Winning Report

Trump judicial nominee said transgender children are part of 'Satan's plan', defended 'conversion therapy'
>Jeff Mateer, the current first assistant attorney general of Texas, was serving at the time as general counsel of the First Liberty Institute, a religious liberty advocacy group known before 2016 as the Liberty Institute. He faced criticism from LGBT rights groups for his work with the organization, such as opposing the expansion of nondiscrimination protections to LGBT people in the city of Plano. If confirmed by the US Senate, he will serve on the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.
>"In Colorado, a public school has been sued because a first grader and I forget the sex, she's a girl who thinks she's a boy or a boy who thinks she's a girl, it's probably that, a boy who thinks she's a girl," Mateer said in a video posted on Vimeo in 2015 and reviewed by CNN's KFile. "And the school said, 'Well, she's not using the girl's restroom.' And so she has now sued to have a right to go in. Now, I submit to you, a parent of three children who are now young adults, a first grader really knows what their sexual identity? I mean it just really shows you how Satan's plan is working and the destruction that's going on."
>Mateer's nomination comes as the Trump administration has unveiled a series of actions aimed at rolling back advancements for gay and transgender rights. Trump vowed to fight for the LGBT community during his presidential campaign and said last April that people should "use the bathroom they feel is appropriate." Since taking office, however, Trump has withdrawn an Obama administration directive that allowed transgender students in public schools to use the bathroom of their choice and issued a directive banning transgender military recruits.
>In that same May 2015 speech, Mateer said that the Supreme Court decision allowing same-sex marriage could lead to what he called "disgusting" new forms of matrimony.
>He continued, "I mean, it's disgusting. I've learned words I didn't know. I mean, other than…my assistants here, have you ever heard the word 'throuple'? 'Throuple' so that's three people coming together of different sexes, maybe mixed sexes. Them coming together. There are people who marry themselves. Somebody wanted to marry a tree. People marrying their pets. It's just like – you know, you read the New Testament and you read about all the things and you think, 'Oh, that's not going on in our community.' Oh yes it is. We're back to that time where debauchery rules."
>Later that year in November 2015, Mateer lamented that states were banning gay conversion therapy at a conference hosted by controversial pastor Kevin Swanson, who preaches that the Biblical punishment for homosexuality is death.
>Biblical counselors and therapists, we've seen cases in New Jersey and in California where folks have gotten in trouble because they gave biblical counseling and, you know, the issue is always, it's same sex," Mateer says in audio obtained by CNN's KFile. "And if you're giving conversion therapy, that's been outlawed in at least two states and then in some local areas. So they're invading that area."
>Groups like the (((American Psychiatric Association))) and the (((American Pediatric Association))) have condemned the practice as having no scientific basis and the potential to do mental harm.

Other urls found in this thread:

He's absolutely right.

And there is nothing they can do to stop it.
I hate when I put effort into an OP and manage to fuck up exactly one line of text ffs.


Well, I wish he just cited studies but I guess this works too.

This is not normal.

While he's right in that the degradation of society is utterly Satanic, conversion therapy is a fake and gay meme.

The born gay meme is a myth.

Satans plan is the Jews plan


I've been hearing lots of stuff about those jew guys.

They used to laugh. They dont laugh anymore.

Those fucks shouldn't have murdered Scalia. This is God's wrath.

They now understand the severity of the situation.

I want that man as president.

Hahaha, you beat me to it.

Seriously though, these federal judicial nominees are important; they should be getting much more attention than they are.

Almost all conversion therapy is controlled opposition. A real medical treatment for increasing male attraction to females would involve androgen neurohormone testing and therapy in many cases. The science is clear on this, but kikes have outlawed its continued research and implementation. The other overall cause is cultural and must be fixed on a societal scale of shaming faggotry and praising normal hetero behavior from a young age. Cultural icons and media must propagandize hetero behavior. If it didn't work the Jews wouldn't be using fag, dyke, and trap propoganda as a means to get weak willed people jumping on the faggot wagon. Russia and China are the only ones willing and smart enough to put the foot down on fag propaganda right now. The gay shit that passes for conversion therapy in the states doesn't work because it doesn't get anywhere near the roots of the matter.

