AfD speeches in the Bundestag!


Following the German election the AfD gained 92 seats in the German parliament. Previously it was unbearable to watch the "discussion" between barely differing parties, now it's a lot of fun!
This guys speech was the highlight so far. He hit all the most important points and even called out the UN.
Note especially how the traitor parties react at 1:00, when he mentions raising birthrates.

Here's some more untranslated speeches. Even if you don't understand them, watch the energy they convey.
Weidel (AfD) erste Rede zum ersten AfD-Antrag im Bundestag
Gauland (AfD) erste Rede im Bundestag

Other urls found in this thread:

This image says it all.
One the left you see the seats of the old parties: only half of them even bothered to show up, the rest are half asleep and lifeless. On the right you can see the AfD cheering, standing up and clapping for the energetic speech one of their own just gave.
This election was a complete turning point for German politics.

It makes my dick diamonds to hear those words spoken in the German parliament. There is hope yet.

And they are gonna swallow instead of spit and let them be official opposistion too. Gonna be a fun time.

Fun is not over yet I think - I hope for new elections and even more seats. That's how you get blitzkriegs in your kitchen.


The traitors actually booed when he said that Germans should have more children rather than import a replacement population. Kill them all. Christ.

Did he mention the Kalergi Plan? Otherwise it isn't worth my time.

Pretty good.

A nation can endure its enemies, it cannot endure traitors.
Your advice is sound, and Germans ought pay attention to it.

Throw them from the Germanic Tarpeian Rock.

The UN's replacement migration plan is the Kalergi plan.

The satisfying side of it is that the youtube videos have a lot of views and favorable comments from non-AfD aligned people.. And the pictures of the empty Reichstag are quite powerful.
I assume their strategy is to present themselves and their ideas to the people with these speeches before the new elections?
I might even bet on AfD. Hopefully they run the crypto commies out.


He specifically mentions replacement migration and native birthrates, torfag. They even tried to cut him off at the end as he asks the rhetorical question of how Germans are supposed to deal with being (((democratically))) debased by mass naturalization of foreigners.

What happened to the golden dawn? How does the AfD compare to the Golden Dawn?

>Note especially how the traitor parties react at 1:00, when he mentions raising birthrates.

Holy shit, you're not kidding.

Just the idea of Germany breeding Germans is distasteful to them.

The AFD ought to run that as part of its campaign material.

On that note, has anyone read Practical Idealism?

Is AFD Kiked?

It doesn't matter at this point, Satan.

AfD is the only party paying any attention to the actual problems and offering realistic solutions.

It's like Trump - there's only one person on stage even attempting to deal with things as they are.

No more than Trump for what that's worth.

I hope I live long enough to witness vermin such as those be executed for high treason.

Golden Dawn is in Greece, this is about Germany.

Many Golden Dawn members were arrested and put on trial, but they are still around. They got 7% of the vote back in 2015 they would likely get quite a bit higher in the next election in 2019.

AfD has no fascist or natsoc imagery like Golden Dawn, but they know exactly what's going on with migration and the original purpose of the EU to genocide Europeans and destroy national sovereignty.

So is it true CDU and SPD have gone full grand coalition?

Any krautfag here? How badly is this gonna hurt them/help AfD?

Trump is entirely kiked. It wouldn't possible for him to be more controlled than he already is. If AFD is just Trump tier, then no wonder this is stickied. More controlled opposition that aims to get nationalists to support Israel.

Third world immigration is a symptom, not the disease itself.

A phoenix, rising from the ashes!

Kike status: Shoah-ed.
Justice and retribution are coming back to this world, comrades. Rejoice!

That's cool but Nazis are illegal in Germany, so can't some jews just call the AfD Nazis and have them all arrested?

Damn, you guys are doing great. Just a year ago we were afraid for your future.

They've been trying the Nazi card over and over again in the media. They can't take down the AfD though because they have not done anything explicitly Nazi, and if they did a large chunk of Germany would be extremely pissed.

AFD are pro-israel kikes, they're there to keep Germans from fighting back in the streets.


Ah, well that's depressing. Is the leadership actually composed of Jews?

And here we go

Nigger the fucking house is on fire. Can we worry about the arsonist after we've put the fire out. Priorities. Besides being anti-EU is being anti-kike by proxy.

Ignore him. He'll get shoahed soon enough.

For as kiked as Trump is it's undeniable that his actions and agenda are implicitly if not explicitly pro-white.

Sure he throws some shekels to and praise at the kikes, but no more than any politician in the last 50 years.

Overall his presidency has been to our benefit and to the kikes determent.



As long as you don't directly call yourself a National Socialist, Say/Salute Heil Hitler, or fly the NatSoc flag, you're good to go.
Also don't listen to shills like Germany isn't America, there is no free speech, say the wrong things and you can face jailtime thanks to Allies setting shit up for kikes after WW2. Many previous nationalist parties were demolished and subverted exactly that way. Only once the AfD has more than 50% of the parlament seats could they change law more drastically. Which means until they reach +50% in the parliament they will keep tiptoeing on specific topics for legal reasons.

No, no he fucking wont. Because this goddamned board is happy to just ban these fucking idiots instead of deconstructing their arguments and sending them buttblasted home. Banning them only lends credence to their stupidity and it doesn't help they ARE right and that the moderation in this board is pure unabated cancer.

Who the fuck cares what these goddamn AfD fucks think about Israel. What matters is what they think about kike shit that directly impacts Germany itself
1. Against mass immigration
2. Pro traditional family
3. Pushing to raise birthrates
4. Against the EU

The only legitimate grievance you can have with them is they're lolberg on economics, but at the very least they balance that with actual conservative (heck given the current situation more like reactionary) politics in just about every other stance. And to begin with Germany isn't the USA. It doesn't have 10 fucking CVs to throw around and enforce ZOG politics worldwide. It has control over the EU and it's economics sure, but considering the AfD is anti-EU to begin with.

Every damn time before a political party even has the chance to put shit into practice, it gets shat on by this shit. And then when they DO fuck up the other side just instantly defends all asinine crap because they're afraid that giving in to that one topic means D&C shitposters run wild. There's no nuance, there's no thought. It's pure party politics.

They aren't the arsonist though. If they were they'd be pro-EU.

Your nose is showing.

This. Nobody is saying Trump is perfect, but if it wasn't for him then we probably would be in the same position where we were in 2015 where nationalism was a dirty word and any opposition to immigration was sacrilege.

Even if Trump doesn't drain the swamp, he's done more than enough by permanently weakening the liberal elite in the public's perception and expanding the overton window.

It's beyond retardation. You judge his words rather than his actions. If you wanna criticize him, talk shit about him bombing the Syrians when he had no business doing it. Or his utter failure to end Obamacare.

There's a lot of things you can criticize you goddamn thunder nigger, his support for what are basically pro-white politics aren't one.

The EU is nothing more than another tool of the kikes, they can easily discard it if the "nationalists" are all pro-israel shabbos goyim. AFD seeks to stop the destruction of Germany by Muslims so that Germans can continue supporting Israel for all eternity, as slaves. The best thing that could have happened for Germany would be complete and total destruction through third world immigration, then the real Germans could rise from the ashes and remake their society from scratch.

