YouTube adverisers quiting over child abuse videos


Its finally begun, YouTube is about to go down in flames

No no no. OP. Don't you see the problem is not pedos, but Nazis speaking their mind?

Welp. They had a good eleven-ish year run. of no tangible profit to speak of
I wouldn't be surprised if Jewgle was trying to suicidebomb Youtube, because it does nothing but lose money.

It took long enough jesus

It certainly fucking took them long enough to do this only because people noticed and pointed it out.

Gonna need a link to this exact video, for research and jihad purposes.

fuck, there goes my porn stash

nice try muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker


thats the most infuriating thing. all of this ran under the radar for 11 years and those fuckheads knew about it.


well fuck, meant to post this

So the (((jig))) is up and jewtube will have to find a new way to hide its CP. Poor little heebs. I wonder if they'll do anything about the creepy Elsa videos. Probably not.

Daily reminder to report (((unsavory anons)))

Most of the high ups at Jewtube and Jewgle are kikes, user. Most of them probably enjoyed watching the pedo videos themselves.

Let's be honest folks, this is stunt is going to be simply forgotten and ignored. Youtube will remain the video king regardless if the CEO was caught ass-rapping a Syrian refugee child.

They're jews dude. Virtually no chance they aren't complicit.

And profiting off of them via those sweet advertising shekels. All was well until those evil nazis ruined everything :^)

the videos being shown aren't even the worst - there is one that has millions of views of a little girl (about 7 or younger) getting a syringe literally shoved up by some faggot LARPing as a doctor while she screams her head off.

What the fuck is this kikery? Mondelez is the oreo company, they are beaners.

I am not sure if what you said would be judged upon if the child becomes the bride of youtube CEO.

Meanwhile the MK Elsa videos are still chugging along, getting watched by stolen kids waiting in CIA playrooms across America.

adverisers = advertiser + adversary? I like it.

On Youtube? If serious, why not contact the police/CPS? (Obviously don't report it. After all, then they might report it before the police view it. Leave reporting to the police/CPS).

I want to see kiketube go down in flames just as much as the next guy, but I just don't see it happening. The people behind youtube could sacrifice children to satan and post videos of themselves ejaculating onto their corpses, but it doesn't stop the fact that youtube is convenient and everywhere.


This made me kek more than it should have. Seriously though, learn to spell.

Its a corporation, nothing can possibly happen to it. Its one of the parts of capitalism we would remove. Unaccountable corporations with no actual head. Private businesses. You fuck the country, we fuck you.

They trying to go pay, I saw an ad during the first niggerkneel game advertising YoutubeTV for $35/month as a supposed cable replacement. They clearly are trying to get the tv watchers to finally jump into their walled garden.

Its on 9gag

The CEO of YouTube is a kike. (((she)))'s the one who let (((Sergey Brin))) and (((Larry Page))) use her garage to start up Google.

NJ user here, beaners are running rampant in this hellhole

I really hope jewtube is going to die soon

>Among the videos, most of which looked to have been uploaded by the children themselves

Nice excuse for removing more videos. This tactic was used for "fake news". I want goolag to burn in the biggest oven.

user that literally can't happen for at least the next ten years, don't hope to much.

You're looking at it from the wrong way. Any pressure on jewgle is good for us. The pedo videos on jewtube won't go away either. In fact, alerting parent groups to them and the videos of those kikes trying to introduce kids to degenerate sexual behavior while dressing up as disney characters would be wise as well.


pics related

Won't happen without an alternative and it'll have to be shilled pretty fucking hard to beat google monopoly. That said, stranger things have happened.


kek. never change japan



JewTube, everybody.

What is the site that mirrors youtube videos off of youtube? People have started using it here but I don't remember what site it was


Saging for off-topic, although I feel like this would be the place to ask it
I've been coming across sites with cp but normally when I report them FBI never does anything or at least they never did.
Anyone think they've gotten their shit together with Trump in Office?

over all not a good idea to do so. they might think you're a pedo if you somehow find a weird backwoods site like I did which for some reason has a collection of all these really, really creepy and questionable pictures of children.

oh and then randomly in this galley was a picture of some boys decapitated head, with some really weird shit in the background. at least that's what i think it was. the way the picture was taken was really fucked up and i only looked at it for like four seconds

Holy shit… No, this one has the HD nudity photo sets, nothing that weird.
Basically its just the LS sets with the shit ton of makeup and awkward outfits.

>happens to stumble across cp sites

Snitch. You are literally a meme.

why'd you have to remind me of that


Why are you looking at this shit in the first place?

read as nigtown, kek

When you get desentitized to gore, its gets easier to find other things arousing… But its lack of hardcore content is pushing me away from it at the moment. Why not nuke the well to stop the cycle?