People are born gay though. Not all but some, most probably. Aren't there a a ton of studies showing conversion therapy is a complete failure? Never aeen any studiea showing conversion therapiea work


You mean (((Satan's))) plan. A kike created the concept of transgenderism. A kike started the biologically-impossible "sex change" surgeries. It's kikes. Always and forever, it's kikes. Evangelicals cuck for the jew rather than acknowledging the jew not only hates them but subverts their culture into Weimar degeneracy. Efforts must be taken to reverse the subversion of the church otherwise these sentiments against degeneracy without ever targeting the (((source))) of it are utterly fucking useless.




A fanatic till the very end. Say what you will, but it's an admirable trait, even in the misdirected.

There's little to admire in useful idiots.

Some are born gay, but it's a small fraction of the total. The little boys who are just complete flaming faggots from a young age are born gay, for example.

Not arguing that but too often I see or read about individuals abandoning what they believe in in their final moments or when faced with harsh opposition. After all, it is the fanatics that steer the course of history. That said, I have no pity nor remorse that this individual is dead, if the suicide was indeed legitimate and not just a cry for attention, which is likely the case.

I really wouldn't consider a string of words some guy typed on a screen to be fanaticism at all. He was going to kill himself regardless who ran for president.

Man, these fuck up can't even kill themselves properly.

Because you’re mentally defective and have mutilated your body.
No shit.
Correct. You were mentally ill. Funny (read: sad) how trannies always want to kill themselves (and often do) as soon as they realize exactly what they’ve done.
lol couldn’t even do it yourself, could you coward
Later, skater.
Isn’t it hilarious how they think they could get close enough when they refuse to touch the guns we love so much?
I wish some niggers had seen this and stolen all its stuff before it could be parceled out to its friends.

They pumped themselves full of hormones and likely loped their dick off for what they believed to be the truth. If this isn't fanaticism, show me what is.
The post implies that DJT was already president at the time it was made. While you may be correct, a Hillary win would likely not be the cause for such an action.

They did it because their (((doctor))) told them to.

A liar and a coward and a drain on every single person that they met. Glad it's in the ground now.

Suffering from a mental illness and believing one is Napoleon or Jesus is not fanaticism nor an admirable trait. It's a mental illness and should be treated as such.

It's a mental illness not fanaticism. Someone scratching through their skin to get the bugs out is not fanaticism it's a mental illness and so is transgenderism.

Redpill starter for your friends and family:


I hope this madness ends soon but I suspect we will have to see the damage in the years to come before people wake up and realise its lunacy. These poor kids who will be permanently damaged due to surgeries and hormones makes me weep.

I deny that is the only reason. This person likely went through a mental process before ever meeting with a doctor and was likely the one that broach the topic and the doctor obliged.

I knew the mental health angle would be presented and while I agree this individual does have a mental case, zeal is still a human characteristic and indeed can be manipulated by inherent metal illness.
But transgenderism isnt as simple as someone with body dysphoria alone. There comes a whole host of political and sociological baggage that comes with it, it doesn't exist in a vacuum. The person has to *believe* in it, it must be their truth. In this way they become fanatics. What is the militant gay movement with only mental illness and no fanaticism in their beliefs?


You’re a little slow Larry. But don’t worry Trump will be impeached any day just like you’ve been saying for 16 months.

thank God

Gee, I fucking wonder why you're unloved…
…Oh, right.

To the bog with ye

Here's the great thing about that stat (which from the report is actually 45%). It covers people in the age range of 18-24. The older ones actually have less attempts per capita. This means that the new bumper crop we're getting are attempting suicide earlier and more frequently than their predecessors.

Holy shit you guys should read this it's comedy gold.

If thats true there should be a movement demanding that all 500 genders be listed on all application forms.

Replace "Satan" with I don't know,.. Jews perhaps?

Name the Jew instead of allegories and euphemisms.

More good ones.
Thirty percent (30%) of respondents reported having a physical disability or mental health condition that substantially affects a major life activity.

