'"White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "White" or reported entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan or Caucasian." -Definition of Race Categories Used in the 2010 Census
One of the greatest dangers that the United States faces is their demographic problem; the ultimate ratio of the American Population that is white is reaching an event-horizon wherein the quality of the society dilapidates, leftist politicians and thereby leftist policies would be voted in forever, until the very country as we know it ceases to exist. This is something that everybody on this board already knows. What is sometimes forgotten however, is the lowering of the standards of what constitutes to a "White American".
There have often been posts of mugshots in counties, that show an obviously brown man being classified as "white" in ethnicity. Pic related for instance is Aguilar-Lopez Valentin, who was recently arrested in Brown County, Texas, for illegally crossing the border, drunk driving, among other things. While these people are culturally accepted as White by the average conservative White American, it may eventually no longer be the case with a worsening demographic situation.
If there continues an increase in mixlings that are very white-looking to the point where it is difficult to distinguish whether they are white or not, that there are those that mix into the white population, that the white population slowly obtains additional non-white admixture at an unnoticeable rate, and that the white population shrinks to the point where they want to loosen their standards to be more inclusive, among other things, then there may be the final coffin for the Aryan race in America, which would frankly also be the world at that point, due to the reduction of the quality of the White population to Brazilian standards. Then, the ultimate number of "White Americans" would no longer matter (if the non-white inter-mixture is around 15% or so). As implied before, Brazil is a pretty good example of what it would be like. Southern Italy is too; would the United States have become what it was if the only whites colonizing it and immigrating into it were Sicilians? I think not!
To prevent this rather surreptitious browning, it is in the greatest interests of the American people, that there be a return in the laws which set higher standards upon which an American can be classified as white. Some may say the One-drop rule, others may say the Nuremberg race laws.
Why I specifically bring up this obvious idea on what ought to be done in America and in other White countries, is because I think this can actually be done right now, by non other than President Donald Trump himself. Quite a lot of the lighter right-wing would decry the aforementioned as "not being inclusive enough", and that it would "give the leftists a short-term edge": also known as the anti-"Purity Spiral" argument; if that were the case, then the democrats should absolutely be on the table for this! What more would they want then to weaken down Donald Trump's support right now? To weaken unity in the right-wing? To reduce the given number of White Americans? Thus you have bipartisan support for increasing the purity of White Americans!
Not worth archiving: Source is the independent.co.uk
When people like this increase, then it would really become difficult for White Americans to manage their racial purity.
Angel Cruz
No fucking shit. Is there an article for this?
Michael Martin
that's really generous What's spooky about people like Sofia Ritchie is that her father is 100% African either. He obviously has white in him. She might only be 30% black.
OP, this issue is only going to get worse. Two things: 1) Our crime and demo stats are completly off. Those "white" crime stats? They would be lower if you removed the Mexicans and other non-whites. This also leads me to believe the often cited 60% white population is actually much much lower. A good portion actual whites are made up of aging boomers.
2) Those of us not enriched in the cities are living in white bubbles, like myself. Outside of my 95% white town is literally spicville. The major cities within driving distance are niggertown. Racial segragation in the USA is a real thing and it gives people of all races a distorted view of reality. You can't wake up white people if they are surounded by white faces in their white neighborhoods. There is no fire under their asses and they will never understand how bad things have gotten in the rest of the country.
Another thing, the root of this issue is the hispanic reporting. On a census or poll you usually have It's the white non-hispanic checkbox that counts towards actual Europeans. "White" just means not black and not asian.
Jack Clark
Dude if you're more white than black then you can't pull that I'm black card.
Asher Miller
DAS RAYCISS. OP that's obviously a ayran white man pure as the driven snow. Why are you so ableist tbh?
Connor Sanders
Indeed! The mugshot in OP is one of those "white" hispanics.
I see. However, the focus of my argument was not on waking up white, but upon the creeping increase in nonwhite admixture in white Americans.
Here's the thing though: currently the largest barriers between hispanics and whites is the language barrier. This is gone within a generation. You then have native-English speaking mestizos that are going to find an easier time infiltrating the white gene pool. Not to mention those that breed with Mexicans.
Brayden Powell
Nah, if somebody's got a bit of nigger in them, then they are enough of a nigger to be sterilized.
Logan Gonzalez
Sure, but they don't get to pull the "fellow black people" card either.
Nicholas Green
Brayden Peterson
People also don't realize they also lump in aging whites such as boomers and those who're in hospice care centers with the percentage of whites in the USA.
