Banking System Info: A rare gift

The magic of 2017 has brought another gift for anyone with a brain larger than his balls.

Exhibit A:

Get it before it's removed.

This is one of the greatest books ever printed! Somary was a Swiss banker who's life spanned pre-World War I Europe all the way to the early fifties. This is his autobiography ending in 1956.

He literally knew everyone worth knowing in Europe and America; presidents, prime ministers, financiers, generals, statesmen, etc.

He was at the center of many of the 20th century's most important events. His "predictions" (inside knowledge) of the coming of World War I and II, of the rise of Communism, of the 1929 stock market crash, of the German hyper-inflation, of the advent of European anti-Americanism, and on and on make Nostradamus look like a fake. You will not believe it.

Every page was a revelation. His insights into people and events will leave you dumb struck in wonder. To call him clairvoyant comes no where near the mark.

Other urls found in this thread: 1kg!z9MBhIob!oVl_KAYcntGvjVnVdl4nQtgYzDJCLWxzJFJ9YDk-7d8

post it on >>>/pdfs/

Why wouldn't you just attach the file to your post you dumb kike? You know you can post the pdf on >>>/pdfs/ and then just link it here intead of dropbox right?

Stop being a whining faggot.

its 400 meg

not my dropbox.

I'll post in pdfs.. but it is still /pol related.

Posted in pdfs:

No book is 400 megs. It's a fucking virus.


are you sure its not another 400 mb of Dolphin porn? Pretty large for a virus.

Fuck off faggot, back to half.

Thanks for the link OP. Just did a scan on it and it didn't see any threats.
I won't have time to read myself till tomorrow, but it looks to have some interesting information just doing a quick skim through.
Have a bump

so thats why its 400mb? Because the OP did high rez scans like a dumbass?

Can't wait to read it on a screen

Somebody please convert to a decent size 400 mbs is too gigantic.

probably needs to be ran through a OCR thing, then checked back for errors…would probably be only 1mb by then tho…OP included all the pages, color etc lol. wat a tard.

Bump because it triggers you.

Holy shit is OP such a potato that he didn't do OCR?

Thanks op, ignore the shills. We can get it converted to a smaller file size. Please dump any more rare books you have.

I dont know mang, still if he gave us that book it may be really cool, its hard to tell. But at the very least this thread shouldnt be buried. Not everyone who is capable of getting books (information warfare???) is good with computers. A non jew preferable should do a basic OCR really to help op out.

that wouldn't be worth the effort

by that i mean too much work for a result that would be only marginally better, not because the book wouldn't be worth it

so yea, op is legit, but what most likely happened was…he made the pictures with his smartphone…lol. Its like a fucking heist of the century. Well done op. You probably got access to this book somewhere in private and got this book because of it. Very well done, sorry for the earlier posts. Just seemed weird why it would be 400mb.

But then why is it a pdf? A fucking compressed file with all the pics would work just fine.

maybe op knew about pdf files but not about OCR? The mobile generation is pretty computer illiterate you know. Kaspersky says nothing about it tho. So not a pdf virus most likely?

oh wait, those two white things on each side, thats one of them automated scanners?

no, that's op's cianiggerrobot hands

It's likely a page holder. It's what people use to keep music sheets open.

t. piano nigger

well if we pry too much then the jew may be able to find op, not a good thing probably…but op stole a book somewhere…where piano's are…university for some time…at night maybe…got his smartphone out to photograph it and gave it to us is a near retarded form? lol

oh shit, the book even has some identifying information inside of it. The library stamp? Maybe we should remove it for his safety in case the bigger kikes make a deal out of it?

Who knows, OP might have gotten it second hand. Public libraries occasionally have sales on older books that they're trying to replace. You're right though, it would be better to block out that stuff and re-upload.

Nu-pol showing its true colors, trying to dox a helpful user who provided helpful information, get bent kike.

I could probably salvage something, OCR-wise, if I could get the original pictures not stuffed into a pdf.

I think he's saying we should sanitize it of library information to protect his information. You are the nu/pol/.

To be honest I also have no idea what OCR is supposed to be. Nevertheless, is it possible to convert the file into simple photos and upload it here in a compressed format? Although I can also imagine a whole thread for the pics of this book in a slower board. Or do the logical thing and convert the text on the pictures into actual text and make a normal pdf.

well considering that 200 years together was kinda a big deal, this may be necessary…

I am trying to tell that we should do the opposite. This thing should be OCR'd and identifying, unique info should be purged from it, hence why I am saging to reduce jew chance of spotting this thread lol.

OCR 'optical character recognition' is the software that converts pictures to text you goober

On the notion of books, is Genesis down?

OCR = algorithm that extracts words, into digital form, from analog form. Its basically facial recognition, but since words are so easy, it existed since forever and requires almost nothing to work.

A word in your book on your screen is part of an image, instead of a digit, a simple binary code which is very short…the book is an image. each pixel is stored instead which is much more information than simple binary. OCR recognizes the words, and makes them digital. You dont need to see the pixels of color between the words for each page. You dont even need the pixels for each individual word. Just the words.