More proof children instinctively hate them and it's only conditioning that prevents the natural response of fag-bashing.

Not necessarily, that just means that more of the older generation succeeded.

Can't tell what that is from the thumbnail but I'm damn sure not clicking on it



I like the cut of your jib effort post user, have all my (((john money))) information:

Related. Also check your volume before you hit play whoever cut this was a faggot.

Yeah and then their gay gene just coincidentally makes them get raped at a very young age by some sodomite. Don't let anybody tell you though that it was this traumatic experience that fucked them up, they were born that way after all.

phenotype = genotype + environment

This is a case where genotype has less influence, and it's mostly cultural, i.e. fag propaganda.
The genetic part of this could be associated to genetically having low level of testosterone, or a problem regulating estrogens. Those are currently not fixable, but hormone therapy should help.
The social / cultural part is the most important fight here until a better understanding is done we know but the scientific community will need to test these ideas experimentally, and they cannot right now because of leftism propaganda and subversion of academic institutions

Also remember to take into account that the affect environment has on between 2 people is going to also come down to their genes, making environment affects, to what extent unknown, heritable.


High quality informations

Libs are just starting to realize how badly they fucked up.

Repoasting in antitranny bread.

what kind of a life can you lead like that?


These are all from the same tumblr blog, and the same person -→

>make sure to check me out my videos on

he's not wrong.

the Jews are literally our adversaries.


I’ll show respect for the fanatics of any ideology besides this one. This is just instilled self destruction. There’s no real cause these people are fighting for. In fact I think their state of mind is engineered so that they can’t feel any fanaticism for any worthwhile cause. I’d sooner support some anti west jihadi fighter than one of these abominations, honestly.

He has no idea how right he truly is (Synagogue of satan).

Based mods for fixing my fuck up.

I have no respect for such ilk either. But as far as an enemy goes, their zealousry is apparent and deep. You'd be a fool to take it for granted. Hell, we've been playing the fool for far too long with these people as it stands, that's the irony.


I've seen some shit

Yeah, the heritability estimates never go above 35% and that's with a deliberately biased sample, so in reality it's probably much less. The overwhelming majority of the cause of faggotry is not genetic.


cant make this shit up, fam

I have never met a gay person that became gay as a adult, they are almost all born/naturally develope that way. It's a shame people still spout this on here. There is a problem and we need to fix it, not pretend it doesn't exist. It's not culture making people gay, though it is certainly not helping the problem and glorifies it these days. I would think most people on Holla Forums would be more interested in fixing the gay problem than just being ignorant retards on the issue cause gays are gross. Think of all the fag whites out there that have a brain issue, hormonal imbalance, etc. that could be helped by "us" and fixed and pump out more white babies for the race(assuming their problem isn't genetic). Most of these people do deserve love and help. I think the first step it trying to stop the medias glorifieing of gays and trans. Trans really need to be shot, they are genetic mistakes.


No they aren't faggot, faggotry spawns from molestation, abuse, and idolatry/propaganda. If you happen to love sticking things in your mouth, try a gun.

Ropeworthy. it's not a difficult concept. Aberration is not acceptable for it brings nothing but degradation. Faggots indicate nothing but societal rot. Into the fucking bog.

Ah yes, nature dictates that human development leads to castration and wearing dresses and baby foreskin on your face.

lol no

Because they are mentally ill, for fucks sake.
But no, all blue-pill idiots think they must be encouraged in their certain path of self-destruction.
Yet red-pilled people asking for them getting proper care are the villains for some reason.

Pics related, made by perfectly sane people who would never think of killing themselves in a perfect tolerant world.

Old hat user. If the Nazis had won we would have so much of this covered already by rigorous right wing German social science

satan means adversary of the jew. rats hiding in the walls will scatter when you shine the light on them. to them, the flashlight is evil.

Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.
Dude, call me what you want, but this is amazing shit. We are dealing with mentally ill people. How the hell did they even manage to gain justification in the first place? At any rate, not too many people know about these so they blindly end up supporting it cuz "muh humman rights" "as long as it doesn't affect you.." etc. If we get to promote these facts for what they are, we can turn the tides in our favour. Reminder that these mentally deranged people are in the absolute minority and they depend on naive individuals in order to support their degeneracy. Imma contribute from my "Degeneracy" folder.