Except the shills don't get buttblasted or sent home, they collect shekels, swap IPs, and keep pumping out the same tired narrative.
Deconstructing the arguments is worth it, but most of us have done it over, over and over again and it has reached the point where we only respond to actual new narratives/arguments/shilling. That's not a bad thing, it's how a proper immune system SHOULD work.

This is a genuinely bad feel.

Trump is objectively anti-white, he constantly does shit that he doesn't have to do, that actively hurts white people.

>(((taylor swift))) meme
Those Haitians aren't going to be deported. It's been an entire year since he was elected and there are more non-whites in the country now, than when Obama was President.

Hillary would have been the end of whites in this country.

A summary of posts ITT thus far by (((97ed2a))) for those who haven't been paying attention:

(greentext one line strawman)

(assorted greentext strawmen accompanying known shill image)

When kikes send us their shills, they aren't sending their best. They lie, they strawman, they use shit tier logical fallacies, and some I assume, have drank the blood of good people. Very low energy. Very shameful. Sad!

On the other hand, these gay sons of bitches just successfully shit up a thread that was supposed to be about AfD.


You certainly are.

Whose payroll do you think he's on? I remember this fucker. He won't tell me.

Wew laddie that is one hook-nosed posting history right there. These fucks have no shame whatsoever.

Yeah, the best thing that could happen is the total eradication of the people to the point replacement is impossible and then lets go ahead and count the damage the fucking muzzies or the EU by itself can do to the land itself.

Also if you rob the kikes of their tools what can they fucking do. Literally every policy the AfD defends will rob the kikes of a tool. This isn't the shitty 4D chess meme or whatever the goddamn fuck. Every FUCKING policy they defend is pro-German, anti-kike. And more fucking importantly you galactic thunder nigger, is the fact you haven't even SEEN them in action. You're about to. If they fuck up, (and you're German), call them out on it. And that's that. If they do good, praise. What they say stopped mattering the second those parliament members took their positions. What matters now is their actions.

Every damned thread is ruined by these fucks. Every single damned one.

Please, suck more cocks faggot, you clearly haven't had enough

That isn't the point of most people that talk shit on Trump. You faggots that spew non arguments are just as shit and just as guilty of the situation every damned thread we have now goes through.

I apologize for taking the bait, but I'm fucking done dealing with this D&C faggotry in every damn thread. This and the pagan vs christian shit pretty much ruins EVERY thread on this board.

David Brock's.

I'm not trying to be patronizing but honestly user if you just report them and filter by ID usually it makes most threads bearable to participate in again. The real trouble is when you personally get flustered and let them get in your head or put you in a bad mood. I like to fuck with them sometimes and call them out like ITT but most of the time I just report, filter and ignore and carry on with the discussion. Speaking of which, it's pretty amazing to see a speech like the one in OP in CY+2. A few years back I thought it was hopeless for Germany but clearly they are taking steps to beat the mind disease and regain control of their country.

I filter him the second I see him (them? it?). I don't disagree that there IS a larger question, who here does? But the total unwillingness to acknowledge positive steps, debate pros/cons of actions of legislatures/world leaders//TRUMP(!), and the constant posting of the "touching the wall" pictures of various people just outs it as a demoralization shill. Ignore it and move on, I say.

How much long until we affect real world memetics and make normies wage cultural war against the cancer known as UN ?

I know, it's annoying as shit watching them post the same garbage over and over. Sometimes you just have to lash out at them if you lurk with any regularity. The Pagan vs Christian thing is just as bad too, I know. It's like you're trying to get something done and a god damn holy war passes through the halls. Like a Monty Python sketch.
Oh. Then his assignment should be over pretty soon. Possibly around the time those sealed indictments open.

Hope they get gassed

There's absolutely no point in deconstructing their viewpoints, because they don't actually believe them.

does Holla Forums have amnesia all of a sudden? we're supposed to keep supporting zionists even as they continue to fuck us?

Oh and one last one! The fucks that spam anime reaction images, or get pissed someone uses one of them for the first time in a fucking 300 post thread. Both sides of that argument are fucking shit of the highest goddam proportions.
Saged for continued offtopic

This. Also, what, precisely, IS their (its) viewpoint? Is there one beyond "everyone is a kike puppet, race war now"? That's about the level of contribution I've seen from it. So, like I posted; filter and ignore.

the reason people post the picture of him touching the wall is because it is a physical representation of his subservience to the jewish people, do you really not understand that?

Their viewpoint is whatever gets them paid/(you)'s in case of those who do it for free.

Last thing I'm going to say on this issue. Start looking for a new job now. You have absolutely no guarantee of stability in your current position. It might be tomorrow, it might be a year from now. But one day you simply won't be called in to work because your boss is in court. You could probably make more at a gas station, and have a more fulfilling experience. Just trying to help.

Yes I'm sure all the anti-immigration, pro-german, nationalistic sentiment will be (((subverted))) just as easily as a cucked, pro-EU nation. Do you even think before you type shit or are you just a dumb kike?

It's fucking lip service you goddamn thunder nigger. Look at his fucking policies not his damned stupid play trips to touch the fucking wall.

Who CARES what he says as long as what he puts to law is beneficial. Ends justify the means. If he's helping American whites, what does it matter he touched the wall.


Stop replying to him, you sperg.
There's no point. They can't prove that Trump is a zionist, they keep posting, they can't prove the mods are subverted, they keep posting, they can't prove that kampfy is a turkroach/nigger, they keep posting.
Logic and reason doesn't achieve anything here.

On one hand it's good to have them around to a certain degree because they keep us on our toes, but in too high quantity the signal to noise ratio becomes unbearable.
I've spent a lot of time thinking of a solution to the shill problem and the best I've been able to come up with is to switch to a whitelist model that maintains anonymity, but relies on an encrypted hash produced via a user-submitted passphrase in conjunction with captcha or similar anti-bot measures, combined with manual approval which would be comparable to the way certain torrent trackers operate. This would be entirely different from a tripcode since the intent would be that the pass/hash would not be visible to anything but the back end of the system (similar to how the IP hash system works on Holla Forums). It's the only way to move away from the IP address blacklist model which would also prevent forumitis (identity-fagging). Hash/password management (recycling, time limits, obfuscation, etc) is exceptionally important, in order to prevent users from identifying a hash much like a tripcode is identified now.
If a distributed imageboard ever got off the ground you could have multiple people producing competing whitelists (or even blacklists if you can handle the inevitable spam) and you could simply choose which list to subscribe to (or make your own if you have the time/autism). How you would program a user-created whitelist while still obfuscating other users' hashes is an exercise left up to the reader.
Anonymity is the central core of imageboards that makes them what they are, and it should be considered sacrosanct. I would suggest that pseudonymity should ALWAYS be either discouraged or banned outright because that's a gateway to namefagging, which leads to cancer and board death.
Alternatively, you could rotate between whitelist and blacklist models depending on the severity of the spam/shill influx. Even paid shills eventually get bored (lose funding).

was marrying his daughter off to a member of the talmudic mafia also lip service? interesting how trump's entire cabinet kissed the wall as well

I'm not trying to be patronizing, but when you filter instead shit on the kike shills you're making a leftist type echo chamber for yourself and you end up being as weak willed as they are.