I was thinking to make OCR easier it would be smart to grab all the photos, run them through GIMP and crank up the saturation a shitload so that lighter colors become white and text becomes very visible.

well there are no images there though so pure text would be enough. Much smaller size too. 400 mb lol…well op well done on giving us this book but you are still a fag for your 400mb.

Wouldn't every page in the pdf have an image?

wat? If its converted to text then you can copy and paste from it. Cant do so with an image you know. It will basically be a glorified .txt file in a pdf with better headers and chapters.

Oh I think you misunderstand. I was referring to the fact that OP's frankenstein file is a collection of images placed within the container that is a pdf. I was observing that it might make sense that it would make OCR easier if one could take the images within the file as a batch and crank up the saturation (which makes light colors [like the page] lighter and the dark colors [text] pure black) so that the OCR software has an easier time and avoids mistaking paper-grain for information.

Sorry it's a bit of the GIMP autism kicking in.

I guess then it's the language barrier, because I do know of this process. So, how long would it take to do this?

oooh like that, well go on. Sure. You do this. Il be watching this thread.>>10954053

I think someone else is already doing it. Still need to proofread it side by side with the original to make sure that the jews have not edited it for us lol.

My apologies, I read it as though you were trying to scare op off via the threat of doxxing. I'm a faggot.

no, anti doxing, making a small guess as to how you could be found if at all. First the 400mb was suspicious, but then it was more likely that you are just a computer illiterate with a good will (hopefully lol). Its a book that costs 10k and makes it a little bit higher than nothing profile lol. Mayb gud. Thanks again op. But if you did anything risky to get it we wouldnt want you to be found. Many jew eyes on this board.

So you are currently the one doing the OCR on this? I kinda promised myself not to spend too much time on the chans today lol. But if no one else wants to I could. Getting severe insomnia because of this place…

OP likely works at a school library in the archives section
t. did my time in archives
got any cool 1400s skinbacked books in the archives?
but to contradict… most archive hubs have their own scanners in the back so
OP are you retarded or did you just start working in archives?
either way, you're here forever

I know those feelz.

This is what I mean. Not sure if I have the time to do the entire thing but we will see.

Honestly, if OP wants to redo the pictures (in just the first picture I grabbed you can see the top and bottom sentences are cut off) then I wouldn't mind sinking a bit of time to make a proper PDF and maybe even an epub file. As it stands, I'm not going to waste my time with this insanely inferior quality pics. I appreciate the effort, but what's the point if every six or seven sentences you have a large hole?

I was reading the few sample pages, and it looks like a lot of fucking fluff that will have to be sifted for nuggets of information. Good luck, Anons.

On second thought it might be good enough.

this file is too large thanks but i'll just buy the book.

its photocopies dumbass.
you know, actuall copies of the hardback book, not text from MS word

Bump. This thread is being slid.

It's nu/pol/

Pretty gud

Would be someone with the technical knowledge kind enough to do what proposed? Download 400mb with a proxy is not a joke.

I barebacked it, who cares, its pictures of some book. Scan comes up empty, cia niggers can infiltrate your computer any time they want, they dont need this petty shit to get through.

Yeah, nü-pol intelniggers slide the fuck out of this shit. Have a bamp again.

I couldn't find any free OCR programs. I already color corrected the file (painstakingly I might add) but now my problem is twofold: one there is no os x free OCR program that will handle this file size and two I'm having trouble exporting each layer of my .xcf gimp file into a multi paginated pdf

Christ, its like less than 200 pages. Its right there on your screen, just screenshot it even…you double nigger

I assume you're too dumb to know why your suggestion is stupid so I'll just leave it there

Viruses are normally smaller.
I really hate faggots who don't know shit but act like they do.

t. guy who can't hello world


I like scans, I store them as reference, because
picture of an actual bookpage is more trustworthy than the typical quote next to authors pic. Would apreciate a text pdf ofc.


Speaking of which, we really need a picture of the quote from pic related, in the actual book to prove its real.

Working on it in ABBYY.

I was therefore known as 'Don Felix' by friends and many opponents as well. I have never been fond of familiarity, and at First protested against the appellation, but then after a while gave up.

I have errands to run. I'll fix it up and I'll put it in the >>>pdfs thread.

ID 5009 post 5009 spooky


what did you mean by this?

The German version is still widely available at normal prices btw

To do well, this will take a solid block of time.
Target editor format for tweaking and touch up / management?

dont be retarded
there is software that will handle these scans np. the two best ones are ABBYY and OmniPage

2002 called. Message for you. Reads: Omnipage sucks monkey balls, do not use. End of messages.

That said, automation is one thing, archival quality is another.
Re-issue unauth publication is a better target.
(Rather than text searchable, or in-line replace).

ABBYY and OmniPage defaults will have no problem with this text, it is high res
you don't even need to configure it beyond just putting in the different quality levels you want
there should be a high quality one made that will come in around 100mb that will preserve the images of the text while making the text copy/pastable
then have a second version around 5-10MB that will have all the OCRd text and preserve the formatting of the pages (including page nums etc) but wont preserve the original font/colors (and will use font matching instead)

its not a big job. the hardest part is getting the software.

well even shitty OmniPage would have no problem with this source material, it is high res and pretty flat. OmniPage can handle way worse.
i'm trying to save dumb anons some effort.