Kill yourself.

Global report. Kill yourself pedokike.

why did I picture a pavement ape beatboxing into a dune coons anus?

Is that a staged photo or is that real?
I feel like the maggot placement is a bit too structured?

Kill yourself pedokike.

Kill yourself pedokike. You will hang.

I hope you get raped in prison pedofuck

So basically they're saying:

There's still going to be pedo videos on JewTube for years to come.
Also this thread is full of pedos meaning FBI.

I would think that the FBI would've answered >>10952470's question… But they're probably dual monitoring with their evidence stash.

post link fuck up meant

Reviewbrah is toxic to the corporate globalist because he is a principled and ostensibly simple man. Apolitical wholesomeness scares them far more than an army of larpers ever could because they don’t have a defensive strategy against it.

They know how to respond to direct attacks upon themselves but when a man comes along and uses advanced meme technology to promote tradition off of the back of consumer culture they are left confused. These are people who seek to corrupt, people who exude biblical levels of evil, people who see the corruption of innocence as their calling. Naturally Reviewbrah is poison to them.




lots of these start out like some porno lol


It's NJ. You're problem is worse than the beaners


They are a part of Maker which is owned by Disney so Disney pedos probably are fine with it. If they don't disappear for good very soon we should go after Disney and destroy them.


fuck, wrong meme


Don't you fucking start, kike. I've been itching for PedoTube to take the fucking hit, and i'm not about to let you take it away from me.

You're being used to bring in the next stage of Internet censorship.
Youtube created this problem as an errand for the elite. Now they're going to use the reaction to it in order to vastly overshoot any proportionate response to the issue.
You will see, you will learn how this works.

accidentally clicks trending you know what just let the whole site burn , guess all the trending vids are degenerate trash

Hey look, schlomo, I found some of your photos!

Nah, just the legit indepedent full time youtubers, however most of them end up catering to the lowest common determinator anyway so idk if that's a huge loss.


This is just NOW starting to pick up? I thought Holla Forums was doing an operation disrespectful nod kinda deal with youtube?

If we arent, why not?

This is what I found in trending

My friends in Redwood City keep telling me they are faggots. Never seen any confirmation though.

I don't like this future, user.

It's go time. My blood is boiling.

post link

Well they're kikes and male, does that help?

If the FCC kills net neutrality you can bet your ass that jewtube is finished. Jewgle is already running it at a deficit, they'll start charging people to watch newer content.

not clicking that, webm or gtfo

underage here. I had a channel with three friends, but one of their dads made them delete it because of comments from [spoilers]pedos[/spoiler] and we didn't talk to him for like 2 months. feels bad man


I found this in the comment section,we better watch out,there might be some nasty redditors up boating in there

you have to go back Pedro

Note the choice of words by the top comment:

>"Holy shit, this is borderline scary"

They unintentionally show that they're not actually scared by this, but rather that they'd like you to believe that they're scared by this because it's the Approved™ stance to take. Those seven (thus far) thumbs up is the goal as many of us know.


Nice quads.
I always saw thee borderline racist,borderline scary etc as a tool to shift the overton window,a prethought crime stopped in time as well.

Go home and fuck your jewish wife while your jewish ex wife fucks you in court, Alex.

Funny, I commented on there being an ad removal campaine and suddenly this shit is slid hard. I'm onto something here.

Dubs confirm you're right.

Another thing to look for is called the #popsicle challenge. A bunch of young girls sucking popsicles which I wouldn't be surprised if some jew pushed the challenge so they could collect. Just look at the comment sections they're filled with foreign men drooling over little white girls.

This sounds great, but in the long run it's a bad thing.
I remember seeing somebody dig really deep into this and found many of the advertisers pulling out wanted to start their own versions of YouTube.
They're trying to kill YouTube to create their own boxed platforms that will be more restrictive than YouTube ever was.

Remember what 4chan was like in 2007? Kids in underwear keep the newfags out. There still are a few imageboards around that employ this tactic very successfully.

Gore and racism keeps the newfags out. Kids in underwear attract Podestas.

Lol no. Gore and racism attract edgy cunts and shock no one in cy+2 except for those who wouldn't want to be here anyway.
Yes. Just ignore their containment thread.

I have to agree with tor fag here,what saves 8ch is that it got ungoogled due to claims of cp if not this would be cuckchan.
I hate zoophilia and leftypol and other degenerates but I'm happy they keep this clean from normalfags and edgy teens,even this is getting full of kids like.
(no offence)
I remember when they merged cuckchan with /mlp/it actually was less canceraids than usual

mlpol was surprisingly less shill filled than normal

They have that? Thought Holla Forums bans it on sight nowadays due to DOST.