Least you could do is not use 9gag and Reddit-tier "memes". Get lost, shill.

Not really. If they had actual arguments, or a point, then yes, that's what would happen. But they don't. They post the exact same one liner non-arguments every time, with the exact same four images.

Oh please. Nigger sometimes I don't want to further derail and shit up the thread by arguing endlessly with a kike. It's your business if you want to but like I said, usually I report and filter so I can engage in actual on topic discussion.

WTF? Never heard that in my life.

Hahaha some of those laws are so fucking nonsensical and redundant that you can tell that the kikes were just layering on the "import niggers" options as fast as they could pump them out.

Does every fucking thread need to be about Trump?

I don't know why, but that makes me think of injuns.

If it happens, many of them will be dragged out of homes by the people. They won't even have earned an execution. They'll be put down like rabid dogs.

The shills still think Trump is their best vector of attack. They are such clueless thunder niggers.

Them aside, its nice to see anyone from Europe even mentioning natalism. Can't say I thought it would be from Germans, but I guess it would have to start there all things considered.

Galactic thunder nigger is what you use when you are filled with righteous rage.

And look what happened when they failed to show him gratitude. Passive redpills for normalfags on the eternal nigger. Trump isn't going to be the Hitler Holla Forums wants so much, but he sure is getting people onto our side. You don't charge into war like a complete retard with just 10 guys behind you. You go into war with a fucking ARMY.

Trump is building up that army.

Holy shit: we should start calling "Native Americans" "Thunder Niggers"; you know how they're supposed to be "in touch" with nature, right? They do rain dances, etc.? Lol; I, personally, am going to call them Thunder Niggers from this time forward. It's hilarious and will probably piss off the "Native Americans" because they''re being called "niggers".

But it's been eight months and we haven't built a wall circling the globe, or nuked Israel yet!!!!!!!! :^)

I am shocked that this man wasn't immediately thrown into prison for saying this, as Germany is an occupied nation.

Swing by /polmeta/ some time for a little shill studying. Trump TWOOOOOO SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS isn't the only narrative they repeat ad nauseum because they can't ever leave their low energy scripts, they're intellectually incapable of doing so.



The primer directs people to /pdfs/, if they're too stupid to figure it out from there, they shouldn't even be on here. Plus, you could ask in the QTDDTOT thread. Discussion of books isn't even heavily moderated.
You can easily see that this is false, by checking the catalog.

They don't even scream about exoduses to 2pphchan anymore, now they try to sell a story about demanding that the mods step down or some shit.

This is not a fucking Trump thread, make a separate thread

The German goverment is actually in turmiol as of this moment.
1) The current parties are unwilling to compremise into a working coalition.
2) They missed the timeframe of an immidiate re-election, the next possibility is in 2018
3) BREXIT will thus make a harder impact with the German government unable to act, at the same time France is standing by wanting to take the reins of EU from Germany.
4) In the event of an re-election AFD stands to gain a lot more votes posing as the opposition party.

Some common sense. Fucking finally!

This is a magical time we're living in.
It's always darkest before dawn.

I'd like to remind everybody in this thread that not even the NSDAP got anywhere near as many seats when they first entered the Bundestag, if they keep this up they'll be the biggest party in Germany two elections.

Gas yourself. Jude.

wow, what a victory

You wanna know how I know you're a fucking stupid piece of shit shill?

Can I answer that one?
because he does the exact things that were pointed out earlier in the thread, but reading isn't in his contract

I heard they'd taken the CDU+SPD (((grand coalition))) option.

Because I support reading books and actually learning?

Aren't they supposed to at least make somewhat of an effort to hide their true intentions?

You fucking kikes, I swear.
Had Hitler been around to day you would have killed him a kike lover because he shoved off near 100,000 Jews to Palestine.

You got it bucko. Never ceases to amuse the hell out of me how blatant and stupid they are.

Nah they would have gone with the "he's just another commie!" approach due to his pro-workers policy.

lol, because Hitler was a philosemite who married his children off to Jews and was afraid of telling the truth?


That was extremely tame. After they booed the idea of Germans reproducing, he should've called them conspirators in genocide and left it at that. It was just effectively cucking from that point.

Go back and read the very first post you replied to in this thread in its entirety and then kill yourself.

I just went there and didn't see a "shill" thread.

Yeah, you're being gaslit, we all are. The mods are paid by Kushner.

He'll never prove it.
He can't prove it.
All he can do is post the "the mods are being paid by kushner because I said so" picture.

Don't you mean reading the "right" books and learning the "right" things?

My dick is actually harder than diamonds my dick is actually so hard and dense now it has to be the catalyst for our slip into this time frame as it is currently warping time and space.

An awoken germany without the spectre of an eastern communist bloc is keeping them up at night.


The fuck kind of shilling is this.

You wouldn't know truth if it ejaculated on your forehead while you slept.

tbh it would be hard to distinguish from all the nigger semen that's normally there when he wakes up

Holla Forums always does this for some reason, it's a very feminine thing to do

The leftist scream when he suggests more white babies was quite satisfying.

All of those comments wishing for this guy to get fucked. It's like they are willing to be replaced the poor fools.

Their success hinges on whether the fucking krauts do their job and share speeches like that on fagbook, whatsapp and so forth.

i wouldnt even say thats the biggest thing
if hillary had won USA would likely be in a civil war right now
a trump presidency gives us more time to acclimitize normies to nationalism
but the war will still come, it seems inevitable to me
because demographics are real and even a trump presidency cant change the demographics of the usa, so only bloodshed can save the white race from extinction, a fact we all face to

Can we get some links to those videos with English subtitles? The Youtube subtitles don't work for shit.

afd gaining seats would be an improvement
so what can we do to make this happen?
is posting pro afd shit on facebook basically illegal in germany?

Parliment looks like it was outfitted by IKEA. No gravitas, no history, no craftsmanship.

Go AfD!

I noticed this too.
Was it because the original was fucked up during WWII? I mean that looks like utter shit compared to the Brit or even the American one.

Dreifaches Sieg Heil aus Österreich.

Deliberate and malicious genocide. Everyone who bood should be executed for genocide crimes.

I am unsure what this means…is FPO the good guys? Aren't they the liberal cunts? Where's AfD?

Can I get more video of this sort of thing? Booing, shouts, anything.

It is in the town where Hitler was born in Austria.

Oh that's the Austrian FPO. I confused it with the party that left the coalition CDU was trying to form.

It's not wrong though. I think it's good to remind people that ultimately there is no political solution.


He isn't helping Jews, he's touching a wall.

Die FPÖ ist Strache, Strache aber ist Österreich, wie Österreich Strache ist.

