The Flash is a Gay Jew

They made the Flash a gay heeb

Not that it really matters or that we should be surprised, or that Comics in America aren't Jewed to begin with, but still. You would think with them already making Wonder Woman an Israeli whore they wouldn't push it too much, but they really appear to just not know when to quit.

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What kind of cuck reads comics?

Seriously the whole movie is the most Jew washed piece of Garbage I've ever seen. They couldn't leave aqua man a white blonde guy. Now he looks like some kind of mulatto mystery meat.

I don't

and they made a cow-titty amazon into a jewish ironing board.

I got dragged to this piece of shit, despite not knowing or caring about capeshit. In the opening scenes of the movie Superman is dead for some reason, so they show skinheads in death-metal leather jackets harassing innocent hijabbed corner-store owners, implying that racists now feel "empowered" to be racist because Superman won't stop them. There are some other typical tricks throughout the movie but I don't remember them all because I was drinking heavily and talking due to boredom.

Jesus Christ


How do normalfags love the Avengers shit?
I can't distinctly name what I hate about it, it just feels empty. It's obviously out there to make sales.
They get obsessed with it, as evinced by the multitude of shitty tumblr gifs where there's only a second of movement flanked by italicized yellow font.

Here is the poor victim by the way.


Still comes off better than DC shit. Less SJW cancer in it.

Still kike as shit


They are becoming more and more blatant in their propaganda efforts. This is so obvious, it is kind of sad.

You mean he is an addict? There is no such a thing like being fan of an addictive substance. Don't kid youself…

Cannabis is addictive? From what I've seen, only weaklings and whiggers get "addicted" to it, but in the same way that some people get "addicted" to fapping. Which means that they can't control themselves and overindulge in something that feels nice.

Strangely enough remember owlman in the watchmen movie kind of calling out ozymandias's shitty commie plan, I remember that being different from the graphic novel. If I remember that change correctly I hope Alan moore cried about it.

Let me guess. An evil white man bad guy who needs to be taken out by the multicultural group of good guys


Friendly reminder that corporations force memes on the internet as a guerrilla marketing tactic and that many comments/likes on Youtube and other 2.0 websites may be bots or shills. Any metric that measures popularity can be manipulated with some marketing dollars behind it.

But I don't doubt that people are this dumb and easy to please. The number of young men in their prime who spend their time obsessing over capeshit is disgusting. Saying that it's just bots or shills is just something I tell myself to feel better tbh.

End yourself.

A gay jew would have to be fast to keep from getting his milk money taken…

Mass marketing.

You can tell where the disconnect is between the setting and props people are the kikes in directing and casting.

Comics and comic-related stuff has been totally cucked. If you still actually give those kikes money then you should stop immediately and find ways to get your normie friends to stop. Normies might not buy the reason of "because they are making all the strong white male super heroes into shitskin faggots" reason but I'm sure we can think of something to make the normies stop giving them their shekels too.

Another white man lost a job to a semite. The other flash too white?

Not sure how to feel tbh…on one hand it's infuriating to watch Jews subvert every inch of popular culture but on the other hand i really enjoy seeing Holla Forums's buttrage over this.

Anyone who DOES go to see it is a race traitor, its come to that stage, dont turn your back on blonde cultural figures being turned into faggot kike niggers and pretend it doesnt matter, this is nearly the same concept as the statues being removed. Dont fund that.

Fuck off with your capeshit already, fuck.

How does a kike end up with a gentile name like "miller"?

There'll be an asterisk and some small print somewhere about it being 'turkey bacon'. Subway and some of the other sandwich chains pull that stunt IRL to keep their halal/kosher money-laundering scam going.
What's not for the shekelsnufflers to like?

He's Filthy Frank's cousin, so I thought he was a jap.
Still gay tho

Mainstream comics in America have always been a Jewish trade. Capeshit has always been one of the lowbrow forms of propaganda.
Look at all the early DC and Marvel comic book writers.
In this day and age its best to assume the majority of the entertainment industry is nothing more than marxist/zionist shills

Also, Donald Trump is literally Lex Luthor..?

