you put zero effort in. lurk two more years before posting again.
Adam Parker
will those liberals just admit that they have no empathy for human beings already?
Julian James
Cameron Williams
so they want to kill babies because they are expensive?
Logan King
That's ok with me user. If the shitskin hordes and lefty masses want to end their own then, well fuck yeah! I'll take a coke I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving fastest
Connor Campbell
Fuck you weak bitch I am not going anywhere. Total Aryan victory over the semitic parasite will be achieved. You can take your black pill and shove it up your faggot ass.
You were not blessed with one because you are weak willed and this displeases god. Harden the fuck up or lay down and let real men do the work that is needed to fix this world and purge it of the evil that infests it.
These liberal and commie golems will be hung alongside their kike masters when the time is ripe. That time draws ever closer as more white men wake up out of their bread and circus induced slumber and realize they are being exterminated in their own lands.
John Fisher
And (having not read the article), pray tell, how would they kill them? Cause I'm pretty sure it hurts to die. Will they use a scapel? A vacuum thing? An injection?
Liam Reed
those heartless liberals would probably throw them into an industrial meat grinder right after they had them if it was the only way they could, as far as the government is concerned, get away with not having to take care of them
Liam White
They will unironically call for mini gas chambers with rainbows and trans shit to gas their own PRAISE KEK
Noah Jackson
The funny thing is one of the things they claim to abortion being ethical is that it isn't really "alive" (in the human sense obviously, not bio-). For third trimester use the life of the mother as the foundation for ethics (although, if you're really a mother, you'd be willing to die for your child. Yes, you could produce more kids, so, from a "producing" standpoint it's better to let the first die. However, from a maternal instinct perspective, you wouldn't be willing to sacrafice even one of your children). But what ethics would exist after birth? The kid is most definitely alive. The parent would already be dead or alive from the birth. If the argument is just the families, then what the fuck? To parallel: Hey, Juan could have a good life here in the states leeching in a sanctuary state, but it would negatively affect me (the parent in the country sense since already a citizen). Kill him because it would be an inconvinience. tl;dr Hypocrites. Let use remove rapefugees & illegals due to the burden they bring if you want to kill a kid (more innocent than any illegal/rapefugee) due to the burden it brings on a family.
Evan Howard
Like becoming a Communist?
Zachary Rogers
Dehumanize yourselves and face to bloodshed. Chrisitan slave morality is going to get us all killed because these Jewish/Commie and Muslim pyschopaths are playing a different game that only pagan-levels of violence can compete with. Like Cro-magnon hunting down Neanderkikes with their pet wolves, no mercy for the cave dwelling monsters.
Isaac Lee
we should kill the parents and let the babies live. I will raise a handful of niglets if it means their parents die
Xavier Green
torpedo is right
Caleb Morgan
Reported for not even trying to hide your shilling.
Colton Roberts
Fuck yeah thanks for the inspiration.
heading to the gym gunna squat the faggot out of me
Christopher Ortiz
William Morales
Holy fucking newspeak Batman
Ryan Ross
Holla Forums: Also Holla Forums: What do people mean by this?
Aaron Lopez
Gas yourself. Niglets must go. That's the only silver lining to this filth.
Cooper Price
What did Holla Forums mean by this?
Benjamin King
Then you shouldn't have posted.
Kayden Miller
The author is a Jew, not "the left"
Robert Russell
DAILY REMINDER Abortion is a white genocide tactic, and shills will try to tell you it's a "good thing" because non-whites abort too, ignoring the fact non-whites still have higher replacement rates even then, and the fact that infanticide is degeneracy and a form of moloch sacrifice in the first place.
Kill yourself.
Owen Turner
You guys ever think Trump is donating to the most far out there leftest causes to give the republicans easy victories in 2018?
Benjamin Lewis
Last man standing gets all the girls. White sharia, you know… So do not give up the fight.