The FPÖ is the party of the Burschenschaften and Schutzstaffel families.
They are going in to a coalition with the Farmers party ÖVP.
youtube embed: Party leader talking about the survival of our people.

Or rather, he isn't Jewish*

Ignore them, goy, support AFD!

No I mean I confused them with a German party. Shoudl have seen the Osterreich.

its austria nigger

You're being painfully obtuse and the fact that you typed out that little snarky paragraph thinking you were being clever is fucking pathetic.

I went through and checked - almost nothing in the first half of that image actually equates to any meaningful change, all the way down to the justice section.
The defense department section also look pretty fuckin' ZOG m8.

No, lad, I'm being painfully up-front, and the fact that you had no response besides this one is just delightfully telling.

Now THIS is being painfully obtuse.

There's nothing about that post history that is inherently wrong, though the about-face on AfD seems a bit off.

Though it is interesting to be able to see how the moderators move amongst the crowd and they have to say.

God DAMN Germanbros I'm proud of you all today. Good fucking work.

Ticking all the boxes tonight eh?

You can see how desperate shills are that they have to fall back on trump is da kike goyim sliding to downplay how great this is for Germany.


This is exactly the same thing that is happening all across the EU, in Canada and to a limited degree in the US.

Why does Anonymous call someone ostensibly properly anonymous a fag? What is bad about using tor? Do you really think there's no downside to being associated with Holla Forums? Where I live and work being associated with Holla Forums is a one way ticket to HR, etc.

Please answer in a reasoned way, insults are taken as read.

Peter Brimelow: Trump has already succeeded, he isn't Hillary.

So you're advocating pointing the firehose at the drapes, wall, ceiling etc, and NOT the base of the fire?

You need to lurk for 2 years before posting again.

That's not at all what he was intimating, stop being such a fucking faggot.

Are you fucking stupid?

Hitler gained power through elections.
Do you want to fail like antifa? Because avoiding political solutions is how you kill a movement. We aren't going to accomplish shit by fighting in the streets, just like how Hitlers Beer Hall Putsch accomplished nothing.


Glad to see some spirit in your Reichstag. Now sort out the kikes and neo-libs and there might be some hope!

Hitler knew exactly how to boost the fertility of the nation and create a baby boom at the same time as a massive economic explosion and virtual elimination of the social welfare problems.

Now look at what the kikes push.
It is the exact opposite.

Just repeat what Hitler did at the beginning, the part that is suppressed and everyone is made to ignore. And the rest will follow.

What are you on about? Immigration is and has been a huge issue in America for a long time now.

He basically began massive infrastructure improvements, including really taking off with the autobahn idea. That created jobs, which created security, which boosted birth rates. Plus the fact he instantly used government power + SA support to end violence in cities by cracking down on the commie paramilitaries.

European peoples choose to have children in secure environments. That means on all levels, including economic.

Dubs of truth. Make Germany safe, proud, and productive again and Germans will have lots of babies again.

There was much more before that.

Taking women out of the workforce just opened up jobs for unemployed men. The incentive for the women balanced out by not having to pay the welfare payments for the men. Men wanted to work. Men had pride again. Men were marrying again and pumping out babies.

Building infrastructure all just took off after that. The idea was classless society, not meaning that monetary compensation was all the same. But that the people would all get a fair shake. That the normal man could have a decent life and if they were working, they would not have to worry. Their family would be happy, their life would have meaning, sacrifices for the state would be rewarded.

All the negative bullshit comes from a war that Hitler never wanted. The roadmap is there, and the kikes are terrified of anyone who repeats any of it. Because if you do what Hitler did, and the results are great… then people might start asking other questions.

Whoever is in charge of the AfD should put english subtitles on all their videos and post them on youtube & twitter. The world needs to see how reasonable their arguments are.

Sacrifices for the nation/folk*

Just discovered that the (((jews))) REALLY get triggered when you mention that they converted to "judaism" from paganism in order to trade with Christians and Muslims

Something to keep an eye on: We're about to see AfD checkmate Merkel (CDU/CSU) and Schulz (SPD) all at once.
Now that merkels collation failed and desperate to stay in power shes forced to set up another CDU/CSU & SPD collation (calling another election in months is too risky and will backfire). Normally this would be fine given they've been a coalition for years but their long game was: SPD sets itself up as the new "opposition" party while CDU/CSU continues the rapefuge program. Next election, SPD blames all past crimes on the CDU/CSU party and the political game continues.
Now if they unite, all rapefuge & economic damage until next election will be blamed on both main parties while the remaining parties rise in power (especially the AfD). FDP is currently taking a beating for not agreeing to the nig coalition and as always people see through the lefts bullshit eventually.

If AfD was a bit more third position on economics, the FDP could be tempted to form a coalition with them to try and protect lolberg free trade interests. Honestly a German should bring that up with their representatives if they're AfD affiliated.

I am sure the German people will taste victory again, and it will taste even better than a Haribo Gold-Bear, made in Germany.

Alice Weidel is an economist so it shouldn't be too difficult to form based on a mutual economic plan especially if FDP starts to trend downwards again. If AfD can stay away from any stupid comments in public and come off as the reasonable party then the next election is theirs.

Also the EU can't pause its ponzi scheme until the following election otherwise it begins to implode (what we're seeing now). The cancer needs to keep spreading to stay alive. They've added new third world nations to the fold but the parasite needs a few first world nations in the mix to stay afloat.

this made the hair on my body stand up, jesus christ these people need to be fucking murdered. What more proof does one need that they are fucking pure traitors?

i think thats the most 80s video I've ever seen

First rate post. /pol needs more of this. comments like "you're a kike" with a response like "No im not - go gas yourself" just shit up the thread. When your kike-dar is buzzing, call out the jew with your evidence.

Politely saged

Jesus you LARPing Amerifags.
Germany isn't even white.
Mongolian savages raped German women after the fall of Berlin and murdered the males.
Litetally Kikes, and Bolshevik Russians replaced them.
Several generations have past.
Germany is dead.
Real Germans escaped to Argentina

so many off topic and lil 'shill debate' teams going hard in this thread.

We know what you're doing you stupid fucks. Step up. We are going to dismantle your whole fucking ZOG empire if it means gassing you for real this time.

Weidel (AfD) erste Rede zum ersten AfD-Antrag im Bundestag

Gauland (AfD) erste Rede im Bundestag

Do we not have any germans in here who can give a run down/translation of this?

Yes yid, we all know it is your fantasy.

Yeeeah dave!

Also made in Germany.

Safety valve party.
When you've seen one, you've seen them all.
Nothing will change, he's (((their))) man or else he would already have been killed or scandalized.
Kiddies really need to check the last 20 years of history, British nationalism and other European nationalist scenes is a good place to start. Pretty soon you will understand the purpose and appearance of safety valves.

Just so you know, calling someone an [object]-fag is fairly common on the chans.

While his comment was impolite, you need a much thicker skin if you're going to mill about on 8-chan.

