WaPo: US wants "open ended" stay in Syria after the defeat of ISIS

WaPo: US wants "open ended" stay in Syria after the defeat of ISIS

U.S. moves toward open-ended presence in Syria after Religion of Cuck™ic State is routed

The Trump administration is expanding its goals in Syria beyond routing the Religion of Cuck™ic State to include a political settlement of the country’s civil war, a daunting and potentially open-ended commitment that could draw the United States into conflict with both Syria and Iran.

With forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and his Russian and Iranian allies now bearing down on the last militant-controlled towns, the defeat of the Religion of Cuck™ic State in Syria could be imminent — along with an end to the U.S. justification for being there.

U.S. officials say they are hoping to use the ongoing presence of American troops in northern Syria, in support of the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), to pressure Assad to make concessions at United Nations-brokered peace talks in Geneva. The negotiations there are set to resume at the end of this month after sputtering along for more than three years without result.

Assad’s forces, with crucial aid from Iranian-sponsored militias, have regained control over much of the rest of the country in their separate war with Syrian rebels fighting to end the president’s autocratic rule.

An abrupt U.S. withdrawal could complete Assad’s sweep of Syrian territory and help guarantee his political survival — an outcome that would constitute a win for Iran, his close ally.

To avoid that outcome, U.S. officials say they plan to maintain a U.S. troop presence in northern Syria — where the Americans have trained and assisted the SDF against the Religion of Cuck™ic State — and establish new local governance, apart from the Assad government, in those areas.

Continued at: archive.is/QmPxc

TL;DR bascially the US wants to leave Syria only once Assad is defeated and Kurds have independence.

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How often was this pointed out here only to be shouted down by Trump nuthuggers?

Wonder (((who))) would benefit from this?

Nice wordfilters.



It's plausible though, don't you think? Occupying other countries is a staple in US foreign policy at least since the end of WW2, pic very much related.

Is anyone else getting a hunch that Trump is trying to make a buffer zone between Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
If anyone thought that defeat of ISIS will be the end of it is sadly mistaken.
Now Syria is weak and every neighbor will try to take a slice.
And by neighbor I mean Israel.
This shit might prove even more dangerous than ISIS since the countries will drop their proxy masks and start open warfare.

2018 will be even more interesting than 2017.

Might be the only way to actually keep the kikes out of Assad's business.


Trump supporters at this point are lowest common denominator retards led by a small minority of genuine shills paid for by Kushner's various firms. There isn't a single genuine Holla Forums user who likes him left.

Looks like that's their official narrative for shilling this here. See:


yes, it's called greater israel.

easy there friend, I got banned just for saying his supporters are basically hannity viewers and kekistanis or something along those lines.

Yeah cause enjoying all these hundreds of thousands of new jobs, economy going up by 3 points, among all the other times hes btfo the opposition makes us kike lovers. Other than his posturing for Israel so he doesn't get JFKd show us some evidence hat he's controlled op.

Where are these all happening?
What did he mean by this?
The opposition to his zionist agenda? Nobody here cares about twitter banter with literally whos.
Give it a rest, kike.

thanks for the update t_D


Post some actual evidence instead of shitposting, faggots. Not everyone subscribes to your negative-prone mindset.

Go back to sucking kike cock, defeatist.

Oh, we can go back to trusting the government numbers, now?

Show me evidence that the numbers are false nigger. Even looking around in my community I can see the local businesses doing well. You're probably a kike.


Use of the royal We never ends well around here.

But I'm not the one shilling for the most jewish administration in history that is doing its level best to keep PNAC from flatlining, am I?

Thanks for being the authority on genuine Holla Forums users™. Really cleared things up for me with your authentic insight on what I should think and feel.


Exactly. Buffer zone is code word for Israeli annexation.

And there's a precedent for that: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golan_Heights

Eat shit nigger. I see faggots like you here all the time, talking shit with nothing to back it up. Either post some sources for your claims or go suck lead.

Friendly reminder that the US presence of troops is frequently used as a deterrent to prevent countries from attacking. US holds troops in Israel and Egypt to keep them from attacking each other.