Those people should be removed from the population statistics.
The reason being is that Mexicans will have 8 children before they hit the reproductive wall. A boomer is unable to reproduce so they're irrelevant.
The percentage that should be counted are the 1-35-year-olds.
Jack Cruz
Only an idiot could possibly consider that man 'white'.
Juan Robinson
My bad, I meant to type "not culturally accepted". Then the following sentence should make more sense.
Camden Foster
Ah, understood.
Noah Smith
Benjamin Wood
Joseph Gutierrez
Wonder what would happen if there were a grass roots lead "Census Accountability" push?
Leo Mitchell
This. You are a mongrel with no tree of life. Ancestors from neither side will take you.
Matthew Allen
I wish.
Ian Kelly
But she tries so hard to look white. She only has herself to blame.
Stop bleaching your hair you ugly bitch.
Jayden Moore
I don't think that would really cause a narrative shift, because if people already ignore the crime statistics as it is, then it changing won't do much.
Liam Howard
Nobody defends the "one drop rule" like a mongrel does. NOBODY
Ayden Cox
thoughts, anyone?
Levi Jenkins
Spics are invading my land and want to have as many white children as I can afford. I'll probably move up to the foothills, wean myself off the grid with sustenance farming, and make my money via beekeeping. Stockpile guns, get to know my neighbors (who will be white because no one else lives in the foothills, bare natives who live on reservations), hunker down, and wait for the hoard to come.
Julian Phillips
The United States of America requires the creation and implementation of a 'de-hispanicization' program.
Hudson Fisher
B-but how will we inflate white crime statistics goys?
The POC goys would be awfully upset to see the truth!
Hudson Diaz
Check'd Just call it Operation Wetback 2: White Is Right
Michael Nelson
Xavier Roberts
That could not be the official name. Something more subtle.
That is more spic-ific.
Ayden Lewis
I actually have a plan for that. Now, the border hoppers/illegal immigrants are easy enough to take care of once we can get ICE off it's ass and sending them back. The real problem is the legal ones who speak English. We can't send them to Mexico because they don't speak the language so it would be 'inhumane'.
Luckily, there is a solution and that solution is called Belize. Small, English speaking Hispanic country in Central America. We send all of our English as a first language spics there, using America's militaristic and economic might to do so by any means necessary. And it's not like Belize would be getting nothing out of it. Most of those English speakers are "Dreamers" who got a free ride on our education system. They get a bunch of educated immigrants and we get no spics. It's a win-win.
Camden Parker
The overlooked aspect is that whites can in turn identify as hispanic to avoid their zipcodes being enriched by refugee resettlement and section 8 housing.
Levi Sanders
It was more so just a joke based off of the first Operation Wetback under Ike.
Chase Young
I like the gist of your plan. It has merit. The problem with ICE which nobody will publicly discuss is the number of Hispanics on the team. Cannot be trusted and should not be rewarded. To de-spic we must push English as the official language.
I know, it was a good joke. You know how the press are. Can you imagine their outrage? Almost makes it worth it.
Gabriel Powell
Got a problem with beaners in your neighborhood crowding up the classrooms and nursing off the teat of free services? Are MS-13 gangsters promoting La Raza "kill whitey" in your area?
Not to fear… brand new from makers of sham-wow… Dspic™ just spray it around the perimiter of your property for ultimate protection. also for use as deodorant for travel on public transportation
Nolan Bell
I can see the infomercial now. Would invest if my hands were not tied. Raid could though. They are experts at dealing with roaches.
Jose Moore
It's funny because the non-whites calling themselves white would throw a major fit if something like this was done. The fit to end all fits.
Brandon Bennett
California is in dire need of having an official language. When you open up a government document or commercial advertisement and the first language you see is not English, you know that you are fucked as a white man.
Blake Brooks
California is the problem child.
Carson Phillips
I know. I have to live here.
Tyler Smith
Really? Are there that many near-whites people that are passionate to be classified as white?
I thought that this could be twisted to be politically correct: "make ethnic communities more diverse" "reduce the white majority" or some shit like that.
Colton Miller
That would be a little bit too politically incorrect for now (probably the pendulum would swing within five years wherein can be implementeds), but definitely laws to ensure the purity of the white gene pool could be done now.
Nolan Taylor
The language barrier will only serve for so long, and really it doesn't matter. Do you prefer an all-white-Iberian USA that speaks Spanish (just like Spain), or a mestizo-ass USA that speaks English? Not a difficult choice to make.