Isn't that a repeat of that book?
"Legions of Satan" by Jonathan Williams?

Has anyone found that yet?

I prefer to use ABY to regen to edit format, then tweak. Actual work flow is AdobeAcrobatPro filtering, then MasterPDF extraction back to TIFF, then batch image windowing and sizing, then ABY to generated editable, then corrections and recapturing of release's published media elements and style.

There are other lesser energy ways.

How is software ever an issue with TPB?

Some of the text is tilted, so I have to manually fix it

Bump for interest. The file size is retarded but all of the sage posts frantically saying "NOTHING TO SEE HERE GOYIM!!" has piqued my interest.

70 yo memoir of a single banker,who cares?

Waste of a thread.

I'll post some quotes as I work it, although someone else doing it in parallel would be nice.

Right afterwards:

Page 265 seems enticing but I'm not gonna waste any time on this.

As if you needed more proof that jews are the demiurge, slaves of Atlantis, and children of Satan. It's laughable they actually think they could pull such a massive feat. If you still think they're human then show me one instance where they are not trying to destroy life and go completely opposite of nature. I'm just curious because even the "good" jews or those who don't actively take part in the grand scheme have such a poisonous mindset that they spread corruption just by being. It's their natural destructive, anti-nature, anti-life mindset that is why the entire world, and beyond in the spiritual world, hates them. Goddamn reptillians of the universe for the David Ickes out there.

You can't help but want to laugh hysterically and at the same time stoop down to their level of sinister barbarism against them at the same time. Once more they corrupt you by trying to strip your nobility by sinking to their degenerate revenge torture mindset.

Instead he's promoted to unofficial co-president of the bank

Even just fixing it, I can see this book is great

Has anyone actually freaking converted this yet? I'm growing impatient lurking…


even pg 265+ was shit

full of the guy jacking himself off, appears.

Can anyone summarize the arguments or why it is of import beyond “pricey on amaZOG”? I haven’t got any more room for a single book that isn’t earth-shaking.


Nevermind, I see a little glimmer of tedium above.

Look bruv, I'm an amateur at this; when it does
I have to type it all out manually.
has done this before, but I don't know the normal turnaround time for a PDF.
This reminds me that I'd like someone to scan a copy of Manu: For the Man to Come

So here's what you do:
Get pdfimages:
Get kcc:

Extract the PDF using pdfimages
Repack the raws in CBZ it's a renamed zip file faggot most ereader software detects cbz/cbr without problems
Process the raws using kcc

Reprocessing the raws using kcc should reduce the size by at least 50%, but they won't look great on larger format screens.
The added bonus to reprocessing the images with kcc is that it can output files as epub, which you can improve with metadata.

There you go. Banking genius said you can't have a good economy without Jesus.

Alright, it's going faster now that it's the middle of the book and the pages aren't curled.

holy fuck. i'm desperately looking for a pdf of this now but can't find anything.

Okay found something. As soon as I get some money on my paypal I'm buying this and sharing it on here.

bit . ly/2Bb8QlG

The OCR programs works much better when the scanner is set to black and white instead of grayscale or color and the pages are not slanted.

Halfway through now.

Keynes obviously was unfamiliar. Sering’s dignified and self-assured calm contrasted all too plainly with the Englishman’s pathological nervousness and trembing voice. All were relieved when Sering put an end to the painful scene by taking leave of our host. I wanted to go with him, but Melchior detained me, saying he wanted me to get to know Keynes. At first I declined, but he insisted."

Midway through, we're getting into Hjalmar Schacht and the Redshields in Vienna.

just downloaded this 400 MB $10,000 gentile dollar redpill to my external harddrive.
OP is legit. It's not a virus, and is a genuine PDF as advertised in OP.
Fuck you MOSSAD/CIA shill faggots


OP, did you really do this page by page yourself?
Well, whatever method you used to upload a $10,000 redpill to the central Redpill Command Central of the Internet is very impressive.
We must all spread this to cuckchan, reddit, faceberg, etc.


gov level spyware runs on linux

seems like (((someone))) doesn't want me to read the book, now i'm interested

Alphabet spyware runs on minix and firmware.
Why do you think jewtel is discontinuing IBM compatibility?

2/3rds through.
Reading through this as I fix, I can sense how pissed all the bankers were about Hitler. I can also sense how they only cared about the people in their own little high-class sphere, that the little people whose lives they destroyed with their bean-counting schemes were so much chattel to be moved from one table to another.

Right as I say this:

Got to where they arrested a Redshield:
At the end of January 1938 I rang Baron Louis Rothschild, head of the Vienna Rothschild bank, then in Kitzbuhel for winter sports, urgently recommending that he should leave Austria at once; he decisively rejected my advice. In order to demonstrate his ostentatious calm, the second-in-command at the bank, who was of Dutch nationality, decided to take a holiday in Egypt. On 11 March 1938 I received a report early in the morning that the German march into Austria would take place that day. I telephoned to Baron Louis saying that he should now at last leave, and immediately without losing a moment in further delay. He postponed his departure to the following morning, and that cost him not only his freedom, but a great deal besides. His brother Alphons and his wife came the same morning to call on me, saying they wanted to travel to Schillersdorf via Austria; I prevented them from doing that and managed to save their three children by getting them out of Vienna.