Removal of US troops in Syria can signal that Israel or Turkey is free to take land.

the funny thing is that you think we care about getting the gdp up or the perennially bogus employment stats

you think we're here for the economy?

the storm is coming

With support from who?

The $20 trillion in debt we currently have is one of the many elements the kikes use to oppress us. Alleviating that is taking pressure off the back of the US.

Not caring about the economy is being a short sighted nigger.

No nigger, it's you who needs to eat shit

It's a family squabble between jews in (((congress))) and (((kremlin))).
Whichever side wins, goyim lose.

You mean the debt that is accrued by borrowing the very money, created out of thin air, that is used to pay it down in the first place?

Correct. The ideal would be to abolish the fed and move away from fiat currency, but we can't go from 0 to 100 instantly without there being disastrous consequences. I'm all for disaster if it happens swiftly but it's not better than slowly improving our situation. What's better, making some repairs on a house that'll take a bit of time or demolishing it and starting from scratch?


If you have no other arguments than
Kindly fuck out of the thread.
A wedge between Turkey and Iraq prevents a flow of weapons towards Lebanon and air strikes on Iran since the kikes have to have permission from Trump. That area is very important strategically wise.
I wouldn't be surprised if the UN took over so the muzzies don't start fighting again.
You have to be aware that Trump doesn't have a lot to work with.

How do you annex an area that's that far away over a big river?

Die in a fire, kike.


Not an argument :^)

I was an ancap for a decade before I gained a racial consciousness, and this is still painfully naive.

Why don't you explain instead of muh ad hominem?

My guess would be that.

I especially like this one. You expose yourself here, pulling the old "over-exaggeration of oppostion position" to try to ply your bullshit.
You can cry all day, accusing people of expecting Trump to gas all the kikes and hang all the niggers, but it won't change the fact that he's glad-handing with niggers and smiling with kikes on the reg. Take that as you will - you take it as positive, and it makes you come off as an admin shill.

Chesscuckism is a cult.
No you plebbit faggots, I'm not going to just "keep faith". Stuff like this is no bueno. And if it's explicitly meant to play into the hands of the ziocons that's even more damning.

What the fuck has happened to this place?

I want t_D to leave.

WTF I love Hillary now

When people talk shit about Trump not going full 14/88 on inauguration day, it shows that nobody has any idea of how power is actually played out.

It hasn't even been a full year yet and our country is already 100x better than it was last year. It's called realistic expectations.

Too many people on this board talk shit and argue with out posting any sources to back them up. It defeats all purpose of intellectual discourse and keeps the lurkers from ever actually understanding an argument thoroughly until they dig the rabbit hole themselves or stumble upon something in happenstance.

The same way you annex any other terrirtory: through military superiority. Read up on colonialism. As the French, Brits, Russians and others have proven, you can annex whatever you want so long as you have military superiority.

And which "big river" are you talking about anyway (as if a river has ever made annexations impossible)? You must be confusing the Nile or Suez Canal with the Red Sea.

Die in a fire.



Why are you quoting a Jew at me?

You're doing it again, the old "over-exaggeration of oppostion position" to try to ply your bullshit. Again. Right after you were called out for it.
Did you think I would just ignore it?

Do you think anyone with half a brain buys this narrative? Because its not very convincing - nobody believes, believed, suggested, nor is suggesting, Trump would go "full 14/88 on inauguration day". Nobody.
You're presenting this exaggeration to muddy the water and cover your trail, like an octopus spinelessly spewing ink about.

No, its called deception, and manipulative commentary.
The US is not "100x better" than it was last year, not in any meaningful sense. You want to hold up government statistics about economic growth or jobs, have fun - it doesn't change the ethnic demographic, doesn't change the Jewish control, doesn't change any of the things that were really killing this nation, doesn't change anything of import in any meaningful sense, and neither has anything that has transpired since last January.