Here's hoping AFD wins the re-vote

Brillante Rede! Kompakt und pointiert bringt Curio den Wahnsinn der in Deutschland grassiert auf den Punkt. Ein Mann mit mehr Verstand als die gesamte Fraktion der Grünen. Deren Reaktionen - gerade als es um die Geburtenrate von Deutschen geht -sind ein ein Skandal und zeigen ihren irren Hass auf sich selbst.

Danke dafür.

Communists are cultists.
Communism is a religion.
They don't care how to get to power.
This reaction was their virtue signaling against gnatzees and probably aren't even aware how it panned out.

Awwww that's too bad for you…

It's actually really easy to make any place more "German", if you think about it long enough.

Alternative for Germany - Freedom Party and Jews / Israel

The German Jews Who Vote for the Far-Right

Germany's New Nazis see Israel as role Model

Far-Right Freedom Party in Austria Seeks to Win Over Jews

Israel finds Strange Bedfellow in Austria's Far-Right Freedom Party

Far-Right Austrian Freedom Party Chief visits Israel, tours Yad Vashem

Loathed by Jews, Far-Right Alternative for Germany loves the Jewish State

Leader of Far-Right Alternative for Germany says Jews have Nothing to Fear

Austrian Far-Right Freedom Party Leader calls to recognize Jerusalem as Capital

Jewish U.S. Megadonor Fuels Far-Right Alternative for Germany with Viral Fake News

Head of Alternative for Germany Frauke Petry meets with Russian Officials in Moscow

Alternative for Germany claims to be one of Few 'Guarantors of Jewish Life' in Germany

Time has already passed that we should be anonymous. Now we will take stand and admit that we ARE racists, we ARE fascists, we DO love our race, our countries and our culture.
Maybe 5-10 years ago it was reasonable to separate views and life, with all of the firings and harrasment by jewish groups. But, we have had enough! I don't miss a single opportunity to tell it how it is, I loathe people who think we should be silent while our peoples are being ethnicaly cleansed. And, even on the jews, I am always sincere and if you have the right sources and references, you should be too. If you have the fact's right you'll make sense to any logical person. And if they are autistically screeching at you instead, laugh in their faces, and remeber.
If you look and sound more reasonable to your autictic betaleftist opponent in discussion, you will in time convince the audience that YOU are right. It's not about convincing your opponent in a political debate, its about convincing the listeners!


Hmmm sehr Interessant.

if people really wanted to find you then your use of tor would still mean nothing

Instead of that you should focus more on long term plans… The Jews are so good in what they do because their believes and goals are being carried over generations. People have to create new noble bloodlines and family networks. Shot term solutions will not stop the problem.


This, basically the established parties are getting destroyed/destroying themselves while the AfD has such a high energy presence with powerful speeches that they can hold nothing against, and now that they can't manage to form a government it means more gainz for the AfD.

I know, but it is a part of a long term solution. Not being afraid of what you think and honestly answering questions about the jews and such is a great way to change our over-all image. Of course, the jewish media will still screech about antisemitism and i'm sure that many will listen, but it's about day-to-day conversations and real people talking is what they can't stop.
Besides, i'm just giving an example why should we do such things, long term solutions are a different thing all in itself.
The best thing for this is convincing people that we are a part of our race, that race exists, and we should take care of our race's problems.
This shouldn't be too hard, just bring up facts and various sources, give examples of how the blacks care for black people, the jews care for their people and so on. And, I think this is very improtant, because anons on Holla Forums sometimes seem to think taht people only think logically. This isn't the case. Women and some men think emottionally more than others and the jews use this to their advantage. We should too, we have a better position from them on it, because they think of the negatives when they talk race: how we are oppressors, how we think other races are worse, how National Socialists killed others. We should talk on the positives on race: how we are proud of who we are, how beautiful a white woman with a child is, what wonderful culture we invented. In this, we are viewed as "positive", insted of the jews' "negative"
This will be harder, but we can do it. Everyone thinks of himself first, then of his family, then of a nation, then of his race. Not all people think of the last two. We should make thinking of someone's race and nation as natural as thinking of oneself and his family. A race and nation are just a family, bonded by so many things. If you are proud of what your reletive did, you should also be proud of someone of your race did. Nothing wrong with that.
Above all, be positive, answer to the jews' negative about race and nation

Greetings kike shill. Kys

Has there ever in history anywhere been a country before where the leaders of said country openly call for the destruction of their country and the genocide of their people? How these traitors dare in public oppose the revitalization of Germany angers me greatly.

The map of Austria that is on the channel has Tirol on it as well top fucking kek.

Honestly, I am more upset after watching than before. The fact they have officials hissing at his proposition of increasing birth-rates of 'germans' is dis-heartening. They have a long way to go.

Run down of Weidel's speech:

Do you expect the AFD to goosestep around the streets shouting "wir müssen die Juden ausrotten"?

Fucking this, I'm sick and tired of cunts going straight for the fucking Jews and kvetching that whoever/whatever is trying to turn this fucking mammoth ship around isn't LITERALLY HITLER.


That smug face when the zogbots howl at his: "Afghans drinking coffee in Berlin instead of helping rebuild their country"

I see it like that:
The most important thing for Germany is to preserve its gene fund. I saw in a few places that 1/3 of Germany's total population has foreign background. So when SHTF, even if the territorial integrity of the country has to be impaired, I want the true Germans to regroup in a part of the country where they will be safe + add population boosting policies and later on, when their population won't be in immediate danger of extinction or at least loosing relevancy, they can take back what is rightfully theirs from the Turkish/Syrian/afghan/nigger enclaves.

Gives me shivers of joy to finally hear real opposition in the Bundestag.

That looks nothing like a kike. Unless you're a Trump marketer i suppose.

fuck off, kike



Wow this really gives me hope for the future, resistance is swelling up, more and more people are waking up to the Calergi plan and not afraid to speak up about it.

But he is a ZOGpuppet. One of his buddies is even being investigated by the hysterical Left for ties with Israel. Which he obviously has. It's pure irony and comedy gold.

The most important thing he did was end the usury banking system for Germany making the value of currency tied to productive output. Not taking loans to create money supply is millions of dollars per day saved.

Reminder that as much as this is all great and all, uncle H told us that getting a political party in parliament means squat shit if they forget to talk to the people themselves and start meddling in party politics instead of the actual problems of individual cities. So if they give up the whole political rallies thing they're doomed to become a fringe.

For U

Sumpfgermaan hier.

Krieg wann.

I'm not so sure about that, what this guy just said is a seed planted in the hearts and minds of people. If anything this guy is throwing fuel on the fire.

Controlled Opposition

Nice try demoralising us.

We have a safety valve party and it's called NPD. The AfD actually consists of people from new right think tanks that are also behind the Compact-Magazine being sold at the moment which is redpilled millions of Germans.

You have to stop thinking in illuminati-syndrome conspiracies and accept a minor win for what it is. The system is not all powerful and not everything is "part of their plans".

Massive. Thank you.

