

I highly doubt libs and MSM will go after children for calling a faggot a faggot. And if they do, that's only ammo for us.

a lightyear is a measure of space, not time

roasties over coals*

keep fighting the good fight, bro

it's not the punishment. It's the people that are cucked. A lot of them probably don't go full fag for school either

We should start numbering these weekly shota trap threads.

They actually are targeting niggers with it too, see the thread on crossdressing in THE HIPHOP COMMUNITY. We're definitely feeling the effects worse though.

Toxic femininity is the problem. Women all recognize it. That's why their aim is to be more like men.

Get out of here, roastie


Fuck off nigger.

I remember watching a WW2 documentary once about (((allied psychologists))) interviewing captured Nazis. The psychologists found that the most ardent Nazis had the most strict and strong fathers. This is probably why they are now destroying masculinity systematically in the West.

>Not understanding (((psychoanalysis))) role in culture subversion.

Read CofC you fucking pleb.

The same feminists who promote this sort of thing spend their youth whinging about how there aren't any "good men" around anymore. They're retarded and don't see how the two things are connected.

This actor LARPS as some guy who got molested as a kid in some shitty kike tv show. I didn't expect less from this faggot. Sometimes things are so funny.

Ahh… Our dear Mike "Power Overwhelming" Pence.

So long as women maintain these positions in power, nothing will change. They don't belong in any positions in authority.

Test doesn't do anything with skin. It's estrogen that does make is softer.

Take back your life it's yours. It's your body. Own it! Take back your life. It's yours! It's a gift. Do not let those thieves steal the identity you wish to have. Because you are (YOU)


We actually already did that. For half the country's kids Trump is now filling that role, he is their male role model. Don't underestimate how psychologically powerful it is for kids to see an alpha male constantly going on the attack and refusing to cuck or apologize. He's a phenomenally good anchor point for Zyklon in that regard.

In reality all they're going to manage is ensnaring those among us that don't have defenses against cucking, be they cultural or genetic (or both). These people will by definition not be able to breed, and will be Darwin'd out within a generation. If we can hold on that long then we defeat them and their agenda. I've always seen our primary goal as being to buy us at least a generation or two for natural selection to uncuck us.

This is your daily reminder that the entire purpose of the Transgender movement is the normalization and rationalization of pedophilia. They're imparting on children, a right to decide their own gender now at ages as young as 8 years old - why are they doing this? Is it really about tolerance? No, it's because if a child at 8 changes it's gender, it has functionally made a life altering decision effecting every single sexual relationship in that child's future. (See Lactatia.) The purpose of this is to impart on our children, sexual agency that would normally be reserved for an adult. They'll start arguing along the lines that if a Child can choose their gender, (thus determining every single one of their future sex partners) then why can't a child consent to a sexual relationship with an older man? And it's already happening, they came for the girls first - this is how they rope the boys in. (Look up all the stories now bouncing around of 12 year old, to 15 year old girls running away from home with older men whom they formed sexual relationships with over the internet.) Transgenderism was never about co-opting a new voting bloc for the Left (They're less than 1% of the population, obviously no one cares how they vote.) Nor was this about the Gay vote as the LGBT community is also a marginal % of the population. This is strictly about creating a logically cogent and dialectical argument for the justification of grooming Children for sexual relationships of an adult nature. You've been warned.

I can't wait for the repercussions from all of this. Though we are gonna see swaths of suicides within the next 15 years.

Agreed. When something "doesn't make sense", there is an underlying motive that does make sense. THEY are tired of hiding their babyfucking ways.

This is why they go after bullies so hard. Bullies prevent this garbage from happening.

If you agree, please be sure to get the word out there in similar threads of this nature. Too few of us seem to be aware of what their actual game plan is here. It's not about castrating White children, it's about molesting them.

Reminder that Jews rarely do anything for one reason and most courses of action they take have been determined to be beneficial in multiple ways. Transgenders arent just aboud pedophilia, its about gender roles, about destroying the family, about preventing white children, about rotting society, about making more Jewish allies among whites etc etc. It benefits them many ways. Its part of cultural marxism, and fabian socialism.