No, people just don't prioritize like you'd like them to, and so you come and cry about it. You cry that nobody here gives a shit about the economic state of the US when there have been zero meaningful changes in terms of halting the rapid demographic shift toward Brazil, that nobody cares about jobs when the entire US government is coming forward to decry any sort of White American identity, that nobody gives a single solitary shit about gdp figures when Trump can't even seem to get local government officials under control and has placed a childless 40-something female open-borders/pro-DACA-amnesty official to a major post.
You cry, in other words, because civic nationalism doesn't have any impact. Not here… And I wager few others places either.
What you're basically saying here is that you don't like that people don't want to have a redditor-tier exchange-of-sources combat with you, and instead simply dismiss your faux-intellectualism as faggotry and move on, making it very difficult to ply disingenuous civnat propagandizing, making it very hard to try, in desperation, to conceal the fact that the honeymoon is over and Trump has shown every indication of being just another peon of our enemies.

Is this a new meme?
Everyone who doesn't blindly support Trump is Holla Forums now?

I've been banned for saying his daughter is Jewish

I just got back and was ready to explain why I thought you were naive (and focused on the wrong things) but instead you're fucking delusional if you think we are 100x better now and a fucking nigger-tier buffoon if you are quoting robert kike greene here.

So have I.
I was also banned for suggesting his son was married in a Jewish ceremony. Pic related.

Tell me exactly how will Israel annex and govern an area that has a hostile state between them?
Jesus fucking Christ do you even know what you are talking about? Tell your superiors to send someone smarter.

There is a key difference between not blindly supporting trump and stating no single genuine Holla Forums user likes him. But of course I'm sure you knew that because you don't have the reading comprehension of an elementary schooler, right?

Everyone already knows Israel completely controls the US. This isn't reddit


I didn't know a country can want something, i wish WaPo would be naming which(((U.S. officials))) and "experts" exactly proposed this. I already know that shills will automatically translate Officials to Trump before i even read the replies.

there it is.
Someone should make a new bingochart for you niggers at this point. It's kind of funny how smug anime girls and chess makes you lose your shit to such degree.

Shills are neither considered people nor actual users of this board. There also are massive attempts recently where (((users))) post the most retarded things, only for many (1) "oldfags" to appear and complain how shit this board has become to convince anons to leave and lose morale. Shills never cease complaining and criticizing everything to discredit this place and everyone many anons support.

Well this is Northern Syria we're talking about, so it's mostly Turkey that's the concern here. Don't think it wouldn't happen.


Exactly just like everyone who isn't christian!

No, there really isn't m8. That's the problem - you think that you can be a 'genuine Holla Forumsack' AND support a Zionist-controlled politician with no grandchildren which do not bear Jewish blood after he's shown where his loyalties lie.

Jesus Christ has it become reddit'd on this board.
You accused someone of being /int/ because they suggested nobody who is a genuine Holla Forumsack supports Trump, and I see no reason to suggest they are wrong is that assertion.

Now there's a pretty meme!

Yeah about half a year ago

3 years, buffalo queers!
or something like that

Re-read the post you replied to, fool.

He might be a Jew but the information in that book is great.

What is he supposed to do, start calling everyone around him niggers and kikes?

You said it yourself, he's a kike puppet because he's seen with niggers and kikes.

Don't confuse me for a civic nationalist. This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.

Without any sources you sound like a mongoloid. Keep up the good work, chaim.

take me back to 2014 8ch


I would think the 40 billion a year to Israel causes way more pressure on the economy?

Wew lad…

I re-read it. Its still retarded, and my commentary stands.


But what is 100x better?


So you do have the reading comprehension of an elementary schooler. People like you are why I find myself coming to this board less and less.

It's not exaggeration. Think of how many different problems he has to solve. It's not like he has a magical cure-all wave his wand and everythings fixed. There are immediate issues to address, which he has, and the more long term solutions will come in time. This whole thing is about baiting the enemy into attacking first. That's how Trump won the primaries, and then the election. He didn't attack anyone first. It's a marathon until the enemy trips and our boot meets their neck.

It's not about having a reddit tier exchange of sources. It's about educating each other and the audience of the spectacle. If an user attacks my post with sources, without any sources himself, it is meaningless and adds no value.

Regarding Robert, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

t. nigger

Your a funny guy, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last.