Booing at


That fucking clinches it. Me and my wife are going to have another child. We've been talking about going to 6 and we weren't sure but FUUUCCCK these commies. Son of a bitch!

yfw there's booing at

It's the original Reichstag, but it's been through a lot.
Torched in 1933 in the famous fire as Hitler consolidated power.
Fire damage not fully restored when it got bombed during the war.
Subject to a brutal "restoration" post war, that removed much of the monumental architecture in an effort to de-emphasise its grandeur and make it into a plain building.
Finally, subject to a reconstruction after re-unification that basically built a new, modern structure within the external walls.

If you anons haven't been to Germany you perhaps won't know how much work we still have to do there. There are large numbers of self-hating leftards who actually consider themselves "anti-german", who believe strongly that Germany should not be allowed to exist, and that the German race should be extinguished through intermingling. These are not all politicians, but civilians who think like this. I was in Germany and saw one of their parades. Looked like typical antifa fags for the most part but the fact that the German society has allowed and inculated this belief system tells me its sick to its core.

Believe it or not I have a polish friend who is in the double digits.
11 children!!!
If you are germanic it's only your duty to beat his score.

use this

Pretty sure that image is not meant to put us in a good light.

This speech and the electricity in the room - that between our opponents and the revolutionaries - gives a chill down my spine and a sense of elevation, almost a religious experience. Even more than Trump's speeches (I am an American) seeing this speech being spoken from a position of power gives the feeling of a weight being lifted off of my body.

A very effective trick by shills.
There is no perfect political party in modern politics
hell even the NSDAP had some literal fags in high positions until they corrected that mistake
Trump worked with jews
AfD works with jews
Every other single right wing party that has anything to say in the western world works with jews.

Yes jews are cancer
No that doesn't make every single party that works with them or Trump a Zogpuppet
A Duke has to cooperate with the king until he's powerful enough to take his place. We are not powerful enough yet.

Form a proper NS-Party that gets more than 10% or shut the fuck up and be happy with what we have right now

hear hear


All these >(1)'s and derailling is killing me.

>not knowing that everyone not gassing the jews at this very moment is (((altkike))) zog shill
drumpf pls

the cheeki basterd
the exact number to make a new football team

A short rundown of (((d371c8))):

It's nothing we didn't already know. At this point I'm just happy to see it exposed in public.

read Revolutionary Armed Struggle and lurk

What do you expect? Germany is the only country that stood up against international jewry and they almost won. At least they spread the truth to the whole world and it won't go away, ever.

ich habe für zwei jahren aus Nordrhein-Westfalen gewohnt 2010-2012.

I have literally never seen a nation so full of cucks. Miguel Serrano's 'Maestro' was absolutely correct when he said he saw the female spirit of Germany leave while traveling astral. The only time I ever felt at home was inside a Christmas market, or an SS headquarters. I severely doubt the ability for birth rates in German-German relationships to seriously rise, since the EU allows open borders essentially, and because the women there are mostly either left wing crazies, or druggie-techno-hedonists.

I see shills are out in full force in this thread… Must be very pissed that Europeans are waking up.

Uh, America is suffering from the largest human migration in recorded history. They've absorbed over a third of the entire population of central America and the Caribbeans in the last twenty years.

State of Emergency by Pat Buchanan explains this pretty well.

look at this scared kike

That's exactly what people expect unfortunately.
I've always viewed it as constantly exposing the kikery on a daily basis so the brainwashing stops working and to peel that onion until we get to the source. 2018 will be that year user.

Are we ever gonna reach a point with immigrants where we just torch em?
Bathe them in Nuclear fire?

Probably not.
Don't forget: Hitler's idea was to deport the Jews out of Germany, it was never his goal to gas them like (((they))) claim.

They started booing once he called for increasing the birth rates. Fuck that was creepy. Any German reading this not confronting these issues openly deserves to get raped by Somali refugees.

now u get it

like how the nike ceo had no idea there were sweatshops full of kids in south america. it's why you don't deport millions of people to zones without the rule of law in the middle of a chaotic war.

He is surrounded by Jews on all sides.

But the socialists do not work with Jews, and call to boycott the state of Israel. Clearly you do not have to work with Jews at all.

Soon. Make sure to gas the jews and the (((elites))) first though.



with the board being polluted 24/7 with autkike threads I'm amazed you sudenly see nothing wrong with supporting zionist parties with a jewish dyke leading it. Can't wait till they say something you don't like so you shit yourselves in rage screaming

I care more about the German people surviving than the supposed purity of those who might make that happen. Would I prefer literally Hitler? Sure. I realize he's not in the running yet though.

Your post can be summed up by:


Stop with your zionist apology, you fucking kike.

They don't deserve the bells and whistles that accompany those that stand trial and are held up as traitors. They deserve to die unceremoniously in a cold ditch somewhere, forgotten by society.






dude just support zionism, bro


wtf I love zionists now

This is the same argument I had with people re: Trump v Hillary.



wtf I love autkikes now!

Ah so afd is autkike now?


You two sperglords. Stop shitting up the thread.

It's f-futuristic, comrade

this is what happens when you allow the board to have 9 conspiracy theory threads on the first 2 pages

Sieg heil.

As always the One and True RED PILL can only come from one place and one place only for all the Normies.

JUST PLEASE don't treat the ETERNAL anglo like some motherfucking 'brother people' this time around, ARE WE OK?

I'd much rather the English be bread out into genetic extinction than the mainland Germans.

They've well and truly earned it. Let's save Germany this time.

Hitler would have died in 1937 had we not saved his arse.


Oh but you're right I guess all those nyt and wapo articles this year about Trump being a nazi and a white supremist must be wrong huh?

You know, I get really tired of all this

For the most part, this is stupid paranoia and any of you who think like this without legitimate, hard fucking evidence is a total retard.

Also, this

Back in my time, we had a word for people who would continue on their normal lives, not doing anything because they saw the jew hiding under their bed at every turn. Paranoiafags.
Get ahold of yourselves, just because you don't like what someone does or says something we don't like, does not make them some kind of plant of the jews. They are not all powerful, they are human like us and right now, we aren't the most threatening thing to them. We will never be if we let paranoia take us over.

Hello Stefbot. How much money did you donate? I hope it was over ONE DOLLAR

Why don't you read the post before shitting it up faglord.

35 results

damn that's savage. what a legend


lol shill

14% 88 Seats last election, lets meme them to 30% for round two: electric Jewgaloo

That booing made me so angry. I can't believe that guy could keep his temper when he suggested increasing the birthrates in the country. Mind that all the representatives in are supposed to be FOR the german people. I would have started shouting like fuck:
"What is the matter?! You have a problem with sex?! Huh?! What's your problem with your people having kids?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
(Obviously these "people", more like monsters are not representing the German people or their interest at all. They are kikes and they are there to make laws that destroys the nation from within.)
I'm fucking pissed and I haven't watched, but a minute of this. I cant believe how can a nation handle millions of niggers and kebabs entering positively. This political system makes me disgusted and lose my faith in western Europe all-together.

He's not calling you "a Stefbot", he's referring to Stef's username, which is Stefbot.


The sign of change

Casey was here, you guys are faggots

Go back to making your vapid vlogs, Neistat.


Quality post, my friend

I know.
This is the guy behind our success in Europe.
Hail Götz!


