I'm broke and got a job offer in Londonistan that is tempting enough to move to the Rothschild capital.
I figure some of you cucks live there or used to live there. Any pointers on how to not get stabbed, splashed with acid, robbed or allah akbar'd in Londonistan?
It'll probably take a couple months until I have a drivers license and a car.
Would the pay be good or just enough to survive in London?
Luke Barnes
This will teach you how to speak their tongue
John Reyes
First off, go to /k/ for self-defence and weapons; tons of other bongs are on there to tell you to get a license for your bread knife >>>/k/
Second, don't expect to be able to carry anything usable to defend yoursel legallyf; firearms are next to impossible to get. Knives are frowned on and citizens are urged to get a life and bin that knife. Check out ukpreppersguide.co.uk/category/prepper-self-defence-uk/ for more info. I'd suggeest you buy a cheap chinkshit knife that you can throw away if you have to kill a nigger and don't want to get caught.
Grayson Ward
Buy a sword. Full tang, carbon steel.
Sebastian Peterson
kek grow a beard mang
Ayden White
I think in London if you're caught with one you're in trouble. Buy a cheap lighter and hold it if you have to punch someone, it works like a brass knuckle but won't protect your fingers, or duck tape a pile of coins and do the same.
Chase Reyes
London's not particularly dangerous as long as you're in the central touristy bit. It gets dangerous in some of the estates and is laid out like a checkerboard so you will have very wealthy areas then two streets later a pile of shit social housing blocks. Be aware of motorcycle muggers they seem to be prevalent at the mo but you're unlikely to get ackbah'd or stabbed unless you really go off the beaten track and end up walking through shit estates drunk at night. If you want to live somewhere "nice" (subjective term when applied to London) then you need to be rich, or be happy to trade living in a shoebox to be in / near the good area. Rent is high, everything is expensive but on the plus side there are plenty of hot women. t.was_London_now_Manchester_fag
Luis Adams
While like most major western metropolis it's rife with diversity and snackbars it isn't as bad as Holla Forums makes it out. (Your daily existence isn't going to be a scene straight out of children of men) This is coming from someone who's lived in London their entire life. Just stay away from the shitty parts and you'll be fine. Stay away from
- Brixton - Peckham - Croydon Most knife crime is committed by niggers so any borough or area that has a high amount of niggers I would avoid. Biggest Jewish community is in Golders green. If you want to see some stero-typical kikes it's always entertaining to have a walk round there.
James Walker
Use your brain to supremely fuck up non-whites while profiting, whenever you can. Respect white businesses only.
Jaxson Turner
Also, a terrible compromise you must make, befriend Poles and they will happily befriend you, better a white Christian than a dirty mudslime. Poles have very strong loyalty once befriended. Poles are only hated because they came in waves and were hired for jobs pushing a lot of British whites out of their jobs, but that is of course the fault of the politicians, but most that I know are know are very hard working and do not come here to simply leech off the welfare system and disrespect traditions.
Jonathan Hall
You will spend everything you earn on rent unless you want to live in dormitory-tier accommodation, you could commute but public transport is expensive in Britain and driving is unrealistic because of traffic and the congestion charge. So it’s either pay a fortune, live in a shed with 15 Bangladeshis or spend half of your life on packed commuter trains.
The Global City isn’t Rio de Janeiro, you probably won’t get stabbed, shot, mugged, or sprayed with acid but you might, these crimes are rising sharply. Jihadi attacks are a constant threat as well so maybe you get home from work in one piece or maybe you end up in a body bag. Remember that this is normal according to the mayor (himself a Saracen).
David Wright
No. I'd rather die than live in bongstan.
Brayden Jones
I lived in London (Hampstead) for 10 years.
Stay off the Tube. You don't want to mix with the dregs down there. Use Uber. It's worth it.
Don't live around blacks, they're just as bad there as in the US Everyone else leaves you alone.
The women are dominant and the men are cucks. I've never lived anywhere where the men were so pussified.
Everything is overpriced - cigarettes and beer is crazy. Tesco sucks. But if you're making bank, it can be a fun place, especially if you're not a cuck.