I for one love BASED Israel and jews. They are the only democracy in the region and our greatest ally. They btfo radical muslims and doesn't afraid of anything. Bless Trump for being friends with God's chosen people and preventing a power vacuum from occurring in the region by keeping troops stationed there.

MAGA, braise gek xD

go shitpost in >>>/oven/

but what is better though?

Hows it going kampfy?

I've already explained, but to reiterate

still waiting on your explanation nigger

The filters are just annoying, they don't add anything to the board. The board would be better without them, as the board was fine for a long time without having to work around them. I just imagine a sniggering 9 year old when I see the word filter 'religion of cuck'. Sure, if that's the crowd you're cultivating kampfy, that's how you keep them entertained.

Also, that the US is moving towards 'open ended' warfare against Syria should be troubling that Damascus is not out of the frying pan yet. This isn't to say this is a push from Trump, but it's a clear sign that the US economy being predicated on endless war is not being mitigated in any way.


these word filters are annoying, the only good one was /salt-left/

Who exactly made this decision? Who even has the authority to make this decision?

The Trump question is a difficult one. The main goal behind him was just the act of getting a masculine leader with a nationalist facade elected. I think most of us are aware that no solution will come through democracy, so there's nothing wrong with supporting him within the democratic system. It's just necessary to remember that we need to move beyond mob rule at some point.

Name one time a change to the board happened on /polmeta/. Honesly I don't care what you do, just a minor annoyance but an annoyance nonetheless. I mean I know you guys are working with the_donald guy with your CSS but you don't have to bring that culture here too.

The low unemployment statistics that were fake in 2016 became real right after Trump was elected. That's some 4 dimensional thinking right there. Good thing I've read Art of the Chess to understand Trump's master plan.
Like you said, time will tell but they'll likely be replaced by a new bogeyman, just like ISIS succeeded Al-Qaeda as the big bad wolf.
There are some noice prototypes that took around a year to make.
Apparently marginally lower than during Obonobo but that must be fake news :^)

Well we both got dubs

The filters are there to reinforce a juvenile zionist tinge.

you don't quote jews as an authority on anything here without disclaimers and explanation. And you are saying that trump is acting like a jew as if that is good.
we don't know what mass deportations look like apparently
show us some maymays, I don't remember it being this much like reddit

no, he won by acting for a more extreme base than the others were prepared for. that's it. The jews were claiming him as their shabbos goy nearly two decades ago

Fuck off to the meta board. Nobody cares about your crying. Kill yourself.

Dang your super edgy posts really destroyed me huh?

Jews actually can be an authority on power because they are pretty good at acquiring it. Holding it is another issue. If you've read 48 laws you'd know it uses examples throughout history, it's not just a jew rambling.

If you remember, Trump was fairly mild other than muh wall muh immigration. It was until the others started attacking him did he use another law of power

If he makes any premature moves it can backfire on him. If anyone knows anything about power, it's Trump.

Seriously kill yourself nigger.

You're a breath of fresh air, user. I'm so tired of bullshit "all or nothing" attitude white nationalists have. It's almost like they think Trump was going to line up the kikes and niggers and hang them all at once on his first day in office. I hate kikes and israel, but our system has been subverted to where you cannot be elected without voicing support for kikes in some way or another. No way.

Jews used our rules against us to get into power, and SLOWLY changed them over time. I don't know why it's so bad to do the same on our end. Be the Jew in order to defeat the Jew. The problem with white nationalists is that they want it NOW. They don't want to, understandably, die without seeing these people pay their dues.

Unfortunately I don't think it will happen. It will probably be our children who get to experience the day of the rope, not us, and WNs need to be okay with that.

Or maybe just not continue on with PNAC for a start? Filtered, by the way.

No one was expecting him to send every yid to the ovens but at the very LEAST we wanted him to not become another faggot trying his hand at nation building



I appreciate the kind words fellow user. I like the theory that, when 9/11 happened and hundreds of Trumps friends died, is when his bloodlust awakened and he knew what had to be done.

It is coming. Faster than many think. I think it'll happen by 2020, or 2025 at the very latest. We've reached the boiling point and the frog is about to hop out of the pot.