Top tier delusion.


If Holla Forums is openminded to the idea that abortions/planned parenthood are child sacrifices to moloch, then the cybele cult should be enlightening.

Is there a connection between sea water and faggotry or something?

Here we see left's double standard at best
It's completely AOK to push this shit on PRE-SCHOOLERS'
God forbid if you bring up statistics, relevant disorders and complex sociological and psychological factors
Either way Nominee is right, Deus Vult

Coastal areas have always been civilized hot spots. Modern day cities are renowned for their degeneracy. 2+2. But yes, the water is turning the frickin frogs gay.

Jews. They are saltier than the sea.



this is why when someone says "boi" in their "sentences" i fucking harass them non stop until they fuck off. only mentally ill homosexual gangster ghetto thugs use that retarded "slang".

Port cities are ideal for degeneracy to thrive. Lots of people from all over the planet stop in there, easy access to drugs and sex, hidden slave markets, weapons trading, and usually lots of money to be made in goods transfer. Throw in a permissive liberal attitude to sex of all kinds and you get stuff like intergenerational pedo lifestyle cults with 20-30 pedo families having swapping parties except its not the wife getting swapped, but the children.
Said children will meet their future partners at said parties and usually marry early as legally possible in order to have max children to molest and keep the cult going strong in places like San Fran and Vancouver BC.

What a beautiful story.

That's complete bollocks.
Being gay is a mental deceases that comes from either genetic malfunctions or psychological trauma.
99% of the gays that I know are people who had psychological trauma and modern/fast society is helping that.
Want healthy people ? get them a normal cadenced life that doesn't revolve around hype marketing bullshit and overwork but around family, friends and jobs that they like.

The gay community must be eliminated.

Yes goyim, focus your efforts on the one-in-a-million child trap while your pews are filled with race traitors.

It used to be a down-low ghetto term but cucks have culturally appropriated it.

You also need to specially tattoo the hands and faces of all who have performed circumscisions and force all new mothers to watch the recordings of ones being done. Say five different ones. Ostracize the ones with such tattoos and force them to the back of everything, even triage lists. Make circumscision surgeon a societal black mark for it is the fertilizer and soil of faggot-trees. Every one of the worst faggots i knew with gallons of jizz up the ass was unable to satisfy his sex appitites due to the removal of penile nerve endings, and thus the deadening of sensation and usuring of his biological debt. He could fuck for centuries day and night but never be able to pay off the same amount as three nights of sex in the missionary position with a woman with an uncut cock going into a pussy for purposes of reproduction.
TLDR burn the jews mark their shabbos.

Nice mental gymnastics, liberal faggots.


But it was always a butterfly, caterpillar is just the name for the larval stage

By literally threatening the doctors that classified them as mentally ill with death and arson, until they changed the criteria.
I have more of this shit, and more coming every day, including my screencaps from Those ones will shut the mouths of even the most naive normalfag, and possibly their parents.

Money wasn’t a jew, though.


post related

Not all pedos are homos
But all homos are pedos

No one is born a faggot. This was disproven decades ago.

No one is born a faggot.


You always know when a person has a family name related to gold, money or being rich, he's always a kike. This rule has no exceptions.

He may well have been, but I can’t find anything that lists him as one.

We deal in fact here, shlomo. I want a citation for Money being a kike so that I can edit my documents on him to include mentions of that.

Just edit your documents to say "possible crypto".
I'd imagine your not going to find much since most cryptos are such for a reason, and don't go parading about their jewish ancestry like most other kikes. Hell, there's a possibility he didn't even know he was a kike, were he to turn out to be one.

This has potential to be huge… Let's hope Trump goes all the way.


Thanks to the goreposting faggots for ruining this pro-Trump thread. Nobody wants to see dicks getting chopped off or the faggots' gaping flesh wounds they call vaginas. Fuck outta here with that shit. Let's get back to talking about how Trump is securing the federal courts with right wing judges for the next 30 years at least.