Yeah but the chemical castration is all I hear anyone talk about - no one seems to mention the very real threat this brings of paedophelia becoming culturally acceptable. I just want you guys to at least make sure to spread that message too - it worries me that no one is recognizing it. Also - Normies are horrible people, they won't care about how that castration effects the Volk, but Normies will care if they realize it's about grooming your children. See what I mean? Not that you don't have a point, the Kikes are as slimey as they come and know exactly what they're about.

Maybe thats because castrating children before puberty is genocide and a big deal. Hardly anyone talks about that, hardly anyone realizes these children will never be able to reproduce. Thats why they talk about it. Ive heard it like twice, and once was on Tucker Carlson. No one talks about that part, actually.

Normies don't care about their race getting genocided, they're too ZOG'd. They're not even capable of believing that - and I mean talking about it on here. NO ONE mentions Paedophelia. I have never even seen it mentioned. I'm always the one to bring it up.
Transgenderism has been in the public eye for less than 5 years and it has already become majorly about young children. Most of the stories ran about it - are about young children.

not just males, all children watch porn and browse reddit on their phones.

If it's the fluoride in our water supply, then why is this feminization of males seemingly only occurring in the western world and only to whites males (or is it?)?


I think her older brother writes her scripts for her.

All perfumes and deodorants use alcohol as their main solvent, because guess what, acetone isn't good for your skin.
It's the flagrance itself that might be the problem. You know, the relatively complex molecules our olfactory sensors detect.

Fucking lel. I love how the kikepedia description attributes toxic masculinity to American and European males specifically. Implying that africans, asians, ect, are people known for their masculine behaviors that don't ruin societies. What a load of shit.

off topic, bit what's the source of that .webm?

how the fuck can a child even bring themselves to say something like that even if she didn't write it, she's not even anonymous

Not just white males, looks at homosexuality by race. Blacks are becoming gay faster than whites. Personally I think the blame lies closer toward female birth control contaminating our water and soy being used as filler in almost every bit of prepackaged food there is. That would explain why blacks are being affected more; they eat far more processed foods than whites do.

Nice!!! You absorb heavy metals like aluminium from them…. Aluminium is high in alzeimers…. the skin is like a porous sack.
They're carcinogenic. Don't want to smell though when going work so an alternative is baking soda coco oil. Something like that but look it up.

If you want to smell good for girls look up pheromones like androsterone (can inhibit aromatase by like 70% too if i remember right) and the forum pherotruth….

estrogen is the causative factor… high T and High Esttorgen via aromatase… spots. also low retinol

Homo behavior is mostly learned.

the flourine fucks with your thyroid horomones which fucks up things downstream…clacifies pineal gland too. Some encourage boron as defense but its very estrogenic in and of itself in excess…. cba to post proof. Early puberty is a symptom of metabolic deprivation according to ray peat.

Its said that the ancients had double the test levels of our current upper limit of around 1000 ng/dl. Modern rowers cant repeat the movements that ancient athenian naval forces had to repeatedly…. There's an experiment one could use to get to 1500 ng/dl but you need to be pufa depleted… half life of pufas is 400 days so takes 4 years of good inputs from a peatarian perspective.

It comes down to the food supply and environment being contaminated. I would say that's the biggest problem we have to face. The anti spirals want to end our civs.

Poisoned men are low androgen docile etc… Improving anons health bad from their POV. You know this though.

Right. Healthy organisms in general our extremely resilient, assertive (high androgens) chill and calm (high dopamine low serotonin) really high empathy like the buddha in stories

It would be beautiful. A society of venerable sages. user FOR KING!!!

No subsets are safe. As hope those already in high position in society have the lowest androgens (studies prove it)…. It's like an innate advantage to lower layer groups so they can topple the upper layer easier.

I'm cheering for you user!! Fight and win and make a better place for us!!!

They are so metobolically deprived. High serotonin = aggression low empathy hatred for others or those not percieved as their (hooked nosed demons/ anti sprials). My view is that ill people want to take down and destroy eveyone else with them.

Imagine shills sitting in a room with PC after PC. Whith lots of other shills. With their phones in their pocket. Their masters don't and won't ever even consider their health… They won't be allowed to put phone in faraday cage or get grounding mechanisms to defend against EMF. Or they won't spend money on machines to produce negative ions to protect them but they still shill like dogs when anons are like true nobles in light novels. Albeit they have already perpetrated suffering so they can't really turn back now can they hahahahahahahahahaha.