The Rothschild bank in Vienna was occupied by the German Government. A few weeks later the Nazi Commissar in Vienna rang my bank, and spoke to my colleague Dr Reitler. The Nazi official demanded delivery of the shares in our possession of the Wittkowitz Mining Company, a Rothschild holding, in accordance with the terms of a decree issued in Austria. Reitler refused curtly, and referred his caller to the Zürich courts. ‘I won’t get foreign exchange allowances for litigation in Switzerland, said the Commissar, ‘but I’ll make you a proposal. Give us half the shares, and let the Jew keep the rest for himself.’


Whoops, forgot to sage


Dammit Mussolini

Whoops, you forgot to put on your goyim mask. Go back to eating pig shit (pic related) you degenerate kike. We can smell you through the wires.

user doing Gods work. Thanks for digging and sharing. This book has many important details about history not found elsewhere.


I think you're being retarded and can't read IDs. The user you reference is the one reading the book & giving excerpts (maybe the one converting it/correcting as he reads?). He said that because the ID is to sage so that OP doesn't get his ass raped for giving too much info. about himself when uploading the book pics (or he just likes to sage).

No I'm just a faggot and posted in the wrong thread. Sorry user.

btw, no need to be concerned about me getting ass raped by the library.

I deleted the library markings anyway, wouldn't want to get pegged by a sexy librarian and start liking it, kek

I’ve found this site to do pretty damn accurate OCR. Give it a go.

Alright, it's done. Glad to have contributed.
Also got double 488 dubs and still wishlisting a scan of Manu.
Going to bed soon, godspeed anons

Good work!

Thank you user

Did you scan this book OP?

Checked with gratitude!


a Holla Forums centrist, impressive
last bump

Legit download. Works fine. OCR is meaningless because it is always good to have the original

It's a lot easier to load a 13 MB pdf on an ereader than a 400 MB one.
Also my download failed midway through on the first try, that's half the reason I converted it

if you have the bandwidth download both files like a true autist.

You misunderstand, I uploaded the 13 MB one after downloading and converting the 400 MB one

I downloaded the book off libgen, searched for "immigrant", "mingling", "race", "coordination". Nothing remotely like that turned up.

That "quote" looks like someone took Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi's quote from Praktischer Idealismus and mixed it with something else.

There are a lot of "conspiracy quotes" floating around that are just paraphrases, so they get spread around, and when you actually go looking for them, you can't find shit. 90% of the time, when something sounds that over the top, it's bullshit. Case in point: Hitler and Goebbels "quote" memes.

But anyway, all that Thomas PM Barnett fag did was take marxist kike Immanuel Wallerstein's World Systems Theory and repackage it for quick shekels from the pentagon.

I know. My message was for everyone else. Just included you since you made the 13mb.

I downloaded it and compressed it down to about 65MB but I always forget how to cross link to another board

I also ran it through OCR from Adobe and you can actually word search it

how to I cross post again?

Also I just checked and it's too big to post on Holla Forums, anywhere else I can drop it for free?


Here is a link to download the file with OCR that is 70 MB:

I tried to create ~13MB version in black & white, cropped the pages, to make it lighter to browse. Can you (or anyone else) optimize this from 40MB to under 13MB?


If you guys will hold on a few minutes, I've cleaned up the whole pdf, it's in black and white, it was 10MB, and no shadows all over the pages. OCRing right now. Hopefully the OCR doesn't add much to the file size.

It looks like a proper pdf, not some user special.


you are a wizard


Hey now, mine looks like a book

It's up, guys
No, I don't remember how to do the link crap anymore.

like this

Thank you.


Its from pic related, which is from a page on Reddit, which is what turned up when I googled part of that quote. It includes the Kalergi quote, and they are fairly different. I dont think its a directly spinoff of that one, it could be fabricated, or maybe it was removed from later versions of the book too, after provoking controversy.

How do you ascend and beat sleep?

About 2 years ago I went and put the exact Kalergi passages from Practischer Idealismus into google translate, and this is what I got. It's not exact, but it would read better now, because google had a big AI breakthrough last year with their translation.

"we intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros, ruled over by the Jews" from your reddit pic isn't a quote, it's paraphrasing or summarizing. There's a difference.
Everything in your pic might be actually happening, but that doesn't mean they're actual quotes.

Don't think I'm griping at you about it, when people do that kind of stuff, it makes it easy for our enemies to "debunk" us. Not that anyone really bothers to research this stuff to see if it's real anyway.

Dangit, I linked to myself instead of you.
It's late.

Someone posted pic related in another thread btw, probably was you.

and then we came along. Neet retarded fuckboys in their underwear (at the time I was) who basically destroyed love, a lot of the effort of the jew, just because at first they thought it was funny, and then later when the jew touched the video games we became even more potent. It may not even be hatred that destroyed love, but just humor.