These degenerates are absolutely shameless.

The author behind this pic has to be intentionally fallacious, retarded, mid school drop out or deluded

Human intervention =/= part of natural process.

Non burger here what did the filibuster rule change did?

non-burger here, but I can answer you.

Basically, whenever the senate has to vote on something, by law they're required to give FULL DEBATE about any given topic to any of it's members. Which means the topic won't be up to vote while someone says he still has something to say about it.
A Filibuster is a Senate member who quite simply won't shut the fuck up about something on purpose: as long as the topic is being discussed, it won't be up to vote and aproved.
You CAN prevent this with a Cloture vote: if it passes, the issue is immediately taken to the final vote and filibusters can't interfere anymore, but the Cloture vote requires 60% majority in the Senate.
What this means is that 41 Senators (a minority) can refuse to vote for Cloture and thus allow the filibuster to talk without end about something to prevent it from being up to final voting.

What the Democrats did, under Obama was try to get some PROGRESSIVE judges into the system, but those pesky Republican senators didn't let him and started filibusting.
So they pulled the nuclear option: they used their own Majority in the Senate to override the Cloture vote: they abolished filibusting and took the judge votes forward.
At the time, one Democrat prophetized: "We're not gonna be in power forever, this was a great mistake".

What do you know, he was right.

Also, about all the Tranny discussion.
Remember that a treatment has already been found.
Pimozine is a drug that supresses the desire to transition and keeps the mental problems in check when taken daily.
The reason transniggers don't want to people to know this is because this is the drug that is also used to treat schizophrenics and they don't want to be seen as mentally-ill.

Mike Pence should start forcefeeding these fucks Pimozine pills. Heck, give them supositories of the damn thing, I'm sure they'll enjoy it.

If you have ever wanted to stare insanity in the face, then look no further.

Posts like this only make me angry. Imagine, if you will, a society where we treated all mental illnesses as we treat transexualism. Imagine if we told people with OCD that their rituals and obsessions were 'healthy' or 'important to accept'. If we told the depressed to wallow in their misery, rather than stand against despair and make something of themselves. We would not have room left in the morgues after a decade. Honestly, this is one of the things that truly solidified my hatred against (((them))); rather than working towards a cure for mental illnesses of all kinds, we've been forced down a path of false compassion, where the well intentioned torture the broken into killing themselves in the name of kindness and tolerance, and damaged others by gaslighting them into thinking it's the right thing to do.

Figures the marines would be the branch most interested in a transport with the ability to flip people the bird.

Perhaps we could use this to our advantage? It could be phrased as an anti-IOTBW campaign, started by people mad at DOZ PESKY NATZIYS, and through cognitive dissonance, we might create further cracks in the facade.

Of course the dildo is circumcised.

I've read something about this before, except the time period is from when Charles Martel was around, and that the Inquisition have been hunting groups who are basically described as the medieval equivalent of furries (aka Heretics) that I forgot the name of because they've been often helping out the mudslimes coming to France from Spain as well as promoting (((anti-human))) deviant shit people today would expect from the modern day lgbbqt's and other degenerates.

Attention grabbing images to highlight a good post.

Reminder that if Ginsberg’s reanimated corpse turns to dust during Trump’s reign (and Kennedy retires or dies), we can not only start to think about repealing Roe v. Wade, we will have a VERY good chance of having the SCOTUS rule that the 14th amendment NEVER GRANTED BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP, since Trump’s other pick, Gorsuch, would rule that way.

Reported. Do not post again for two years.



this is the line I dare not cross. I ain't clicking that shit. I will never be numb enough for this.


Awesome. I wonder if this is one of the major things Trump is distracting everyone from with his tweeting lately. Haven't seen much of this at all in the news.


It is. Leviticus 20:13 teaches:

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

99.8% of lesbian, gay and bisexual teens will change their sexual orientation back to heterosexual within 13 years of deciding that they're faggots. Source:

If they're "born that way" then how can they change their minds?

I think we know enough.