Every time.

Notice how kikes created and promoted the "Sexual Abuse" hysteria which is currently burning down Hollywood? YouTube created and promoted the "Brand Safety" hysteria so they could demonetize wrong-think, yet now it comes back to bite them since their platform is infested with pedophile videos which they did absolutely nothing about while banning gun channels and anything even slightly to the right politically. Pedophilia is (((left wing))) so it doesn't get banned or demonetized.

==Kikes keep creating hysterical golem they cannot control and it bites them in the ass over and over.==>>10952113

Its even a fable in their holy book they make a golem to project them writing life on its forehead until it gets out of control and write death instead.

Is this the second or third man of Youtube adocalypse?
Deceit (1st apocalypse)
Degeneracy (this one)
Yes that makes two. I don't use jewtube at all, so I don't know other details

There are other imageboards. Hosted in the US and around for longer than 8ch, by the way :1)

It's fine how the image boards have been pointing out this shit for over a year now maybe longer, especially 8/pol/. Too some of the normalfags picking up on it for anything to happen. We could have gone on spamming the report button and nothing would have happened.

Youtube fucking knew and fucking condoned it.

Aren't those the guys that dropped pewdiepie over the natsoc jokes?

Wait what? Is that a cartoon or something irl?


Your dubs checking my dubs confirms that dubs are right.
We need to do a mass emailing of advertisers. If GG did anything that had brain cells involved with it, that was it. Make another mass advert exodus like what happened in March happen again. We also need to find a way to get the public aware of this issue. 4 million views on one of those demented videos? Parents have gotta be aware already, but the audio and the subject are likely just outside their peripheral vision. Knowing parents they see Spider-Man and Elsa and don't think much. This is engineered to make parents roll eyes and ignore what's going on. If we get eyeballs on this a lot of pissed off parents would come into the fray.
I say look for the advertisers involved, then lay into the fuckers by sending them links to the videos. A roasting by public discord will nuke the cocksuckers once and for all.

A lot of those view might come from outside of the anglosphere and be made by parents who understand no word of what's going on whatsoever they just put the shitty cartoons and think it might make sense in english,and that way the kid also learns english.
Also most parents don't give too much thought to what the kids watch since education has been removed from parenting and given to the state and the mothers happen to be womyn so they basically trust other womyn and usually the most mouthy of the womyn are the stronk independant ones who have no children of their own but have read much about Dr scholomo methods for the upbringing of good goyim meek cattle.

So, how about we just drive the knife in further by making some memes, and infographics, for the soccer moms, and other assorted family groups on Facebook and meatspace.

Thernobitchtits isn't even funny, and throws those to the right under the bus much more than Jones does. I don't need to see his mono-ocular face here nor hear his low T whiney voiceOK you faggot bitch queer, it is a mockery to see this weasel try to be relevant, and anons should find other sources for this information.

Then uninstall the app. Point out this pedo shit to every soccer mom you know, tell them that Youtube was okay with this and they will wipe that shit off their phones, tablets, consoles and tv's. There is blood in the water user, the time to strike is now.
Gif related, this is how most normies will react to youtube pedo shit

You can't uninstall google apps unless you have root access to your phone.

You can easily disable the app on your android. Just drag the "youtube" icon from the menu to the "app info" tab at the top of the screen. When the "app info" tab turns blue, release the Icon. From there simply select the disable option and go from there. Do not look it up on the google play store, otherwise you will have to disable it again.
Bumping with reactions

Hey Mods, ya think this might need a sticky? This is pretty yuge news after all

god bless those Russian girls

Don’t overstate this shit.

Like drop redpills in videos people think that will be degerate trash in the title? Like title the video 2 gay dads buy baby shit then bam drop a red pill instead.

This. If there's one thing 8/pol/ needs, it's more stickies

Do you have any links to archives or these videos? Ive heard rumors but no evidence

More like get the Soccer moms and parents so enraged about Youtube's pedophila that every corporate brand associated with Youtube starts shitting diamonds

Just the types of companies bootyblasted roasties would patronize.

The redirect broke a lot of bot scripts, so they had to send in human shills.
Who then got bombed with pastel-colored horse porn
There are a lot of right-wing horsefuckers, because by being into something already disapproved by society and even other anons, the 'oh no, people might disapprove!' impulse is already broken, and it's the only real thing keeping people from the redpill.
I've heard talk that the same thing is happening in the non-degenerate (as it were) parts of the furry community

Which is doubly odd because I thought Disney was insanely fucking protective of their IP, yet all this creapy shit goes on unimpeded.