Sadness with tolerance, burning shame, cannot be felt by Jews. When they are sad, any minor criticism against them immediately turns to being indignant. Sadness is the other side of love. When Jews do feel sadness, they end up blaming others for the problem, they cure themselves of their melancholy with hatred of another and never of themselves. Never how they failed, only how others have. A Jew would sooner decapitate you than allow you to show its guilt to the world. Whereas humans, non-Jews, will take whatever penance is needed and dedicate their life to personally fixing the problem and making up for it to the relevant parties; or have it haunt them. All Jews are haunted by Christianity, a codified scripture telling everyone of their guilt. In order to defeat Christ, they have to destroy our love for everything, so that we are no longer capable of loving even ourselves enough to want salvation. Any non-Jew with self-esteem makes them enraged.

Nope, wasn't me.
And that's in another book, no wonder I couldn't find anything.
It's from Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating

But yet again, the redditposter just summarized and remixed stuff to get his quote. But Mr. Barnett is quite the cuck. Gross.

I dont think the Reddit guy was the one who originally sourced it, but yea, imagine being such a sperge you read 2 of that Barnett guys books, and then when you make the source you write the wrong fucking book making it look like the source and quote are entirely fabricated and faked. Great way to fuck your own side over. I also dont like this paraphrasing garbage unless it specifically says "paraphrased from"

apparently, love is not the most powerful force in the universe. Dank memes are right now. Sure, hate may not be able to defeat it. But other things can. Quite funny though. Its as if the baby boomers and the hippy CIA crap rhetoric were just projections of peoples, even their life philosophies which they were adamantly sure about…it always bothered me a bit. To be capable of living life with all of its splendor, and choosing to feel only one thing. And thinking that this one thing is defining of everything else.

That love concept comes from the Frankfurt school btw. Escape From Freedom is a book written by one of those kikes, I forget which one, but it goes into some detail about it.

Neato. Keynes is always fellated in Jewish media. Krugmanesque central banking whore economists are always just Keynesiboos, and they like to prop him up with stories about how charming and tall and handsome and witty he was. They leave out that he was a flamer, but to me this is even better, to note that he was a pathological flake, probably owing to pizza indoctrination.

I dont even know why but i always had contempt for it, maybe because I am a slav and was primed for it because of the murdering kikes lol…still tho, I am quite happy with my genetics that I managed to escape the jew programming basically with no ones help…at least the basic primordial feelings were.

sage for offtopic derail blogpost

oh gee, i guess i should thank satan for that still

And to top it all off, the "should be killed" part in the redditor "quote" is from the "kill them" part of the book here:

that's talking about Religion of Cuck™ic terrorists.

Just a reminder guys:
Read this book looking for info that fills in historical blanks, don't just swallow everything Somary says.
Menger was the founder of (((austrian economics)))
and the preface is by Otto von Habsburg, who was one of the major players in setting up the EU and lolbergism through the Mont Pelerin Society.

Most anons on /pdfs/ use

Nice work. Which software? Regards


I won't ever trust a banker, but I am interested in reading stories of his encounters with various people.

Viruses are usually suspiciously small you pea-brained fuck. Why would anyone make a virus hard to download by making it so large if its purpose was to be as infective and spreadable as possible?

How new are you?
Do you know how fucking insecure dropbox is, OP?

Also gotta recommend, 2 GB file limit and all.

Will power.

To hide the fact that it’s a virus, YOU STUPID FAGGOT. Holy fuck.

Good advice anons


Cool thing, is that it's not my dropbox and I didn't upload from any of my devices.

I could SSH as root into your mom's asshole if I wanted to.

I can relate to this. There are a lot of material like pic related that should be sourced ( Sometimes there are also information lostbecause it's in the post (which i try to capture most of the time). At the moment i have moved most of what i got into a temp folder until i find the source.

Would a cyclic request thread on e.g. /polarchive/ or this board be a good way to deal with it? I am not familiar with the background of /polarchive/ but the reason i suggested it is because the request and source ratio would have to be balanced or else the requests might overflow, and to avoid off topic in general. So something similar to the /pdfs/ request thread but for unsourced material would be great.

See , then kys.

Just post those on a QTDDTOT man, I don't think you'll have luck posting on such low-traffic boards.

That is always an option and optimal for personal use but i figured the benefits of sourcing (>spoonfeeding) material is way beyond QTDDTOT and every now and then there is not much going on here.

There has too be more my willpower has pushed me far but I want too go as far as humanly possiable, my PR's for no food is 8 days, no sleep 52 hours but I cannot overcome the need for sleep biologically. Sleep has much more of a drastic effect than food, lethargy and general incompetence in mental tasks becomes a huge issue.

No sleep but maintaining high mental function now that would be a panacea for all my problems. If you know more about it or more details except for "will power" please let me know.

Reading through my post it comes off as condescending, this is not my intention at all. I really is sincere curiosity

Yeah, you’re illiterate. Thanks for reminding us.

