It's ok to be white - further redpill

Stick this instead of original just "it's ok to be white"

SWJ cunt sees this poster

"Nazi message on the left, progressive message on the right, what should i do ?"

Preferably he tears the left part

Normies see SJW tearing and throwing "it's ok to be white", but leaving the message "it's ok to be black", further exposing the hipocrisy and redpilling normies

Other urls found in this thread:

What part of
do you not understand?

Reported. Kill yourself. We will never say it is okay to be black. It is not okay to be black.

well, we should for the influence purposes

oh .. right


No. Fuck off OP.

hi reddit

A blank piece of paper can make someone snap at this point. SLPeeCee ranks tweets by hate now "indicating recruitment to the alt right" no sauce but I'm sure the tweets remain. Start spilling red pills like spaghetti, got til the 18th to really trigger the nigger.

Furthermore, fuck their feelings they'll never be our allies. never I'm cheering cops killing niggers now. Fuck the degenerates.

this is being shilled down hard. I think it's a good idea


not your personal army pajeet so fuck off


Get this cuck out of here!

yeah guys let’s nigger up this message for no reason.

Nigger what

I see where you're coming from OP but being a nigger is never okay. Spreading the message that "it's okay to be black" probably isn't worth the salt.

It's not okay to be White according to White Nationalists.



It's not okay to be black.


or the toner

This is a kike shill attempting to derail a perfect psyop. Fuck off Mordechai

Never saw any evidence of this turkish-german creature being a mod here except by these stupid pictures of him.

Fuck off faggot. Don't lurk don't cross go just leave and kill yourself

Not saying we need a phase 2, but if we did I'd want to see it even simpler. Just the word "white" on a blank page and watch how much vitriol it attracts.

Hammer home the point of "we're hated for simply existing."


Holy shit, how are you not banned for 2 years?

OP is right, the whole point is white people seeing a person teare down the 'its ok to be white' while leaving up 'its ok to be black', thus viscerally demonstrating the profound stupidity, hypocrisy and mental impairment of the left

This. If the niggers want to do the other message isn't the OP actually a nigger tbh? then let them burn through toner. HP will happily sell to niggers too last I checked.

We will stick with the crisp, clean message:
It's Okay To Be White

it's butthurt Holla Forumsyps trying to false flag after their mod got caught sucking cocks
Disregard the commies, they have no power here.

Sure, in Africa.



OP is a faggot. This whole thing relies on the antifa being strong enough to tear a poster. We all know they're too fag for that.

The original poster was brilliant because of its simplicity. You can't read any special subtext into it without looking like a lunatic to most normalfags. That's why your idea would make it worse: the longer, more complicated message allows your opponent to start playing word games.
Also, printing out spoilertext is a huge waste of toner.

When a German paper with a Russian correspondent wrote an article that was too positive in tone regarding something like a Ballet or Opera in Russia, Goebbels advised that the same person would be required to find a paper from the communists, which had written a similarly positive article about a German cultural event. Any one of them. If he couldnt do this, he would be punished. In another example I cant recall in quite such detail, Goebbels also remarks not to compare both sides equally against eachother, do not take the British and look from their perspective, do not argue the other side for them, because they will exclusively argue their point of view and not give you the same in return. I wish I had the actual quote.
Its not the job of the propagandist to weigh both sides, or to shed light on an alternate point of view.

Yes, i see your point. Indeed, we should absolutely not spread propaganda for the opposite side, as your excellent examples argue. But Goebbels also said, if i recall correctly, this : "every lie can withstand just as much time, as the people who are lied to, are protected from the consequences of that lie". My idea was not to send the message "it's ok to be black" (propaganda for the opposite side). I don't give a shit about lives of lower species. And even if i did want to send that message, it is already being sent for 50 years by all kinds of organisations, so the effect would be none, since we are telling nothing new. What i really wanted, is to expose (extremely obviously) the lie that the opposite side is saying. And it's saying that it considers all humans equal. If the opposite side would fall for this trick, and tear the left side of the paper only, it would no longer protect the normies from the consequences of its lie, and that consequence is open hatred and discrimination in front of their own eyes. Just to be clear, original simple message, does that also, although i thought extended idea would be more effective in this. Anyway, i respect the original plan not to change the course of action so easily. And also the argument someone else made, that longer message allows more space for the opposite side to play, stands.

Criminally unchecked dubs and memes. Never stop user.

The goal for IOTBW is white tribalism and whites standing up for their own race, not promoting "Blacks and Whites as equal.".


ancientfag here, i dont think ops idea is a particularly bad one, needs some reform. making the left expose itself is the entire pretense of ioktbw and repurposing it organically would be the better way to hit home for the normalfags. keep at it op, youll make a poster worth trolling with eventually.
also the game