Joseph Murphy
I would to my fellow white heterosexual man!
Christian Murphy
Is it even possible to have a firearm in the UK in general, even something as simple as a self-defense pocket revolver? If I declare a firearm prior to travel by air or sea, would it be confiscated off of me the moment I arrive despite having legally signed off on the right papers?
Nolan Cox
You made this same thread a few months ago.
Leo Cruz
Take a job jelqing, faggot.
Ryder Reed
Adam Cox
Unironically watch the dog whisperer, but when he talks about dogs just replace it in your mind with pakis niggers or whatever.
Adam Foster
-==move there take the job get some money buy some weapons and kill muslims there==
Jaxon Bailey
Move, whites dont belong in London anymore, only marxist open borders communist pro-white genocidalists can retain their "sanity" if you can call it that, hard to retain something you never had.
Christopher Wood
Never EVER let coppers in your Kitchen, boys in blue will give you life for collecting armament of lethal weapons which include, butter knives, tea spoons, forks, sporks and chop sticks. Coppers don't know that you can make makeshift crossbow bolts with chopsticks
Gabriel Smith
What's next, anyone who prefers to live in the Midwest over Jew York Shitty is a kike too?
William Diaz
Firearms are very technically allowed here, you just have to go through so many hoops it's not worth it - and if you use one in a self defence situation it's taken off you.
You got your shotgun licences, which the police have to have a reason not to give you - insanity, previous conviction and whatnot - and you got your firearm licences, which you need for anything that fires less than (I think) six projectiles at a time, so rifles, shotgun slugs, etc.
Pistols are not allowed, don't even bother. Our Olympic pistol team has to leave the country to train. It's fucking ridiculous and it's only because the Dunblane massacre was done with four pistols. The fact that the perpetrator was a known creep, kiddie fiddler and general nut job has nothing to do with it, no guv, must have been those dangerous assault pistols he had. Fun fact, something like 3% of all homicides in the UK are done with handguns anyway. Better ban guns more, goy. :^)
Self defence is not a valid reason to own a firearm under English law. Any use of a firearm in a defensive situation will most likely result in your license being taken off you. In fact, use of pretty much any weapon in a defensive situation is frowned upon. Pepper spray is illegal. So are tasers. The "logic" is thus: if you are carrying a weapon to defend yourself, you are expecting a fight. If you are expecting a fight, you must be doing something illegal. Such horseshit. Your only excuse for using a weapon in self defence is that it just happened to be around and you grabbed it in a panic. So hearing a noise from downstairs and grabbing a cricket bat to defend yourself is illegal because you did it in preparation for a fight.
The only saving grace we have is that armour is entirely unregulated, all the way up to ballistic plates and shit, so at least we have that. Might be worth investing in a stab vest, OP. That said, the moment some snackbar uses one for a terrorist act, they'll all be taken off of us, so it might not be a long term investment.
London is an awful place to live. The only people in London by choice are Jews, traitors, immigrants and tourists. Avoid.
Juan Gutierrez
I left the world of high finance to be a woodworker. Do what you have to do but id rather not whore myself out. London is shit. Meh. If you go keep in mind one fucking tweet post or public conversation about anything we like to talk about is literally a death sentence for you, as even a short jail stay for Wrongthink will have you killed inside by the.muslims who utterly control all criminal activity.
Michael Carter
Thank you very much for the insight user. Is either half of Ireland any better though? A friend of mine is moving there for work in the near future and I want him to be safe.
Zachary Lee
car is pretty useless in londonistan.
Jose Butler
One does not have to run faster than lion, one just has to run a bit faster than others. Meaning - don't look like a victim - they have millions of cucks to prey on.
Austin Fisher
I'm told Northern Ireland isn't so bad, the people there absolutely hate immigrants and communists. The fact that people are still scared away by belligerent neighbours is a good sign. Firearms laws likely aren't much better than the mainland, but let's be honest, how can they be worse?