It's 200 MB limit actually

I don't know about him, but I had a pretty bad spell of insomnia earlier in life. On better days I got an hour or two of sleep, on many none at all, and this went on for a little more than half a year. I got adjusted to it after the first month or so, but compounding degradation took its toll. Balance became a conscious action, particularly when walking on clearly patterned or tiles roads, and I became very easy to startle, along with everything being a bit of a haze. If several adjacent nights were completely sleepless, there was also the issue of mild visual hallucinations. Text became hard to read, as I'd find my eyes unfocusing and seeing the general shapes of words and spacing making up very vivid and strange imagery. Something I occasionally get to this day when I'm not particularly engaged with the subject matter.
The same lethargy and incompetence you describe improved over time, but never normalized during this period. The additional time doesn't really make up for the loss in mental acuity and other inconveniences.
Perhaps it could be possible to adapt to complete sleeplessness, but to me that seems like an arduous and very lengthy undertaking.
At some point, I just woke up feeling tired and extremely strange. Only later had I noticed that I had slept for close to 26 hours and have been sleeping quite fine since then, with only two or three instances of insomnia stretching a few days in length.

Everything you described happens too me as well. Wish we could have more answers about kicking sleeps ass. Sage for off topic going off topic for more than two posts

That was real.

And fourth, Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament, is a close friend of mine. On most issues connected to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict we disagree. He is closer to the Israeli mainstream, and his positions resemble those of Labor Party chairman Isaac Herzog. He once told me, during a frank and stern conversation, “For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.” He’s a brilliant intellectual and a thoughtful politician, and we don’t need to worry – he won’t give up his existential friendship so easily. And certainly not because of Bennett or his colleague Orit Strock, the party whip.

germany here
if you have more, make a thread and ill take a look at the others. translations of these two:
the human of the distant future will be a crossbreed. todays races and castes will fall victim to the increased overcoming of space, time and prejudice. the eurasian-negroid race of the future, cortically similar to the old egyptian one, will replace the diverty of peoples with a diversity of personalities.

instead of annihilating jewry, europe has unintentionally ennobled it via this artificial selection process and raised it to a leading nation of the future. hence it is unsurprising that this people, arisen from the ghetto-dungeon, is developing into a spiritual nobility of europe. such has a good fortune, in that moment feudal nobility decayed, through the jews emancipiation, gifted europe a new noble race of gods grace.

if you have gathered enough, make a thread here

found a translation here, looks like not as hq as mine, but gets everything across

the influence of the blood nobility declines, the influence of the spiritual nobility grows. this development, and with it the chaos of modern politics, will only end when a spiritual aristocracy usurps the instruments of power of society: guns, money and media [literally powder, gold, printing ink], and uses it to the blessing of the general public. a deciding stage of this goal is the russian bolshewism, where a small regiment of communist spiritual aristocrats governs the country and intentionally breaks with the plutocratic democratism, wich today rules the rest of the world. the battle between capitalism and communism over the heritage of the defeated blood nobility is a brothers war of the victories brain nobility, a battle between indiviualistic and socialistic, egoistic and altruistic, pagan and christian spirit. the general staff of both parties recruits itself from the intellectually leading race of europe: the jews.

holy shit, what a creep.
pick two.

thanks for yet again shining a light on the communist roots of the EU.

I recall like 3 years ago or so some aussie officer cadet was posting at 4pol about various ways to trick yourself into minimizing your sleep time while retaining high degree of cognitive functions with a liberal appliance of some drugs and chemicals, i think i saved that somewhere. Was very in depth if you're interested and the thread is still up when i wake up, i can try to find it in 8 hours or so. Still that shit had the potential of really fucking you up.

Basically "On all levels except physical I am an aristocrat."

I know since i did provide the archive in my post. However the purpose of the image is limited it it's existing form. I am not saying all material like this needs an actual edit (it would be horribly inconsistent overall), but rather that by compiling a list of sources most of these could be reused in order to reach otherwise sceptical people. The best example of this would be the updated expelled image using (((their))) sources (although it is a bit large for most sites :^)).

I might in the future. Just a bit short of time at the moment.

do it

The book is immensely interesting for two reasons:
1. Gives a lot of interesting and quite credible insider information on historival events. if someone could edit it to show triple parentheses around every jew name, you'd have a great redpill straight from the horse's mouth
2. Gives an insight into the kind of thinking that some of the elite class follow. The author understands the world fairly well, but his staunchly universalist and individualist world view puts a big spin on it all. Not to mention his blindness to the jew (only about a quarter of the way through, anyway).

Sleep seems to be absolutely crucial for the brain. It's not built like a semiconductor computer, the neural net is both the processor and the information storage, and its switches are analog chemical thresholds. Sleep allows all the wetware to reorganize and restore nominal conditions for another day of intensive usage. Flushing all the working memory to long term storage, reorganizing and rewiring as needed.

I knew about Kalegri's Jewish master race, but I did not know his insanity as an ancient hapa. Suddenly this makes even more sense than it did before.

just found this on the wikipedia page of kalergi

guess who wrote the forword of the raven of zurich?