And like clockwork, the shills are coming out of the bushes.

How many guys did your wife fuck for that?


How is it going? faggot


I wonder if the mods still don't delete your fucking spam.
Let's find out.

This is exactly why i outright hate fucking neo-nazis. In Germany every normie is conditioned to associate everything right or nationalist with dumb looking, black jackets wearing skinheads. And the television used exactly that image for all news about anything right.

The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.


And the shills ITT try everything they can to harden this image, like they always did.
So obvious.

Fucking tell me about it. We're back.

How do they justify this? Because every German is guilty of Nazi war crimes in their way of thinking? The population thinks this way as well?

It seems like some sort of mental illness.

They are "anti-German", this is a thing in Germany. Look it up.

It, and the trial following it, which he turned into a platform for giving speeches voicing the grievances of the german folk, put him and his party in the map. The NSDAP, and Hitler personally received countless correspondence afterwards, membership grew, etc.


Everyone but AfD are old parties. And every one of them sucks EU cock. Over the years, only left globalist sympathizers are left there.
This is the reason why there such a massive contrast, the AfD is pretty much the new kid and they don't want to play their shitty games.
The current government is a fucking joke. We have a god damn former family minister as acting defense minister. They are all bonkers over there. Its an EU cock sucking contest between the old parties who trade political positions as favors.
They all have to go.

Ach Cucki, du Versager



it seems like in your haste to get this important information posted, you neglected to suggest an alternative
why don't you go ahead and do that now

If you're going to offroadpost, at least post something manly like a Hilux or a Datsun, or if you want to be topical, a Volkswagen Thing.

As in cars that are girls?
Sounds weird, man.

As in, you'd look tougher driving a Dodge La Femme than one of those things.

Sounds cute, man

When the thread goes from AFD too Trump.

Shills are heavy at work, as always on 8ch.

there are private AfD Fangroups at faceberg with thousands of members, would be anudda shoah if anons join them and post holohoax infographics or Anne Frank stuff. If its posted in the middle of the night CET mods will delete it and nobody sees.

Don't go getting a car waifu, user.

Currently Trump is the D&C'ers go-to derail option.
Want to derail a thread ASAP? Just shout "Trump is a kike implant" while posting that photo of him touching the Kotel.
Report the fucks whenever you see them.

Don't do this shit it'll create the next big scanda that will be overhyped in the media and the AfD will lose voters. Don't be a fucking dumbass user.

but if its obvious raiding burgers? some group members will oy vey too and it will be deleted soon

Won't be so obvious to the Lügenpresse and the normalfags that follow them.

not sure about that but no expert. they should target unpolitical groups then

I think you have to accept that Germans understand German politics better than you do, and if they're not doing something there's probably a reason for it.


That's retarded. Indians hate nothing more then being called Indians.

t. a fucking leaf

Call them indioes. Real indians are aryan; we don’t want to be associated with the people who committed genocide on our first settlers.

"Real" Indians are (were) the Dravidians (black)
The Aryans (white) came later, from the north, pushing them south, enslaved them and instituted the caste system to avoid race mixing.
It worked to a degree, that's why the further south the darkest "Indians" (Dravidian/Aryan mutts) are, and whiter the further north.
Also, Indian originally referred to anyone not European or African.

The funny thing is that if the British didn't enforce the caste system on Indians in South Africa, Gandhi would have became literal Hitler.

He said that he loved what the British did in SA, but hated how the caste system was utilized by the Anglos on the Indians in S.A.

Capped for future references to the German government.

Holy shit, that's a better job at passing than Dolezal and Talcum X ever managed. How'd they do it?

Can't get an omlet without breaking a few eggs you thunder faggot, outjew the jews, imitate their behaviour since it's so succesful and made them into top tier of every meaningful organisation but never loose control, christian values, and your backbone

topkek, like how a lot of us always seem to forget that the frogs saved us during the revolution. I got love for you britanon.


I hope this Berkay guy is real, and he torments you every day for the rest of your life and no one believes you.

Have you tried calling them chugs?

That guy is Learning Code for some reason Holla Forums keeps trying to paint imkampfy and learningcode as the same person. They always do this for everybody, oh and the Holla Forums ED article is written and maintained entirely by Holla Forums plus they don't actually keep it up to date. So it's neither reliable or funny.

why did the illustrator of that give gondola a thicc bottom?

yes, We call them everything here; Chug, Redskins, Clean-chins, Prairie niggers, spearchuckers, savages, etc, etc. But nothing upsets an Indian like looking him dead in the eye and saying "Sure thing, Indian".

Hence why they change their PC name every week. "Aboriginal" "First Nations" "Natives". etc. Fuck Indians, both feather and Poo.



Omfg I'm dying here


its all good except using the word "galactic" shows a level of (((ignorance))) which negates the thundernigger callout.
no such thing as a galaxy

What about the phrase


"Grand Thunder Nigger"

Sounds like a rank.

Sadly yes, 1st pic related is from 1960, so not that much different from today.

2nd pic: The Reichstag covered in Russian graffiti after being seized from the Nazis by the Red Army.
3rd pic: The inside of the Reichstag, destroyed by the fighting and covered in Red Army graffiti, June 1945
4th pic: Interior view of the Reichstag after the 2nd World War.
5th pic: How it was and how it should be.

Are they hoping for something to save them by delaying this shit?
Financial collapse?
How much jurisdiction does the current provisional government have?

The fact that there are those boong at thought of Germans reproducing is not victory. They must all be killed brutally.
Kill them all


You're upset. Now think about the average people who vote for them but aren't drunk on the koolaid when that becomes a meme or political ad. That's the shit that makes thing happen.

Wow, that will solve the problem. I bet (((they))) are shaking.

Was genau erwartest du?

Yes I actually read it. It's not very long.

Idea is that the hereditary nobility are to be the warrior kings, the Jews are to be the intellectual kings, and that everybody else is to become a worker-bee because they are less able than those two groups.

You would say that, wouldn't you Sam.

Ein Volk ein Führer statt Neger und Syrer, ok? Heil Höcke!

afd are dangerous

right wing idiots

they have no solutions to problems

stupid afd dumb and racist

they all out of east germany lol !

A new book destroying the Holohoax has just been published, written by the notorious Carlo Mattogno.
He destroys all the testimonies of Rudolf Höss, which were taken by torture, and where he contradicts himself all along. Very detailed stuff as always.
Read online :

Have a good read!

at least spell it right, nigger

Totaler Krieg

Rudolf Hess and Rudolf Höss are not the same person, lad.

brb kms








for some reason I see that as a car only in Australia

This is old news, for those of us who have been at this for a while.

You might want to watch this.
inb4 e-celeb. She is based as F.


Halt deine Fresse, cucki


Have you ever read The Intercept, lead by (((Glenn Greenwald))) and employing (((Naomi Klein)))? If not, look at this:
In summary, kikes will set up an opposition to everything they push, seemingly siding with the goy, but still being in position to lead that opposition.


Holla Forums wants to kill pro White people.

White Nationalists are pro White Genocide.