Remember during the election cycle, all of the "dude just wait for Hitler" posts? These "Trump is a jew lover" posts have the same vibe to them. Until one starts posting sources they are all confirmed kikes in my eyes.

KYS, I mean it. The fact that you can't see differing opinions without using your Hugbox Maker (aka the filter button) proves your a mental manlet.

no shit, jews can tell you about jewing. but without some recogniction of their jewishness, a kike who doesn't explicitly talk about jews or how they treat us isn't a reputable source
it's hype for niggers and wannabes who want to be like the big boys

and how's that working for us?

more like rule 15: pretend things happened that didn't. We criticized his debates over and over for having hillary in a spot to crush her, but we explained away his reticence (outside of the nonexistent jail) with chessplanation. In the absence of evidence, they seemed credible explanations. But he didn't crush anything besides the actual election. He immediately forgave clintons, yellen, opponents all over, which if your jew author is telling us correctly, means they are NOT trumps enemies.

you've been called out on this rhetorical trick repeatedly
that's a nice watermark you've got there yourself

Permanent presence in the middle east to protect israeli interests ion the regoin at the cost of presumably a majority of white american male's lives, FUCKING BASED

you are like child. grow up kid

In reality he won with very thin margins in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida. No wall, no tariffs on Asia, more kiked out foreign policy; he looks like a one and done. Although I wouldn't put it past the system to run the most insane democratic candidate ever in an attempt to make Trump look palatable.

Holy shit I've never seen a better summation.

He doesn't have a different opinion. He's a jewish shill. You're filtered, too, by the way. Feel free to reciprocate.

48 Laws is definitely entry level Machiavellianism, but its a good resource for anyone who is just starting.

There are so many things he's done I can't even list them all. I'll give you one, withdrawing from the TPP. He hasn't forgiven the clintons. You are a defeatiest kike who's rhetoric has no substance. Give me a source to your claims or go suck lead.


Looks like (((They))) are mad that the defeat of ISIS has put their plans for Greater Israel on hold yet again. I don't care what you Trump is a Jew shills say the American people will not accept another war in the Middle East, Trump or no Trump.

lying is a no no user. everyone would think better of you if you just manned up and admitted hearing a different opinion set your asshole aflame

be sure you look both ways before crossing the street kiddo

Are you actually retarded? No. This isn't okay because King Nigger pulled the same tricks. In fact it wasn't okay back then, and it wasn't okay when Dubya did it.

Another hot take from the chessniggers.

Nah. The drooling short bus kids being so smug about their retardation is just funny.
What I'm actually mad about is how all you ziocon niggers are trying to turn this place into a kosher propaganda outlet.
I will never forget how you spend months declaring Kushner an "honorary Aryan" and told everybody to stfu because we "just didn't get it". I won't forget how you tried to shut people down for criticizing the kike nominees. I won't forget the bans for people that pointed out all the kikery and kike connections.
Luckily the tide is turning. Stay smug, I don't give a fuck.

Except Russia already has troops in the area. And I don't see Turkey starting a war with Russia.

Nice mental gymnastics. Enjoy your safe space. Filtered.

Just get rid of the Saudis and Israelis in favour of the Persians and done.


You mean the board you spam 24/7 with your autistic copypasta kikefy?

It IS all or nothing, racial survival or extinction/miscegenation. GTFO.

Hey goldstein has it ever crossed through your sub-human mind that Trump is subverting the kikes exactly how the kikes subverted European culture

sure, right up until he surrounded himself with them, the extent of his family connections became clear, and I found out that people have been saying he was their tool for ages.

The only way this could be subversion of jews is if it is a factional dispute of jew v. jew AT BEST, which does not interest me.


The shills are trying to use this as a fracture point. Will this tactic succeed when the other 6 gorillion times they tried to D&C fail?

spoiler alert: it won't

It's worth getting upset about, whether its aimed at Trump as POTUS or the people he put around him it's not exactly too far off base.

Whether you like it or not, we cannot win this in one fail swoop. That is fantasy. You cannot undo hundreds of years of Jewish subversion in a single generation. Call me a shill, I don't care. I'm just being realistic.