I don't know what I can tell you about Ireland proper, except that the governments of Ireland and the UK are in a race to get the most pozzed first. Mainstream Irish politics is, as far as I can tell, even more cucked than UK politics is due to their reliance on the EU. Same thing with the Scots - mainstream Irish and Scottish nationalism seem to be entirely based around trying to be more progressive than the English.
That's in no way a slight against the Scots or the Irish in general, especially those on here. Though there'll likely be an Irishman here soon to tell you what's what, having been attracted here by the chance to shit on the English once more. I appreciate we've done some shit as a country, but most of the white population of England have their heads on straight. They just need a voice that isn't either controlled opposition or Jews, and good luck with that.
Dominic Johnson
Around blacks never relax. If the crowd is brown don't stick around. You also won't be able to trust strangers in that shithole. Avoid crowded spots and be aware of people acting strangely around you. Nigger or mudslime picking up pace with his hands in his jacket pockets? Nope the fuck out of there. Try to go out at night with white friends that can at least fight, the only good group is an in group. Pick up a course in self defense, kickboxing classes help too, get /fit/ if u haven't. Find the whitest neighborhood to live in.
Hit up >>>/meadhall/ and see if there's a London thread (or start one)
Parker Thomas
Post online asking other people to solve your problems. Continue to stay on the path that doesn't give you any of the skills needed to develop solutions to anything that gets in your way. I think if we get a few more whiney blogs about people who everyone already knows are rat scum, we just might find the one human in this prison who can solve everything for us while we stare at screens like sloths. Remember - never put your self as risk and go to the core of problem. You might bwake a finguw nawil, and youl halv 2 look at it while u post pussy defeatist blogs. Always sit back like the rat merchants you claim to despise instead of making any sacrifices. Now go build up that 401k and make Uncle Moshe I mean Uncle Adolf proud!
Lucas Myers
ha! Brixton is still bad? I know about it from that song The Guns of Brixton by The Clash. I didn't realize that's still a thing. lmao
Josiah Torres
has the right idea. Self defence works the same way regardless of where you are. I like to think of it as having three layers:
This is stuff everyone on the planet should be doing. The fact that it's stopped being common sense is because white people made their countries so safe for a while, but we all know how that's going. Don't go out at night if you can help it. Stay in groups. Get lifts if you can. Drink responsibly. Know where the nice parts of town are, and stay in them. Stay in well-lit areas, in full view of enough people that it's unlikely all of them could be muggers' accomplices. Keep your fucking eyes open. This stuff is so simple but it prevents the vast majority of incidents. Don't forget it just because you're a big guy. Remember: the winner in a knife fight is the one who dies in hospital. Of course, even if you're being safe, things are still going to happen, which is why we have the next layers.
Honourable mention here goes to body armour - it's not exactly common sense, but there's really no reason not to wear whatever protection is feasibly available in your jurisdiction. Armour's allowed in the UK, so get it if you can afford it and if it's appropriate for your circumstances. Walking around in a plate carrier loaded up with level IV plates might raise some eyebrows, but a concealable stab vest might save your life.
This is when you can see the problem, and you are going to have to deal with it one way or another. Running away doesn't make you a coward in a self defence situation, do it if you can. If you can't, you can try some of that fancy 'verbal de-escalation', or attempt to intimidate your opponent, but the fact is that if they're starting on you, they already think your wallet or your arsehole is worth the fight. This is why the third part of self defence exists.
Sometimes, you're never going to avoid a fight. UK law is set up to completely fuck you in the arse if the judge has reason to dislike you, so try and keep your power level hidden if you're expecting an incident. No reason to give them more ammo because you're one of them nadsees. Same applies to your interactions with police and judiciary. Don't make yourself the bad guy. Look respectable, co-operate and be polite.
