Love Thread

Holla Forums Love Thread

Its getting kinda boring and theres not much going on. Lets have a thread about love Holla Forums. How r ur relationships going? Any marriages? Dating stories? etc. etc
Lets talk romance.


The only thing I'm married to is the idea of curbstomping kikes.

Shit thread. Off yourself.

Thats a beautiful marriage user but sage next time

I've given up on love.
While I can maintain friendly relationships, that's as far as I go.
Opening up to a woman, sharing true intimacy and closeness scares the fuck out of me, sheer horror, I tell you.
Fuck that shit, I'll leave that up to braver men.

Longing for war is what keeps me going.
And sage because shit thread.

This is the romance thread. If u dont want to talk about your love life, or dont have one. Kindly go to the next thread.

I deserve curb stomping as well for not saging

Fuck off back to cuckchan.

Get posting then, lover boy. Tell us you story, otherwise fuck off kike

Forever alone, but I feel much worse for the poor, innocent thread that died for this.

Fuck off, shill. Slide thread begone

Girls arent scary user. They literally put on lipstick and eyeshadow everyday? and masturbate to the idea of sucking dick how the heck is that scary



yeah but im the op so im automatically a faggot ; ), ur turn


Reported, btw

I love drinking, OP. Now fuck off with your feels.

lol, ur so gay, go to the nrxt thread stop shitying up mime with ur apparent virginity

The biggest mistake they have made is promoting and facilitating this kind of mindset. None of my peers are married but a fair few of them hunger for war.

Women don't want a pussy faggot to open up to them intimately.

They want an alpha male who will lead them. Whether that be Jamal or you, that's a different story.


I guess to add on to this, a very huge reason why the white race is dying is because the jews are intentionally feminizing the men, to lower reproductive rates. The best thing you can do is raise your testosterone and learn pick up, so you can get good with women and eventually find one you like enough to mate with.

Did whoever who did that die? That looks like they puked or shit their insides out.


Again this a thread for dating stories. etc etc. ok

go to 4cuck /r9k/ and then promptly kill yourself

Will i get a gf if i complete battletoads without a game genie?

no U

just posting images for other anons to save at this point. Id appreciate others doing the same, so I can get few more reaction images for use. I know this shit thread will die soon enough, so all images will be of use soon in other worthy threads

No faggot. Just keep going through it over and over, master each level. Its a long, dedicated process to be able to beat that bastard.

the more u shitpost in a romance thread; the more a faggot u are, gnight hopefully theres some good dating stories by the morning, otherwise ill tell some of mine

Go out and approach women faggot. Hopefully you die along with your shit thread.

Im not OP you retard. Im taking advantage of a situation for my own ends you autist. Fuckin go back to wherever you came from newfag

here is a plush pepe 4UUUU

But if i dont get a gf why would i even. growing my e-peen hasnt worked. i mean grls arnt on the internet so i can show them how cool i am online.

I was talking about Battletoads you dipshit


Good job saging too you faggot

t. (13)

Guys guys guys I know what we are all thinking…. battletoads is fucking overrated , play some mighty final fight or turtles 3 the Manhattan project great underrated beat em ups

I shall commit suduko. it was a shamefur dispray

Looks like they were lucky to have any bones left after that one


Everything is right in my life except niggers keep fucking it up by ruining all the nice places my family becomes established in. How are whites supposed to raise a family like this?

Challenge user, challenge

women are sacred and Ive been talking to several lately in attempts to find suitable wives

that being said

norsemen would mock other norsemen and call them literal faggots (the ON word is "ergi") for preferring women to war. an example from the Jomsvikings:

"Look at Harald, and Einar the cowards
While us men sharpen our swords and prepare for battle
They cower in sheets, with their fellow women
Preferring the warmth of their beds to the coldness of battle"

women are sacred user, but theyre worth nothing if you cant die defending them from those that would see them enslaved and raped, and you dont deserve a woman if youre not afraid to dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed

Your pic was literally more disgusting than the guts shit out all over a toilet pic

No grils. None. This used to not ever be a problem, when I was younger and more foolish, I've been with many good looking women.

However as I'm getting older (and balder) and more bitter with life in general, I just lack that once high charisma and champagne I used to have.

The only girl who's shown interest in me is this obese nigger girl from work who literally looks like a diamond back gorilla, and it just makes me even more depressed.

Feels bad man.

Had it not been for the qt known as Chitanda you posted, I would have you hung.

Charisma and charm**

I like this post. Amazing, even in a complete garbage thread, a quality post can emerge.

Hard to be motivated to woo trash user. You need to evoke that charisma, but you dont feel like its worth it anymore, the more you realize how fucked it all is.