Jackson Scott
I prefer a white USA that speaks English. SHOVE YOUR FALSE DICHOTOMIES UP YOUR ASS.
Cooper Nguyen
I'm not sure what you are getting riled up about. Any kind of "language patriotism" against mestizos is as kosher as it gets (in fact, it's one of the pillars of cuckservatism), because it not only gives a free pass to English-fluent Mestizos, but distracts from the racial aspect of the Mexican immigration problem.
James King
This is true. While I support english only gov't documents, the identity of the USA is a tribal identity. Like the English being comprised of multiple groups from separate tribes forming into a new tribe, the colonists were forming a new tribe. The first immigration laws were the qualifications for joining this new tribe.
Carter Brown
Are you trying to say that defending the language of your land and people is cucked?
Jonathan Morales
No you fool. I'm saying that it is not nearly as important than race, and that excessive focus on language distracts from race.
Logan Robinson
Make it seem like you are helping the poor brown people. Give them their own ethnicity because a lot of mestizos don't want to even be classified as white.
Jaxon Miller
Xavier Sullivan
Sounds like another 'muh holocaust' thing the jews can twist around and guilt trip future generations. Personally I am for marching down to panima and annexing it all down to that point. Any subhumans want to flee south are free to, the rest get to go exactly where they deserve for being invaders.
Yea yea, empathy and cowards will speak up about being humane. But we are not going to get a fucking thing we want for our children unless we force the weaker willed examples of our species to do as must be done, and make examples out of those whom refuse. Anything less and we are pissing in the wind dreaming of an future that will not happen. No laws under our system will ensure our peoples continued existence, no timeframe will be enough to salvage an single fucking child infested with the taint of subhuman dna. And every damned day how many more white children are forever damned.
We are 'winning' so far only as we are 'triggering' our most vile of opponents and laying their disgusting ways bare. But the next steps are harder and more important, based hispanic americans and based black man shit is a thing among our less awake kin. They will want to protect them and not be 'racist' to the extent needed to protect our children into the future. If we take half steps when given the chance to fordge the future we are doomed. Proximity ensures interbreeding, there is not ONE example that can prove whites will exist as an unsoiled demographic should we allow them anywhere near us at all. Our borders should be seen as what keeps US from THEM, not the other way around.
And be honest. My view has just as much likelyhood as yours does of happening, yours leaves spics and other invaders here as well, because even if we move to the point of removing dreamers, we have tens of millions of non whites whom have become 100% the same as we are in the eyes of the law, and our weak willed brothers. To get to the point we can remove such vermin peacefully, we have surpassed the point in which my view is already an open possibility. We are not saving our future without war.
Anything less than my path and you may as well embrace pic related. Its your fucking great grand children at best.
Jaxon Gonzalez
Yes it is, you fucking nigger. Kill yourself.
Nathan Fisher
Not only that, but it overrepresents the number of whites in the country, giving us a false sense of security.
55 million: The Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2014, making people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic or racial minority. Hispanics constituted 17 percent of the nation’s total population.
Since Hispanics are classified as "white" in many census, the percent of whites in the country is over-represented by at least 17% of the entire population. My guess is a lot more, like 25%.
If at some point we think the country is 75% white (3 of us to 1 of them) the truth will be that we are actually only 50% white or LESS, meaning they outnumber us and we don't even know it!
Carter Hall
The Jews and mongrel America would never allow it. What we truthfully need is a full anthropological screening for the US censuses. But the kikes and liberals/conservatives wont allow that.
Noah Jones
Precisely. That's why my I make the case that it can be done and ought to be done right now, to reduce the sense of security in American Whites, among the aforementioned (increasing American racial purity of whites). Now the elite Jews would be against my plan, but surely the minions of the Jews will not be so much against the idea, because they will support measures that "increase diversity of minorities", "encourage mixed race peoples to obtain a better and more diverse identity", "increase socially observed diversity", "reduce the white population" or some bullshit reason like that. That is to say, guide the "political prostitutes" as Yuri Bezmenov put it, against the (((political elites))).
Brandon Watson
That's may actually be an even better idea.
True, but I think it's good to get started on semi-non-kosher things that have popular support. Then the kike'd liberal/conservative controlled opposition would have to begin considering it. Take a look at Trump's immigration reform to immigrants of higher education and earning; still somewhat kosher, opposed by both wings, but forced into consideration due to popular support.