As for actually defending yourself, your only option in the UK is a martial art. Tasers, pepper spray, mace, all defensive weapons are right out. Absolutely anything you carry can be used against you unless you have a very good excuse for carrying it - the police have the jurisdiction to declare whatever the fuck they like an 'offensive weapon' because they have that ever-Jewish 'reason to suspect' you're intending to use it to bash someone's head in. That means knives, twigs, pennies - I've even heard stories of people get into fights completely unarmed and get done for assault with an offensive weapon because they knew karate. Some self-defence experts recommend you carry a powerful torch or flashlight to blind your opponent - I don't think they're illegal here, but they are in some countries, and as stated the judiciary have the power to fuck you whenever they like. It's a system that works wonderfully in a high-trust white society, but is wholly inadequate for modern day diversified cities.
Short of moving to a better country, the best advice I can give in a fight is swing first. If you know a fight is coming, you need to win it. No honour bullshit here.
Of course Brixton's still bad, it's the Chicago of London. It's where all the niggers live, and has been since they came here. It's only 40% white British - 15% other white, 25% black. Pic related, from the pie chart generator at ukcensusdata.com/a-e09000022/b-qs201ew
Michael Johnson
If they discover you are trained in a martial art and you end up injuring somebody even in self defense your are as fucked as if you had a weapon.
Henry Jenkins
The song is about police brutality against the minorities.
Brayden Murphy
By the letter of the law, that's true. I even referred to it in my post. The thing about UK law is that it's very, very up to the judge - they have a lot of freedom to apply the law as they see fit. Again, it's great in a high-trust society, which we used to have, but it's no good at all in one where you might get jumped by a pack of feral niggers on your way to the corner shop.
Long story short, you're not quite as fucked as if you had a weapon. It's a lot harder to prove you were expecting a fight if you just happen to know karate, as opposed to specifically carrying a knife for defence. You are technically correct; I hate the current legal system for being so open to interpretation, but by my reckoning, you're better off knowing some kind of martial art and throwing yourself on the mercy of the judge than you are having no clue what you're doing if you get jumped. Better alive and with a criminal record than innocent and dead, but you may think differently.
Jonathan Collins
I thought it was about niggers nigging
Grayson Torres
lived/worked/partied in brixton, peckham for 7 years. Trick is to learn to use your energy field to create a biphasic shield/egg of light and spin them fast. Attention rolls off you. Also helps to be ripped and to be well trained in rapid murder. The niggers will judge you by your walk, appear deadly. Avoid muslim areas.
Evan Richardson
I'm really surprised more Brits don't just say fuck it and just become criminals. They're already treated like 2nd or 3rd class citizens by their own government, they might as well just embrace the infamy and start fucking shit up.
Noah Phillips
Henry Wood
It's a question of inertia. Laws like this were reasonable in the thirties or forties, or at least functional. Lawmakers think that the current crop of immigrants will eventually return to the way that white Britons used to be, so the law doesn't get changed. If it did change, the resulting upheaval from complete lack of trust in the government would basically be a revolution anyway, so why bother?
The current population is a mix of old people that think the law should stay the way it is and wonder why everything's going wrong (Conservatives), the shitskin/student class that thinks everything's going to be fine as soon as the magical integration happens (Labour), and a load of halfway reasonable white people that know there's a problem with the current system but have no recourse to actually affect society in any reasonable way. Any pub around the country is basically Holla Forums-lite, but they're trapped between the worker's party of their fathers and the cuckservatives who pretend to want to lower immigration while making shitloads of money off of the pricks they ship here for unskilled labour.
The sad thing is how Jew-wise England was for so long. They were banned completely in the 13th century, and they either stayed out or disguised themselves as (((Hispanic merchants))) until Cromwell came along, installed a completely despised military dictatorship, invited all the Jews back from Holland (because the Puritans believed that the Jews had to be converted before the mid 17th century because that was when Jesus was coming back), and popped his clogs, leaving the country in total disarray until Charles II came back from Scotland. Truly the original cuckservative.
Samuel Butler
Elijah Jackson
Buddy, trust me, it's not even bait. There's good, hard-working white people in England, people in touch with their blood and soil. People that would absolutely go on Crusade against Religion of Cuck™ if given half a chance, and turn on the Jews like the citizenry of York in 1190, herding them all into a castle and setting it aflame. None of those people are in Central London.