And i found it, might take multiple posts.

its selegeline + phenethylamine
fuck up the dose and you will die
but if you arent doing this list you are running sub optimal anyway

-no tv
-no caffeine
-no sugar
-no dairy
-no grains
-no legumes
-no drugs
-no medication
-no masturbating
-no porn
-no hot showers
-no late nights
-no sleeping in

even then, your body will adapt to the drugs so you will need to cycle them, this combination also flags as methamphetamine in a drug test, good luck explaining it becasue selegiline is prescription only ( i used to get it from indian pharmacy ). phenethylamine is legal. this combination releases dopamine and adrenaline and prevents the breakdown of dopamine and pheneythlamine ( the trigger in thr first place ), i used it for 5 years, then got a job that does random drug testing so i quit. nothing is free. in terms of what i paid with my body / soul is another topic. i was up for 7 days and sleeping 1 for 5 years.
yeh staying up for days just isnt healthy.
you really have to be strict on it and not get carried away. it works way too well for its cost, which is why i was bringing the esotericncost into it.

support with
l tyrosine, noopept and creatine and maca powder
and come down with gaba + chamomile tea
if you OD have a bag of vitamin C on hand and take a massive spoonful to prevent damage
this combination makes you vomit also when you dose due to adrenaline dumping into your system at insane rates. and also dont abuse it try and sleep once a day. this also fucks up your body building recovery / recovery in general because your body is diverting itself away from digestion and recovery and putting it all into your brain and muscles

as for dosage
1-2 weeks of preloading selegiline, 3 a day 90 will last 3 months
then start with a small amount of PEA , never exceed spoon full, 1kg will last 3-12 months
1 or 2 x 5 mg taken with a fatty meal
selegiline is fat soluble

adjust the pea amount yourself for the effect you want just start small like 5-20, i was using 25 gram self made capsules for a while

you eat three times a day right?
selegiline with food each time, absorbs with fat
then pea on an empty stomach 1-2 hours after eating. 4 hours of effect. then sleep. this means an early dinner though around 5-6, and possibly a run before bed to drop you.

total cost per year 100-300 dollars

my diet is basically:
meat, fish, egg. spinach, brocolli, avacado,
vegetables that arent in the nightshade family :
non sweet fruit
rotating red meat, chicken, fish through the week

they dont lose efficacy your body just breaks down to the point where you are drawing on empty reserves / damaged organs, damaged neurons and receptors

MAOI and an pheneythlamine base actually, you would die on maoi and adderall

everything is made up
ADHD is simply a culimination of traits that occur frequently enough, and are deemed detrimental enough to our current mode of societal operation that it is deemed a disorder. All "disorders" are labelled this way. Its a label nothing more. people then self identify with these labels and make things worse by self limiting + locking themselves into their labels.

trust. its stronger than mdma and meth. its actually the strongest drug you could possible get.
it causes an infinite feedback loop until the selgiline degrades a little and your body replaces monoamine oxidase.

selegiline > releases dopamine, prevents breakdown of dopamine and phenethylamine

phenethylamine -> releases dopamine and some adrenaline / nor

extremely high lectin content : grains of all kinds (especially wheat), legumes (especially soy), nuts, dairy, and nightshade plants

Lectins bind with the lining, particularly the villi, of the small intestine. The result? Intestinal damage (with impaired cellular repair potential), cellular death as well as compromised intestinal villi, which means reduced absorption of other nutrients, including minerals and protein. Add to this altered gut flora, which can allow certain harmful bacterial strains like E. coli to run rampant. Furthermore, because the body is now responding full-time to the needs of the injured gut lining, proteins and other resources are redirected from other basic growth and repair processes. lectins have been associated with leptin resistance, a pre-diabetic condition linked to obesity.

lectins cause leaky gut. Leaky gut is a term for the breach in the intestinal lining created by lectins hand in hand with other antinutrients. Once the intestinal breach exists, lectins and other particles (like partially digested food, toxins, etc) can “leak” into the bloodstream.

Once lectins open the door, so to speak, out of the small intestine, they and other fugitive particles are now free to move about the body and bind to any tissue they come across (anything from the thyroid to the pancreas to the kidneys). Of course, the body reacts to these invaders by directing an attack on these particles and the otherwise perfectly healthy tissue they’re attached to. Enter autoimmune mayhem. That’s why lectins are linked with autoimmune disorders like IBS, Crohn’s, colitis, thyroiditis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and arthritis. Specific lectins have been associated with particular ailments (like wheat with rheumatoid arthritis), what is clear, however, is the potent autoimmune destruction that can result when the intestinal lining experiences this level of damage.

dont use caffeine ever, it upregulates adenosine 1kg

have fun dont die, dont get it banned

need a maoi ex selegiline or it lasts 10 minutes and is way too adrenal

if you want to re-establish your gut flora you first need to trigger a candina die off with no sugar for a few weeks, you will get a herxheimer reaction. probiotics might speed things along afterward. but a diet of just meat, fish, spinach, kale, brocolli, lemon, eggs, avacado, etc. will pretty much fix everything.

My only supplements are creatine, gaba, maca and tyrosine at the moment.¨

get sun daily instead of the D3
you will get enough of the other two from meat
rotating red meat, chicken, fish through the week

Shills are worried about this book.