If you want to charge into battle against tanks with a butter knife because that's the most immediate course of action, go ahead. I'll gladly bide my time building my own tank.

No, it's just lots of us don't bother to post over covfefe or koi, but we will speak up that we won't stand for another war for israel.

Holy shit what a brilliant plan, the best way to subvert kikes is to send US troops to the middle east to fight sandniggers for Israel, kiss the jew wall, make friends with the Saudis that co-funded ISIS and marry off your kids to yids. At last I truly see, the best way to defeat jews is to breed with them and help them destabilize the west! What the hell, I love Holla Forums now!

Holy fuck, that’s a good one. Thanks for the laugh.



that's where you're wrong kiddo

It's hard to tell if it's intentional machiavellianism or not, regardless if he is or not, the mere signaling of being pro-Israeli will just piss off the muslims. Remember how pissed they were getting about his talk of moving the embassy? Maybe he's just trying to accelerate a conflict. Could be possible that Syria+Iran+Turkey+Lebanon goes to war with the Saudis+Israel+Kurdistan. I just hope after it gets started that we stay out of it, I just don't want it getting Russia and China involved. I would hope that since Russia, China, and US have a lot of mutual interests (fighting terrorism/Religion of Cuck™ification and trade agreements for example) that we would stay out of it for the most part except for the occasional pouring of fuel on the fire and letting them eliminate each other. Perhaps that's why we also sold a bunch of arms to the Saudis recently, to balance out the coming purge of the entire region. Of course also you have Russia selling arms to Iran, and how the Mossad had a mission pre-Syrian war in Syria after finding out that they were developing nukes in conjunction with North Korean scientists, which is probably part of why Israel wanted Assad gone so bad, not to mention them being pissed off about them being allies with Russia, of whom which Israel is pissed off because the IMF can't leverage control over Putin since he paid off the nations debt shortly after he gained power. On the other hand, I hope Assad tells Iran to go home and makes an agreement with Kurds so he can stay out of it and tries to keep the peace in Syria so we can have a place to relocate all of the muslims out of Europe.

they grow more frightened of trump by the day

If trump is impeached the country would lurch so hard to the right over night that not even the jews would be safe.


Trump fought the swamp and ultimately lost.
That's all there is to it. CIA/neocucks keeps
strong-arming him into doing greater israel policies. High energy and faith in 4D chess won't do shit.

Just be glad that cultural marxism will never recover to its former influence.

Let's give it 3 more years before we come to any conclusions.

Calling it now. Screenshot this if you want. I hope I'm proven wrong.

You’re retarded.

Another big war for israel will result in mass desertions and revolution. The kikes up stairs know this and are slowly bleeding small wins to sate the ones that would revolt but all they're doing is emboldening them.
I hope you're all using these sales to stock up on what counts rather than blowing your cash on bullshit like niggers.

no it's an old fucking meme you retard

Satan trips show that your post is the embodiment of jew shill.

Instead of looking at what he hasn't done, look at what he HAS done.

Every fucking time, US realy are the most kiked and goodest of goys.

Israel has proven they can do just that when they took the Sinai and Golan Heights

You dont install a puppet goverment in a "buffer zone"

And then we pretend the gas babies narrative isn't the new Saddam has WMDs.

Fuck this shit, time for Iran and Syria to just launch all their SSMs and kill thousands of US troops. No warning, no fucking around.

Kill thousands and they'll all leave, just like Veitnam and North Korea. USA cucks out when casualties happen, especially now.

Fucking kike owned soldiers.

Ausfag here. Read that as same sex marriages.

Feel sorry for you, your country has been fag bombed in the jew media recently.

I came out of the shadows to thank you for your work. You're helping the war effort.
Pay attention lurkers, shills attack him and call him names immediately. When you unlock your mind (through practice) you will spot them easily. Apparently they love the word "nigger" - ironically the most retarded of accusations, but then again we knew they are retards.

My sources tell me that Trump is no goy, I will find the evidence and bring it here. Regardless the lesson here is that we became overconfident and the elite beat us with the election, only because many still believed the system works. Fool me once…

Go back to wherever the fuck you came from. Facebook and fox news, presumably. It's obvious you don't belong here.