Central London has no industry. There is (((banking))). There is (((tourism))). There is (((law))). There are coffee shops, nightclubs and horrifically overpriced shopping centres. The housing is ugly, crime-filled and cripplingly expensive unless you are in finance, or living in a one-bedroom flat shared with fifteen other immigrants, all getting housing benefit. Absolutely all of these things are designed to sap the native population of will, money, and traditional values.
Any person with a soul is either going to leave London or have it stolen from them, along with their wallet and probably their life.
t. Londoner using a VPN
Jason Morris
Also Stay away from Stratford & Plaistow and any of the burbs to the East of them
Brody Powell
Is that job offer really worth living in a 3rd world country?
Xavier Ortiz
We've had this thread before. Sage. All this is is a fucking slide demoralisation combined into one Fuck you
Brandon Clark
Dunk your face in acid and then use IEDs to blow off a few of your limbs. Then the snackbars will leave you alone because they don't want another shitskins sloppy seconds
Angel Anderson
play a double game, become the ultra genocide loving eurocuck and when you have power you come back to help.
Jacob Ortiz
I'm sure the crime there is bad but the majority of whites aren't going around being stabbed by non-whites on a regular basis. The real danger to you will be psychological.
Christopher Wright
turn it down OP one of these pictures are from 2003
Aiden Cook
Wasn't this thread posted a couple of weeks ago? Am I getting Alzheimers or is this a shill concensus cracking method?
Kevin Ramirez
fuck off.
Dylan Young
some advice from /k/
James Phillips
Let's just say put some "VERY" "VERY" "unhealthy" *wink*wink ;) things in "Halal" food, mail it to mosques as "welcoming gifts from the labor party", follow them home, find out where they live, mail them some too.
Xavier Gray
Does the job pay enough to justify risking your security. In that communist shithole, if you make any intentional action to defend your person, you're fucked.
Michael Stewart
Theres two things I have to say on this matter of self defense. Beat the shit unconscious, put him in a tarp or shitty blanket, drag him 30 miles out of the way, dump him in a ditch and douse him in cheap cider I hear White Ace works well. Then clean everything up and play stupid. Whats he gonna do, admit to breaking into your house? Two, on general survival, this simple stew will aid in feeding you for pennies a bowl. ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8_HThEYP2o And three, if you want high stress removal of filth, Sparklers, petrol, tape and milk jugs are all very cheap and unregulated.
Andrew Young
Buy a tactical pen. Seriously. Two mudshits tried to mug me and I stabbed one of them with the pen. Right in his fucking neck. Ran. The other mudshit couldn't believe his sandnigger friend was bleeding from a fucking pen wound and was helping him.
Always walk with a purpose and if they give you shit and threaten your life, they'll never see a pen coming at them. Honestly, you're probably a pussy, so you should have a bag of finely crushed red pepper in a bag in your pocket and throw the crushed red pepper at their faces. Make sure to run so you don't get peppered in your face.
Mudslimes and niggers work under natural law when fighting. The last thing they care about is civil law. They view most British men as pussies, because – even though you have a lot of based "lads" who I wouldn't want to fuck with, it's like that entire society has been pussified hard.
When I lived in Londonistan, I had two really based "lad" friends who kind of acted like the degenerate Liam Gallagher from Oasis or that fucker from Trainspotting who attacked motherfuckers with broken beer bottles and shit.
As one user said, there still are based Brits, and this friend actually shanked a mudslime with a broken beer bottle he used as a shank (hint). The judge actually let the fucker go because my friend acted in self defense but was "reprehensible" for using the beer bottle as a weapon. Since he "just happened" to carry a glass bottle while minding his own business, the judge said my friend didn't intend to actively hurt anyone.
The judge knew, he was a real Brit. My friend is a real Brit. They fucking know how London has gone to shit.
Godspeed, user.
Christopher Price
What kinds of drugs did you do user?
Lucas Martinez
Didn't a bong celebrity get arrested for having one of these a while back? Seems like you might as well just carry a properly concealed knife if the pen isn't legal either.