Exposure To EMF May Cause ALS

EMF From WiFi Liberates Mercury From Amalgam Fillings Into The Blood

Bain Drain: The Mere Presence Of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity

How funny and sad that is. EMF is generated by our TVs pcs tablets etc etc too. transformers cell phne towers etc if in bloc of flats pray to god or consider a different environment and occupation in the future.

Anyone remember their parents telling you not to sit in front of the TV? or say TV makes you dumb. it really does.

Cellphones Lower Progesterone and Raise Cortisol

really cool study

Dogs, Primates, And Maybe Even Humans Can Sense Magnetic Fields

State Of California Says Cellphone Radiation (EMF) Is Unsafe And Causes Brain Cancer

In it are studies for the causes in the current down regulation of the expression of masculinity. Lots of other studies too. Potential method for anons to defend themselves and protect or upregulate their efficieny or health etc…

Via anti PUFA/EMF shilling. The food supply is extremely poisoned.

Aluminium is high in the brain in alzeihmers

Holla Forums will defend this.

Half the men here are constantly shilling the KILL ALL PEDOS D:

Disgusting. New topic, someone check out my channel please!

Behold! The rotting corpse of "Western Civilization!"

hit dum ego dum d

Aluminum is neither a heavy metal nor a causative agent for alzheimers

Is anyone even remotely surprised that these extremely faggoty kids displaying hyper feminine behaviors and symptoms of self-loathing all happen to be incredibly skinny and scrawny for their ages? They're like walking testosterone deficits.

Even more specifically it's a switching of approved masculine-femanine drive and direction. The male is discouraged from it masculinity, while the female is supposed to eschew femininity. These pressures seem largely to afflict Whites and probably more so ones at the lower end of the socio-economic scale and perhaps IQ as well. Smarter Liberals only signal the values, but don't buy into the silly expectations themselves. Like the relationship counselor who tells her client to "stand up" to her man and be a stronk woman, while being classically submissive and obsessive about her own love interest.

You are expected to go the opposite way of your physical nature. To hate it. Turning things on their heads can be very useful in the destroying them. As we all know statistically, even in the age of super-acceptance, even celebration, many of these children will not live long lives, nor productive ones. No child should be that sexualized regardless of perceived or supposed sexual orientation. It seems like an example of a sort of attempted induced auto-genocidal trend.

I don't think it's going as intended though. They expected to be deep into Killary's world by now. Ellen would have been the new Billy Graham.

Good observations. And we can all be grateful too that things haven't gone so, digits. God has effectively granted us a reprise from destruction atm by placing Donald Trump as POTUS. But at best it will give us only 20 or so years until it all slides into the abyss if very strong measures aren't taken immediately to get the Western Tradition back on track. TBH, I have little hope of it. But not no hope.

If you people are so dumb you can't figure out why young males are trapping it up, then how the fuck are we supposed to take over the jews?

Masculinity has become boring, and regressive.
Shotas are simply following what is most stimulating and interesting to them, which at the moment is femininity because it's flashy and doesn't require them to evolve.
Femininity is obtainable without exerting yourself physically or mentally.
The traditional alpha male archetype has become unappealing and passe.
If you want to draw shotas to embrace their maleness and masculinity then you need to keep innovating and give them a reason to follow this path.
You know that NatSoc image with the four images of an envisioned ethnostate, the top image on the left with the marine-like figure … well that kind of image is what could draw shotas towards embracing themselves and their gender.
Show them that it's cool and flashy to be alpha, post pictures of cyberpunk alpha males that featuring elements not found in femininity and femaleness this could also result in fewer transgendereds.

Maleness has become invisible and taken backstage to the promotion of female virtues.
Think of all the anime out there, how many male characters do you honestly remember that stuck out to you compared to female ones … for me none except Satou-san and his power levels are so embarrassing I can't identify with that.

The fundamental error in your position is the necessary appeal to hype or storyline 'narrative' to preserve what is innate in our spirits, souls, and bodies – both for men and for women. That's wrong, we all know inherently what is right and wrong and no amount media hype can change that basic truth.

What is happening, and as you rightly point out, is the promotion of feminist and gynocentric ideologies and agendas in the West. It is quite literally a (((plot))) to destroy both white men and only white men, and the Western Civilization itself. Without our women standing beside us we are doomed just as much as if we had no men to fight for us.