No, that's not how it works. If thousands are killed all at once that would only intensify the situation, giving America the pretext it needs for all-out non-proxy war. Just like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor.

To get America to fuck off you need to get many more thousands of American casualties over a long period of time. Not in a single attack that can be used for propaganda purposes, but in thousands of seperate attacks that each are hardly notable by themselves.

Do they really think they'll accept the US staying there?
They've already proved how fucking incompetent they are with Russia and Syria beating the shit out of ISIS and the rebels with barely any US help, do they think Assad will be okay with their soldiers setting up shop in their country for years?

good cant just leave a void for the kikes to make isis 2

The idea that the kikes all being evil must mean that they all operate under the same doctrinal plan is descartes tier logical kikery. It is very much possible to deceive and divide the kikes, they are not smarter or better than whites in general in any category.

And.. The kikes play both sides of the field as part of their illusion. In this way they can sway and deceive those in the crowd "see im just like one of you" and the knowledge of deception they have, that fucking cube, makes it so that any of their lies are entirely believable by anyone who doesnt know that there is an illusion in front of them.

What void?
Assad has already regained power over most towns, the only real threat in the region are the Kurds which the US themselves are funding.

I see redditfaggots here shilling their anti-Trump bullshit is as insipid as ever, all the while actual facts like (((state dept goons))) and (((cianiggers))) trying their best to keep themselves from getting booted from Syria gets drowned with blackpill garbage.

yeah, that would be a terrible move. burgers are tired (not directly, theres not many bodybags or rationing or anything) of the perpetual non-wars. they've been trying to meme norks and iran as enemies for decades and no one gives a fuck as long as they aren't doing anything. An outright attack against US would almost certainly give a giant rally round the flag moment, more than any tonkin type false flag. they would have to go full twin towers to make that something we believe.

staying there is exactly how ZOG can cover for them creating such things. it takes time to gather, organize, equip, train.

if assad was actually allowed to act like it was his fucking country, there would be no place for new enemies to form within the borders.

Reddit is trumps headquarters

They'll learn to accept it just like Germany and Japan, give it a few decades and most people will even stop caring about all the rape

you create wordfilters that alter the content of user's posts, then ban users for the content of the altered post, produced by the wordfilters you created!

Not true at all, lol. The donald is hated across the site.

Nice ad hominem with no argument. GDP improving is a good sign, especially because the kikes in the media said we wouldnt go up 3 points until his 4th year. Yet he did it within 8 months. Get fucked kike.

What are you talking about it's one of their largest boards? Also do you spend so much time on Reddit you can pontificate about the entire user base?

It's definitely not one of their largest boarders, especially during the election cycle, but their numbers are marginalized by the admins of the site anyway. They've been consistently shit on by the rest of the site since the election cycle began. They are all commie leftists who wanted Bernie and then out of desperation supported Hillary.

I do browse reddit. I don't identify with any one platform, reddit has it's pros and cons. There are certain communities there I like. I'm not a shill though, it's pretty cancerous in general, i've been here since the exodus in 2014.


i called it last august.


That's all I need to know thanks

I dunno, lad, but things are changing. Israel/Saudi Arabia v Iran looking more likely. It looks like Turkey is going to be in the game again.

*now we must focus on our new mission, which may or may not be very similar to the old one.

Yes, the pentagon really is that incompetent.

Friendly reminder Jeff Bezos is majority shareholder in Amazon and owns WaPo. Amazon has a $600 million or so contract with CIA for cloud computing. If you didn't know already, anything printed in WaPo is what CIA wants printed. Amazon recently won a number of Pentagon contracts as well. This enormous "conflict," which should really be termed deep state's overt control of a major press outlet, is not disclosed in WaPo. Pardon me if this is old news for you, but it always needs to be mentioned, I think.


The only problem with this true statement is that our dumb luck feeds into the inner American hearts desire that we're gods chosen nation.

Reality is you're picking a fight with a retard. You cannot play chess with a retard, let alone one with amazing guns. His mind is unattainable, his equal weaponry is further enhanced by the spiritual retard strength he gains from the gods who pity the poor bastard.