Any faggot who is still going to see super hero movies is a lost cause. If you want to read comic books, download old ones from 10-30 years ago as .cbr's and read those. Paying money and supporting these pozzed garbage movie and books just encourages them to make more.

Ruining things that whites once enjoyed is par for the course now, and nobody should be surprised that they are shoehorning degeneracy into everything.

Really? You have a source on that?

Pretty sure (((Barry Allan))) has always been a Jewish character, but they literally couldn't have picked a worse actor than Miller to portray him. Honestly I'm more mad about hungry IDF skeleton Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

You are 100% correct–I don't have the image on me, but someone scanned a superman moses comic from the 40's that was preaching about racial equality and how everyone is an american deep down if they live there. Anyone who ever implies there was a time when comics were not cucked/infested with kikes are betas too dense to read actual books.

Wasn't Luthor in jail after Batman vs Superman?


i especially dont like that it involves thor and other norse gods as "super heroes". that makes it blasphemous.

You certainly haven't seen their Comics
This Gem is about a Spic Alien with two lesbian Mothers.


bitch is in sleepwear wearing a hijab but works at a haram food truck
almost like they count on ignorance to bring the ratings…

superman is a jew
Is this common knowledge, or just revisionism/appropriation?

Water is wet. Who reads comics or watches Jewwood superhero movie in this day and age anyway?

–is a hack writer who fucked over every single person he collaborated with, which lead to Jack Kirby leaving marvel for dc and getting fucked by their jews.
Next time anyone recommends that you read a comic, slap the fucker and read a copy of John Carter of Mars or Tarzan or–moses forbid–White mythology.

On that note, it turns out that comic "journalism" sites only report numbers of issues shipped to retailers like barnes and nobles, not the number of units sold and certainly not actual subscriptions. Comics are a dying market and any batman issue is lucky to sell more than 15k issues across the entire country.


it's opening weekend was a dismal 95 million shekels.

perhaps if it was a Muslim sharing trucks of peace with the infidels word of mouth would have brought in more viewers instead of that cheap neonazi kike gimmick.

A result which Holla Forums must love. Like parasites they are feminist just move on to the next thing they can infest. Feminism and it's advocacy is indeed the terminal signs of a dying hobby.

How does a kike like jon leibowitz end up with the last name stewart?

>What kind of cuck reads pays for comics?


They made a gay hebe the Flash. There's a difference. The Flash of CY+Almost 3 is still Aryan, they've just casted a faggot to play him.

Sadly, they actually did make Kid Flash a nog. I could have allowed it if they'd made him a legacy like Bart Allen, but no, he's Black Wally West. Fuck those faggots.

Shouldn't he be pushing the plane INTO the towers, then?


Shit, meant to quote both posts.

Isn't it more like (((Stan Leibowitz)))?

punisher MAX is objectively the only good comic book series

The first child he murdered in order to get an erection was named Stewart. He uses the name for nostalgia reasons.

His name is Kal-El. If anything, he's a muzzie for having "El" in his name.

He's a gay ultra-beta jew in the new justice league movie as well. Btw don't watch it, my normie friends wanted to see it and it was the most jewed bullshit ever.


Capeshit has been garbage for quite a while


This ugly little hebe is batman now. I can't stand him but the show itself is great.

Only a soyboy reads comics.

what kind of cuck complains that others reading comics while at the same time this kind of cuck is watching tv shows?


Comics has always been the kikes way into the kid's heads, especially in the early days. Comics has always been owned, started and driven by jews. And the superhero-stories? They stole all of those stories not only from shady pulp-stories but also tons of european historic tales and fables.

the secret Jewish message in that scene is only white redneck trash does this, not niggers in the US and kikes in Is-real.

Alan Moore will always be butthurt about watchmen because he made rorschach to show how dumb fascists were and the character became extremely popular.

He tries to show this in the comic with the psychologist losing his happy life listening to rorschach. The reality is that rorschach was right, the nigger commie never really cared about helping others.