Satan and his (((minions))) are indeed attacking both sexes with this set of lies, but each individual still knows the truth fundamentally. The ones who are failing our culture are the ones simply choosing to delusionally ignore it, and pretend that choice has nothing but positive consequences.

I agree, but it's not like it's their fault. Estrogen in the food and water surely has an effect on test production, especially in young boys. Get rid of that poison, and I'd bet that we'd see a lot less faggotry in the west

Laugh reacts only


This is the peak of degeneracy. It will crash and we will return to conservative values.

Most of the new celebrity tranny little boys have mothers which fit this template:
In reality the mother is coaching him from birth to become the daughter she always wanted, and the husband is too weak or absent to do a thing about it.

You're going to learn about Timmy Thick today

Criminally unchecked dubs
I'm sure the food has something to do with it but I believe it has more in common with their high levels of drug abuse.
They're simply too base to deny themselves any easy pleasure.


It would be kinder to kill it and its parents then let it continue like this. God damn I'm mad.

This guy clearly fucks his son, or at least forces him to blow him. You can tell just from these images. Forcing him to crossdress, that disgusting kiss that no normal parent would do to a kid of either gender, and that top right image. Fuck. Kids don't just do that spontaneously. He's learned to do that somewhere else and doesn't understand why it's wrong to do it to a scooter handle, or at all for that matter. This guy absolutely has made his song suck his cock before, and I'd like to see him hang for it.

I still believe she has Andy Milonakis disease and is actually 39. I've yet to see proof she's an actual child.

Brainlet only reads titles.

t. crossdresser

For shits and giggles I decided to look up my class of 1999 small town America coastal Oregon.

Oh and this is a kid that isn't included because he is too special
Shaking my damn head Oni Family

Okay so anons. Hear me out before you reply. I have this theory about (((toxic masculinity))) and testosterone.
I've been thinking about this topic and pondered this new idea. Robots freak out and go on killing sprees because for all of their adult lives they've been extremely low T. Then a period of time came where something happened which caused their body to produce a normal and healthy level of testosterone. They have absolutely NO idea how to cope with all this testosterone. None. What is a normal and healthy range to them is multiple times higher than they're used to. This new burst of manliness no homo causes their cuck brains to act like violent niggers.

Sorry about disjointedness of my idea, I have a difficult time putting it into words. The idea is that it isn't exactly toxic masculinity but rather is the inability to handle healthy levels of masculinity testosterone.

The idea of prince adam being a progressive tranny faggot fills me with a deep sorrow and disgust.
This must be how people that actually looked up to bruce jenner felt


*neckblood drained into gourds

Kek, I remember this phase. At least I can laugh about it.



boypussy is redpilled

tangentially this belongs in the Holla Forums investigations thread. i will include this as a gratuitous continuity link in my next sperg.

People who support faggots have no idea what faggots are actually like. Gay porn is horrifying. The most extreme things you can find in straight porn is always one upped by faggots.

Women don't know how to be women and it's causing problems. Men, being natural problem solvers, are stepping in to solve this problem by doing women things better than real "women".

It's obviously a little misguided but women need to learn how to be better.

I'm also 35, but I look a bit older, and the same thing happened to me, and I'm also alone but hetero af and women seem to think I'm an asshole

I have abnormally high T and was a late bloomer

by golly I will fuck you and kill you while you sleep.

Bullshit. Women are followers. They do what they need to do created by social pressure (usually through male figures).

It's like saying a child is responsible for doing something stupid. No, they are just no capable of grasping it. And if men didn't become such pussies, this would have never happened to begin with.

Men allowed women to go astray with their labile and childish psyche.

Maybe if the woman was completely down syndrome, you'd have a point.

Most women are borderline downsyndrome. The intelligent women I have met in my life are very rare and I can count on one hand. Most simply aren't. And even those who are at least somewhat intelligent are often stunted by their own emotional instability that prevents them from using that intelligence.

Pic related is what it's worth, thanks for droppings by, fag.

I think we need to formulate a campaign to hang up at every makeup isle in every store across America.

Something like …

Men have a long standing tradition of dandying themselves up - powdered wigs, makeup, high heels. It wasn't until WW2 that everything changed.

Perhaps it's time for WW3.

Yeah,being a drag queen and being trans are two different things.

transgender is some one that acts a different sex.