Notice the Acronym

Man you shills are getting bold while most of us are still on vacation after the election. You really are wasting your employer's money here as nobody who's holding the fort down here at the moment is buying your shit.


wapo was jewish before bezos even, and you should assume everything down to podunk's weekly rag is similarly influenced. If you're not sure, watch local news for anything about topics like immigrants or gays.

But keeping an eye on it lets you get an idea about what they want the goyim to think.

we've been in the shit storm since '91, it's time we got the fuck out of it.

checked kek'd and confirmed

After Obama fucked up the relationship with Turkey, the USA is looking for new staging areas in the region.

Wait a minute, did Israel take in any christian refugee from Syria?

This seems plausible since Trump shutdown the CIAkikes gun running, actually killed ISIS in mass, and kept things pretty chill with Russia inside Syria.

People are forgetting that the Turkroaches have already invaded Syria before under the pretext of putting down Kurdish Rebels… and there's no reason to suspect they wouldn't try again.

So yeah, given that Trump was instrumental in foiling the ZOG plot in Syria I'm inclined to believe he isn't pulling a fast one here, like all the countless shills are claiming. Also the Kurds are Commies, fuckem.

no but they took alot of ISIS oil

the US needs to fuck off

So first they train, arm and ship literal niggers from Africa into Syria, then they illegally enter Syria and help IS against government forces, then it turns out USA is providing military advisors to IS after a IS headquarters got raided by Syrian specops, and now that peace has returned they want to fucking stay (illegally!) to arm the next group of peasants. Fucking Ami kikes and their kike puppet president. I hope the Syrians, Iranians, Hezbollah and Russians kill the shit out of every Amerikike left in Syria.

He didn't do shit to ISIS. In fact, the US bombed a Syrian military base for hours after which IS(IS) launched a perfectly planned tandem attack. Trump also kvetched non-stop about Iran being an 'evil regime' during the elections already and calls Assad an 'evil dictator', and now he wants to illegally stay in Syria. Fuck off with that ZOGbot.

Also this. Trump marketers are already shilling the retardedly ridiculous idea that Trump somehow wants to have this 'buffer zone' and that everything will turn out fine for Assad and Syria (even though they've already admitted to arming the next group of chucklefucks).

Chesscuckoldry: not even once.

this tbh

This meme needs to go mainstream.

slide protection

Staging for an attack on Israel by join US/Russia/Middle East forces, or to prevent Israel from attacking in "retaliation".

Screenshot this post.

Anti slide bump patrol reporting in

This is permanent government bureaucrat fucks talking to the media to try to create a narrative and pressure Trump to go along with it. I guarantee these anonymous "officials" aren't Trump appointees.

she is, both genetically and by religion

Just like the slippery slope, right?

Seems legit. Tell me more about how its toooooottally just no true scotsman to point out that anyone who genuinely espouses NatSoc or the like cannot possibly support this travesty-tier bullshit of kike subversions, and how some lurker faggot who would support such equates to any justified definition of a 'genuine Holla Forums user". There's enough cancerposting about as it is.

Checked for I disagree. I believe kikes are much more innately skilled at deception, litigiousness and emotional manipulation - their entire culture is centered on such, and has been for a very long time, and evolution is a thing.

That's just it though - I don't think kikes are 'evil', anymore than a crocodile or a viper is 'evil'. They are just products of their evolutionary history, and wretched as a result, no more evil than a viper or a crocodile, but no less dangerous either.
Niggers nig innately. Jews jew innately. Its what they are.

he's vowed to take back all syrian clay so, no

==Death to the jews==

you might have a point, anonymous sources can be bullshit. Although the US is definitely heavily involved with the kurds, that is common knowledge, and with ISIS done, and the rebels almost done, this is their only way to stay relevant in the region outside of israel, saudi arabia or qatar

also, assad is about to close this gap and solidify another supply route from iran

They even word filtered "death to a.m.e.r.i.c.a" after Kampfy sperged out in that one thread.

he was probably tripping on cough syrup


lets hope the americans dont cross the river doen there