Reminder they've had parts of Daisy's Destruction uploaded on youtube before.

Check this shit.
G'head, try it out yourselves.

user are you even listening to yourself?

Why is it surprising that a video site run by the Jews is a haven for pedophilia?

Disney got taken over by kikes and went on an immediate cultural enrichment rampage, and now they are promoting this sick shit apparently.

I like it. Hitting Kiketube in the only spot they care about, their wallet.


Oh look, a literal fucking TORpedo kike. Kill yourself kike.

And the TORpedo kike called in backup, how cute. Kill yourself.

Get out of your bubble user. It's not just right wing videos being censored or effected by Youbtube demonitization.


Twitters going on about this. I'm seeing a few theories going around but what's interesting is that rumours keep coming up that it all comes from a Russian company.

There's a thread about it already on this board and cuck chan too, shills are trying to claim it's fake news for some reason but enough people have tried it for themselves that it's obviously real.

>yes goy, it's those pesky (((russians))) again

It's defiantely organised by somebody.

No such thing. Every fucking migrant has been a young, able-bodied male

It's obviously organized by Youtube or Google or their parent company. This and the gay shitting video, the spiderman and elsa, the (((stretching))) videos, and all the like.

Blaming this on the Russians is a hilarious stretch, why get in early with it? And where did you hear these rumors, you seem *HARD WIRED* into the Matix, please point us to some of these rumors.

FUCK YES. good. end of the monster.

Not on the Russians though I'm not ruling anything out and as a tactic to destablise the west then its genius . But a particular company situated in Russia. I need to look around again to see what people were saying. Nothing much more than vagueness. We don't really know who exactly is behind this but they're definately raping kids

A lot of the so-called (((Russians))) are really (((Ukrainians))) these days.

question: should we be targeting YT advertisers more like GG-style with evidence and telling them this is going on?
starve the beast, etc

"Muh Russia"

It took then six months to take down a literally gay porno set to music, complete with shitting in mouth, anal sex, and blow jobs.

It's pretty obvious that their agenda involves pushing degeneracy on the public, but they are really quite quick about taking down other content which is flagged by libtards which isn't even pornographic.

I think at this point it's fair to say Youtube is run by pedo sympathizers or pedos. PROVE ME WRONG GOOGLE.

No shit, there is no doubt Google is run by a bunch of absolute bottom of the barrel degenerates and criminals. I'm wondering if targeting their advertisers is a better move as it will continue to get more media coverage and potentially allow other search engines and competition to take them down several much-needed pegs

why would you let Google into your home?

Steve Chen
92 Faxon Rd
Atherton, CA 94027-4046
(415) 296-1098 - Landline
(650) 906-0700 - Wireless
(650) 322-2925 - Landline
(217) 365-0063 - Landline
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(408) 365-0063 - Landline
(408) 529-3834 - Wireless
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(650) 965-2753 - Landline
[email protected]
[email protected]
Possible Businesses
Youtube, LLC
5441 Kietzke Ln Fl 2reno Nv 89511
Chad Hurley
221 Atherton Ave
Atherton, CA 94027-5434
(610) 582-4748 - Landline
(650) 322-1510 - Landline
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(724) 465-0616 - Landline
[email protected]
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Possible Businesses
S O D Ventures LLC
2200 Geng Rd Ste 100 Palo Alto Ca 94303-3358
Jawed Karim
2083 Princeton St
Palo Alto, CA 94306-1324
(650) 248-8875 - Wireless
(650) 813-9711 - Landline
(651) 738-0962 - Landline
(650) 326-7974 - Landline
[email protected]
[email protected]
Possible Businesses
Youtube, LLC
5441 Kietzke Ln Fl 2reno Nv 89511
Susan Wojcicki (CEO)
825 Tolman Dr
Palo Alto, CA 94305
(415) 493-6691
(650) 493-0919
232 Santa Margarita Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025

This is the most disturbing shit I've seen in all my years online.

I used to work in content management for a youtube partner company in pedowood putting ads on jewtube. It's all diversity hires at these companies, shitskins, kikes, spics, niggers, etc. there was one nigger that didn't even work, he just hung out all day, he never monetized a single video. all the chicks are dumb libtards or dykes with haircuts that say EVERYTHING OFFENDS ME.


This guy is saying this goes up to the podestas. If that's the case then that changes everything.
Does anybody have the proof?

It goes higher than the Podestas, this goes straight to Satan.