TRANSVESTITE is someone that wears clothes associated with a different sex

a drag queen is a transvestite/transgender performer that performs sexually alluring acts on stage to an audience.

the kid can dress like a girl and act like a girl and even wear make up but when they start to wiggle their ass for the type of people on cuteboys then you have fucked up.

his little boypussy and feminine penis have brought in a creep and a new perscription for antiretroviral drug companies.

the same as if your daughter is getting poledancing lessons for """""""fitness"""" at age 13 you better start stockpiling methadone and misoprostol for when the dope come downs come on and a little chemical anti teen mom remedy is needed.

Annnd it's a jew.

Google fluoride and thyroid problems. People in the US, especially women, are dealing with hypothyroidism in record numbers.

Fluoride just fucks with your hormones, period.


I too remember these days. I also remember when girls/women were shamed for wearing risque clothing in public. How far have we fallen, anons? Would we even recognize ourselves?

I shouldn't have left 8pol. 9 months without internet access & I come back to find kikes & worthless fucktards in every single thread.

That's kind of fucked up.

Call them out, and it's "shitposting".

That's only part of the issue, the other is soft pushes for suicide. Castration of young white men before they even hit puberty, and then inducing them to kill themselves when the body horror hits home. I'm a vancouver guy and former faggot, and lemme tell you that all the trannies i used to know are either in psych wards or in graves right now due to the sudden and deadly Epiphany of their lives being a total lie. Fucking hilarious, but also sad.
Another thing you should know is that the schools in BC are run by pedophile communists that use the sex ed to groom children for sex and make it even easier to molest children, that's what all this is about.
Thirdly, I was there at the Mayday rally at charles and commercial next to the cenotaph when the President of the BC teachers federation thanked Antifa for their aid in protesting a bill they hated. These people openly consort with pantyfa.

You have no idea how right you are.

and people say Pizza gate is a myth

can confirm, not a fag but I've been molested as a child and can understand easily how raped kids turn to faggotry

Wow that must be new caps cause I've grown to accept the bugchaser collage but that shit I just read made me rage and they deserve public executions on a wide scale.

It's not that it's generally toxic, pleb. It's that it's toxic for you, while femininity is toxic for the "feminist" woman. It's all about creating the internal imbalance.

kill them all

those ones are new to me as well.

This is phase II. Phase I was the whole metrosexual thing a few years ago.

This whole thing is an unholy mix of kikery and degeneracy so the cosmetic industry can sell makeup to 100% of the population instead of 50%.

These are from the Dark Researcher threads back last year, and heres some more. Site still lives on in the internet archives.
Here's a sample.

"dominance, self-reliance and competition"
effectively harmful to a society of losers

I would rape his tight little ass and face fuck him to the moon. That'd teach him a lesson.

geez the future looks so bright tranny weirdos on every corner

You are on the DOTR list now.

You mean anti ZOG brainwashing kinda stuff? Although it never mentions heebs by name, that is…

The reason we are in this mess is because no one has the balls to carry out threats like this anymore.



If White people had a country of our own, this would not be happening.

Those pics…I just want to meet up so I can introduce my friend AA-12.

what filter you use?

how many fucking times are we going to have this same thread. It's a cuckchan repeat thread

Fucking traps! And they are getting better and better. Soon even my eyes will fail me!

Literally parenting in 2017/18

Creating gay and trans men is (((their))) current #1 objective.
The operation extends to every media outlet, both "Hollywood" and "alternative".
Unfortunately, grown men of current generations grew up being told that men in drag were "the most beautiful women on earth" and have internalized male physicality as female, most are therefore incapable of discerning these people to be trannies. The conditioning can be broken but it requires pushing through the resistance of cognitive dissonance, a task most are either too lazy or too attached to their idols to follow through with.


You're thinking foppery. Dandyism was the clean cut 'riding wear as urbanwear' reaction to the bestockinged, powdered, bewigged (often sexually ambiguous) poppinjays of foppery. Dandyism from about 1800 onwards was the prototype of modern masculine menswear.
Pic related. Polite sage for tangential.

Why didn't you spoiler this

(why did no one else notice?)

That's the kind of body shape only a girl should have.
What the fuck is his parents doing to him?

*are his
fucking hell.

The jew wants this to be the new normal for white boys. Total effeminate emasculation while we compete among mud people for the scraps of our women.