Seems right about China:

After the decisive American
defeat on the Yalu River at the end of 1950 it was no longer possible to
contemplate an early end to the war.
In 1905, Russia had fought a war with Japan over concessions on that
same river, and now the United States had suffered a defeat at the hands of
China. That was a heavy blow to America’s entire Pacific policy: the
country for whose sake the United States had originally broken with Japan
turned on its own protector and gained a resounding victory.
Had not the English statesmen of my youth, Edward VII and Joseph
Chamberlain, seen things in a truer light? In their view, the Western
powers had only one natural ally against potentially hostile powers on the
continent: Japan. After that time, the United States forbade Japanese
immigration, forced the British to give up their alliance with Japan, and
led the fight for Chinese self-determination which at San Francisco ele-
vated China into the rank of a world power. An old Arab proverb says: ‘I
taught him how to bend the bow, and his first arrow hit me.’
Few contemporaries saw clearly what was at stake in all these events. I
had been an active witness of the events of 1904 and 1905, and could
therefore understand that Great Britain gradually let the reins of world
power slip into the hands of her junior but more successful ally. The
United States might still be capable of great technical feats; but matters of
the highest seriousness, such as the leadership of the world, were no longer
to be entrusted solely to Washington. This Icarus of a country was quite
capable of hurling itself and its spiritual father’s lifework with it into

So I have a really stupid question.
Is there any way/good reason to put this up on Amazon as an epub for like 99 cents? Just to really start circulating the book? Since it's such an old memoir, I don't know exactly how copyrights would work.

This is a pretty hardcore regiment but the health advice is legit. That aussie was a head of his time in terms of health related advice. If I read it then it would be new to me; since it isn't (to me) I can at least say it's legit. For those who don't want to use the drugs, I suggest incorporating the health advice just for optimal health from good nutrition.

Wikipedia says copyrights in Switzerland expire 70 years after the author's death, so you might be able to put the original German version on Amazon in about a decade. This English translation was published in 1986 in the UK so it will be awhile before that copyright expires.

awesome info

Because Jesus was a kike.

Good stuff. It's official: Keynes was as much an economist as Marx was, in that they weren't but told people they were.

Hide and report. The kikebots were probably triggered by some key word, but which one? Notice how they mix fact and truth with their derail material. That 20% poison will get you.

Hi, yid.
Reminder that the only ideologies to name the jew are Christianity and National Socialism.

This, Jesus literally called out Jews as the Synagogue of Satan.

They're still ass burned about it.

Relax you cunt. I asked two questions and made one statement which was triggered by a picture posted that interested me.

Pic related is you

OP is not a faggot.

The amount of kikery here astonishes the Aryan mind.

Has a text only pdf been made yet?

When will you kikes learn to drop this angle?

tl;dr Jesus wasn't a Pharisee, who were the evil Synagogue of Satan that modern Jewry is ideologically descended from
He was still a kike.

"jesus was totally not a jew bro, deus vult!"

See 1st pic

It doesn't refute anything. The whole "Jesus wasn't a Jew" argument relies on pilpul to begin with by pretending that ethnic Jews didn't exist because they weren't yet called Jews. Jesus was a good Jew, in both senses, who attempted to reform his religion and people, and counter the Pharisees but he nonetheless was a non-White who preached a non-White religion based on non-White values to a non-White audience; and that religion reached Whites by the means of another non-White (St. Paul) via the non-White Jewish diaspora.

See, you're keeping to the context of your argument when the content has been pretty thoroughly debunked.

The Scofield translation was the first time the term 'jew' was even used in a biblical context. Before it was Judean. What you originally responded to made that clear and it's pretty commonly known at this point.

also also:

Isn't it funny how you kikes are absolutely terrified of the fact that Jesus was white and that CHRISTIANITY AND NATIONAL SOCIALISM ARE THE ONLY IDEOLOGIES TO NAME THE JEW.

See, this is the pilpul. "Judeans" were not white. It doesn't make a difference what they were/are called, whether they were related to the modern Jew (Khazar theory or simply being the contemporary inhabitants in Jesus' time) or not, or what Scofield made up.

There is a big difference between shilling & threads going offtopic which happens all the time regardless of thread topic or what board it might be on. Sometimes I wonder if everyone calling everyone else a shill is also a shill tactic in itself because all this seems to do is create arguments that further stray the thread from its original topic

Fuck off kike.

"jew" comes from "jude" which means "judean." It's all the same word, you bud light burger. This is why no one takes you seriously. You're literally arguing that niggers are another race because they used to be called negros, but then they started being called niggers. Different word means different race! These soy boys are a real detriment to the Aryan race.

>Oy vey! How they persecute my derail bots so! It's all just a (((coincidence))).
Hitler arrested the Rothschild

Another banking system info gift:


They will delete this quick, all this stuff was off her Facebook page, get it now!!!


I only have two words to say



Fuck you, cunt. Bringing up tangent points and saying what's on your mind is a strength of imageboards, not a weakness. It's narcissistic twats like you who ruin boards.

Let's not get this thread slid by retarded Podesta and Clinton videos

nice plebbit spacing

It's Usenet spacing, stop being a newfag.