Hate to be the one to drop the bomb on you, but Superman is a Jew.

In a moment, that seems all to typical of the comics industry, Superman was created by two Jews that got jewed by another Jew. However, in the first Christopher Reeve 'Superman' movie there is a scene set at Niagara Falls where the original creators we're 'given' an 'honor', in having a Jewish couple say that Superman is a Jew.

If you didn't get off the caped jew ride like a decade ago you're a shabbos goy.

I hope you were rude and belligerent so it ruined any potential entertainment for the beain dead faggots that actually enjoy this bullshit.

Redundant statement. Everyone in capeshit is really poorly written and over-emotional, hence gay. They are also all written by kikes, hence jew.

Just left the theatre. I had no interest but some of my female friends wanted to go so I went. Flash points out in the movie that he's a kike. On top of that he and wonder women had those unnerving black kike iris' not brown but black. Aquaman had blue eyes but I assume they were contacts and Batman at least had brown eyes.

He was annoying, socially retarded and in his first scene he's watching K-pop.

surprised to see Russell Brand is getting some work

So how 'bout that opening scene? That was a huge slap in the face.


Is that a real 're enactment? Got a source?

I was dragged to Wonder Woman a while ago. I remember thinking it was some sort of retelling of a jewish myth . The main characters name is Diana, jew star designs, Diana goes through struggle ect. The germans were evil of course but all the normal faggots watching probably didn't realize it was WWI. egregious judaism in that one

Can confirm, the fags I was watching with thought it was WW2 with all the ebil German shit thrown in. I had to explain after the movie how much was ahistorical and anachronistic bullshit.

I guess we have to call him The Ash now.

color me shocked there friend.


It's probably because they made him black in the TV show and changed the comics to match the show. (It wouldn't be the first time - they retconned a bunch of retarded stuff into Superman during Smallville's run.) And the Flash TV show was forced to cast a black Wally because they'd made Iris black without considering the long-term effects of this.

Of course, he probably would've been black anyway. It's a universal law that ANY character who is red-haired in the comics becomes black when they appear on the CW. Fan theory is that the casting director is dyslexic and keeps mentally rearranging the letters when told "this character is a GINGER".

He can now masturbate into all the potted plants of a room within milliseconds. It would be funny to do a meme battle of tying the new "Flash" to all the jewish sex scandals.

Its kind of funny how Jews paint Whites as anti-Arab when Kikes in Israel are racist against Arabs out of anyone. Typical Kike projection

These types of kikes aren't the same type of kikes living in Israel. Anti-Zionist, pro-Palestine Jews exist you know, not that I care about any Semitic garbage. Also Jews will advocate for any kind of political ideology as long as it doesn't question the racial objectivity of global Jewry. To put it simply, there exists the Zionist Jews and the Globalist Jews, and both can be all made for some good bar soap.

a lot of zionist "i'd drink palestinian blood in public if i could" jews are also for mass migration in countries where people of european descent live.
see chuck schumer, barbie specter…
the list is quite long.

Anyway we can use this against (((them)))? There are sites you can do follow for follow type stuff for credits to spend on comments/subscriptions/upvotes/reddit post submissions and you can just write bots to automatically complete all the jobs. A few of the bigger ones even verify the subscriptions/upvotes client side and you don't even need to actually subscribe/upvote to get loads of free credits with some scripting.

please pardon me while I laugh myself to death

What do you expect, they already had a pedo fag playing Gandalf.

They also made Batman drink, and they all swear.

How the fuck does those handcuff work? does it go through her belly? If its on her side, doesn't it awkward to walk ?

Yeah that was stupid too. I mean the whole movie was shit. I honestly cannot remember the last movie I saw in theatres that was better than mediocre.

Yeah, he's supposed to be le awkward n3rd lol. But his entire character was just annoying.

It was written and illustrated for MUH OPPRESSION, not for people who care about little details such as a pipe going through her stomach.

Come on, it's CY+2!

Comics are disgusting.