No, you only see that car in the middle east


pls someone photoshop a Hitler.

I can't compute this picture as german politics

Yeah just like the Romans did with their empire after they were outnumbered by Germanic tribes. oh wait.
How the fuck are the real Germans going to rise from the ashes if there are no real Germans you idiot? That is what the destruction of Germany by immigration entails, genocide.


These traitors need to be hang

underrated post

overrated post

They're big in America too, but went under the name SR5 and then Tacoma. The SR5s are better. Tear through anything.

Funny story, a plumber in the south sold his car to a company with his vinyls on the car. When the arab spring occurred, he watched in disbelief as he saw his Toyota Pick Up on the news with his company name on the car. The reality of the matter is that the specific model of Toyota pick-up was only manufactured in the USA. Purely a (((coincedence))).

That's a god damn insult to America. Those trucks should be here, for the benefit of Americans. Not used in sandnigger wars for the benefit of kikes.

Thank You Based Balding Man


Do you shills even realize how obvious the whole "TRUMP IS A KIKE SHILL!" when you use the exact same pictures and text?

It's an old Soviet tactic. The US made the mistake of ignoring that kind of shit in the UN. Banning them and deleting their posts is good, but sometimes it's good when they get counterattacked first. They don't tend to reply to posts about how they'll soon be out of a job because their bosses are in big trouble with President Trump.



Yeah you're right, the president who wants stronger borders, a ban on Muslim immigration and better industry for working white Americans hates whites. I'm now #withhernow Hillary should have won


But what has he done?

I would have preferred Hillary winning and whites getting angry instead of this Fox Jews cheering patriotard shit.

"if you beat your enemies in elections, then your enemies win"

Congratulations on signaling your virtue user, you're much ideologically purer then the rest of us.

I live for the day we can heed Hugh Neutron's advice and shoot the traitors.

Exactly, you already know those fuckers would clap if he said that Germans need to die out. Send them to the gallows.

Accelerationism is a shit-tier ideology and an excuse for someone to take no action and let evil fester.

God be with you Germany. I pray it's not too late.

Hear hear.

Can we actually have a conversation on this? These particular kinds of posters make discussion on here fucking impossible anymore, they shit up every thread with nothing but HURR IF YOU'RE NOT OUT DOING HIGHLY ILLEGAL THINGS YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM GOD AREN'T I SO FUCKIN HARDCORE?
Can you faggots actually do something other bitch and complain all the fucking time? Just accept that it's possible that we had a minor victory and view this as motivation to keep fighting on for bigger victories FFS.

Filter and report

it feels good man

The speech was so professional, clean and intelligent that the screeching demons had to refrain from making too much noise, or else they'd look like the aggressor.

Well played Hans.

that's fake tho, nowhere in the book he says such thing

He managed to spoil the energy of the French elections general threads, don't let him belittle what you've done here Germanbros.

how new are you ?
the hate may seem overwhelming for now
then you'll accept it
then you'll enjoy it
then you'll gas the kikes.

mate fuck nazis

i feel it
cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks
cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks
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cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks
cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks

Perhaps tame for foreign standards, but these ideas simply have not been heard in German parliament in a long, long time. He's warming up a cold plate; do it too quickly, and it shatters. This was bold as hell on his part, and also incredibly well targeted; this man knows his audience.

Ok you are talking about two different trucks the Hilux is a diesel European car and the SR5 is a trim package for the Toyota Tacoma which is gas powered. Get your shit straight son.

I feel you, bro

Rise of the right wing in Europe is not only possible, but inevitable.

Even if the left embraces tyranny and begins killing white people in concentration camps, it won't stop the rise of the right wing, it will just make the rise more violent.

It's just how people are wired. When they're safe, they seek out contact with new and strange things. When people are unsafe, they build walls and ready their swords. Situation A always leads to situation B.

Dutch or old English is a much better language, German hurts my ears.

Dutch is literally a never ending chain of prkprkprkpkpfpfkpkfrpk sounds, I still find it sexy though

3 blond boys? that is 1 kid above replacement, man that guy did his job.

I pray for my German family to wake up. The fantasy world they are led to believe in is nothing but cloak and mirrors.

Heil Hitler and God be with us all!

Prayer only ever go so far user. I find subtle redpilling works best when you start taking the lead of the family and start doing more stuff around the house/encouraging others to do the same. You encourage your family to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle by showing them how easy it is and they will eventually listen to every word you say to some degree.

take that eagle down, you are not a environmentalist

Even the non-cucked germans act feminine it seems

Am proud of the krauts today

I just like that face. Believing in God != religion.

Both have existed far before Hitler's Germany. It should be fully permissible to celebrate both and they ought to be fought for and tear them back from the grips of kvetching kikes.

In America, Toyota truck enthusiasts refer to the entire line as Hilux. All we had before the Tacoma name was used were SR5s with either the 22RE or 3VZE. Tiny diesel trucks were never a thing here, sadly.

They're going to get worse than medieval executions.



As a native English speaker, Norwegian always sounded lovely to my ears, almost a musical sounding language


First pic.
Whoever made this meme should be gassed. You wouldn't decribe a sewer rat as being "wolf-like".

At least if Germany becomes a Religion of Cuck™ic Republic they can have hundreds of nigger slaves each like their Alpha Arab brothers. But it's time for the white man to step down and for REAL Caucasian alphas who can even cuck bitch nigger bulls to lead and that man is the Arab man, he is the light of the world and created civilisation. The Arab man will enslave for you not just 50 millions niggers like last time, but all the billions of them. Their population is raising simply to be the slaves of superior races as according to wise Arab men. You will submit but submit and you will have the niggers as slaves, the women thrown beneath your feet with their virginity intact, and a society of morals held and glory be to Allah. Think about it, it's either choose Arabs with your very own pack of castrated nigger slaves or being slaves to the Jews. Just let an Alpha Arab fuck your daughter or mother, Arabs will be your brothers and fathers. Have your own slaves and women or be a slave.

This is your choice.=

Make the right decisions infidels.

Convert or die

i want to go into business selling kikes as slaves, with electronic collars they cannot remove that give them a 10,000 volt shock at the press of a button if they step out of line.

Or I can chose to say fuck you and fire until I run out of bullets! I'll pick that option.



Schreien "white power"

I always called them Feather Niggers..

there was something interesting Holla Forums used to post in 2007

no many cuckolds on Holla Forums like to pretend there are niggers everywhere that are not black and it makes me cringe everytime that pol has a lower powerlevel than 2007 Holla Forums had.

I don't want niggers as slaves, I want them kept in reservations so little White girls can throw peanuts at them,

Reminder that Höcke called the Holocaust memorial a "Schandmal" (Object of Shame), claiming the "Erinnerugskultur" ((((culture))) of remembering the Holocaust) has to be changed.
And he is right, even on a moderate standpoint, it leads to nothing but negative self-identification.
The battle begins in the head of the people.

Thanks for yout kind words.
Keep fighting, too!

Soon. The German soul cannot be destroyed.

Swedish speaking Finns singing folk songs 4U