That is because Holywood is talking the same story for last 50 or so years.
They are basically reincarnating the story of moloch again and again and again in all popular blockbusters for past few decades (with few twists here and there and with different cast)


lol for real? Batman is a shitty superhero but he's supposed to have muscles, that kid would be killed the first time he went out larping as the dork knight. Even defendor wouldn't be that stupid and he's retarded.


If I recall, comics Batman (later retellings, not the original) almost was until the "bat comes through the window" scene. I don't see the appeal of Gotham, myself. The guy playing Penguin would have been a much better Joker.

"Oh shit, I read comics and I don't want to be called a cuck. Aha, I'll just pretend that he watches a lot of tv.!"
Both people who read comics and watch tv are cucks.

i walked out of the movie because of him. the beginning part was a bit weird, but the following parts with him were just gay cuckery.

Dumbshit, you're not supposed to just walk out. Find a manager and demand you're ticket money back first. If enough of us did theaters would get the message loud and clear.

Former alcoholic here
When I went to rehab in Kansas, at least a third of the patients were alcoholics, another third roughly were opiates/stimulants, and the last third were marijuana.
A large percentage of the marijuana users admitted themselves compared to the alcoholics and hard drug abusers who were mostly there on court orders or because their employer forced them to or be fired.
Marijuana addicts are real. People blow so much money and waste their lives on being fried all the time. I thought marijuana addiction was a joke at first but seeing what I did at that hospital completely flipped my view.


Well, comics are homosexual and jewish so I guess it's appropriate.

Still tickles my funnybone.

in every conceivable way

look at those disgusting models. The artist can't draw for shit.

I think we need an "anti-white thing to be mildly annoyed at" general thread so the board isn't constantly shitted up with threads like this gawking at the latest example of Jews doing what Jews do.

no one cares, dc's movie franchise is dead

It's fanservice, mixing all the characters into one film. It's so fanfic fags get their mix.

They don't look redneck-ish to me. If they had less teeth and less hair they would fit the redneck stereotype.

this actually makes sense given that superman was always supposed to be a kike
decline of jewish power = whites feeling empowered to take their societies back

What is these cunts' obsession with turning redheads into nignogs?

they were gonna miss, he's redirecting them

Isn't the new Lara Croft movie starring a jewess too?

we now live in a world where the bad guys are the good guys

Is this real or an edit?

Really puts in perspective how far away from us the leftists are. This speech, to them something of evil, reads to me as an incredibly motivating truth. It's really very well written.

See - dyslexic casting director.
I mean, what other explanation could there be? That some sinister force is intentionally replacing white characters with black ones wherever they can?

Dubs of sad truth. It seems to be an common problem in capeshit that they write "bad guys" who act as strawmen for people they disagree with, so they can point to them and go "LOOK! Everyone can see YOU'RE the BAD GUY!" - since they have no actual facts to argue with.

Their favorite tactic is to twist the truth by using near-direct quotes from people they disagree with, followed by having them do something unspeakably evil (and often directly opposite to the people they were quoting). For instance, the above Red Skull comic is shortly followed by him making white people wear suicide vests and blow themselves up.

And the DC TV series recently had a big crossover event in which they fought "nazis" - who shout "hail victory" and make comments about how great it is to be aryan, but otherwise act more like communists. At the climax where black-clad masked troops start marching through the streets setting fire to things and beating up cops, everyone watching commented: "hey, it's Antifa!"

Standard bugmanism. They don't believe in any real heroics as it would require violence and risk. They therefore cannot be inspired by the actions of real men. The closest thing to this for them is superheroes.

it is real.

and i forgot to post pic related

Most rednecks are large, burly white men with beards who tend to wear jeans, boots, and button-up shirts. The vast majority half all their teeth and have a full head of hair, unless they're over 50.
Some may have a beer gut, but even those can pick up an antifa soyboy and use him as a club to beat other antifa.
The missing teeth, balding, and whip/emaciation thin thing is A.) meth addicts or B.) hillbillies.

t. Louisiana redneck.

Fuck sake, I'll show myself to the oven.